Require Import Relations Classical ClassicalDescription.
Require Import Vbase extralib.
Require Import permission fslassn.
Require Import QArith helpers_rationals.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Obligation Tactic := try done.
Inductive Qperm :=
| QP (f : Q) (UNIT: 0 ≤ f ≤ 1) (QRED: f = Qred f)
| QPundef.
Lemma QP_equal a a' UNIT UNIT' QRED QRED':
a = a' → QP a UNIT QRED = QP a' UNIT' QRED'.
Definition QPplus f g :=
match f, g return Qperm with
| QPundef, _ ⇒ QPundef
| _, QPundef ⇒ QPundef
| QP f' _ _, QP g' _ _ ⇒ match excluded_middle_informative (0 ≤ Qred (f' + g') ≤ 1) with
| left U ⇒ QP (Qred (f' + g')) U (eq_sym (Qred_Qred (f' + g')))
| right _ ⇒ QPundef
Definition QPleq f g : bool :=
match f, g with
| QPundef, _ ⇒ true
| QP _ _ _, QPundef ⇒ false
| QP f' _ _, QP g' _ _ ⇒ mydec (f' ≤ g')
Program Definition Fractional_Permissions :=
{| perm := Qperm;
Pzero := QP 0 _ _;
Pfull := QP 1 _ _;
Pundef := QPundef;
permission_plus := QPplus;
permission_leq := QPleq
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