Library stdpp.tactics
This file collects general purpose tactics that are used throughout
the development.
From Coq Require Export Lia.
From stdpp Require Export decidable.
From stdpp Require Import options.
Lemma f_equal_dep {A B} (f g : ∀ x : A, B x) x : f = g → f x = g x.
Proof. intros ->; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma f_equal_help {A B} (f g : A → B) x y : f = g → x = y → f x = g y.
Proof. intros → ->; reflexivity. Qed.
Ltac f_equal :=
let rec go :=
match goal with
| _ ⇒ reflexivity
| _ ⇒ apply f_equal_help; [go|try reflexivity]
| |- ?f ?x = ?g ?x ⇒ apply (f_equal_dep f g); go
end in
try go.
From stdpp Require Export decidable.
From stdpp Require Import options.
Lemma f_equal_dep {A B} (f g : ∀ x : A, B x) x : f = g → f x = g x.
Proof. intros ->; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma f_equal_help {A B} (f g : A → B) x y : f = g → x = y → f x = g y.
Proof. intros → ->; reflexivity. Qed.
Ltac f_equal :=
let rec go :=
match goal with
| _ ⇒ reflexivity
| _ ⇒ apply f_equal_help; [go|try reflexivity]
| |- ?f ?x = ?g ?x ⇒ apply (f_equal_dep f g); go
end in
try go.
We declare hint databases f_equal, congruence and lia and containing
solely the tactic corresponding to its name. These hint database are useful in
to be combined in combination with other hint database.
Global Hint Extern 998 (_ = _) ⇒ f_equal : f_equal.
Global Hint Extern 999 ⇒ congruence : congruence.
Global Hint Extern 1000 ⇒ lia : lia.
Global Hint Extern 1001 ⇒ progress subst : subst.
Global Hint Extern 999 ⇒ congruence : congruence.
Global Hint Extern 1000 ⇒ lia : lia.
Global Hint Extern 1001 ⇒ progress subst : subst.
backtracking on this one will
be very bad, so use with care!
The tactic intuition expands to intuition auto with × by default. This
is rather inefficient when having big hint databases, or expensive Hint Extern
declarations as the ones above.
Ltac intuition_solver ::= auto.
The fast_reflexivity tactic only works on syntactically equal terms. It
can be used to avoid expensive failing unification.
done can get slow as it calls "trivial". fast_done can solve way less
goals, but it will also always finish quickly. We do 'reflexivity' last because
for goals of the form ?x = y, if we have x = y in the context, we will typically
want to use the assumption and not reflexivity
Ltac fast_done :=
[ eassumption
| symmetry; eassumption
| apply not_symmetry; eassumption
| reflexivity ].
Tactic Notation "fast_by" tactic(tac) :=
tac; fast_done.
Class TCFastDone (P : Prop) : Prop := tc_fast_done : P.
Global Hint Extern 1 (TCFastDone ?P) ⇒ (change P; fast_done) : typeclass_instances.
[ eassumption
| symmetry; eassumption
| apply not_symmetry; eassumption
| reflexivity ].
Tactic Notation "fast_by" tactic(tac) :=
tac; fast_done.
Class TCFastDone (P : Prop) : Prop := tc_fast_done : P.
Global Hint Extern 1 (TCFastDone ?P) ⇒ (change P; fast_done) : typeclass_instances.
A slightly modified version of Ssreflect's finishing tactic done. It
also performs reflexivity and uses symmetry of negated equalities. Compared
to Ssreflect's done, it does not compute the goal's hnf so as to avoid
unfolding setoid equalities. Note that this tactic performs much better than
Coq's easy tactic as it does not perform inversion.
Ltac done :=
[ repeat first
[ fast_done
| solve [trivial]
| progress intros
| solve [symmetry; trivial]
| solve [apply not_symmetry; trivial]
| discriminate
| contradiction
| split
| match goal with H : ¬_ |- _ ⇒ case H; clear H; fast_done end ]
Tactic Notation "by" tactic(tac) :=
tac; done.
Ltac done_if b :=
match b with
| true ⇒ done
| false ⇒ idtac
[ repeat first
[ fast_done
| solve [trivial]
| progress intros
| solve [symmetry; trivial]
| solve [apply not_symmetry; trivial]
| discriminate
| contradiction
| split
| match goal with H : ¬_ |- _ ⇒ case H; clear H; fast_done end ]
Tactic Notation "by" tactic(tac) :=
tac; done.
Ltac done_if b :=
match b with
| true ⇒ done
| false ⇒ idtac
Aliases for transitivity and etransitivity that are easier to type
Tactic Notation "trans" constr(A) := transitivity A.
Tactic Notation "etrans" := etransitivity.
Tactic Notation "etrans" := etransitivity.
Tactics for splitting conjunctions:
Note that split_and differs from split by only splitting conjunctions. The
split tactic splits any inductive with one constructor.
- split_and : split the goal if is syntactically of the shape _ ∧ _
- split_and? : split the goal repeatedly (perhaps zero times) while it is of the shape _ ∧ _.
- split_and! : works similarly, but at least one split should succeed. In order to do so, it will head normalize the goal first to possibly expose a conjunction.
- destruct_and? H : destruct assumption H repeatedly (perhaps zero times) while it is of the shape _ ∧ _.
- destruct_and! H : works similarly, but at least one destruct should succeed. In order to do so, it will head normalize the goal first to possibly expose a conjunction.
- destruct_and? iterates destruct_or? H on every matching assumption H.
- destruct_and! works similarly, but at least one destruct should succeed.
Tactic Notation "split_and" :=
match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Is_true (_ && _) ⇒ apply andb_True; split
Tactic Notation "split_and" "?" := repeat split_and.
Tactic Notation "split_and" "!" := hnf; split_and; split_and?.
Ltac destruct_and_go H :=
try lazymatch type of H with
| True ⇒ clear H
| _ ∧ _ ⇒
let H1 := fresh in
let H2 := fresh in
destruct H as [ H1 H2 ];
destruct_and_go H1; destruct_and_go H2
| Is_true (bool_decide _) ⇒
apply (bool_decide_unpack _) in H;
destruct_and_go H
| Is_true (_ && _) ⇒
apply andb_True in H;
destruct_and_go H
Tactic Notation "destruct_and" "?" ident(H) :=
destruct_and_go H.
Tactic Notation "destruct_and" "!" ident(H) :=
hnf in H; progress (destruct_and? H).
Tactic Notation "destruct_and" "?" :=
repeat match goal with H : _ |- _ ⇒ progress (destruct_and? H) end.
Tactic Notation "destruct_and" "!" :=
progress destruct_and?.
match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Is_true (_ && _) ⇒ apply andb_True; split
Tactic Notation "split_and" "?" := repeat split_and.
Tactic Notation "split_and" "!" := hnf; split_and; split_and?.
Ltac destruct_and_go H :=
try lazymatch type of H with
| True ⇒ clear H
| _ ∧ _ ⇒
let H1 := fresh in
let H2 := fresh in
destruct H as [ H1 H2 ];
destruct_and_go H1; destruct_and_go H2
| Is_true (bool_decide _) ⇒
apply (bool_decide_unpack _) in H;
destruct_and_go H
| Is_true (_ && _) ⇒
apply andb_True in H;
destruct_and_go H
Tactic Notation "destruct_and" "?" ident(H) :=
destruct_and_go H.
Tactic Notation "destruct_and" "!" ident(H) :=
hnf in H; progress (destruct_and? H).
Tactic Notation "destruct_and" "?" :=
repeat match goal with H : _ |- _ ⇒ progress (destruct_and? H) end.
Tactic Notation "destruct_and" "!" :=
progress destruct_and?.
Tactics for splitting disjunctions in an assumption:
- destruct_or? H : destruct the assumption H repeatedly (perhaps zero times) while it is of the shape _ ∨ _.
- destruct_or! H : works similarly, but at least one destruct should succeed. In order to do so, it will head normalize the goal first to possibly expose a disjunction.
- destruct_or? iterates destruct_or? H on every matching assumption H.
- destruct_or! works similarly, but at least one destruct should succeed.
Tactic Notation "destruct_or" "?" ident(H) :=
repeat match type of H with
| False ⇒ destruct H
| _ ∨ _ ⇒ destruct H as [H|H]
| Is_true (bool_decide _) ⇒ apply (bool_decide_unpack _) in H
| Is_true (_ || _) ⇒ apply orb_True in H; destruct H as [H|H]
Tactic Notation "destruct_or" "!" ident(H) := hnf in H; progress (destruct_or? H).
Tactic Notation "destruct_or" "?" :=
repeat match goal with H : _ |- _ ⇒ progress (destruct_or? H) end.
Tactic Notation "destruct_or" "!" :=
progress destruct_or?.
repeat match type of H with
| False ⇒ destruct H
| _ ∨ _ ⇒ destruct H as [H|H]
| Is_true (bool_decide _) ⇒ apply (bool_decide_unpack _) in H
| Is_true (_ || _) ⇒ apply orb_True in H; destruct H as [H|H]
Tactic Notation "destruct_or" "!" ident(H) := hnf in H; progress (destruct_or? H).
Tactic Notation "destruct_or" "?" :=
repeat match goal with H : _ |- _ ⇒ progress (destruct_or? H) end.
Tactic Notation "destruct_or" "!" :=
progress destruct_or?.
The tactic case_match destructs an arbitrary match in the conclusion or
assumptions, and generates a corresponding equality. This tactic is best used
together with the repeat tactical.
Tactic Notation "case_match" "eqn" ":" ident(Hd) :=
match goal with
| H : context [ match ?x with _ ⇒ _ end ] |- _ ⇒ destruct x eqn:Hd
| |- context [ match ?x with _ ⇒ _ end ] ⇒ destruct x eqn:Hd
Ltac case_match :=
let H := fresh in case_match eqn:H.
Tactic Notation "case_guard" "as" ident(Hx) :=
match goal with
| H : context C [@guard_or ?E ?e ?M ?T ?R ?P ?dec] |- _ ⇒
change (@guard_or E e M T R P dec) with (
match @decide P dec with left H' ⇒ @mret M R P H' | _ ⇒ @mthrow E M T P e end) in *;
destruct_decide (@decide P dec) as Hx
| |- context C [@guard_or ?E ?e ?M ?T ?R ?P ?dec] ⇒
change (@guard_or E e M T R P dec) with (
match @decide P dec with left H' ⇒ @mret M R P H' | _ ⇒ @mthrow E M T P e end) in *;
destruct_decide (@decide P dec) as Hx
Tactic Notation "case_guard" :=
let H := fresh in case_guard as H.
match goal with
| H : context [ match ?x with _ ⇒ _ end ] |- _ ⇒ destruct x eqn:Hd
| |- context [ match ?x with _ ⇒ _ end ] ⇒ destruct x eqn:Hd
Ltac case_match :=
let H := fresh in case_match eqn:H.
Tactic Notation "case_guard" "as" ident(Hx) :=
match goal with
| H : context C [@guard_or ?E ?e ?M ?T ?R ?P ?dec] |- _ ⇒
change (@guard_or E e M T R P dec) with (
match @decide P dec with left H' ⇒ @mret M R P H' | _ ⇒ @mthrow E M T P e end) in *;
destruct_decide (@decide P dec) as Hx
| |- context C [@guard_or ?E ?e ?M ?T ?R ?P ?dec] ⇒
change (@guard_or E e M T R P dec) with (
match @decide P dec with left H' ⇒ @mret M R P H' | _ ⇒ @mthrow E M T P e end) in *;
destruct_decide (@decide P dec) as Hx
Tactic Notation "case_guard" :=
let H := fresh in case_guard as H.
Tactic Notation "unless" constr(T) "by" tactic3(tac_fail) :=
first [assert T by tac_fail; fail 1 | idtac].
first [assert T by tac_fail; fail 1 | idtac].
The tactic repeat_on_hyps tac repeatedly applies tac in unspecified
order on all hypotheses until it cannot be applied to any hypothesis anymore.
Tactic Notation "repeat_on_hyps" tactic3(tac) :=
repeat match goal with H : _ |- _ ⇒ progress tac H end.
repeat match goal with H : _ |- _ ⇒ progress tac H end.
The tactic clear dependent H1 ... Hn clears the hypotheses Hi and
their dependencies. This provides an n-ary variant of Coq's standard
clear dependent.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) :=
clear dependent H1; clear dependent H2.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) :=
clear dependent H1 H2; clear dependent H3.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) :=
clear dependent H1 H2 H3; clear dependent H4.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4)
hyp(H5) := clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4; clear dependent H5.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) hyp(H5)
hyp (H6) := clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4 H5; clear dependent H6.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) hyp(H5)
hyp (H6) hyp(H7) := clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6; clear dependent H7.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) hyp(H5)
hyp (H6) hyp(H7) hyp(H8) :=
clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7; clear dependent H8.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) hyp(H5)
hyp (H6) hyp(H7) hyp(H8) hyp(H9) :=
clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8; clear dependent H9.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) hyp(H5)
hyp (H6) hyp(H7) hyp(H8) hyp(H9) hyp(H10) :=
clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9; clear dependent H10.
clear dependent H1; clear dependent H2.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) :=
clear dependent H1 H2; clear dependent H3.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) :=
clear dependent H1 H2 H3; clear dependent H4.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4)
hyp(H5) := clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4; clear dependent H5.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) hyp(H5)
hyp (H6) := clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4 H5; clear dependent H6.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) hyp(H5)
hyp (H6) hyp(H7) := clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6; clear dependent H7.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) hyp(H5)
hyp (H6) hyp(H7) hyp(H8) :=
clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7; clear dependent H8.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) hyp(H5)
hyp (H6) hyp(H7) hyp(H8) hyp(H9) :=
clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8; clear dependent H9.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) hyp(H5)
hyp (H6) hyp(H7) hyp(H8) hyp(H9) hyp(H10) :=
clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9; clear dependent H10.
The tactic is_non_dependent H determines whether the goal's conclusion or
hypotheses depend on H.
Tactic Notation "is_non_dependent" constr(H) :=
match goal with
| _ : context [ H ] |- _ ⇒ fail 1
| |- context [ H ] ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ idtac
match goal with
| _ : context [ H ] |- _ ⇒ fail 1
| |- context [ H ] ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ idtac
The tactic var_eq x y fails if x and y are unequal, and var_neq
does the converse.
Ltac var_eq x1 x2 := match x1 with x2 ⇒ idtac | _ ⇒ fail 1 end.
Ltac var_neq x1 x2 := match x1 with x2 ⇒ fail 1 | _ ⇒ idtac end.
Ltac var_neq x1 x2 := match x1 with x2 ⇒ fail 1 | _ ⇒ idtac end.
The tactic mk_evar T returns a new evar of type T, without affecting the
current context.
This is usually a more useful behavior than Coq's evar, which is a
side-effecting tactic (not returning anything) that introduces a local
definition into the context that holds the evar.
Note that the obvious alternative open_constr (_:T) has subtly different
behavior, see std++ issue 115.
Usually, Ltacs cannot return a value and have a side-effect, but we use the
trick described at
to work around that: wrap the side-effect in a [match goal].
Ltac mk_evar T :=
let T := constr:(T : Type) in
let e := fresh in
let _ := match goal with _ ⇒ evar (e:T) end in
let e' := eval unfold e in e in
let _ := match goal with _ ⇒ clear e end in
let T := constr:(T : Type) in
let e := fresh in
let _ := match goal with _ ⇒ evar (e:T) end in
let e' := eval unfold e in e in
let _ := match goal with _ ⇒ clear e end in
The tactic get_head t returns the head function f when t is of the
shape f a1 ... aN. This is purely syntactic, no unification is performed.
Ltac get_head e :=
lazymatch e with
| ?h _ ⇒ get_head h
| _ ⇒ e
lazymatch e with
| ?h _ ⇒ get_head h
| _ ⇒ e
The tactic eunify x y succeeds if x and y can be unified, and fails
otherwise. If it succeeds, it will instantiate necessary evars in x and y.
Contrary to Coq's standard unify tactic, which uses constr for the arguments
x and y, eunify uses open_constr so that one can use holes (i.e., _s).
For example, it allows one to write eunify x (S _), which will test if x
unifies a successor.
Tactic Notation "eunify" open_constr(x) open_constr(y) :=
unify x y.
unify x y.
The tactic no_new_unsolved_evars tac executes tac and fails if it
creates any new evars or leaves behind any subgoals.
Ltac no_new_unsolved_evars tac := solve [unshelve tac].
Operational type class projections in recursive calls are not folded back
appropriately by simpl. The tactic csimpl uses the fold_classes tactics
to refold recursive calls of fmap, mbind, omap and alter. A
self-contained example explaining the problem can be found in the following
Coq-club message:
Ltac fold_classes :=
repeat match goal with
| |- context [ ?F ] ⇒
progress match type of F with
| FMap _ ⇒
change F with (@fmap _ F);
repeat change (@fmap _ (@fmap _ F)) with (@fmap _ F)
| MBind _ ⇒
change F with (@mbind _ F);
repeat change (@mbind _ (@mbind _ F)) with (@mbind _ F)
| OMap _ ⇒
change F with (@omap _ F);
repeat change (@omap _ (@omap _ F)) with (@omap _ F)
| Alter _ _ _ ⇒
change F with (@alter _ _ _ F);
repeat change (@alter _ _ _ (@alter _ _ _ F)) with (@alter _ _ _ F)
Ltac fold_classes_hyps H :=
repeat match type of H with
| context [ ?F ] ⇒
progress match type of F with
| FMap _ ⇒
change F with (@fmap _ F) in H;
repeat change (@fmap _ (@fmap _ F)) with (@fmap _ F) in H
| MBind _ ⇒
change F with (@mbind _ F) in H;
repeat change (@mbind _ (@mbind _ F)) with (@mbind _ F) in H
| OMap _ ⇒
change F with (@omap _ F) in H;
repeat change (@omap _ (@omap _ F)) with (@omap _ F) in H
| Alter _ _ _ ⇒
change F with (@alter _ _ _ F) in H;
repeat change (@alter _ _ _ (@alter _ _ _ F)) with (@alter _ _ _ F) in H
Tactic Notation "csimpl" "in" hyp(H) :=
try (progress simpl in H; fold_classes_hyps H).
Tactic Notation "csimpl" := try (progress simpl; fold_classes).
Tactic Notation "csimpl" "in" "*" :=
repeat_on_hyps (fun H ⇒ csimpl in H); csimpl.
repeat match goal with
| |- context [ ?F ] ⇒
progress match type of F with
| FMap _ ⇒
change F with (@fmap _ F);
repeat change (@fmap _ (@fmap _ F)) with (@fmap _ F)
| MBind _ ⇒
change F with (@mbind _ F);
repeat change (@mbind _ (@mbind _ F)) with (@mbind _ F)
| OMap _ ⇒
change F with (@omap _ F);
repeat change (@omap _ (@omap _ F)) with (@omap _ F)
| Alter _ _ _ ⇒
change F with (@alter _ _ _ F);
repeat change (@alter _ _ _ (@alter _ _ _ F)) with (@alter _ _ _ F)
Ltac fold_classes_hyps H :=
repeat match type of H with
| context [ ?F ] ⇒
progress match type of F with
| FMap _ ⇒
change F with (@fmap _ F) in H;
repeat change (@fmap _ (@fmap _ F)) with (@fmap _ F) in H
| MBind _ ⇒
change F with (@mbind _ F) in H;
repeat change (@mbind _ (@mbind _ F)) with (@mbind _ F) in H
| OMap _ ⇒
change F with (@omap _ F) in H;
repeat change (@omap _ (@omap _ F)) with (@omap _ F) in H
| Alter _ _ _ ⇒
change F with (@alter _ _ _ F) in H;
repeat change (@alter _ _ _ (@alter _ _ _ F)) with (@alter _ _ _ F) in H
Tactic Notation "csimpl" "in" hyp(H) :=
try (progress simpl in H; fold_classes_hyps H).
Tactic Notation "csimpl" := try (progress simpl; fold_classes).
Tactic Notation "csimpl" "in" "*" :=
repeat_on_hyps (fun H ⇒ csimpl in H); csimpl.
The tactic simplify_eq repeatedly substitutes, discriminates,
and injects equalities, and tries to contradict impossible inequalities.
Tactic Notation "simplify_eq" := repeat
match goal with
| H : _ ≠ _ |- _ ⇒ by case H; try clear H
| H : _ = _ → False |- _ ⇒ by case H; try clear H
| H : ?x = _ |- _ ⇒ subst x
| H : _ = ?x |- _ ⇒ subst x
| H : _ = _ |- _ ⇒ discriminate H
| H : _ ≡ _ |- _ ⇒ apply leibniz_equiv in H
| H : ?f _ = ?f _ |- _ ⇒ apply (inj f) in H
| H : ?f _ _ = ?f _ _ |- _ ⇒ apply (inj2 f) in H; destruct H
| H : ?f _ = ?f _ |- _ ⇒ progress injection H as H
| H : ?f _ _ = ?f _ _ |- _ ⇒ progress injection H as H
| H : ?f _ _ _ = ?f _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ progress injection H as H
| H : ?f _ _ _ _ = ?f _ _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ progress injection H as H
| H : ?f _ _ _ _ _ = ?f _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ progress injection H as H
| H : ?f _ _ _ _ _ _ = ?f _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ progress injection H as H
| H : ?x = ?x |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H1 : ?o = Some ?x, H2 : ?o = Some ?y |- _ ⇒
assert (y = x) by congruence; clear H2
| H1 : ?o = Some ?x, H2 : ?o = None |- _ ⇒ congruence
| H : @existT ?A _ _ _ = existT _ _ |- _ ⇒
apply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ (decide_rel (=@{A}))) in H
Tactic Notation "simplify_eq" "/=" :=
repeat (progress csimpl in × || simplify_eq).
Tactic Notation "f_equal" "/=" := csimpl in *; f_equal.
Ltac setoid_subst_aux R x :=
match goal with
| H : R x ?y |- _ ⇒
is_var x;
try match y with x _ ⇒ fail 2 end;
repeat match goal with
| |- context [ x ] ⇒ setoid_rewrite H
| H' : context [ x ] |- _ ⇒
try match H' with H ⇒ fail 2 end;
setoid_rewrite H in H'
clear x H
Ltac setoid_subst :=
repeat match goal with
| _ ⇒ progress simplify_eq/=
| H : @equiv ?A ?e ?x _ |- _ ⇒ setoid_subst_aux (@equiv A e) x
| H : @equiv ?A ?e _ ?x |- _ ⇒ symmetry in H; setoid_subst_aux (@equiv A e) x
match goal with
| H : _ ≠ _ |- _ ⇒ by case H; try clear H
| H : _ = _ → False |- _ ⇒ by case H; try clear H
| H : ?x = _ |- _ ⇒ subst x
| H : _ = ?x |- _ ⇒ subst x
| H : _ = _ |- _ ⇒ discriminate H
| H : _ ≡ _ |- _ ⇒ apply leibniz_equiv in H
| H : ?f _ = ?f _ |- _ ⇒ apply (inj f) in H
| H : ?f _ _ = ?f _ _ |- _ ⇒ apply (inj2 f) in H; destruct H
| H : ?f _ = ?f _ |- _ ⇒ progress injection H as H
| H : ?f _ _ = ?f _ _ |- _ ⇒ progress injection H as H
| H : ?f _ _ _ = ?f _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ progress injection H as H
| H : ?f _ _ _ _ = ?f _ _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ progress injection H as H
| H : ?f _ _ _ _ _ = ?f _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ progress injection H as H
| H : ?f _ _ _ _ _ _ = ?f _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ progress injection H as H
| H : ?x = ?x |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H1 : ?o = Some ?x, H2 : ?o = Some ?y |- _ ⇒
assert (y = x) by congruence; clear H2
| H1 : ?o = Some ?x, H2 : ?o = None |- _ ⇒ congruence
| H : @existT ?A _ _ _ = existT _ _ |- _ ⇒
apply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ (decide_rel (=@{A}))) in H
Tactic Notation "simplify_eq" "/=" :=
repeat (progress csimpl in × || simplify_eq).
Tactic Notation "f_equal" "/=" := csimpl in *; f_equal.
Ltac setoid_subst_aux R x :=
match goal with
| H : R x ?y |- _ ⇒
is_var x;
try match y with x _ ⇒ fail 2 end;
repeat match goal with
| |- context [ x ] ⇒ setoid_rewrite H
| H' : context [ x ] |- _ ⇒
try match H' with H ⇒ fail 2 end;
setoid_rewrite H in H'
clear x H
Ltac setoid_subst :=
repeat match goal with
| _ ⇒ progress simplify_eq/=
| H : @equiv ?A ?e ?x _ |- _ ⇒ setoid_subst_aux (@equiv A e) x
| H : @equiv ?A ?e _ ?x |- _ ⇒ symmetry in H; setoid_subst_aux (@equiv A e) x
Ltac clean_flip :=
repeat match goal with
| |- (flip ?R) ?x ?y ⇒ change (R y x)
| H : (flip ?R) ?x ?y |- _ ⇒ change (R y x) in H
repeat match goal with
| |- (flip ?R) ?x ?y ⇒ change (R y x)
| H : (flip ?R) ?x ?y |- _ ⇒ change (R y x) in H
f_equiv works on goals of the form f _ = f _, for any relation and any
number of arguments. It looks for an appropriate Proper instance, and applies
it. The tactic is somewhat limited, since it cannot be used to backtrack on
the Proper instances that has been found. To that end, we try to avoid the
trivial instance in which the resulting goals have an eq. More generally,
we try to "maintain" the relation of the current goal. For example,
when having Proper (equiv ==> dist) f and Proper (dist ==> dist) f, it will
favor the second because the relation (dist) stays the same.
Ltac f_equiv :=
match goal with
| |- _ ?x ?x ⇒ fast_reflexivity
| |- pointwise_relation _ _ _ _ ⇒ intros ?
| |- ?R (match ?x with _ ⇒ _ end) (match ?x with _ ⇒ _ end) ⇒
destruct x
| H : ?R ?x ?y |- ?R2 (match ?x with _ ⇒ _ end) (match ?y with _ ⇒ _ end) ⇒
destruct H
| |- ?R (?f _) (?f _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _) (?f _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R ==> R ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _ _) (?f _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R ==> R ==> R ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R ==> R ==> R ==> R ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R ==> R ==> R ==> R ==> R ==> R) f)
| |- (?R _) (?f _) (?f _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ ==> R _) f)
| |- (?R _ _) (?f _) (?f _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ ==> R _ _) f)
| |- (?R _ _ _) (?f _) (?f _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _) f)
| |- (?R _) (?f _ _) (?f _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ ==> R _ ==> R _) f)
| |- (?R _ _) (?f _ _) (?f _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _) f)
| |- (?R _ _ _) (?f _ _) (?f _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _) f)
| |- (?R _) (?f _ _ _) (?f _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ ==> R _ ==> R _ ==> R _) f)
| |- (?R _ _) (?f _ _ _) (?f _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _) f)
| |- (?R _ _ _) (?f _ _ _) (?f _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _) f)
| |- (?R _) (?f _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ ==> R _ ==> R _ ==> R _ ==> R _) f)
| |- (?R _ _) (?f _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _) f)
| |- (?R _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _) f)
| |- (?R _) (?f _ _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ ==> R _ ==> R _ ==> R _ ==> R _ ==> R _) f)
| |- (?R _ _) (?f _ _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _) f)
| |- (?R _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _) f)
| H : _ ?f ?g |- ?R (?f ?x) (?g ?x) ⇒ solve [simple apply H]
| H : _ ?f ?g |- ?R (?f ?x ?y) (?g ?x ?y) ⇒ solve [simple apply H]
| |- ?R (?f _) _ ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (_ ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _) _ ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (_ ==> _ ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _ _) _ ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (_ ==> _ ==> _ ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _ _ _) _ ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (_ ==> _ ==> _ ==> _ ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _ _ _ _) _ ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (_ ==> _ ==> _ ==> _ ==> _ ==> R) f)
try fast_reflexivity.
Tactic Notation "f_equiv" "/=" := csimpl in *; f_equiv.
match goal with
| |- _ ?x ?x ⇒ fast_reflexivity
| |- pointwise_relation _ _ _ _ ⇒ intros ?
| |- ?R (match ?x with _ ⇒ _ end) (match ?x with _ ⇒ _ end) ⇒
destruct x
| H : ?R ?x ?y |- ?R2 (match ?x with _ ⇒ _ end) (match ?y with _ ⇒ _ end) ⇒
destruct H
| |- ?R (?f _) (?f _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _) (?f _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R ==> R ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _ _) (?f _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R ==> R ==> R ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R ==> R ==> R ==> R ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R ==> R ==> R ==> R ==> R ==> R) f)
| |- (?R _) (?f _) (?f _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ ==> R _) f)
| |- (?R _ _) (?f _) (?f _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ ==> R _ _) f)
| |- (?R _ _ _) (?f _) (?f _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _) f)
| |- (?R _) (?f _ _) (?f _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ ==> R _ ==> R _) f)
| |- (?R _ _) (?f _ _) (?f _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _) f)
| |- (?R _ _ _) (?f _ _) (?f _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _) f)
| |- (?R _) (?f _ _ _) (?f _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ ==> R _ ==> R _ ==> R _) f)
| |- (?R _ _) (?f _ _ _) (?f _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _) f)
| |- (?R _ _ _) (?f _ _ _) (?f _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _) f)
| |- (?R _) (?f _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ ==> R _ ==> R _ ==> R _ ==> R _) f)
| |- (?R _ _) (?f _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _) f)
| |- (?R _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _) f)
| |- (?R _) (?f _ _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ ==> R _ ==> R _ ==> R _ ==> R _ ==> R _) f)
| |- (?R _ _) (?f _ _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> R _ _) f)
| |- (?R _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _ _) ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _) f)
| H : _ ?f ?g |- ?R (?f ?x) (?g ?x) ⇒ solve [simple apply H]
| H : _ ?f ?g |- ?R (?f ?x ?y) (?g ?x ?y) ⇒ solve [simple apply H]
| |- ?R (?f _) _ ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (_ ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _) _ ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (_ ==> _ ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _ _) _ ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (_ ==> _ ==> _ ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _ _ _) _ ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (_ ==> _ ==> _ ==> _ ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _ _ _ _) _ ⇒ simple apply (_ : Proper (_ ==> _ ==> _ ==> _ ==> _ ==> R) f)
try fast_reflexivity.
Tactic Notation "f_equiv" "/=" := csimpl in *; f_equiv.
The typeclass SolveProperSubrelation is used by the solve_proper tactic
when the goal is of the form R1 x y and there are assumptions of the form R2
x y. We cannot use Coq's subrelation class here as adding the subrelation
instances causes lots of backtracking in the Proper hint search, resulting in
very slow/diverging rewrites due to exponential instance search.
Class SolveProperSubrelation {A} (R R' : relation A) :=
is_solve_proper_subrelation x y : R x y → R' x y.
is_solve_proper_subrelation x y : R x y → R' x y.
We use ! to handle indexed relations such as dist, where we
can have an R n assumption and a R ?m goal.
Global Hint Mode SolveProperSubrelation + ! ! : typeclass_instances.
Global Arguments is_solve_proper_subrelation {A R R' _ x y}.
Global Instance subrelation_solve_proper_subrelation {A} (R R' : relation A) :
subrelation R R' →
SolveProperSubrelation R R'.
Proof. intros ???. apply is_subrelation. Qed.
Global Arguments is_solve_proper_subrelation {A R R' _ x y}.
Global Instance subrelation_solve_proper_subrelation {A} (R R' : relation A) :
subrelation R R' →
SolveProperSubrelation R R'.
Proof. intros ???. apply is_subrelation. Qed.
The tactic solve_proper_unfold unfolds the first head symbol, so that
we proceed by repeatedly using f_equiv.
Ltac solve_proper_unfold :=
try lazymatch goal with
| |- ?R ?t1 ?t2 ⇒
let h1 := get_head t1 in
let h2 := get_head t2 in
unify h1 h2;
unfold h1
try lazymatch goal with
| |- ?R ?t1 ?t2 ⇒
let h1 := get_head t1 in
let h2 := get_head t2 in
unify h1 h2;
unfold h1
solve_proper_prepare does some preparation work before the main
solve_proper loop. Having this as a separate tactic is useful for debugging
solve_proper failure.
Ltac solve_proper_prepare :=
repeat lazymatch goal with
| |- Proper _ _ ⇒ intros ???
| |- (_ ==> _)%signature _ _ ⇒ intros ???
| |- pointwise_relation _ _ _ _ ⇒ intros ?
| |- ?R ?f _ ⇒
let f' := constr:(λ x, f x) in
intros ?; intros
(solve_proper_unfold + idtac); simpl.
repeat lazymatch goal with
| |- Proper _ _ ⇒ intros ???
| |- (_ ==> _)%signature _ _ ⇒ intros ???
| |- pointwise_relation _ _ _ _ ⇒ intros ?
| |- ?R ?f _ ⇒
let f' := constr:(λ x, f x) in
intros ?; intros
(solve_proper_unfold + idtac); simpl.
solve_proper_finish is basically a version of eassumption
that can also take into account subrelation.
Ltac solve_proper_finish :=
eassumption ||
match goal with
| H : ?R1 ?x ?y |- ?R2 ?x ?y ⇒
no_new_unsolved_evars ltac:(eapply (is_solve_proper_subrelation H))
eassumption ||
match goal with
| H : ?R1 ?x ?y |- ?R2 ?x ?y ⇒
no_new_unsolved_evars ltac:(eapply (is_solve_proper_subrelation H))
The tactic solve_proper_core tac solves goals of the form "Proper (R1 ==> R2)", for
any number of relations. The actual work is done by repeatedly applying
Ltac solve_proper_core tac :=
solve [repeat (clean_flip; first [solve_proper_finish | tac ()]) ].
solve [repeat (clean_flip; first [solve_proper_finish | tac ()]) ].
Finally, solve_proper tries to apply f_equiv in a loop.
Ltac solve_proper := solve_proper_core ltac:(fun _ ⇒ f_equiv).
The tactic intros_revert tac introduces all foralls/arrows, performs tac,
and then reverts them.
Ltac intros_revert tac :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- ∀ _, _ ⇒ let H := fresh in intro H; intros_revert tac; revert H
| |- _ ⇒ tac
lazymatch goal with
| |- ∀ _, _ ⇒ let H := fresh in intro H; intros_revert tac; revert H
| |- _ ⇒ tac
The tactic iter tac l runs tac x for each element x ∈ l until tac x
succeeds. If it does not succeed for any element of the generated list, the whole
tactic wil fail.
Tactic Notation "iter" tactic(tac) tactic(l) :=
let rec go l :=
match l with ?x :: ?l ⇒ tac x || go l end in go l.
let rec go l :=
match l with ?x :: ?l ⇒ tac x || go l end in go l.
Runs tac on the n-th hypothesis that can be introduced from the goal.
Ltac num_tac n tac :=
intros until n;
lazymatch goal with
| H : _ |- _ ⇒ tac H
intros until n;
lazymatch goal with
| H : _ |- _ ⇒ tac H
The tactic inv is a fixed version of inversion_clear from the standard
library that works around <>. It also
has a shorter name since clearing is the default for destruct, why wouldn't
it also be the default for inversion?
This is inspired by CompCert's inv tactic
Tactic Notation "inv" ident(H) "as" simple_intropattern(ipat) :=
inversion H as ipat; clear H; simplify_eq.
Tactic Notation "inv" ident(H) :=
inversion H; clear H; simplify_eq.
Tactic Notation "inv" integer(n) "as" simple_intropattern(ipat) :=
num_tac n ltac:(fun H ⇒ inv H as ipat).
Tactic Notation "inv" integer(n) :=
num_tac n ltac:(fun H ⇒ inv H).
inversion H as ipat; clear H; simplify_eq.
Tactic Notation "inv" ident(H) :=
inversion H; clear H; simplify_eq.
Tactic Notation "inv" integer(n) "as" simple_intropattern(ipat) :=
num_tac n ltac:(fun H ⇒ inv H as ipat).
Tactic Notation "inv" integer(n) :=
num_tac n ltac:(fun H ⇒ inv H).
The "o" family of tactics equips pose proof, destruct, inversion,
generalize and specialize with support for "o"pen terms. You can leave underscores that become evars or subgoals, similar to refine. You can suffix the tactic with × (e.g., opose proof×) to eliminate all remaining ∀ and → (i.e., add underscores for the remaining arguments). For odestruct and oinversion, eliminating all remaining ∀ and → is the default (hence there is no × version).
Ltac opose_core p tac :=
let i := fresh "opose_internal" in
unshelve (epose _ as i);
|refine p
let t := eval unfold i in i in
clear i;
tac t];
let i := fresh "opose_internal" in
unshelve (epose _ as i);
|refine p
let t := eval unfold i in i in
clear i;
tac t];
Turn all leading ∀ and → of p into evars (∀-evars will be shelved), and
call tac with the term applied with those evars. This fill unfold definitions
to find leading ∀/→.
The type of p will be normalized by calling the normalizer function.
_name_guard is an unused argument where you can pass anything you want. If the
argument is an intro pattern, those will be taken into account by the fresh
that is inside this tactic, avoiding name collisions that can otherwise arise.
This is a work-around for
Ltac evar_foralls p _name_guard normalizer tac :=
let T := type of p in
lazymatch normalizer T with
| ?T1 → ?T2 ⇒
let pT1 := fresh "__evar_foralls_internal" in
assert T1 as pT1; [| evar_foralls (p pT1) _name_guard normalizer tac; clear pT1]
| ∀ x : ?T1, _ ⇒
let e := mk_evar T1 in
evar_foralls (p e) _name_guard normalizer tac
| ?T1 ⇒ tac p
Ltac opose_specialize_foralls_core p _name_guard tac :=
opose_core p ltac:(fun p ⇒
evar_foralls p _name_guard ltac:(fun t ⇒ eval hnf in t) tac).
Tactic Notation "opose" "proof" uconstr(p) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
opose_core p ltac:(fun p ⇒ pose proof p as pat).
Tactic Notation "opose" "proof" "*" uconstr(p) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p pat ltac:(fun p ⇒ pose proof p as pat).
Tactic Notation "opose" "proof" uconstr(p) := opose proof p as ?.
Tactic Notation "opose" "proof" "*" uconstr(p) := opose proof× p as ?.
Tactic Notation "ogeneralize" uconstr(p) :=
opose_core p ltac:(fun p ⇒ generalize p).
Tactic Notation "ogeneralize" "*" uconstr(p) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p () ltac:(fun p ⇒ generalize p).
let T := type of p in
lazymatch normalizer T with
| ?T1 → ?T2 ⇒
let pT1 := fresh "__evar_foralls_internal" in
assert T1 as pT1; [| evar_foralls (p pT1) _name_guard normalizer tac; clear pT1]
| ∀ x : ?T1, _ ⇒
let e := mk_evar T1 in
evar_foralls (p e) _name_guard normalizer tac
| ?T1 ⇒ tac p
Ltac opose_specialize_foralls_core p _name_guard tac :=
opose_core p ltac:(fun p ⇒
evar_foralls p _name_guard ltac:(fun t ⇒ eval hnf in t) tac).
Tactic Notation "opose" "proof" uconstr(p) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
opose_core p ltac:(fun p ⇒ pose proof p as pat).
Tactic Notation "opose" "proof" "*" uconstr(p) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p pat ltac:(fun p ⇒ pose proof p as pat).
Tactic Notation "opose" "proof" uconstr(p) := opose proof p as ?.
Tactic Notation "opose" "proof" "*" uconstr(p) := opose proof× p as ?.
Tactic Notation "ogeneralize" uconstr(p) :=
opose_core p ltac:(fun p ⇒ generalize p).
Tactic Notation "ogeneralize" "*" uconstr(p) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p () ltac:(fun p ⇒ generalize p).
Similar to edestruct, odestruct will never clear the destructed
variable. No × versions for odestruct and oinversion: we always specialize all
foralls and implications; otherwise it does not make sense to destruct/invert.
We also do not support eqn:EQ; this would not make sense for most users of
this tactic since the term being destructed is some_lemma ?evar ?proofterm.
Tactic Notation "odestruct" uconstr(p) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p () ltac:(fun p ⇒ destruct p).
Tactic Notation "odestruct" uconstr(p) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p pat ltac:(fun p ⇒ destruct p as pat).
Tactic Notation "oinversion" uconstr(p) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p pat ltac:(fun p ⇒
let Hp := fresh in pose proof p as Hp; inversion Hp as pat; clear Hp).
Tactic Notation "oinversion" uconstr(p) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p () ltac:(fun p ⇒
let Hp := fresh in pose proof p as Hp; inversion Hp; clear Hp).
Tactic Notation "oinv" uconstr(p) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p pat ltac:(fun p ⇒
tryif is_var p then
inv p as pat
let Hp := fresh in pose proof p as Hp; inv Hp as pat).
Tactic Notation "oinv" uconstr(p) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p () ltac:(fun p ⇒
tryif is_var p then
inv p
let Hp := fresh in pose proof p as Hp; inv Hp).
Tactic Notation "oinv" integer(n) "as" simple_intropattern(ipat) :=
num_tac n ltac:(fun H ⇒ oinv H as ipat).
Tactic Notation "oinv" integer(n) :=
num_tac n ltac:(fun H ⇒ oinv H).
opose_specialize_foralls_core p () ltac:(fun p ⇒ destruct p).
Tactic Notation "odestruct" uconstr(p) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p pat ltac:(fun p ⇒ destruct p as pat).
Tactic Notation "oinversion" uconstr(p) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p pat ltac:(fun p ⇒
let Hp := fresh in pose proof p as Hp; inversion Hp as pat; clear Hp).
Tactic Notation "oinversion" uconstr(p) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p () ltac:(fun p ⇒
let Hp := fresh in pose proof p as Hp; inversion Hp; clear Hp).
Tactic Notation "oinv" uconstr(p) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p pat ltac:(fun p ⇒
tryif is_var p then
inv p as pat
let Hp := fresh in pose proof p as Hp; inv Hp as pat).
Tactic Notation "oinv" uconstr(p) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p () ltac:(fun p ⇒
tryif is_var p then
inv p
let Hp := fresh in pose proof p as Hp; inv Hp).
Tactic Notation "oinv" integer(n) "as" simple_intropattern(ipat) :=
num_tac n ltac:(fun H ⇒ oinv H as ipat).
Tactic Notation "oinv" integer(n) :=
num_tac n ltac:(fun H ⇒ oinv H).
Helper for ospecialize: call tac with the name of the head term *if*
that term is a variable.
Written in CPS to get around weird thunking limitations.
Ltac ospecialize_ident_head_of t tac :=
let h := get_head t in
tryif is_var h then tac h else
fail "ospecialize can only specialize a local hypothesis;"
"use opose proof instead".
Tactic Notation "ospecialize" uconstr(p) :=
opose_core p ltac:(fun p ⇒
ospecialize_ident_head_of p ltac:(fun H ⇒
let H' := fresh in
pose proof p as H'; clear H; rename H' into H
Tactic Notation "ospecialize" "*" uconstr(p) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p () ltac:(fun p ⇒
ospecialize_ident_head_of p ltac:(fun H ⇒
let H' := fresh in
pose proof p as H'; clear H; rename H' into H
let h := get_head t in
tryif is_var h then tac h else
fail "ospecialize can only specialize a local hypothesis;"
"use opose proof instead".
Tactic Notation "ospecialize" uconstr(p) :=
opose_core p ltac:(fun p ⇒
ospecialize_ident_head_of p ltac:(fun H ⇒
let H' := fresh in
pose proof p as H'; clear H; rename H' into H
Tactic Notation "ospecialize" "*" uconstr(p) :=
opose_specialize_foralls_core p () ltac:(fun p ⇒
ospecialize_ident_head_of p ltac:(fun H ⇒
let H' := fresh in
pose proof p as H'; clear H; rename H' into H
Tactic that works like notypeclasses refine but automatically determines
the right number of _. This is *not* goal-directed, it will add _ until the
given term no longer has a function type (determined without any unfolding).
Tactic Notation "notypeclasses" "apply" uconstr(p) :=
opose_core p ltac:(fun p ⇒ evar_foralls p () ltac:(fun t ⇒ t)
ltac:(fun p ⇒ notypeclasses refine p ||
let T := type of p in
lazymatch goal with |- ?G ⇒
fail "the given term has type" T "while it is expected to have type" G
opose_core p ltac:(fun p ⇒ evar_foralls p () ltac:(fun t ⇒ t)
ltac:(fun p ⇒ notypeclasses refine p ||
let T := type of p in
lazymatch goal with |- ?G ⇒
fail "the given term has type" T "while it is expected to have type" G
The block definitions are taken from Coq.Program.Equality and can be used
by tactics to separate their goal from hypotheses they generalize over.
Definition block {A : Type} (a : A) := a.
Ltac block_goal := match goal with [ |- ?T ] ⇒ change (block T) end.
Ltac unblock_goal := unfold block in ×.
Ltac block_goal := match goal with [ |- ?T ] ⇒ change (block T) end.
Ltac unblock_goal := unfold block in ×.
learn_hyp p as H and learn_hyp p, where p is a proof of P,
add P to the context and fail if P already exists in the context.
This is a simple form of the learning pattern. These tactics are
inspired by Program.Tactics.add_hypothesis.
Tactic Notation "learn_hyp" constr(p) "as" ident(H') :=
let P := type of p in
match goal with
| H : P |- _ ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ pose proof p as H'
Tactic Notation "learn_hyp" constr(p) :=
let H := fresh in learn_hyp p as H.
let P := type of p in
match goal with
| H : P |- _ ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ pose proof p as H'
Tactic Notation "learn_hyp" constr(p) :=
let H := fresh in learn_hyp p as H.
The tactic select pat tac finds the last (i.e., bottommost) hypothesis
matching pat and passes it to the continuation tac. Its main advantage over
using match goal with directly is that it is shorter. If pat matches
multiple hypotheses and tac fails, then select tac will not backtrack on
subsequent matching hypotheses.
The tactic select is written in CPS and does not return the name of the
hypothesis due to limitations in the Ltac1 tactic runtime (see
Tactic Notation "select" open_constr(pat) tactic3(tac) :=
lazymatch goal with
lazymatch goal with
Before running tac on the hypothesis H we must first unify the
pattern pat with the term it matched against. This forces every evar
coming from pat (and in particular from the holes _ it contains and
from the implicit arguments it uses) to be instantiated. If we do not do
so then shelved goals are produced for every such evar.
| H : pat |- _ ⇒ let T := (type of H) in unify T pat; tac H
We provide select variants of some widely used tactics.
select_revert reverts the first hypothesis matching pat.
Tactic Notation "revert" "select" open_constr(pat) := select pat (fun H ⇒ revert H).
Tactic Notation "rename" "select" open_constr(pat) "into" ident(name) :=
select pat (fun H ⇒ rename H into name).
Tactic Notation "destruct" "select" open_constr(pat) :=
select pat (fun H ⇒ destruct H).
Tactic Notation "destruct" "select" open_constr(pat) "as" simple_intropattern(ipat) :=
select pat (fun H ⇒ destruct H as ipat).
Tactic Notation "inversion" "select" open_constr(pat) :=
select pat (fun H ⇒ inversion H).
Tactic Notation "inversion" "select" open_constr(pat) "as" simple_intropattern(ipat) :=
select pat (fun H ⇒ inversion H as ipat).
Tactic Notation "inv" "select" open_constr(pat) :=
select pat (fun H ⇒ inv H).
Tactic Notation "inv" "select" open_constr(pat) "as" simple_intropattern(ipat) :=
select pat (fun H ⇒ inv H as ipat).
Tactic Notation "rename" "select" open_constr(pat) "into" ident(name) :=
select pat (fun H ⇒ rename H into name).
Tactic Notation "destruct" "select" open_constr(pat) :=
select pat (fun H ⇒ destruct H).
Tactic Notation "destruct" "select" open_constr(pat) "as" simple_intropattern(ipat) :=
select pat (fun H ⇒ destruct H as ipat).
Tactic Notation "inversion" "select" open_constr(pat) :=
select pat (fun H ⇒ inversion H).
Tactic Notation "inversion" "select" open_constr(pat) "as" simple_intropattern(ipat) :=
select pat (fun H ⇒ inversion H as ipat).
Tactic Notation "inv" "select" open_constr(pat) :=
select pat (fun H ⇒ inv H).
Tactic Notation "inv" "select" open_constr(pat) "as" simple_intropattern(ipat) :=
select pat (fun H ⇒ inv H as ipat).
The tactic is_closed_term t succeeds if t is a closed term and fails otherwise.
By closed we mean that t does not depend on any variable bound in the context.
axioms are considered closed terms by this tactic (but Section
variables are not). A function application is considered closed if the
function and the argument are closed, without considering the body of
the function (or whether it is opaque or not). This tactic is useful
for example to decide whether to call vm_compute on t.
This trick was originally suggested by Jason Gross:
Ltac is_closed_term t :=
first [
first [
We use the assert_succeeds sandbox to be able to freely
change the context.
assert_succeeds (
Make sure that the goal only contains t. (We use
const False t instead of let x := t in False as the
let-binding in the latter would be unfolded by the unfold
Clear all hypotheses.
repeat match goal with H : _ |- _ ⇒ try unfold H in *; clear H end;
If there are still hypotheses left, t is not closed.
lazymatch goal with H : _ |- _ ⇒ fail | _ ⇒ idtac end
) |
fail 1 "The term" t "is not closed"
) |
fail 1 "The term" t "is not closed"
Coq's firstorder tactic fails or loops on rather small goals already. In
particular, on those generated by the tactic unfold_elem_ofs which is used
to solve propositions on sets. The naive_solver tactic implements an
ad-hoc and incomplete firstorder-like solver using Ltac's backtracking
mechanism. The tactic suffers from the following limitations:
We use a counter to make the search breath first. Breath first search ensures
that a minimal number of hypotheses is instantiated, and thus reduced the
posibility that an evar remains unresolved.
Despite these limitations, it works much better than Coq's firstorder tactic
for the purposes of this development. This tactic either fails or proves the
- It might leave unresolved evars as Ltac provides no way to detect that.
- To avoid the tactic becoming too slow, we allow a universally quantified hypothesis to be instantiated only once during each search path.
- It does not perform backtracking on instantiation of universally quantified assumptions.
Lemma forall_and_distr (A : Type) (P Q : A → Prop) :
(∀ x, P x ∧ Q x) ↔ (∀ x, P x) ∧ (∀ x, Q x).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Tactic Notation "naive_solver" tactic(tac) :=
unfold iff, not in *;
repeat match goal with
| H : context [∀ _, _ ∧ _ ] |- _ ⇒
repeat setoid_rewrite forall_and_distr in H; revert H
let rec go n :=
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ⇒ fast_done
| |- ∀ _, _ ⇒ intro
| H : False |- _ ⇒ destruct H
| H : _ ∧ _ |- _ ⇒
let H1 := fresh in let H2 := fresh in
destruct H as [H1 H2]; try clear H
| H : ∃ _, _ |- _ ⇒
let x := fresh in let Hx := fresh in
destruct H as [x Hx]; try clear H
| H : ?P → ?Q, H2 : ?P |- _ ⇒ specialize (H H2)
| H : Is_true (bool_decide _) |- _ ⇒ apply (bool_decide_unpack _) in H
| H : Is_true (_ && _) |- _ ⇒ apply andb_True in H; destruct H
| |- _ ⇒ progress simplify_eq/=
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Is_true (bool_decide _) ⇒ apply (bool_decide_pack _)
| |- Is_true (_ && _) ⇒ apply andb_True; split
| H : _ ∨ _ |- _ ⇒
let H1 := fresh in destruct H as [H1|H1]; try clear H
| H : Is_true (_ || _) |- _ ⇒
apply orb_True in H; let H1 := fresh in destruct H as [H1|H1]; try clear H
| |- _ ⇒ no_new_unsolved_evars (tac)
match goal with
| |- ∃ x, _ ⇒ no_new_unsolved_evars ltac:(eexists; go n)
| |- _ ∨ _ ⇒ first [left; go n | right; go n]
| |- Is_true (_ || _) ⇒ apply orb_True; first [left; go n | right; go n]
| _ ⇒
lazymatch n with
| S ?n' ⇒
match goal with
| H : _ → _ |- _ ⇒
is_non_dependent H;
ltac:(first [eapply H | opose proof× H]; clear H; go n')
in iter (fun n' ⇒ go n') (eval compute in (seq 1 6)).
Tactic Notation "naive_solver" := naive_solver eauto.
(∀ x, P x ∧ Q x) ↔ (∀ x, P x) ∧ (∀ x, Q x).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Tactic Notation "naive_solver" tactic(tac) :=
unfold iff, not in *;
repeat match goal with
| H : context [∀ _, _ ∧ _ ] |- _ ⇒
repeat setoid_rewrite forall_and_distr in H; revert H
let rec go n :=
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ⇒ fast_done
| |- ∀ _, _ ⇒ intro
| H : False |- _ ⇒ destruct H
| H : _ ∧ _ |- _ ⇒
let H1 := fresh in let H2 := fresh in
destruct H as [H1 H2]; try clear H
| H : ∃ _, _ |- _ ⇒
let x := fresh in let Hx := fresh in
destruct H as [x Hx]; try clear H
| H : ?P → ?Q, H2 : ?P |- _ ⇒ specialize (H H2)
| H : Is_true (bool_decide _) |- _ ⇒ apply (bool_decide_unpack _) in H
| H : Is_true (_ && _) |- _ ⇒ apply andb_True in H; destruct H
| |- _ ⇒ progress simplify_eq/=
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Is_true (bool_decide _) ⇒ apply (bool_decide_pack _)
| |- Is_true (_ && _) ⇒ apply andb_True; split
| H : _ ∨ _ |- _ ⇒
let H1 := fresh in destruct H as [H1|H1]; try clear H
| H : Is_true (_ || _) |- _ ⇒
apply orb_True in H; let H1 := fresh in destruct H as [H1|H1]; try clear H
| |- _ ⇒ no_new_unsolved_evars (tac)
match goal with
| |- ∃ x, _ ⇒ no_new_unsolved_evars ltac:(eexists; go n)
| |- _ ∨ _ ⇒ first [left; go n | right; go n]
| |- Is_true (_ || _) ⇒ apply orb_True; first [left; go n | right; go n]
| _ ⇒
lazymatch n with
| S ?n' ⇒
match goal with
| H : _ → _ |- _ ⇒
is_non_dependent H;
ltac:(first [eapply H | opose proof× H]; clear H; go n')
in iter (fun n' ⇒ go n') (eval compute in (seq 1 6)).
Tactic Notation "naive_solver" := naive_solver eauto.