From Require Import derived_laws_later big_op.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
From iris.algebra Require Import excl csum.
Local Set Primitive Projections.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
From iris.algebra Require Import excl csum.
Local Set Primitive Projections.
This file defines a type class for BIs with a notion of internal equality.
Internal equality is not part of the bi canonical structure as internal_eq
can only be given a definition that satisfies NonExpansive2 internal_eq and
▷ (x ≡ y) ⊢ Next x ≡ Next y if the BI is step-indexed.
Class InternalEq (PROP : Type) :=
internal_eq : ∀ {A : ofe}, A → A → PROP.
Global Arguments internal_eq {_ _ _} _ _ : simpl never.
Global Hint Mode InternalEq ! : typeclass_instances.
Global Instance: Params (@internal_eq) 3 := {}.
Global Typeclasses Opaque internal_eq.
Infix "≡" := internal_eq : bi_scope.
Infix "≡@{ A }" := (internal_eq (A := A)) (only parsing) : bi_scope.
Notation "( X ≡.)" := (internal_eq X) (only parsing) : bi_scope.
Notation "(.≡ X )" := (λ Y, Y ≡ X)%I (only parsing) : bi_scope.
Notation "(≡@{ A } )" := (internal_eq (A:=A)) (only parsing) : bi_scope.
Record BiInternalEqMixin (PROP : bi) `(!InternalEq PROP) := {
bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_ne (A : ofe) : NonExpansive2 (@internal_eq PROP _ A);
bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_refl {A : ofe} (P : PROP) (a : A) : P ⊢ a ≡ a;
bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_rewrite {A : ofe} a b (Ψ : A → PROP) :
NonExpansive Ψ → a ≡ b ⊢ Ψ a → Ψ b;
bi_internal_eq_mixin_fun_extI {A} {B : A → ofe} (f g : discrete_fun B) :
(∀ x, f x ≡ g x) ⊢@{PROP} f ≡ g;
bi_internal_eq_mixin_sig_equivI_1 {A : ofe} (P : A → Prop) (x y : sig P) :
`x ≡ `y ⊢@{PROP} x ≡ y;
bi_internal_eq_mixin_discrete_eq_1 {A : ofe} (a b : A) :
Discrete a → a ≡ b ⊢@{PROP} ⌜a ≡ b⌝;
bi_internal_eq_mixin_later_equivI_1 {A : ofe} (x y : A) :
Next x ≡ Next y ⊢@{PROP} ▷ (x ≡ y);
bi_internal_eq_mixin_later_equivI_2 {A : ofe} (x y : A) :
▷ (x ≡ y) ⊢@{PROP} Next x ≡ Next y;
Class BiInternalEq (PROP : bi) := {
#[global] bi_internal_eq_internal_eq :: InternalEq PROP;
bi_internal_eq_mixin : BiInternalEqMixin PROP bi_internal_eq_internal_eq;
Global Hint Mode BiInternalEq ! : typeclass_instances.
Global Arguments bi_internal_eq_internal_eq : simpl never.
Section internal_eq_laws.
Context {PROP : bi} `{!BiInternalEq PROP}.
Implicit Types P Q : PROP.
Global Instance internal_eq_ne (A : ofe) : NonExpansive2 (@internal_eq PROP _ A).
Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_ne, (bi_internal_eq_mixin). Qed.
Lemma internal_eq_refl {A : ofe} P (a : A) : P ⊢ a ≡ a.
Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_refl, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
Lemma internal_eq_rewrite {A : ofe} a b (Ψ : A → PROP) :
NonExpansive Ψ → a ≡ b ⊢ Ψ a → Ψ b.
Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_rewrite, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
Lemma fun_extI {A} {B : A → ofe} (f g : discrete_fun B) :
(∀ x, f x ≡ g x) ⊢@{PROP} f ≡ g.
Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_fun_extI, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
Lemma sig_equivI_1 {A : ofe} (P : A → Prop) (x y : sig P) :
`x ≡ `y ⊢@{PROP} x ≡ y.
Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_sig_equivI_1, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
Lemma discrete_eq_1 {A : ofe} (a b : A) :
Discrete a → a ≡ b ⊢@{PROP} ⌜a ≡ b⌝.
Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_discrete_eq_1, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
Lemma later_equivI_1 {A : ofe} (x y : A) : Next x ≡ Next y ⊢@{PROP} ▷ (x ≡ y).
Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_later_equivI_1, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
Lemma later_equivI_2 {A : ofe} (x y : A) : ▷ (x ≡ y) ⊢@{PROP} Next x ≡ Next y.
Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_later_equivI_2, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
End internal_eq_laws.
Section internal_eq_derived.
Context {PROP : bi} `{!BiInternalEq PROP}.
Implicit Types P : PROP.
Notation "P ⊢ Q" := (P ⊢@{PROP} Q).
Notation "P ⊣⊢ Q" := (P ⊣⊢@{PROP} Q).
Global Instance internal_eq_proper (A : ofe) :
Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@internal_eq PROP _ A) := ne_proper_2 _.
Local Hint Resolve or_elim or_intro_l' or_intro_r' True_intro False_elim : core.
Local Hint Resolve and_elim_l' and_elim_r' and_intro forall_intro : core.
Local Hint Resolve internal_eq_refl : core.
Local Hint Extern 100 (NonExpansive _) ⇒ solve_proper : core.
Lemma equiv_internal_eq {A : ofe} P (a b : A) : a ≡ b → P ⊢ a ≡ b.
Proof. intros →. auto. Qed.
Lemma internal_eq_rewrite' {A : ofe} a b (Ψ : A → PROP) P
{HΨ : NonExpansive Ψ} : (P ⊢ a ≡ b) → (P ⊢ Ψ a) → P ⊢ Ψ b.
intros Heq HΨa. rewrite -(idemp bi_and P) {1}Heq HΨa.
apply impl_elim_l'. by apply internal_eq_rewrite.
Lemma internal_eq_sym {A : ofe} (a b : A) : a ≡ b ⊢ b ≡ a.
Proof. apply (internal_eq_rewrite' a b (λ b, b ≡ a)%I); auto. Qed.
Lemma internal_eq_trans {A : ofe} (a b c : A) : a ≡ b ∧ b ≡ c ⊢ a ≡ c.
apply (internal_eq_rewrite' b a (λ b, b ≡ c)%I); auto.
rewrite and_elim_l. apply internal_eq_sym.
Lemma internal_eq_iff P Q : P ≡ Q ⊢ P ↔ Q.
Proof. apply (internal_eq_rewrite' P Q (λ Q, P ↔ Q))%I; auto using iff_refl. Qed.
Lemma f_equivI {A B : ofe} (f : A → B) `{!NonExpansive f} x y :
x ≡ y ⊢ f x ≡ f y.
Proof. apply (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y, f x ≡ f y)%I); auto. Qed.
Lemma f_equivI_contractive {A B : ofe} (f : A → B) `{Hf : !Contractive f} x y :
▷ (x ≡ y) ⊢ f x ≡ f y.
rewrite later_equivI_2. move: Hf=>/contractive_alt [g [? Hfg]]. rewrite !Hfg.
by apply f_equivI.
Lemma prod_equivI {A B : ofe} (x y : A × B) : x ≡ y ⊣⊢ x.1 ≡ y.1 ∧ x.2 ≡ y.2.
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply and_intro; apply f_equivI; apply _.
- rewrite {3}(surjective_pairing x) {3}(surjective_pairing y).
apply (internal_eq_rewrite' (x.1) (y.1) (λ a, (x.1,x.2) ≡ (a,y.2))%I); auto.
apply (internal_eq_rewrite' (x.2) (y.2) (λ b, (x.1,x.2) ≡ (x.1,b))%I); auto.
Lemma sum_equivI {A B : ofe} (x y : A + B) :
x ≡ y ⊣⊢
match x, y with
| inl a, inl a' ⇒ a ≡ a' | inr b, inr b' ⇒ b ≡ b' | _, _ ⇒ False
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y,
match x, y with
| inl a, inl a' ⇒ a ≡ a' | inr b, inr b' ⇒ b ≡ b' | _, _ ⇒ False
end)%I); auto.
destruct x; auto.
- destruct x as [a|b], y as [a'|b']; auto; apply f_equivI, _.
Lemma option_equivI {A : ofe} (x y : option A) :
x ≡ y ⊣⊢ match x, y with
| Some a, Some a' ⇒ a ≡ a' | None, None ⇒ True | _, _ ⇒ False
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y,
match x, y with
| Some a, Some a' ⇒ a ≡ a' | None, None ⇒ True | _, _ ⇒ False
end)%I); auto.
destruct x; auto.
- destruct x as [a|], y as [a'|]; auto. apply f_equivI, _.
Lemma csum_equivI {A B : ofe} (sx sy : csum A B) :
sx ≡ sy ⊣⊢ match sx, sy with
| Cinl x, Cinl y ⇒ x ≡ y
| Cinr x, Cinr y ⇒ x ≡ y
| CsumInvalid, CsumInvalid ⇒ True
| _, _ ⇒ False
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply (internal_eq_rewrite' sx sy (λ sy',
match sx, sy' with
| Cinl x, Cinl y ⇒ x ≡ y
| Cinr x, Cinr y ⇒ x ≡ y
| CsumInvalid, CsumInvalid ⇒ True
| _, _ ⇒ False
end)%I); [solve_proper|auto|].
destruct sx; eauto.
- destruct sx; destruct sy; eauto;
apply f_equivI, _.
Lemma excl_equivI {O : ofe} (x y : excl O) :
x ≡ y ⊣⊢ match x, y with
| Excl a, Excl b ⇒ a ≡ b
| ExclInvalid, ExclInvalid ⇒ True
| _, _ ⇒ False
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y',
match x, y' with
| Excl a, Excl b ⇒ a ≡ b
| ExclInvalid, ExclInvalid ⇒ True
| _, _ ⇒ False
end)%I); [solve_proper|auto|].
destruct x; eauto.
- destruct x as [e1|]; destruct y as [e2|]; [|by eauto..].
apply f_equivI, _.
Lemma sig_equivI {A : ofe} (P : A → Prop) (x y : sig P) : `x ≡ `y ⊣⊢ x ≡ y.
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply sig_equivI_1.
- apply f_equivI, _.
Section sigT_equivI.
Import EqNotations.
Lemma sigT_equivI {A : Type} {P : A → ofe} (x y : sigT P) :
x ≡ y ⊣⊢
∃ eq : projT1 x = projT1 y, rew eq in projT2 x ≡ projT2 y.
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y,
∃ eq : projT1 x = projT1 y,
rew eq in projT2 x ≡ projT2 y))%I;
[| done | exact: (exist_intro' _ _ eq_refl) ].
move ⇒ n [a pa] [b pb] [/=]; intros → ⇒ /= Hab.
apply exist_ne ⇒ ?. by rewrite Hab.
- apply exist_elim. move: x y ⇒ [a pa] [b pb] /=. intros ->; simpl.
apply f_equivI, _.
End sigT_equivI.
Lemma discrete_fun_equivI {A} {B : A → ofe} (f g : discrete_fun B) : f ≡ g ⊣⊢ ∀ x, f x ≡ g x.
apply (anti_symm _); auto using fun_extI.
apply (internal_eq_rewrite' f g (λ g, ∀ x : A, f x ≡ g x)%I); auto.
Lemma ofe_morO_equivI {A B : ofe} (f g : A -n> B) : f ≡ g ⊣⊢ ∀ x, f x ≡ g x.
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply (internal_eq_rewrite' f g (λ g, ∀ x : A, f x ≡ g x)%I); auto.
- rewrite -(discrete_fun_equivI (ofe_mor_car _ _ f) (ofe_mor_car _ _ g)).
set (h1 (f : A -n> B) :=
exist (λ f : A -d> B, NonExpansive (f : A → B)) f (ofe_mor_ne A B f)).
set (h2 (f : sigO (λ f : A -d> B, NonExpansive (f : A → B))) :=
@OfeMor A B (`f) (proj2_sig f)).
assert (∀ f, h2 (h1 f) = f) as Hh by (by intros []).
assert (NonExpansive h2) by (intros ??? EQ; apply EQ).
by rewrite -{2}[f]Hh -{2}[g]Hh -f_equivI -sig_equivI.
Lemma pure_internal_eq {A : ofe} (x y : A) : ⌜x ≡ y⌝ ⊢ x ≡ y.
Proof. apply pure_elim'⇒ →. apply internal_eq_refl. Qed.
Lemma discrete_eq {A : ofe} (a b : A) : Discrete a → a ≡ b ⊣⊢ ⌜a ≡ b⌝.
intros. apply (anti_symm _); auto using discrete_eq_1, pure_internal_eq.
Lemma absorbingly_internal_eq {A : ofe} (x y : A) : <absorb> (x ≡ y) ⊣⊢ x ≡ y.
apply (anti_symm _), absorbingly_intro.
apply wand_elim_r', (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y, True -∗ x ≡ y)%I); auto.
apply wand_intro_l, internal_eq_refl.
Lemma persistently_internal_eq {A : ofe} (a b : A) : <pers> (a ≡ b) ⊣⊢ a ≡ b.
apply (anti_symm (⊢)).
{ by rewrite persistently_into_absorbingly absorbingly_internal_eq. }
apply (internal_eq_rewrite' a b (λ b, <pers> (a ≡ b))%I); auto.
rewrite -(internal_eq_refl emp%I a). apply persistently_emp_intro.
Global Instance internal_eq_absorbing {A : ofe} (x y : A) :
Absorbing (PROP:=PROP) (x ≡ y).
Proof. by rewrite /Absorbing absorbingly_internal_eq. Qed.
Global Instance internal_eq_persistent {A : ofe} (a b : A) :
Persistent (PROP:=PROP) (a ≡ b).
Proof. by intros; rewrite /Persistent persistently_internal_eq. Qed.
Lemma internal_eq_rewrite_contractive {A : ofe} a b (Ψ : A → PROP)
{HΨ : Contractive Ψ} : ▷ (a ≡ b) ⊢ Ψ a → Ψ b.
rewrite f_equivI_contractive. apply (internal_eq_rewrite (Ψ a) (Ψ b) id _).
Lemma internal_eq_rewrite_contractive' {A : ofe} a b (Ψ : A → PROP) P
{HΨ : Contractive Ψ} : (P ⊢ ▷ (a ≡ b)) → (P ⊢ Ψ a) → P ⊢ Ψ b.
rewrite later_equivI_2. move: HΨ=>/contractive_alt [g [? HΨ]]. rewrite !HΨ.
by apply internal_eq_rewrite'.
Lemma later_equivI {A : ofe} (x y : A) : Next x ≡ Next y ⊣⊢ ▷ (x ≡ y).
Proof. apply (anti_symm _); auto using later_equivI_1, later_equivI_2. Qed.
Lemma later_equivI_prop_2 `{!Contractive (bi_later (PROP:=PROP))} P Q :
▷ (P ≡ Q) ⊢ (▷ P) ≡ (▷ Q).
Proof. apply (f_equivI_contractive _). Qed.
Global Instance eq_timeless {A : ofe} (a b : A) :
Discrete a → Timeless (PROP:=PROP) (a ≡ b).
Proof. intros. rewrite /Discrete !discrete_eq. apply (timeless _). Qed.
End internal_eq_derived.
internal_eq : ∀ {A : ofe}, A → A → PROP.
Global Arguments internal_eq {_ _ _} _ _ : simpl never.
Global Hint Mode InternalEq ! : typeclass_instances.
Global Instance: Params (@internal_eq) 3 := {}.
Global Typeclasses Opaque internal_eq.
Infix "≡" := internal_eq : bi_scope.
Infix "≡@{ A }" := (internal_eq (A := A)) (only parsing) : bi_scope.
Notation "( X ≡.)" := (internal_eq X) (only parsing) : bi_scope.
Notation "(.≡ X )" := (λ Y, Y ≡ X)%I (only parsing) : bi_scope.
Notation "(≡@{ A } )" := (internal_eq (A:=A)) (only parsing) : bi_scope.
Record BiInternalEqMixin (PROP : bi) `(!InternalEq PROP) := {
bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_ne (A : ofe) : NonExpansive2 (@internal_eq PROP _ A);
bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_refl {A : ofe} (P : PROP) (a : A) : P ⊢ a ≡ a;
bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_rewrite {A : ofe} a b (Ψ : A → PROP) :
NonExpansive Ψ → a ≡ b ⊢ Ψ a → Ψ b;
bi_internal_eq_mixin_fun_extI {A} {B : A → ofe} (f g : discrete_fun B) :
(∀ x, f x ≡ g x) ⊢@{PROP} f ≡ g;
bi_internal_eq_mixin_sig_equivI_1 {A : ofe} (P : A → Prop) (x y : sig P) :
`x ≡ `y ⊢@{PROP} x ≡ y;
bi_internal_eq_mixin_discrete_eq_1 {A : ofe} (a b : A) :
Discrete a → a ≡ b ⊢@{PROP} ⌜a ≡ b⌝;
bi_internal_eq_mixin_later_equivI_1 {A : ofe} (x y : A) :
Next x ≡ Next y ⊢@{PROP} ▷ (x ≡ y);
bi_internal_eq_mixin_later_equivI_2 {A : ofe} (x y : A) :
▷ (x ≡ y) ⊢@{PROP} Next x ≡ Next y;
Class BiInternalEq (PROP : bi) := {
#[global] bi_internal_eq_internal_eq :: InternalEq PROP;
bi_internal_eq_mixin : BiInternalEqMixin PROP bi_internal_eq_internal_eq;
Global Hint Mode BiInternalEq ! : typeclass_instances.
Global Arguments bi_internal_eq_internal_eq : simpl never.
Section internal_eq_laws.
Context {PROP : bi} `{!BiInternalEq PROP}.
Implicit Types P Q : PROP.
Global Instance internal_eq_ne (A : ofe) : NonExpansive2 (@internal_eq PROP _ A).
Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_ne, (bi_internal_eq_mixin). Qed.
Lemma internal_eq_refl {A : ofe} P (a : A) : P ⊢ a ≡ a.
Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_refl, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
Lemma internal_eq_rewrite {A : ofe} a b (Ψ : A → PROP) :
NonExpansive Ψ → a ≡ b ⊢ Ψ a → Ψ b.
Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_rewrite, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
Lemma fun_extI {A} {B : A → ofe} (f g : discrete_fun B) :
(∀ x, f x ≡ g x) ⊢@{PROP} f ≡ g.
Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_fun_extI, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
Lemma sig_equivI_1 {A : ofe} (P : A → Prop) (x y : sig P) :
`x ≡ `y ⊢@{PROP} x ≡ y.
Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_sig_equivI_1, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
Lemma discrete_eq_1 {A : ofe} (a b : A) :
Discrete a → a ≡ b ⊢@{PROP} ⌜a ≡ b⌝.
Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_discrete_eq_1, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
Lemma later_equivI_1 {A : ofe} (x y : A) : Next x ≡ Next y ⊢@{PROP} ▷ (x ≡ y).
Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_later_equivI_1, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
Lemma later_equivI_2 {A : ofe} (x y : A) : ▷ (x ≡ y) ⊢@{PROP} Next x ≡ Next y.
Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_later_equivI_2, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
End internal_eq_laws.
Section internal_eq_derived.
Context {PROP : bi} `{!BiInternalEq PROP}.
Implicit Types P : PROP.
Notation "P ⊢ Q" := (P ⊢@{PROP} Q).
Notation "P ⊣⊢ Q" := (P ⊣⊢@{PROP} Q).
Global Instance internal_eq_proper (A : ofe) :
Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@internal_eq PROP _ A) := ne_proper_2 _.
Local Hint Resolve or_elim or_intro_l' or_intro_r' True_intro False_elim : core.
Local Hint Resolve and_elim_l' and_elim_r' and_intro forall_intro : core.
Local Hint Resolve internal_eq_refl : core.
Local Hint Extern 100 (NonExpansive _) ⇒ solve_proper : core.
Lemma equiv_internal_eq {A : ofe} P (a b : A) : a ≡ b → P ⊢ a ≡ b.
Proof. intros →. auto. Qed.
Lemma internal_eq_rewrite' {A : ofe} a b (Ψ : A → PROP) P
{HΨ : NonExpansive Ψ} : (P ⊢ a ≡ b) → (P ⊢ Ψ a) → P ⊢ Ψ b.
intros Heq HΨa. rewrite -(idemp bi_and P) {1}Heq HΨa.
apply impl_elim_l'. by apply internal_eq_rewrite.
Lemma internal_eq_sym {A : ofe} (a b : A) : a ≡ b ⊢ b ≡ a.
Proof. apply (internal_eq_rewrite' a b (λ b, b ≡ a)%I); auto. Qed.
Lemma internal_eq_trans {A : ofe} (a b c : A) : a ≡ b ∧ b ≡ c ⊢ a ≡ c.
apply (internal_eq_rewrite' b a (λ b, b ≡ c)%I); auto.
rewrite and_elim_l. apply internal_eq_sym.
Lemma internal_eq_iff P Q : P ≡ Q ⊢ P ↔ Q.
Proof. apply (internal_eq_rewrite' P Q (λ Q, P ↔ Q))%I; auto using iff_refl. Qed.
Lemma f_equivI {A B : ofe} (f : A → B) `{!NonExpansive f} x y :
x ≡ y ⊢ f x ≡ f y.
Proof. apply (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y, f x ≡ f y)%I); auto. Qed.
Lemma f_equivI_contractive {A B : ofe} (f : A → B) `{Hf : !Contractive f} x y :
▷ (x ≡ y) ⊢ f x ≡ f y.
rewrite later_equivI_2. move: Hf=>/contractive_alt [g [? Hfg]]. rewrite !Hfg.
by apply f_equivI.
Lemma prod_equivI {A B : ofe} (x y : A × B) : x ≡ y ⊣⊢ x.1 ≡ y.1 ∧ x.2 ≡ y.2.
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply and_intro; apply f_equivI; apply _.
- rewrite {3}(surjective_pairing x) {3}(surjective_pairing y).
apply (internal_eq_rewrite' (x.1) (y.1) (λ a, (x.1,x.2) ≡ (a,y.2))%I); auto.
apply (internal_eq_rewrite' (x.2) (y.2) (λ b, (x.1,x.2) ≡ (x.1,b))%I); auto.
Lemma sum_equivI {A B : ofe} (x y : A + B) :
x ≡ y ⊣⊢
match x, y with
| inl a, inl a' ⇒ a ≡ a' | inr b, inr b' ⇒ b ≡ b' | _, _ ⇒ False
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y,
match x, y with
| inl a, inl a' ⇒ a ≡ a' | inr b, inr b' ⇒ b ≡ b' | _, _ ⇒ False
end)%I); auto.
destruct x; auto.
- destruct x as [a|b], y as [a'|b']; auto; apply f_equivI, _.
Lemma option_equivI {A : ofe} (x y : option A) :
x ≡ y ⊣⊢ match x, y with
| Some a, Some a' ⇒ a ≡ a' | None, None ⇒ True | _, _ ⇒ False
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y,
match x, y with
| Some a, Some a' ⇒ a ≡ a' | None, None ⇒ True | _, _ ⇒ False
end)%I); auto.
destruct x; auto.
- destruct x as [a|], y as [a'|]; auto. apply f_equivI, _.
Lemma csum_equivI {A B : ofe} (sx sy : csum A B) :
sx ≡ sy ⊣⊢ match sx, sy with
| Cinl x, Cinl y ⇒ x ≡ y
| Cinr x, Cinr y ⇒ x ≡ y
| CsumInvalid, CsumInvalid ⇒ True
| _, _ ⇒ False
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply (internal_eq_rewrite' sx sy (λ sy',
match sx, sy' with
| Cinl x, Cinl y ⇒ x ≡ y
| Cinr x, Cinr y ⇒ x ≡ y
| CsumInvalid, CsumInvalid ⇒ True
| _, _ ⇒ False
end)%I); [solve_proper|auto|].
destruct sx; eauto.
- destruct sx; destruct sy; eauto;
apply f_equivI, _.
Lemma excl_equivI {O : ofe} (x y : excl O) :
x ≡ y ⊣⊢ match x, y with
| Excl a, Excl b ⇒ a ≡ b
| ExclInvalid, ExclInvalid ⇒ True
| _, _ ⇒ False
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y',
match x, y' with
| Excl a, Excl b ⇒ a ≡ b
| ExclInvalid, ExclInvalid ⇒ True
| _, _ ⇒ False
end)%I); [solve_proper|auto|].
destruct x; eauto.
- destruct x as [e1|]; destruct y as [e2|]; [|by eauto..].
apply f_equivI, _.
Lemma sig_equivI {A : ofe} (P : A → Prop) (x y : sig P) : `x ≡ `y ⊣⊢ x ≡ y.
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply sig_equivI_1.
- apply f_equivI, _.
Section sigT_equivI.
Import EqNotations.
Lemma sigT_equivI {A : Type} {P : A → ofe} (x y : sigT P) :
x ≡ y ⊣⊢
∃ eq : projT1 x = projT1 y, rew eq in projT2 x ≡ projT2 y.
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y,
∃ eq : projT1 x = projT1 y,
rew eq in projT2 x ≡ projT2 y))%I;
[| done | exact: (exist_intro' _ _ eq_refl) ].
move ⇒ n [a pa] [b pb] [/=]; intros → ⇒ /= Hab.
apply exist_ne ⇒ ?. by rewrite Hab.
- apply exist_elim. move: x y ⇒ [a pa] [b pb] /=. intros ->; simpl.
apply f_equivI, _.
End sigT_equivI.
Lemma discrete_fun_equivI {A} {B : A → ofe} (f g : discrete_fun B) : f ≡ g ⊣⊢ ∀ x, f x ≡ g x.
apply (anti_symm _); auto using fun_extI.
apply (internal_eq_rewrite' f g (λ g, ∀ x : A, f x ≡ g x)%I); auto.
Lemma ofe_morO_equivI {A B : ofe} (f g : A -n> B) : f ≡ g ⊣⊢ ∀ x, f x ≡ g x.
apply (anti_symm _).
- apply (internal_eq_rewrite' f g (λ g, ∀ x : A, f x ≡ g x)%I); auto.
- rewrite -(discrete_fun_equivI (ofe_mor_car _ _ f) (ofe_mor_car _ _ g)).
set (h1 (f : A -n> B) :=
exist (λ f : A -d> B, NonExpansive (f : A → B)) f (ofe_mor_ne A B f)).
set (h2 (f : sigO (λ f : A -d> B, NonExpansive (f : A → B))) :=
@OfeMor A B (`f) (proj2_sig f)).
assert (∀ f, h2 (h1 f) = f) as Hh by (by intros []).
assert (NonExpansive h2) by (intros ??? EQ; apply EQ).
by rewrite -{2}[f]Hh -{2}[g]Hh -f_equivI -sig_equivI.
Lemma pure_internal_eq {A : ofe} (x y : A) : ⌜x ≡ y⌝ ⊢ x ≡ y.
Proof. apply pure_elim'⇒ →. apply internal_eq_refl. Qed.
Lemma discrete_eq {A : ofe} (a b : A) : Discrete a → a ≡ b ⊣⊢ ⌜a ≡ b⌝.
intros. apply (anti_symm _); auto using discrete_eq_1, pure_internal_eq.
Lemma absorbingly_internal_eq {A : ofe} (x y : A) : <absorb> (x ≡ y) ⊣⊢ x ≡ y.
apply (anti_symm _), absorbingly_intro.
apply wand_elim_r', (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y, True -∗ x ≡ y)%I); auto.
apply wand_intro_l, internal_eq_refl.
Lemma persistently_internal_eq {A : ofe} (a b : A) : <pers> (a ≡ b) ⊣⊢ a ≡ b.
apply (anti_symm (⊢)).
{ by rewrite persistently_into_absorbingly absorbingly_internal_eq. }
apply (internal_eq_rewrite' a b (λ b, <pers> (a ≡ b))%I); auto.
rewrite -(internal_eq_refl emp%I a). apply persistently_emp_intro.
Global Instance internal_eq_absorbing {A : ofe} (x y : A) :
Absorbing (PROP:=PROP) (x ≡ y).
Proof. by rewrite /Absorbing absorbingly_internal_eq. Qed.
Global Instance internal_eq_persistent {A : ofe} (a b : A) :
Persistent (PROP:=PROP) (a ≡ b).
Proof. by intros; rewrite /Persistent persistently_internal_eq. Qed.
Lemma internal_eq_rewrite_contractive {A : ofe} a b (Ψ : A → PROP)
{HΨ : Contractive Ψ} : ▷ (a ≡ b) ⊢ Ψ a → Ψ b.
rewrite f_equivI_contractive. apply (internal_eq_rewrite (Ψ a) (Ψ b) id _).
Lemma internal_eq_rewrite_contractive' {A : ofe} a b (Ψ : A → PROP) P
{HΨ : Contractive Ψ} : (P ⊢ ▷ (a ≡ b)) → (P ⊢ Ψ a) → P ⊢ Ψ b.
rewrite later_equivI_2. move: HΨ=>/contractive_alt [g [? HΨ]]. rewrite !HΨ.
by apply internal_eq_rewrite'.
Lemma later_equivI {A : ofe} (x y : A) : Next x ≡ Next y ⊣⊢ ▷ (x ≡ y).
Proof. apply (anti_symm _); auto using later_equivI_1, later_equivI_2. Qed.
Lemma later_equivI_prop_2 `{!Contractive (bi_later (PROP:=PROP))} P Q :
▷ (P ≡ Q) ⊢ (▷ P) ≡ (▷ Q).
Proof. apply (f_equivI_contractive _). Qed.
Global Instance eq_timeless {A : ofe} (a b : A) :
Discrete a → Timeless (PROP:=PROP) (a ≡ b).
Proof. intros. rewrite /Discrete !discrete_eq. apply (timeless _). Qed.
End internal_eq_derived.