Library stdpp.strings

From Coq Require Import Ascii.
From Coq Require String.
From stdpp Require Export list.
From stdpp Require Import countable.
From stdpp Require Import options.

We define the ascii/string methods in corresponding modules, similar to what is done for numbers. These modules should generally not be imported, e.g., use Ascii.is_nat instead.
To avoid poluting the global namespace, we export only the string data type (with its constructors and eliminators) and notations.
Export String (string(..)).
Export (notations) String.

Enable the string literal and append notation in stdpp_scope, making it possible to write string literals as "foo" instead of "foo"
String Notation string
  String.string_of_list_byte String.list_byte_of_string : stdpp_scope.

Infix "+:+" := String.append (at level 60, right associativity) : stdpp_scope.

Encoding and decoding

The Countable instance of string is particularly useful to allow strings to be used as keys in gmap.
The encoding of string to positive is taken from It avoids creating auxiliary data structures such as list bool, thereby improving efficiency.
We first provide some Local helper functions and then define the Countable instances for encoding/decoding in the modules Ascii and String. End-users should always use these instances.
Local Definition bool_cons_pos (b : bool) (p : positive) : positive :=
  if b then p~1 else p~0.
Local Definition ascii_cons_pos (c : ascii) (p : positive) : positive :=
  match c with
  | Ascii b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7
     bool_cons_pos b0 $ bool_cons_pos b1 $ bool_cons_pos b2 $
       bool_cons_pos b3 $ bool_cons_pos b4 $ bool_cons_pos b5 $
       bool_cons_pos b6 $ bool_cons_pos b7 p
Local Fixpoint string_to_pos (s : string) : positive :=
  match s with
  | EmptyString ⇒ 1
  | String c sascii_cons_pos c (string_to_pos s)

Local Fixpoint pos_to_string (p : positive) : string.
The argument p is the positive that we are peeling off. The argument a is the constructor Ascii partially applied to some number of Booleans (so its Coq type changes during the iteration). The argument n says how many more Booleans are needed to make this fully applied so that the constr has type ascii.
  let rec gen p a n :=
    lazymatch n with
    | 0 ⇒ exact (String a (pos_to_string p))
    | S ?n
       exact (match p with
              | 1 ⇒ EmptyString
              | p~0ltac:(gen p (a false) n)
              | p~1ltac:(gen p (a true) n)
    end in
  gen p Ascii 8.

Local Lemma pos_to_string_string_to_pos s : pos_to_string (string_to_pos s) = s.
Proof. induction s as [|[[][][][][][][][]]]; by f_equal/=. Qed.

Module Ascii.
  Global Instance eq_dec : EqDecision ascii := ascii_dec.

  Global Program Instance countable : Countable ascii := {|
    encode a := string_to_pos (String a EmptyString);
    decode p := match pos_to_string p return _ with String a _Some a | _None end
  Next Obligation. by intros [[] [] [] [] [] [] [] []]. Qed.

  Definition is_nat (x : ascii) : option nat :=
    match x with
    | "0" ⇒ Some 0
    | "1" ⇒ Some 1
    | "2" ⇒ Some 2
    | "3" ⇒ Some 3
    | "4" ⇒ Some 4
    | "5" ⇒ Some 5
    | "6" ⇒ Some 6
    | "7" ⇒ Some 7
    | "8" ⇒ Some 8
    | "9" ⇒ Some 9
    | _None

  Definition is_space (x : ascii) : bool :=
    match x with
    | "009" | "010" | "011" | "012" | "013" | " " ⇒ true | _false
End Ascii.

Module String.
Use a name that is consistent with list.
  Notation app := String.append.

And obtain a proper behavior for simpl.
  Global Arguments app : simpl never.

  Global Instance eq_dec : EqDecision string.
  Proof. solve_decision. Defined.

  Global Instance inhabited : Inhabited string := populate "".

  Global Program Instance countable : Countable string := {|
    encode := string_to_pos;
    decode p := Some (pos_to_string p)
  Solve Obligations with
    naive_solver eauto using pos_to_string_string_to_pos with f_equal.

  Definition le (s1 s2 : string) : Prop := String.leb s1 s2.

  Global Instance le_dec : RelDecision le.
  Proof. intros s1 s2. apply _. Defined.
  Global Instance le_pi s1 s2 : ProofIrrel (le s1 s2).
  Proof. apply _. Qed.

  Global Instance le_po : PartialOrder le.
    unfold le. split; [split|].
    - intros s. unfold String.leb. assert ((s ?= s)%string = Eq) as ->; [|done].
      induction s; simpl; [done|].
      unfold by rewrite N.compare_refl.
    - intros s1 s2 s3. unfold String.leb.
      destruct (s1 ?= s2)%string eqn:Hs12; [..|done].
      { by apply String.compare_eq_iff in Hs12 as →. }
      destruct (s2 ?= s3)%string eqn:Hs23; [..|done].
      { apply String.compare_eq_iff in Hs23 as →. by rewrite Hs12. }
      assert ((s1 ?= s3)%string = Lt) as ->; [|done].
      revert s2 s3 Hs12 Hs23.
      induction s1 as [|a1 s1]; intros [|a2 s2] [|a3 s3] ??;
        simplify_eq/=; [done..|].
      destruct ( a1 a2) eqn:Ha12; simplify_eq/=.
      { apply Ascii.compare_eq_iff in Ha12 as →.
        destruct ( a2 a3); simpl; eauto. }
      destruct ( a2 a3) eqn:Ha23; simplify_eq/=.
      { apply Ascii.compare_eq_iff in Ha23 as →. by rewrite Ha12. }
      assert ( a1 a3 = Lt) as ->; [|done].
      apply N.compare_lt_iff. by etrans; apply N.compare_lt_iff.
    - intros s1 s2 ?%Is_true_true ?%Is_true_true. by apply String.leb_antisym.
  Global Instance le_total : Total le.
    intros s1 s2. unfold le. destruct (String.leb_total s1 s2) as [->| ->]; auto.

  Global Instance app_inj s1 : Inj (=) (=) (app s1).
  Proof. intros ???. induction s1; simplify_eq/=; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.

  Fixpoint rev_app (s1 s2 : string) : string :=
    match s1 with
    | "" ⇒ s2
    | String a s1rev_app s1 (String a s2)
  Definition rev (s : string) : string := rev_app s "".

  Fixpoint words_go (cur : option string) (s : string) : list string :=
    match s with
    | "" ⇒ option_list (rev <$> cur)
    | String a s
       if Ascii.is_space a
       then option_list (rev <$> cur) ++ words_go None s
       else words_go (Some (from_option (String a) (String a "") cur)) s
  Definition words : string list string := words_go None.

  Ltac words s :=
    match type of s with
    | list strings
    | stringeval vm_compute in (words s)
End String.

Infix "≤" := String.le : string_scope.
Notation "(≤)" := String.le (only parsing) : string_scope.
Notation "x ≤ y ≤ z" := (x y y z)%string : string_scope.
Notation "x ≤ y ≤ z ≤ z'" := (x y y z z z')%string : string_scope.

Global Hint Extern 0 (_ _)%stringreflexivity : core.