Library stdpp.well_founded

Theorems on well founded relations

From stdpp Require Import base.
From stdpp Require Import options.

Lemma Acc_impl {A} (R1 R2 : relation A) x :
  Acc R1 x ( y1 y2, R2 y1 y2 R1 y1 y2) Acc R2 x.
Proof. induction 1; constructor; auto. Qed.

The function wf_guard n wfR adds 2 ^ n - 1 times an Acc_intro constructor ahead of the wfR proof. This definition can be used to make opaque well_founded proofs "compute". For big enough n, say 32, computation will reach implementation limits before running into the opaque well_founded proof.
This trick is originally due to Georges Gonthier, see
Definition wf_guard `{R : relation A} (n : nat)
    (wfR : well_founded R) : well_founded R :=
  Acc_intro_generator n wfR.

Strategy 100 [wf_guard].

Lemma wf_projected `{R1 : relation A} `(R2 : relation B) (f : A B) :
  ( x y, R1 x y R2 (f x) (f y))
  well_founded R2 well_founded R1.
  intros Hf Hwf.
  cut ( y, Acc R2 y x, y = f x Acc R1 x).
  { intros aux x. apply (aux (f x)); auto. }
  induction 1 as [y _ IH]. intros x ?. subst.
  constructor. intros y ?. apply (IH (f y)); auto.

Lemma Fix_F_proper `{R : relation A} (B : A Type) (E : x, relation (B x))
    (F : x, ( y, R y x B y) B x)
    (HF : (x : A) (f g : y, R y x B y),
      ( y Hy Hy', E _ (f y Hy) (g y Hy')) E _ (F x f) (F x g))
    (x : A) (acc1 acc2 : Acc R x) :
  E _ (Fix_F B F acc1) (Fix_F B F acc2).
Proof. revert x acc1 acc2. fix FIX 2. intros x [acc1] [acc2]; simpl; auto. Qed.

Lemma Fix_unfold_rel `{R : relation A} (wfR : well_founded R)
    (B : A Type) (E : x, relation (B x))
    (F: x, ( y, R y x B y) B x)
    (HF: (x: A) (f g: y, R y x B y),
           ( y Hy Hy', E _ (f y Hy) (g y Hy')) E _ (F x f) (F x g))
    (x: A) :
  E _ (Fix wfR B F x) (F x (λ y _, Fix wfR B F y)).
  unfold Fix.
  destruct (wfR x); simpl.
  apply HF; intros.
  apply Fix_F_proper; auto.

Generate an induction principle for Acc for reasoning about recursion on Acc, such as countable.choose_proper.
We need an induction principle to prove predicates of Acc values, with conclusion (x : A) (a : Acc R x), P x a. Instead, Acc_ind has conclusion x : A, Acc R x P x, as if it were generated by Scheme Acc_rect := Minimality for Acc Sort Prop.
Scheme Acc_dep_ind := Induction for Acc Sort Prop.