
From Require Export derived_connectives extensions
  updates internal_eq plainly cmra.
From iris.base_logic Require Export upred.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Import uPred_primitive.

BI instances for uPred, and re-stating the remaining primitive laws in terms of the BI interface. This file does *not* unseal.

Definition uPred_emp {M} : uPred M := uPred_pure True.

Local Existing Instance entails_po.

Lemma uPred_bi_mixin (M : ucmra) :
    uPred_entails uPred_emp uPred_pure uPred_and uPred_or uPred_impl
    (@uPred_forall M) (@uPred_exist M) uPred_sep uPred_wand.
  - exact: entails_po.
  - exact: equiv_entails.
  - exact: pure_ne.
  - exact: and_ne.
  - exact: or_ne.
  - exact: impl_ne.
  - exact: forall_ne.
  - exact: exist_ne.
  - exact: sep_ne.
  - exact: wand_ne.
  - exact: pure_intro.
  - exact: pure_elim'.
  - exact: and_elim_l.
  - exact: and_elim_r.
  - exact: and_intro.
  - exact: or_intro_l.
  - exact: or_intro_r.
  - exact: or_elim.
  - exact: impl_intro_r.
  - exact: impl_elim_l'.
  - exact: @forall_intro.
  - exact: @forall_elim.
  - exact: @exist_intro.
  - exact: @exist_elim.
  - exact: sep_mono.
  - exact: True_sep_1.
  - exact: True_sep_2.
  - exact: sep_comm'.
  - exact: sep_assoc'.
  - exact: wand_intro_r.
  - exact: wand_elim_l'.

Lemma uPred_bi_persistently_mixin (M : ucmra) :
    uPred_entails uPred_emp uPred_and
    (@uPred_exist M) uPred_sep uPred_persistently.
  - exact: persistently_ne.
  - exact: persistently_mono.
  - exact: persistently_idemp_2.
    trans (uPred_forall (M:=M) (λ _ : False, uPred_persistently uPred_emp)).
    + apply forall_intro=>-[].
    + etrans; first exact: persistently_forall_2.
      apply persistently_mono. exact: pure_intro.
    intros P Q.
    trans (uPred_forall (M:=M) (λ b : bool, uPred_persistently (if b then P else Q))).
    + apply forall_intro=>[[]].
      × apply and_elim_l.
      × apply and_elim_r.
    + etrans; first exact: persistently_forall_2.
      apply persistently_mono. apply and_intro.
      × etrans; first apply (forall_elim true). done.
      × etrans; first apply (forall_elim false). done.
  - exact: @persistently_exist_1.
    intros. etrans; first exact: sep_comm'.
    etrans; last exact: True_sep_2.
    apply sep_mono; last done.
    exact: pure_intro.
  - exact: persistently_and_sep_l_1.

Lemma uPred_bi_later_mixin (M : ucmra) :
    uPred_entails uPred_pure uPred_or uPred_impl
    (@uPred_forall M) (@uPred_exist M) uPred_sep uPred_persistently uPred_later.
  - apply contractive_ne, later_contractive.
  - exact: later_mono.
  - exact: later_intro.
  - exact: @later_forall_2.
  - exact: @later_exist_false.
  - exact: later_sep_1.
  - exact: later_sep_2.
  - exact: later_persistently_1.
  - exact: later_persistently_2.
  - exact: later_false_em.

Canonical Structure uPredI (M : ucmra) : bi :=
  {| bi_ofe_mixin := ofe_mixin_of (uPred M);
     bi_bi_mixin := uPred_bi_mixin M;
     bi_bi_later_mixin := uPred_bi_later_mixin M;
     bi_bi_persistently_mixin := uPred_bi_persistently_mixin M |}.

Lemma uPred_internal_eq_mixin M : BiInternalEqMixin (uPredI M) (@uPred_internal_eq M).
  - exact: internal_eq_ne.
  - exact: @internal_eq_refl.
  - exact: @internal_eq_rewrite.
  - exact: @fun_ext.
  - exact: @sig_eq.
  - exact: @discrete_eq_1.
  - exact: @later_eq_1.
  - exact: @later_eq_2.
Global Instance uPred_internal_eq M : BiInternalEq (uPredI M) :=
  {| bi_internal_eq_mixin := uPred_internal_eq_mixin M |}.

Lemma uPred_plainly_mixin M : BiPlainlyMixin (uPredI M) uPred_plainly.
  - exact: plainly_ne.
  - exact: plainly_mono.
  - exact: plainly_elim_persistently.
  - exact: plainly_idemp_2.
  - exact: @plainly_forall_2.
  - exact: plainly_impl_plainly.
    intros P.
    trans (uPred_forall (M:=M) (λ _ : False , uPred_plainly uPred_emp)).
    + apply forall_intro=>[[]].
    + etrans; first exact: plainly_forall_2.
      apply plainly_mono. exact: pure_intro.
    intros P Q. etrans; last exact: True_sep_2.
    etrans; first exact: sep_comm'.
    apply sep_mono; last done.
    exact: pure_intro.
  - exact: later_plainly_1.
  - exact: later_plainly_2.
Global Instance uPred_plainly M : BiPlainly (uPredI M) :=
  {| bi_plainly_mixin := uPred_plainly_mixin M |}.

Lemma uPred_bupd_mixin M : BiBUpdMixin (uPredI M) uPred_bupd.
  - exact: bupd_ne.
  - exact: bupd_intro.
  - exact: bupd_mono.
  - exact: bupd_trans.
  - exact: bupd_frame_r.
Global Instance uPred_bi_bupd M : BiBUpd (uPredI M) := {| bi_bupd_mixin := uPred_bupd_mixin M |}.

extra BI instances

Global Instance uPred_affine M : BiAffine (uPredI M) | 0.
Proof. intros P. exact: pure_intro. Qed.
Global Hint Immediate uPred_affine : core.

Global Instance uPred_persistently_forall M : BiPersistentlyForall (uPredI M).
Proof. exact: @persistently_forall_2. Qed.

Global Instance uPred_pure_forall M : BiPureForall (uPredI M).
Proof. exact: @pure_forall_2. Qed.

Global Instance uPred_later_contractive {M} : BiLaterContractive (uPredI M).
Proof. exact: @later_contractive. Qed.

Global Instance uPred_persistently_impl_plainly M : BiPersistentlyImplPlainly (uPredI M).
Proof. exact: persistently_impl_plainly. Qed.

Global Instance uPred_plainly_exist_1 M : BiPlainlyExist (uPredI M).
Proof. exact: @plainly_exist_1. Qed.

Global Instance uPred_prop_ext M : BiPropExt (uPredI M).
Proof. exact: prop_ext_2. Qed.

Global Instance uPred_bi_bupd_plainly M : BiBUpdPlainly (uPredI M).
Proof. exact: bupd_plainly. Qed.

Re-state/export lemmas about Iris-specific primitive connectives (own, valid)

Module uPred.

Section restate.
  Context {M : ucmra}.
  Implicit Types φ : Prop.
  Implicit Types P Q : uPred M.
  Implicit Types A : Type.

  Notation "P ⊢ Q" := (bi_entails (PROP:=uPredI M) P%I Q%I).
  Notation "P ⊣⊢ Q" := (equiv (A:=uPredI M) P%I Q%I).

  Global Instance ownM_ne : NonExpansive (@uPred_ownM M) := uPred_primitive.ownM_ne.
  Global Instance cmra_valid_ne {A : cmra} : NonExpansive (@uPred_cmra_valid M A) :=

Re-exporting primitive lemmas that are not in any interface
  Lemma ownM_op (a1 a2 : M) :
    uPred_ownM (a1 a2) ⊣⊢ uPred_ownM a1 uPred_ownM a2.
  Proof. exact: uPred_primitive.ownM_op. Qed.
  Lemma persistently_ownM_core (a : M) : uPred_ownM a <pers> uPred_ownM (core a).
  Proof. exact: uPred_primitive.persistently_ownM_core. Qed.
  Lemma ownM_unit P : P (uPred_ownM ε).
  Proof. exact: uPred_primitive.ownM_unit. Qed.
  Lemma later_ownM a : uPred_ownM a b, uPred_ownM b (a b).
  Proof. exact: uPred_primitive.later_ownM. Qed.
  Lemma bupd_ownM_updateP x (Φ : M Prop) :
    x ~~>: Φ uPred_ownM x |==> y, Φ y uPred_ownM y.
  Proof. exact: uPred_primitive.bupd_ownM_updateP. Qed.
  Lemma ownM_forall {A} (f : A M) :
    ( a, uPred_ownM (f a)) z, uPred_ownM z ( a, f a z).
  Proof. exact: uPred_primitive.ownM_forall. Qed.

This is really just a special case of an entailment between two siProp, but we do not have the infrastructure to express the more general case. This temporary proof rule will be replaced by the proper one eventually.
  Lemma internal_eq_entails {A B : ofe} (a1 a2 : A) (b1 b2 : B) :
    (a1 a2 b1 b2) ( n, a1 ≡{n}≡ a2 b1 ≡{n}≡ b2).
  Proof. exact: uPred_primitive.internal_eq_entails. Qed.

  Lemma ownM_valid (a : M) : uPred_ownM a a.
  Proof. exact: uPred_primitive.ownM_valid. Qed.
  Lemma cmra_valid_intro {A : cmra} P (a : A) : a P ( a).
  Proof. exact: uPred_primitive.cmra_valid_intro. Qed.
  Lemma cmra_valid_elim {A : cmra} (a : A) : a ✓{0} a .
  Proof. exact: uPred_primitive.cmra_valid_elim. Qed.
  Lemma plainly_cmra_valid_1 {A : cmra} (a : A) : a a.
  Proof. exact: uPred_primitive.plainly_cmra_valid_1. Qed.
  Lemma cmra_valid_weaken {A : cmra} (a b : A) : (a b) a.
  Proof. exact: uPred_primitive.cmra_valid_weaken. Qed.

This is really just a special case of an entailment between two siProp, but we do not have the infrastructure to express the more general case. This temporary proof rule will be replaced by the proper one eventually.
  Lemma valid_entails {A B : cmra} (a : A) (b : B) :
    ( n, ✓{n} a ✓{n} b) a b.
  Proof. exact: uPred_primitive.valid_entails. Qed.

Consistency/soundness statement
  Lemma pure_soundness φ : (⊢@{uPredI M} φ ) φ.
  Proof. apply pure_soundness. Qed.

  Lemma internal_eq_soundness {A : ofe} (x y : A) : (⊢@{uPredI M} x y) x y.
  Proof. apply internal_eq_soundness. Qed.

  Lemma later_soundness P : ( P) P.
  Proof. apply later_soundness. Qed.

We restate the unsealing lemmas for the BI layer. The sealing lemmas are partially applied so that they also rewrite under binders.
  Local Lemma uPred_emp_unseal : bi_emp = @upred.uPred_pure_def M True.
  Proof. by rewrite -upred.uPred_pure_unseal. Qed.
  Local Lemma uPred_pure_unseal : bi_pure = @upred.uPred_pure_def M.
  Proof. by rewrite -upred.uPred_pure_unseal. Qed.
  Local Lemma uPred_and_unseal : bi_and = @upred.uPred_and_def M.
  Proof. by rewrite -upred.uPred_and_unseal. Qed.
  Local Lemma uPred_or_unseal : bi_or = @upred.uPred_or_def M.
  Proof. by rewrite -upred.uPred_or_unseal. Qed.
  Local Lemma uPred_impl_unseal : bi_impl = @upred.uPred_impl_def M.
  Proof. by rewrite -upred.uPred_impl_unseal. Qed.
  Local Lemma uPred_forall_unseal : @bi_forall _ = @upred.uPred_forall_def M.
  Proof. by rewrite -upred.uPred_forall_unseal. Qed.
  Local Lemma uPred_exist_unseal : @bi_exist _ = @upred.uPred_exist_def M.
  Proof. by rewrite -upred.uPred_exist_unseal. Qed.
  Local Lemma uPred_internal_eq_unseal :
    @internal_eq _ _ = @upred.uPred_internal_eq_def M.
  Proof. by rewrite -upred.uPred_internal_eq_unseal. Qed.
  Local Lemma uPred_sep_unseal : bi_sep = @upred.uPred_sep_def M.
  Proof. by rewrite -upred.uPred_sep_unseal. Qed.
  Local Lemma uPred_wand_unseal : bi_wand = @upred.uPred_wand_def M.
  Proof. by rewrite -upred.uPred_wand_unseal. Qed.
  Local Lemma uPred_plainly_unseal : plainly = @upred.uPred_plainly_def M.
  Proof. by rewrite -upred.uPred_plainly_unseal. Qed.
  Local Lemma uPred_persistently_unseal :
    bi_persistently = @upred.uPred_persistently_def M.
  Proof. by rewrite -upred.uPred_persistently_unseal. Qed.
  Local Lemma uPred_later_unseal : bi_later = @upred.uPred_later_def M.
  Proof. by rewrite -upred.uPred_later_unseal. Qed.
  Local Lemma uPred_bupd_unseal : bupd = @upred.uPred_bupd_def M.
  Proof. by rewrite -upred.uPred_bupd_unseal. Qed.

  Local Definition uPred_unseal :=
    (uPred_emp_unseal, uPred_pure_unseal, uPred_and_unseal, uPred_or_unseal,
    uPred_impl_unseal, uPred_forall_unseal, uPred_exist_unseal,
    uPred_internal_eq_unseal, uPred_sep_unseal, uPred_wand_unseal,
    uPred_plainly_unseal, uPred_persistently_unseal, uPred_later_unseal,
    upred.uPred_ownM_unseal, upred.uPred_cmra_valid_unseal, @uPred_bupd_unseal).
End restate.

A tactic for rewriting with the above lemmas. Unfolds uPred goals that use the BI layer. This is used by base_logic.algebra and base_logic.bupd_alt.
Ltac unseal := rewrite !uPred_unseal /=.
End uPred.