Library stdpp.bitvector.definitions

This file is maintained by Michael Sammler.
From stdpp Require Export numbers.
From stdpp Require Import countable finite.
From stdpp Require Import options.

bitvector library

This file provides the bv n type for representing n-bit integers with the standard operations. It also provides the bv_saturate tactic for learning facts about the range of bit vector variables in context. More extensive automation can be found in bitvector_auto.v.
Additionally, this file provides the bvn type for representing a bitvector of arbitrary size.


Local Open Scope Z_scope.

Preliminary definitions

Definition bv_modulus (n : N) : Z := 2 ^ (Z.of_N n).
Definition bv_half_modulus (n : N) : Z := bv_modulus n `div` 2.
Definition bv_wrap (n : N) (z : Z) : Z := z `mod` bv_modulus n.
Definition bv_swrap (n : N) (z : Z) : Z := bv_wrap n (z + bv_half_modulus n) - bv_half_modulus n.

Lemma bv_modulus_pos n :
  0 < bv_modulus n.
Proof. apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; lia. Qed.
Lemma bv_modulus_gt_1 n :
  n 0%N
  1 < bv_modulus n.
Proof. intros ?. apply Z.pow_gt_1; lia. Qed.
Lemma bv_half_modulus_nonneg n :
  0 bv_half_modulus n.
Proof. apply Z.div_pos; [|done]. pose proof bv_modulus_pos n. lia. Qed.

Lemma bv_modulus_add n1 n2 :
  bv_modulus (n1 + n2) = bv_modulus n1 × bv_modulus n2.
Proof. unfold bv_modulus. rewrite N2Z.inj_add. eapply Z.pow_add_r; lia. Qed.

Lemma bv_half_modulus_twice n:
  n 0%N
  bv_half_modulus n + bv_half_modulus n = bv_modulus n.
  intros. unfold bv_half_modulus, bv_modulus.
  rewrite Z.add_diag. symmetry. apply Z_div_exact_2; [lia|].
  rewrite <-Z.pow_pred_r by lia. rewrite Z.mul_comm. by apply Z.mod_mul.

Lemma bv_half_modulus_lt_modulus n:
  bv_half_modulus n < bv_modulus n.
  pose proof bv_modulus_pos n.
  apply Z_div_lt; [done| lia].

Lemma bv_modulus_le_mono n m:
  (n m)%N
  bv_modulus n bv_modulus m.
Proof. intros. apply Z.pow_le_mono; [done|lia]. Qed.
Lemma bv_half_modulus_le_mono n m:
  (n m)%N
  bv_half_modulus n bv_half_modulus m.
Proof. intros. apply Z.div_le_mono; [done|]. by apply bv_modulus_le_mono. Qed.

Lemma bv_modulus_0:
  bv_modulus 0 = 1.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma bv_half_modulus_0:
  bv_half_modulus 0 = 0.
Proof. done. Qed.

Lemma bv_half_modulus_twice_mult n:
  bv_half_modulus n + bv_half_modulus n = (Z.of_N n `min` 1) × bv_modulus n.
Proof. destruct (decide (n = 0%N)); subst; [ rewrite bv_half_modulus_0 | rewrite bv_half_modulus_twice]; lia. Qed.

Lemma bv_wrap_in_range n z:
  0 bv_wrap n z < bv_modulus n.
Proof. apply Z.mod_pos_bound. apply bv_modulus_pos. Qed.

Lemma bv_swrap_in_range n z:
  n 0%N
  - bv_half_modulus n bv_swrap n z < bv_half_modulus n.
  intros ?. unfold bv_swrap.
  pose proof bv_half_modulus_twice n.
  pose proof bv_wrap_in_range n (z + bv_half_modulus n).

Lemma bv_wrap_small n z :
  0 z < bv_modulus n bv_wrap n z = z.
Proof. intros. by apply Z.mod_small. Qed.

Lemma bv_swrap_small n z :
  - bv_half_modulus n z < bv_half_modulus n
  bv_swrap n z = z.
  intros Hrange. unfold bv_swrap.
  destruct (decide (n = 0%N)); subst.
  { rewrite bv_half_modulus_0 in Hrange. lia. }
  pose proof bv_half_modulus_twice n.
  rewrite bv_wrap_small by lia. lia.

Lemma bv_wrap_0 n :
  bv_wrap n 0 = 0.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma bv_swrap_0 n :
  bv_swrap n 0 = 0.
  pose proof bv_half_modulus_lt_modulus n.
  pose proof bv_half_modulus_nonneg n.
  unfold bv_swrap. rewrite bv_wrap_small; lia.

Lemma bv_wrap_idemp n b : bv_wrap n (bv_wrap n b) = bv_wrap n b.
Proof. unfold bv_wrap. by rewrite Zmod_mod. Qed.

Definition bv_wrap_factor (n : N) (x z : Z) :=
  x = - z `div` bv_modulus n.

Lemma bv_wrap_factor_intro n z :
   x, bv_wrap_factor n x z bv_wrap n z = z + x × bv_modulus n.
  eexists _. split; [done|].
  pose proof (bv_modulus_pos n). unfold bv_wrap. rewrite Z.mod_eq; lia.

Lemma bv_wrap_add_modulus c n z:
  bv_wrap n (z + c × bv_modulus n) = bv_wrap n z.
Proof. apply Z_mod_plus_full. Qed.
Lemma bv_wrap_add_modulus_1 n z:
  bv_wrap n (z + bv_modulus n) = bv_wrap n z.
Proof. rewrite <-(bv_wrap_add_modulus 1 n z). f_equal. lia. Qed.
Lemma bv_wrap_sub_modulus c n z:
  bv_wrap n (z - c × bv_modulus n) = bv_wrap n z.
Proof. rewrite <-(bv_wrap_add_modulus (-c) n z). f_equal. lia. Qed.
Lemma bv_wrap_sub_modulus_1 n z:
  bv_wrap n (z - bv_modulus n) = bv_wrap n z.
Proof. rewrite <-(bv_wrap_add_modulus (-1) n z). done. Qed.

Lemma bv_wrap_add_idemp n x y :
  bv_wrap n (bv_wrap n x + bv_wrap n y) = bv_wrap n (x + y).
Proof. symmetry. apply Zplus_mod. Qed.
Lemma bv_wrap_add_idemp_l n x y :
  bv_wrap n (bv_wrap n x + y) = bv_wrap n (x + y).
Proof. apply Zplus_mod_idemp_l. Qed.
Lemma bv_wrap_add_idemp_r n x y :
  bv_wrap n (x + bv_wrap n y) = bv_wrap n (x + y).
Proof. apply Zplus_mod_idemp_r. Qed.

Lemma bv_wrap_opp_idemp n x :
  bv_wrap n (- bv_wrap n x) = bv_wrap n (- x).
  unfold bv_wrap. pose proof (bv_modulus_pos n).
  destruct (decide (x `mod` bv_modulus n = 0)) as [Hx|Hx].
  - rewrite !Z.mod_opp_l_z; [done |lia|done|lia|by rewrite Hx].
  - rewrite !Z.mod_opp_l_nz, Z.mod_mod;
      [done|lia|lia|done|lia|by rewrite Z.mod_mod by lia].

Lemma bv_wrap_mul_idemp n x y :
  bv_wrap n (bv_wrap n x × bv_wrap n y) = bv_wrap n (x × y).
Proof. etrans; [| apply Zmult_mod_idemp_r]. apply Zmult_mod_idemp_l. Qed.
Lemma bv_wrap_mul_idemp_l n x y :
  bv_wrap n (bv_wrap n x × y) = bv_wrap n (x × y).
Proof. apply Zmult_mod_idemp_l. Qed.
Lemma bv_wrap_mul_idemp_r n x y :
  bv_wrap n (x × bv_wrap n y) = bv_wrap n (x × y).
Proof. apply Zmult_mod_idemp_r. Qed.

Lemma bv_wrap_sub_idemp n x y :
  bv_wrap n (bv_wrap n x - bv_wrap n y) = bv_wrap n (x - y).
  by rewrite <-!Z.add_opp_r, <-bv_wrap_add_idemp_r,
    bv_wrap_opp_idemp, bv_wrap_add_idemp.
Lemma bv_wrap_sub_idemp_l n x y :
  bv_wrap n (bv_wrap n x - y) = bv_wrap n (x - y).
Proof. by rewrite <-!Z.add_opp_r, bv_wrap_add_idemp_l. Qed.
Lemma bv_wrap_sub_idemp_r n x y :
  bv_wrap n (x - bv_wrap n y) = bv_wrap n (x - y).
  by rewrite <-!Z.add_opp_r, <-bv_wrap_add_idemp_r,
    bv_wrap_opp_idemp, bv_wrap_add_idemp_r.

Lemma bv_wrap_succ_idemp n x :
  bv_wrap n (Z.succ (bv_wrap n x)) = bv_wrap n (Z.succ x).
Proof. by rewrite <-!Z.add_1_r, bv_wrap_add_idemp_l. Qed.
Lemma bv_wrap_pred_idemp n x :
  bv_wrap n (Z.pred (bv_wrap n x)) = bv_wrap n (Z.pred x).
Proof. by rewrite <-!Z.sub_1_r, bv_wrap_sub_idemp_l. Qed.

Lemma bv_wrap_add_inj n x1 x2 y :
  bv_wrap n x1 = bv_wrap n x2 bv_wrap n (x1 + y) = bv_wrap n (x2 + y).
  split; intros Heq.
  - by rewrite <-bv_wrap_add_idemp_l, Heq, bv_wrap_add_idemp_l.
  - pose proof (bv_wrap_factor_intro n (x1 + y)) as [f1[? Hx1]].
    pose proof (bv_wrap_factor_intro n (x2 + y)) as [f2[? Hx2]].
    assert (x1 = x2 + f2 × bv_modulus n - f1 × bv_modulus n) asby lia.
    by rewrite bv_wrap_sub_modulus, bv_wrap_add_modulus.

Lemma bv_swrap_wrap n z:
  bv_swrap n (bv_wrap n z) = bv_swrap n z.
Proof. unfold bv_swrap, bv_wrap. by rewrite Zplus_mod_idemp_l. Qed.

Lemma bv_wrap_bv_wrap n1 n2 bv :
  (n1 n2)%N
  bv_wrap n1 (bv_wrap n2 bv) = bv_wrap n1 bv.
  intros ?. unfold bv_wrap.
  rewrite <-Znumtheory.Zmod_div_mod; [done| apply bv_modulus_pos.. |].
  unfold bv_modulus. eexists (2 ^ (Z.of_N n2 - Z.of_N n1)).
  rewrite <-Z.pow_add_r by lia. f_equal. lia.

Lemma bv_wrap_land n z :
  bv_wrap n z = z (Z.ones (Z.of_N n)).
Proof. by rewrite Z.land_ones by lia. Qed.
Lemma bv_wrap_spec n z i:
  0 i
  Z.testbit (bv_wrap n z) i = bool_decide (i < Z.of_N n) && Z.testbit z i.
  intros ?. rewrite bv_wrap_land, Z.land_spec, Z.ones_spec by lia.
  case_bool_decide; simpl; by rewrite ?andb_true_r, ?andb_false_r.
Lemma bv_wrap_spec_low n z i:
  0 i < Z.of_N n
  Z.testbit (bv_wrap n z) i = Z.testbit z i.
Proof. intros ?. rewrite bv_wrap_spec; [|lia]. case_bool_decide; [done|]. lia. Qed.
Lemma bv_wrap_spec_high n z i:
  Z.of_N n i
  Z.testbit (bv_wrap n z) i = false.
Proof. intros ?. rewrite bv_wrap_spec; [|lia]. case_bool_decide; [|done]. lia. Qed.


The BvWf typeclass checks that the integer z can be interpreted as a n-bit integer. BvWf is a typeclass such that it can be automatically inferred for bitvector constants.
Class BvWf (n : N) (z : Z) : Prop :=
    bv_wf : (0 <=? z) && (z <? bv_modulus n)
Global Hint Mode BvWf + + : typeclass_instances.
Global Instance bv_wf_pi n z : ProofIrrel (BvWf n z).
Proof. unfold BvWf. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance bv_wf_dec n z : Decision (BvWf n z).
Proof. unfold BvWf. apply _. Defined.

Global Typeclasses Opaque BvWf.

Ltac solve_BvWf :=
  lazymatch goal with
    |- BvWf ?n ?v
      is_closed_term n;
      is_closed_term v;
      try (vm_compute; exact I);
      fail "Bitvector constant" v "does not fit into" n "bits"
Global Hint Extern 10 (BvWf _ _) ⇒ solve_BvWf : typeclass_instances.

Lemma bv_wf_in_range n z:
  BvWf n z 0 z < bv_modulus n.
Proof. unfold BvWf. by rewrite andb_True, !Is_true_true, Z.leb_le, Z.ltb_lt. Qed.

Lemma bv_wrap_wf n z :
  BvWf n (bv_wrap n z).
Proof. apply bv_wf_in_range. apply bv_wrap_in_range. Qed.

Lemma bv_wf_bitwise_op {n} op bop n1 n2 :
  ( k, Z.testbit (op n1 n2) k = bop (Z.testbit n1 k) (Z.testbit n2 k))
  (0 n1 0 n2 0 op n1 n2)
  bop false false = false
  BvWf n n1
  BvWf n n2
  BvWf n (op n1 n2).
  intros Hbits Hnonneg Hop [? Hok1]%bv_wf_in_range [? Hok2]%bv_wf_in_range. apply bv_wf_in_range.
  split; [lia|].
  apply Z.bounded_iff_bits_nonneg; [lia..|]. intros l ?.
  eapply Z.bounded_iff_bits_nonneg in Hok1;[|try done; lia..].
  eapply Z.bounded_iff_bits_nonneg in Hok2;[|try done; lia..].
  by rewrite Hbits, Hok1, Hok2.

Definition of bv n

Record bv (n : N) := BV {
  bv_unsigned : Z;
  bv_is_wf : BvWf n bv_unsigned;
Global Arguments bv_unsigned {_}.
Global Arguments bv_is_wf {_}.
Global Arguments BV _ _ {_}.
Add Printing Constructor bv.

Global Arguments bv_unsigned : simpl never.

Definition bv_signed {n} (b : bv n) := bv_swrap n (bv_unsigned b).

Lemma bv_eq n (b1 b2 : bv n) :
  b1 = b2 b1.(bv_unsigned) = b2.(bv_unsigned).
  destruct b1, b2. unfold bv_unsigned. split; [ naive_solver|].
  intros. subst. f_equal. apply proof_irrel.

Lemma bv_neq n (b1 b2 : bv n) :
  b1 b2 b1.(bv_unsigned) b2.(bv_unsigned).
Proof. unfold not. by rewrite bv_eq. Qed.

Global Instance bv_unsigned_inj n : Inj (=) (=) (@bv_unsigned n).
Proof. intros ???. by apply bv_eq. Qed.

Definition Z_to_bv_checked (n : N) (z : Z) : option (bv n) :=
  H guard (BvWf n z); Some (@BV n z H).

Program Definition Z_to_bv (n : N) (z : Z) : bv n :=
  @BV n (bv_wrap n z) _.
Next Obligation. apply bv_wrap_wf. Qed.

Lemma Z_to_bv_unsigned n z:
  bv_unsigned (Z_to_bv n z) = bv_wrap n z.
Proof. done. Qed.

Lemma Z_to_bv_signed n z:
  bv_signed (Z_to_bv n z) = bv_swrap n z.
Proof. apply bv_swrap_wrap. Qed.

Lemma Z_to_bv_small n z:
  0 z < bv_modulus n
  bv_unsigned (Z_to_bv n z) = z.
Proof. rewrite Z_to_bv_unsigned. apply bv_wrap_small. Qed.

Lemma bv_unsigned_BV n z Hwf:
  bv_unsigned (@BV n z Hwf) = z.
Proof. done. Qed.

Lemma bv_signed_BV n z Hwf:
  bv_signed (@BV n z Hwf) = bv_swrap n z.
Proof. done. Qed.

Lemma bv_unsigned_in_range n (b : bv n):
  0 bv_unsigned b < bv_modulus n.
Proof. apply bv_wf_in_range. apply bv_is_wf. Qed.

Lemma bv_wrap_bv_unsigned n (b : bv n):
  bv_wrap n (bv_unsigned b) = bv_unsigned b.
Proof. rewrite bv_wrap_small; [done|apply bv_unsigned_in_range]. Qed.

Lemma Z_to_bv_bv_unsigned n (b : bv n):
  Z_to_bv n (bv_unsigned b) = b.
Proof. apply bv_eq. by rewrite Z_to_bv_unsigned, bv_wrap_bv_unsigned. Qed.

Lemma bv_eq_wrap n (b1 b2 : bv n) :
  b1 = b2 bv_wrap n b1.(bv_unsigned) = bv_wrap n b2.(bv_unsigned).
  rewrite !bv_wrap_small; [apply bv_eq | apply bv_unsigned_in_range..].

Lemma bv_neq_wrap n (b1 b2 : bv n) :
  b1 b2 bv_wrap n b1.(bv_unsigned) bv_wrap n b2.(bv_unsigned).
Proof. unfold not. by rewrite bv_eq_wrap. Qed.

Lemma bv_eq_signed n (b1 b2 : bv n) :
  b1 = b2 bv_signed b1 = bv_signed b2.
  split; [naive_solver |].
  unfold bv_signed, bv_swrap. intros ?.
  assert (bv_wrap n (bv_unsigned b1 + bv_half_modulus n)
          = bv_wrap n (bv_unsigned b2 + bv_half_modulus n)) as ?%bv_wrap_add_inj by lia.
  by apply bv_eq_wrap.

Lemma bv_signed_in_range n (b : bv n):
  n 0%N
  - bv_half_modulus n bv_signed b < bv_half_modulus n.
Proof. apply bv_swrap_in_range. Qed.

Lemma bv_unsigned_spec_high i n (b : bv n) :
  Z.of_N n i
  Z.testbit (bv_unsigned b) i = false.
  intros ?. pose proof (bv_unsigned_in_range _ b). unfold bv_modulus in ×.
  eapply Z.bounded_iff_bits_nonneg; [..|done]; lia.

Lemma bv_unsigned_N_0 (b : bv 0):
  bv_unsigned b = 0.
  pose proof bv_unsigned_in_range 0 b as H.
  rewrite bv_modulus_0 in H. lia.
Lemma bv_signed_N_0 (b : bv 0):
  bv_signed b = 0.
Proof. unfold bv_signed. by rewrite bv_unsigned_N_0, bv_swrap_0. Qed.

Lemma bv_swrap_bv_signed n (b : bv n):
  bv_swrap n (bv_signed b) = bv_signed b.
  destruct (decide (n = 0%N)); subst.
  { by rewrite bv_signed_N_0, bv_swrap_0. }
  apply bv_swrap_small. by apply bv_signed_in_range.

Lemma Z_to_bv_checked_bv_unsigned n (b : bv n):
  Z_to_bv_checked n (bv_unsigned b) = Some b.
  unfold Z_to_bv_checked. case_guard; simplify_option_eq.
  - f_equal. by apply bv_eq.
  - by pose proof bv_is_wf b.
Lemma Z_to_bv_checked_Some n a (b : bv n):
  Z_to_bv_checked n a = Some b a = bv_unsigned b.
  - unfold Z_to_bv_checked. case_guard; [|done]. intros ?. by simplify_option_eq.
  - intros →. apply Z_to_bv_checked_bv_unsigned.

Typeclass instances for bv n

Global Program Instance bv_eq_dec n : EqDecision (bv n) := λ '(@BV _ v1 p1) '(@BV _ v2 p2),
   match decide (v1 = v2) with
   | left eqvleft _
   | right eqvright _
Next Obligation.
  intros n b1 v1 p1 ? b2 v2 p2 ????. subst.
  rewrite (proof_irrel p1 p2). exact eq_refl.
Next Obligation. intros. by injection. Qed.

Global Instance bv_countable n : Countable (bv n) :=
  inj_countable bv_unsigned (Z_to_bv_checked n) (Z_to_bv_checked_bv_unsigned n).

Global Program Instance bv_finite n : Finite (bv n) :=
  {| enum := Z_to_bv n <$> (seqZ 0 (bv_modulus n)) |}.
Next Obligation.
  intros n. apply NoDup_alt. intros i j x.
  rewrite !list_lookup_fmap.
  intros [? [[??]%lookup_seqZ ?]]%fmap_Some.
  intros [? [[??]%lookup_seqZ Hz]]%fmap_Some. subst.
  apply bv_eq in Hz. rewrite !Z_to_bv_small in Hz; lia.
Next Obligation.
  intros n x. apply elem_of_list_lookup. eexists (Z.to_nat (bv_unsigned x)).
  rewrite list_lookup_fmap. apply fmap_Some. eexists _.
  pose proof (bv_unsigned_in_range _ x). split.
  - apply lookup_seqZ. split; [done|]. rewrite; lia.
  - apply bv_eq. rewrite Z_to_bv_small; rewrite; lia.

Lemma bv_1_ind (P : bv 1 Prop) :
  P (@BV 1 1 I) P (@BV 1 0 I) b : bv 1, P b.
  intros ??. apply Forall_finite. repeat constructor.
  - by assert ((@BV 1 0 I) = (Z_to_bv 1 (Z.of_nat 0 + 0))) as <- by by apply bv_eq.
  - by assert ((@BV 1 1 I) = (Z_to_bv 1 (Z.of_nat 1 + 0))) as <- by by apply bv_eq.

bv_saturate: Add range facts about bit vectors to the context

Lemma bv_unsigned_in_range_alt n (b : bv n):
  -1 < bv_unsigned b < bv_modulus n.
Proof. pose proof (bv_unsigned_in_range _ b). lia. Qed.

Ltac bv_saturate :=
  repeat match goal with b : bv _ |- _first [
     clear b |
     learn_hyp (bv_unsigned_in_range_alt _ b) |
     learn_hyp (bv_signed_in_range _ b)
  ] end.

Ltac bv_saturate_unsigned :=
  repeat match goal with b : bv _ |- _first [
     clear b |
     learn_hyp (bv_unsigned_in_range_alt _ b)
  ] end.

Operations on bv n

Program Definition bv_0 (n : N) :=
  @BV n 0 _.
Next Obligation.
  intros n. apply bv_wf_in_range. split; [done| apply bv_modulus_pos].
Global Instance bv_inhabited n : Inhabited (bv n) := populate (bv_0 n).

Definition bv_succ {n} (x : bv n) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.succ (bv_unsigned x)).
Definition bv_pred {n} (x : bv n) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.pred (bv_unsigned x)).

Definition bv_add {n} (x y : bv n) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.add (bv_unsigned x) (bv_unsigned y)).
Definition bv_sub {n} (x y : bv n) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.sub (bv_unsigned x) (bv_unsigned y)).
Definition bv_opp {n} (x : bv n) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.opp (bv_unsigned x)).

Definition bv_mul {n} (x y : bv n) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.mul (bv_unsigned x) (bv_unsigned y)).
Program Definition bv_divu {n} (x y : bv n) : bv n :=
  @BV n (Z.div (bv_unsigned x) (bv_unsigned y)) _.
Next Obligation.
  intros n x y. apply bv_wf_in_range. bv_saturate.
  destruct (decide (bv_unsigned y = 0)) as [->|?].
  { rewrite Zdiv_0_r. lia. }
  split; [ apply Z.div_pos; lia |].
  apply (Z.le_lt_trans _ (bv_unsigned x)); [|lia].
  apply Z.div_le_upper_bound; [ lia|]. nia.
Program Definition bv_modu {n} (x y : bv n) : bv n :=
  @BV n (Z.modulo (bv_unsigned x) (bv_unsigned y)) _.
Next Obligation.
  intros n x y. apply bv_wf_in_range. bv_saturate.
  destruct (decide (bv_unsigned y = 0)) as [->|?].
  { rewrite Zmod_0_r. lia. }
  split; [ apply Z.mod_pos; lia |].
  apply (Z.le_lt_trans _ (bv_unsigned x)); [|lia].
  apply Z.mod_le; lia.
Definition bv_divs {n} (x y : bv n) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.div (bv_signed x) (bv_signed y)).
Definition bv_quots {n} (x y : bv n) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.quot (bv_signed x) (bv_signed y)).
Definition bv_mods {n} (x y : bv n) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.modulo (bv_signed x) (bv_signed y)).
Definition bv_rems {n} (x y : bv n) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.rem (bv_signed x) (bv_signed y)).

Definition bv_shiftl {n} (x y : bv n) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.shiftl (bv_unsigned x) (bv_unsigned y)).
Program Definition bv_shiftr {n} (x y : bv n) : bv n :=
  @BV n (Z.shiftr (bv_unsigned x) (bv_unsigned y)) _.
Next Obligation.
  intros n x y. apply bv_wf_in_range. bv_saturate.
  split; [ apply Z.shiftr_nonneg; lia|].
  rewrite Z.shiftr_div_pow2; [|lia].
  apply (Z.le_lt_trans _ (bv_unsigned x)); [|lia].
  pose proof (Z.pow_pos_nonneg 2 (bv_unsigned y)).
  apply Z.div_le_upper_bound; [ lia|]. nia.
Definition bv_ashiftr {n} (x y : bv n) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.shiftr (bv_signed x) (bv_unsigned y)).

Program Definition bv_or {n} (x y : bv n) : bv n :=
  @BV n (Z.lor (bv_unsigned x) (bv_unsigned y)) _.
Next Obligation.
  intros. eapply bv_wf_bitwise_op; [ apply Z.lor_spec |
    by intros; eapply Z.lor_nonneg | done | apply bv_is_wf..].
Program Definition bv_and {n} (x y : bv n) : bv n :=
  @BV n ( (bv_unsigned x) (bv_unsigned y)) _.
Next Obligation.
  intros. eapply bv_wf_bitwise_op; [ apply Z.land_spec |
    intros; eapply Z.land_nonneg; by left | done | apply bv_is_wf..].
Program Definition bv_xor {n} (x y : bv n) : bv n :=
  @BV n (Z.lxor (bv_unsigned x) (bv_unsigned y)) _.
Next Obligation.
  intros. eapply bv_wf_bitwise_op; [ apply Z.lxor_spec |
    intros; eapply Z.lxor_nonneg; naive_solver | done | apply bv_is_wf..].
Program Definition bv_not {n} (x : bv n) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.lnot (bv_unsigned x)).

Program Definition bv_zero_extend {n} (z : N) (b : bv n) : bv z :=
  Z_to_bv z (bv_unsigned b).

Program Definition bv_sign_extend {n} (z : N) (b : bv n) : bv z :=
  Z_to_bv z (bv_signed b).

Definition bv_extract {n} (s l : N) (b : bv n) : bv l :=
  Z_to_bv l (bv_unsigned b Z.of_N s).

Program Definition bv_concat n {n1 n2} (b1 : bv n1) (b2 : bv n2) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.lor (bv_unsigned b1 Z.of_N n2) (bv_unsigned b2)).

Definition bv_to_little_endian m n (z : Z) : list (bv n) :=
  (λ b, Z_to_bv n b) <$> Z_to_little_endian m (Z.of_N n) z.

Definition little_endian_to_bv n (bs : list (bv n)) : Z :=
  little_endian_to_Z (Z.of_N n) (bv_unsigned <$> bs).

Operations on bv n and Z

Definition bv_add_Z {n} (x : bv n) (y : Z) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.add (bv_unsigned x) y).
Definition bv_sub_Z {n} (x : bv n) (y : Z) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.sub (bv_unsigned x) y).
Definition bv_mul_Z {n} (x : bv n) (y : Z) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (Z.mul (bv_unsigned x) y).

Definition bv_seq {n} (x : bv n) (len : Z) : list (bv n) :=
  (bv_add_Z x) <$> seqZ 0 len.

Operations on bv n and bool

Definition bool_to_bv (n : N) (b : bool) : bv n :=
  Z_to_bv n (bool_to_Z b).

Definition bv_to_bits {n} (b : bv n) : list bool :=
  (λ i, Z.testbit (bv_unsigned b) i) <$> seqZ 0 (Z.of_N n).

Notation for bv operations

Declare Scope bv_scope.
Delimit Scope bv_scope with bv.
Bind Scope bv_scope with bv.

Infix "+" := bv_add : bv_scope.
Infix "-" := bv_sub : bv_scope.
Notation "- x" := (bv_opp x) : bv_scope.
Infix "×" := bv_mul : bv_scope.
Infix "`divu`" := bv_divu (at level 35) : bv_scope.
Infix "`modu`" := bv_modu (at level 35) : bv_scope.
Infix "`divs`" := bv_divs (at level 35) : bv_scope.
Infix "`quots`" := bv_quots (at level 35) : bv_scope.
Infix "`mods`" := bv_mods (at level 35) : bv_scope.
Infix "`rems`" := bv_rems (at level 35) : bv_scope.
Infix "≪" := bv_shiftl : bv_scope.
Infix "≫" := bv_shiftr : bv_scope.
Infix "`ashiftr`" := bv_ashiftr (at level 35) : bv_scope.

Infix "`+Z`" := bv_add_Z (at level 50) : bv_scope.
Infix "`-Z`" := bv_sub_Z (at level 50) : bv_scope.
Infix "`*Z`" := bv_mul_Z (at level 40) : bv_scope.

This adds number notations into bv_scope. If the number literal is positive or 0, it gets expanded to BV _ {num} _. If the number literal is negative, it gets expanded as Z_to_bv _ {num}. In the negative case, the notation is parsing only and the Z_to_bv call will be printed explicitly.
Inductive bv_number_notation := BVNumNonNeg (z : Z) | BVNumNeg (z : Z).
Definition bv_number_notation_to_Z (n : bv_number_notation) : option Z :=
  match n with
  | BVNumNonNeg zSome z
Don't use the notation for negative numbers for printing.
  | BVNumNeg zNone
Definition Z_to_bv_number_notation (z : Z) :=
  match z with
  | Zneg _BVNumNeg z
  | _BVNumNonNeg z

We need to temporarily change the implicit arguments of BV and Z_to_bv such that we can pass them to Number Notation.
Local Arguments Z_to_bv {_} _.
Local Arguments BV {_} _ {_}.
Number Notation bv Z_to_bv_number_notation bv_number_notation_to_Z
  (via bv_number_notation mapping [[BV] ⇒ BVNumNonNeg, [Z_to_bv] ⇒ BVNumNeg]) : bv_scope.
Local Arguments BV _ _ {_}.
Local Arguments Z_to_bv : clear implicits.

bv_wrap_simplify: typeclass-based automation for simplifying bv_wrap

The bv_wrap_simplify tactic removes bv_wrap where possible by using the fact that bv_wrap n (bv_warp n z) = bv_wrap n z. The main use case for this tactic is for proving the lemmas about the operations of bv n below. Users should use the more extensive automation provided by bitvector_auto.v.
Create HintDb bv_wrap_simplify_db discriminated.
Global Hint Constants Opaque : bv_wrap_simplify_db.
Global Hint Variables Opaque : bv_wrap_simplify_db.

Class BvWrapSimplify (n : N) (z z' : Z) := {
  bv_wrap_simplify_proof : bv_wrap n z = bv_wrap n z';
Global Arguments bv_wrap_simplify_proof _ _ _ {_}.
Global Hint Mode BvWrapSimplify + + - : bv_wrap_simplify_db.

Default instance to end search.
Lemma bv_wrap_simplify_id n z :
  BvWrapSimplify n z z.
Proof. by constructor. Qed.
Global Hint Resolve bv_wrap_simplify_id | 1000 : bv_wrap_simplify_db.

bv_wrap_simplify_bv_wrap performs the actual simplification.
Lemma bv_wrap_simplify_bv_wrap n z z' :
  BvWrapSimplify n z z'
  BvWrapSimplify n (bv_wrap n z) z'.
Proof. intros [->]. constructor. by rewrite bv_wrap_bv_wrap. Qed.
Global Hint Resolve bv_wrap_simplify_bv_wrap | 10 : bv_wrap_simplify_db.

The rest of the instances propagate BvWrapSimplify.
Lemma bv_wrap_simplify_succ n z z' :
  BvWrapSimplify n z z'
  BvWrapSimplify n (Z.succ z) (Z.succ z').
  intros [Hz]. constructor. by rewrite <-bv_wrap_succ_idemp, Hz, bv_wrap_succ_idemp.
Global Hint Resolve bv_wrap_simplify_succ | 10 : bv_wrap_simplify_db.

Lemma bv_wrap_simplify_pred n z z' :
  BvWrapSimplify n z z'
  BvWrapSimplify n (Z.pred z) (Z.pred z').
  intros [Hz]. constructor. by rewrite <-bv_wrap_pred_idemp, Hz, bv_wrap_pred_idemp.
Global Hint Resolve bv_wrap_simplify_pred | 10 : bv_wrap_simplify_db.

Lemma bv_wrap_simplify_opp n z z' :
  BvWrapSimplify n z z'
  BvWrapSimplify n (- z) (- z').
  intros [Hz]. constructor. by rewrite <-bv_wrap_opp_idemp, Hz, bv_wrap_opp_idemp.
Global Hint Resolve bv_wrap_simplify_opp | 10 : bv_wrap_simplify_db.

Lemma bv_wrap_simplify_add n z1 z1' z2 z2' :
  BvWrapSimplify n z1 z1'
  BvWrapSimplify n z2 z2'
  BvWrapSimplify n (z1 + z2) (z1' + z2').
  intros [Hz1] [Hz2]. constructor.
  by rewrite <-bv_wrap_add_idemp, Hz1, Hz2, bv_wrap_add_idemp.
Global Hint Resolve bv_wrap_simplify_add | 10 : bv_wrap_simplify_db.

Lemma bv_wrap_simplify_sub n z1 z1' z2 z2' :
  BvWrapSimplify n z1 z1'
  BvWrapSimplify n z2 z2'
  BvWrapSimplify n (z1 - z2) (z1' - z2').
  intros [Hz1] [Hz2]. constructor.
  by rewrite <-bv_wrap_sub_idemp, Hz1, Hz2, bv_wrap_sub_idemp.
Global Hint Resolve bv_wrap_simplify_sub | 10 : bv_wrap_simplify_db.

Lemma bv_wrap_simplify_mul n z1 z1' z2 z2' :
  BvWrapSimplify n z1 z1'
  BvWrapSimplify n z2 z2'
  BvWrapSimplify n (z1 × z2) (z1' × z2').
  intros [Hz1] [Hz2]. constructor.
  by rewrite <-bv_wrap_mul_idemp, Hz1, Hz2, bv_wrap_mul_idemp.
Global Hint Resolve bv_wrap_simplify_mul | 10 : bv_wrap_simplify_db.

bv_wrap_simplify_left applies for goals of the form bv_wrap n z1 = _ and tries to simplify them by removing any bv_wrap inside z1.
Ltac bv_wrap_simplify_left :=
  lazymatch goal with |- bv_wrap _ _ = _idtac end;
  etrans; [ notypeclasses refine (bv_wrap_simplify_proof _ _ _);
            typeclasses eauto with bv_wrap_simplify_db | ]

bv_wrap_simplify applies for goals of the form bv_wrap n z1 = bv_wrap n z2 and bv_swrap n z1 = bv_swrap n z2 and tries to simplify them by removing any bv_wrap and bv_swrap inside z1 and z2.
Ltac bv_wrap_simplify :=
  unfold bv_signed, bv_swrap;
  try match goal with | |- _ - _ = _ - _f_equal end;

Ltac bv_wrap_simplify_solve :=
  bv_wrap_simplify; f_equal; lia.

Lemmas about bv n operations

Unfolding lemmas for the operations.

Section unfolding.
  Context {n : N}.
  Implicit Types (b : bv n).

  Lemma bv_0_unsigned :
    bv_unsigned (bv_0 n) = 0.
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_0_signed :
    bv_signed (bv_0 n) = 0.
  Proof. unfold bv_0. by rewrite bv_signed_BV, bv_swrap_0. Qed.

  Lemma bv_succ_unsigned b :
    bv_unsigned (bv_succ b) = bv_wrap n (Z.succ (bv_unsigned b)).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_succ_signed b :
    bv_signed (bv_succ b) = bv_swrap n (Z.succ (bv_signed b)).
  Proof. unfold bv_succ. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. bv_wrap_simplify_solve. Qed.

  Lemma bv_pred_unsigned b :
    bv_unsigned (bv_pred b) = bv_wrap n (Z.pred (bv_unsigned b)).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_pred_signed b :
    bv_signed (bv_pred b) = bv_swrap n (Z.pred (bv_signed b)).
  Proof. unfold bv_pred. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. bv_wrap_simplify_solve. Qed.

  Lemma bv_add_unsigned b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned (b1 + b2) = bv_wrap n (bv_unsigned b1 + bv_unsigned b2).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_add_signed b1 b2 :
    bv_signed (b1 + b2) = bv_swrap n (bv_signed b1 + bv_signed b2).
  Proof. unfold bv_add. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. bv_wrap_simplify_solve. Qed.

  Lemma bv_sub_unsigned b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned (b1 - b2) = bv_wrap n (bv_unsigned b1 - bv_unsigned b2).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_sub_signed b1 b2 :
    bv_signed (b1 - b2) = bv_swrap n (bv_signed b1 - bv_signed b2).
  Proof. unfold bv_sub. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. bv_wrap_simplify_solve. Qed.

  Lemma bv_opp_unsigned b :
    bv_unsigned (- b) = bv_wrap n (- bv_unsigned b).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_opp_signed b :
    bv_signed (- b) = bv_swrap n (- bv_signed b).
  Proof. unfold bv_opp. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. bv_wrap_simplify_solve. Qed.

  Lemma bv_mul_unsigned b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned (b1 × b2) = bv_wrap n (bv_unsigned b1 × bv_unsigned b2).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_mul_signed b1 b2 :
    bv_signed (b1 × b2) = bv_swrap n (bv_signed b1 × bv_signed b2).
  Proof. unfold bv_mul. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. bv_wrap_simplify_solve. Qed.

  Lemma bv_divu_unsigned b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned (b1 `divu` b2) = bv_unsigned b1 `div` bv_unsigned b2.
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_divu_signed b1 b2 :
    bv_signed (b1 `divu` b2) = bv_swrap n (bv_unsigned b1 `div` bv_unsigned b2).
  Proof. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_modu_unsigned b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned (b1 `modu` b2) = bv_unsigned b1 `mod` bv_unsigned b2.
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_modu_signed b1 b2 :
    bv_signed (b1 `modu` b2) = bv_swrap n (bv_unsigned b1 `mod` bv_unsigned b2).
  Proof. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_divs_unsigned b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned (b1 `divs` b2) = bv_wrap n (bv_signed b1 `div` bv_signed b2).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_divs_signed b1 b2 :
    bv_signed (b1 `divs` b2) = bv_swrap n (bv_signed b1 `div` bv_signed b2).
  Proof. unfold bv_divs. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_quots_unsigned b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned (b1 `quots` b2) = bv_wrap n (bv_signed b1 `quot` bv_signed b2).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_quots_signed b1 b2 :
    bv_signed (b1 `quots` b2) = bv_swrap n (bv_signed b1 `quot` bv_signed b2).
  Proof. unfold bv_quots. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_mods_unsigned b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned (b1 `mods` b2) = bv_wrap n (bv_signed b1 `mod` bv_signed b2).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_mods_signed b1 b2 :
    bv_signed (b1 `mods` b2) = bv_swrap n (bv_signed b1 `mod` bv_signed b2).
  Proof. unfold bv_mods. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_rems_unsigned b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned (b1 `rems` b2) = bv_wrap n (bv_signed b1 `rem` bv_signed b2).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_rems_signed b1 b2 :
    bv_signed (b1 `rems` b2) = bv_swrap n (bv_signed b1 `rem` bv_signed b2).
  Proof. unfold bv_rems. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_shiftl_unsigned b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned (b1 b2) = bv_wrap n (bv_unsigned b1 bv_unsigned b2).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_shiftl_signed b1 b2 :
    bv_signed (b1 b2) = bv_swrap n (bv_unsigned b1 bv_unsigned b2).
  Proof. unfold bv_shiftl. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_shiftr_unsigned b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned (b1 b2) = bv_unsigned b1 bv_unsigned b2.
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_shiftr_signed b1 b2 :
    bv_signed (b1 b2) = bv_swrap n (bv_unsigned b1 bv_unsigned b2).
  Proof. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_ashiftr_unsigned b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned (b1 `ashiftr` b2) = bv_wrap n (bv_signed b1 bv_unsigned b2).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_ashiftr_signed b1 b2 :
    bv_signed (b1 `ashiftr` b2) = bv_swrap n (bv_signed b1 bv_unsigned b2).
  Proof. unfold bv_ashiftr. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_or_unsigned b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned (bv_or b1 b2) = Z.lor (bv_unsigned b1) (bv_unsigned b2).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_or_signed b1 b2 :
    bv_signed (bv_or b1 b2) = bv_swrap n (Z.lor (bv_unsigned b1) (bv_unsigned b2)).
  Proof. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_and_unsigned b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned (bv_and b1 b2) = (bv_unsigned b1) (bv_unsigned b2).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_and_signed b1 b2 :
    bv_signed (bv_and b1 b2) = bv_swrap n ( (bv_unsigned b1) (bv_unsigned b2)).
  Proof. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_xor_unsigned b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned (bv_xor b1 b2) = Z.lxor (bv_unsigned b1) (bv_unsigned b2).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_xor_signed b1 b2 :
    bv_signed (bv_xor b1 b2) = bv_swrap n (Z.lxor (bv_unsigned b1) (bv_unsigned b2)).
  Proof. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_not_unsigned b :
    bv_unsigned (bv_not b) = bv_wrap n (Z.lnot (bv_unsigned b)).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_not_signed b :
    bv_signed (bv_not b) = bv_swrap n (Z.lnot (bv_unsigned b)).
  Proof. unfold bv_not. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_zero_extend_unsigned' z b :
    bv_unsigned (bv_zero_extend z b) = bv_wrap z (bv_unsigned b).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_zero_extend_unsigned z b :
    (n z)%N
    bv_unsigned (bv_zero_extend z b) = bv_unsigned b.
    intros ?. rewrite bv_zero_extend_unsigned', bv_wrap_small; [done|].
    bv_saturate. pose proof (bv_modulus_le_mono n z). lia.
  Lemma bv_zero_extend_signed z b :
    bv_signed (bv_zero_extend z b) = bv_swrap z (bv_unsigned b).
  Proof. unfold bv_zero_extend. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_sign_extend_unsigned z b :
    bv_unsigned (bv_sign_extend z b) = bv_wrap z (bv_signed b).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_sign_extend_signed' z b :
    bv_signed (bv_sign_extend z b) = bv_swrap z (bv_signed b).
  Proof. unfold bv_sign_extend. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_sign_extend_signed z b :
    (n z)%N
    bv_signed (bv_sign_extend z b) = bv_signed b.
    intros ?. rewrite bv_sign_extend_signed'.
    destruct (decide (n = 0%N)); subst.
    { by rewrite bv_signed_N_0, bv_swrap_0. }
    apply bv_swrap_small. bv_saturate.
    pose proof bv_half_modulus_le_mono n z. lia.

  Lemma bv_extract_unsigned s l b :
    bv_unsigned (bv_extract s l b) = bv_wrap l (bv_unsigned b Z.of_N s).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_extract_signed s l b :
    bv_signed (bv_extract s l b) = bv_swrap l (bv_unsigned b Z.of_N s).
  Proof. unfold bv_extract. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_concat_unsigned' m n2 b1 (b2 : bv n2) :
    bv_unsigned (bv_concat m b1 b2) = bv_wrap m (Z.lor (bv_unsigned b1 Z.of_N n2) (bv_unsigned b2)).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_concat_unsigned m n2 b1 (b2 : bv n2) :
    (m = n + n2)%N
    bv_unsigned (bv_concat m b1 b2) = Z.lor (bv_unsigned b1 Z.of_N n2) (bv_unsigned b2).
    intros →. rewrite bv_concat_unsigned', bv_wrap_small; [done|].
    apply Z.bounded_iff_bits_nonneg'; [lia | |].
    { apply Z.lor_nonneg. bv_saturate. split; [|lia]. apply Z.shiftl_nonneg. lia. }
    intros k ?. rewrite Z.lor_spec, Z.shiftl_spec; [|lia].
    apply orb_false_intro; (eapply Z.bounded_iff_bits_nonneg; [..|done]); bv_saturate; try lia.
    - apply (Z.lt_le_trans _ (bv_modulus n)); [lia|]. apply Z.pow_le_mono_r; lia.
    - apply (Z.lt_le_trans _ (bv_modulus n2)); [lia|]. apply Z.pow_le_mono_r; lia.
  Lemma bv_concat_signed m n2 b1 (b2 : bv n2) :
    bv_signed (bv_concat m b1 b2) = bv_swrap m (Z.lor (bv_unsigned b1 Z.of_N n2) (bv_unsigned b2)).
  Proof. unfold bv_concat. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_add_Z_unsigned b z :
    bv_unsigned (b `+Z` z) = bv_wrap n (bv_unsigned b + z).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_add_Z_signed b z :
    bv_signed (b `+Z` z) = bv_swrap n (bv_signed b + z).
  Proof. unfold bv_add_Z. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. bv_wrap_simplify_solve. Qed.

  Lemma bv_sub_Z_unsigned b z :
    bv_unsigned (b `-Z` z) = bv_wrap n (bv_unsigned b - z).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_sub_Z_signed b z :
    bv_signed (b `-Z` z) = bv_swrap n (bv_signed b - z).
  Proof. unfold bv_sub_Z. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. bv_wrap_simplify_solve. Qed.

  Lemma bv_mul_Z_unsigned b z:
    bv_unsigned (b `*Z` z) = bv_wrap n (bv_unsigned b × z).
  Proof. done. Qed.
  Lemma bv_mul_Z_signed b z :
    bv_signed (b `*Z` z) = bv_swrap n (bv_signed b × z).
  Proof. unfold bv_mul_Z. rewrite Z_to_bv_signed. bv_wrap_simplify_solve. Qed.
End unfolding.

Properties of bv operations

Section properties.
  Context {n : N}.
  Implicit Types (b : bv n).
  Local Open Scope bv_scope.

  Lemma bv_sub_add_opp b1 b2:
    b1 - b2 = b1 + - b2.
    apply bv_eq. unfold bv_sub, bv_add, bv_opp. rewrite !Z_to_bv_unsigned.

  Global Instance bv_add_assoc : Assoc (=) (@bv_add n).
    intros ???. unfold bv_add. apply bv_eq. rewrite !Z_to_bv_unsigned.

  Global Instance bv_mul_assoc : Assoc (=) (@bv_mul n).
    intros ???. unfold bv_mul. apply bv_eq. rewrite !Z_to_bv_unsigned.

  Lemma bv_add_0_l b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned b1 = 0%Z
    b1 + b2 = b2.
    intros Hb. apply bv_eq.
    rewrite bv_add_unsigned, Hb, Z.add_0_l, bv_wrap_small; [done|apply bv_unsigned_in_range].

  Lemma bv_add_0_r b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned b2 = 0%Z
    b1 + b2 = b1.
    intros Hb. apply bv_eq.
    rewrite bv_add_unsigned, Hb, Z.add_0_r, bv_wrap_small; [done|apply bv_unsigned_in_range].

  Lemma bv_add_Z_0 b : b `+Z` 0 = b.
    unfold bv_add_Z. rewrite Z.add_0_r.
    apply bv_eq. apply Z_to_bv_small. apply bv_unsigned_in_range.

  Lemma bv_add_Z_add_r b m o:
    b `+Z` (m + o) = (b `+Z` o) `+Z` m.
    apply bv_eq. unfold bv_add_Z. rewrite !Z_to_bv_unsigned.

  Lemma bv_add_Z_add_l b m o:
    b `+Z` (m + o) = (b `+Z` m) `+Z` o.
    apply bv_eq. unfold bv_add_Z. rewrite !Z_to_bv_unsigned.

  Lemma bv_add_Z_succ b m:
    b `+Z` Z.succ m = (b `+Z` 1) `+Z` m.
    apply bv_eq. unfold bv_add_Z. rewrite !Z_to_bv_unsigned.

  Lemma bv_add_Z_inj_l b i j:
    0 i < bv_modulus n
    0 j < bv_modulus n
    b `+Z` i = b `+Z` j i = j.
    intros ??. split; [|naive_solver].
    intros Heq%bv_eq. rewrite !bv_add_Z_unsigned, !(Z.add_comm (bv_unsigned _)) in Heq.
    by rewrite <-bv_wrap_add_inj, !bv_wrap_small in Heq.

  Lemma bv_opp_not b:
    - b `-Z` 1 = bv_not b.
    apply bv_eq.
    rewrite bv_not_unsigned, bv_sub_Z_unsigned, bv_opp_unsigned, <-Z.opp_lnot.

  Lemma bv_and_comm b1 b2:
    bv_and b1 b2 = bv_and b2 b1.
  Proof. apply bv_eq. by rewrite !bv_and_unsigned, Z.land_comm. Qed.

  Lemma bv_or_comm b1 b2:
    bv_or b1 b2 = bv_or b2 b1.
  Proof. apply bv_eq. by rewrite !bv_or_unsigned, Z.lor_comm. Qed.

  Lemma bv_or_0_l b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned b1 = 0%Z
    bv_or b1 b2 = b2.
  Proof. intros Hb. apply bv_eq. by rewrite bv_or_unsigned, Hb, Z.lor_0_l. Qed.

  Lemma bv_or_0_r b1 b2 :
    bv_unsigned b2 = 0%Z
    bv_or b1 b2 = b1.
  Proof. intros Hb. apply bv_eq. by rewrite bv_or_unsigned, Hb, Z.lor_0_r. Qed.

  Lemma bv_extract_0_unsigned l b:
    bv_unsigned (bv_extract 0 l b) = bv_wrap l (bv_unsigned b).
  Proof. rewrite bv_extract_unsigned, Z.shiftr_0_r. done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_extract_0_bv_add_distr l b1 b2:
    (l n)%N
    bv_extract 0 l (bv_add b1 b2) = bv_add (bv_extract 0 l b1) (bv_extract 0 l b2).
    intros ?.
    apply bv_eq. rewrite !bv_extract_0_unsigned, !bv_add_unsigned, !bv_extract_0_unsigned.
    rewrite bv_wrap_bv_wrap by done.

  Lemma bv_concat_0 m n2 b1 (b2 : bv n2) :
    bv_unsigned b1 = 0%Z
    bv_concat m b1 b2 = bv_zero_extend m b2.
    intros Hb1. apply bv_eq.
    by rewrite bv_zero_extend_unsigned', bv_concat_unsigned', Hb1, Z.shiftl_0_l, Z.lor_0_l.

  Lemma bv_zero_extend_idemp b:
    bv_zero_extend n b = b.
  Proof. apply bv_eq. by rewrite bv_zero_extend_unsigned. Qed.

  Lemma bv_sign_extend_idemp b:
    bv_sign_extend n b = b.
  Proof. apply bv_eq_signed. by rewrite bv_sign_extend_signed. Qed.
End properties.

Lemmas about bv_to_little and bv_of_little

Section little.

  Lemma bv_to_litte_endian_unsigned m n z:
    0 m
    bv_unsigned <$> bv_to_little_endian m n z = Z_to_little_endian m (Z.of_N n) z.
    intros ?. apply list_eq. intros i. unfold bv_to_little_endian.
    rewrite list_lookup_fmap, list_lookup_fmap.
    destruct (Z_to_little_endian m (Z.of_N n) z !! i) eqn: Heq; [simpl |done].
    rewrite Z_to_bv_small; [done|].
    eapply (Forall_forall (λ z, _ z < _)); [ |by eapply elem_of_list_lookup_2].
    eapply Z_to_little_endian_bound; lia.

  Lemma bv_to_little_endian_to_bv m n bs:
    m = Z.of_nat (length bs)
    bv_to_little_endian m n (little_endian_to_bv n bs) = bs.
    intros →. apply (inj (fmap bv_unsigned)).
    rewrite bv_to_litte_endian_unsigned; [|lia].
    apply Z_to_little_endian_to_Z; [by rewrite fmap_length | lia |].
    apply Forall_forall. intros ? [?[->?]]%elem_of_list_fmap_2. apply bv_unsigned_in_range.

  Lemma little_endian_to_bv_to_little_endian m n z:
    0 m
    little_endian_to_bv n (bv_to_little_endian m n z) = z `mod` 2 ^ (m × Z.of_N n).
    intros ?. unfold little_endian_to_bv.
    rewrite bv_to_litte_endian_unsigned; [|lia].
    apply little_endian_to_Z_to_little_endian; lia.

  Lemma bv_to_little_endian_length m n z :
    0 m
    length (bv_to_little_endian m n z) = Z.to_nat m.
    intros ?. unfold bv_to_little_endian. rewrite fmap_length.
    apply Nat2Z.inj. rewrite Z_to_little_endian_length, ?; try lia.

  Lemma little_endian_to_bv_bound n bs :
    0 little_endian_to_bv n bs < 2 ^ (Z.of_nat (length bs) × Z.of_N n).
    unfold little_endian_to_bv. rewrite <-(fmap_length bv_unsigned bs).
    apply little_endian_to_Z_bound; [lia|].
    apply Forall_forall. intros ? [? [-> ?]]%elem_of_list_fmap.
    apply bv_unsigned_in_range.

  Lemma Z_to_bv_little_endian_to_bv_to_little_endian x m n (b : bv x):
    0 m
    x = (Z.to_N m × n)%N
    Z_to_bv x (little_endian_to_bv n (bv_to_little_endian m n (bv_unsigned b))) = b.
    intros ? →. rewrite little_endian_to_bv_to_little_endian, Z.mod_small; [| |lia].
    - apply bv_eq. rewrite Z_to_bv_small; [done|]. apply bv_unsigned_in_range.
    - pose proof bv_unsigned_in_range _ b as Hr. unfold bv_modulus in Hr.
      by rewrite N2Z.inj_mul, in Hr.

  Lemma bv_to_little_endian_lookup_Some m n z (i : nat) x:
    0 m bv_to_little_endian m n z !! i = Some x
      Z.of_nat i < m x = Z_to_bv n (z (Z.of_nat i × Z.of_N n)).
    unfold bv_to_little_endian. intros Hm. rewrite list_lookup_fmap, fmap_Some.
    - intros [?[[??]%Z_to_little_endian_lookup_Some ?]]; [|lia..]; subst. split; [done|].
      rewrite <-bv_wrap_land. apply bv_eq. by rewrite !Z_to_bv_unsigned, bv_wrap_bv_wrap.
    - intros [?->]. eexists _. split; [apply Z_to_little_endian_lookup_Some; try done; lia| ].
      rewrite <-bv_wrap_land. apply bv_eq. by rewrite !Z_to_bv_unsigned, bv_wrap_bv_wrap.

  Lemma little_endian_to_bv_spec n bs i b:
    0 i n 0%N
    bs !! Z.to_nat (i `div` Z.of_N n) = Some b
    Z.testbit (little_endian_to_bv n bs) i = Z.testbit (bv_unsigned b) (i `mod` Z.of_N n).
    intros ???. unfold little_endian_to_bv. apply little_endian_to_Z_spec; [lia|lia| |].
    { apply Forall_fmap. apply Forall_true. intros ?; simpl. apply bv_unsigned_in_range. }
    rewrite list_lookup_fmap. apply fmap_Some. naive_solver.
End little.

Lemmas about bv_seq

Section bv_seq.
  Context {n : N}.
  Implicit Types (b : bv n).

  Lemma bv_seq_length b len:
    length (bv_seq b len) = Z.to_nat len.
  Proof. unfold bv_seq. by rewrite fmap_length, seqZ_length. Qed.

  Lemma bv_seq_succ b m:
    0 m
    bv_seq b (Z.succ m) = b :: bv_seq (b `+Z` 1) m.
    intros. unfold bv_seq. rewrite seqZ_cons by lia. csimpl.
    rewrite bv_add_Z_0. f_equal.
    assert (Z.succ 0 = 1 + 0) asby lia.
    rewrite <-fmap_add_seqZ, <-list_fmap_compose, Z.pred_succ. apply list_fmap_ext.
    intros i x. simpl. by rewrite bv_add_Z_add_l.

  Lemma NoDup_bv_seq b z:
    0 z bv_modulus n
    NoDup (bv_seq b z).
    intros ?. apply NoDup_alt. intros i j b'. unfold bv_seq. rewrite !list_lookup_fmap.
    intros [?[[??]%lookup_seqZ ?]]%fmap_Some ; simplify_eq.
    intros [?[[->?]%lookup_seqZ ?%bv_add_Z_inj_l]]%fmap_Some; lia.
End bv_seq.

Lemmas about bv and bool

Section bv_bool.
  Implicit Types (b : bool).

  Lemma bool_to_bv_unsigned n b:
    n 0%N
    bv_unsigned (bool_to_bv n b) = bool_to_Z b.
    intros ?. pose proof (bv_modulus_gt_1 n).
    apply Z_to_bv_small. destruct b; simpl; lia.

  Lemma bv_extract_bool_to_bv n n2 b:
    n 0%N n2 0%N
    bv_extract 0 n (bool_to_bv n2 b) = bool_to_bv n b.
    intros ??. apply bv_eq. pose proof (bv_modulus_gt_1 n).
    rewrite bv_extract_unsigned, !bool_to_bv_unsigned, Z.shiftr_0_r by done.
    rewrite bv_wrap_small; [done|]. destruct b; simpl; lia.

  Lemma bv_not_bool_to_bv b:
    bv_not (bool_to_bv 1 b) = bool_to_bv 1 (negb b).
  Proof. apply bv_eq. by destruct b. Qed.

  Lemma bool_decide_bool_to_bv_0 b:
    bool_decide (bv_unsigned (bool_to_bv 1 b) = 0) = negb b.
  Proof. by destruct b. Qed.
  Lemma bool_decide_bool_to_bv_1 b:
    bool_decide (bv_unsigned (bool_to_bv 1 b) = 1) = b.
  Proof. by destruct b. Qed.
End bv_bool.

Section bv_bits.
  Context {n : N}.
  Implicit Types (b : bv n).

  Lemma bv_to_bits_length b : length (bv_to_bits b) = N.to_nat n.
  Proof. unfold bv_to_bits. rewrite fmap_length, seqZ_length, <-Z_N_nat, done. Qed.

  Lemma bv_to_bits_lookup_Some b i x:
    bv_to_bits b !! i = Some x (i < N.to_nat n)%nat x = Z.testbit (bv_unsigned b) (Z.of_nat i).
    unfold bv_to_bits. rewrite list_lookup_fmap, fmap_Some.
    - intros [?[?%lookup_seqZ?]]. naive_solver lia.
    - intros [??]. eexists _. split; [|done]. apply lookup_seqZ. lia.

  Global Instance bv_to_bits_inj : Inj eq eq (@bv_to_bits n).
    unfold bv_to_bits. intros x y Hf.
    apply bv_eq_wrap. apply Z.bits_inj_iff'. intros i Hi.
    rewrite !bv_wrap_spec; [|lia..]. case_bool_decide; simpl; [|done].
    eapply list_fmap_inj_1 in Hf; [done|]. apply elem_of_seqZ. lia.
End bv_bits.


Record bvn := bv_to_bvn {
  bvn_n : N;
  bvn_val : bv bvn_n;
Global Arguments bv_to_bvn {_} _.
Add Printing Constructor bvn.

Definition bvn_unsigned (b : bvn) := bv_unsigned (b.(bvn_val)).

Lemma bvn_eq (b1 b2 : bvn) :
  b1 = b2 b1.(bvn_n) = b2.(bvn_n) bvn_unsigned b1 = bvn_unsigned b2.
Proof. split; [ naive_solver|]. destruct b1, b2; simpl; intros [??]. subst. f_equal. by apply bv_eq. Qed.

Global Program Instance bvn_eq_dec : EqDecision bvn := λ '(@bv_to_bvn n1 b1) '(@bv_to_bvn n2 b2),
   cast_if_and (decide (n1 = n2)) (decide (bv_unsigned b1 = bv_unsigned b2)).
Next Obligation. intros. apply bvn_eq. naive_solver. Qed.
Next Obligation. intros. intros ?%bvn_eq. naive_solver. Qed.
Next Obligation. intros. intros ?%bvn_eq. naive_solver. Qed.

Definition bvn_to_bv (n : N) (b : bvn) : option (bv n) :=
  match decide (b.(bvn_n) = n) with
  | left eqSome (eq_rect (bvn_n b) (λ n0 : N, bv n0) (bvn_val b) n eq)
  | right _None
Global Arguments bvn_to_bv !_ !_ /.

Global Coercion bv_to_bvn : bv >-> bvn.


We mark all functions on bitvectors as opaque.
Global Hint Opaque Z_to_bv
       bv_0 bv_succ bv_pred
       bv_add bv_sub bv_opp
       bv_mul bv_divu bv_modu
       bv_divs bv_quots bv_mods bv_rems
       bv_shiftl bv_shiftr bv_ashiftr bv_or
       bv_and bv_xor bv_not bv_zero_extend
       bv_sign_extend bv_extract bv_concat
       bv_add_Z bv_sub_Z bv_mul_Z
       bool_to_bv bv_to_bits : typeclass_instances.
Global Opaque Z_to_bv
       bv_0 bv_succ bv_pred
       bv_add bv_sub bv_opp
       bv_mul bv_divu bv_modu
       bv_divs bv_quots bv_mods bv_rems
       bv_shiftl bv_shiftr bv_ashiftr bv_or
       bv_and bv_xor bv_not bv_zero_extend
       bv_sign_extend bv_extract bv_concat
       bv_add_Z bv_sub_Z bv_mul_Z
       bool_to_bv bv_to_bits.