Library iris.algebra.lib.mono_Z
From iris.algebra Require Export auth.
From iris.algebra Require Import numbers updates.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
From iris.algebra Require Import numbers updates.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Authoritative CMRA over max_Z. The authoritative element is a
monotonically increasing Z, while a fragment is a lower bound.
Definition mono_Z := auth (option max_ZR).
Definition mono_ZR := authR (optionUR max_ZR).
Definition mono_ZUR := authUR (optionUR max_ZR).
mono_Z_auth is the authoritative element. The definition includes the
fragment at the same value so that lemma mono_Z_included, which states that
mono_Z_lb n ≼ mono_Z_auth dq n, holds. Without this trick, a frame-preserving
update lemma would be required instead.
Definition mono_Z_auth (dq : dfrac) (n : Z) : mono_Z :=
●{dq} (Some (MaxZ n)) ⋅ ◯ (Some (MaxZ n)).
Definition mono_Z_lb (n : Z) : mono_Z := ◯ (Some (MaxZ n)).
Notation "●MZ dq a" := (mono_Z_auth dq a)
(at level 20, dq custom dfrac at level 1, format "●MZ dq a").
Notation "◯MZ a" := (mono_Z_lb a) (at level 20).
Section mono_Z.
Implicit Types (n : Z).
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Global Instance mono_Z_lb_core_id n : CoreId (◯MZ n).
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance mono_Z_auth_core_id l : CoreId (●MZ□ l).
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Lemma mono_Z_auth_dfrac_op dq1 dq2 n :
●MZ{dq1 ⋅ dq2} n ≡ ●MZ{dq1} n ⋅ ●MZ{dq2} n.
rewrite /mono_Z_auth auth_auth_dfrac_op.
rewrite (comm _ (●{dq2} _)) -!assoc (assoc _ (◯ _)).
by rewrite -core_id_dup (comm _ (◯ _)).
Lemma mono_Z_lb_op n1 n2 :
◯MZ (n1 `max` n2) = ◯MZ n1 ⋅ ◯MZ n2.
Proof. rewrite -auth_frag_op -Some_op max_Z_op //. Qed.
Lemma mono_Z_auth_lb_op dq n :
●MZ{dq} n ≡ ●MZ{dq} n ⋅ ◯MZ n.
rewrite /mono_Z_auth /mono_Z_lb.
rewrite -!assoc -auth_frag_op -Some_op max_Z_op.
rewrite Z.max_id //.
Global Instance mono_Z_auth_dfrac_is_op dq dq1 dq2 n :
IsOp dq dq1 dq2 → IsOp' (●MZ{dq} n) (●MZ{dq1} n) (●MZ{dq2} n).
Proof. rewrite /IsOp' /IsOp⇒ →. rewrite mono_Z_auth_dfrac_op //. Qed.
Global Instance mono_Z_lb_max_is_op n n1 n2 :
IsOp (MaxZ n) (MaxZ n1) (MaxZ n2) → IsOp' (◯MZ n) (◯MZ n1) (◯MZ n2).
Proof. rewrite /IsOp' /IsOp /mono_Z_lb⇒ →. done. Qed.
●{dq} (Some (MaxZ n)) ⋅ ◯ (Some (MaxZ n)).
Definition mono_Z_lb (n : Z) : mono_Z := ◯ (Some (MaxZ n)).
Notation "●MZ dq a" := (mono_Z_auth dq a)
(at level 20, dq custom dfrac at level 1, format "●MZ dq a").
Notation "◯MZ a" := (mono_Z_lb a) (at level 20).
Section mono_Z.
Implicit Types (n : Z).
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Global Instance mono_Z_lb_core_id n : CoreId (◯MZ n).
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance mono_Z_auth_core_id l : CoreId (●MZ□ l).
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Lemma mono_Z_auth_dfrac_op dq1 dq2 n :
●MZ{dq1 ⋅ dq2} n ≡ ●MZ{dq1} n ⋅ ●MZ{dq2} n.
rewrite /mono_Z_auth auth_auth_dfrac_op.
rewrite (comm _ (●{dq2} _)) -!assoc (assoc _ (◯ _)).
by rewrite -core_id_dup (comm _ (◯ _)).
Lemma mono_Z_lb_op n1 n2 :
◯MZ (n1 `max` n2) = ◯MZ n1 ⋅ ◯MZ n2.
Proof. rewrite -auth_frag_op -Some_op max_Z_op //. Qed.
Lemma mono_Z_auth_lb_op dq n :
●MZ{dq} n ≡ ●MZ{dq} n ⋅ ◯MZ n.
rewrite /mono_Z_auth /mono_Z_lb.
rewrite -!assoc -auth_frag_op -Some_op max_Z_op.
rewrite Z.max_id //.
Global Instance mono_Z_auth_dfrac_is_op dq dq1 dq2 n :
IsOp dq dq1 dq2 → IsOp' (●MZ{dq} n) (●MZ{dq1} n) (●MZ{dq2} n).
Proof. rewrite /IsOp' /IsOp⇒ →. rewrite mono_Z_auth_dfrac_op //. Qed.
Global Instance mono_Z_lb_max_is_op n n1 n2 :
IsOp (MaxZ n) (MaxZ n1) (MaxZ n2) → IsOp' (◯MZ n) (◯MZ n1) (◯MZ n2).
Proof. rewrite /IsOp' /IsOp /mono_Z_lb⇒ →. done. Qed.
rephrasing of mono_Z_lb_op useful for weakening a fragment to a
smaller lower-bound
Lemma mono_Z_lb_op_le_l n n' :
n' ≤ n →
◯MZ n = ◯MZ n' ⋅ ◯MZ n.
Proof. intros. rewrite -mono_Z_lb_op Z.max_r //. Qed.
Lemma mono_Z_auth_dfrac_valid dq n : (✓ ●MZ{dq} n) ↔ ✓ dq.
rewrite /mono_Z_auth auth_both_dfrac_valid_discrete /=. naive_solver.
Lemma mono_Z_auth_valid n : ✓ ●MZ n.
Proof. by apply auth_both_valid. Qed.
Lemma mono_Z_auth_dfrac_op_valid dq1 dq2 n1 n2 :
✓ (●MZ{dq1} n1 ⋅ ●MZ{dq2} n2) ↔ ✓ (dq1 ⋅ dq2) ∧ n1 = n2.
rewrite /mono_Z_auth (comm _ (●{dq2} _)) -!assoc (assoc _ (◯ _)).
rewrite -auth_frag_op (comm _ (◯ _)) assoc. split.
- move⇒ /cmra_valid_op_l /auth_auth_dfrac_op_valid. naive_solver.
- intros [? ->]. rewrite -core_id_dup -auth_auth_dfrac_op.
by apply auth_both_dfrac_valid_discrete.
Lemma mono_Z_auth_op_valid n1 n2 :
✓ (●MZ n1 ⋅ ●MZ n2) ↔ False.
Proof. rewrite mono_Z_auth_dfrac_op_valid. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma mono_Z_both_dfrac_valid dq n m :
✓ (●MZ{dq} n ⋅ ◯MZ m) ↔ ✓ dq ∧ m ≤ n.
rewrite /mono_Z_auth /mono_Z_lb -assoc -auth_frag_op.
rewrite auth_both_dfrac_valid_discrete Some_included_total max_Z_included /=.
naive_solver lia.
Lemma mono_Z_both_valid n m :
✓ (●MZ n ⋅ ◯MZ m) ↔ m ≤ n.
Proof. rewrite mono_Z_both_dfrac_valid dfrac_valid_own. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma mono_Z_lb_mono n1 n2 : n1 ≤ n2 → ◯MZ n1 ≼ ◯MZ n2.
intros. by apply auth_frag_mono, Some_included_total, max_Z_included.
Lemma mono_Z_included dq n : ◯MZ n ≼ ●MZ{dq} n.
Proof. apply: cmra_included_r. Qed.
Lemma mono_Z_update {n} n' :
n ≤ n' → ●MZ n ~~> ●MZ n'.
intros. rewrite /mono_Z_auth /mono_Z_lb.
by apply auth_update, option_local_update, max_Z_local_update.
Lemma mono_Z_auth_persist n dq :
●MZ{dq} n ~~> ●MZ□ n.
intros. rewrite /mono_Z_auth /mono_Z_lb.
eapply cmra_update_op_proper; last done.
eapply auth_update_auth_persist.
Lemma mono_Z_auth_unpersist n :
●MZ□ n ~~>: λ k, ∃ q, k = ●MZ{# q} n.
Proof. eapply auth_updateP_both_unpersist. Qed.
End mono_Z.
Global Typeclasses Opaque mono_Z_auth mono_Z_lb.
n' ≤ n →
◯MZ n = ◯MZ n' ⋅ ◯MZ n.
Proof. intros. rewrite -mono_Z_lb_op Z.max_r //. Qed.
Lemma mono_Z_auth_dfrac_valid dq n : (✓ ●MZ{dq} n) ↔ ✓ dq.
rewrite /mono_Z_auth auth_both_dfrac_valid_discrete /=. naive_solver.
Lemma mono_Z_auth_valid n : ✓ ●MZ n.
Proof. by apply auth_both_valid. Qed.
Lemma mono_Z_auth_dfrac_op_valid dq1 dq2 n1 n2 :
✓ (●MZ{dq1} n1 ⋅ ●MZ{dq2} n2) ↔ ✓ (dq1 ⋅ dq2) ∧ n1 = n2.
rewrite /mono_Z_auth (comm _ (●{dq2} _)) -!assoc (assoc _ (◯ _)).
rewrite -auth_frag_op (comm _ (◯ _)) assoc. split.
- move⇒ /cmra_valid_op_l /auth_auth_dfrac_op_valid. naive_solver.
- intros [? ->]. rewrite -core_id_dup -auth_auth_dfrac_op.
by apply auth_both_dfrac_valid_discrete.
Lemma mono_Z_auth_op_valid n1 n2 :
✓ (●MZ n1 ⋅ ●MZ n2) ↔ False.
Proof. rewrite mono_Z_auth_dfrac_op_valid. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma mono_Z_both_dfrac_valid dq n m :
✓ (●MZ{dq} n ⋅ ◯MZ m) ↔ ✓ dq ∧ m ≤ n.
rewrite /mono_Z_auth /mono_Z_lb -assoc -auth_frag_op.
rewrite auth_both_dfrac_valid_discrete Some_included_total max_Z_included /=.
naive_solver lia.
Lemma mono_Z_both_valid n m :
✓ (●MZ n ⋅ ◯MZ m) ↔ m ≤ n.
Proof. rewrite mono_Z_both_dfrac_valid dfrac_valid_own. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma mono_Z_lb_mono n1 n2 : n1 ≤ n2 → ◯MZ n1 ≼ ◯MZ n2.
intros. by apply auth_frag_mono, Some_included_total, max_Z_included.
Lemma mono_Z_included dq n : ◯MZ n ≼ ●MZ{dq} n.
Proof. apply: cmra_included_r. Qed.
Lemma mono_Z_update {n} n' :
n ≤ n' → ●MZ n ~~> ●MZ n'.
intros. rewrite /mono_Z_auth /mono_Z_lb.
by apply auth_update, option_local_update, max_Z_local_update.
Lemma mono_Z_auth_persist n dq :
●MZ{dq} n ~~> ●MZ□ n.
intros. rewrite /mono_Z_auth /mono_Z_lb.
eapply cmra_update_op_proper; last done.
eapply auth_update_auth_persist.
Lemma mono_Z_auth_unpersist n :
●MZ□ n ~~>: λ k, ∃ q, k = ●MZ{# q} n.
Proof. eapply auth_updateP_both_unpersist. Qed.
End mono_Z.
Global Typeclasses Opaque mono_Z_auth mono_Z_lb.