Require Import Classical List Permutation Relations Peano_dec Setoid.
Require Import Vbase extralib ExtraRelations cactions.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Section Consistency.
A (full) execution contains:
- a sequence of events (actions identifiers), acts,
- a labeling function, lab, mapping action identifiers to the actions,
- the "sequence before" order, sb,
- the "reads from" map, rf, and
- the modification order, mo.
Variable acts : list actid.
Variable lab : actid → act.
Variable sb : actid → actid → Prop.
Variable rf : actid → option actid.
Variable mo : actid → actid → Prop.
Derived relations
Definition rf_external x y :=
rf y = Some x ∧ ¬ sb x y.
Definition happens_before :=
clos_trans (sb +++ rf_external).
Definition reads_before x y :=
∃ z l, rf x = Some z ∧ mo z y ∧ x ≠ y
∧ is_readL (lab x) l ∧ is_writeL (lab y) l.
Definition mofr l x y :=
mo x y ∧ is_writeL (lab x) l ∧ is_writeL (lab y) l
∨ ∃ z, rf x = Some z ∧ mo z y ∧ x ≠ y
∧ is_readL (lab x) l ∧ is_writeL (lab y) l.
We require executions to have a finite domain:
Definition ExecutionFinite :=
<< CLOlab: ∀ a, lab a ≠ Askip → In a acts >> ∧
<< CLOsb : ∀ a b, sb a b → In a acts ∧ In b acts >>.
The reads-from map is consistent iff it relates only reads and writes to
the same location and with the same values.
Definition ConsistentRF_dom :=
∀ a b (RF: rf a = Some b),
∃ l v,
<< READ: is_readLV (lab a) l v >> ∧
<< WRITE: is_writeLV (lab b) l v >>.
In a complete execution, every read has an incoming rf-edge.
Properties of the modification order:
Definition ConsistentMO_dom :=
∀ a b (MO: mo a b), ∃ l, is_writeL (lab a) l ∧ is_writeL (lab b) l.
Definition ConsistentMO_big_dom :=
∀ a b (MO: mo a b), is_write (lab a) ∧ is_write (lab b).
We move on to the various coherence axioms:
- CoherentWW: the modification order cannot contradict happens-before
- CoherentWR: a read cannot read from an overwritten write
- CoherentWRsc: under SC we read from the last sc-previous same-location write
- CoherentWRatom: updates must read from their immediate mo-predecessors
Definition CoherentWW :=
∀ a b (HB: happens_before a b) (MO: mo b a),
Definition CoherentWRplain :=
∀ a b (MO: mo a b) c (RF: rf c = Some a) (HB: happens_before b c),
Definition CoherentWR :=
∀ a b (MO: mo a b) c (RF: rf c = Some a) (HB: happens_before b c)
(LOC: loc (lab a) = loc (lab b)),
Definition CoherentWRatom :=
∀ a b (MO: mo a b) c (RF: rf c = Some a) (MO': mo b c)
(LOC: loc (lab a) = loc (lab b)),
Definition CoherentWRsc :=
∀ a b (SC: mo a b) c (RF: rf c = Some a) (SC': mo b c)
(W: is_write (lab b)) (LOC: loc (lab a) = loc (lab b)),
Minimal memory model
Definition MinimalReq :=
<< FIN : ExecutionFinite >> ∧
<< NDA : NoDup acts >> ∧
<< CsbT: transitive sb >> ∧
<< CsbI: irreflexive sb >>.
Definition ModelSC_total :=
<< CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom >> ∧
<< COrf: CompleteRF >> ∧
<< CscF: is_total (fun a ⇒ is_access (lab a)) mo >> ∧
<< CscT: transitive mo >> ∧
<< CscI: irreflexive mo >> ∧
<< CrfIN: inclusion rf_external mo >> ∧
<< CpoIN: inclusion sb mo >> ∧
<< Cwr : CoherentWRsc >>.
Definition ModelSC_mo :=
<< CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom >> ∧
<< COrf: CompleteRF >> ∧
<< CmoD: ConsistentMO_dom >> ∧
<< CmoF: ∀ l, is_total (fun a ⇒ is_writeL (lab a) l) mo >> ∧
<< CmoT: transitive mo >> ∧
<< CmoI: irreflexive mo >> ∧
<< CO : acyclic (sb +++ rf_external +++ mo +++ reads_before) >>.
Definition ModelSC_bigmo :=
<< CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom >> ∧
<< COrf: CompleteRF >> ∧
<< CmoD: ConsistentMO_big_dom >> ∧
<< CmoF: is_total (fun a ⇒ is_write (lab a)) mo >> ∧
<< CmoT: transitive mo >> ∧
<< CmoI: irreflexive mo >> ∧
<< ChbI: irreflexive happens_before >> ∧
<< Cww : irreflexive (mo ;; happens_before) >> ∧
<< Cwr : irreflexive (reads_before ;; happens_before) >> ∧
<< Cat : irreflexive (reads_before ;; mo) >> ∧
<< CwrS: irreflexive (reads_before ;; mo ;; happens_before) >>.
Definition ModelSC_bigmo_simpl :=
<< CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom >> ∧
<< COrf: CompleteRF >> ∧
<< CmoD: ConsistentMO_big_dom >> ∧
<< CmoF: is_total (fun a ⇒ is_write (lab a)) mo >> ∧
<< CmoT: transitive mo >> ∧
<< CmoI: irreflexive mo >> ∧
<< ChbI: irreflexive happens_before >> ∧
<< Cww : irreflexive (mo ;; happens_before) >> ∧
<< Cwr : irreflexive (reads_before ;; happens_before) >> ∧
<< Cat : irreflexive (reads_before ;; mo) >> ∧
<< CwrE: irreflexive (reads_before ;; mo ;; rf_external ;; sb) >> ∧
<< CwrI: irreflexive (reads_before ;; mo ;; sb) >>.
Definition ModelRA :=
<< CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom >> ∧
<< COrf: CompleteRF >> ∧
<< CmoD: ConsistentMO_dom >> ∧
<< CmoF: ∀ l, is_total (fun a ⇒ is_writeL (lab a) l) mo >> ∧
<< CmoT: transitive mo >> ∧
<< CmoI: irreflexive mo >> ∧
<< ChbI: irreflexive happens_before >> ∧
<< Cww : irreflexive (mo ;; happens_before) >> ∧
<< Cwr : irreflexive (reads_before ;; happens_before) >> ∧
<< Cat : irreflexive (reads_before ;; mo) >>.
Definition ModelRA_coh :=
<< CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom >> ∧
<< COrf: CompleteRF >> ∧
<< CmoD: ConsistentMO_dom >> ∧
<< CmoF: ∀ l, is_total (fun a ⇒ is_writeL (lab a) l) mo >> ∧
<< CmoT: transitive mo >> ∧
<< CmoI: irreflexive mo >> ∧
<< CO : ∀ l, acyclic (sb +++ rf_external +++ mofr l) >>.
Definition ModelSRA :=
<< CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom >> ∧
<< COrf: CompleteRF >> ∧
<< CmoD: ConsistentMO_big_dom >> ∧
<< CmoF: is_total (fun a ⇒ is_write (lab a)) mo >> ∧
<< CmoT: transitive mo >> ∧
<< CmoI: irreflexive mo >> ∧
<< ChbI: irreflexive happens_before >> ∧
<< Cww : irreflexive (mo ;; happens_before) >> ∧
<< Cwr : irreflexive (reads_before ;; happens_before) >> ∧
<< Cat : irreflexive (reads_before ;; mo) >>.
Definition ModelTSO :=
<< CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom >> ∧
<< COrf: CompleteRF >> ∧
<< CmoD: ConsistentMO_big_dom >> ∧
<< CmoF: is_total (fun a ⇒ is_write (lab a)) mo >> ∧
<< CmoT: transitive mo >> ∧
<< CmoI: irreflexive mo >> ∧
<< ChbI: irreflexive happens_before >> ∧
<< Cww : irreflexive (mo ;; happens_before) >> ∧
<< Cwr : irreflexive (reads_before ;; happens_before) >> ∧
<< Cat : irreflexive (reads_before ;; mo) >> ∧
<< CwrE: irreflexive (reads_before ;; mo ;; rf_external ;; sb) >> ∧
<< CwrU: irreflexive (reads_before ;; mo ;; eqv_rel (fun x ⇒ is_rmw (lab x)) ;; sb) >>.
Definition ModelTSO_simpl :=
<< CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom >> ∧
<< COrf: CompleteRF >> ∧
<< CmoD: ConsistentMO_big_dom >> ∧
<< CmoF: is_total (fun a ⇒ is_write (lab a)) mo >> ∧
<< CmoT: transitive mo >> ∧
<< CmoI: irreflexive mo >> ∧
<< CrfI: irreflexive rf_external >> ∧
<< ChbI: irreflexive (clos_refl rf_external ;; sb) >> ∧
<< Cat': irreflexive (mo ;; rf_external) >> ∧
<< Cww : irreflexive (mo ;; clos_refl rf_external ;; sb) >> ∧
<< Cwr : irreflexive (reads_before ;; clos_refl rf_external ;; sb) >> ∧
<< Cat : irreflexive (reads_before ;; mo) >> ∧
<< CwrE: irreflexive (reads_before ;; mo ;; rf_external ;; sb) >> ∧
<< CwrU: irreflexive (reads_before ;; mo ;; eqv_rel (fun x ⇒ is_rmw (lab x)) ;; sb) >>.
End Consistency.
Record plain_exec :=
PlainExec { pe_inits : list actid ;
pe_threads : list (list actid) ;
pe_lab : actid → act }.
Definition pe_wellformed (pe : plain_exec) :=
<< TP: NoDup (pe.(pe_inits) ++ concat pe.(pe_threads)) >> ∧
<< RNG: ∀ a, pe.(pe_lab) a ≠ Askip →
In a (pe.(pe_inits) ++ concat pe.(pe_threads)) >> ∧
<< MAIN: ∀ x, In x (concat pe.(pe_threads)) →
is_access (pe.(pe_lab) x) >>.
Definition Consistent model pe :=
∃ (rf : actid → option actid) (mo: relation actid),
model (pe.(pe_lab))
(mk_po pe.(pe_inits) pe.(pe_threads))
rf mo.
Lemma sb_in_hb :
∀ (sb : relation actid) rf x y,
sb x y →
happens_before sb rf x y.
Lemma rf_in_hb :
∀ sb rf x y,
rf y = Some x →
happens_before sb rf x y.
Lemma rf_external_in_hb :
∀ sb rf x y,
rf_external sb rf x y →
happens_before sb rf x y.
Lemma hb_trans :
∀ sb rf x y z,
happens_before sb rf x y →
happens_before sb rf y z →
happens_before sb rf x z.
Hint Resolve hb_trans sb_in_hb rf_external_in_hb rf_in_hb : hb.
Lemma loceq_mo :
∀ lab mo (C: ConsistentMO_dom lab mo) x y (H: mo x y),
loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).
Lemma loceq_rf :
∀ lab rf (C: ConsistentRF_dom lab rf) x y (H: rf x = Some y),
loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).
Lemma loceq_rfe :
∀ lab sb rf (C: ConsistentRF_dom lab rf) x y (H: rf_external sb rf x y),
loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).
Lemma loceq_rb :
∀ lab rf mo x y (H: reads_before lab rf mo x y),
loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).
Lemma loceq_com :
∀ lab rf mo l x y (H: mofr lab rf mo l x y),
loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).
Lemma finiteRF :
∀ acts lab sb
(FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb) rf
(Crf: ConsistentRF_dom lab rf) a b,
rf a = Some b → In a acts ∧ In b acts.
Lemma finiteRFE :
∀ acts lab sb
(FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb) rf
(Crf: ConsistentRF_dom lab rf) a b,
rf_external sb rf a b → In a acts ∧ In b acts.
Lemma finiteMO :
∀ acts lab sb
(FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb) mo
(Cmo: ConsistentMO_dom lab mo) a b,
mo a b → In a acts ∧ In b acts.
Lemma finiteMO2 :
∀ acts lab sb
(FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb) mo
(Cmo: ConsistentMO_big_dom lab mo) a b,
mo a b → In a acts ∧ In b acts.
Lemma finiteHB :
∀ acts lab sb
(FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb) rf
(Crf: ConsistentRF_dom lab rf) a b,
happens_before sb rf a b → In a acts ∧ In b acts.
Lemma finiteRB :
∀ acts lab sb mo
(FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb) rf a b,
reads_before lab rf mo a b → In a acts ∧ In b acts.
Finally, we add support for rewriting.
Add Parametric Morphism : ExecutionFinite with signature
(@Permutation _) ==> eq ==> same_relation ==> iff as ExecutionFinite_more.
Add Parametric Morphism : rf_external with signature
same_relation ==> eq ==> same_relation as rf_external_more.
Add Parametric Morphism : happens_before with signature
same_relation ==> eq ==> same_relation as happens_before_more.
Add Parametric Morphism : reads_before with signature
eq ==> eq ==> same_relation ==> same_relation as reads_before_more.
Add Parametric Morphism : ConsistentMO_big_dom with signature
eq ==> same_relation ==> iff as ConsistentMO_big_dom_more.
Add Parametric Morphism : ModelTSO with signature
eq ==> same_relation ==> eq ==> same_relation ==> iff as ModelTSO_more.
Add Parametric Morphism : ModelTSO_simpl with signature
eq ==> same_relation ==> eq ==> same_relation ==> iff as ModelTSO_simpl_more.
Add Parametric Morphism : reads_before with signature
eq ==> eq ==> inclusion ==> inclusion as reads_before_mori.
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