Library iris.proofmode.modalities

From stdpp Require Import namespaces.
From Require Export bi.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Import bi.

The `iModIntro` tactic is not tied the Iris modalities, but can be instantiated with a variety of modalities.
For the purpose of MoSeL, a modality is a mapping of propositions `M : PROP1 → PROP2` (where `PROP1` and `PROP2` are BI-algebras, although usually it is the same algebra) that is monotone and distributes over separating conjunction. Specifically, the following rules have to be satisfied:
P ⊢ Q emp ⊢ M emp
M P ⊢ M Q M P ∗ M Q ⊢ M (P ∗ Q)
Together those conditions allow one to introduce the modality in the goal, while stripping away the modalities in the context.
Additionally, upon introducing a modality one can perform a number of associated actions on the intuitionistic and spatial contexts. Such an action can be one of the following:
  • Introduction is only allowed when the context is empty.
  • Introduction is only allowed when all hypotheses satisfy some predicate `C : PROP → Prop` (where `C` should be a type class).
  • Introduction will transform each hypotheses using a type class `C : PROP → PROP → Prop`, where the first parameter is the input and the second parameter is the output. Hypotheses that cannot be transformed (i.e. for which no instance of `C` can be found) will be cleared.
  • Introduction will clear the context.
  • Introduction will keep the context as-is.
Formally, these actions correspond to the inductive type modality_action. For each of those actions you have to prove that the transformation is valid.
To instantiate the modality you have to define: 1) a mixin `modality_mixin`, 2) a record `modality`, 3) a `FromModal` type class instance from `classes.v`.
For examples consult `modality_id` at the end of this file, or the instances in the `modality_instances.v` file.
Note that in MoSeL modalities can map the propositions between two different BI-algebras. Most of the modalities in Iris operate on the same type of assertions. For example, the <affine> modality can potentially maps propositions of an arbitrary BI-algebra into the sub-BI-algebra of affine propositions, but it is implemented as an endomapping. On the other hand, the embedding modality ⎡-⎤ is a mapping between propositions of different BI-algebras.

Inductive modality_action (PROP1 : bi) : bi Type :=
  | MIEnvIsEmpty {PROP2 : bi} : modality_action PROP1 PROP2
  | MIEnvForall (C : PROP1 Prop) : modality_action PROP1 PROP1
  | MIEnvTransform {PROP2 : bi} (C : PROP2 PROP1 Prop) : modality_action PROP1 PROP2
  | MIEnvClear {PROP2} : modality_action PROP1 PROP2
  | MIEnvId : modality_action PROP1 PROP1.
Global Arguments MIEnvIsEmpty {_ _}.
Global Arguments MIEnvForall {_} _.
Global Arguments MIEnvTransform {_ _} _.
Global Arguments MIEnvClear {_ _}.
Global Arguments MIEnvId {_}.

Notation MIEnvFilter C := (MIEnvTransform (TCDiag C)).

Definition modality_intuitionistic_action_spec {PROP1 PROP2}
    (s : modality_action PROP1 PROP2) : (PROP1 PROP2) Prop :=
  match s with
  | MIEnvIsEmptyλ M, True
  | MIEnvForall Cλ M,
     ( P, C P P M ( P))
     ( P Q, M P M Q M (P Q))
  | MIEnvTransform Cλ M,
     ( P Q, C P Q P M ( Q))
     ( P Q, M P M Q M (P Q))
  | MIEnvClearλ M, True
  | MIEnvIdλ M, P, P M ( P)

Definition modality_spatial_action_spec {PROP1 PROP2}
    (s : modality_action PROP1 PROP2) : (PROP1 PROP2) Prop :=
  match s with
  | MIEnvIsEmptyλ M, True
  | MIEnvForall Cλ M, P, C P P M P
  | MIEnvTransform Cλ M, P Q, C P Q P M Q
  | MIEnvClearλ M, P, Absorbing (M P)
  | MIEnvIdλ M, P, P M P

Record modality_mixin {PROP1 PROP2 : bi} (M : PROP1 PROP2)
    (iaction saction : modality_action PROP1 PROP2) := {
  modality_mixin_intuitionistic : modality_intuitionistic_action_spec iaction M;
  modality_mixin_spatial : modality_spatial_action_spec saction M;
  modality_mixin_emp : emp M emp;
  modality_mixin_mono P Q : (P Q) M P M Q;
  modality_mixin_sep P Q : M P M Q M (P Q)

Record modality (PROP1 PROP2 : bi) := Modality {
  modality_car :> PROP1 PROP2;
  modality_intuitionistic_action : modality_action PROP1 PROP2;
  modality_spatial_action : modality_action PROP1 PROP2;
  modality_mixin_of :
    modality_mixin modality_car modality_intuitionistic_action modality_spatial_action
Global Arguments Modality {_ _} _ {_ _} _.
Global Arguments modality_intuitionistic_action {_ _} _.
Global Arguments modality_spatial_action {_ _} _.

Section modality.
  Context {PROP1 PROP2} (M : modality PROP1 PROP2).

  Lemma modality_intuitionistic_transform C P Q :
    modality_intuitionistic_action M = MIEnvTransform C C P Q P M ( Q).
  Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.
  Lemma modality_and_transform C P Q :
    modality_intuitionistic_action M = MIEnvTransform C M P M Q M (P Q).
  Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.
  Lemma modality_spatial_transform C P Q :
    modality_spatial_action M = MIEnvTransform C C P Q P M Q.
  Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.
  Lemma modality_spatial_clear P :
    modality_spatial_action M = MIEnvClear Absorbing (M P).
  Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.

  Lemma modality_emp : emp M emp.
  Proof. eapply modality_mixin_emp, modality_mixin_of. Qed.
  Lemma modality_mono P Q : (P Q) M P M Q.
  Proof. eapply modality_mixin_mono, modality_mixin_of. Qed.
  Lemma modality_sep P Q : M P M Q M (P Q).
  Proof. eapply modality_mixin_sep, modality_mixin_of. Qed.
  Global Instance modality_mono' : Proper ((⊢) ==> (⊢)) M.
  Proof. intros P Q. apply modality_mono. Qed.
  Global Instance modality_flip_mono' : Proper (flip (⊢) ==> flip (⊢)) M.
  Proof. intros P Q. apply modality_mono. Qed.
  Global Instance modality_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) M.
  Proof. intros P Q. rewrite !equiv_entails⇒ -[??]; eauto using modality_mono. Qed.
End modality.

Section modality1.
  Context {PROP} (M : modality PROP PROP).

  Lemma modality_intuitionistic_forall C P :
    modality_intuitionistic_action M = MIEnvForall C C P P M ( P).
  Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.
  Lemma modality_and_forall C P Q :
    modality_intuitionistic_action M = MIEnvForall C M P M Q M (P Q).
  Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.
  Lemma modality_intuitionistic_id P :
    modality_intuitionistic_action M = MIEnvId P M ( P).
  Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.
  Lemma modality_spatial_forall C P :
    modality_spatial_action M = MIEnvForall C C P P M P.
  Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.
  Lemma modality_spatial_id P :
    modality_spatial_action M = MIEnvId P M P.
  Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.

  Lemma modality_intuitionistic_forall_big_and C Ps :
    modality_intuitionistic_action M = MIEnvForall C
    Forall C Ps
    (<affine> [∧ list] P Ps, <pers> P) M (<affine> [∧ list] P Ps, <pers> P).
    induction 2 as [|P Ps ? _ IH]; simpl.
    { rewrite affinely_True_emp. apply modality_emp. }
    rewrite affinely_and -modality_and_forall //. apply and_mono, IH.
    by eapply modality_intuitionistic_forall.
  Lemma modality_intuitionistic_id_big_and Ps :
    modality_intuitionistic_action M = MIEnvId
    (<affine> [∧ list] P Ps, <pers> P) M (<affine> [∧ list] P Ps, <pers> P).
    intros. induction Ps as [|P Ps IH]; simpl.
    { rewrite affinely_True_emp. apply modality_emp. }
    rewrite -affinely_and_r. rewrite {1}IH {IH}.
    rewrite !persistently_and_intuitionistically_sep_l.
    by rewrite {1}(modality_intuitionistic_id P) // modality_sep.
  Lemma modality_spatial_forall_big_sep C Ps :
    modality_spatial_action M = MIEnvForall C
    Forall C Ps [∗] Ps M ([∗] Ps).
    induction 2 as [|P Ps ? _ IH]; simpl.
    - by rewrite -modality_emp.
    - by rewrite -modality_sep -IH {1}(modality_spatial_forall _ P).
End modality1.

The identity modality modality_id can be used in combination with FromModal True modality_id to support introduction for modalities that enjoy P M P. This is done by defining an instance FromModal True modality_id (M P) P, which will instruct iModIntro to introduce the modality without modifying the proof mode context. Examples of such modalities are bupd, fupd, except_0, monPred_subjectively and bi_absorbingly.
Lemma modality_id_mixin {PROP : bi} : modality_mixin (@id PROP) MIEnvId MIEnvId.
Proof. split; simpl; eauto. Qed.
Definition modality_id {PROP : bi} := Modality (@id PROP) modality_id_mixin.