Library iris.proofmode.environments

From iris.prelude Require Export prelude.
From Require Export bi.
From iris.proofmode Require Import base.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Import bi.

Inductive env (A : Type) : Type :=
  | Enil : env A
  | Esnoc : env A ident A env A.
Global Arguments Enil {_}.
Global Arguments Esnoc {_} _ _ _.
Global Instance: Params (@Enil) 1 := {}.
Global Instance: Params (@Esnoc) 1 := {}.

Fixpoint env_lookup {A} (i : ident) (Γ : env A) : option A :=
  match Γ with
  | EnilNone
  | Esnoc Γ j xif ident_beq i j then Some x else env_lookup i Γ

Module env_notations.
  Notation "y ≫= f" := (pm_option_bind f y).
  Notation "x ← y ; z" := (y ≫= λ x, z).
  Notation "' x1 ← y ; z" := (y ≫= (λ x1, z)).
  Notation "Γ !! j" := (env_lookup j Γ).
End env_notations.
Import env_notations.

Local Open Scope lazy_bool_scope.

Inductive env_wf {A} : env A Prop :=
  | Enil_wf : env_wf Enil
  | Esnoc_wf Γ i x : Γ !! i = None env_wf Γ env_wf (Esnoc Γ i x).

Fixpoint env_to_list {A} (E : env A) : list A :=
  match E with Enil[] | Esnoc Γ _ xx :: env_to_list Γ end.
Coercion env_to_list : env >-> list.
Global Instance: Params (@env_to_list) 1 := {}.

Fixpoint env_dom {A} (Γ : env A) : list ident :=
  match Γ with Enil[] | Esnoc Γ i _i :: env_dom Γ end.

Fixpoint env_app {A} (Γapp : env A) (Γ : env A) : option (env A) :=
  match Γapp with
  | EnilSome Γ
  | Esnoc Γapp i x
     Γ' env_app Γapp Γ;
     match Γ' !! i with NoneSome (Esnoc Γ' i x) | Some _None end

Fixpoint env_replace {A} (i: ident) (Γi: env A) (Γ: env A) : option (env A) :=
  match Γ with
  | EnilNone
  | Esnoc Γ j x
     if ident_beq i j then env_app Γi Γ else
     match Γi !! j with
     | NoneΓ' env_replace i Γi Γ; Some (Esnoc Γ' j x)
     | Some _None

Fixpoint env_delete {A} (i : ident) (Γ : env A) : env A :=
  match Γ with
  | EnilEnil
  | Esnoc Γ j xif ident_beq i j then Γ else Esnoc (env_delete i Γ) j x

Fixpoint env_lookup_delete {A} (i : ident) (Γ : env A) : option (A × env A) :=
  match Γ with
  | EnilNone
  | Esnoc Γ j x
     if ident_beq i j then Some (x,Γ)
     else '(y,Γ') env_lookup_delete i Γ; Some (y, Esnoc Γ' j x)

Inductive env_Forall2 {A B} (P : A B Prop) : env A env B Prop :=
  | env_Forall2_nil : env_Forall2 P Enil Enil
  | env_Forall2_snoc Γ1 Γ2 i x y :
     env_Forall2 P Γ1 Γ2 P x y env_Forall2 P (Esnoc Γ1 i x) (Esnoc Γ2 i y).

Inductive env_subenv {A} : relation (env A) :=
  | env_subenv_nil : env_subenv Enil Enil
  | env_subenv_snoc Γ1 Γ2 i x :
     env_subenv Γ1 Γ2 env_subenv (Esnoc Γ1 i x) (Esnoc Γ2 i x)
  | env_subenv_skip Γ1 Γ2 i y :
     env_subenv Γ1 Γ2 env_subenv Γ1 (Esnoc Γ2 i y).

Section env.
Context {A : Type}.
Implicit Types Γ : env A.
Implicit Types i : ident.
Implicit Types x : A.
Local Hint Resolve Esnoc_wf Enil_wf : core.

Ltac simplify :=
  repeat match goal with
  | _progress simplify_eq/=
  | H : context [ident_beq ?s1 ?s2] |- _destruct (ident_beq_reflect s1 s2)
  | |- context [ident_beq ?s1 ?s2] ⇒ destruct (ident_beq_reflect s1 s2)
  | H : context [pm_option_bind _ ?x] |- _destruct x eqn:?
  | |- context [pm_option_bind _ ?x] ⇒ destruct x eqn:?
  | _case_match

Lemma env_lookup_perm Γ i x : Γ !! i = Some x Γ ≡ₚ x :: env_delete i Γ.
  induction Γ; intros; simplify; rewrite 1?Permutation_swap; f_equiv; eauto.

Lemma env_lookup_snoc Γ i P : env_lookup i (Esnoc Γ i P) = Some P.
Proof. induction Γ; simplify; auto. Qed.
Lemma env_lookup_snoc_ne Γ i j P :
  i j env_lookup i (Esnoc Γ j P) = env_lookup i Γ.
Proof. induction Γ⇒ ?; simplify; auto. Qed.

Lemma env_app_perm Γ Γapp Γ' :
  env_app Γapp Γ = Some Γ' env_to_list Γ' ≡ₚ Γapp ++ Γ.
Proof. revert Γ'; induction Γapp; intros; simplify; f_equal; auto. Qed.
Lemma env_app_fresh Γ Γapp Γ' i :
  env_app Γapp Γ = Some Γ' Γapp !! i = None Γ !! i = None Γ' !! i = None.
Proof. revert Γ'. induction Γapp; intros; simplify; eauto. Qed.
Lemma env_app_fresh_1 Γ Γapp Γ' i x :
  env_app Γapp Γ = Some Γ' Γ' !! i = None Γ !! i = None.
Proof. revert Γ'. induction Γapp; intros; simplify; eauto. Qed.
Lemma env_app_disjoint Γ Γapp Γ' i :
  env_app Γapp Γ = Some Γ' Γapp !! i = None Γ !! i = None.
  revert Γ'.
  induction Γapp; intros; simplify; naive_solver eauto using env_app_fresh_1.
Lemma env_app_wf Γ Γapp Γ' : env_app Γapp Γ = Some Γ' env_wf Γ env_wf Γ'.
Proof. revert Γ'. induction Γapp; intros; simplify; eauto. Qed.

Lemma env_replace_fresh Γ Γj Γ' i j :
  env_replace j Γj Γ = Some Γ'
  Γj !! i = None env_delete j Γ !! i = None Γ' !! i = None.
Proof. revert Γ'. induction Γ; intros; simplify; eauto using env_app_fresh. Qed.
Lemma env_replace_wf Γ Γi Γ' i :
  env_replace i Γi Γ = Some Γ' env_wf (env_delete i Γ) env_wf Γ'.
  revert Γ'. induction Γ; intros ??; simplify; [|inversion_clear 1];
    eauto using env_app_wf, env_replace_fresh.
Lemma env_replace_lookup Γ Γi Γ' i :
  env_replace i Γi Γ = Some Γ' is_Some (Γ !! i).
Proof. revert Γ'. induction Γ; intros; simplify; eauto. Qed.
Lemma env_replace_perm Γ Γi Γ' i :
  env_replace i Γi Γ = Some Γ' Γ' ≡ₚ Γi ++ env_delete i Γ.
  revert Γ'. induction Γ as [|Γ IH j y]=>Γ' ?; simplify; auto using env_app_perm.
  rewrite -Permutation_middle -IH //.

Lemma env_lookup_delete_correct Γ i :
  env_lookup_delete i Γ = (x Γ !! i; Some (x,env_delete i Γ)).
Proof. induction Γ; intros; simplify; eauto. Qed.
Lemma env_lookup_delete_Some Γ Γ' i x :
  env_lookup_delete i Γ = Some (x,Γ') Γ !! i = Some x Γ' = env_delete i Γ.
Proof. rewrite env_lookup_delete_correct; simplify; naive_solver. Qed.

Lemma env_lookup_env_delete Γ j : env_wf Γ env_delete j Γ !! j = None.
Proof. induction 1; intros; simplify; eauto. Qed.
Lemma env_lookup_env_delete_ne Γ i j : i j env_delete j Γ !! i = Γ !! i.
Proof. induction Γ; intros; simplify; eauto. Qed.
Lemma env_delete_fresh Γ i j : Γ !! i = None env_delete j Γ !! i = None.
Proof. induction Γ; intros; simplify; eauto. Qed.

Lemma env_delete_wf Γ j : env_wf Γ env_wf (env_delete j Γ).
Proof. induction 1; simplify; eauto using env_delete_fresh. Qed.

Global Instance env_Forall2_refl (P : relation A) :
  Reflexive P Reflexive (env_Forall2 P).
Proof. intros ? Γ. induction Γ; constructor; auto. Qed.
Global Instance env_Forall2_sym (P : relation A) :
  Symmetric P Symmetric (env_Forall2 P).
Proof. induction 2; constructor; auto. Qed.
Global Instance env_Forall2_trans (P : relation A) :
  Transitive P Transitive (env_Forall2 P).
  intros ? Γ1 Γ2 Γ3 ; revert Γ3.
  induction ; inversion_clear 1; constructor; eauto.
Global Instance env_Forall2_antisymm (P Q : relation A) :
  AntiSymm P Q AntiSymm (env_Forall2 P) (env_Forall2 Q).
Proof. induction 2; inversion_clear 1; constructor; auto. Qed.
Lemma env_Forall2_impl {B} (P Q : A B Prop) Γ Σ :
  env_Forall2 P Γ Σ ( x y, P x y Q x y) env_Forall2 Q Γ Σ.
Proof. induction 1; constructor; eauto. Qed.

Global Instance Esnoc_proper (P : relation A) :
  Proper (env_Forall2 P ==> (=) ==> P ==> env_Forall2 P) Esnoc.
Proof. intros Γ1 Γ2 i ? <-; by constructor. Qed.
Global Instance env_to_list_proper (P : relation A) :
  Proper (env_Forall2 P ==> Forall2 P) env_to_list.
Proof. induction 1; constructor; auto. Qed.

Lemma env_Forall2_fresh {B} (P : A B Prop) Γ Σ i :
  env_Forall2 P Γ Σ Γ !! i = None Σ !! i = None.
Proof. by induction 1; simplify. Qed.
Lemma env_Forall2_wf {B} (P : A B Prop) Γ Σ :
  env_Forall2 P Γ Σ env_wf Γ env_wf Σ.
Proof. induction 1; inversion_clear 1; eauto using env_Forall2_fresh. Qed.

Lemma env_subenv_fresh Γ Σ i : env_subenv Γ Σ Σ !! i = None Γ !! i = None.
Proof. by induction 1; simplify. Qed.
Lemma env_subenv_wf Γ Σ : env_subenv Γ Σ env_wf Σ env_wf Γ.
Proof. induction 1; inversion_clear 1; eauto using env_subenv_fresh. Qed.
Global Instance env_to_list_subenv_proper :
  Proper (env_subenv ==> sublist) (@env_to_list A).
Proof. induction 1; simpl; constructor; auto. Qed.
End env.

Record envs (PROP : bi) := Envs {
  env_intuitionistic : env PROP;
  env_spatial : env PROP;
  env_counter : positive
A counter to generate fresh hypothesis names
Add Printing Constructor envs.
Global Arguments Envs {_} _ _ _.
Global Arguments env_intuitionistic {_} _.
Global Arguments env_spatial {_} _.
Global Arguments env_counter {_} _.

We now define the judgment envs_entails Δ Q for proof mode entailments. This judgment expresses that Q can be proved under the proof mode environment Δ. To improve performance and to encapsulate the internals of the proof mode (i.e. to ensure that tactics like intro cannot accidentally unfold the entailment), we seal off envs_entails.
The way the the definitions below are setup involves some trickery so we can implement the iFresh tactic, which increases the counter env_counter, in an efficient way. Concretely, we made sure that envs_entails (Envs Γp Γs c) Q and envs_entails (Envs Γp Γs c') Q are convertible for any c and c'. This way, iFresh can simply be implemented by changing the goal from envs_entails (Envs Γp Γs c) Q into envs_entails (Envs Γp Γs (Pos_succ c)) Q using the tactic change_no_check. This way, the generated proof term contains no additional steps for changing the counter.
We first define a version pre_envs_entails that takes the two contexts env_intuitionistic and env_spatial as its arguments. We seal this definition and then lift it to take the whole proof mode context Δ : envs PROP. This is crucial to make sure that the counter env_counter is not part of the seal.
Record envs_wf' {PROP : bi} (Γp Γs : env PROP) := {
  env_intuitionistic_valid : env_wf Γp;
  env_spatial_valid : env_wf Γs;
  envs_disjoint i : Γp !! i = None Γs !! i = None
Definition envs_wf {PROP : bi} (Δ : envs PROP) :=
  envs_wf' (env_intuitionistic Δ) (env_spatial Δ).

Notation env_and_persistently Γ := ([∧ list] P env_to_list Γ, <pers> P)%I.

Definition of_envs' {PROP : bi} (Γp Γs : env PROP) : PROP :=
  (envs_wf' Γp Γs env_and_persistently Γp [∗] Γs)%I.
Global Instance: Params (@of_envs') 1 := {}.
Definition of_envs {PROP : bi} (Δ : envs PROP) : PROP :=
  of_envs' (env_intuitionistic Δ) (env_spatial Δ).
Global Instance: Params (@of_envs) 1 := {}.
Global Arguments of_envs : simpl never.

Local Definition pre_envs_entails_def {PROP : bi} (Γp Γs : env PROP) (Q : PROP) :=
  of_envs' Γp Γs Q.
Local Definition pre_envs_entails_aux : seal (@pre_envs_entails_def).
Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Local Definition pre_envs_entails := pre_envs_entails_aux.(unseal).
Local Definition pre_envs_entails_unseal :
  @pre_envs_entails = @pre_envs_entails_def := pre_envs_entails_aux.(seal_eq).

Definition envs_entails {PROP : bi} (Δ : envs PROP) (Q : PROP) : Prop :=
  pre_envs_entails PROP (env_intuitionistic Δ) (env_spatial Δ) Q.
Definition envs_entails_unseal :
  @envs_entails = λ PROP (Δ : envs PROP) Q, (of_envs Δ Q).
Proof. by rewrite /envs_entails pre_envs_entails_unseal. Qed.
Global Arguments envs_entails {PROP} Δ Q%I.
Global Instance: Params (@envs_entails) 1 := {}.

Record envs_Forall2 {PROP : bi} (R : relation PROP) (Δ1 Δ2 : envs PROP) := {
  env_intuitionistic_Forall2 : env_Forall2 R (env_intuitionistic Δ1) (env_intuitionistic Δ2);
  env_spatial_Forall2 : env_Forall2 R (env_spatial Δ1) (env_spatial Δ2)

Definition envs_dom {PROP} (Δ : envs PROP) : list ident :=
  env_dom (env_intuitionistic Δ) ++ env_dom (env_spatial Δ).

Definition envs_lookup {PROP} (i : ident) (Δ : envs PROP) : option (bool × PROP) :=
  let (Γp,Γs,n) := Δ in
  match env_lookup i Γp with
  | Some PSome (true, P)
  | NoneP env_lookup i Γs; Some (false, P)

Definition envs_delete {PROP} (remove_intuitionistic : bool)
    (i : ident) (p : bool) (Δ : envs PROP) : envs PROP :=
  let (Γp,Γs,n) := Δ in
  match p with
  | trueEnvs (if remove_intuitionistic then env_delete i Γp else Γp) Γs n
  | falseEnvs Γp (env_delete i Γs) n

Definition envs_lookup_delete {PROP} (remove_intuitionistic : bool)
    (i : ident) (Δ : envs PROP) : option (bool × PROP × envs PROP) :=
  let (Γp,Γs,n) := Δ in
  match env_lookup_delete i Γp with
  | Some (P,Γp')Some (true, P, Envs (if remove_intuitionistic then Γp' else Γp) Γs n)
  | None'(P,Γs') env_lookup_delete i Γs; Some (false, P, Envs Γp Γs' n)

Fixpoint envs_lookup_delete_list {PROP} (remove_intuitionistic : bool)
    (js : list ident) (Δ : envs PROP) : option (bool × list PROP × envs PROP) :=
  match js with
  | []Some (true, [], Δ)
  | j :: js
     '(p,P,Δ') envs_lookup_delete remove_intuitionistic j Δ;
     '(q,Ps,Δ'') envs_lookup_delete_list remove_intuitionistic js Δ';
     Some ((p:bool) &&& q, P :: Ps, Δ'')

Definition envs_snoc {PROP} (Δ : envs PROP)
    (p : bool) (j : ident) (P : PROP) : envs PROP :=
  let (Γp,Γs,n) := Δ in
  if p then Envs (Esnoc Γp j P) Γs n else Envs Γp (Esnoc Γs j P) n.

Definition envs_app {PROP : bi} (p : bool)
    (Γ : env PROP) (Δ : envs PROP) : option (envs PROP) :=
  let (Γp,Γs,n) := Δ in
  match p with
  | true_ env_app Γ Γs; Γp' env_app Γ Γp; Some (Envs Γp' Γs n)
  | false_ env_app Γ Γp; Γs' env_app Γ Γs; Some (Envs Γp Γs' n)

Definition envs_simple_replace {PROP : bi} (i : ident) (p : bool)
    (Γ : env PROP) (Δ : envs PROP) : option (envs PROP) :=
  let (Γp,Γs,n) := Δ in
  match p with
  | true_ env_app Γ Γs; Γp' env_replace i Γ Γp; Some (Envs Γp' Γs n)
  | false_ env_app Γ Γp; Γs' env_replace i Γ Γs; Some (Envs Γp Γs' n)

Definition envs_replace {PROP : bi} (i : ident) (p q : bool)
    (Γ : env PROP) (Δ : envs PROP) : option (envs PROP) :=
  if beq p q then envs_simple_replace i p Γ Δ
  else envs_app q Γ (envs_delete true i p Δ).

Definition env_spatial_is_nil {PROP} (Δ : envs PROP) : bool :=
  if env_spatial Δ is Enil then true else false.

Definition envs_clear_spatial {PROP} (Δ : envs PROP) : envs PROP :=
  Envs (env_intuitionistic Δ) Enil (env_counter Δ).

Definition envs_clear_intuitionistic {PROP} (Δ : envs PROP) : envs PROP :=
  Envs Enil (env_spatial Δ) (env_counter Δ).

Definition envs_incr_counter {PROP} (Δ : envs PROP) : envs PROP :=
  Envs (env_intuitionistic Δ) (env_spatial Δ) (Pos_succ (env_counter Δ)).

Fixpoint envs_split_go {PROP}
    (js : list ident) (Δ1 Δ2 : envs PROP) : option (envs PROP × envs PROP) :=
  match js with
  | []Some (Δ1, Δ2)
  | j :: js
     '(p,P,Δ1') envs_lookup_delete true j Δ1;
     if p : bool then envs_split_go js Δ1 Δ2 else
     envs_split_go js Δ1' (envs_snoc Δ2 false j P)
Definition envs_split {PROP} (d : direction)
    (js : list ident) (Δ : envs PROP) : option (envs PROP × envs PROP) :=
  '(Δ1,Δ2) envs_split_go js Δ (envs_clear_spatial Δ);
  if d is Right then Some (Δ1,Δ2) else Some (Δ2,Δ1).

Fixpoint env_to_prop_go {PROP : bi} (acc : PROP) (Γ : env PROP) : PROP :=
  match Γ with Enilacc | Esnoc Γ _ Penv_to_prop_go (P acc)%I Γ end.
Definition env_to_prop {PROP : bi} (Γ : env PROP) : PROP :=
  match Γ with Enilemp%I | Esnoc Γ _ Penv_to_prop_go P Γ end.

Fixpoint env_to_prop_and_go {PROP : bi} (acc : PROP) (Γ : env PROP) : PROP :=
  match Γ with Enilacc | Esnoc Γ _ Penv_to_prop_and_go (P acc)%I Γ end.
Definition env_to_prop_and {PROP : bi} (Γ : env PROP) : PROP :=
  match Γ with EnilTrue%I | Esnoc Γ _ Penv_to_prop_and_go P Γ end.

Section envs.
Context {PROP : bi}.
Implicit Types Γ Γp Γs : env PROP.
Implicit Types Δ : envs PROP.
Implicit Types P Q : PROP.

Lemma of_envs_eq Δ :
  of_envs Δ =
  (envs_wf Δ
    env_and_persistently (env_intuitionistic Δ)
    [∗] env_spatial Δ)%I.
Proof. done. Qed.

Lemma of_envs'_alt Γp Γs :
  of_envs' Γp Γs ⊣⊢ envs_wf' Γp Γs [∧] Γp [∗] Γs.
  rewrite /of_envs'. f_equiv.
  rewrite -persistent_and_affinely_sep_l. f_equiv.
  clear. induction Γp as [|Γp IH ? Q]; simpl.
  { apply (anti_symm (⊢)); last by apply True_intro.
    by rewrite persistently_True. }
  rewrite IH persistently_and. done.
Lemma of_envs_alt Δ :
  of_envs Δ ⊣⊢ envs_wf Δ [∧] env_intuitionistic Δ [∗] env_spatial Δ.
Proof. rewrite /of_envs of_envs'_alt //. Qed.

Global Instance envs_Forall2_refl (R : relation PROP) :
  Reflexive R Reflexive (envs_Forall2 R).
Proof. by constructor. Qed.
Global Instance envs_Forall2_sym (R : relation PROP) :
  Symmetric R Symmetric (envs_Forall2 R).
Proof. intros ??? [??]; by constructor. Qed.
Global Instance envs_Forall2_trans (R : relation PROP) :
  Transitive R Transitive (envs_Forall2 R).
Proof. intros ??? [??] [??] [??]; constructor; etrans; eauto. Qed.
Global Instance envs_Forall2_antisymm (R R' : relation PROP) :
  AntiSymm R R' AntiSymm (envs_Forall2 R) (envs_Forall2 R').
Proof. intros ??? [??] [??]; constructor; by eapply (anti_symm _). Qed.
Lemma envs_Forall2_impl (R R' : relation PROP) Δ1 Δ2 :
  envs_Forall2 R Δ1 Δ2 ( P Q, R P Q R' P Q) envs_Forall2 R' Δ1 Δ2.
Proof. intros [??] ?; constructor; eauto using env_Forall2_impl. Qed.

Global Instance env_intuitionistic_mono :
  Proper (envs_Forall2 (⊢) ==> env_Forall2 (⊢)) (@env_intuitionistic PROP).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance env_intuitionistic_flip_mono :
  Proper (flip (envs_Forall2 (⊢)) ==> flip (env_Forall2 (⊢))) (@env_intuitionistic PROP).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance env_intuitionistic_proper :
  Proper (envs_Forall2 (⊣⊢) ==> env_Forall2 (⊣⊢)) (@env_intuitionistic PROP).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.

Global Instance env_spatial_mono :
  Proper (envs_Forall2 (⊢) ==> env_Forall2 (⊢)) (@env_spatial PROP).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance env_spatial_flip_mono :
  Proper (flip (envs_Forall2 (⊢)) ==> flip (env_Forall2 (⊢))) (@env_spatial PROP).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance env_spatial_proper :
  Proper (envs_Forall2 (⊣⊢) ==> env_Forall2 (⊣⊢)) (@env_spatial PROP).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.

Global Instance of_envs_mono' :
  Proper (env_Forall2 (⊢) ==> env_Forall2 (⊢) ==> (⊢)) (@of_envs' PROP).
  intros Γp1 Γp2 Hp Γs1 Γs2 Hs; apply and_mono; simpl in ×.
  - apply pure_mono⇒ -[???]. constructor;
      naive_solver eauto using env_Forall2_wf, env_Forall2_fresh.
  - f_equiv; [|by repeat f_equiv].
    induction Hp; simpl; repeat (done || f_equiv).
Global Instance of_envs_proper' :
  Proper (env_Forall2 (⊣⊢) ==> env_Forall2 (⊣⊢) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@of_envs' PROP).
  intros Γp1 Γp2 Hp Γs1 Γs2 Hs; apply (anti_symm (⊢)); apply of_envs_mono';
    eapply (env_Forall2_impl (⊣⊢)); by eauto using equiv_entails_1_1.

Global Instance of_envs_mono : Proper (envs_Forall2 (⊢) ==> (⊢)) (@of_envs PROP).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance of_envs_proper : Proper (envs_Forall2 (⊣⊢) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@of_envs PROP).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.

Global Instance Envs_proper (R : relation PROP) :
  Proper (env_Forall2 R ==> env_Forall2 R ==> eq ==> envs_Forall2 R) (@Envs PROP).
Proof. by constructor. Qed.

Global Instance envs_entails_proper :
  Proper (envs_Forall2 (⊣⊢) ==> (⊣⊢) ==> iff) (@envs_entails PROP).
Proof. rewrite envs_entails_unseal. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance envs_entails_mono :
  Proper (flip (envs_Forall2 (⊢)) ==> (⊢) ==> impl) (@envs_entails PROP).
Proof. rewrite envs_entails_unsealΔ1 Δ2 ? P1 P2 <- <-. by f_equiv. Qed.
Global Instance envs_entails_flip_mono :
  Proper (envs_Forall2 (⊢) ==> flip (⊢) ==> flip impl) (@envs_entails PROP).
Proof. rewrite envs_entails_unsealΔ1 Δ2 ? P1 P2 <- <-. by f_equiv. Qed.

Lemma envs_delete_intuitionistic Δ i : envs_delete false i true Δ = Δ.
Proof. by destruct Δ. Qed.
Lemma envs_delete_spatial Δ i :
  envs_delete false i false Δ = envs_delete true i false Δ.
Proof. by destruct Δ. Qed.

Lemma envs_lookup_delete_Some Δ Δ' rp i p P :
  envs_lookup_delete rp i Δ = Some (p,P,Δ')
   envs_lookup i Δ = Some (p,P) Δ' = envs_delete rp i p Δ.
  rewrite /envs_lookup /envs_delete /envs_lookup_delete.
  destruct Δ as [Γp Γs]; rewrite /= !env_lookup_delete_correct.
  destruct (Γp !! i), (Γs !! i); naive_solver.

Lemma envs_lookup_sound' Δ rp i p P :
  envs_lookup i Δ = Some (p,P)
  of_envs Δ □?p P of_envs (envs_delete rp i p Δ).
  rewrite /envs_lookup /envs_delete !of_envs_eq=>?.
  apply pure_elim_lHwf.
  destruct Δ as [Γp Γs], (Γp !! i) eqn:Heqo; simplify_eq/=.
  - rewrite pure_True ?left_id; last (destruct Hwf, rp; constructor;
      naive_solver eauto using env_delete_wf, env_delete_fresh).
    rewrite -persistently_and_intuitionistically_sep_l assoc.
    apply and_mono; last done. apply and_intro.
    + rewrite (env_lookup_perm Γp) //= and_elim_l //.
    + destruct rp; last done.
      rewrite (env_lookup_perm Γp) //= and_elim_r //.
  - destruct (Γs !! i) eqn:?; simplify_eq/=.
    rewrite pure_True ?left_id; last (destruct Hwf; constructor;
      naive_solver eauto using env_delete_wf, env_delete_fresh).
    rewrite (env_lookup_perm Γs) //=.
    rewrite ![(P _)%I]comm.
    rewrite persistent_and_sep_assoc. done.
Lemma envs_lookup_sound Δ i p P :
  envs_lookup i Δ = Some (p,P)
  of_envs Δ □?p P of_envs (envs_delete true i p Δ).
Proof. apply envs_lookup_sound'. Qed.
Lemma envs_lookup_intuitionistic_sound Δ i P :
  envs_lookup i Δ = Some (true,P) of_envs Δ P of_envs Δ.
Proof. intros ?%(envs_lookup_sound' _ false). by destruct Δ. Qed.
Lemma envs_lookup_sound_2 Δ i p P :
  envs_wf Δ envs_lookup i Δ = Some (p,P)
  □?p P of_envs (envs_delete true i p Δ) of_envs Δ.
  rewrite /envs_lookup !of_envs_eqHwf ?.
  rewrite [envs_wf Δ%I]pure_True // left_id.
  destruct Δ as [Γp Γs], (Γp !! i) eqn:Heqo; simplify_eq/=.
  - rewrite -persistently_and_intuitionistically_sep_l.
    rewrite (env_lookup_perm Γp) //= [(_ _)%I]and_elim_r !assoc //.
  - destruct (Γs !! i) eqn:?; simplify_eq/=.
    rewrite (env_lookup_perm Γs) //=.
    rewrite [(_ _)%I]and_elim_r.
    rewrite (comm _ P) -persistent_and_sep_assoc.
    apply and_mono; first done. rewrite comm //.

Lemma envs_lookup_split Δ i p P :
  envs_lookup i Δ = Some (p,P) of_envs Δ □?p P (□?p P -∗ of_envs Δ).
  intros. apply pure_elim with (envs_wf Δ).
  { rewrite of_envs_eq. apply and_elim_l. }
  intros. rewrite {1}envs_lookup_sound//.
  apply sep_mono_r. apply wand_intro_l, envs_lookup_sound_2; done.

Lemma envs_lookup_delete_sound Δ Δ' rp i p P :
  envs_lookup_delete rp i Δ = Some (p,P,Δ') of_envs Δ □?p P of_envs Δ'.
Proof. intros [? ->]%envs_lookup_delete_Some. by apply envs_lookup_sound'. Qed.

Lemma envs_lookup_delete_list_sound Δ Δ' rp js p Ps :
  envs_lookup_delete_list rp js Δ = Some (p,Ps,Δ')
  of_envs Δ □?p [∗] Ps of_envs Δ'.
  revert Δ Δ' p Ps. induction js as [|j js IH]=> Δ Δ'' p Ps ?; simplify_eq/=.
  { by rewrite intuitionistically_emp left_id. }
  destruct (envs_lookup_delete rp j Δ) as [[[q1 P] Δ']|] eqn:Hj; simplify_eq/=.
  apply envs_lookup_delete_Some in Hj as [Hj ->].
  destruct (envs_lookup_delete_list _ js _) as [[[q2 Ps'] ?]|] eqn:?; simplify_eq/=.
  rewrite -intuitionistically_if_sep_2 -assoc.
  rewrite envs_lookup_sound' //; rewrite IH //.
  repeat apply sep_mono=>//; apply intuitionistically_if_flag_mono; by destruct q1.

Lemma envs_lookup_delete_list_cons Δ Δ' Δ'' rp j js p1 p2 P Ps :
  envs_lookup_delete rp j Δ = Some (p1, P, Δ')
  envs_lookup_delete_list rp js Δ' = Some (p2, Ps, Δ'')
  envs_lookup_delete_list rp (j :: js) Δ = Some (p1 &&& p2, (P :: Ps), Δ'').
Proof. rewrite //= ⇒ → //= → //=. Qed.

Lemma envs_lookup_delete_list_nil Δ rp :
  envs_lookup_delete_list rp [] Δ = Some (true, [], Δ).
Proof. done. Qed.

Lemma envs_lookup_snoc Δ i p P :
  envs_lookup i Δ = None envs_lookup i (envs_snoc Δ p i P) = Some (p, P).
  rewrite /envs_lookup /envs_snoc⇒ ?.
  destruct Δ as [Γp Γs], p, (Γp !! i); simplify_eq; by rewrite env_lookup_snoc.
Lemma envs_lookup_snoc_ne Δ i j p P :
  i j envs_lookup i (envs_snoc Δ p j P) = envs_lookup i Δ.
  rewrite /envs_lookup /envs_snoc⇒ ?.
  destruct Δ as [Γp Γs], p; simplify_eq; by rewrite env_lookup_snoc_ne.

Lemma envs_snoc_sound Δ p i P :
  envs_lookup i Δ = None of_envs Δ □?p P -∗ of_envs (envs_snoc Δ p i P).
  rewrite /envs_lookup /envs_snoc !of_envs_eq⇒ ?; apply pure_elim_lHwf.
  destruct Δ as [Γp Γs], (Γp !! i) eqn:?, (Γs !! i) eqn:?; simplify_eq/=.
  apply wand_intro_l; destruct p; simpl.
  - apply and_intro; [apply pure_intro|].
    + destruct Hwf; constructor; simpl; eauto using Esnoc_wf.
      intros j; destruct (ident_beq_reflect j i); naive_solver.
    + rewrite -persistently_and_intuitionistically_sep_l assoc //.
  - apply and_intro; [apply pure_intro|].
    + destruct Hwf; constructor; simpl; eauto using Esnoc_wf.
      intros j; destruct (ident_beq_reflect j i); naive_solver.
    + rewrite (comm _ P) -persistent_and_sep_assoc.
      apply and_mono; first done. rewrite comm //.

Lemma envs_app_sound Δ Δ' p Γ :
  envs_app p Γ Δ = Some Δ'
  of_envs Δ (if p then <affine> env_and_persistently Γ else [∗] Γ) -∗ of_envs Δ'.
  rewrite !of_envs_eq /envs_app⇒ ?; apply pure_elim_lHwf.
  destruct Δ as [Γp Γs], p; simplify_eq/=.
  - destruct (env_app Γ Γs) eqn:Happ,
      (env_app Γ Γp) as [Γp'|] eqn:Heqo; simplify_eq/=.
    apply wand_intro_l, and_intro; [apply pure_intro|].
    + destruct Hwf; constructor; simpl; eauto using env_app_wf.
      intros j. apply (env_app_disjoint _ _ _ j) in Happ.
      naive_solver eauto using env_app_fresh.
    + apply and_intro.
      × rewrite and_elim_l. rewrite (env_app_perm _ _ Γp') //.
        rewrite affinely_elim big_opL_app sep_and. done.
      × rewrite and_elim_r. rewrite sep_elim_r. done.
  - destruct (env_app Γ Γp) eqn:Happ,
      (env_app Γ Γs) as [Γs'|] eqn:?; simplify_eq/=.
    apply wand_intro_l, and_intro; [apply pure_intro|].
    + destruct Hwf; constructor; simpl; eauto using env_app_wf.
      intros j. apply (env_app_disjoint _ _ _ j) in Happ.
      naive_solver eauto using env_app_fresh.
    + rewrite (env_app_perm _ _ Γs') // big_opL_app. apply and_intro.
      × rewrite and_elim_l. rewrite sep_elim_r. done.
      × rewrite and_elim_r. done.

Lemma envs_app_singleton_sound Δ Δ' p j Q :
  envs_app p (Esnoc Enil j Q) Δ = Some Δ' of_envs Δ □?p Q -∗ of_envs Δ'.
Proof. move⇒ /envs_app_sound. destruct p; by rewrite /= right_id. Qed.

Lemma envs_simple_replace_sound' Δ Δ' i p Γ :
  envs_simple_replace i p Γ Δ = Some Δ'
  of_envs (envs_delete true i p Δ)
  (if p then <affine> env_and_persistently Γ else [∗] Γ) -∗ of_envs Δ'.
  rewrite /envs_simple_replace /envs_delete !of_envs_eq⇒ ?.
  apply pure_elim_lHwf. destruct Δ as [Γp Γs], p; simplify_eq/=.
  - destruct (env_app Γ Γs) eqn:Happ,
      (env_replace i Γ Γp) as [Γp'|] eqn:Heqo; simplify_eq/=.
    apply wand_intro_l, and_intro; [apply pure_intro|].
    + destruct Hwf; constructor; simpl; eauto using env_replace_wf.
      intros j. apply (env_app_disjoint _ _ _ j) in Happ.
      destruct (decide (i = j)); try naive_solver eauto using env_replace_fresh.
    + rewrite (env_replace_perm _ _ Γp') //.
      rewrite big_opL_app. apply and_intro; first apply and_intro.
      × rewrite and_elim_l affinely_elim sep_elim_l. done.
      × rewrite sep_elim_r and_elim_l //.
      × rewrite and_elim_r sep_elim_r //.
  - destruct (env_app Γ Γp) eqn:Happ,
      (env_replace i Γ Γs) as [Γs'|] eqn:?; simplify_eq/=.
    apply wand_intro_l, and_intro; [apply pure_intro|].
    + destruct Hwf; constructor; simpl; eauto using env_replace_wf.
      intros j. apply (env_app_disjoint _ _ _ j) in Happ.
      destruct (decide (i = j)); try naive_solver eauto using env_replace_fresh.
    + rewrite (env_replace_perm _ _ Γs') // big_opL_app.
      apply and_intro.
      × rewrite and_elim_l. rewrite sep_elim_r. done.
      × rewrite and_elim_r. done.

Lemma envs_simple_replace_singleton_sound' Δ Δ' i p j Q :
  envs_simple_replace i p (Esnoc Enil j Q) Δ = Some Δ'
  of_envs (envs_delete true i p Δ) □?p Q -∗ of_envs Δ'.
Proof. move⇒ /envs_simple_replace_sound'. destruct p; by rewrite /= right_id. Qed.

Lemma envs_simple_replace_sound Δ Δ' i p P Γ :
  envs_lookup i Δ = Some (p,P) envs_simple_replace i p Γ Δ = Some Δ'
  of_envs Δ □?p P ((if p then <affine> env_and_persistently Γ else [∗] Γ) -∗ of_envs Δ').
Proof. intros. by rewrite envs_lookup_sound// envs_simple_replace_sound'//. Qed.

Lemma envs_simple_replace_maybe_sound Δ Δ' i p P Γ :
  envs_lookup i Δ = Some (p,P) envs_simple_replace i p Γ Δ = Some Δ'
  of_envs Δ
  □?p P (((if p then <affine> env_and_persistently Γ else [∗] Γ) -∗ of_envs Δ')
           (□?p P -∗ of_envs Δ)).
  intros. apply pure_elim with (envs_wf Δ).
  { rewrite of_envs_eq. apply and_elim_l. }
  intros. rewrite {1}envs_lookup_sound//. apply sep_mono_r, and_intro.
  - rewrite envs_simple_replace_sound'//.
  - apply wand_intro_l, envs_lookup_sound_2; done.

Lemma envs_simple_replace_singleton_sound Δ Δ' i p P j Q :
  envs_lookup i Δ = Some (p,P)
  envs_simple_replace i p (Esnoc Enil j Q) Δ = Some Δ'
  of_envs Δ □?p P (□?p Q -∗ of_envs Δ').
  intros. by rewrite envs_lookup_sound// envs_simple_replace_singleton_sound'//.

Lemma envs_replace_sound' Δ Δ' i p q Γ :
  envs_replace i p q Γ Δ = Some Δ'
  of_envs (envs_delete true i p Δ)
  (if q then <affine> env_and_persistently Γ else [∗] Γ) -∗ of_envs Δ'.
  rewrite /envs_replace; destruct (beq _ _) eqn:Hpq.
  - apply eqb_prop in Hpq as →. apply envs_simple_replace_sound'.
  - apply envs_app_sound.

Lemma envs_replace_singleton_sound' Δ Δ' i p q j Q :
  envs_replace i p q (Esnoc Enil j Q) Δ = Some Δ'
  of_envs (envs_delete true i p Δ) □?q Q -∗ of_envs Δ'.
Proof. move⇒ /envs_replace_sound'. destruct q; by rewrite /= ?right_id. Qed.

Lemma envs_replace_sound Δ Δ' i p q P Γ :
  envs_lookup i Δ = Some (p,P) envs_replace i p q Γ Δ = Some Δ'
  of_envs Δ □?p P ((if q then <affine> env_and_persistently Γ else [∗] Γ) -∗ of_envs Δ').
Proof. intros. by rewrite envs_lookup_sound// envs_replace_sound'//. Qed.

Lemma envs_replace_singleton_sound Δ Δ' i p q P j Q :
  envs_lookup i Δ = Some (p,P)
  envs_replace i p q (Esnoc Enil j Q) Δ = Some Δ'
  of_envs Δ □?p P (□?q Q -∗ of_envs Δ').
Proof. intros. by rewrite envs_lookup_sound// envs_replace_singleton_sound'//. Qed.

Lemma envs_lookup_envs_clear_spatial Δ j :
  envs_lookup j (envs_clear_spatial Δ)
  = '(p,P) envs_lookup j Δ; if p : bool then Some (p,P) else None.
  rewrite /envs_lookup /envs_clear_spatial.
  destruct Δ as [Γp Γs]; simpl; destruct (Γp !! j) eqn:?; simplify_eq/=; auto.
  by destruct (Γs !! j).

Lemma envs_clear_spatial_sound Δ :
  of_envs Δ of_envs (envs_clear_spatial Δ) [∗] env_spatial Δ.
  rewrite !of_envs_eq /envs_clear_spatial /=. apply pure_elim_lHwf.
  rewrite -persistent_and_sep_assoc. apply and_intro.
  - apply pure_intro. destruct Hwf; constructor; simpl; auto using Enil_wf.
  - rewrite -persistent_and_sep_assoc left_id. done.

Lemma envs_clear_intuitionistic_sound Δ :
  of_envs Δ
  env_and_persistently (env_intuitionistic Δ) of_envs (envs_clear_intuitionistic Δ).
  rewrite !of_envs_eq /envs_clear_spatial /=. apply pure_elim_lHwf.
  rewrite persistent_and_sep_1.
  rewrite (pure_True); first by rewrite 2!left_id.
  destruct Hwf. constructor; simpl; auto using Enil_wf.

Lemma env_spatial_is_nil_intuitionistically Δ :
  env_spatial_is_nil Δ = true of_envs Δ of_envs Δ.
  intros. rewrite !of_envs_eq; destruct Δ as [? []]; simplify_eq/=.
  rewrite /bi_intuitionistically !persistently_and.
  rewrite persistently_pure persistent_persistently -persistently_emp_2.
  apply and_intro; last done. rewrite !and_elim_r. done.

Lemma envs_lookup_envs_delete Δ i p P :
  envs_wf Δ
  envs_lookup i Δ = Some (p,P) envs_lookup i (envs_delete true i p Δ) = None.
  rewrite /envs_lookup /envs_delete⇒ -[?? Hdisj] Hlookup.
  destruct Δ as [Γp Γs], p; simplify_eq/=.
  - rewrite env_lookup_env_delete //. revert Hlookup.
    destruct (Hdisj i) as [->| ->]; [|done]. by destruct (Γs !! _).
  - rewrite env_lookup_env_delete //. by destruct (Γp !! _).
Lemma envs_lookup_envs_delete_ne Δ rp i j p :
  i j envs_lookup i (envs_delete rp j p Δ) = envs_lookup i Δ.
  rewrite /envs_lookup /envs_delete⇒ ?. destruct Δ as [Γp Γs],p; simplify_eq/=.
  - destruct rp⇒ //. by rewrite env_lookup_env_delete_ne.
  - destruct (Γp !! i); simplify_eq/=; by rewrite ?env_lookup_env_delete_ne.

Lemma envs_incr_counter_equiv Δ : envs_Forall2 (⊣⊢) Δ (envs_incr_counter Δ).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma envs_incr_counter_sound Δ : of_envs (envs_incr_counter Δ) ⊣⊢ of_envs Δ.
Proof. by f_equiv. Qed.

Lemma envs_split_go_sound js Δ1 Δ2 Δ1' Δ2' :
  ( j P, envs_lookup j Δ1 = Some (false, P) envs_lookup j Δ2 = None)
  envs_split_go js Δ1 Δ2 = Some (Δ1',Δ2')
  of_envs Δ1 of_envs Δ2 of_envs Δ1' of_envs Δ2'.
  revert Δ1 Δ2.
  induction js as [|j js IH]=> Δ1 Δ2 Hlookup ; simplify_eq/=; [done|].
  apply pure_elim with (envs_wf Δ1)=> [|Hwf].
  { by rewrite !of_envs_eq !and_elim_l sep_elim_l. }
  destruct (envs_lookup_delete _ j Δ1)
    as [[[[] P] Δ1'']|] eqn:Hdel; simplify_eq/=; auto.
  apply envs_lookup_delete_Some in Hdel as [??]; subst.
  rewrite envs_lookup_sound //; rewrite /= (comm _ P) -assoc.
  rewrite -(IH _ _ _ ); last first.
   { intros j' P'; destruct (decide (j = j')) as [->|].
     - by rewrite (envs_lookup_envs_delete _ _ _ P).
     - rewrite envs_lookup_envs_delete_ne // envs_lookup_snoc_ne //. eauto. }
  rewrite (envs_snoc_sound Δ2 false j P) /= ?wand_elim_r; eauto.
Lemma envs_split_sound Δ d js Δ1 Δ2 :
  envs_split d js Δ = Some (Δ1,Δ2) of_envs Δ of_envs Δ1 of_envs Δ2.
  rewrite /envs_split⇒ ?. rewrite -(idemp bi_and (of_envs Δ)).
  rewrite {2}envs_clear_spatial_sound.
  rewrite (env_spatial_is_nil_intuitionistically (envs_clear_spatial _)) //.
  rewrite -persistently_and_intuitionistically_sep_l.
  rewrite (and_elim_l (<pers> _)%I)
          persistently_and_intuitionistically_sep_r intuitionistically_elim.
  destruct (envs_split_go _ _) as [[Δ1' Δ2']|] eqn:; [|done].
  apply envs_split_go_sound in as ->; last first.
  { intros j P. by rewrite envs_lookup_envs_clear_spatial⇒ →. }
  destruct d; simplify_eq/=; [|done]. by rewrite comm.

Lemma env_to_prop_sound Γ : env_to_prop Γ ⊣⊢ [∗] Γ.
  destruct Γ as [|Γ i P]; simpl; first done.
  revert P. induction Γ as [|Γ IH ? Q]=>P; simpl.
  - by rewrite right_id.
  - rewrite /= IH (comm _ Q _) assoc. done.

Lemma env_to_prop_and_pers_sound Γ i P :
   env_to_prop_and (Esnoc Γ i P) ⊣⊢ <affine> env_and_persistently (Esnoc Γ i P).
  revert P. induction Γ as [|Γ IH ? Q]=>P; simpl.
  - by rewrite right_id.
  - rewrite /= IH. clear IH. f_equiv. simpl.
    rewrite assoc. f_equiv.
    rewrite persistently_and comm. done.
End envs.