
From Require Import derived_laws_later big_op.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
From iris.algebra Require Import excl csum.

Local Set Primitive Projections.

This file defines a type class for BIs with a notion of internal equality. Internal equality is not part of the bi canonical structure as internal_eq can only be given a definition that satisfies NonExpansive2 internal_eq and (x y) Next x Next y if the BI is step-indexed.
Class InternalEq (PROP : Type) :=
  internal_eq : {A : ofe}, A A PROP.
Global Arguments internal_eq {_ _ _} _ _ : simpl never.
Global Hint Mode InternalEq ! : typeclass_instances.
Global Instance: Params (@internal_eq) 3 := {}.
Global Typeclasses Opaque internal_eq.

Infix "≡" := internal_eq : bi_scope.
Infix "≡@{ A }" := (internal_eq (A := A)) (only parsing) : bi_scope.

Notation "( X ≡.)" := (internal_eq X) (only parsing) : bi_scope.
Notation "(.≡ X )" := (λ Y, Y X)%I (only parsing) : bi_scope.
Notation "(≡@{ A } )" := (internal_eq (A:=A)) (only parsing) : bi_scope.

Record BiInternalEqMixin (PROP : bi) `(!InternalEq PROP) := {
  bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_ne (A : ofe) : NonExpansive2 (@internal_eq PROP _ A);
  bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_refl {A : ofe} (P : PROP) (a : A) : P a a;
  bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_rewrite {A : ofe} a b (Ψ : A PROP) :
    NonExpansive Ψ a b Ψ a Ψ b;
  bi_internal_eq_mixin_fun_extI {A} {B : A ofe} (f g : discrete_fun B) :
    ( x, f x g x) ⊢@{PROP} f g;
  bi_internal_eq_mixin_sig_equivI_1 {A : ofe} (P : A Prop) (x y : sig P) :
    `x `y ⊢@{PROP} x y;
  bi_internal_eq_mixin_discrete_eq_1 {A : ofe} (a b : A) :
    Discrete a a b ⊢@{PROP} a b;
  bi_internal_eq_mixin_later_equivI_1 {A : ofe} (x y : A) :
    Next x Next y ⊢@{PROP} (x y);
  bi_internal_eq_mixin_later_equivI_2 {A : ofe} (x y : A) :
     (x y) ⊢@{PROP} Next x Next y;

Class BiInternalEq (PROP : bi) := {
  #[global] bi_internal_eq_internal_eq :: InternalEq PROP;
  bi_internal_eq_mixin : BiInternalEqMixin PROP bi_internal_eq_internal_eq;
Global Hint Mode BiInternalEq ! : typeclass_instances.
Global Arguments bi_internal_eq_internal_eq : simpl never.

Section internal_eq_laws.
  Context {PROP : bi} `{!BiInternalEq PROP}.
  Implicit Types P Q : PROP.

  Global Instance internal_eq_ne (A : ofe) : NonExpansive2 (@internal_eq PROP _ A).
  Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_ne, (bi_internal_eq_mixin). Qed.

  Lemma internal_eq_refl {A : ofe} P (a : A) : P a a.
  Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_refl, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
  Lemma internal_eq_rewrite {A : ofe} a b (Ψ : A PROP) :
    NonExpansive Ψ a b Ψ a Ψ b.
  Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_internal_eq_rewrite, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.

  Lemma fun_extI {A} {B : A ofe} (f g : discrete_fun B) :
    ( x, f x g x) ⊢@{PROP} f g.
  Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_fun_extI, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
  Lemma sig_equivI_1 {A : ofe} (P : A Prop) (x y : sig P) :
    `x `y ⊢@{PROP} x y.
  Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_sig_equivI_1, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
  Lemma discrete_eq_1 {A : ofe} (a b : A) :
    Discrete a a b ⊢@{PROP} a b.
  Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_discrete_eq_1, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.

  Lemma later_equivI_1 {A : ofe} (x y : A) : Next x Next y ⊢@{PROP} (x y).
  Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_later_equivI_1, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
  Lemma later_equivI_2 {A : ofe} (x y : A) : (x y) ⊢@{PROP} Next x Next y.
  Proof. eapply bi_internal_eq_mixin_later_equivI_2, bi_internal_eq_mixin. Qed.
End internal_eq_laws.

Section internal_eq_derived.
  Context {PROP : bi} `{!BiInternalEq PROP}.
  Implicit Types P : PROP.

  Notation "P ⊢ Q" := (P ⊢@{PROP} Q).
  Notation "P ⊣⊢ Q" := (P ⊣⊢@{PROP} Q).

  Global Instance internal_eq_proper (A : ofe) :
    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@internal_eq PROP _ A) := ne_proper_2 _.

  Local Hint Resolve or_elim or_intro_l' or_intro_r' True_intro False_elim : core.
  Local Hint Resolve and_elim_l' and_elim_r' and_intro forall_intro : core.
  Local Hint Resolve internal_eq_refl : core.
  Local Hint Extern 100 (NonExpansive _) ⇒ solve_proper : core.

  Lemma equiv_internal_eq {A : ofe} P (a b : A) : a b P a b.
  Proof. intros →. auto. Qed.
  Lemma internal_eq_rewrite' {A : ofe} a b (Ψ : A PROP) P
    { : NonExpansive Ψ} : (P a b) (P Ψ a) P Ψ b.
    intros Heq HΨa. rewrite -(idemp bi_and P) {1}Heq HΨa.
    apply impl_elim_l'. by apply internal_eq_rewrite.

  Lemma internal_eq_sym {A : ofe} (a b : A) : a b b a.
  Proof. apply (internal_eq_rewrite' a b (λ b, b a)%I); auto. Qed.
  Lemma internal_eq_trans {A : ofe} (a b c : A) : a b b c a c.
    apply (internal_eq_rewrite' b a (λ b, b c)%I); auto.
    rewrite and_elim_l. apply internal_eq_sym.
  Lemma internal_eq_iff P Q : P Q P Q.
  Proof. apply (internal_eq_rewrite' P Q (λ Q, P Q))%I; auto using iff_refl. Qed.

  Lemma f_equivI {A B : ofe} (f : A B) `{!NonExpansive f} x y :
    x y f x f y.
  Proof. apply (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y, f x f y)%I); auto. Qed.
  Lemma f_equivI_contractive {A B : ofe} (f : A B) `{Hf : !Contractive f} x y :
     (x y) f x f y.
    rewrite later_equivI_2. move: Hf=>/contractive_alt [g [? Hfg]]. rewrite !Hfg.
    by apply f_equivI.

  Lemma prod_equivI {A B : ofe} (x y : A × B) : x y ⊣⊢ x.1 y.1 x.2 y.2.
    apply (anti_symm _).
    - apply and_intro; apply f_equivI; apply _.
    - rewrite {3}(surjective_pairing x) {3}(surjective_pairing y).
      apply (internal_eq_rewrite' (x.1) (y.1) (λ a, (x.1,x.2) (a,y.2))%I); auto.
      apply (internal_eq_rewrite' (x.2) (y.2) (λ b, (x.1,x.2) (x.1,b))%I); auto.
  Lemma sum_equivI {A B : ofe} (x y : A + B) :
    x y ⊣⊢
      match x, y with
      | inl a, inl a'a a' | inr b, inr b'b b' | _, _False
    apply (anti_symm _).
    - apply (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y,
               match x, y with
               | inl a, inl a'a a' | inr b, inr b'b b' | _, _False
               end)%I); auto.
      destruct x; auto.
    - destruct x as [a|b], y as [a'|b']; auto; apply f_equivI, _.
  Lemma option_equivI {A : ofe} (x y : option A) :
    x y ⊣⊢ match x, y with
             | Some a, Some a'a a' | None, NoneTrue | _, _False
    apply (anti_symm _).
    - apply (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y,
               match x, y with
               | Some a, Some a'a a' | None, NoneTrue | _, _False
               end)%I); auto.
      destruct x; auto.
    - destruct x as [a|], y as [a'|]; auto. apply f_equivI, _.

  Lemma csum_equivI {A B : ofe} (sx sy : csum A B) :
    sx sy ⊣⊢ match sx, sy with
               | Cinl x, Cinl yx y
               | Cinr x, Cinr yx y
               | CsumInvalid, CsumInvalidTrue
               | _, _False
    apply (anti_symm _).
    - apply (internal_eq_rewrite' sx sy (λ sy',
               match sx, sy' with
               | Cinl x, Cinl yx y
               | Cinr x, Cinr yx y
               | CsumInvalid, CsumInvalidTrue
               | _, _False
               end)%I); [solve_proper|auto|].
      destruct sx; eauto.
    - destruct sx; destruct sy; eauto;
      apply f_equivI, _.

  Lemma excl_equivI {O : ofe} (x y : excl O) :
    x y ⊣⊢ match x, y with
             | Excl a, Excl ba b
             | ExclInvalid, ExclInvalidTrue
             | _, _False
    apply (anti_symm _).
    - apply (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y',
               match x, y' with
               | Excl a, Excl ba b
               | ExclInvalid, ExclInvalidTrue
               | _, _False
               end)%I); [solve_proper|auto|].
      destruct x; eauto.
    - destruct x as [e1|]; destruct y as [e2|]; [|by eauto..].
      apply f_equivI, _.

  Lemma sig_equivI {A : ofe} (P : A Prop) (x y : sig P) : `x `y ⊣⊢ x y.
    apply (anti_symm _).
    - apply sig_equivI_1.
    - apply f_equivI, _.

  Section sigT_equivI.
    Import EqNotations.

    Lemma sigT_equivI {A : Type} {P : A ofe} (x y : sigT P) :
      x y ⊣⊢
       eq : projT1 x = projT1 y, rew eq in projT2 x projT2 y.
      apply (anti_symm _).
      - apply (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y,
                  eq : projT1 x = projT1 y,
                   rew eq in projT2 x projT2 y))%I;
            [| done | exact: (exist_intro' _ _ eq_refl) ].
        moven [a pa] [b pb] [/=]; intros → ⇒ /= Hab.
        apply exist_ne ⇒ ?. by rewrite Hab.
      - apply exist_elim. move: x y ⇒ [a pa] [b pb] /=. intros ->; simpl.
        apply f_equivI, _.
  End sigT_equivI.

  Lemma discrete_fun_equivI {A} {B : A ofe} (f g : discrete_fun B) : f g ⊣⊢ x, f x g x.
    apply (anti_symm _); auto using fun_extI.
    apply (internal_eq_rewrite' f g (λ g, x : A, f x g x)%I); auto.
  Lemma ofe_morO_equivI {A B : ofe} (f g : A -n> B) : f g ⊣⊢ x, f x g x.
    apply (anti_symm _).
    - apply (internal_eq_rewrite' f g (λ g, x : A, f x g x)%I); auto.
    - rewrite -(discrete_fun_equivI (ofe_mor_car _ _ f) (ofe_mor_car _ _ g)).
      set (h1 (f : A -n> B) :=
        exist (λ f : A -d> B, NonExpansive (f : A B)) f (ofe_mor_ne A B f)).
      set (h2 (f : sigO (λ f : A -d> B, NonExpansive (f : A B))) :=
        @OfeMor A B (`f) (proj2_sig f)).
      assert ( f, h2 (h1 f) = f) as Hh by (by intros []).
      assert (NonExpansive h2) by (intros ??? EQ; apply EQ).
      by rewrite -{2}[f]Hh -{2}[g]Hh -f_equivI -sig_equivI.

  Lemma pure_internal_eq {A : ofe} (x y : A) : x y x y.
  Proof. apply pure_elim'⇒ →. apply internal_eq_refl. Qed.
  Lemma discrete_eq {A : ofe} (a b : A) : Discrete a a b ⊣⊢ a b.
    intros. apply (anti_symm _); auto using discrete_eq_1, pure_internal_eq.

  Lemma absorbingly_internal_eq {A : ofe} (x y : A) : <absorb> (x y) ⊣⊢ x y.
    apply (anti_symm _), absorbingly_intro.
    apply wand_elim_r', (internal_eq_rewrite' x y (λ y, True -∗ x y)%I); auto.
    apply wand_intro_l, internal_eq_refl.
  Lemma persistently_internal_eq {A : ofe} (a b : A) : <pers> (a b) ⊣⊢ a b.
    apply (anti_symm (⊢)).
    { by rewrite persistently_into_absorbingly absorbingly_internal_eq. }
    apply (internal_eq_rewrite' a b (λ b, <pers> (a b))%I); auto.
    rewrite -(internal_eq_refl emp%I a). apply persistently_emp_intro.

  Global Instance internal_eq_absorbing {A : ofe} (x y : A) :
    Absorbing (PROP:=PROP) (x y).
  Proof. by rewrite /Absorbing absorbingly_internal_eq. Qed.
  Global Instance internal_eq_persistent {A : ofe} (a b : A) :
    Persistent (PROP:=PROP) (a b).
  Proof. by intros; rewrite /Persistent persistently_internal_eq. Qed.

  Lemma internal_eq_rewrite_contractive {A : ofe} a b (Ψ : A PROP)
    { : Contractive Ψ} : (a b) Ψ a Ψ b.
    rewrite f_equivI_contractive. apply (internal_eq_rewrite (Ψ a) (Ψ b) id _).
  Lemma internal_eq_rewrite_contractive' {A : ofe} a b (Ψ : A PROP) P
    { : Contractive Ψ} : (P (a b)) (P Ψ a) P Ψ b.
    rewrite later_equivI_2. move: =>/contractive_alt [g [? ]]. rewrite !.
    by apply internal_eq_rewrite'.

  Lemma later_equivI {A : ofe} (x y : A) : Next x Next y ⊣⊢ (x y).
  Proof. apply (anti_symm _); auto using later_equivI_1, later_equivI_2. Qed.
  Lemma later_equivI_prop_2 `{!Contractive (bi_later (PROP:=PROP))} P Q :
     (P Q) ( P) ( Q).
  Proof. apply (f_equivI_contractive _). Qed.

  Global Instance eq_timeless {A : ofe} (a b : A) :
    Discrete a Timeless (PROP:=PROP) (a b).
  Proof. intros. rewrite /Discrete !discrete_eq. apply (timeless _). Qed.
End internal_eq_derived.