Library iris.unstable.heap_lang.interpreter

This file is still experimental. See its tracking issue for details on remaining issues before stabilization.
A verified interpreter for HeapLang.
This file defines a function exec (fuel:nat) (e:expr) : val + Error which runs a HeapLang expression to inl v if e terminates in a value v, or returns inr msg with a structured error message msg if e gets stuck at some point. Use pretty msg to turn the message into a readable string.
The point of this interpreter is to allow you to test your code or small snippets of HeapLang code and see what the semantics does. We prove it correct so that you can trust that the interpreter actually reflects the semantics, particularly when it says the program is stuck. The interpreter also goes through some pain to report specific error messages on failure, although these explanations are of course not verified.
We prove a correctness theorem exec_spec about exec summarizing its guarantees. It distinguishes two cases: 1. If exec returns inl v, then e can execute to v according to rtc erased_step (following the semantics of HeapLang). 2. If exec returns inr (Stuck msg), then e can execute to some e' that is stuck according to the HeapLang semantics, so e really does "go wrong". msg is a human-readable string describing how e got stuck. 3. Finally, exec can also fail due to running out of fuel or encountering an unsupported prophecy variable operation, in which case it returns a distinct error case and the correctness theorem provides no guarantees.
The interpreter is sequential and deterministic, which means it has some limitations. It will ignore forked threads and continue to execute the main thread, which may cause some programs to live-lock that would otherwise make progress under a fair scheduler.
Determinism creates a subtle difference between the interpreter and the semantics. The interpreter only guarantees properties of one execution while the semantics and any safety property proven using Iris conceptually regard all executions. Concretely, consider this program: let: "x" := ref #0 in !(LitLoc 1). There is one execution where this program terminates in #0, and many where the allocation results in some other location and it is stuck. The interpeter happens to allocate starting at LitLoc 1 and will say it produces #0. This is technically correct but not useful - there is a stuck execution the interpreter didn't find. The only non-determinism in sequential HeapLang is allocation, so we believe only strange programs like this that correctly "guess" the interpreter's allocations are affected.
The interpreter is heavily based on Sydney Gibson's MEng thesis: That thesis includes an interpreter for sequential GooseLang, a fork of HeapLang.

From stdpp Require Import gmap.
From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang.
From iris.heap_lang Require Import tactics pretty.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.

Local Ltac invc H := inversion H; subst; clear H.

Errors are tagged to give exec a stronger specification. Stuck s is distinguished from the other cases because it comes with a proof that the expression is eventually stuck.
Inductive Error :=
| Stuck (s:string)
| Unsupported (s:string)
| OutOfFuel.

Global Instance error_pretty : Pretty Error :=
  λ err, match err with
         | Stuck s ⇒ "stuck: " +:+ s
         | Unsupported s ⇒ "unsupported operation: " +:+ s
         | OutOfFuel ⇒ "out of fuel"

Module interp_monad.
  Record interp_state :=
    InterpState { lang_state : state; next_loc : Z; forked_threads : list expr; }.

  Add Printing Constructor interp_state.

  Definition modify_lang_state (f: state state): interp_state interp_state :=
    λ s, InterpState (f s.(lang_state)) s.(next_loc) (s.(forked_threads)).
  Definition add_forked_thread (e: expr) : interp_state interp_state :=
    λ s, InterpState s.(lang_state) s.(next_loc) (s.(forked_threads) ++ [e]).
  Definition interp_state_alloc (n: Z) : interp_state interp_state :=
    λ s, InterpState s.(lang_state) (n + s.(next_loc)) s.(forked_threads).

  Inductive state_wf (s: interp_state): Prop :=
    { state_wf_holds (l: loc) : (s.(next_loc) l.(loc_car))%Z
                                s.(lang_state).(heap) !! l = None; }.

  Definition InterpretM (A:Type) : Type :=
    interp_state (A+Error) × interp_state.

  Definition init_state : state := {| heap := ; used_proph_id := |}.
  Definition init_interp_state : interp_state :=
    InterpState init_state 1 [].

run runs an interpreter monad value starting from an empty initial state.
  Local Definition run {A} (f: InterpretM A) : A + Error :=
    (f init_interp_state).1.

  Lemma init_interp_state_wf : state_wf init_interp_state.
  Proof. constructor; rewrite /init_interp_state //=. Qed.

  Global Instance interp_ret : MRet InterpretM := λ A (x:A), λ s, (inl x, s).
  Global Instance interp_bind : MBind InterpretM :=
    λ A B (f: A InterpretM B) (x: InterpretM A),
    λ s, let (r, s') := x s in
        match r with
        | inl x'f x' s'
        | inr e(inr e, s')
  Global Instance interp_fmap : FMap InterpretM :=
    λ A B (f: A B) (x: InterpretM A),
    λ s, let (r, s') := x s in
        match r with
        | inl x'(inl (f x'), s')
        | inr e(inr e, s')

  Definition interp_modify (f: interp_state interp_state): InterpretM () :=
    λ s, (inl (), f s).
  Definition interp_modify_state (f: state state): InterpretM () :=
    interp_modify (modify_lang_state f).
  Definition interp_read {A} (f: state A): InterpretM A :=
    λ s, (inl (f s.(lang_state)), s).
  Definition interp_error {A} (msg: string) : InterpretM A := λ s, (inr (Stuck msg), s).
  Definition interp_alloc (n:Z): InterpretM loc :=
    λ s, (inl {| loc_car := s.(next_loc)|}, interp_state_alloc n s).

  Definition read_loc (method: string) (vl: val) : InterpretM (loc×val) :=
      match vl with
      | LitV (LitLoc l) ⇒
        mv interp_read (λ σ, σ.(heap) !! l);
        match mv with
        | Some (Some v) ⇒ mret (l, v)
        | Some None
          interp_error $ method +:+ ": use after free at location: " +:+ pretty l
        | None
          interp_error $ method +:+ ": unallocated location: " +:+ pretty l
      | _interp_error $ method +:+ ": applied to non-loc " +:+ pretty vl

  Lemma error_not_inl {A} {msg s} {v: A} {s'} :
    interp_error msg s = (inl v, s') False.
  Proof. by inversion 1. Qed.

  Lemma mret_inv {A} (v: A) s v' s' :
    (mret v : InterpretM A) s = (inl v', s') v = v' s = s'.
  Proof. by inversion 1. Qed.

  Lemma interp_bind_inv A B (x: InterpretM A) (f: A InterpretM B) r s s' :
    (x ≫= f) s = (r, s')
    ( e, x s = (inr e, s') r = inr e)
    ( s0 x', x s = (inl x', s0)
              f x' s0 = (r, s')).
    rewrite /mbind /interp_bind.
    repeat case_match; inversion 1; subst; eauto.

  Lemma interp_bind_inl_inv A B (x: InterpretM A) (f: A InterpretM B) (r: B) s s' :
    (x ≫= f) s = (inl r, s')
     s0 x', x s = (inl x', s0)
             f x' s0 = (inl r, s').
    intros [(e & ? & ?) | (s0 & x' & H1 & H2)]%interp_bind_inv.
    - congruence.
    - rewrite H1.
      eexists _, _; eauto.

  Lemma interp_fmap_inv {A B} (f: A B) x s v s' :
    (fmap f x : InterpretM B) s = (inl v, s')
     v0, v = f v0 x s = (inl v0, s').
    rewrite /fmap /interp_fmap.
    repeat case_match; inversion 1; subst; eauto.

  Lemma read_loc_inv method vl s l v s' :
    read_loc method vl s = (inl (l, v), s')
    vl = LitV (LitLoc l)
    s' = s
    s.(lang_state).(heap) !! l = Some (Some v).
    rewrite /read_loc.
    destruct vl as [l' | | | | ]; try by inversion 1.
    destruct l' as [| | | | l' |]; intro H; try by inversion H.
    apply interp_bind_inl_inv in H as (s0 & mv & Heq1 & Heq2).
    destruct mv as [mv|]; try by inversion Heq2.
    destruct mv; inversion Heq2; subst; clear Heq2.
    inversion Heq1; subst; clear Heq1.

  Ltac errored :=
    lazymatch goal with
    | H: interp_error _ _ = (inl _, _) |- _solve [ exfalso; apply (error_not_inl H) ]
    | H: (inr _, _) = (inl _, _) |- _solve [ exfalso; inversion H ]

  Ltac success :=
      lazymatch goal with
      | H: mret _ _ = (inl _, _) |- _
        let Heqv := fresh "Heqv" in
        let Heqs := fresh "Heqs" in
        apply mret_inv in H as [Heqv Heqs]; subst
      | H: (_ ≫= (λ x, _)) _ = (inl _, _) |- _
        let s := fresh "s" in
        let x := fresh x in
        let Heq1 := fresh "Heq" in
        let Heq2 := fresh "Heq" in
        apply interp_bind_inl_inv in H as (s & x & Heq1 & Heq2); subst
      | H: (_ <$> _) _ = (inl ?v, _) |- _
        let s := fresh "s" in
        let v_tmp := fresh "v" in
        rename v into v_tmp;
        apply interp_fmap_inv in H as (v & → & H)
      | H: interp_modify _ _ = (inl _, _) |- _invc H
      | H: interp_modify_state _ _ = (inl _, _) |- _invc H
      | H: interp_read _ _ = (inl _, _) |- _invc H
      | H: read_loc _ _ _ = (inl _, _) |- _
        apply read_loc_inv in H as (-> & → & H)
      end; subst.

  Lemma interp_bind_inr_inv {A B} (x: InterpretM A) (f: A InterpretM B) r s s' :
    (x ≫= f) s = (inr r, s')
    (x s = (inr r, s'))
    ( s0 x', x s = (inl x', s0) f x' s0 = (inr r, s')).
    rewrite /mbind /interp_bind.
    repeat case_match; intros; simplify_eq/=; eauto.

  Lemma interp_fmap_inr_inv {A B} (f: A B) (x: InterpretM A) s e s' :
    (fmap f x : InterpretM B) s = (inr e, s')
    x s = (inr e, s').
    rewrite /fmap /interp_fmap.
    repeat case_match; intros; simplify_eq/=; auto.

  Lemma read_loc_inr_inv method vl s err s' :
    read_loc method vl s = (inr err, s')
    s = s' match vl with
             | LitV (LitLoc l) ⇒ v, s.(lang_state).(heap) !! l Some (Some v)
             | _True
    rewrite /read_loc.
    repeat case_match; subst; try solve [ inversion 1; subst; auto ].
    intros H.
    apply interp_bind_inr_inv in H as [H|(s0&x& Hexec1 & Hexec2)]; success.
    - invc H.
    - repeat case_match; invc Hexec2.
      + intuition congruence.
      + intuition congruence.

  Ltac failure :=
      match goal with
      | H: (_ ≫= _) _ = (inr _, _) |- _
        let s := fresh "s" in
        let x := fresh "x" in
        let Heq := fresh "Heq" in
        apply interp_bind_inr_inv in H as [H | (s & x & Heq & H)]
      | H: interp_error _ _ = (inr _, _) |- _invc H
      | H: mret _ _ = (inr _, _) |- _solve [ inversion H ]
      | H: interp_modify _ _ = (inr _, _) |- _solve [ inversion H ]
      | H: interp_modify_state _ _ = (inr _, _) |- _solve [ inversion H ]
      | H: (_ <$> _) _ = (inr _, _) |- _
        apply interp_fmap_inr_inv in H
      | H: read_loc _ _ _ = (inr _, _) |- _
        apply read_loc_inr_inv in H as [-> H]
      end; subst.

End interp_monad.

Import interp_monad.

Section interpreter.

  Local Instance pretty_string : Pretty string := λ s, s.
  Local Definition pretty_app (s: string) {A} `{Pretty A} (x:A) : string :=
    s +:+ pretty x.

  Infix "+" := pretty_app.

  Definition option_opposites {A B} (m1 : option A) (m2 : option B) :=
    is_Some m1 m2 = None.

  Lemma option_opposites_alt {A B} (m1 : option A) (m2 : option B) :
    option_opposites m1 m2 match m1, m2 with
                             | Some _, NoneTrue
                             | None , Some _True
                             | _ , _False
    rewrite /option_opposites is_Some_alt.
    repeat case_match; intuition congruence.

produce an error message for un_op_eval
  Definition explain_un_op_fail op v : option string :=
    match op with
    | NegOpmatch v with
               | LitV (LitInt _) ⇒ None
               | LitV (LitBool _) ⇒ None
               | _Some $ "~ (NegOp) can only be applied to integers and booleans, got " + v
    | MinusUnOp
      match v with
      | LitV (LitInt _) ⇒ None
      | _Some $ "unary - (MinusUnOp) can only be applied to integers, got " + v

  Lemma explain_un_op_fail_wf op v :
    option_opposites (explain_un_op_fail op v) (un_op_eval op v).
    apply option_opposites_alt.
    rewrite /explain_un_op_fail /un_op_eval.
    repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; auto.

  Definition explain_unboxed v : option string :=
    match v with
    | LitV l | InjLV (LitV l) | InjRV (LitV l) ⇒
      match l with
      | LitPoisonSome "poison values (from erasing prophecies) cannot be compared"
      | LitProphecy _Some "prophecies cannot be compared"
      | _None
    | InjLV _ | InjRV _Some "sum values can only be compared if they contain literals"
    | PairV _ _Some "pairs are large and considered boxed, must compare by field"
    | RecV _ _ _Some "closures are large and cannot be compared"

  Lemma explain_unboxed_wf v :
    match explain_unboxed v with
    | Some _¬val_is_unboxed v
    | Noneval_is_unboxed v
    rewrite /explain_unboxed /val_is_unboxed /lit_is_unboxed.
    repeat case_match; intuition congruence.

  Definition explain_vals_compare_safe_fail v1 v2 : option string :=
    match explain_unboxed v1, explain_unboxed v2 with
    | Some msg1, Some msg2
      Some $ "one of " + v1 + " and " + v2 + " must be unboxed to compare: "
      + v1 + ": " + msg1 + ", "
      + v2 + ": " + msg2
    | _, _None

explain_vals_compare_safe_fail gives an explanation when vals_compare_safe would be false (that is, when v1 and v2 cannot be compared)
  Lemma explain_vals_compare_safe_fail_wf v1 v2 :
    is_Some (explain_vals_compare_safe_fail v1 v2) ¬vals_compare_safe v1 v2.
    cut (explain_vals_compare_safe_fail v1 v2 = None vals_compare_safe v1 v2).
    { rewrite is_Some_alt.
      destruct (explain_vals_compare_safe_fail _ _); intuition congruence. }
    rewrite /explain_vals_compare_safe_fail /vals_compare_safe.
    pose proof (explain_unboxed_wf v1).
    pose proof (explain_unboxed_wf v2).
    destruct (explain_unboxed v1), (explain_unboxed v2); intuition congruence.

produce an error message for bin_op_eval
  Definition explain_bin_op_fail op v1 v2 : option string :=
    if decide (op = EqOp)
    then (explain_vals_compare_safe_fail v1 v2)
    else match v1, v2 with
         | LitV (LitInt _), LitV (LitInt _) ⇒
           match op with
           | OffsetOpSome $ "cannot add to integer " + v1 + " with +ₗ (only locations)"
           | _None
         | LitV (LitBool b1), LitV (LitBool b2) ⇒
           match bin_op_eval_bool op b1 b2 with
           | Some _None
           | NoneSome $ "non-boolean operator applied to booleans " + op
         | LitV (LitLoc _), _
           match op, v2 with
           | OffsetOp, LitV (LitInt _) ⇒ None
           | OffsetOp, _Some $ "can only call +ₗ on integers, got " + v2
           | LeOp, LitV (LitLoc _) ⇒ None
           | LeOp, _Some $ "cannot use ≤ on location " + v1 + " and " + v2
           | LtOp, LitV (LitLoc _) ⇒ None
           | LtOp, _Some $ "cannot use < on location " + v1 + " and " + v2
           | _, _Some $ "the only supported operations on locations are " +
                            " +ₗ #i, ≤ #l and < #l; got " + op + " " + v2
         | _, _Some $ "mismatched types of values " + v1 + " and " + v2

  Lemma explain_bin_op_fail_wf op v1 v2 :
    option_opposites (explain_bin_op_fail op v1 v2) (bin_op_eval op v1 v2).
    apply option_opposites_alt.
    rewrite /explain_bin_op_fail /bin_op_eval
            /bin_op_eval_int /bin_op_eval_bool /bin_op_eval_loc.
    repeat (case_match; simplify_eq/=; auto).
    - pose proof (explain_vals_compare_safe_fail_wf v1 v2).
      intuition eauto.
    - pose proof (explain_vals_compare_safe_fail_wf v1 v2) as Hwf.
      replace (explain_vals_compare_safe_fail v1 v2) in Hwf.
      rewriteis_Some_alt in Hwf.
      intuition eauto.

  Local Notation error := interp_error.

  Fixpoint interpret (fuel:nat) (e: expr) {struct fuel} : InterpretM val :=
    match fuel with
    | 0 ⇒ λ s, (inr OutOfFuel, s)
    | S fuel'let interp := interpret fuel' in
    match e with

    | Val vmret v
    | Var xerror $ "free var: " + x
    | Rec f x emret (RecV f x e)
    | App f e
      v2 interp e;
      f interp f;
      match f with
      | RecV f x e1
        interp (subst' x v2 (subst' f (RecV f x e1) e1))
      | _error $ "attempt to call non-function " +:+ pretty f

    | Pair e1 e2
      v2 interp e2;
      v1 interp e1;
      mret (PairV v1 v2)
    | InjL eInjLV <$> interp e
    | InjR eInjRV <$> interp e
    | UnOp op e
      v interp e;
      match un_op_eval op v with
      | Some vmret v
      | Noneerror $ "un-op failed: " + match explain_un_op_fail op v with
                                           | Some msgmsg
                                           | None ⇒ ""
    | BinOp op e1 e2
      v2 interp e2;
      v1 interp e1;
      match bin_op_eval op v1 v2 with
      | Some vmret v
      | Noneerror $ "bin-op failed: " + match explain_bin_op_fail op v1 v2 with
                                            | Some msgmsg
                                            | None ⇒ ""
    | If e e1 e2
      cond interp e;
      match cond with
      | LitV (LitBool b) ⇒ interp (if b then e1 else e2)
      | _error $ "if: non-bool condition " + cond
    | Fst e
      v interp e;
      match v with
      | PairV v1 _mret v1
      | _error $ "fst: called on non-pair " + v
    | Snd e
      v interp e;
      match v with
      | PairV _ v2mret v2
      | _error $ "snd: called on non-pair " + v
    | Case e e1 e2
      v interp e;
      match v with
      | InjLV vinterp (App e1 (Val v))
      | InjRV vinterp (App e2 (Val v))
      | _error $ "case: called on non-sum " + v

    | Fork e
      _ interp_modify (add_forked_thread e);
      mret (LitV LitUnit)

    | AllocN ne e
      v interp e;
      nv interp ne;
      match nv with
      | LitV (LitInt n) ⇒
        if decide (0 < n)%Z then
          l interp_alloc n;
          _ interp_modify_state (state_init_heap l n v);
          mret (LitV (LitLoc l))
        else (error $ if decide (n = 0)
                      then "alloc: cannot allocate 0 elements"
                      else "alloc: negative number of elements (first argument) " + n)
      | _error $ "alloc: number of elements (first argument) " + nv
    | Load e
      vl interp e;
      l_v0 read_loc "load" vl;
      let '(_, v0) := l_v0 in
      mret v0
    | Free e
      vl interp e;
      l_v0 read_loc "free" vl;
      let '(l, _) := l_v0 in
      _ interp_modify_state (state_upd_heap <[l:=None]>);
      mret (LitV LitUnit)
    | Store el e
      w interp e;
      vl interp el;
      l_v0 read_loc "store" vl;
      let '(l, _) := l_v0 in
      _ interp_modify_state (state_upd_heap <[l:=Some w]>);
      mret (LitV LitUnit)
    | Xchg el e
      w interp e;
      vl interp el;
      l_v0 read_loc "xchg" vl;
      let '(l, v0) := l_v0 in
      _ interp_modify_state (state_upd_heap <[l:=Some w]>);
      mret v0
    | CmpXchg e e1 e2
      v2 interp e2;
      v1 interp e1;
      vl interp e;
      l_v0 read_loc "cmpxchg" vl;
      let '(l, vl) := l_v0 in
      let b := bool_decide (vl = v1) in
      if decide (vals_compare_safe vl v1) then
        _ interp_modify_state (λ σ, if b
                                      then state_upd_heap <[l:=Some v2]> σ
                                      else σ);
        mret (PairV vl (LitV (LitBool b)))
        error $ "cmpxchg: failed comparison: " + default "" (explain_vals_compare_safe_fail vl v1)
    | FAA el e
      v interp e;
      vl interp el;
      l_v0 read_loc "faa" vl;
      let '(l, v0) := l_v0 in
      match v0, v with
      | LitV (LitInt i1), LitV (LitInt i2) ⇒
        _ interp_modify_state (state_upd_heap <[l:=Some (LitV (LitInt (i1 + i2)))]>);
        mret (LitV (LitInt i1))
      | LitV (LitInt _), _error $ "faa: increment " + v + " is not an integer"
      | _, _error $ "faa: called on non-integer heap value: " + v0

    | NewProphλ s, (inr (Unsupported "NewProph"), s)
    | Resolve _ _ _λ s, (inr (Unsupported "Resolve"), s)
End interpreter.

Theory for proving steps are sound.

Lemma atomic_step e σ e' σ' :
  base_step e σ [] e' σ' []
   tp, rtc erased_step (e :: tp, σ) (e' :: tp, σ').
  intros ? tp.
  apply rtc_once.
  eapply (step_atomic e σ e' σ' [] [] tp); simpl; auto.
  - rewrite app_nil_r //.
  - eapply (Ectx_step []); eauto.

Lemma step_inv ts1 σ1 κ ts2 σ2 :
  step (Λ:=heap_lang) (ts1, σ1) κ (ts2, σ2)
   (t1 : list expr) (e1 : expr) (t2 : list expr) (e2 : expr) (efs: list expr),
    ts1 = t1 ++ e1 :: t2
    ts2 = t1 ++ e2 :: t2 ++ efs
    prim_step e1 σ1 κ e2 σ2 efs.
  inversion 1.
  eauto 10.

Lemma fill_step K (e: expr) σ tp κ e' σ' tp' :
  step (e :: tp, σ) κ (e' :: tp', σ')
  step (fill K e :: tp, σ) κ (fill K e' :: tp', σ').
  intros Hstep.
  apply step_inv in Hstep as (t1 & e1 & t2 & e2 & efs & Heq1 & Heq2 & Hprim_step).
  pose proof Hprim_step as H.
  apply (fill_prim_step K) in H.
  simpl in H.
  destruct t1 as [|e0 t1].
  - simplify_eq/=.
    eapply (step_atomic _ _ _ _ efs [] t2); eauto.
  - simplify_eq/=.
    eapply (step_atomic _ _ _ _ efs (fill K e0 :: t1) t2); eauto.

Lemma fill_erased_step (e: expr) σ tp e' σ' tp' K :
  erased_step (e :: tp, σ) (e' :: tp', σ')
  erased_step (fill K e :: tp, σ) (fill K e' :: tp', σ').
  rewrite /erased_step.
  intros [κ Hstep].
  apply fill_step; auto.

Lemma step_cons_no_destroy (e: expr) tp σ κ ρ2 :
  step (e :: tp, σ) κ ρ2
   e' tp' σ', ρ2 = (e' :: tp', σ').
  destruct ρ2 as [ts' σ'].
  intros (t1&?&?&?&?&?&?&?)%step_inv; subst.
  destruct t1; simplify_eq/=; eauto.

Lemma language_nsteps_inv_r (Λ: language) n ρ1 κs ρ2 :
  language.nsteps (Λ:=Λ) (S n) ρ1 κs ρ2
   ρ' κ κs', step ρ1 κ ρ' κs = κ ++ κs'
              language.nsteps n ρ' κs' ρ2.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto 10. Qed.

Lemma fill_erased_steps (e: expr) σ tp e' σ' tp' K :
  rtc erased_step (e :: tp, σ) (e' :: tp', σ')
  rtc erased_step (fill K e :: tp, σ) (fill K e' :: tp', σ').
  rewrite !erased_steps_nsteps.
  destruct 1 as (n & κs & Hsteps).
  generalize dependent e.
  generalize dependent tp.
  generalize dependent σ.
  generalize dependent e'.
  generalize dependent tp'.
  generalize dependent σ'.
  generalize dependent κs.
  induction n as [|n IHn]; intros ??????? Hsteps.
  - invc Hsteps.
     0, [].
  - apply language_nsteps_inv_r in Hsteps as (ρ2 & κ & κs' & (Hstep & → & Hsteps)).
    edestruct step_cons_no_destroy as (e''&tp''&σ''&Heq); eauto; subst.
    apply (fill_step K) in Hstep.
    apply IHn in Hsteps as (n'&κs&?).
     (S n'), (κ ++ κs).
    econstructor; eauto.

Section interpret_ok.
  Tactic Notation "step" "by" tactic1(t) :=
    etrans; [ solve [ t ] | simpl ].

  Ltac change_to_fill e :=
    reshape_expr e ltac:(fun K e'
                           lazymatch K with
                           | [_]change e with (fill K e')

  Ltac step_ctx :=
    lazymatch goal with
    | |- rtc erased_step (?e :: _, _) _
      change_to_fill e;
      step by (apply fill_erased_steps; eauto)

  Ltac step_atomic :=
    step by (apply atomic_step; eauto using base_step);
    try reflexivity.

  Lemma state_wf_init_alloc (v0 : val) (s : interp_state) (n : Z) :
    (0 n)%Z
    state_wf s
          (λ σ : state, state_init_heap {| loc_car := next_loc s |} n v0 σ)
          (interp_state_alloc n s)).
    intros Hn.
    constructor; rewrite /modify_lang_state /interp_state_alloc /=; intros l ?.
    apply fin_maps.lookup_union_None; split.
    - destruct (heap_array _ _ !! l) eqn:Hlookup; auto.
      apply heap_array_lookup in Hlookup as (j & w & Hle & ? & ? & Hlookup); subst.
      apply lookup_replicate in Hlookup as [? ?]; subst.
      simpl in ×.
    - apply state_wf_holds; auto.

  Lemma state_wf_same_dom s f :
    (dom (f s.(lang_state)).(heap) = dom s.(lang_state).(heap))
    state_wf s
    state_wf (modify_lang_state f s).
    intros Hdom_eq Hwf.
    constructor; rewrite /modify_lang_state /= ⇒ l ?.
    apply (fin_map_dom.not_elem_of_dom (D:=gset loc)).
    rewrite Hdom_eq.
    apply fin_map_dom.not_elem_of_dom.
    apply state_wf_holds; auto.

  Lemma state_wf_upd s l mv0 v' :
    state_wf s
    heap (lang_state s) !! l = Some mv0
    state_wf (modify_lang_state (λ σ : state, state_upd_heap <[l:=v']> σ) s).
    intros Hwf Heq.
    apply state_wf_same_dom; auto.
    rewrite fin_map_dom.dom_insert_L.
    apply (fin_map_dom.elem_of_dom_2 (D:=gset loc)) in Heq.

  Lemma interpret_wf fuel (e: expr) s v s' :
    state_wf s
    interpret fuel e s = (inl v, s')
    state_wf s'.
    revert e s v s'.
    induction fuel as [|fuel]; simpl; intros e s v s' **; [ errored | ].
    destruct e; try errored; success; eauto;
      (repeat case_match; subst; try errored;
       eauto using state_wf_upd).
    - match goal with
      | H: interp_alloc _ _ = (_, _) |- _invc H
      apply state_wf_init_alloc; eauto.
    - apply state_wf_same_dom; eauto.
    - constructor; intros.
      apply state_wf_holds; auto.

  Local Hint Resolve interpret_wf : core.

  Lemma interpret_sound fuel e s v s' :
    state_wf s
    interpret fuel e s = (inl v, s')
    rtc erased_step (e :: s.(forked_threads), s.(lang_state)) (Val v :: s'.(forked_threads), s'.(lang_state)).
    revert e s v s'.
    induction fuel as [|fuel]; simpl; intros e s v s' **; [ errored | ].
    destruct e; try errored; success; cbn [forked_threads lang_state];
      repeat match goal with
             | H: (match ?x with
                   | __
                   end _ = (inl _, _)) |- _
               let Heqn := fresh "Heqn" in
               destruct x eqn:Heqn; try errored; [idtac]
             | _progress success
             | _step_ctx
             | _step_atomic
      lazymatch goal with
      | |- context[LitBool ?b] ⇒ destruct b; step_atomic; eauto
      lazymatch goal with
      | |- context[Case (Val ?v)] ⇒ destruct v; try errored; step_atomic; eauto
      lazymatch goal with
      | H: interp_alloc _ _ = _ |- _invc H
      eapply atomic_step. constructor; auto; intros.
      simpl. apply state_wf_holds; eauto.
      simpl; lia.
      eapply rtc_once. [].
      lazymatch goal with
      | |- context[Fork ?e] ⇒ eapply (step_atomic _ _ _ _ [e] []); simpl; eauto
      apply base_prim_step; simpl.
      eauto using base_step.

Theory for expressions that are stuck after some execution steps.

a stuck expression is eventually stuck
  Lemma eventually_stuck_now (e: expr) tp σ :
    stuck e σ
    eventually_stuck e tp σ tp σ.
    split; [ reflexivity | auto ].

we can "peel off" some number of execution steps before proving that an expression is stuck
  Lemma eventually_stuck_steps e tp σ tp0 σ0 e' tp' σ' :
    rtc erased_step (e :: tp, σ) (e' :: tp0, σ0)
    eventually_stuck e' tp0 σ0 tp' σ'
    eventually_stuck e tp σ tp' σ'.
    intros Hsteps (e'' & Hsteps' & Hstuck).
    eexists. split; [ etrans; eauto | eauto ].

eventually_stuck respects evaluation contexts
  Lemma eventually_stuck_fill K e tp σ tp' σ' :
    eventually_stuck e tp σ tp' σ'
    eventually_stuck (fill K e) tp σ tp' σ'.
    intros (e' & Hsteps & Hstuck).
    eexists (fill K e'). split.
    - apply fill_erased_steps; auto.
    - apply stuck_fill; auto.

  Local Hint Resolve interpret_sound : core.

  Ltac stuck_steps :=
    eapply eventually_stuck_steps;
    [ repeat step_ctx; (step_atomic || reflexivity)

  Ltac stuck_fill :=
    lazymatch goal with
    | |- eventually_stuck ?e _ _ _ _
      change_to_fill e; apply eventually_stuck_fill; solve [ eauto ]

We need more complicated theory to handle expressions that are stuck now, because there is no base_step they can take.

  Definition terminal_expr e :=
     K e', to_val e' = None
            e = fill K e'
            K = [] e' = e.

  Lemma stuck_not_val e σ :
    to_val e = None
    ( (κs: list observation) (e': expr) (σ': state) (efs: list expr),
        prim_step e σ κs e' σ' efs False)
    stuck e σ.
    rewrite /stuck /irreducible.

  Local Hint Resolve val_base_stuck : core.

  Lemma terminal_expr_stuck e σ :
    to_val e = None
    terminal_expr e
    ( κ e' σ' efs, base_step e σ κ e' σ' efs False)
    stuck e σ.
    intros Hnot_val Hterminal Hno_base_step.
    apply stuck_not_val; first done; intros × Hstep.
    invc Hstep; simpl in ×.
    lazymatch type of Hnot_val with
    | to_val (fill ?K ?e1') = Noneedestruct (Hterminal K e1') as [-> ?]; eauto

  Lemma fill_not_val' K e v :
    to_val e = None
    Val v = fill K e
    intros H Hfill.
    apply (fill_not_val K) in H; simpl in ×.
    rewrite -Hfill /= in H.

  Lemma list_rev_case {A} (l: list A) :
    l = [] x l', l = l' ++ [x].
    induction l using rev_ind; eauto.

  Ltac ctx_case K Ki :=
    let K' := fresh "K" in
    destruct (list_rev_case K) as [->| (Ki & K' & ->)]; [by auto|];
    rewrite ?fill_app /=.

  Ltac prove_terminal :=
    lazymatch goal with
    | |- terminal_expr _
      let K := fresh "K" in
      let e := fresh "e" in
      let Ki := fresh "Ki" in
      intros K e; ctx_case K Ki;
      destruct Ki;
      let H := fresh in
      intros ? H; invc H;
      solve [ exfalso; eauto using fill_not_val' ]
    | _fail "not a terminal_expr goal"

  Lemma fill_app_inv v1 v2 :
    terminal_expr (App (Val v1) (Val v2)).
  Proof. prove_terminal. Qed.

  Ltac stuck_now :=
    apply eventually_stuck_now, terminal_expr_stuck;
    |let H := fresh "Hstep" in
     intros × H;
     try (inversion H; congruence) ].

  Lemma interpret_complete fuel : e s msg s',
     (Hwf: state_wf s),
      interpret fuel e s = (inr (Stuck msg), s')
      eventually_stuck e s.(forked_threads) s.(lang_state) s'.(forked_threads) s'.(lang_state).
    induction fuel as [|fuel]; simpl; intros e s msg s' **; [congruence|].
    destruct e; failure; stuck_steps; try stuck_fill;
      try (repeat case_match; failure; try stuck_now;
           let n := numgoals in guard n ≤ 1);
      repeat case_match; failure; try stuck_now.
      + stuck_steps; eauto.
      + stuck_steps; eauto.
      repeat case_match; failure; try stuck_now.
      + stuck_steps; eauto.
      + stuck_steps; eauto.
      success. stuck_now.
      lazymatch goal with
      | H: read_loc _ _ _ = (inl ?p, _) |- _destruct p as [l v]
      repeat case_match; failure; stuck_now.

End interpret_ok.

Definition exec (fuel:nat) (e: expr) : val + Error := (interpret fuel e).

Theorem exec_spec fuel e :
  match exec fuel e with
  | inl v
     tp' σ', rtc erased_step ([e], init_state) ([Val v] ++ tp', σ')
  | inr (Stuck _) ⇒
     e' tp' σ', rtc erased_step ([e], init_state) ([e'] ++ tp', σ') stuck e' σ'
  | inr _
  rewrite /exec /
  destruct (interpret fuel e init_interp_state) as [r s] eqn:Hinterpret.
  destruct r as [v | [msg|msg|] ]; simpl; auto.
  - apply interpret_sound in Hinterpret;
      eauto using init_interp_state_wf.
  - apply interpret_complete in Hinterpret;
      auto using init_interp_state_wf.
    destruct Hinterpret as (e' & Hexec & Hstuck); eauto.