Library iris.base_logic.upred

From iris.algebra Require Export cmra updates.
From Require Import notation.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.

Local Hint Extern 1 (_ _) ⇒ etrans; [eassumption|] : core.
Local Hint Extern 1 (_ _) ⇒ etrans; [|eassumption] : core.
Local Hint Extern 10 (_ _) ⇒ lia : core.

The basic definition of the uPred type, its metric and functor laws. You probably do not want to import this file. Instead, import base_logic.base_logic; that will also give you all the primitive and many derived laws for the logic.
A good way of understanding this definition of the uPred OFE is to consider the OFE uPred0 of monotonous SProp predicates. That is, uPred0 is the OFE of non-expansive functions from M to SProp that are monotonous with respect to CMRA inclusion. This notion of monotonicity has to be stated in the SProp logic. Together with the usual closedness property of SProp, this gives exactly uPred_mono.
Then, we quotient uPred0 *in the siProp logic* with respect to equivalence on valid elements of M. That is, we quotient with respect to the following *siProp* equivalence relation: P1 ≡ P2 := ∀ x, ✓ x → (P1(x) ↔ P2(x)) (1) When seen from the ambiant logic, obtaining this quotient requires definig both a custom Equiv and Dist.
It is worth noting that this equivalence relation admits canonical representatives. More precisely, one can show that every equivalence class contains exactly one element P0 such that: ∀ x, (✓ x → P0(x)) → P0(x) (2) (Again, this assertion has to be understood in siProp). Intuitively, this says that P0 trivially holds whenever the resource is invalid. Starting from any element P, one can find this canonical representative by choosing: P0(x) := ✓ x → P(x) (3)
Hence, as an alternative definition of uPred, we could use the set of canonical representatives (i.e., the subtype of monotonous siProp predicates that verify (2)). This alternative definition would save us from using a quotient. However, the definitions of the various connectives would get more complicated, because we have to make sure they all verify (2), which sometimes requires some adjustments. We would moreover need to prove one more property for every logical connective.
Note that, somewhat curiously, uPred M is *not* in general a Camera, at least not if all propositions are considered "valid" Camera elements. It fails to satisfy the extension axiom. Here is the counterexample:
We use M := (option Ex {A,B})^2 -- so we have pairs whose components are ε, A or B.
  P r n := (ownM (A,A) ∧ ▷ False) ∨ ownM (A,B) ∨ ownM (B,A) ∨ ownM (B,B)
         ↔ r = (A,A) ∧ n = 0 ∨
           r = (A,B) ∨
           r = (B,A) ∨
           r = (B,B)
 Q1 r n := ownM (A, ε) ∨ ownM (B, ε)
         ↔ (A, ε) ≼ r ∨ (B, ε) ≼ r
           ("Left component is not ε")
 Q2 r n := ownM (ε, A) ∨ ownM (ε, B)
         ↔ (ε, A) ≼ r ∨ (ε, B) ≼ r
           ("Right component is not ε")
These are all sufficiently closed and non-expansive and whatnot. We have P ≡{0}≡ Q1 × Q2. So assume extension holds, then we get Q1', Q2' such that
 Q1 ≡{0}≡ Q1'
 Q2 ≡{0}≡ Q2'
Now comes the contradiction: We know that P (A,A) 1 does *not* hold, but I am going to show that (Q1' Q2') (A,A) 1 holds, which would be a contraction. To this end, I will show (a) Q1' (A,ε) 1 and (b) Q2' (ε,A) 1. The result (Q1' Q2') (A,A) follows from (A,ε) (ε,A) = (A,A).
(a) Proof of Q1' (A,ε) 1. We have P (A,B) 1, and thus Q1' r1 1 and Q2' r2 1 for some r1 r2 = (A,B). There are four possible decompositions r1 r2:
  • (ε,ε) (A,B): This would give us Q1' (ε,ε) 1, from which we obtain (through down-closure and the equality Q1 ≡{0}≡ Q1' above) that Q1 (ε,ε) 0. However, we know that's false.
  • (A,B) (ε,ε): Can be excluded for similar reasons (the second resource must not be ε in the 2nd component).
  • (ε,B) (A,ε): Can be excluded for similar reasons (the first resource must not be ε in the 1st component).
  • (A,ε) (ε,B): This gives us the desired Q1' (A,ε) 1.
(b) Proof of Q2' (ε,A) 1. We have P (B,A) 1, and thus Q1' r1 1 and Q2' r2 1 for some r1 r2 = (B,A). There are again four possible decompositions, and like above we can exclude three of them. This leaves us with (B,ε) (ε,A) and thus Q2' (ε,A) 1.
This completes the proof.

Record uPred (M : ucmra) : Type := UPred {
  uPred_holds : nat M Prop;

  uPred_mono n1 n2 x1 x2 :
    uPred_holds n1 x1 x1 ≼{n2} x2 n2 n1 uPred_holds n2 x2
When working in the model, it is convenient to be able to treat uPred as nat M Prop. But we only want to locally break the uPred abstraction this way.
Local Coercion uPred_holds : uPred >-> Funclass.
Bind Scope bi_scope with uPred.
Global Arguments uPred_holds {_} _ _ _ : simpl never.
Add Printing Constructor uPred.
Global Instance: Params (@uPred_holds) 3 := {}.

Section cofe.
  Context {M : ucmra}.

  Inductive uPred_equiv' (P Q : uPred M) : Prop :=
    { uPred_in_equiv : n x, ✓{n} x P n x Q n x }.
  Local Instance uPred_equiv : Equiv (uPred M) := uPred_equiv'.
  Inductive uPred_dist' (n : nat) (P Q : uPred M) : Prop :=
    { uPred_in_dist : n' x, n' n ✓{n'} x P n' x Q n' x }.
  Local Instance uPred_dist : Dist (uPred M) := uPred_dist'.
  Definition uPred_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin (uPred M).
    - intros P Q; split.
      + by intros HPQ n; spliti x ??; apply HPQ.
      + intros HPQ; splitn x ?; apply HPQ with n; auto.
    - intros n; split.
      + by intros P; splitx i.
      + by intros P Q HPQ; splitx i ??; symmetry; apply HPQ.
      + intros P Q Q' HP HQ; spliti x ??.
        by trans (Q i x);[apply HP|apply HQ].
    - intros n m P Q HPQ Hlt. spliti x ??; apply HPQ; eauto with lia.
  Canonical Structure uPredO : ofe := Ofe (uPred M) uPred_ofe_mixin.

  Program Definition uPred_compl : Compl uPredO := λ c,
    {| uPred_holds n x := n', n' n ✓{n'} x c n' n' x |}.
  Next Obligation.
    move⇒ /= c n1 n2 x1 x2 HP Hx12 Hn12 n3 Hn23 Hv. eapply uPred_mono.
    - eapply HP, cmra_validN_includedN, cmra_includedN_le=>//; lia.
    - eapply cmra_includedN_le=>//; lia.
    - done.
  Global Program Instance uPred_cofe : Cofe uPredO := {| compl := uPred_compl |}.
  Next Obligation.
    intros n c; spliti x Hin Hv.
    etrans; [|by symmetry; apply (chain_cauchy c i n)]. splitH; [by apply H|].
    repeat intro. apply (chain_cauchy c _ i)=>//. by eapply uPred_mono.
End cofe.
Global Arguments uPredO : clear implicits.

Global Instance uPred_ne {M} (P : uPred M) n : Proper (dist n ==> iff) (P n).
  intros x1 x2 Hx; split⇒ ?; eapply uPred_mono; eauto; by rewrite Hx.
Global Instance uPred_proper {M} (P : uPred M) n : Proper ((≡) ==> iff) (P n).
Proof. by intros x1 x2 Hx; apply uPred_ne, equiv_dist. Qed.

Lemma uPred_holds_ne {M} (P Q : uPred M) n1 n2 x :
  P ≡{n2}≡ Q n2 n1 ✓{n2} x Q n1 x P n2 x.
  intros [Hne] ???. eapply Hne; try done. eauto using uPred_mono, cmra_validN_le.

Lemma uPred_alt {M : ucmra} (P: nat M Prop) :
  ( n1 n2 x1 x2, P n1 x1 x1 ≼{n1} x2 n2 n1 P n2 x2)
  ( ( x n1 n2, n2 n1 P n1 x P n2 x)
   ( n x1 x2, x1 ≡{n}≡ x2 m, m n P m x1 P m x2)
   ( n x1 x2, x1 ≼{n} x2 m, m n P m x1 P m x2)
  assert ( n1 n2 (x1 x2 : M), n2 n1 x1 ≡{n1}≡ x2 x1 ≼{n2} x2).
  { intros ????? H. eapply cmra_includedN_le; last done. by rewrite H. }
  - intros Hupred. repeat split; eauto using cmra_includedN_le.
  - intros (Hdown & _ & Hmono) **. eapply Hmono; [done..|]. eapply Hdown; done.

Program Definition uPred_map {M1 M2 : ucmra} (f : M2 -n> M1)
  `{!CmraMorphism f} (P : uPred M1) :
  uPred M2 := {| uPred_holds n x := P n (f x) |}.
Next Obligation. naive_solver eauto using uPred_mono, cmra_morphism_monotoneN. Qed.

Global Instance uPred_map_ne {M1 M2 : ucmra} (f : M2 -n> M1)
  `{!CmraMorphism f} n : Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (uPred_map f).
  intros x1 x2 Hx; splitn' y ??.
  split; apply Hx; auto using cmra_morphism_validN.
Lemma uPred_map_id {M : ucmra} (P : uPred M): uPred_map cid P P.
Proof. by splitn x ?. Qed.
Lemma uPred_map_compose {M1 M2 M3 : ucmra} (f : M1 -n> M2) (g : M2 -n> M3)
    `{!CmraMorphism f, !CmraMorphism g} (P : uPred M3):
  uPred_map (g f) P uPred_map f (uPred_map g P).
Proof. by splitn x Hx. Qed.
Lemma uPred_map_ext {M1 M2 : ucmra} (f g : M1 -n> M2)
      `{!CmraMorphism f} `{!CmraMorphism g}:
  ( x, f x g x) x, uPred_map f x uPred_map g x.
Proof. intros Hf P; splitn x Hx /=; by rewrite /uPred_holds /= Hf. Qed.
Definition uPredO_map {M1 M2 : ucmra} (f : M2 -n> M1) `{!CmraMorphism f} :
  uPredO M1 -n> uPredO M2 := OfeMor (uPred_map f : uPredO M1 uPredO M2).
Lemma uPredO_map_ne {M1 M2 : ucmra} (f g : M2 -n> M1)
    `{!CmraMorphism f, !CmraMorphism g} n :
  f ≡{n}≡ g uPredO_map f ≡{n}≡ uPredO_map g.
  by intros Hfg P; splitn' y ??;
    rewrite /uPred_holds /= (dist_le _ _ _ _(Hfg y)); last lia.

Program Definition uPredOF (F : urFunctor) : oFunctor := {|
  oFunctor_car A _ B _ := uPredO (urFunctor_car F B A);
  oFunctor_map A1 _ A2 _ B1 _ B2 _ fg := uPredO_map (urFunctor_map F (fg.2, fg.1))
Next Obligation.
  intros F A1 ? A2 ? B1 ? B2 ? n P Q HPQ.
  apply uPredO_map_ne, urFunctor_map_ne; split; by apply HPQ.
Next Obligation.
  intros F A ? B ? P; simpl. rewrite -{2}(uPred_map_id P).
  apply uPred_map_exty. by rewrite urFunctor_map_id.
Next Obligation.
  intros F A1 ? A2 ? A3 ? B1 ? B2 ? B3 ? f g f' g' P; simpl. rewrite -uPred_map_compose.
  apply uPred_map_exty; apply urFunctor_map_compose.

Global Instance uPredOF_contractive F :
  urFunctorContractive F oFunctorContractive (uPredOF F).
  intros ? A1 ? A2 ? B1 ? B2 ? n P Q HPQ.
  apply uPredO_map_ne, urFunctor_map_contractive.
  destruct HPQ as [HPQ]. constructor. intros ??.
  split; by eapply HPQ.

logical entailement
Inductive uPred_entails {M} (P Q : uPred M) : Prop :=
  { uPred_in_entails : n x, ✓{n} x P n x Q n x }.
Global Hint Resolve uPred_mono : uPred_def.

logical connectives
Local Program Definition uPred_pure_def {M} (φ : Prop) : uPred M :=
  {| uPred_holds n x := φ |}.
Solve Obligations with done.
Local Definition uPred_pure_aux : seal (@uPred_pure_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition uPred_pure := uPred_pure_aux.(unseal).
Global Arguments uPred_pure {M}.
Local Definition uPred_pure_unseal :
  @uPred_pure = @uPred_pure_def := uPred_pure_aux.(seal_eq).

Local Program Definition uPred_and_def {M} (P Q : uPred M) : uPred M :=
  {| uPred_holds n x := P n x Q n x |}.
Solve Obligations with naive_solver eauto 2 with uPred_def.
Local Definition uPred_and_aux : seal (@uPred_and_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition uPred_and := uPred_and_aux.(unseal).
Global Arguments uPred_and {M}.
Local Definition uPred_and_unseal :
  @uPred_and = @uPred_and_def := uPred_and_aux.(seal_eq).

Local Program Definition uPred_or_def {M} (P Q : uPred M) : uPred M :=
  {| uPred_holds n x := P n x Q n x |}.
Solve Obligations with naive_solver eauto 2 with uPred_def.
Local Definition uPred_or_aux : seal (@uPred_or_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition uPred_or := uPred_or_aux.(unseal).
Global Arguments uPred_or {M}.
Local Definition uPred_or_unseal :
  @uPred_or = @uPred_or_def := uPred_or_aux.(seal_eq).

Local Program Definition uPred_impl_def {M} (P Q : uPred M) : uPred M :=
  {| uPred_holds n x := n' x',
       x x' n' n ✓{n'} x' P n' x' Q n' x' |}.
Next Obligation.
  intros M P Q n1 n1' x1 x1' HPQ [x2 Hx1'] Hn1 n2 x3 [x4 Hx3] ?; simpl in ×.
  rewrite Hx3 (dist_le _ _ _ _ Hx1'); auto. intros ??.
  eapply HPQ; auto. (x2 x4); by rewrite assoc.
Local Definition uPred_impl_aux : seal (@uPred_impl_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition uPred_impl := uPred_impl_aux.(unseal).
Global Arguments uPred_impl {M}.
Local Definition uPred_impl_unseal :
  @uPred_impl = @uPred_impl_def := uPred_impl_aux.(seal_eq).

Local Program Definition uPred_forall_def {M A} (Ψ : A uPred M) : uPred M :=
  {| uPred_holds n x := a, Ψ a n x |}.
Solve Obligations with naive_solver eauto 2 with uPred_def.
Local Definition uPred_forall_aux : seal (@uPred_forall_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition uPred_forall := uPred_forall_aux.(unseal).
Global Arguments uPred_forall {M A}.
Local Definition uPred_forall_unseal :
  @uPred_forall = @uPred_forall_def := uPred_forall_aux.(seal_eq).

Local Program Definition uPred_exist_def {M A} (Ψ : A uPred M) : uPred M :=
  {| uPred_holds n x := a, Ψ a n x |}.
Solve Obligations with naive_solver eauto 2 with uPred_def.
Local Definition uPred_exist_aux : seal (@uPred_exist_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition uPred_exist := uPred_exist_aux.(unseal).
Global Arguments uPred_exist {M A}.
Local Definition uPred_exist_unseal :
  @uPred_exist = @uPred_exist_def := uPred_exist_aux.(seal_eq).

Local Program Definition uPred_internal_eq_def {M} {A : ofe} (a1 a2 : A) : uPred M :=
  {| uPred_holds n x := a1 ≡{n}≡ a2 |}.
Solve Obligations with naive_solver eauto 2 using dist_le.
Local Definition uPred_internal_eq_aux : seal (@uPred_internal_eq_def).
Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition uPred_internal_eq := uPred_internal_eq_aux.(unseal).
Global Arguments uPred_internal_eq {M A}.
Local Definition uPred_internal_eq_unseal :
  @uPred_internal_eq = @uPred_internal_eq_def := uPred_internal_eq_aux.(seal_eq).

Local Program Definition uPred_sep_def {M} (P Q : uPred M) : uPred M :=
  {| uPred_holds n x := x1 x2, x ≡{n}≡ x1 x2 P n x1 Q n x2 |}.
Next Obligation.
  intros M P Q n1 n2 x y (x1&x2&Hx&?&?) [z Hy] Hn.
   x1, (x2 z); split_and?; eauto using uPred_mono, cmra_includedN_l.
  rewrite Hy. eapply dist_le, Hn. by rewrite Hx assoc.
Local Definition uPred_sep_aux : seal (@uPred_sep_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition uPred_sep := uPred_sep_aux.(unseal).
Global Arguments uPred_sep {M}.
Local Definition uPred_sep_unseal :
  @uPred_sep = @uPred_sep_def := uPred_sep_aux.(seal_eq).

Local Program Definition uPred_wand_def {M} (P Q : uPred M) : uPred M :=
  {| uPred_holds n x := n' x',
       n' n ✓{n'} (x x') P n' x' Q n' (x x') |}.
Next Obligation.
  intros M P Q n1 n1' x1 x1' HPQ ? Hn n3 x3 ???; simpl in ×.
  eapply uPred_mono with n3 (x1 x3);
    eauto using cmra_validN_includedN, cmra_monoN_r, cmra_includedN_le.
Local Definition uPred_wand_aux : seal (@uPred_wand_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition uPred_wand := uPred_wand_aux.(unseal).
Global Arguments uPred_wand {M}.
Local Definition uPred_wand_unseal :
  @uPred_wand = @uPred_wand_def := uPred_wand_aux.(seal_eq).

Local Program Definition uPred_plainly_def {M} (P : uPred M) : uPred M :=
  {| uPred_holds n x := P n ε |}.
Solve Obligations with naive_solver eauto using uPred_mono, ucmra_unit_validN.
Local Definition uPred_plainly_aux : seal (@uPred_plainly_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition uPred_plainly := uPred_plainly_aux.(unseal).
Global Arguments uPred_plainly {M}.
Local Definition uPred_plainly_unseal :
  @uPred_plainly = @uPred_plainly_def := uPred_plainly_aux.(seal_eq).

Local Program Definition uPred_persistently_def {M} (P : uPred M) : uPred M :=
  {| uPred_holds n x := P n (core x) |}.
Solve Obligations with naive_solver eauto using uPred_mono, cmra_core_monoN.
Local Definition uPred_persistently_aux : seal (@uPred_persistently_def).
Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition uPred_persistently := uPred_persistently_aux.(unseal).
Global Arguments uPred_persistently {M}.
Local Definition uPred_persistently_unseal :
  @uPred_persistently = @uPred_persistently_def := uPred_persistently_aux.(seal_eq).

Local Program Definition uPred_later_def {M} (P : uPred M) : uPred M :=
  {| uPred_holds n x := match n return _ with 0 ⇒ True | S n'P n' x end |}.
Next Obligation.
  intros M P [|n1] [|n2] x1 x2; eauto using uPred_mono, cmra_includedN_S with lia.
Local Definition uPred_later_aux : seal (@uPred_later_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition uPred_later := uPred_later_aux.(unseal).
Global Arguments uPred_later {M}.
Local Definition uPred_later_unseal :
  @uPred_later = @uPred_later_def := uPred_later_aux.(seal_eq).

Local Program Definition uPred_ownM_def {M : ucmra} (a : M) : uPred M :=
  {| uPred_holds n x := a ≼{n} x |}.
Next Obligation.
  intros M a n1 n2 x1 x [a' Hx1] [x2 Hx] Hn.
   (a' x2). rewrite Hx. eapply dist_le, Hn. rewrite (assoc op) -Hx1 //.
Local Definition uPred_ownM_aux : seal (@uPred_ownM_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition uPred_ownM := uPred_ownM_aux.(unseal).
Global Arguments uPred_ownM {M}.
Local Definition uPred_ownM_unseal :
  @uPred_ownM = @uPred_ownM_def := uPred_ownM_aux.(seal_eq).

Local Program Definition uPred_cmra_valid_def {M} {A : cmra} (a : A) : uPred M :=
  {| uPred_holds n x := ✓{n} a |}.
Solve Obligations with naive_solver eauto 2 using cmra_validN_le.
Local Definition uPred_cmra_valid_aux : seal (@uPred_cmra_valid_def).
Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition uPred_cmra_valid := uPred_cmra_valid_aux.(unseal).
Global Arguments uPred_cmra_valid {M A}.
Local Definition uPred_cmra_valid_unseal :
  @uPred_cmra_valid = @uPred_cmra_valid_def := uPred_cmra_valid_aux.(seal_eq).

Local Program Definition uPred_bupd_def {M} (Q : uPred M) : uPred M :=
  {| uPred_holds n x := k yf,
      k n ✓{k} (x yf) x', ✓{k} (x' yf) Q k x' |}.
Next Obligation.
  intros M Q n1 n2 x1 x2 HQ [x3 Hx] Hn k yf Hk.
  rewrite (dist_le _ _ _ _ Hx); last lia. intros Hxy.
  destruct (HQ k (x3 yf)) as (x'&?&?); [auto|by rewrite assoc|].
   (x' x3); split; first by rewrite -assoc.
  eauto using uPred_mono, cmra_includedN_l.
Local Definition uPred_bupd_aux : seal (@uPred_bupd_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition uPred_bupd := uPred_bupd_aux.(unseal).
Global Arguments uPred_bupd {M}.
Local Definition uPred_bupd_unseal :
  @uPred_bupd = @uPred_bupd_def := uPred_bupd_aux.(seal_eq).

Global uPred-specific Notation
Notation "✓ x" := (uPred_cmra_valid x) (at level 20) : bi_scope.

Primitive logical rules. These are not directly usable later because they do not refer to the BI connectives.
Module uPred_primitive.
Local Definition uPred_unseal :=
  (uPred_pure_unseal, uPred_and_unseal, uPred_or_unseal, uPred_impl_unseal,
  uPred_forall_unseal, uPred_exist_unseal, uPred_internal_eq_unseal,
  uPred_sep_unseal, uPred_wand_unseal, uPred_plainly_unseal,
  uPred_persistently_unseal, uPred_later_unseal, uPred_ownM_unseal,
  uPred_cmra_valid_unseal, @uPred_bupd_unseal).
Ltac unseal :=
  rewrite !uPred_unseal /=.

Section primitive.
  Context {M : ucmra}.
  Implicit Types φ : Prop.
  Implicit Types P Q : uPred M.
  Implicit Types A : Type.
  Local Arguments uPred_holds {_} !_ _ _ /.
  Local Hint Immediate uPred_in_entails : core.

The notations below are implicitly local due to the section, so we do not mind the overlap with the general BI notations.
  Notation "P ⊢ Q" := (@uPred_entails M P%I Q%I) : stdpp_scope.
  Notation "(⊢)" := (@uPred_entails M) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope.
  Notation "P ⊣⊢ Q" := (@uPred_equiv M P%I Q%I) : stdpp_scope.
  Notation "(⊣⊢)" := (@uPred_equiv M) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope.

  Notation "'True'" := (uPred_pure True) : bi_scope.
  Notation "'False'" := (uPred_pure False) : bi_scope.
  Notation "'⌜' φ '⌝'" := (uPred_pure φ%type%stdpp) : bi_scope.
  Infix "∧" := uPred_and : bi_scope.
  Infix "∨" := uPred_or : bi_scope.
  Infix "→" := uPred_impl : bi_scope.
  Notation "∀ x .. y , P" :=
    (uPred_forall (λ x, .. (uPred_forall (λ y, P)) ..)) : bi_scope.
  Notation "∃ x .. y , P" :=
    (uPred_exist (λ x, .. (uPred_exist (λ y, P)) ..)) : bi_scope.
  Infix "∗" := uPred_sep : bi_scope.
  Infix "-∗" := uPred_wand : bi_scope.
  Notation "□ P" := (uPred_persistently P) : bi_scope.
  Notation "■ P" := (uPred_plainly P) : bi_scope.
  Notation "x ≡ y" := (uPred_internal_eq x y) : bi_scope.
  Notation "▷ P" := (uPred_later P) : bi_scope.
  Notation "|==> P" := (uPred_bupd P) : bi_scope.

  Lemma entails_po : PreOrder (⊢).
    - by intros P; splitx i.
    - by intros P Q Q' HP HQ; splitx i ??; apply HQ, HP.
  Lemma entails_anti_sym : AntiSymm (⊣⊢) (⊢).
  Proof. intros P Q HPQ HQP; splitx n; by split; [apply HPQ|apply HQP]. Qed.
  Lemma equiv_entails P Q : (P ⊣⊢ Q) (P Q) (Q P).
    - intros HPQ; split; splitx i; apply HPQ.
    - intros [??]. exact: entails_anti_sym.
  Lemma entails_lim (cP cQ : chain (uPredO M)) :
    ( n, cP n cQ n) compl cP compl cQ.
    intros Hlim; splitn m ? HP.
    eapply uPred_holds_ne, Hlim, HP; rewrite ?conv_compl; eauto.

Non-expansiveness and setoid morphisms
  Lemma pure_ne n : Proper (iff ==> dist n) (@uPred_pure M).
  Proof. intros φ1 φ2 Hφ. by unseal; split⇒ -[|m] ?; try apply Hφ. Qed.

  Lemma and_ne : NonExpansive2 (@uPred_and M).
    intros n P P' HP Q Q' HQ; unseal; splitx n' ??.
    split; (intros [??]; split; [by apply HP|by apply HQ]).

  Lemma or_ne : NonExpansive2 (@uPred_or M).
    intros n P P' HP Q Q' HQ; splitx n' ??.
    unseal; split; (intros [?|?]; [left; by apply HP|right; by apply HQ]).

  Lemma impl_ne :
    NonExpansive2 (@uPred_impl M).
    intros n P P' HP Q Q' HQ; splitx n' ??.
    unseal; split; intros HPQ x' n'' ????; apply HQ, HPQ, HP; auto.

  Lemma sep_ne : NonExpansive2 (@uPred_sep M).
    intros n P P' HP Q Q' HQ; splitn' x ??.
    unseal; split; intros (x1&x2&?&?&?); ofe_subst x;
       x1, x2; split_and!; try (apply HP || apply HQ);
      eauto using cmra_validN_op_l, cmra_validN_op_r.

  Lemma wand_ne :
    NonExpansive2 (@uPred_wand M).
    intros n P P' HP Q Q' HQ; splitn' x ??; unseal; split; intros HPQ x' n'' ???;
      apply HQ, HPQ, HP; eauto using cmra_validN_op_r.

  Lemma internal_eq_ne (A : ofe) :
    NonExpansive2 (@uPred_internal_eq M A).
    intros n x x' Hx y y' Hy; splitn' z; unseal; split; intros; simpl in ×.
    - by rewrite -(dist_le _ _ _ _ Hx) -?(dist_le _ _ _ _ Hy); auto.
    - by rewrite (dist_le _ _ _ _ Hx) ?(dist_le _ _ _ _ Hy); auto.

  Lemma forall_ne A n :
    Proper (pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> dist n) (@uPred_forall M A).
    by intros Ψ1 Ψ2 ; unseal; splitn' x; split; intros HP a; apply .

  Lemma exist_ne A n :
    Proper (pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> dist n) (@uPred_exist M A).
    intros Ψ1 Ψ2 .
    unseal; splitn' x ??; split; intros [a ?]; a; by apply .

  Lemma later_contractive : Contractive (@uPred_later M).
    unseal; intros [|n] P Q HPQ; split⇒ -[|n'] x ?? //=; try lia.
    eapply HPQ; eauto using cmra_validN_S.

  Lemma plainly_ne : NonExpansive (@uPred_plainly M).
    intros n P1 P2 HP.
    unseal; splitn' x; split; apply HP; eauto using ucmra_unit_validN.

  Lemma persistently_ne : NonExpansive (@uPred_persistently M).
    intros n P1 P2 HP.
    unseal; splitn' x; split; apply HP; eauto using cmra_core_validN.

  Lemma ownM_ne : NonExpansive (@uPred_ownM M).
    intros n a b Ha.
    unseal; splitn' x ? /=. by rewrite (dist_le _ _ _ _ Ha); last lia.

  Lemma cmra_valid_ne {A : cmra} :
    NonExpansive (@uPred_cmra_valid M A).
    intros n a b Ha; unseal; splitn' x ? /=.
    by rewrite (dist_le _ _ _ _ Ha); last lia.

  Lemma bupd_ne : NonExpansive (@uPred_bupd M).
    intros n P Q HPQ.
    unseal; splitn' x; split; intros HP k yf ??;
      destruct (HP k yf) as (x'&?&?); auto;
       x'; split; auto; apply HPQ; eauto using cmra_validN_op_l.

Introduction and elimination rules
  Lemma pure_intro φ P : φ P φ.
  Proof. by intros ?; unseal; split. Qed.
  Lemma pure_elim' φ P : (φ True P) φ P.
  Proof. unseal; intros HP; splitn x ??. by apply HP. Qed.
  Lemma pure_forall_2 {A} (φ : A Prop) : ( x : A, φ x) x : A, φ x.
  Proof. by unseal. Qed.

  Lemma and_elim_l P Q : P Q P.
  Proof. by unseal; splitn x ? [??]. Qed.
  Lemma and_elim_r P Q : P Q Q.
  Proof. by unseal; splitn x ? [??]. Qed.
  Lemma and_intro P Q R : (P Q) (P R) P Q R.
  Proof. intros HQ HR; unseal; splitn x ??; by split; [apply HQ|apply HR]. Qed.

  Lemma or_intro_l P Q : P P Q.
  Proof. unseal; splitn x ??; left; auto. Qed.
  Lemma or_intro_r P Q : Q P Q.
  Proof. unseal; splitn x ??; right; auto. Qed.
  Lemma or_elim P Q R : (P R) (Q R) P Q R.
    intros HP HQ; unseal; splitn x ? [?|?].
    - by apply HP.
    - by apply HQ.

  Lemma impl_intro_r P Q R : (P Q R) P Q R.
    unseal; intros HQ; splitn x ?? n' x' ????. apply HQ;
      naive_solver eauto using uPred_mono, cmra_included_includedN.
  Lemma impl_elim_l' P Q R : (P Q R) P Q R.
  Proof. unseal; intros HP ; splitn x ? [??]; apply HP with n x; auto. Qed.

  Lemma forall_intro {A} P (Ψ : A uPred M): ( a, P Ψ a) P a, Ψ a.
  Proof. unseal; intros HPΨ; splitn x ?? a; by apply HPΨ. Qed.
  Lemma forall_elim {A} {Ψ : A uPred M} a : ( a, Ψ a) Ψ a.
  Proof. unseal; splitn x ? HP; apply HP. Qed.

  Lemma exist_intro {A} {Ψ : A uPred M} a : Ψ a a, Ψ a.
  Proof. unseal; splitn x ??; by a. Qed.
  Lemma exist_elim {A} (Φ : A uPred M) Q : ( a, Φ a Q) ( a, Φ a) Q.
  Proof. unseal; intros HΦΨ; splitn x ? [a ?]; by apply HΦΨ with a. Qed.

BI connectives
  Lemma sep_mono P P' Q Q' : (P Q) (P' Q') P P' Q Q'.
    intros HQ HQ'; unseal.
    split; intros n' x ? (x1&x2&?&?&?); x1,x2; ofe_subst x;
      eauto 7 using cmra_validN_op_l, cmra_validN_op_r, uPred_in_entails.
  Lemma True_sep_1 P : P True P.
    unseal; split; intros n x ??. (core x), x. by rewrite cmra_core_l.
  Lemma True_sep_2 P : True P P.
    unseal; split; intros n x ? (x1&x2&?&_&?); ofe_subst;
      eauto using uPred_mono, cmra_includedN_r.
  Lemma sep_comm' P Q : P Q Q P.
    unseal; split; intros n x ? (x1&x2&?&?&?); x2, x1; by rewrite (comm op).
  Lemma sep_assoc' P Q R : (P Q) R P (Q R).
    unseal; split; intros n x ? (x1&x2&Hx&(y1&y2&Hy&?&?)&?).
     y1, (y2 x2); split_and?; auto.
    + by rewrite (assoc op) -Hy -Hx.
    + by y2, x2.
  Lemma wand_intro_r P Q R : (P Q R) P Q -∗ R.
    unsealHPQR; splitn x ?? n' x' ???; apply HPQR; auto.
     x, x'; split_and?; auto.
    eapply uPred_mono with n x; eauto using cmra_validN_op_l.
  Lemma wand_elim_l' P Q R : (P Q -∗ R) P Q R.
    unsealHPQR. split; intros n x ? (?&?&?&?&?). ofe_subst.
    eapply HPQR; eauto using cmra_validN_op_l.

  Lemma persistently_mono P Q : (P Q) P Q.
  Proof. intros HP; unseal; splitn x ? /=. by apply HP, cmra_core_validN. Qed.
  Lemma persistently_elim P : P P.
    unseal; splitn x ? /=.
    eauto using uPred_mono, cmra_included_core, cmra_included_includedN.
  Lemma persistently_idemp_2 P : P P.
  Proof. unseal; splitn x ?? /=. by rewrite cmra_core_idemp. Qed.

  Lemma persistently_forall_2 {A} (Ψ : A uPred M) : ( a, Ψ a) ( a, Ψ a).
  Proof. by unseal. Qed.
  Lemma persistently_exist_1 {A} (Ψ : A uPred M) : ( a, Ψ a) ( a, Ψ a).
  Proof. by unseal. Qed.

  Lemma persistently_and_sep_l_1 P Q : P Q P Q.
    unseal; splitn x ? [??]; (core x), x; simpl in ×.
    by rewrite cmra_core_l.

  Lemma plainly_mono P Q : (P Q) P Q.
  Proof. intros HP; unseal; splitn x ? /=. apply HP, ucmra_unit_validN. Qed.
  Lemma plainly_elim_persistently P : P P.
  Proof. unseal; split; simpl; eauto using uPred_mono, ucmra_unit_leastN. Qed.
  Lemma plainly_idemp_2 P : P P.
  Proof. unseal; splitn x ?? //. Qed.

  Lemma plainly_forall_2 {A} (Ψ : A uPred M) : ( a, Ψ a) ( a, Ψ a).
  Proof. by unseal. Qed.
  Lemma plainly_exist_1 {A} (Ψ : A uPred M) : ( a, Ψ a) ( a, Ψ a).
  Proof. by unseal. Qed.

  Lemma prop_ext_2 P Q : ((P -∗ Q) (Q -∗ P)) P Q.
    unseal; splitn x ? /=. setoid_rewrite (left_id ε op). split; naive_solver.

  Lemma persistently_impl_plainly P Q : ( P Q) ( P Q).
    unseal; split⇒ /= n x ? HPQ n' x' ????.
    eapply uPred_mono with n' (core x)=>//; [|by apply cmra_included_includedN].
    apply (HPQ n' x); eauto using cmra_validN_le.

  Lemma plainly_impl_plainly P Q : ( P Q) (■ P Q).
    unseal; split⇒ /= n x ? HPQ n' x' ????.
    eapply uPred_mono with n' ε=>//; [|by apply cmra_included_includedN].
    apply (HPQ n' x); eauto using cmra_validN_le.

  Lemma later_mono P Q : (P Q) P Q.
    unsealHP; split=>-[|n] x ??; [done|apply HP; eauto using cmra_validN_S].
  Lemma later_intro P : P P.
    unseal; split⇒ -[|n] /= x ? HP; first done.
    apply uPred_mono with (S n) x; eauto using cmra_validN_S.
  Lemma later_forall_2 {A} (Φ : A uPred M) : ( a, Φ a) a, Φ a.
  Proof. unseal; by split⇒ -[|n] x. Qed.
  Lemma later_exist_false {A} (Φ : A uPred M) :
    ( a, Φ a) False ( a, Φ a).
  Proof. unseal; split⇒ -[|[|n]] x /=; eauto. Qed.
  Lemma later_sep_1 P Q : (P Q) P Q.
    unseal; splitn x ?.
    destruct n as [|n]; simpl.
    { by x, (core x); rewrite cmra_core_r. }
    intros (x1&x2&Hx&?&?); destruct (cmra_extend n x x1 x2)
      as (y1&y2&Hx'&Hy1&Hy2); eauto using cmra_validN_S; simpl in ×.
     y1, y2; split; [by rewrite Hx'|by rewrite Hy1 Hy2].
  Lemma later_sep_2 P Q : P Q (P Q).
    unseal; splitn x ?.
    destruct n as [|n]; simpl; [done|intros (x1&x2&Hx&?&?)].
     x1, x2; eauto using dist_S.

  Lemma later_false_em P : P False ( False P).
    unseal; split⇒ -[|n] x ? /= HP; [by left|right].
    intros [|n'] x' ????; eauto using uPred_mono, cmra_included_includedN.

  Lemma later_persistently_1 P : P P.
  Proof. by unseal. Qed.
  Lemma later_persistently_2 P : P P.
  Proof. by unseal. Qed.
  Lemma later_plainly_1 P : P P.
  Proof. by unseal. Qed.
  Lemma later_plainly_2 P : P P.
  Proof. by unseal. Qed.

Internal equality
  Lemma internal_eq_refl {A : ofe} P (a : A) : P (a a).
  Proof. unseal; by splitn x ??; simpl. Qed.
  Lemma internal_eq_rewrite {A : ofe} a b (Ψ : A uPred M) :
    NonExpansive Ψ a b Ψ a Ψ b.
  Proof. intros . unseal; splitn x ?? n' x' ??? Ha. by apply with n a. Qed.

  Lemma fun_ext {A} {B : A ofe} (g1 g2 : discrete_fun B) :
    ( i, g1 i g2 i) g1 g2.
  Proof. by unseal. Qed.
  Lemma sig_eq {A : ofe} (P : A Prop) (x y : sigO P) :
    proj1_sig x proj1_sig y x y.
  Proof. by unseal. Qed.

  Lemma later_eq_1 {A : ofe} (x y : A) : Next x Next y (x y).
    unseal. split. intros [|n]; simpl; [done|].
    intros ?? Heq; apply Heq; auto.
  Lemma later_eq_2 {A : ofe} (x y : A) : (x y) Next x Next y.
    unseal. split. intros n ? ? Hn; split; intros m Hlt; simpl in ×.
    destruct n as [|n]; first lia.
    eauto using dist_le with si_solver.

  Lemma discrete_eq_1 {A : ofe} (a b : A) : Discrete a a b a b.
    unseal⇒ ?. splitn x ?. by apply (discrete_iff n).

This is really just a special case of an entailment between two siProp, but we do not have the infrastructure to express the more general case. This temporary proof rule will be replaced by the proper one eventually.
  Lemma internal_eq_entails {A B : ofe} (a1 a2 : A) (b1 b2 : B) :
    (a1 a2 b1 b2) ( n, a1 ≡{n}≡ a2 b1 ≡{n}≡ b2).
    - unseal⇒ -[Hsi] n. apply (Hsi _ ε), ucmra_unit_validN.
    - unsealHsi. splitn x ?. apply Hsi.

Basic update modality
  Lemma bupd_intro P : P |==> P.
    unseal. splitn x ? HP k yf ?; x; split; first done.
    apply uPred_mono with n x; eauto using cmra_validN_op_l.
  Lemma bupd_mono P Q : (P Q) (|==> P) |==> Q.
    unseal. intros HPQ; splitn x ? HP k yf ??.
    destruct (HP k yf) as (x'&?&?); eauto.
     x'; split; eauto using uPred_in_entails, cmra_validN_op_l.
  Lemma bupd_trans P : (|==> |==> P) |==> P.
  Proof. unseal; split; naive_solver. Qed.
  Lemma bupd_frame_r P R : (|==> P) R |==> P R.
    unseal; split; intros n x ? (x1&x2&Hx&HP&?) k yf ??.
    destruct (HP k (x2 yf)) as (x'&?&?); eauto.
    { by rewrite assoc -(dist_le _ _ _ _ Hx); last lia. }
     (x' x2); split; first by rewrite -assoc.
     x', x2. eauto using uPred_mono, cmra_validN_op_l, cmra_validN_op_r.
  Lemma bupd_plainly P : (|==> P) P.
    unseal; splitn x Hnx /= Hng.
    destruct (Hng n ε) as [? [_ Hng']]; try rewrite right_id; auto.
    eapply uPred_mono; eauto using ucmra_unit_leastN.

  Lemma ownM_op (a1 a2 : M) :
    uPred_ownM (a1 a2) ⊣⊢ uPred_ownM a1 uPred_ownM a2.
    unseal; splitn x ?; split.
    - intros [z ?]; a1, (a2 z); split; [by rewrite (assoc op)|].
      + by (core a1); rewrite cmra_core_r.
      + by z.
    - intros (y1&y2&Hx&[z1 Hy1]&[z2 Hy2]); (z1 z2).
      by rewrite (assoc op _ z1) -(comm op z1) (assoc op z1)
        -(assoc op _ a2) (comm op z1) -Hy1 -Hy2.
  Lemma persistently_ownM_core (a : M) : uPred_ownM a uPred_ownM (core a).
    splitn x /=; unseal; intros Hx. simpl. by apply cmra_core_monoN.
  Lemma ownM_unit P : P (uPred_ownM ε).
  Proof. unseal; splitn x ??; by x; rewrite left_id. Qed.
  Lemma later_ownM a : uPred_ownM a b, uPred_ownM b (a b).
    unseal; split⇒ -[|n] x /= ? Hax; first by eauto using ucmra_unit_leastN.
    destruct Hax as [y ?].
    destruct (cmra_extend n x a y) as (a'&y'&Hx&?&?); auto using cmra_validN_S.
     a'. rewrite Hx. eauto using cmra_includedN_l.

  Lemma bupd_ownM_updateP x (Φ : M Prop) :
    x ~~>: Φ uPred_ownM x |==> y, Φ y uPred_ownM y.
    unsealHup; splitn x2 ? [x3 Hx] k yf ??.
    destruct (Hup k (Some (x3 yf))) as (y&?&?); simpl in ×.
    { rewrite /= assoc -(dist_le _ _ _ _ Hx); auto. }
     (y x3); split; first by rewrite -assoc.
     y; eauto using cmra_includedN_l.

  Lemma ownM_forall {A} (f : A M) :
    ( a, uPred_ownM (f a)) z, uPred_ownM z ( a, xf, z f a xf).
    unseal. splitn y /= Hval Hf. y. split; [done|]. intros a.
    destruct (Hf a) as [xf ?]; eauto.

  Lemma ownM_valid (a : M) : uPred_ownM a a.
    unseal; splitn x Hv [a' ?]; ofe_subst; eauto using cmra_validN_op_l.
  Lemma cmra_valid_intro {A : cmra} P (a : A) : a P ( a).
  Proof. unseal⇒ ?; splitn x ? _ /=; by apply cmra_valid_validN. Qed.
  Lemma cmra_valid_elim {A : cmra} (a : A) : a ✓{0} a .
  Proof. unseal; splitn x ??; apply cmra_validN_le with n; auto. Qed.
  Lemma plainly_cmra_valid_1 {A : cmra} (a : A) : a a.
  Proof. by unseal. Qed.
  Lemma cmra_valid_weaken {A : cmra} (a b : A) : (a b) a.
  Proof. unseal; splitn x _; apply cmra_validN_op_l. Qed.

This is really just a special case of an entailment between two siProp, but we do not have the infrastructure to express the more general case. This temporary proof rule will be replaced by the proper one eventually.
  Lemma valid_entails {A B : cmra} (a : A) (b : B) :
    ( n, ✓{n} a ✓{n} b) a b.
  Proof. unsealHval. splitn x ?. apply Hval. Qed.

Consistency/soundness statement The lemmas pure_soundness and internal_eq_soundness should become an instance of siProp soundness in the future.
  Lemma pure_soundness φ : (True φ ) φ.
  Proof. unseal⇒ -[H]. by apply (H 0 ε); eauto using ucmra_unit_validN. Qed.

  Lemma internal_eq_soundness {A : ofe} (x y : A) : (True x y) x y.
    unseal⇒ -[H]. apply equiv_distn.
    by apply (H n ε); eauto using ucmra_unit_validN.

  Lemma later_soundness P : (True P) (True P).
    unseal⇒ -[HP]; splitn x Hx _.
    apply uPred_mono with n ε; eauto using ucmra_unit_leastN.
    by apply (HP (S n)); eauto using ucmra_unit_validN.
End primitive.
End uPred_primitive.