Library iris.algebra.lib.ufrac_auth

This file provides the unbounded fractional authoritative camera: a version of the fractional authoritative camera that can be used with fractions > 1.
Most of the reasoning principles for this version of the fractional authoritative cameras are the same as for the original version. There are two difference:
  • We get the additional rule that can be used to allocate a "surplus", i.e. if we have the authoritative element we can always increase its fraction and allocate a new fragment.
✓ (a ⋅ b) → ●U_p a ~~> ●U_(p + q) (a ⋅ b) ⋅ ◯U_q b
  • We no longer have the U_1 a is an exclusive fragmental element. That is, while F{1} a F{q} b is vacuously false, U_1 a U_q2 b is not.
From iris.algebra Require Export auth frac updates local_updates.
From iris.algebra Require Import ufrac proofmode_classes.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.

Definition ufrac_authR (A : cmra) : cmra :=
  authR (optionUR (prodR ufracR A)).
Definition ufrac_authUR (A : cmra) : ucmra :=
  authUR (optionUR (prodR ufracR A)).

Note in the signature of ufrac_auth_auth and ufrac_auth_frag we use q : Qp instead of q : ufrac. This way, the API does not expose that ufrac is used internally. This is quite important, as there are two canonical camera instances with carrier Qp, namely fracR and ufracR. When writing things like ufrac_auth_auth q a q we want Coq to infer the type of q as Qp such that the of the default fracR camera is used, and not the of the ufracR camera.
Definition ufrac_auth_auth {A : cmra} (q : Qp) (x : A) : ufrac_authR A :=
   (Some (q : ufracR,x)).
Definition ufrac_auth_frag {A : cmra} (q : Qp) (x : A) : ufrac_authR A :=
   (Some (q : ufracR,x)).

Global Typeclasses Opaque ufrac_auth_auth ufrac_auth_frag.

Global Instance: Params (@ufrac_auth_auth) 2 := {}.
Global Instance: Params (@ufrac_auth_frag) 2 := {}.

Notation "●U_ q a" := (ufrac_auth_auth q a) (at level 10, q at level 9, format "●U_ q a").
Notation "◯U_ q a" := (ufrac_auth_frag q a) (at level 10, q at level 9, format "◯U_ q a").

Section ufrac_auth.
  Context {A : cmra}.
  Implicit Types a b : A.

  Global Instance ufrac_auth_auth_ne q : NonExpansive (@ufrac_auth_auth A q).
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
  Global Instance ufrac_auth_auth_proper q : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@ufrac_auth_auth A q).
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
  Global Instance ufrac_auth_frag_ne q : NonExpansive (@ufrac_auth_frag A q).
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
  Global Instance ufrac_auth_frag_proper q : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@ufrac_auth_frag A q).
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.

  Global Instance ufrac_auth_auth_discrete q a : Discrete a Discrete (U_q a).
  Proof. intros. apply auth_auth_discrete; [apply Some_discrete|]; apply _. Qed.
  Global Instance ufrac_auth_frag_discrete q a : Discrete a Discrete (U_q a).
  Proof. intros. apply auth_frag_discrete; apply Some_discrete; apply _. Qed.

  Lemma ufrac_auth_validN n a p : ✓{n} a ✓{n} (U_p a U_p a).
  Proof. by rewrite auth_both_validN. Qed.
  Lemma ufrac_auth_valid p a : a (U_p a U_p a).
  Proof. intros. by apply auth_both_valid_2. Qed.

  Lemma ufrac_auth_agreeN n p a b : ✓{n} (U_p a U_p b) a ≡{n}≡ b.
    rewrite auth_both_validN⇒ -[/Some_includedN [[_ ? //]|Hincl] _].
    move: Hincl⇒ /pair_includedN⇒ -[/ufrac_included Hincl _].
    by destruct (irreflexivity (<)%Qp p).
  Lemma ufrac_auth_agree p a b : (U_p a U_p b) a b.
    intros. apply equiv_distn. by eapply ufrac_auth_agreeN, cmra_valid_validN.
  Lemma ufrac_auth_agree_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} p a b : (U_p a U_p b) a = b.
  Proof. intros. by eapply leibniz_equiv, ufrac_auth_agree. Qed.

  Lemma ufrac_auth_includedN n p q a b : ✓{n} (U_p a U_q b) Some b ≼{n} Some a.
  Proof. by rewrite auth_both_validN⇒ -[/Some_pair_includedN [_ ?] _]. Qed.
  Lemma ufrac_auth_included `{!CmraDiscrete A} q p a b :
     (U_p a U_q b) Some b Some a.
  Proof. rewrite auth_both_valid_discrete⇒ -[/Some_pair_included [_ ?] _] //. Qed.
  Lemma ufrac_auth_includedN_total `{!CmraTotal A} n q p a b :
    ✓{n} (U_p a U_q b) b ≼{n} a.
  Proof. intros. by eapply Some_includedN_total, ufrac_auth_includedN. Qed.
  Lemma ufrac_auth_included_total `{!CmraDiscrete A, !CmraTotal A} q p a b :
     (U_p a U_q b) b a.
  Proof. intros. by eapply Some_included_total, ufrac_auth_included. Qed.

  Lemma ufrac_auth_auth_validN n q a : ✓{n} (U_q a) ✓{n} a.
    rewrite auth_auth_dfrac_validN Some_validN. split.
    - by intros [?[]].
    - intros. by split.
  Lemma ufrac_auth_auth_valid q a : (U_q a) a.
  Proof. rewrite !cmra_valid_validN. by setoid_rewrite ufrac_auth_auth_validN. Qed.

  Lemma ufrac_auth_frag_validN n q a : ✓{n} (U_q a) ✓{n} a.
    rewrite auth_frag_validN. split.
    - by intros [??].
    - by split.
  Lemma ufrac_auth_frag_valid q a : (U_q a) a.
    rewrite auth_frag_valid. split.
    - by intros [??].
    - by split.

  Lemma ufrac_auth_frag_op q1 q2 a1 a2 : U_(q1+q2) (a1 a2) U_q1 a1 U_q2 a2.
  Proof. done. Qed.

  Lemma ufrac_auth_frag_op_validN n q1 q2 a b :
    ✓{n} (U_q1 a U_q2 b) ✓{n} (a b).
  Proof. by rewrite -ufrac_auth_frag_op ufrac_auth_frag_validN. Qed.
  Lemma ufrac_auth_frag_op_valid q1 q2 a b :
     (U_q1 a U_q2 b) (a b).
  Proof. by rewrite -ufrac_auth_frag_op ufrac_auth_frag_valid. Qed.

  Global Instance ufrac_auth_is_op q q1 q2 a a1 a2 :
    IsOp q q1 q2 IsOp a a1 a2 IsOp' (U_q a) (U_q1 a1) (U_q2 a2).
  Proof. by rewrite /IsOp' /IsOp⇒ /leibniz_equiv_iff → →. Qed.

  Global Instance ufrac_auth_is_op_core_id q q1 q2 a :
    CoreId a IsOp q q1 q2 IsOp' (U_q a) (U_q1 a) (U_q2 a).
    rewrite /IsOp' /IsOp⇒ ? /leibniz_equiv_iff →.
    by rewrite -ufrac_auth_frag_op -core_id_dup.

  Lemma ufrac_auth_update p q a b a' b' :
    (a,b) ¬l~> (a',b') U_p a U_q b ~~> U_p a' U_q b'.
    intros. apply: auth_update.
    apply: option_local_update. by apply: prod_local_update_2.

  Lemma ufrac_auth_update_surplus p q a b :
     (a b) U_p a ~~> U_(p+q) (a b) U_q b.
    intros Hconsistent. apply: auth_update_alloc. apply local_update_unital.
    intros n mpa; simpl; intros [Hvalid1 Hvalid2] Heq; simplify_eq/=.
    - split; by apply cmra_valid_validN.
    - rewrite pair_op Some_op Heq comm.
      destruct mpa; simpl; [rewrite left_id | rewrite right_id]; done.

  Lemma ufrac_auth_update_surplus_cancel p q a b :
    Cancelable b
    U_(p+q) (a b) U_q b ~~> U_p a.
    intros. apply: auth_update_dealloc. apply local_update_unital.
    intros n mpa; simpl; intros [Hvalid1 Hvalid2] Heq; simplify_eq/=.
    { split; by eapply cmra_validN_op_l. }
    rewrite (comm _ p) (comm _ a) in Heq.
    destruct mpa as [[p' a']|]; simplify_eq/=.
    - rewrite -Some_op in Heq.
      apply (inj _) in Heq as [Hp%leibniz_equiv Ha]; simplify_eq/=.
      apply (inj _) in Hp as →.
      apply (cancelableN _) in Ha; last by rewrite comm.
      by repeat constructor.
    - rewrite right_id in Heq.
      apply (inj _) in Heq as [Hp%leibniz_equiv _]; simplify_eq/=.
      by apply Qp.add_id_free in Hp.
End ufrac_auth.

Definition ufrac_authURF (F : rFunctor) : urFunctor :=
  authURF (optionURF (prodRF (constRF ufracR) F)).

Global Instance ufrac_authURF_contractive F :
  rFunctorContractive F urFunctorContractive (ufrac_authURF F).
Proof. apply _. Qed.

Definition ufrac_authRF (F : rFunctor) : rFunctor :=
  authRF (optionURF (prodRF (constRF ufracR) F)).

Global Instance ufrac_authRF_contractive F :
  rFunctorContractive F rFunctorContractive (ufrac_authRF F).
Proof. apply _. Qed.