Library iris.program_logic.total_adequacy
From iris.algebra Require Import gmap auth agree gset coPset list.
From Require Import big_op fixpoint_mono.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From iris.program_logic Require Export total_weakestpre adequacy.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Import uPred.
Section adequacy.
Context `{!irisGS_gen HasNoLc Λ Σ}.
Implicit Types e : expr Λ.
Definition twptp_pre (twptp : list (expr Λ) → iProp Σ)
(t1 : list (expr Λ)) : iProp Σ :=
∀ t2 σ1 ns κ κs σ2 nt, ⌜step (t1,σ1) κ (t2,σ2)⌝ -∗
state_interp σ1 ns κs nt ={⊤}=∗
∃ nt', ⌜κ = []⌝ ∗ state_interp σ2 (S ns) κs nt' ∗ twptp t2.
Lemma twptp_pre_mono (twptp1 twptp2 : list (expr Λ) → iProp Σ) :
□ (∀ t, twptp1 t -∗ twptp2 t) -∗
∀ t, twptp_pre twptp1 t -∗ twptp_pre twptp2 t.
iIntros "#H"; iIntros (t) "Hwp". rewrite /twptp_pre.
iIntros (t2 σ1 ns κ κs σ2 nt1) "Hstep Hσ".
iMod ("Hwp" with "[$] [$]") as (n2) "($ & Hσ & ?)".
iModIntro. iExists n2. iFrame "Hσ". by iApply "H".
Local Instance twptp_pre_mono' : BiMonoPred twptp_pre.
constructor; first (intros ????; apply twptp_pre_mono).
intros wp Hwp n t1 t2 ?%(discrete_iff _ _)%leibniz_equiv; solve_proper.
Definition twptp (t : list (expr Λ)) : iProp Σ :=
bi_least_fixpoint twptp_pre t.
Lemma twptp_unfold t : twptp t ⊣⊢ twptp_pre twptp t.
Proof. by rewrite /twptp least_fixpoint_unfold. Qed.
Lemma twptp_ind Ψ :
⊢ (□ ∀ t, twptp_pre (λ t, Ψ t ∧ twptp t) t -∗ Ψ t) → ∀ t, twptp t -∗ Ψ t.
iIntros "#IH" (t) "H".
assert (NonExpansive Ψ).
{ by intros n ?? ->%(discrete_iff _ _)%leibniz_equiv. }
iApply (least_fixpoint_ind _ Ψ with "[] H").
iIntros "!>" (t') "H". by iApply "IH".
Local Instance twptp_Permutation : Proper ((≡ₚ) ==> (⊢)) twptp.
iIntros (t1 t1' Ht) "Ht1". iRevert (t1' Ht); iRevert (t1) "Ht1".
iApply twptp_ind; iIntros "!>" (t1) "IH"; iIntros (t1' Ht).
rewrite twptp_unfold /twptp_pre. iIntros (t2 σ1 ns κ κs σ2 nt Hstep) "Hσ".
destruct (step_Permutation t1' t1 t2 κ σ1 σ2) as (t2'&?&?); [done..|].
iMod ("IH" $! t2' with "[% //] Hσ") as (n2) "($ & Hσ & IH & _)".
iModIntro. iExists n2. iFrame "Hσ". by iApply "IH".
Lemma twptp_app t1 t2 : twptp t1 -∗ twptp t2 -∗ twptp (t1 ++ t2).
iIntros "H1". iRevert (t2). iRevert (t1) "H1".
iApply twptp_ind; iIntros "!>" (t1) "IH1". iIntros (t2) "H2".
iRevert (t1) "IH1"; iRevert (t2) "H2".
iApply twptp_ind; iIntros "!>" (t2) "IH2". iIntros (t1) "IH1".
rewrite twptp_unfold /twptp_pre. iIntros (t1'' σ1 ns κ κs σ2 nt Hstep) "Hσ1".
destruct Hstep as [e1 σ1' e2 σ2' efs' t1' t2' [=Ht ?] ? Hstep]; simplify_eq/=.
apply app_eq_inv in Ht as [(t&?&?)|(t&?&?)]; subst.
- destruct t as [|e1' ?]; simplify_eq/=.
+ iMod ("IH2" with "[%] Hσ1") as (n2) "($ & Hσ & IH2 & _)".
{ by eapply (step_atomic _ _ _ _ _ []). }
iModIntro. iExists n2. iFrame "Hσ".
rewrite -{2}(left_id_L [] (++) (e2 :: _)). iApply "IH2".
by setoid_rewrite (right_id_L [] (++)).
+ iMod ("IH1" with "[%] Hσ1") as (n2) "($ & Hσ & IH1 & _)"; first by econstructor.
iAssert (twptp t2) with "[IH2]" as "Ht2".
{ rewrite twptp_unfold. iApply (twptp_pre_mono with "[] IH2").
iIntros "!> * [_ ?] //". }
iModIntro. iExists n2. iFrame "Hσ".
rewrite -assoc_L (comm _ t2) !cons_middle !assoc_L. by iApply "IH1".
- iMod ("IH2" with "[%] Hσ1") as (n2) "($ & Hσ & IH2 & _)"; first by econstructor.
iModIntro. iExists n2. iFrame "Hσ". rewrite -assoc_L. by iApply "IH2".
Lemma twp_twptp s Φ e : WP e @ s; ⊤ [{ Φ }] -∗ twptp [e].
iIntros "He". remember (⊤ : coPset) as E eqn:HE.
iRevert (HE). iRevert (e E Φ) "He". iApply twp_ind.
iIntros "!>" (e E Φ); iIntros "IH" (->).
rewrite twptp_unfold /twptp_pre /twp_pre.
iIntros (t1' σ1' ns κ κs σ2' nt Hstep) "Hσ1".
destruct Hstep as [e1 σ1 e2 σ2 efs [|? t1] t2 ?? Hstep];
simplify_eq/=; try discriminate_list.
destruct (to_val e1) as [v|] eqn:He1.
{ apply val_stuck in Hstep; naive_solver. }
iMod ("IH" with "Hσ1") as "[_ IH]".
iMod ("IH" with "[% //]") as "($ & Hσ & [IH _] & IHfork)".
iModIntro. iExists (length efs + nt). iFrame "Hσ".
iApply (twptp_app [_] with "(IH [//])").
clear. iInduction efs as [|e efs IH]; simpl.
{ rewrite twptp_unfold /twptp_pre. iIntros (t2 σ1 ns κ κs σ2 nt1 Hstep).
destruct Hstep; simplify_eq/=; discriminate_list. }
iDestruct "IHfork" as "[[IH' _] IHfork]".
iApply (twptp_app [_] with "(IH' [//])"). by iApply "IH".
Lemma twptp_total σ ns nt t :
state_interp σ ns [] nt -∗ twptp t ={⊤}=∗ ⌜sn erased_step (t, σ)⌝.
iIntros "Hσ Ht". iRevert (σ ns nt) "Hσ". iRevert (t) "Ht".
iApply twptp_ind; iIntros "!>" (t) "IH"; iIntros (σ ns nt) "Hσ".
iApply (pure_mono _ _ (Acc_intro _)). iIntros ([t' σ'] [κ Hstep]).
rewrite /twptp_pre.
iMod ("IH" with "[% //] Hσ") as (n' ->) "[Hσ [H _]]".
by iApply "H".
End adequacy.
Theorem twp_total Σ Λ `{!invGpreS Σ} s e σ Φ n :
(∀ `{Hinv : !invGS_gen HasNoLc Σ},
⊢ |={⊤}=> ∃
(stateI : state Λ → nat → list (observation Λ) → nat → iProp Σ)
From Require Import big_op fixpoint_mono.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From iris.program_logic Require Export total_weakestpre adequacy.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Import uPred.
Section adequacy.
Context `{!irisGS_gen HasNoLc Λ Σ}.
Implicit Types e : expr Λ.
Definition twptp_pre (twptp : list (expr Λ) → iProp Σ)
(t1 : list (expr Λ)) : iProp Σ :=
∀ t2 σ1 ns κ κs σ2 nt, ⌜step (t1,σ1) κ (t2,σ2)⌝ -∗
state_interp σ1 ns κs nt ={⊤}=∗
∃ nt', ⌜κ = []⌝ ∗ state_interp σ2 (S ns) κs nt' ∗ twptp t2.
Lemma twptp_pre_mono (twptp1 twptp2 : list (expr Λ) → iProp Σ) :
□ (∀ t, twptp1 t -∗ twptp2 t) -∗
∀ t, twptp_pre twptp1 t -∗ twptp_pre twptp2 t.
iIntros "#H"; iIntros (t) "Hwp". rewrite /twptp_pre.
iIntros (t2 σ1 ns κ κs σ2 nt1) "Hstep Hσ".
iMod ("Hwp" with "[$] [$]") as (n2) "($ & Hσ & ?)".
iModIntro. iExists n2. iFrame "Hσ". by iApply "H".
Local Instance twptp_pre_mono' : BiMonoPred twptp_pre.
constructor; first (intros ????; apply twptp_pre_mono).
intros wp Hwp n t1 t2 ?%(discrete_iff _ _)%leibniz_equiv; solve_proper.
Definition twptp (t : list (expr Λ)) : iProp Σ :=
bi_least_fixpoint twptp_pre t.
Lemma twptp_unfold t : twptp t ⊣⊢ twptp_pre twptp t.
Proof. by rewrite /twptp least_fixpoint_unfold. Qed.
Lemma twptp_ind Ψ :
⊢ (□ ∀ t, twptp_pre (λ t, Ψ t ∧ twptp t) t -∗ Ψ t) → ∀ t, twptp t -∗ Ψ t.
iIntros "#IH" (t) "H".
assert (NonExpansive Ψ).
{ by intros n ?? ->%(discrete_iff _ _)%leibniz_equiv. }
iApply (least_fixpoint_ind _ Ψ with "[] H").
iIntros "!>" (t') "H". by iApply "IH".
Local Instance twptp_Permutation : Proper ((≡ₚ) ==> (⊢)) twptp.
iIntros (t1 t1' Ht) "Ht1". iRevert (t1' Ht); iRevert (t1) "Ht1".
iApply twptp_ind; iIntros "!>" (t1) "IH"; iIntros (t1' Ht).
rewrite twptp_unfold /twptp_pre. iIntros (t2 σ1 ns κ κs σ2 nt Hstep) "Hσ".
destruct (step_Permutation t1' t1 t2 κ σ1 σ2) as (t2'&?&?); [done..|].
iMod ("IH" $! t2' with "[% //] Hσ") as (n2) "($ & Hσ & IH & _)".
iModIntro. iExists n2. iFrame "Hσ". by iApply "IH".
Lemma twptp_app t1 t2 : twptp t1 -∗ twptp t2 -∗ twptp (t1 ++ t2).
iIntros "H1". iRevert (t2). iRevert (t1) "H1".
iApply twptp_ind; iIntros "!>" (t1) "IH1". iIntros (t2) "H2".
iRevert (t1) "IH1"; iRevert (t2) "H2".
iApply twptp_ind; iIntros "!>" (t2) "IH2". iIntros (t1) "IH1".
rewrite twptp_unfold /twptp_pre. iIntros (t1'' σ1 ns κ κs σ2 nt Hstep) "Hσ1".
destruct Hstep as [e1 σ1' e2 σ2' efs' t1' t2' [=Ht ?] ? Hstep]; simplify_eq/=.
apply app_eq_inv in Ht as [(t&?&?)|(t&?&?)]; subst.
- destruct t as [|e1' ?]; simplify_eq/=.
+ iMod ("IH2" with "[%] Hσ1") as (n2) "($ & Hσ & IH2 & _)".
{ by eapply (step_atomic _ _ _ _ _ []). }
iModIntro. iExists n2. iFrame "Hσ".
rewrite -{2}(left_id_L [] (++) (e2 :: _)). iApply "IH2".
by setoid_rewrite (right_id_L [] (++)).
+ iMod ("IH1" with "[%] Hσ1") as (n2) "($ & Hσ & IH1 & _)"; first by econstructor.
iAssert (twptp t2) with "[IH2]" as "Ht2".
{ rewrite twptp_unfold. iApply (twptp_pre_mono with "[] IH2").
iIntros "!> * [_ ?] //". }
iModIntro. iExists n2. iFrame "Hσ".
rewrite -assoc_L (comm _ t2) !cons_middle !assoc_L. by iApply "IH1".
- iMod ("IH2" with "[%] Hσ1") as (n2) "($ & Hσ & IH2 & _)"; first by econstructor.
iModIntro. iExists n2. iFrame "Hσ". rewrite -assoc_L. by iApply "IH2".
Lemma twp_twptp s Φ e : WP e @ s; ⊤ [{ Φ }] -∗ twptp [e].
iIntros "He". remember (⊤ : coPset) as E eqn:HE.
iRevert (HE). iRevert (e E Φ) "He". iApply twp_ind.
iIntros "!>" (e E Φ); iIntros "IH" (->).
rewrite twptp_unfold /twptp_pre /twp_pre.
iIntros (t1' σ1' ns κ κs σ2' nt Hstep) "Hσ1".
destruct Hstep as [e1 σ1 e2 σ2 efs [|? t1] t2 ?? Hstep];
simplify_eq/=; try discriminate_list.
destruct (to_val e1) as [v|] eqn:He1.
{ apply val_stuck in Hstep; naive_solver. }
iMod ("IH" with "Hσ1") as "[_ IH]".
iMod ("IH" with "[% //]") as "($ & Hσ & [IH _] & IHfork)".
iModIntro. iExists (length efs + nt). iFrame "Hσ".
iApply (twptp_app [_] with "(IH [//])").
clear. iInduction efs as [|e efs IH]; simpl.
{ rewrite twptp_unfold /twptp_pre. iIntros (t2 σ1 ns κ κs σ2 nt1 Hstep).
destruct Hstep; simplify_eq/=; discriminate_list. }
iDestruct "IHfork" as "[[IH' _] IHfork]".
iApply (twptp_app [_] with "(IH' [//])"). by iApply "IH".
Lemma twptp_total σ ns nt t :
state_interp σ ns [] nt -∗ twptp t ={⊤}=∗ ⌜sn erased_step (t, σ)⌝.
iIntros "Hσ Ht". iRevert (σ ns nt) "Hσ". iRevert (t) "Ht".
iApply twptp_ind; iIntros "!>" (t) "IH"; iIntros (σ ns nt) "Hσ".
iApply (pure_mono _ _ (Acc_intro _)). iIntros ([t' σ'] [κ Hstep]).
rewrite /twptp_pre.
iMod ("IH" with "[% //] Hσ") as (n' ->) "[Hσ [H _]]".
by iApply "H".
End adequacy.
Theorem twp_total Σ Λ `{!invGpreS Σ} s e σ Φ n :
(∀ `{Hinv : !invGS_gen HasNoLc Σ},
⊢ |={⊤}=> ∃
(stateI : state Λ → nat → list (observation Λ) → nat → iProp Σ)
We abstract over any instance of irisG, and thus any value of
the field num_laters_per_step. This is needed because instances
of irisG (e.g., the one of HeapLang) are shared between WP and
TWP, where TWP simply ignores num_laters_per_step.
(num_laters_per_step : nat → nat)
(fork_post : val Λ → iProp Σ)
let _ : irisGS_gen HasNoLc Λ Σ :=
IrisG Hinv stateI fork_post num_laters_per_step state_interp_mono
stateI σ n [] 0 ∗ WP e @ s; ⊤ [{ Φ }]) →
sn erased_step ([e], σ). Proof.
intros Hwp. eapply pure_soundness.
apply (fupd_soundness_no_lc ⊤ ⊤ _ 0)=> Hinv. iIntros "_".
iMod (Hwp) as (stateI num_laters_per_step fork_post stateI_mono) "[Hσ H]".
set (iG := IrisG Hinv stateI fork_post num_laters_per_step stateI_mono).
iApply (@twptp_total _ _ iG _ n with "Hσ").
by iApply (@twp_twptp _ _ (IrisG Hinv _ fork_post _ _)).
(fork_post : val Λ → iProp Σ)
let _ : irisGS_gen HasNoLc Λ Σ :=
IrisG Hinv stateI fork_post num_laters_per_step state_interp_mono
stateI σ n [] 0 ∗ WP e @ s; ⊤ [{ Φ }]) →
sn erased_step ([e], σ). Proof.
intros Hwp. eapply pure_soundness.
apply (fupd_soundness_no_lc ⊤ ⊤ _ 0)=> Hinv. iIntros "_".
iMod (Hwp) as (stateI num_laters_per_step fork_post stateI_mono) "[Hσ H]".
set (iG := IrisG Hinv stateI fork_post num_laters_per_step stateI_mono).
iApply (@twptp_total _ _ iG _ n with "Hσ").
by iApply (@twp_twptp _ _ (IrisG Hinv _ fork_post _ _)).