Library stdpp.countable
From Coq.QArith Require Import QArith_base Qcanon.
From stdpp Require Export list numbers list_numbers fin.
From stdpp Require Import well_founded.
From stdpp Require Import options.
Local Open Scope positive.
From stdpp Require Export list numbers list_numbers fin.
From stdpp Require Import well_founded.
From stdpp Require Import options.
Local Open Scope positive.
Note that Countable A gives rise to EqDecision A by checking equality of
the results of encode. This instance of EqDecision A is very inefficient, so
the native decider is typically preferred for actual computation. To avoid
overlapping instances, we include EqDecision A explicitly as a parameter of
Countable A.
Class Countable A `{EqDecision A} := {
encode : A → positive;
decode : positive → option A;
decode_encode x : decode (encode x) = Some x
Global Hint Mode Countable ! - : typeclass_instances.
Global Arguments encode : simpl never.
Global Arguments decode : simpl never.
Global Instance encode_inj `{Countable A} : Inj (=) (=) (encode (A:=A)).
intros x y Hxy; apply (inj Some).
by rewrite <-(decode_encode x), Hxy, decode_encode.
Definition encode_nat `{Countable A} (x : A) : nat :=
pred (Pos.to_nat (encode x)).
Definition decode_nat `{Countable A} (i : nat) : option A :=
decode (Pos.of_nat (S i)).
Global Instance encode_nat_inj `{Countable A} : Inj (=) (=) (encode_nat (A:=A)).
Proof. unfold encode_nat; intros x y Hxy; apply (inj encode); lia. Qed.
Lemma decode_encode_nat `{Countable A} (x : A) : decode_nat (encode_nat x) = Some x.
pose proof (Pos2Nat.is_pos (encode x)).
unfold decode_nat, encode_nat. rewrite Nat.succ_pred by lia.
by rewrite, decode_encode.
Definition encode_Z `{Countable A} (x : A) : Z :=
Zpos (encode x).
Definition decode_Z `{Countable A} (i : Z) : option A :=
match i with Zpos i ⇒ decode i | _ ⇒ None end.
Global Instance encode_Z_inj `{Countable A} : Inj (=) (=) (encode_Z (A:=A)).
Proof. unfold encode_Z; intros x y Hxy; apply (inj encode); lia. Qed.
Lemma decode_encode_Z `{Countable A} (x : A) : decode_Z (encode_Z x) = Some x.
Proof. apply decode_encode. Qed.
encode : A → positive;
decode : positive → option A;
decode_encode x : decode (encode x) = Some x
Global Hint Mode Countable ! - : typeclass_instances.
Global Arguments encode : simpl never.
Global Arguments decode : simpl never.
Global Instance encode_inj `{Countable A} : Inj (=) (=) (encode (A:=A)).
intros x y Hxy; apply (inj Some).
by rewrite <-(decode_encode x), Hxy, decode_encode.
Definition encode_nat `{Countable A} (x : A) : nat :=
pred (Pos.to_nat (encode x)).
Definition decode_nat `{Countable A} (i : nat) : option A :=
decode (Pos.of_nat (S i)).
Global Instance encode_nat_inj `{Countable A} : Inj (=) (=) (encode_nat (A:=A)).
Proof. unfold encode_nat; intros x y Hxy; apply (inj encode); lia. Qed.
Lemma decode_encode_nat `{Countable A} (x : A) : decode_nat (encode_nat x) = Some x.
pose proof (Pos2Nat.is_pos (encode x)).
unfold decode_nat, encode_nat. rewrite Nat.succ_pred by lia.
by rewrite, decode_encode.
Definition encode_Z `{Countable A} (x : A) : Z :=
Zpos (encode x).
Definition decode_Z `{Countable A} (i : Z) : option A :=
match i with Zpos i ⇒ decode i | _ ⇒ None end.
Global Instance encode_Z_inj `{Countable A} : Inj (=) (=) (encode_Z (A:=A)).
Proof. unfold encode_Z; intros x y Hxy; apply (inj encode); lia. Qed.
Lemma decode_encode_Z `{Countable A} (x : A) : decode_Z (encode_Z x) = Some x.
Proof. apply decode_encode. Qed.
Section choice.
Context `{Countable A} (P : A → Prop).
Inductive choose_step: relation positive :=
| choose_step_None {p} : decode (A:=A) p = None → choose_step (Pos.succ p) p
| choose_step_Some {p} {x : A} :
decode p = Some x → ¬P x → choose_step (Pos.succ p) p.
Lemma choose_step_acc : (∃ x, P x) → Acc choose_step 1%positive.
intros [x Hx]. cut (∀ i p,
i ≤ encode x → 1 + encode x = p + i → Acc choose_step p).
{ intros help. by apply (help (encode x)). }
intros i. induction i as [|i IH] using Pos.peano_ind; intros p ??.
{ constructor. intros j. assert (p = encode x) by lia; subst.
inv 1 as [? Hd|?? Hd]; rewrite decode_encode in Hd; congruence. }
constructor. intros j.
inv 1 as [? Hd|? y Hd]; auto with lia.
Context `{∀ x, Decision (P x)}.
Fixpoint choose_go {i} (acc : Acc choose_step i) : A :=
match Some_dec (decode i) with
| inleft (x↾Hx) ⇒
match decide (P x) with
| left _ ⇒ x | right H ⇒ choose_go (Acc_inv acc (choose_step_Some Hx H))
| inright H ⇒ choose_go (Acc_inv acc (choose_step_None H))
Fixpoint choose_go_correct {i} (acc : Acc choose_step i) : P (choose_go acc).
Proof. destruct acc; simpl. repeat case_match; auto. Qed.
Fixpoint choose_go_pi {i} (acc1 acc2 : Acc choose_step i) :
choose_go acc1 = choose_go acc2.
Proof. destruct acc1, acc2; simpl; repeat case_match; auto. Qed.
Definition choose (H: ∃ x, P x) : A := choose_go (choose_step_acc H).
Definition choose_correct (H: ∃ x, P x) : P (choose H) := choose_go_correct _.
Definition choose_pi (H1 H2 : ∃ x, P x) :
choose H1 = choose H2 := choose_go_pi _ _.
Definition choice (HA : ∃ x, P x) : { x | P x } := _↾choose_correct HA.
End choice.
Section choice_proper.
Context `{Countable A}.
Context (P1 P2 : A → Prop) `{∀ x, Decision (P1 x)} `{∀ x, Decision (P2 x)}.
Context (Heq : ∀ x, P1 x ↔ P2 x).
Lemma choose_go_proper {i} (acc1 acc2 : Acc (choose_step _) i) :
choose_go P1 acc1 = choose_go P2 acc2.
Proof using Heq.
induction acc1 as [i a1 IH] using Acc_dep_ind;
destruct acc2 as [acc2]; simpl.
destruct (Some_dec _) as [[x Hx]|]; [|done].
do 2 case_decide; done || exfalso; naive_solver.
Lemma choose_proper p1 p2 :
choose P1 p1 = choose P2 p2.
Proof using Heq. apply choose_go_proper. Qed.
End choice_proper.
Lemma surj_cancel `{Countable A} `{EqDecision B}
(f : A → B) `{!Surj (=) f} : { g : B → A & Cancel (=) f g }.
∃ (λ y, choose (λ x, f x = y) (surj f y)).
intros y. by rewrite (choose_correct (λ x, f x = y) (surj f y)).
Context `{Countable A} (P : A → Prop).
Inductive choose_step: relation positive :=
| choose_step_None {p} : decode (A:=A) p = None → choose_step (Pos.succ p) p
| choose_step_Some {p} {x : A} :
decode p = Some x → ¬P x → choose_step (Pos.succ p) p.
Lemma choose_step_acc : (∃ x, P x) → Acc choose_step 1%positive.
intros [x Hx]. cut (∀ i p,
i ≤ encode x → 1 + encode x = p + i → Acc choose_step p).
{ intros help. by apply (help (encode x)). }
intros i. induction i as [|i IH] using Pos.peano_ind; intros p ??.
{ constructor. intros j. assert (p = encode x) by lia; subst.
inv 1 as [? Hd|?? Hd]; rewrite decode_encode in Hd; congruence. }
constructor. intros j.
inv 1 as [? Hd|? y Hd]; auto with lia.
Context `{∀ x, Decision (P x)}.
Fixpoint choose_go {i} (acc : Acc choose_step i) : A :=
match Some_dec (decode i) with
| inleft (x↾Hx) ⇒
match decide (P x) with
| left _ ⇒ x | right H ⇒ choose_go (Acc_inv acc (choose_step_Some Hx H))
| inright H ⇒ choose_go (Acc_inv acc (choose_step_None H))
Fixpoint choose_go_correct {i} (acc : Acc choose_step i) : P (choose_go acc).
Proof. destruct acc; simpl. repeat case_match; auto. Qed.
Fixpoint choose_go_pi {i} (acc1 acc2 : Acc choose_step i) :
choose_go acc1 = choose_go acc2.
Proof. destruct acc1, acc2; simpl; repeat case_match; auto. Qed.
Definition choose (H: ∃ x, P x) : A := choose_go (choose_step_acc H).
Definition choose_correct (H: ∃ x, P x) : P (choose H) := choose_go_correct _.
Definition choose_pi (H1 H2 : ∃ x, P x) :
choose H1 = choose H2 := choose_go_pi _ _.
Definition choice (HA : ∃ x, P x) : { x | P x } := _↾choose_correct HA.
End choice.
Section choice_proper.
Context `{Countable A}.
Context (P1 P2 : A → Prop) `{∀ x, Decision (P1 x)} `{∀ x, Decision (P2 x)}.
Context (Heq : ∀ x, P1 x ↔ P2 x).
Lemma choose_go_proper {i} (acc1 acc2 : Acc (choose_step _) i) :
choose_go P1 acc1 = choose_go P2 acc2.
Proof using Heq.
induction acc1 as [i a1 IH] using Acc_dep_ind;
destruct acc2 as [acc2]; simpl.
destruct (Some_dec _) as [[x Hx]|]; [|done].
do 2 case_decide; done || exfalso; naive_solver.
Lemma choose_proper p1 p2 :
choose P1 p1 = choose P2 p2.
Proof using Heq. apply choose_go_proper. Qed.
End choice_proper.
Lemma surj_cancel `{Countable A} `{EqDecision B}
(f : A → B) `{!Surj (=) f} : { g : B → A & Cancel (=) f g }.
∃ (λ y, choose (λ x, f x = y) (surj f y)).
intros y. by rewrite (choose_correct (λ x, f x = y) (surj f y)).
Section inj_countable.
Context `{Countable A, EqDecision B}.
Context (f : B → A) (g : A → option B) (fg : ∀ x, g (f x) = Some x).
Program Definition inj_countable : Countable B :=
{| encode y := encode (f y); decode p := x ← decode p; g x |}.
Next Obligation. intros y; simpl; rewrite decode_encode; eauto. Qed.
End inj_countable.
Section inj_countable'.
Context `{Countable A, EqDecision B}.
Context (f : B → A) (g : A → B) (fg : ∀ x, g (f x) = x).
Program Definition inj_countable' : Countable B := inj_countable f (Some ∘ g) _.
Next Obligation. intros x. by f_equal/=. Qed.
End inj_countable'.
Context `{Countable A, EqDecision B}.
Context (f : B → A) (g : A → option B) (fg : ∀ x, g (f x) = Some x).
Program Definition inj_countable : Countable B :=
{| encode y := encode (f y); decode p := x ← decode p; g x |}.
Next Obligation. intros y; simpl; rewrite decode_encode; eauto. Qed.
End inj_countable.
Section inj_countable'.
Context `{Countable A, EqDecision B}.
Context (f : B → A) (g : A → B) (fg : ∀ x, g (f x) = x).
Program Definition inj_countable' : Countable B := inj_countable f (Some ∘ g) _.
Next Obligation. intros x. by f_equal/=. Qed.
End inj_countable'.
Global Program Instance Empty_set_countable : Countable Empty_set :=
{| encode u := 1; decode p := None |}.
Next Obligation. by intros []. Qed.
{| encode u := 1; decode p := None |}.
Next Obligation. by intros []. Qed.
Global Program Instance unit_countable : Countable unit :=
{| encode u := 1; decode p := Some () |}.
Next Obligation. by intros []. Qed.
{| encode u := 1; decode p := Some () |}.
Next Obligation. by intros []. Qed.
Global Program Instance bool_countable : Countable bool := {|
encode b := if b then 1 else 2;
decode p := Some match p return bool with 1 ⇒ true | _ ⇒ false end
Next Obligation. by intros []. Qed.
encode b := if b then 1 else 2;
decode p := Some match p return bool with 1 ⇒ true | _ ⇒ false end
Next Obligation. by intros []. Qed.
Global Program Instance option_countable `{Countable A} : Countable (option A) := {|
encode o := match o with None ⇒ 1 | Some x ⇒ Pos.succ (encode x) end;
decode p := if decide (p = 1) then Some None else Some <$> decode (Pos.pred p)
Next Obligation.
intros ??? [x|]; simpl; repeat case_decide; auto with lia.
by rewrite Pos.pred_succ, decode_encode.
encode o := match o with None ⇒ 1 | Some x ⇒ Pos.succ (encode x) end;
decode p := if decide (p = 1) then Some None else Some <$> decode (Pos.pred p)
Next Obligation.
intros ??? [x|]; simpl; repeat case_decide; auto with lia.
by rewrite Pos.pred_succ, decode_encode.
Global Program Instance sum_countable `{Countable A} `{Countable B} :
Countable (A + B)%type := {|
encode xy :=
match xy with inl x ⇒ (encode x)~0 | inr y ⇒ (encode y)~1 end;
decode p :=
match p with
| 1 ⇒ None | p~0 ⇒ inl <$> decode p | p~1 ⇒ inr <$> decode p
Next Obligation. by intros ?????? [x|y]; simpl; rewrite decode_encode. Qed.
Countable (A + B)%type := {|
encode xy :=
match xy with inl x ⇒ (encode x)~0 | inr y ⇒ (encode y)~1 end;
decode p :=
match p with
| 1 ⇒ None | p~0 ⇒ inl <$> decode p | p~1 ⇒ inr <$> decode p
Next Obligation. by intros ?????? [x|y]; simpl; rewrite decode_encode. Qed.
Fixpoint prod_encode_fst (p : positive) : positive :=
match p with
| 1 ⇒ 1
| p~0 ⇒ (prod_encode_fst p)~0~0
| p~1 ⇒ (prod_encode_fst p)~0~1
Fixpoint prod_encode_snd (p : positive) : positive :=
match p with
| 1 ⇒ 1~0
| p~0 ⇒ (prod_encode_snd p)~0~0
| p~1 ⇒ (prod_encode_snd p)~1~0
Fixpoint prod_encode (p q : positive) : positive :=
match p, q with
| 1, 1 ⇒ 1~1
| p~0, 1 ⇒ (prod_encode_fst p)~1~0
| p~1, 1 ⇒ (prod_encode_fst p)~1~1
| 1, q~0 ⇒ (prod_encode_snd q)~0~1
| 1, q~1 ⇒ (prod_encode_snd q)~1~1
| p~0, q~0 ⇒ (prod_encode p q)~0~0
| p~0, q~1 ⇒ (prod_encode p q)~1~0
| p~1, q~0 ⇒ (prod_encode p q)~0~1
| p~1, q~1 ⇒ (prod_encode p q)~1~1
Fixpoint prod_decode_fst (p : positive) : option positive :=
match p with
| p~0~0 ⇒ (~0) <$> prod_decode_fst p
| p~0~1 ⇒ Some match prod_decode_fst p with Some q ⇒ q~1 | _ ⇒ 1 end
| p~1~0 ⇒ (~0) <$> prod_decode_fst p
| p~1~1 ⇒ Some match prod_decode_fst p with Some q ⇒ q~1 | _ ⇒ 1 end
| 1~0 ⇒ None
| 1~1 ⇒ Some 1
| 1 ⇒ Some 1
Fixpoint prod_decode_snd (p : positive) : option positive :=
match p with
| p~0~0 ⇒ (~0) <$> prod_decode_snd p
| p~0~1 ⇒ (~0) <$> prod_decode_snd p
| p~1~0 ⇒ Some match prod_decode_snd p with Some q ⇒ q~1 | _ ⇒ 1 end
| p~1~1 ⇒ Some match prod_decode_snd p with Some q ⇒ q~1 | _ ⇒ 1 end
| 1~0 ⇒ Some 1
| 1~1 ⇒ Some 1
| 1 ⇒ None
Lemma prod_decode_encode_fst p q : prod_decode_fst (prod_encode p q) = Some p.
assert (∀ p, prod_decode_fst (prod_encode_fst p) = Some p).
{ intros p'. by induction p'; simplify_option_eq. }
assert (∀ p, prod_decode_fst (prod_encode_snd p) = None).
{ intros p'. by induction p'; simplify_option_eq. }
revert q. by induction p; intros [?|?|]; simplify_option_eq.
Lemma prod_decode_encode_snd p q : prod_decode_snd (prod_encode p q) = Some q.
assert (∀ p, prod_decode_snd (prod_encode_snd p) = Some p).
{ intros p'. by induction p'; simplify_option_eq. }
assert (∀ p, prod_decode_snd (prod_encode_fst p) = None).
{ intros p'. by induction p'; simplify_option_eq. }
revert q. by induction p; intros [?|?|]; simplify_option_eq.
Global Program Instance prod_countable `{Countable A} `{Countable B} :
Countable (A × B)%type := {|
encode xy := prod_encode (encode (xy.1)) (encode (xy.2));
decode p :=
x ← prod_decode_fst p ≫= decode;
y ← prod_decode_snd p ≫= decode; Some (x, y)
Next Obligation.
intros ?????? [x y]; simpl.
rewrite prod_decode_encode_fst, prod_decode_encode_snd; simpl.
by rewrite !decode_encode.
match p with
| 1 ⇒ 1
| p~0 ⇒ (prod_encode_fst p)~0~0
| p~1 ⇒ (prod_encode_fst p)~0~1
Fixpoint prod_encode_snd (p : positive) : positive :=
match p with
| 1 ⇒ 1~0
| p~0 ⇒ (prod_encode_snd p)~0~0
| p~1 ⇒ (prod_encode_snd p)~1~0
Fixpoint prod_encode (p q : positive) : positive :=
match p, q with
| 1, 1 ⇒ 1~1
| p~0, 1 ⇒ (prod_encode_fst p)~1~0
| p~1, 1 ⇒ (prod_encode_fst p)~1~1
| 1, q~0 ⇒ (prod_encode_snd q)~0~1
| 1, q~1 ⇒ (prod_encode_snd q)~1~1
| p~0, q~0 ⇒ (prod_encode p q)~0~0
| p~0, q~1 ⇒ (prod_encode p q)~1~0
| p~1, q~0 ⇒ (prod_encode p q)~0~1
| p~1, q~1 ⇒ (prod_encode p q)~1~1
Fixpoint prod_decode_fst (p : positive) : option positive :=
match p with
| p~0~0 ⇒ (~0) <$> prod_decode_fst p
| p~0~1 ⇒ Some match prod_decode_fst p with Some q ⇒ q~1 | _ ⇒ 1 end
| p~1~0 ⇒ (~0) <$> prod_decode_fst p
| p~1~1 ⇒ Some match prod_decode_fst p with Some q ⇒ q~1 | _ ⇒ 1 end
| 1~0 ⇒ None
| 1~1 ⇒ Some 1
| 1 ⇒ Some 1
Fixpoint prod_decode_snd (p : positive) : option positive :=
match p with
| p~0~0 ⇒ (~0) <$> prod_decode_snd p
| p~0~1 ⇒ (~0) <$> prod_decode_snd p
| p~1~0 ⇒ Some match prod_decode_snd p with Some q ⇒ q~1 | _ ⇒ 1 end
| p~1~1 ⇒ Some match prod_decode_snd p with Some q ⇒ q~1 | _ ⇒ 1 end
| 1~0 ⇒ Some 1
| 1~1 ⇒ Some 1
| 1 ⇒ None
Lemma prod_decode_encode_fst p q : prod_decode_fst (prod_encode p q) = Some p.
assert (∀ p, prod_decode_fst (prod_encode_fst p) = Some p).
{ intros p'. by induction p'; simplify_option_eq. }
assert (∀ p, prod_decode_fst (prod_encode_snd p) = None).
{ intros p'. by induction p'; simplify_option_eq. }
revert q. by induction p; intros [?|?|]; simplify_option_eq.
Lemma prod_decode_encode_snd p q : prod_decode_snd (prod_encode p q) = Some q.
assert (∀ p, prod_decode_snd (prod_encode_snd p) = Some p).
{ intros p'. by induction p'; simplify_option_eq. }
assert (∀ p, prod_decode_snd (prod_encode_fst p) = None).
{ intros p'. by induction p'; simplify_option_eq. }
revert q. by induction p; intros [?|?|]; simplify_option_eq.
Global Program Instance prod_countable `{Countable A} `{Countable B} :
Countable (A × B)%type := {|
encode xy := prod_encode (encode (xy.1)) (encode (xy.2));
decode p :=
x ← prod_decode_fst p ≫= decode;
y ← prod_decode_snd p ≫= decode; Some (x, y)
Next Obligation.
intros ?????? [x y]; simpl.
rewrite prod_decode_encode_fst, prod_decode_encode_snd; simpl.
by rewrite !decode_encode.
Global Program Instance list_countable `{Countable A} : Countable (list A) :=
{| encode xs := positives_flatten (encode <$> xs);
decode p := positives ← positives_unflatten p;
mapM decode positives; |}.
Next Obligation.
intros A EqA CA xs.
rewrite positives_unflatten_flatten.
apply (mapM_fmap_Some _ _ _ decode_encode).
{| encode xs := positives_flatten (encode <$> xs);
decode p := positives ← positives_unflatten p;
mapM decode positives; |}.
Next Obligation.
intros A EqA CA xs.
rewrite positives_unflatten_flatten.
apply (mapM_fmap_Some _ _ _ decode_encode).
Global Instance pos_countable : Countable positive :=
{| encode := id; decode := Some; decode_encode x := eq_refl |}.
Global Program Instance N_countable : Countable N := {|
encode x := match x with N0 ⇒ 1 | Npos p ⇒ Pos.succ p end;
decode p := if decide (p = 1) then Some 0%N else Some (Npos (Pos.pred p))
Next Obligation.
intros [|p]; simpl; [done|].
by rewrite decide_False, Pos.pred_succ by (by destruct p).
Global Program Instance Z_countable : Countable Z := {|
encode x := match x with Z0 ⇒ 1 | Zpos p ⇒ p~0 | Zneg p ⇒ p~1 end;
decode p := Some match p with 1 ⇒ Z0 | p~0 ⇒ Zpos p | p~1 ⇒ Zneg p end
Next Obligation. by intros [|p|p]. Qed.
Global Program Instance nat_countable : Countable nat :=
{| encode x := encode (N.of_nat x); decode p := N.to_nat <$> decode p |}.
Next Obligation.
by intros x; lazy beta; rewrite decode_encode; csimpl; rewrite
Global Program Instance Qc_countable : Countable Qc :=
(λ p : Qc, let 'Qcmake (x # y) _ := p return _ in (x,y))
(λ q : Z × positive, let '(x,y) := q return _ in Some (Q2Qc (x # y))) _.
Next Obligation.
intros [[x y] Hcan]. f_equal. apply Qc_is_canon. simpl. by rewrite Hcan.
Global Program Instance Qp_countable : Countable Qp :=
(λ p : Qc, Hp ← guard (0 < p)%Qc; Some (mk_Qp p Hp)) _.
Next Obligation.
intros [p Hp]. case_guard; simplify_eq/=; [|done].
f_equal. by apply Qp.to_Qc_inj_iff.
Global Program Instance fin_countable n : Countable (fin n) :=
(λ m : nat, Hm ← guard (m < n)%nat; Some (nat_to_fin Hm)) _.
Next Obligation.
intros n i; simplify_option_eq.
- by rewrite nat_to_fin_to_nat.
- by pose proof (fin_to_nat_lt i).
{| encode := id; decode := Some; decode_encode x := eq_refl |}.
Global Program Instance N_countable : Countable N := {|
encode x := match x with N0 ⇒ 1 | Npos p ⇒ Pos.succ p end;
decode p := if decide (p = 1) then Some 0%N else Some (Npos (Pos.pred p))
Next Obligation.
intros [|p]; simpl; [done|].
by rewrite decide_False, Pos.pred_succ by (by destruct p).
Global Program Instance Z_countable : Countable Z := {|
encode x := match x with Z0 ⇒ 1 | Zpos p ⇒ p~0 | Zneg p ⇒ p~1 end;
decode p := Some match p with 1 ⇒ Z0 | p~0 ⇒ Zpos p | p~1 ⇒ Zneg p end
Next Obligation. by intros [|p|p]. Qed.
Global Program Instance nat_countable : Countable nat :=
{| encode x := encode (N.of_nat x); decode p := N.to_nat <$> decode p |}.
Next Obligation.
by intros x; lazy beta; rewrite decode_encode; csimpl; rewrite
Global Program Instance Qc_countable : Countable Qc :=
(λ p : Qc, let 'Qcmake (x # y) _ := p return _ in (x,y))
(λ q : Z × positive, let '(x,y) := q return _ in Some (Q2Qc (x # y))) _.
Next Obligation.
intros [[x y] Hcan]. f_equal. apply Qc_is_canon. simpl. by rewrite Hcan.
Global Program Instance Qp_countable : Countable Qp :=
(λ p : Qc, Hp ← guard (0 < p)%Qc; Some (mk_Qp p Hp)) _.
Next Obligation.
intros [p Hp]. case_guard; simplify_eq/=; [|done].
f_equal. by apply Qp.to_Qc_inj_iff.
Global Program Instance fin_countable n : Countable (fin n) :=
(λ m : nat, Hm ← guard (m < n)%nat; Some (nat_to_fin Hm)) _.
Next Obligation.
intros n i; simplify_option_eq.
- by rewrite nat_to_fin_to_nat.
- by pose proof (fin_to_nat_lt i).
Local Close Scope positive.
This type can help you construct a Countable instance for an arbitrary
(even recursive) inductive datatype. The idea is tht you make T something like
T1 + T2 + ..., covering all the data types that can be contained inside your
This data type is the same as GenTree.tree in mathcomp, see
- Each non-recursive constructor to a GenLeaf. Different constructors must use different variants of T to ensure they remain distinguishable!
- Each recursive constructor to a GenNode where the nat is a (typically small) constant representing the constructor itself, and then all the data in the constructor (recursive or otherwise) is put into child nodes.
Inductive gen_tree (T : Type) : Type :=
| GenLeaf : T → gen_tree T
| GenNode : nat → list (gen_tree T) → gen_tree T.
Global Arguments GenLeaf {_} _ : assert.
Global Arguments GenNode {_} _ _ : assert.
Global Instance gen_tree_dec `{EqDecision T} : EqDecision (gen_tree T).
refine (
fix go t1 t2 := let _ : EqDecision _ := @go in
match t1, t2 with
| GenLeaf x1, GenLeaf x2 ⇒ cast_if (decide (x1 = x2))
| GenNode n1 ts1, GenNode n2 ts2 ⇒
cast_if_and (decide (n1 = n2)) (decide (ts1 = ts2))
| _, _ ⇒ right _
end); abstract congruence.
Fixpoint gen_tree_to_list {T} (t : gen_tree T) : list (nat × nat + T) :=
match t with
| GenLeaf x ⇒ [inr x]
| GenNode n ts ⇒ (ts ≫= gen_tree_to_list) ++ [inl (length ts, n)]
Fixpoint gen_tree_of_list {T}
(k : list (gen_tree T)) (l : list (nat × nat + T)) : option (gen_tree T) :=
match l with
| [] ⇒ head k
| inr x :: l ⇒ gen_tree_of_list (GenLeaf x :: k) l
| inl (len,n) :: l ⇒
gen_tree_of_list (GenNode n (reverse (take len k)) :: drop len k) l
Lemma gen_tree_of_to_list {T} k l (t : gen_tree T) :
gen_tree_of_list k (gen_tree_to_list t ++ l) = gen_tree_of_list (t :: k) l.
revert t k l; fix FIX 1; intros [|n ts] k l; simpl; auto.
trans (gen_tree_of_list (reverse ts ++ k) ([inl (length ts, n)] ++ l)).
- rewrite <-(assoc_L _). revert k. generalize ([inl (length ts, n)] ++ l).
induction ts as [|t ts'' IH]; intros k ts'''; csimpl; auto.
rewrite reverse_cons, <-!(assoc_L _), FIX; simpl; auto.
- simpl. by rewrite take_app_length', drop_app_length', reverse_involutive
by (by rewrite length_reverse).
Global Program Instance gen_tree_countable `{Countable T} : Countable (gen_tree T) :=
inj_countable gen_tree_to_list (gen_tree_of_list []) _.
Next Obligation.
intros T ?? t.
by rewrite <-(right_id_L [] _ (gen_tree_to_list _)), gen_tree_of_to_list.
| GenLeaf : T → gen_tree T
| GenNode : nat → list (gen_tree T) → gen_tree T.
Global Arguments GenLeaf {_} _ : assert.
Global Arguments GenNode {_} _ _ : assert.
Global Instance gen_tree_dec `{EqDecision T} : EqDecision (gen_tree T).
refine (
fix go t1 t2 := let _ : EqDecision _ := @go in
match t1, t2 with
| GenLeaf x1, GenLeaf x2 ⇒ cast_if (decide (x1 = x2))
| GenNode n1 ts1, GenNode n2 ts2 ⇒
cast_if_and (decide (n1 = n2)) (decide (ts1 = ts2))
| _, _ ⇒ right _
end); abstract congruence.
Fixpoint gen_tree_to_list {T} (t : gen_tree T) : list (nat × nat + T) :=
match t with
| GenLeaf x ⇒ [inr x]
| GenNode n ts ⇒ (ts ≫= gen_tree_to_list) ++ [inl (length ts, n)]
Fixpoint gen_tree_of_list {T}
(k : list (gen_tree T)) (l : list (nat × nat + T)) : option (gen_tree T) :=
match l with
| [] ⇒ head k
| inr x :: l ⇒ gen_tree_of_list (GenLeaf x :: k) l
| inl (len,n) :: l ⇒
gen_tree_of_list (GenNode n (reverse (take len k)) :: drop len k) l
Lemma gen_tree_of_to_list {T} k l (t : gen_tree T) :
gen_tree_of_list k (gen_tree_to_list t ++ l) = gen_tree_of_list (t :: k) l.
revert t k l; fix FIX 1; intros [|n ts] k l; simpl; auto.
trans (gen_tree_of_list (reverse ts ++ k) ([inl (length ts, n)] ++ l)).
- rewrite <-(assoc_L _). revert k. generalize ([inl (length ts, n)] ++ l).
induction ts as [|t ts'' IH]; intros k ts'''; csimpl; auto.
rewrite reverse_cons, <-!(assoc_L _), FIX; simpl; auto.
- simpl. by rewrite take_app_length', drop_app_length', reverse_involutive
by (by rewrite length_reverse).
Global Program Instance gen_tree_countable `{Countable T} : Countable (gen_tree T) :=
inj_countable gen_tree_to_list (gen_tree_of_list []) _.
Next Obligation.
intros T ?? t.
by rewrite <-(right_id_L [] _ (gen_tree_to_list _)), gen_tree_of_to_list.
Global Program Instance countable_sig `{Countable A} (P : A → Prop)
`{!∀ x, Decision (P x), !∀ x, ProofIrrel (P x)} :
Countable { x : A | P x } :=
inj_countable proj1_sig (λ x, Hx ← guard (P x); Some (x ↾ Hx)) _.
Next Obligation.
intros A ?? P ?? [x Hx]. by erewrite (option_guard_True_pi (P x)).
`{!∀ x, Decision (P x), !∀ x, ProofIrrel (P x)} :
Countable { x : A | P x } :=
inj_countable proj1_sig (λ x, Hx ← guard (P x); Some (x ↾ Hx)) _.
Next Obligation.
intros A ?? P ?? [x Hx]. by erewrite (option_guard_True_pi (P x)).