Require Import Vbase List QArith helpers_rationals.
Require Import Relations Classical ClassicalDescription.
Require Import c11 exps fslassn fslassnsem fslassnlemmas fslmodel.
Require Import fsl rmw fsl_addons fslassnlemmas2.
Require Import arc_permissions arc_ghosts arc_lemmas.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Opaque Aexists.

ARC implementation

We need some injection from pairs of naturals into naturals.

Structure PairEncoder :=
  mk_PairEncoder {
      pack: val val val;
      get_first: val val;
      get_second: val val;
      get_first_ok: a b, get_first (pack a b) = a;
      get_second_ok: a b, get_second (pack a b) = b

Parameter PE : PairEncoder.

Definition pack_pair := pack PE.
Definition data := get_first PE.
Definition counter := get_second PE.

Definition ARC_new (v: val) :=
  LET d <- Ealloc in
  LET c <- Ealloc in
  Estore ATna d v ;;
  Estore ATrlx c 1 ;;
  Evalue (pack_pair d c).

Definition ARC_load a :=
  Eload ATna (data a).

Definition ARC_clone a :=
  increment ATrlx (counter a).

Definition ARC_drop a :=
  LET t <- decrement ATrel (counter a) in
  if (t == 1%nat)%bool then (Efence ATacq ;; Evalue t) else Evalue t.

Correctness of ARC

ARC invariant

Definition QQ (g g' v dat c : val) : arc_assn :=
  match c with
    | OGhostMinus g 0 &*& GhostMinus g' 0
    | _Aexists (fun numeratorAexists (fun denominatorlet f := frac numerator denominator in
             if excluded_middle_informative (0 f 1)
             then Pointsto dat f v &*& GhostMinus g ((frac c 1) + f - 1) &*& GhostMinus g' (1 - f)
             else Afalse))

ARC predicate

Definition ARC (a v g g': val) : arc_assn :=
  RMW (counter a) (QQ g g' v (data a)) &*&
  Aexists (fun numeratorAexists (fun denominatorlet q := frac numerator denominator in
    if excluded_middle_informative (0 < q q 1)
    then Pointsto (data a) q v &*& GhostPlus g (1 - q) &*& GhostPlus g' q
    else Afalse)).

We can now prove the correctness of ARC.

Theorem ARC_new_spec v:
  triple (Aemp)
         (ARC_new v)
         (fun aAexists (fun gAexists (fun g'ARC a v g g'))).

Theorem ARC_load_spec a v g g':
  triple (ARC a v g g')
         (ARC_load a)
         (fun xif (x == v)%bool then ARC a v g g' else Afalse).

Theorem ARC_clone_spec a v g g':
   triple (ARC a v g g')
          (ARC_clone a)
          (fun xif (x == 0%nat)%bool then Afalse else ARC a v g g' &*& ARC a v g g').

Theorem ARC_drop_spec a v g g' :
  triple (ARC a v g g')
         (ARC_drop a)
         (fun xif (x == 0%nat)%bool then Afalse
                   else if (x == 1%nat)%bool then Pointsto (data a) 1 v
                   else Aemp).

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