Library stdpp.unstable.bitblast

From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
From Coq.btauto Require Export Btauto.
From stdpp.bitvector Require Import definitions.
From stdpp Require Export tactics numbers list.
From stdpp Require Import options.

bitblast tactic: Solve integer goals by bitwise reasoning

This file provides the bitblast tactic for bitwise reasoning about Z via Z.testbit. Concretely, bitblast first turns an equality a = b into n, Z.testbit a n = Z.testbit b n, then simplifies the Z.testbit expressions using lemmas like Z.testbit ( a b) n = Z.testbit a n && Z.testbit b n, or Z.testbit (Z.ones z) n = bool_decide (0 n < z) || bool_decide (z < 0 0 n) and finally simplifies the resulting boolean expression by performing case distinction on all bool_decide in the goal and pruning impossible cases.
This library provides the following variants of the bitblast tactic:
  • bitblast: applies the bitblasting technique described above to the goal. If the goal already contains a Z.testbit, the first step (which introduces Z.testbit to prove equalities between Z) is skipped.
  • bitblast as n behaves the same as bitblast, but it allows naming the n introduced in the first step. Fails if the goal is not an equality between Z.
  • bitblast H applies the simplification of Z.testbit in the hypothesis H (but does not perform case distinction).
  • bitblast H with n as H' deduces from the equality H of the form z1 = z2 that the n-th bit of z1 and z2 are equal, simplifies the resulting equation, and adds it as the hypothesis H'.
  • bitblast H with n is the same as bitblast H with n as H', but using a fresh name for H'.
See also for another implementation of the same idea.


Local Set SsrOldRewriteGoalsOrder.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.

Helper lemmas to upstream

Lemma Nat_eqb_eq n1 n2 :
  (n1 =? n2)%nat = bool_decide (n1 = n2).
Proof. case_bool_decide; [by apply Nat.eqb_eq | by apply Nat.eqb_neq]. Qed.
Lemma Z_eqb_eq n1 n2 :
  (n1 =? n2)%Z = bool_decide (n1 = n2).
Proof. case_bool_decide; [by apply Z.eqb_eq | by apply Z.eqb_neq]. Qed.
Lemma Z_testbit_pos_testbit p n :
  (0 n)%Z
  Z.testbit (Z.pos p) n = Pos.testbit p (Z.to_N n).
Proof. by destruct n, p. Qed.

Lemma negb_forallb {A} (ls : list A) f :
   negb (forallb f ls) = existsb (negb f) ls.
Proof. induction ls; [done|]; simpl. rewrite negb_andb. congruence. Qed.

Lemma Z_bits_inj'' a b :
  a = b ( n : Z, 0 n Z.testbit a n = Z.testbit b n).
Proof. apply Z.bits_inj_iff'. Qed.

Lemma tac_tactic_in_hyp (P1 P2 : Prop) :
  P1 (P1 P2) P2.
Proof. eauto. Qed.
TODO: replace this with do [ tac ] in H from ssreflect?
Tactic Notation "tactic" tactic3(tac) "in" ident(H) :=
  let H' := fresh in
  unshelve epose proof (tac_tactic_in_hyp _ _ H _) as H'; [shelve|
    tac; let H := fresh H in intros H; exact H |];
  clear H; rename H' into H.


Fixpoint pos_to_bit_ranges_aux (p : positive) : (nat × nat) × list (nat × nat) :=
  match p with
  | xH((0, 1)%nat, [])
  | xO p'
      let x := pos_to_bit_ranges_aux p' in
      ((S x.1.1, x.1.2), prod_map S id <$> x.2)
  | xI p'
      let x := pos_to_bit_ranges_aux p' in
      if (x.1.1 =? 0)%nat then
        ((0%nat, S x.1.2), prod_map S id <$> x.2)
        ((0%nat, 1%nat), prod_map S id <$> (x.1 :: x.2))

pos_to_bit_ranges p computes the list of (start, length) pairs describing which bits of p are 1. The following examples show the behavior of pos_to_bit_ranges:

Definition pos_to_bit_ranges (p : positive) : list (nat × nat) :=
  let x := pos_to_bit_ranges_aux p in x.1::x.2.

Lemma pos_to_bit_ranges_spec p rs :
  pos_to_bit_ranges p = rs
  ( n, Pos.testbit p n r, r rs (N.of_nat r.1 n n < N.of_nat r.1 + N.of_nat r.2)%N).
  unfold pos_to_bit_ranges ⇒ <-.
  elim: p ⇒ //; csimpl.
  - movep IH n. rewrite Nat_eqb_eq. case_match; subst.
    + split; [|done] ⇒ _. case_match.
      all: eexists _; split; [by apply elem_of_list_here|] ⇒ /=; lia.
    + rewrite {}IH. split; move ⇒ [r[/elem_of_cons[Heq|Hin] ?]]; simplify_eq/=.
        case_bool_decide as Heq; simplify_eq/=.
        -- eexists _. split; [by apply elem_of_list_here|] ⇒ /=. lia.
        -- eexists _. split. { apply elem_of_list_further. apply elem_of_list_here. }
          simplify_eq/=. lia.
        case_bool_decide as Heq; simplify_eq/=.
        -- eexists _. split. { apply elem_of_list_further. apply elem_of_list_fmap. by eexists _. }
           simplify_eq/=. lia.
        -- eexists _. split. { do 2 apply elem_of_list_further. apply elem_of_list_fmap. by eexists _. }
           simplify_eq/=. lia.
      × eexists _. split; [by apply elem_of_list_here|]. case_bool_decide as Heq; simplify_eq/=; lia.
      × case_bool_decide as Heq; simplify_eq/=.
        -- move: Hin ⇒ /= /elem_of_list_fmap[?[??]]; subst. eexists _. split; [by apply elem_of_list_further |].
           simplify_eq/=. lia.
        -- rewrite -fmap_cons in Hin. move: Hin ⇒ /elem_of_list_fmap[?[??]]; subst. naive_solver lia.
  - movep IH n. case_match; subst.
    + split; [done|] ⇒ -[[l h][/elem_of_cons[?|/(elem_of_list_fmap_2 _ _ _)[[??][??]]]?]]; simplify_eq/=; lia.
    + rewrite IH. split; move ⇒ [r[/elem_of_cons[Heq|Hin] ?]]; simplify_eq/=.
      × eexists _. split; [by apply elem_of_list_here|] ⇒ /=; lia.
      × eexists _. split. { apply elem_of_list_further. apply elem_of_list_fmap. by eexists _. }
        destruct r; simplify_eq/=. lia.
      × eexists _. split; [by apply elem_of_list_here|] ⇒ /=; lia.
      × move: Hin ⇒ /elem_of_list_fmap[r'[??]]; subst. eexists _. split; [by apply elem_of_list_further|].
         destruct r'; simplify_eq/=. lia.
  - moven. setoid_rewrite elem_of_list_singleton. case_match; split ⇒ //; subst; naive_solver lia.

Definition Z_to_bit_ranges (z : Z) : list (nat × nat) :=
  match z with
  | Z0[]
  | Z.pos ppos_to_bit_ranges p
  | Z.neg p[]

Lemma Z_to_bit_ranges_spec z n rs :
  (0 n)%Z
  (0 z)%Z
  Z_to_bit_ranges z = rs
  Z.testbit z n Exists (λ r, Z.of_nat r.1 n n < Z.of_nat r.1 + Z.of_nat r.2) rs.
  move ⇒ /= ??.
  destruct z ⇒ //=.
  + move ⇒ <-. rewrite Z.bits_0 Exists_nil. done.
  + move ⇒ /pos_to_bit_ranges_spec Hbit. rewrite Z_testbit_pos_testbit // Hbit Exists_exists. naive_solver lia.


Ltac simpl_bool_cbn := cbn [andb orb negb].

Ltac simpl_bool :=
  repeat match goal with
         | |- context C [true && ?b] ⇒ simpl_bool_cbn
         | |- context C [false && ?b] ⇒ simpl_bool_cbn
         | |- context C [true || ?b] ⇒ simpl_bool_cbn
         | |- context C [false || ?b] ⇒ simpl_bool_cbn
         | |- context C [negb true] ⇒ simpl_bool_cbn
         | |- context C [negb false] ⇒ simpl_bool_cbn
         | |- context C [?b && true] ⇒ rewrite (Bool.andb_true_r b)
         | |- context C [?b && false] ⇒ rewrite (Bool.andb_false_r b)
         | |- context C [?b || true] ⇒ rewrite (Bool.orb_true_r b)
         | |- context C [?b || false] ⇒ rewrite (Bool.orb_false_r b)
         | |- context C [xorb ?b true] ⇒ rewrite (Bool.xorb_true_r b)
         | |- context C [xorb ?b false] ⇒ rewrite (Bool.xorb_false_r b)
         | |- context C [xorb true ?b] ⇒ rewrite (Bool.orb_true_l b)
         | |- context C [xorb false ?b] ⇒ rewrite (Bool.orb_false_l b)


Create HintDb simplify_bitblast_index_db discriminated.

Global Hint Rewrite
  : simplify_bitblast_index_db.

Local Ltac simplify_bitblast_index := autorewrite with simplify_bitblast_index_db.

Main typeclasses for bitblast

Create HintDb bitblast discriminated.
Global Hint Constants Opaque : bitblast.
Global Hint Variables Opaque : bitblast.

Class IsPowerOfTwo (z n : Z) := {
  is_power_of_two_proof : z = 2 ^ n;
Global Arguments is_power_of_two_proof _ _ {_}.
Global Hint Mode IsPowerOfTwo + - : bitblast.
Lemma is_power_of_two_pow2 n :
  IsPowerOfTwo (2 ^ n) n.
Proof. constructor. done. Qed.
Global Hint Resolve is_power_of_two_pow2 | 10 : bitblast.
Lemma is_power_of_two_const n p :
  ( x, [(n, 1%nat)] = x prod_map Z.of_nat id <$> Z_to_bit_ranges (Z.pos p) = x)
  IsPowerOfTwo (Z.pos p) n.
  moveHn. constructor. have {}Hn := Hn _ ltac:(done).
  apply Z.bits_inj_iff'i ?.
  apply eq_bool_prop_intro. rewrite Z_to_bit_ranges_spec; [|done|lia|done].
  move: Hn ⇒ /(fmap_cons_inv _ _ _)[[n' ?][?/=[[??][/(@eq_sym _ _ _)/fmap_nil_inv->->]]]]. subst.
  rewrite Exists_cons Exists_nil /=.
  rewrite Z.pow2_bits_eqb ?Z_eqb_eq ?bool_decide_spec; lia.
Global Hint Extern 10 (IsPowerOfTwo (Z.pos ?p) _) ⇒
  lazymatch isPcst p with | trueidtac end;
  simple notypeclasses refine (is_power_of_two_const _ _ _);
   let H := fresh in intros ? H; vm_compute; apply H
  : bitblast.

Class BitblastBounded (z n : Z) := {
  bitblast_bounded_proof : 0 z < 2 ^ n;
Global Arguments bitblast_bounded_proof _ _ {_}.
Global Hint Mode BitblastBounded + - : bitblast.

Global Hint Extern 10 (BitblastBounded _ _) ⇒
  constructor; first [ split; [lia|done] | done]
  : bitblast.

Class Bitblast (z n : Z) (b : bool) := {
  bitblast_proof : Z.testbit z n = b;
Global Arguments bitblast_proof _ _ _ {_}.
Global Hint Mode Bitblast + + - : bitblast.

Definition BITBLAST_TESTBIT := Z.testbit.
Lemma bitblast_id z n :
  Bitblast z n (bool_decide (0 n) && BITBLAST_TESTBIT z n).
Proof. constructor. case_bool_decide ⇒ //=. rewrite Z.testbit_neg_r //; lia. Qed.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_id | 1000 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_id_bounded z z' n :
  BitblastBounded z z'
  Bitblast z n (bool_decide (0 n < z') && BITBLAST_TESTBIT z n).
  move ⇒ [Hb]. constructor.
  move: (Hb) ⇒ /Z.bounded_iff_bits_nonneg' Hn.
  case_bool_decide ⇒ //=.
  destruct (decide (0 n)); [|rewrite Z.testbit_neg_r //; lia].
  apply Hn; try lia.
  destruct (decide (0 z')) ⇒ //.
  rewrite Z.pow_neg_r in Hb; lia.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_id_bounded | 990 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_0 n :
  Bitblast 0 n false.
Proof. constructor. by rewrite Z.bits_0. Qed.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_0 | 10 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_pos p n rs b :
  ( x, rs = x (λ p, (Z.of_nat p.1, Z.of_nat p.1 + Z.of_nat p.2)) <$> Z_to_bit_ranges (Z.pos p) = x)
  existsb (λ '(r1, r2), bool_decide (r1 n n < r2)) rs = b
  Bitblast (Z.pos p) n b.
  moveHr <-. constructor. rewrite -(Hr rs) //.
  destruct (decide (0 n)). 2: {
    rewrite Z.testbit_neg_r; [|lia]. elim: (Z_to_bit_ranges (Z.pos p)) ⇒ // [??]; csimpl ⇒ <-.
    case_bool_decide ⇒ //; lia.
  apply eq_bool_prop_intro. rewrite Z_to_bit_ranges_spec; [|done..]. rewrite existb_True Exists_fmap.
  f_equiv ⇒ -[??] /=. by rewrite bool_decide_spec.
Global Hint Extern 10 (Bitblast (Z.pos ?p) _ _) ⇒
  lazymatch isPcst p with | trueidtac end;
  simple notypeclasses refine (bitblast_pos _ _ _ _ _ _);[shelve|
   let H := fresh in intros ? H; vm_compute; apply H |
   cbv [existsb]; exact eq_refl]
  : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_neg p n rs b :
  ( x, rs = x (λ p, (Z.of_nat p.1, Z.of_nat p.1 + Z.of_nat p.2)) <$> Z_to_bit_ranges (Z.pred (Z.pos p)) = x)
  forallb (λ '(r1, r2), bool_decide (n < r1 r2 n)) rs = b
  Bitblast (Z.neg p) n (bool_decide (0 n) && b).
  moveHr <-. constructor. rewrite -(Hr rs) //.
  case_bool_decide ⇒ /=; [|rewrite Z.testbit_neg_r; [done|lia]].
  have → : Z.neg p = Z.lnot (Z.pred (Z.pos p)).
  { rewrite -Pos2Z.opp_pos. have := Z.add_lnot_diag (Z.pred (Z.pos p)). lia. }
  rewrite Z.lnot_spec //. symmetry. apply negb_sym.
  apply eq_bool_prop_intro. rewrite Z_to_bit_ranges_spec; [|done|lia|done].
  rewrite negb_forallb existb_True Exists_fmap.
  f_equiv ⇒ -[??] /=. rewrite negb_True bool_decide_spec. lia.
Global Hint Extern 10 (Bitblast (Z.neg ?p) _ _) ⇒
  lazymatch isPcst p with | trueidtac end;
  simple notypeclasses refine (bitblast_neg _ _ _ _ _ _);[shelve|shelve|
   let H := fresh in intros ? H; vm_compute; apply H |
   cbv [forallb]; exact eq_refl]
    : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_land z1 z2 n b1 b2 :
  Bitblast z1 n b1
  Bitblast z2 n b2
  Bitblast ( z1 z2) n (b1 && b2).
Proof. move ⇒ [<-] [<-]. constructor. by rewrite Z.land_spec. Qed.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_land | 10 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_lor z1 z2 n b1 b2 :
  Bitblast z1 n b1
  Bitblast z2 n b2
  Bitblast (Z.lor z1 z2) n (b1 || b2).
Proof. move ⇒ [<-] [<-]. constructor. by rewrite Z.lor_spec. Qed.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_lor | 10 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_lxor z1 z2 n b1 b2 :
  Bitblast z1 n b1
  Bitblast z2 n b2
  Bitblast (Z.lxor z1 z2) n (xorb b1 b2).
Proof. move ⇒ [<-] [<-]. constructor. by rewrite Z.lxor_spec. Qed.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_lxor | 10 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_shiftr z1 z2 n b1 :
  Bitblast z1 (n + z2) b1
  Bitblast (z1 z2) n (bool_decide (0 n) && b1).
  move ⇒ [<-]. constructor.
  case_bool_decide ⇒ /=; [by rewrite Z.shiftr_spec| rewrite Z.testbit_neg_r //; lia].
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_shiftr | 10 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_shiftl z1 z2 n b1 :
  Bitblast z1 (n - z2) b1
  Bitblast (z1 z2) n (bool_decide (0 n) && b1).
  move ⇒ [<-]. constructor.
  case_bool_decide ⇒ /=; [by rewrite Z.shiftl_spec| rewrite Z.testbit_neg_r //; lia].
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_shiftl | 10 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_lnot z1 n b1 :
  Bitblast z1 n b1
  Bitblast (Z.lnot z1) n (bool_decide (0 n) && negb b1).
  move ⇒ [<-]. constructor.
  case_bool_decide ⇒ /=; [by rewrite Z.lnot_spec| rewrite Z.testbit_neg_r //; lia].
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_lnot | 10 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_ldiff z1 z2 n b1 b2 :
  Bitblast z1 n b1
  Bitblast z2 n b2
  Bitblast (Z.ldiff z1 z2) n (b1 && negb b2).
Proof. move ⇒ [<-] [<-]. constructor. by rewrite Z.ldiff_spec. Qed.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_ldiff | 10 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_ones z1 n :
  Bitblast (Z.ones z1) n (bool_decide (0 n < z1) || bool_decide (z1 < 0 0 n)).
  constructor. case_bool_decide; [by apply Z.ones_spec_low|] ⇒ /=.
  - rewrite Z.ones_equiv Z.pow_neg_r; [|lia]. apply Z.bits_m1. lia.
  - destruct (decide (0 n)); [|rewrite Z.testbit_neg_r //; lia].
    apply Z.ones_spec_high; lia.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_ones | 10 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_pow2 n n' :
  Bitblast (2 ^ n') n (bool_decide (n = n' 0 n)).
  constructor. case_bool_decide; destruct_and?; subst; [by apply Z.pow2_bits_true|].
  destruct (decide (0 n)); [|rewrite Z.testbit_neg_r //; lia].
  apply Z.pow2_bits_false. lia.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_pow2 | 10 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_setbit z1 n b1 n' :
  Bitblast (Z.lor z1 (2 ^ n')) n b1
  Bitblast (Z.setbit z1 n') n b1.
Proof. by rewrite Z.setbit_spec'. Qed.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_setbit | 10 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_mod z1 z2 z2' n b1 :
  IsPowerOfTwo z2 z2'
  Bitblast z1 n b1
  Bitblast (z1 `mod` z2) n ((bool_decide (z2' < 0 0 n) || bool_decide (n < z2')) && b1).
  move ⇒ [->] [<-]. constructor.
  case_bool_decide ⇒ /=. { rewrite Z.pow_neg_r ?Zmod_0_r; [done|lia]. }
  destruct (decide (0 n)). 2: { rewrite !Z.testbit_neg_r ?andb_false_r //; lia. }
  rewrite -Z.land_ones; [|lia]. rewrite Z.land_spec Z.ones_spec; [|lia..].
  by rewrite andb_comm.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_mod | 10 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_add_0 z1 z2 b1 b2 :
  Bitblast z1 0 b1
  Bitblast z2 0 b2
  Bitblast (z1 + z2) 0 (xorb b1 b2).
Proof. move ⇒ [<-] [<-]. constructor. apply Z.add_bit0. Qed.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_add_0 | 5 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_add_1 z1 z2 b10 b11 b20 b21 :
  Bitblast z1 0 b10
  Bitblast z2 0 b20
  Bitblast z1 1 b11
  Bitblast z2 1 b21
  Bitblast (z1 + z2) 1 (xorb (xorb b11 b21) (b10 && b20)).
Proof. move ⇒ [<-] [<-] [<-] [<-]. constructor. apply Z.add_bit1. Qed.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_add_1 | 5 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_clearbit z n b m :
  Bitblast z n b
  Bitblast (Z.clearbit z m) n (bool_decide (n m) && b).
  move ⇒ [<-]. constructor.
  case_bool_decide; subst ⇒ /=.
  - by apply Z.clearbit_neq.
  - by apply Z.clearbit_eq.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_clearbit | 10 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_bool_to_Z b n:
  Bitblast (bool_to_Z b) n (bool_decide (n = 0) && b).
  constructor. destruct b; simpl_bool; repeat case_bool_decide;
    subst; try done; rewrite ?Z.bits_0; by destruct n.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_bool_to_Z | 10 : bitblast.

Instances for bv
Lemma bitblast_bv_wrap z1 n n1 b1:
  Bitblast z1 n b1
  Bitblast (bv_wrap n1 z1) n (bool_decide (n < Z.of_N n1) && b1).
  intros [<-]. constructor.
  destruct (decide (0 n)); [by rewrite bv_wrap_spec| rewrite !Z.testbit_neg_r; [|lia..]; btauto].
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_bv_wrap | 10 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_bounded_bv_unsigned n (b : bv n):
  BitblastBounded (bv_unsigned b) (Z.of_N n).
Proof. constructor. apply bv_unsigned_in_range. Qed.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_bounded_bv_unsigned | 15 : bitblast.


Helper definitions and lemmas for the tactics

Definition BITBLAST_BOOL_DECIDE := @bool_decide.
Global Arguments BITBLAST_BOOL_DECIDE _ {_}.

Lemma tac_bitblast_bool_decide_true G (P : Prop) `{!Decision P} :
  G true
  G (bool_decide P).
Proof. move ⇒ ??. by rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2. Qed.
Lemma tac_bitblast_bool_decide_false G (P : Prop) `{!Decision P} :
  ¬ P
  G false
  G (bool_decide P).
Proof. move ⇒ ??. by rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2. Qed.
Lemma tac_bitblast_bool_decide_split G (P : Prop) `{!Decision P} :
  (P G true)
  (¬ P G false)
  G (bool_decide P).
Proof. move ⇒ ??. case_bool_decide; eauto. Qed.

Core tactics

Ltac bitblast_done :=
  solve [ first [ done | lia | btauto ] ].

bitblast_blast_eq applies to goals of the form Z.testbit _ _ = ?x and bitblasts the Z.testbit using the Bitblast typeclass.
Ltac bitblast_blast_eq :=
  lazymatch goal with |- Z.testbit _ _ = _idtac end;
  etrans; [ notypeclasses refine (bitblast_proof _ _ _); typeclasses eauto with bitblast | ];
  exact eq_refl.

bitblast_bool_decide_simplify get rids of unnecessary bool_decide in the goal.
Ltac bitblast_bool_decide_simplify :=
  repeat lazymatch goal with
         | |- context [@bool_decide ?P ?Dec] ⇒
             pattern (@bool_decide P Dec);
             lazymatch goal with
             | |- ?G _
                 first [
                     refine (@tac_bitblast_bool_decide_true G P Dec _ _); [lia|];
                     refine (@tac_bitblast_bool_decide_false G P Dec _ _); [lia|];
                     change_no_check (G (@BITBLAST_BOOL_DECIDE P Dec))
             cbv beta
simpl_bool contains rewriting so it can be quite slow and thus we only do it at the end.
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- ?Glet x := eval unfold BITBLAST_BOOL_DECIDE in G in change_no_check x

bitblast_bool_decide_split performs a case distinction on a bool_decide in the goal.
Ltac bitblast_bool_decide_split :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- context [@bool_decide ?P ?Dec] ⇒
      pattern (@bool_decide P Dec);
      lazymatch goal with
      | |- ?G _
          refine (@tac_bitblast_bool_decide_split G P Dec _ _) ⇒ ?; cbv beta; simpl_bool

bitblast_unfold bitblasts all Z.testbit in the goal.
Ltac bitblast_unfold :=
  repeat lazymatch goal with
  | |- context [Z.testbit ?z ?n] ⇒
      pattern (Z.testbit z n);
      simple refine (eq_rec_r _ _ _); [shelve| |bitblast_blast_eq]; cbv beta
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- ?Glet x := eval unfold BITBLAST_TESTBIT in G in change_no_check x

bitblast_raw bitblasts all Z.testbit in the goal and simplifies the result.
Ltac bitblast_raw :=
  try bitblast_done;
  repeat (bitblast_bool_decide_split; bitblast_bool_decide_simplify; try bitblast_done).

Tactic notations

Tactic Notation "bitblast" "as" ident(i) :=
  apply Z.bits_inj_iff'; intros i ⇒ ?; bitblast_raw.

Tactic Notation "bitblast" :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- context [Z.testbit _ _] ⇒ idtac
  | _apply Z.bits_inj_iff' ⇒ ??

Tactic Notation "bitblast" ident(H) :=
  tactic bitblast_unfold in H;
  tactic bitblast_bool_decide_simplify in H.
Tactic Notation "bitblast" ident(H) "with" constr(i) "as" ident(H') :=
  lazymatch type of H with
  | @eq Z _ _opose proof× (Z_bits_inj'' _ _ H i) as H'; [try bitblast_done..|]
  | x, _opose proof× (H i) as H'; [try bitblast_done..|]
  end; bitblast H'.
Tactic Notation "bitblast" ident(H) "with" constr(i) :=
  let H' := fresh "H" in bitblast H with i as H'.