Require Import Classical List Permutation Relations Peano_dec Setoid Omega.
Require Import Vbase extralib ExtraRelations cactions WMModels SCresults.
Set Implicit Arguments.
SRA-coherence is stronger than RA-coherence.
Proposition ModelSRA_RA lab sb rf mo :
ModelSRA lab sb rf mo →
ModelRA lab sb rf (restr_eq_rel (fun x ⇒ loc (lab x)) mo).
Lemma ModelSRA_ac lab sb rf mo :
ModelSRA lab sb rf mo →
acyclic (sb +++ rf_external sb rf +++ mo).
Lemma inclusion_hb_tot_ext_nat sb rf mo :
inclusion (happens_before sb rf)
(tot_ext_nat (sb +++ rf_external sb rf +++ mo)).
Lemma ModelSRA_alt2 lab sb rf mo
(C: ModelRA lab sb rf mo)
(A: acyclic (sb +++ rf_external sb rf +++ mo)) :
∃ mo',
inclusion mo mo' ∧
ModelSRA lab sb rf mo'.
Theorem ModelSRA_alt lab sb rf :
(∃ mo, ModelSRA lab sb rf mo) ↔
(∃ mo, ModelRA lab sb rf mo ∧
acyclic (sb +++ rf_external sb rf +++ mo)).
In the absence of WW-races, SRA-coherence and RA-coherence coincide.
Definition no_ww_races lab sb rf :=
∀ a l (Wa: is_writeL (lab a) l) b (Wb: is_writeL (lab b) l) (NEQ: a ≠ b) ,
happens_before sb rf a b ∨ happens_before sb rf b a.
Theorem ModelRA_no_ww_races :
∀ lab sb rf (NORACE: no_ww_races lab sb rf),
(∃ mo, ModelSRA lab sb rf mo) ↔
(∃ mo, ModelRA lab sb rf mo).
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