From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From Require Import internal_eq.
From iris.algebra Require Import cmra csum excl agree.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
From Require Import internal_eq.
From iris.algebra Require Import cmra csum excl agree.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Derived ≼ connective on cmra elements. This can be defined on
any bi that has internal equality ≡. It corresponds to the
step-indexed ≼{n} connective in the uPred model.
Definition internal_included `{!BiInternalEq PROP} {A : cmra} (a b : A) : PROP :=
∃ c, b ≡ a ⋅ c.
Global Arguments internal_included {_ _ _} _ _ : simpl never.
Global Instance: Params (@internal_included) 3 := {}.
Global Typeclasses Opaque internal_included.
Infix "≼" := internal_included : bi_scope.
Section internal_included_laws.
Context `{!BiInternalEq PROP}.
Implicit Type A B : cmra.
Notation "P ⊢ Q" := (P ⊢@{PROP} Q).
Notation "P ⊣⊢ Q" := (P ⊣⊢@{PROP} Q).
∃ c, b ≡ a ⋅ c.
Global Arguments internal_included {_ _ _} _ _ : simpl never.
Global Instance: Params (@internal_included) 3 := {}.
Global Typeclasses Opaque internal_included.
Infix "≼" := internal_included : bi_scope.
Section internal_included_laws.
Context `{!BiInternalEq PROP}.
Implicit Type A B : cmra.
Notation "P ⊢ Q" := (P ⊢@{PROP} Q).
Notation "P ⊣⊢ Q" := (P ⊣⊢@{PROP} Q).
Global Instance internal_included_nonexpansive A :
NonExpansive2 (internal_included (PROP := PROP) (A := A)).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance internal_included_proper A :
Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (internal_included (PROP := PROP) (A := A)).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
NonExpansive2 (internal_included (PROP := PROP) (A := A)).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance internal_included_proper A :
Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (internal_included (PROP := PROP) (A := A)).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Proofmode support
Global Instance into_pure_internal_included {A} (a b : A) `{!Discrete b} :
@IntoPure PROP (a ≼ b) (a ≼ b).
Proof. rewrite /IntoPure /internal_included. eauto. Qed.
Global Instance from_pure_internal_included {A} (a b : A) :
@FromPure PROP false (a ≼ b) (a ≼ b).
Proof. rewrite /FromPure /= /internal_included. eauto. Qed.
Global Instance into_exist_internal_included {A} (a b : A) :
IntoExist (PROP := PROP) (a ≼ b) (λ c, b ≡ a ⋅ c)%I (λ x, x).
Proof. by rewrite /IntoExist. Qed.
Global Instance from_exist_internal_included {A} (a b : A) :
FromExist (PROP := PROP) (a ≼ b) (λ c, b ≡ a ⋅ c)%I.
Proof. by rewrite /FromExist. Qed.
Global Instance internal_included_persistent {A} (a b : A) :
Persistent (PROP := PROP) (a ≼ b).
Proof. rewrite /internal_included. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance internal_included_absorbing {A} (a b : A) :
Absorbing (PROP := PROP) (a ≼ b).
Proof. rewrite /internal_included. apply _. Qed.
Lemma internal_included_refl `{!CmraTotal A} (x : A) : ⊢@{PROP} x ≼ x.
Proof. iExists (core x). by rewrite cmra_core_r. Qed.
Lemma internal_included_trans {A} (x y z : A) :
⊢@{PROP} x ≼ y -∗ y ≼ z -∗ x ≼ z.
iIntros "#[%x' Hx'] #[%y' Hy']". iExists (x' ⋅ y').
rewrite assoc. by iRewrite -"Hx'".
@IntoPure PROP (a ≼ b) (a ≼ b).
Proof. rewrite /IntoPure /internal_included. eauto. Qed.
Global Instance from_pure_internal_included {A} (a b : A) :
@FromPure PROP false (a ≼ b) (a ≼ b).
Proof. rewrite /FromPure /= /internal_included. eauto. Qed.
Global Instance into_exist_internal_included {A} (a b : A) :
IntoExist (PROP := PROP) (a ≼ b) (λ c, b ≡ a ⋅ c)%I (λ x, x).
Proof. by rewrite /IntoExist. Qed.
Global Instance from_exist_internal_included {A} (a b : A) :
FromExist (PROP := PROP) (a ≼ b) (λ c, b ≡ a ⋅ c)%I.
Proof. by rewrite /FromExist. Qed.
Global Instance internal_included_persistent {A} (a b : A) :
Persistent (PROP := PROP) (a ≼ b).
Proof. rewrite /internal_included. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance internal_included_absorbing {A} (a b : A) :
Absorbing (PROP := PROP) (a ≼ b).
Proof. rewrite /internal_included. apply _. Qed.
Lemma internal_included_refl `{!CmraTotal A} (x : A) : ⊢@{PROP} x ≼ x.
Proof. iExists (core x). by rewrite cmra_core_r. Qed.
Lemma internal_included_trans {A} (x y z : A) :
⊢@{PROP} x ≼ y -∗ y ≼ z -∗ x ≼ z.
iIntros "#[%x' Hx'] #[%y' Hy']". iExists (x' ⋅ y').
rewrite assoc. by iRewrite -"Hx'".
Simplification lemmas
Lemma f_homom_includedI {A B} (x y : A) (f : A → B) `{!NonExpansive f} :
(∀ c, f x ⋅ f c ≡ f (x ⋅ c)) →
(x ≼ y ⊢ f x ≼ f y).
intros f_homom. iDestruct 1 as (z) "Hz".
iExists (f z). rewrite f_homom.
by iApply f_equivI.
Lemma prod_includedI {A B} (x y : A × B) :
x ≼ y ⊣⊢ (x.1 ≼ y.1) ∧ (x.2 ≼ y.2).
destruct x as [x1 x2], y as [y1 y2]; simpl; iSplit.
- iIntros "#[%z H]". rewrite prod_equivI /=. iDestruct "H" as "[??]".
iSplit; by iExists _.
- iIntros "#[[%z1 Hz1] [%z2 Hz2]]". iExists (z1, z2).
rewrite prod_equivI /=; auto.
Lemma option_includedI {A} (mx my : option A) :
mx ≼ my ⊣⊢ match mx, my with
| Some x, Some y ⇒ (x ≼ y) ∨ (x ≡ y)
| None, _ ⇒ True
| Some x, None ⇒ False
- iIntros "[%mz H]". rewrite option_equivI.
destruct mx as [x|], my as [y|], mz as [z|]; simpl; auto; [|].
+ iLeft. by iExists z.
+ iRight. by iRewrite "H".
- destruct mx as [x|], my as [y|]; simpl; auto; [|].
+ iDestruct 1 as "[[%z H]|H]"; iRewrite "H".
× by iExists (Some z).
× by iExists None.
+ iIntros "_". by iExists (Some y).
Lemma option_included_totalI `{!CmraTotal A} (mx my : option A) :
mx ≼ my ⊣⊢ match mx, my with
| Some x, Some y ⇒ x ≼ y
| None, _ ⇒ True
| Some x, None ⇒ False
rewrite option_includedI. destruct mx as [x|], my as [y|]; [|done..].
iSplit; [|by auto].
iIntros "[Hx|Hx] //". iRewrite "Hx". iApply (internal_included_refl y).
Lemma Some_included_totalI `{!CmraTotal A} (x y : A) :
Some x ≼ Some y ⊣⊢ x ≼ y.
Proof. by rewrite option_included_totalI. Qed.
Lemma csum_includedI {A B} (sx sy : csum A B) :
sx ≼ sy ⊣⊢ match sx, sy with
| Cinl x, Cinl y ⇒ x ≼ y
| Cinr x, Cinr y ⇒ x ≼ y
| _, CsumInvalid ⇒ True
| _, _ ⇒ False
- iDestruct 1 as (sz) "H". rewrite csum_equivI.
destruct sx, sy, sz; rewrite /internal_included /=; auto.
- destruct sx as [x|x|], sy as [y|y|]; eauto; [|].
+ iIntros "#[%z H]". iExists (Cinl z). by rewrite csum_equivI.
+ iIntros "#[%z H]". iExists (Cinr z). by rewrite csum_equivI.
Lemma excl_includedI {O : ofe} (x y : excl O) :
x ≼ y ⊣⊢ ⌜ y = ExclInvalid ⌝.
- iIntros "[%z Hz]". rewrite excl_equivI. destruct y, x, z; auto.
- iIntros (->). by iExists ExclInvalid.
Lemma agree_includedI {O : ofe} (x y : agree O) : x ≼ y ⊣⊢ y ≡ x ⋅ y.
+ iIntros "[%z Hz]". iRewrite "Hz". by rewrite assoc agree_idemp.
+ iIntros "H". by iExists _.
End internal_included_laws.
(∀ c, f x ⋅ f c ≡ f (x ⋅ c)) →
(x ≼ y ⊢ f x ≼ f y).
intros f_homom. iDestruct 1 as (z) "Hz".
iExists (f z). rewrite f_homom.
by iApply f_equivI.
Lemma prod_includedI {A B} (x y : A × B) :
x ≼ y ⊣⊢ (x.1 ≼ y.1) ∧ (x.2 ≼ y.2).
destruct x as [x1 x2], y as [y1 y2]; simpl; iSplit.
- iIntros "#[%z H]". rewrite prod_equivI /=. iDestruct "H" as "[??]".
iSplit; by iExists _.
- iIntros "#[[%z1 Hz1] [%z2 Hz2]]". iExists (z1, z2).
rewrite prod_equivI /=; auto.
Lemma option_includedI {A} (mx my : option A) :
mx ≼ my ⊣⊢ match mx, my with
| Some x, Some y ⇒ (x ≼ y) ∨ (x ≡ y)
| None, _ ⇒ True
| Some x, None ⇒ False
- iIntros "[%mz H]". rewrite option_equivI.
destruct mx as [x|], my as [y|], mz as [z|]; simpl; auto; [|].
+ iLeft. by iExists z.
+ iRight. by iRewrite "H".
- destruct mx as [x|], my as [y|]; simpl; auto; [|].
+ iDestruct 1 as "[[%z H]|H]"; iRewrite "H".
× by iExists (Some z).
× by iExists None.
+ iIntros "_". by iExists (Some y).
Lemma option_included_totalI `{!CmraTotal A} (mx my : option A) :
mx ≼ my ⊣⊢ match mx, my with
| Some x, Some y ⇒ x ≼ y
| None, _ ⇒ True
| Some x, None ⇒ False
rewrite option_includedI. destruct mx as [x|], my as [y|]; [|done..].
iSplit; [|by auto].
iIntros "[Hx|Hx] //". iRewrite "Hx". iApply (internal_included_refl y).
Lemma Some_included_totalI `{!CmraTotal A} (x y : A) :
Some x ≼ Some y ⊣⊢ x ≼ y.
Proof. by rewrite option_included_totalI. Qed.
Lemma csum_includedI {A B} (sx sy : csum A B) :
sx ≼ sy ⊣⊢ match sx, sy with
| Cinl x, Cinl y ⇒ x ≼ y
| Cinr x, Cinr y ⇒ x ≼ y
| _, CsumInvalid ⇒ True
| _, _ ⇒ False
- iDestruct 1 as (sz) "H". rewrite csum_equivI.
destruct sx, sy, sz; rewrite /internal_included /=; auto.
- destruct sx as [x|x|], sy as [y|y|]; eauto; [|].
+ iIntros "#[%z H]". iExists (Cinl z). by rewrite csum_equivI.
+ iIntros "#[%z H]". iExists (Cinr z). by rewrite csum_equivI.
Lemma excl_includedI {O : ofe} (x y : excl O) :
x ≼ y ⊣⊢ ⌜ y = ExclInvalid ⌝.
- iIntros "[%z Hz]". rewrite excl_equivI. destruct y, x, z; auto.
- iIntros (->). by iExists ExclInvalid.
Lemma agree_includedI {O : ofe} (x y : agree O) : x ≼ y ⊣⊢ y ≡ x ⋅ y.
+ iIntros "[%z Hz]". iRewrite "Hz". by rewrite assoc agree_idemp.
+ iIntros "H". by iExists _.
End internal_included_laws.