Library iris.program_logic.adequacy

From iris.algebra Require Import gmap auth agree gset coPset.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import wsat.
From iris.program_logic Require Export weakestpre.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Import uPred.

This file contains the adequacy statements of the Iris program logic. First we prove a number of auxiliary results.

Section adequacy.
Context `{!irisGS_gen hlc Λ Σ}.
Implicit Types e : expr Λ.
Implicit Types P Q : iProp Σ.
Implicit Types Φ : val Λ iProp Σ.
Implicit Types Φs : list (val Λ iProp Σ).

Notation wptp s t Φs := ([∗ list] e;Φ t;Φs, WP e @ s; {{ Φ }})%I.

Local Lemma wp_step s e1 σ1 ns κ κs e2 σ2 efs nt Φ :
  prim_step e1 σ1 κ e2 σ2 efs
  state_interp σ1 ns (κ ++ κs) nt -∗
  £ (S (num_laters_per_step ns)) -∗
  WP e1 @ s; {{ Φ }}
    ={,}=∗ |={}▷=>^(S $ num_laters_per_step ns) |={,}=>
    state_interp σ2 (S ns) κs (nt + length efs) WP e2 @ s; {{ Φ }}
    wptp s efs (replicate (length efs) fork_post).
  rewrite {1}wp_unfold /wp_pre. iIntros (?) "Hσ Hcred H".
  rewrite (val_stuck e1 σ1 κ e2 σ2 efs) //.
  iMod ("H" $! σ1 ns with "Hσ") as "(_ & H)". iModIntro.
  iApply (step_fupdN_wand with "(H [//] Hcred)"). iIntros ">H".
  by rewrite Nat.add_comm big_sepL2_replicate_r.

Local Lemma wptp_step s es1 es2 κ κs σ1 ns σ2 Φs nt :
  step (es1,σ1) κ (es2, σ2)
  state_interp σ1 ns (κ ++ κs) nt -∗
  £ (S (num_laters_per_step ns)) -∗
  wptp s es1 Φs -∗
   nt', |={,}=> |={}▷=>^(S $ num_laters_per_step$ ns) |={,}=>
         state_interp σ2 (S ns) κs (nt + nt')
         wptp s es2 (Φs ++ replicate nt' fork_post).
  iIntros (Hstep) "Hσ Hcred Ht".
  destruct Hstep as [e1' σ1' e2' σ2' efs t2' t3 Hstep]; simplify_eq/=.
  iDestruct (big_sepL2_app_inv_l with "Ht") as (Φs1 Φs2 ->) "[? Ht]".
  iDestruct (big_sepL2_cons_inv_l with "Ht") as (Φ Φs3 ->) "[Ht ?]".
  iExists _. iMod (wp_step with "Hσ Hcred Ht") as "H"; first done. iModIntro.
  iApply (step_fupdN_wand with "H"). iIntros ">($ & He2 & Hefs) !>".
  rewrite -(assoc_L app) -app_comm_cons. iFrame.

Local Fixpoint steps_sum (num_laters_per_step : nat nat) (start ns : nat) : nat :=
  match ns with
  | O ⇒ 0
  | S ns
    S $ num_laters_per_step start + steps_sum num_laters_per_step (S start) ns

Local Lemma wptp_preservation s n es1 es2 κs κs' σ1 ns σ2 Φs nt :
  nsteps n (es1, σ1) κs (es2, σ2)
  state_interp σ1 ns (κs ++ κs') nt -∗
  £ (steps_sum num_laters_per_step ns n) -∗
  wptp s es1 Φs
  ={,}=∗ |={}▷=>^(steps_sum num_laters_per_step ns n) |={,}=> nt',
    state_interp σ2 (n + ns) κs' (nt + nt')
    wptp s es2 (Φs ++ replicate nt' fork_post).
  revert nt es1 es2 κs κs' σ1 ns σ2 Φs.
  induction n as [|n IH]=> nt es1 es2 κs κs' σ1 ns σ2 Φs /=.
  { inversion_clear 1; iIntros "? ? ?"; iExists 0=> /=.
    rewrite Nat.add_0_r right_id_L. iFrame. by iApply fupd_mask_subseteq. }
  iIntros (Hsteps) "Hσ Hcred He". inversion_clear Hsteps as [|?? [t1' σ1']].
  rewrite -(assoc_L (++)) Nat.iter_add -{1}plus_Sn_m plus_n_Sm.
  rewrite lc_split. iDestruct "Hcred" as "[Hc1 Hc2]".
  iDestruct (wptp_step with "Hσ Hc1 He") as (nt') ">H"; first eauto; simplify_eq.
  iModIntro. iApply step_fupdN_S_fupd. iApply (step_fupdN_wand with "H").
  iIntros ">(Hσ & He)". iMod (IH with "Hσ Hc2 He") as "IH"; first done. iModIntro.
  iApply (step_fupdN_wand with "IH"). iIntros ">IH".
  iDestruct "IH" as (nt'') "[??]".
  rewrite -Nat.add_assoc -(assoc_L app) -replicate_add. by eauto with iFrame.

Local Lemma wp_not_stuck κs nt e σ ns Φ :
  state_interp σ ns κs nt -∗ WP e {{ Φ }} ={, }=∗ not_stuck e σ.
  rewrite wp_unfold /wp_pre /not_stuck. iIntros "Hσ H".
  destruct (to_val e) as [v|] eqn:?.
  { iMod (fupd_mask_subseteq ); first set_solver. iModIntro. eauto. }
  iSpecialize ("H" $! σ ns [] κs with "Hσ"). rewrite sep_elim_l.
  iMod "H" as "%". iModIntro. eauto.

The adequacy statement of Iris consists of two parts: (1) the postcondition for all threads that have terminated in values and (2) progress (i.e., after n steps the program is not stuck). For an n-step execution of a thread pool, the two parts are given by wptp_strong_adequacy and wptp_progress below.
For the final adequacy theorem of Iris, wp_strong_adequacy_gen, we would like to instantiate the Iris proof (i.e., instantiate the {Hinv : !invGS_gen hlc Σ} κs, ...) and then use both lemmas to get progress and the postconditions. Unfortunately, since the addition of later credits, this is no longer possible, because the original proof relied on an interaction of the update modality and plain propositions. So instead, we employ a trick: we duplicate the instantiation of the Iris proof, such that we can "run the WP proof twice". That is, we instantiate the {Hinv : !invGS_gen hlc Σ} κs, ... both in wp_progress_gen and wp_strong_adequacy_gen. In doing so, we can avoid the interactions with the plain modality. In wp_strong_adequacy_gen, we can then make use of wp_progress_gen to prove the progress component of the main adequacy theorem.

Local Lemma wptp_postconditions Φs κs' s n es1 es2 κs σ1 ns σ2 nt:
  nsteps n (es1, σ1) κs (es2, σ2)
  state_interp σ1 ns (κs ++ κs') nt -∗
  £ (steps_sum num_laters_per_step ns n) -∗
  wptp s es1 Φs
  ={,}=∗ |={}▷=>^(steps_sum num_laters_per_step ns n) |={,}=> nt',
    state_interp σ2 (n + ns) κs' (nt + nt')
    [∗ list] e;Φ es2;Φs ++ replicate nt' fork_post, from_option Φ True (to_val e).
  iIntros (Hstep) "Hσ Hcred He". iMod (wptp_preservation with "Hσ Hcred He") as "Hwp"; first done.
  iModIntro. iApply (step_fupdN_wand with "Hwp").
  iMod 1 as (nt') "(Hσ & Ht)"; simplify_eq/=.
  iExists _. iFrame "Hσ".
  iApply big_sepL2_fupd.
  iApply (big_sepL2_impl with "Ht").
  iIntros "!#" (? e Φ ??) "Hwp".
  destruct (to_val e) as [v2|] eqn:He2'; last done.
  apply of_to_val in He2' as <-. simpl. iApply wp_value_fupd'. done.

Local Lemma wptp_progress Φs κs' n es1 es2 κs σ1 ns σ2 nt e2 :
  nsteps n (es1, σ1) κs (es2, σ2)
  e2 es2
  state_interp σ1 ns (κs ++ κs') nt -∗
  £ (steps_sum num_laters_per_step ns n) -∗
  wptp NotStuck es1 Φs
  ={,}=∗ |={}▷=>^(steps_sum num_laters_per_step ns n) |={}=> not_stuck e2 σ2.
  iIntros (Hstep Hel) "Hσ Hcred He". iMod (wptp_preservation with "Hσ Hcred He") as "Hwp"; first done.
  iModIntro. iApply (step_fupdN_wand with "Hwp").
  iMod 1 as (nt') "(Hσ & Ht)"; simplify_eq/=.
  eapply elem_of_list_lookup in Hel as [i Hlook].
  destruct ((Φs ++ replicate nt' fork_post) !! i) as [Φ|] eqn: Hlook2; last first.
  { rewrite big_sepL2_alt. iDestruct "Ht" as "[%Hlen _]". exfalso.
    eapply lookup_lt_Some in Hlook. rewrite Hlen in Hlook.
    eapply lookup_lt_is_Some_2 in Hlook. rewrite Hlook2 in Hlook.
    destruct Hlook as [? ?]. naive_solver. }
  iDestruct (big_sepL2_lookup with "Ht") as "Ht"; [done..|].
  by iApply (wp_not_stuck with "Hσ").
End adequacy.

Local Lemma wp_progress_gen (hlc : has_lc) Σ Λ `{!invGpreS Σ} es σ1 n κs t2 σ2 e2
        (num_laters_per_step : nat nat) :
    ( `{Hinv : !invGS_gen hlc Σ},
         (stateI : state Λ nat list (observation Λ) nat iProp Σ)
         (Φs : list (val Λ iProp Σ))
         (fork_post : val Λ iProp Σ)
       let _ : irisGS_gen hlc Λ Σ := IrisG Hinv stateI fork_post num_laters_per_step
       stateI σ1 0 κs 0
       ([∗ list] e;Φ es;Φs, WP e @ {{ Φ }}))
  nsteps n (es, σ1) κs (t2, σ2)
  e2 t2
  not_stuck e2 σ2.
  intros Hwp ??.
  eapply pure_soundness.
  eapply (step_fupdN_soundness_gen _ hlc (steps_sum num_laters_per_step 0 n)
    (steps_sum num_laters_per_step 0 n)).
  iIntros (Hinv) "Hcred".
  iMod Hwp as (stateI Φ fork_post state_interp_mono) "(Hσ & Hwp)".
  iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hwp") as %Hlen1.
  iMod (@wptp_progress _ _ _
       (IrisG Hinv stateI fork_post num_laters_per_step state_interp_mono) _ []
    with "[Hσ] Hcred Hwp") as "H"; [done| done |by rewrite right_id_L|].
  iAssert (|={}▷=>^(steps_sum num_laters_per_step 0 n) |={}=> not_stuck e2 σ2)%I
    with "[-]" as "H"; last first.
  { destruct steps_sum; [done|]. by iApply step_fupdN_S_fupd. }
  iApply (step_fupdN_wand with "H"). iIntros "$".

Iris's generic adequacy result The lemma is parameterized by use_credits over whether to make later credits available or not. Below, a concrete instances is provided with later credits (see wp_strong_adequacy).
Lemma wp_strong_adequacy_gen (hlc : has_lc) Σ Λ `{!invGpreS Σ} s es σ1 n κs t2 σ2 φ
        (num_laters_per_step : nat nat) :
  ( `{Hinv : !invGS_gen hlc Σ},
         (stateI : state Λ nat list (observation Λ) nat iProp Σ)
         (Φs : list (val Λ iProp Σ))
         (fork_post : val Λ iProp Σ)
       let _ : irisGS_gen hlc Λ Σ := IrisG Hinv stateI fork_post num_laters_per_step
       stateI σ1 0 κs 0
       ([∗ list] e;Φ es;Φs, WP e @ s; {{ Φ }})
       ( es' t2',
          t2 = es' ++ t2' -∗
          length es' = length es -∗
          e2, s = NotStuck e2 t2 not_stuck e2 σ2 -∗
         stateI σ2 n [] (length t2') -∗
         ([∗ list] e;Φ es';Φs, from_option Φ True (to_val e)) -∗
         ([∗ list] v omap to_val t2', fork_post v) -∗
         |={,}=> φ ))
  nsteps n (es, σ1) κs (t2, σ2)
  intros Hwp ?.
  eapply pure_soundness.
  eapply (step_fupdN_soundness_gen _ hlc (steps_sum num_laters_per_step 0 n)
    (steps_sum num_laters_per_step 0 n)).
  iIntros (Hinv) "Hcred".
  iMod Hwp as (stateI Φ fork_post state_interp_mono) "(Hσ & Hwp & Hφ)".
  iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hwp") as %Hlen1.
  iMod (@wptp_postconditions _ _ _
       (IrisG Hinv stateI fork_post num_laters_per_step state_interp_mono) _ []
    with "[Hσ] Hcred Hwp") as "H"; [done|by rewrite right_id_L|].
  iAssert (|={}▷=>^(steps_sum num_laters_per_step 0 n) |={}=> φ)%I
    with "[-]" as "H"; last first.
  { destruct steps_sum; [done|]. by iApply step_fupdN_S_fupd. }
  iApply (step_fupdN_wand with "H").
  iMod 1 as (nt') "(Hσ & Hval) /=".
  iDestruct (big_sepL2_app_inv_r with "Hval") as (es' t2' ->) "[Hes' Ht2']".
  iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Ht2'") as %Hlen2.
  rewrite replicate_length in Hlen2; subst.
  iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hes'") as %Hlen3.
  rewrite -plus_n_O.
  iApply ("Hφ" with "[//] [%] [ ] Hσ Hes'");
    [by rewrite Hlen1 Hlen3| |]; last first.
  { by rewrite big_sepL2_replicate_r // big_sepL_omap. }
  iPureIntro. intros e2Hel.
  eapply (wp_progress_gen hlc);
    [ done | clear stateI Φ fork_post state_interp_mono Hlen1 Hlen3 | done|done].
  iIntros (?).
  iMod Hwp as (stateI Φ fork_post state_interp_mono) "(Hσ & Hwp & Hφ)".
  iModIntro. iExists _, _, _, _. iFrame.

Adequacy when using later credits (the default)
Definition wp_strong_adequacy := wp_strong_adequacy_gen HasLc.
Global Arguments wp_strong_adequacy _ _ {_}.

Since the full adequacy statement is quite a mouthful, we prove some more intuitive and simpler corollaries. These lemmas are morover stated in terms of rtc erased_step so one does not have to provide the trace.
Record adequate {Λ} (s : stuckness) (e1 : expr Λ) (σ1 : state Λ)
    (φ : val Λ state Λ Prop) := {
  adequate_result t2 σ2 v2 :
   rtc erased_step ([e1], σ1) (of_val v2 :: t2, σ2) φ v2 σ2;
  adequate_not_stuck t2 σ2 e2 :
   s = NotStuck
   rtc erased_step ([e1], σ1) (t2, σ2)
   e2 t2 not_stuck e2 σ2

Lemma adequate_alt {Λ} s e1 σ1 (φ : val Λ state Λ Prop) :
  adequate s e1 σ1 φ t2 σ2,
    rtc erased_step ([e1], σ1) (t2, σ2)
      ( v2 t2', t2 = of_val v2 :: t2' φ v2 σ2)
      ( e2, s = NotStuck e2 t2 not_stuck e2 σ2).
  - intros []; naive_solver.
  - constructor; naive_solver.

Theorem adequate_tp_safe {Λ} (e1 : expr Λ) t2 σ1 σ2 φ :
  adequate NotStuck e1 σ1 φ
  rtc erased_step ([e1], σ1) (t2, σ2)
  Forall (λ e, is_Some (to_val e)) t2 t3 σ3, erased_step (t2, σ2) (t3, σ3).
  intros Had ?.
  destruct (decide (Forall (λ e, is_Some (to_val e)) t2)) as [|Ht2]; [by left|].
  apply (not_Forall_Exists _), Exists_exists in Ht2; destruct Ht2 as (e2&?&He2).
  destruct (adequate_not_stuck NotStuck e1 σ1 φ Had t2 σ2 e2) as [?|(κ&e3&σ3&efs&?)];
    rewrite ?eq_None_not_Some; auto.
  { exfalso. eauto. }
  destruct (elem_of_list_split t2 e2) as (t2'&t2''&->); auto.
  right; (t2' ++ e3 :: t2'' ++ efs), σ3, κ; econstructor; eauto.

This simpler form of adequacy requires the irisGS instance that you use everywhere to syntactically be of the form {| iris_invGS := ...; state_interp σ _ κs _ := ...; fork_post v := ...; num_laters_per_step _ := 0; state_interp_mono _ := fupd_intro _ ; |} In other words, the state interpretation must ignore ns and nt, the number of laters per step must be 0, and the proof of state_interp_mono must have this specific proof term. Again, we first prove a lemma generic over the usage of credits.
Lemma wp_adequacy_gen (hlc : has_lc) Σ Λ `{!invGpreS Σ} s e σ φ :
  ( `{Hinv : !invGS_gen hlc Σ} κs,
         (stateI : state Λ list (observation Λ) iProp Σ)
         (fork_post : val Λ iProp Σ),
       let _ : irisGS_gen hlc Λ Σ :=
           IrisG Hinv (λ σ _ κs _, stateI σ κs) fork_post (λ _, 0)
                 (λ _ _ _ _, fupd_intro _ _)
       stateI σ κs WP e @ s; {{ v, φ v }})
  adequate s e σ (λ v _, φ v).
  intros Hwp. apply adequate_alt; intros t2 σ2 [n [κs ?]]%erased_steps_nsteps.
  eapply (wp_strong_adequacy_gen hlc Σ _); [ | done]=> ?.
  iMod Hwp as (stateI fork_post) "[Hσ Hwp]".
  iExists (λ σ _ κs _, stateI σ κs), [(λ v, φ v%I)], fork_post, _ ⇒ /=.
  iIntros "{$Hσ $Hwp} !>" (e2 t2' → ? ?) "_ H _".
  iApply fupd_mask_intro_discard; [done|]. iSplit; [|done].
  iDestruct (big_sepL2_cons_inv_r with "H") as (e' ? ->) "[Hwp H]".
  iDestruct (big_sepL2_nil_inv_r with "H") as %->.
  iIntros (v2 t2'' [= → <-]). by rewrite to_of_val.

Instance for using credits
Definition wp_adequacy := wp_adequacy_gen HasLc.
Global Arguments wp_adequacy _ _ {_}.

Lemma wp_invariance_gen (hlc : has_lc) Σ Λ `{!invGpreS Σ} s e1 σ1 t2 σ2 φ :
  ( `{Hinv : !invGS_gen hlc Σ} κs,
         (stateI : state Λ list (observation Λ) nat iProp Σ)
         (fork_post : val Λ iProp Σ),
       let _ : irisGS_gen hlc Λ Σ := IrisG Hinv (λ σ _, stateI σ) fork_post
              (λ _, 0) (λ _ _ _ _, fupd_intro _ _) in
       stateI σ1 κs 0 WP e1 @ s; {{ _, True }}
       (stateI σ2 [] (pred (length t2)) -∗ E, |={,E}=> φ))
  rtc erased_step ([e1], σ1) (t2, σ2)
  intros Hwp [n [κs ?]]%erased_steps_nsteps.
  eapply (wp_strong_adequacy_gen hlc Σ); [done| |done]=> ?.
  iMod (Hwp _ κs) as (stateI fork_post) "(Hσ & Hwp & Hφ)".
  iExists (λ σ _, stateI σ), [(λ _, True)%I], fork_post, _ ⇒ /=.
  iIntros "{$Hσ $Hwp} !>" (e2 t2'_ _) "Hσ H _ /=".
  iDestruct (big_sepL2_cons_inv_r with "H") as (? ? ->) "[_ H]".
  iDestruct (big_sepL2_nil_inv_r with "H") as %->.
  iDestruct ("Hφ" with "Hσ") as (E) ">Hφ".
  by iApply fupd_mask_intro_discard; first set_solver.

Definition wp_invariance := wp_invariance_gen HasLc.
Global Arguments wp_invariance _ _ {_}.