Library iris.algebra.max_prefix_list

Defines an RA on lists whose composition is only defined when one operand is a prefix of the other. The result is the longer list. In particular, the core is the identity function for all elements.
From iris.algebra Require Export agree list gmap updates.
From iris.algebra Require Import local_updates proofmode_classes.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.

Definition max_prefix_list (A : Type) := gmap nat (agree A).
Definition max_prefix_listR (A : ofe) := gmapUR nat (agreeR A).
Definition max_prefix_listUR (A : ofe) := gmapUR nat (agreeR A).

Definition to_max_prefix_list {A} (l : list A) : gmap nat (agree A) :=
  to_agree <$> map_seq 0 l.
Global Instance: Params (@to_max_prefix_list) 1 := {}.
Global Typeclasses Opaque to_max_prefix_list.

Section max_prefix_list.
  Context {A : ofe}.
  Implicit Types l : list A.

  Global Instance to_max_prefix_list_ne : NonExpansive (@to_max_prefix_list A).
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
  Global Instance to_max_prefix_list_proper :
    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@to_max_prefix_list A).
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
  Global Instance to_max_prefix_list_dist_inj n :
    Inj (dist n) (dist n) (@to_max_prefix_list A).
    rewrite /to_max_prefix_list. intros l1 l2 Hl. apply list_dist_lookupi.
    move: (Hl i). rewrite !lookup_fmap !lookup_map_seq Nat.sub_0_r.
    rewrite !option_guard_True; [|lia..].
    destruct (l1 !! i), (l2 !! i); inversion_clear 1;
      constructor; by apply (inj to_agree).
  Global Instance to_max_prefix_list_inj : Inj (≡) (≡) (@to_max_prefix_list A).
    intros l1 l2. rewrite !equiv_dist⇒ ? n. by apply (inj to_max_prefix_list).

  Global Instance mono_list_lb_core_id (m : max_prefix_list A) : CoreId m := _.

  Lemma to_max_prefix_list_valid l : to_max_prefix_list l.
    intros i. rewrite /to_max_prefix_list lookup_fmap.
    by destruct (map_seq 0 l !! i).
  Lemma to_max_prefix_list_validN n l : ✓{n} to_max_prefix_list l.
  Proof. apply cmra_valid_validN, to_max_prefix_list_valid. Qed.

  Local Lemma to_max_prefix_list_app l1 l2 :
    to_max_prefix_list (l1 ++ l2)
    to_max_prefix_list l1 (to_agree <$> map_seq (length l1) l2).
    rewrite /to_max_prefix_list map_seq_appi /=. rewrite lookup_op !lookup_fmap.
    destruct (map_seq 0 l1 !! i) as [x|] eqn:Hl1; simpl; last first.
    { by rewrite lookup_union_r // left_id. }
    rewrite (lookup_union_Some_l _ _ _ x) //=.
    assert (map_seq (M:=gmap nat A) (length l1) l2 !! i = None) as →.
    { apply lookup_map_seq_None.
      apply lookup_map_seq_Some in Hl1 as [_ ?%lookup_lt_Some]. lia. }
    by rewrite /= right_id.

  Lemma to_max_prefix_list_op_l l1 l2 :
    l1 `prefix_of` l2
    to_max_prefix_list l1 to_max_prefix_list l2 to_max_prefix_list l2.
  Proof. intros [l ->]. by rewrite to_max_prefix_list_app assoc -core_id_dup. Qed.
  Lemma to_max_prefix_list_op_r l1 l2 :
    l1 `prefix_of` l2
    to_max_prefix_list l2 to_max_prefix_list l1 to_max_prefix_list l2.
  Proof. intros. by rewrite comm to_max_prefix_list_op_l. Qed.

  Lemma max_prefix_list_included_includedN (ml1 ml2 : max_prefix_list A) :
    ml1 ml2 n, ml1 ≼{n} ml2.
    split; [intros; by apply: cmra_included_includedN|].
    intros Hincl. ml2. apply equiv_distn. destruct (Hincl n) as [l ->].
    by rewrite assoc -core_id_dup.

  Local Lemma to_max_prefix_list_includedN_aux n l1 l2 :
    to_max_prefix_list l1 ≼{n} to_max_prefix_list l2
    l2 ≡{n}≡ l1 ++ drop (length l1) l2.
    rewrite lookup_includedNHincl. apply list_dist_lookupi.
    rewrite lookup_app. move: (Hincl i).
    rewrite /to_max_prefix_list !lookup_fmap !lookup_map_seq Nat.sub_0_r.
    rewrite !option_guard_True; [|lia..].
    rewrite option_includedN_total fmap_None.
    intros [Hi|(?&?&(a2&->&->)%fmap_Some&(a1&->&->)%fmap_Some&Ha)].
    - rewrite lookup_drop Hi. apply lookup_ge_None in Hi. f_equiv; lia.
    - f_equiv. symmetry. by apply to_agree_includedN.
  Lemma to_max_prefix_list_includedN n l1 l2 :
    to_max_prefix_list l1 ≼{n} to_max_prefix_list l2 l, l2 ≡{n}≡ l1 ++ l.
    - intros. eexists. by apply to_max_prefix_list_includedN_aux.
    - intros [l ->]. rewrite to_max_prefix_list_app. apply: cmra_includedN_l.
  Lemma to_max_prefix_list_included l1 l2 :
    to_max_prefix_list l1 to_max_prefix_list l2 l, l2 l1 ++ l.
    - intros. eexists. apply equiv_distn.
      apply to_max_prefix_list_includedN_aux. by apply: cmra_included_includedN.
    - intros [l ->]. rewrite to_max_prefix_list_app. eauto.
  Lemma to_max_prefix_list_included_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} l1 l2 :
    to_max_prefix_list l1 to_max_prefix_list l2 l1 `prefix_of` l2.
  Proof. rewrite to_max_prefix_list_included /prefix. naive_solver. Qed.

  Local Lemma to_max_prefix_list_op_validN_aux n l1 l2 :
    length l1 length l2
    ✓{n} (to_max_prefix_list l1 to_max_prefix_list l2)
    l2 ≡{n}≡ l1 ++ drop (length l1) l2.
    intros Hlen Hvalid. apply list_dist_lookupi. move: (Hvalid i).
    rewrite /to_max_prefix_list lookup_op !lookup_fmap !lookup_map_seq Nat.sub_0_r.
    rewrite !option_guard_True; [|lia..].
    intros ?. rewrite lookup_app.
    destruct (l1 !! i) as [x1|] eqn:Hi1, (l2 !! i) as [x2|] eqn:Hi2; simpl in ×.
    - f_equiv. symmetry. by apply to_agree_op_validN.
    - apply lookup_lt_Some in Hi1; apply lookup_ge_None in Hi2. lia.
    - apply lookup_ge_None in Hi1. rewrite lookup_drop -Hi2. f_equiv; lia.
    - apply lookup_ge_None in Hi1. rewrite lookup_drop -Hi2. f_equiv; lia.
  Lemma to_max_prefix_list_op_validN n l1 l2 :
    ✓{n} (to_max_prefix_list l1 to_max_prefix_list l2)
    ( l, l2 ≡{n}≡ l1 ++ l) ( l, l1 ≡{n}≡ l2 ++ l).
    - destruct (decide (length l1 length l2)).
      + left. eexists. by eapply to_max_prefix_list_op_validN_aux.
      + right. eexists. eapply to_max_prefix_list_op_validN_aux; [lia|by rewrite comm].
    - intros [[l ->]|[l ->]].
      + rewrite to_max_prefix_list_op_l; last by apply prefix_app_r.
        apply to_max_prefix_list_validN.
      + rewrite to_max_prefix_list_op_r; last by apply prefix_app_r.
        apply to_max_prefix_list_validN.
  Lemma to_max_prefix_list_op_valid l1 l2 :
     (to_max_prefix_list l1 to_max_prefix_list l2)
    ( l, l2 l1 ++ l) ( l, l1 l2 ++ l).
    - destruct (decide (length l1 length l2)).
      + left. eexists. apply equiv_distn'.
        by eapply to_max_prefix_list_op_validN_aux, cmra_valid_validN.
      + right. eexists. apply equiv_distn'.
        by eapply to_max_prefix_list_op_validN_aux,
          cmra_valid_validN; [lia|by rewrite comm].
    - intros [[l ->]|[l ->]].
      + rewrite to_max_prefix_list_op_l; last by apply prefix_app_r.
        apply to_max_prefix_list_valid.
      + rewrite to_max_prefix_list_op_r; last by apply prefix_app_r.
        apply to_max_prefix_list_valid.
  Lemma to_max_prefix_list_op_valid_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} l1 l2 :
     (to_max_prefix_list l1 to_max_prefix_list l2)
    l1 `prefix_of` l2 l2 `prefix_of` l1.
  Proof. rewrite to_max_prefix_list_op_valid /prefix. naive_solver. Qed.

  Lemma max_prefix_list_local_update l1 l2 :
    l1 `prefix_of` l2
    (to_max_prefix_list l1, to_max_prefix_list l1) ¬l~>
      (to_max_prefix_list l2, to_max_prefix_list l2).
    intros [l ->]. rewrite to_max_prefix_list_app (comm _ (to_max_prefix_list l1)).
    apply op_local_updaten _. rewrite comm -to_max_prefix_list_app.
    apply to_max_prefix_list_validN.
End max_prefix_list.

Definition max_prefix_listURF (F : oFunctor) : urFunctor :=
  gmapURF nat (agreeRF F).

Global Instance max_prefix_listURF_contractive F :
  oFunctorContractive F urFunctorContractive (max_prefix_listURF F).
Proof. apply _. Qed.

Definition max_prefix_listRF (F : oFunctor) : rFunctor :=
  gmapRF nat (agreeRF F).

Global Instance max_prefix_listRF_contractive F :
  oFunctorContractive F rFunctorContractive (max_prefix_listRF F).
Proof. apply _. Qed.