Library iris.heap_lang.metatheory
From stdpp Require Import gmap stringmap.
From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Local Definition set_binder_insert (x : binder) (X : stringset) : stringset :=
match x with
| BAnon ⇒ X
| BNamed f ⇒ {[f]} ∪ X
Fixpoint is_closed_expr (X : stringset) (e : expr) : bool :=
match e with
| Val v ⇒ is_closed_val v
| Var x ⇒ bool_decide (x ∈ X)
| Rec f x e ⇒ is_closed_expr (set_binder_insert f (set_binder_insert x X)) e
| UnOp _ e | Fst e | Snd e | InjL e | InjR e | Fork e | Free e | Load e ⇒
is_closed_expr X e
| App e1 e2 | BinOp _ e1 e2 | Pair e1 e2 | AllocN e1 e2 | Store e1 e2 | Xchg e1 e2 | FAA e1 e2 ⇒
is_closed_expr X e1 && is_closed_expr X e2
| If e0 e1 e2 | Case e0 e1 e2 | CmpXchg e0 e1 e2 | Resolve e0 e1 e2 ⇒
is_closed_expr X e0 && is_closed_expr X e1 && is_closed_expr X e2
| NewProph ⇒ true
with is_closed_val (v : val) : bool :=
match v with
| LitV _ ⇒ true
| RecV f x e ⇒ is_closed_expr (set_binder_insert f (set_binder_insert x ∅)) e
| PairV v1 v2 ⇒ is_closed_val v1 && is_closed_val v2
| InjLV v | InjRV v ⇒ is_closed_val v
Fixpoint subst_map (vs : gmap string val) (e : expr) : expr :=
match e with
| Val _ ⇒ e
| Var y ⇒ if vs !! y is Some v then Val v else Var y
| Rec f y e ⇒ Rec f y (subst_map (binder_delete y (binder_delete f vs)) e)
| App e1 e2 ⇒ App (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| UnOp op e ⇒ UnOp op (subst_map vs e)
| BinOp op e1 e2 ⇒ BinOp op (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| If e0 e1 e2 ⇒ If (subst_map vs e0) (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| Pair e1 e2 ⇒ Pair (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| Fst e ⇒ Fst (subst_map vs e)
| Snd e ⇒ Snd (subst_map vs e)
| InjL e ⇒ InjL (subst_map vs e)
| InjR e ⇒ InjR (subst_map vs e)
| Case e0 e1 e2 ⇒ Case (subst_map vs e0) (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| Fork e ⇒ Fork (subst_map vs e)
| AllocN e1 e2 ⇒ AllocN (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| Free e ⇒ Free (subst_map vs e)
| Load e ⇒ Load (subst_map vs e)
| Store e1 e2 ⇒ Store (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| Xchg e1 e2 ⇒ Xchg (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| CmpXchg e0 e1 e2 ⇒ CmpXchg (subst_map vs e0) (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| FAA e1 e2 ⇒ FAA (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| NewProph ⇒ NewProph
| Resolve e0 e1 e2 ⇒ Resolve (subst_map vs e0) (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
Local Instance set_unfold_elem_of_insert_binder x y X Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf y X Q →
SetUnfoldElemOf y (set_binder_insert x X) (Q ∨ BNamed y = x).
Proof. destruct 1; constructor; destruct x; set_solver. Qed.
Lemma is_closed_weaken X Y e : is_closed_expr X e → X ⊆ Y → is_closed_expr Y e.
Proof. revert X Y; induction e; naive_solver (eauto; set_solver). Qed.
Lemma is_closed_weaken_empty X e : is_closed_expr ∅ e → is_closed_expr X e.
Proof. intros. by apply is_closed_weaken with ∅, empty_subseteq. Qed.
Lemma is_closed_subst X e y v :
is_closed_val v →
is_closed_expr ({[y]} ∪ X) e →
is_closed_expr X (subst y v e).
intros Hv. revert X.
induction e⇒ X /= ?; destruct_and?; split_and?; simplify_option_eq;
try match goal with
| H : ¬(_ ∧ _) |- _ ⇒ apply not_and_l in H as [?%dec_stable|?%dec_stable]
end; eauto using is_closed_weaken with set_solver.
Lemma is_closed_subst' X e x v :
is_closed_val v →
is_closed_expr (set_binder_insert x X) e →
is_closed_expr X (subst' x v e).
Proof. destruct x; eauto using is_closed_subst. Qed.
Lemma subst_is_closed X e x es : is_closed_expr X e → x ∉ X → subst x es e = e.
revert X. induction e⇒ X /=;
rewrite ?bool_decide_spec ?andb_True⇒ ??;
repeat case_decide; simplify_eq/=; f_equal; intuition eauto with set_solver.
Lemma subst_is_closed_empty e x v : is_closed_expr ∅ e → subst x v e = e.
Proof. intros. apply subst_is_closed with (∅:stringset); set_solver. Qed.
Lemma subst_subst e x v v' :
subst x v (subst x v' e) = subst x v' e.
intros. induction e; simpl; try (f_equal; by auto);
simplify_option_eq; auto using subst_is_closed_empty with f_equal.
Lemma subst_subst' e x v v' :
subst' x v (subst' x v' e) = subst' x v' e.
Proof. destruct x; simpl; auto using subst_subst. Qed.
Lemma subst_subst_ne e x y v v' :
x ≠ y → subst x v (subst y v' e) = subst y v' (subst x v e).
intros. induction e; simpl; try (f_equal; by auto);
simplify_option_eq; auto using eq_sym, subst_is_closed_empty with f_equal.
Lemma subst_subst_ne' e x y v v' :
x ≠ y → subst' x v (subst' y v' e) = subst' y v' (subst' x v e).
Proof. destruct x, y; simpl; auto using subst_subst_ne with congruence. Qed.
Lemma subst_rec' f y e x v :
x = f ∨ x = y ∨ x = BAnon →
subst' x v (Rec f y e) = Rec f y e.
Proof. intros. destruct x; simplify_option_eq; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma subst_rec_ne' f y e x v :
(x ≠ f ∨ f = BAnon) → (x ≠ y ∨ y = BAnon) →
subst' x v (Rec f y e) = Rec f y (subst' x v e).
Proof. intros. destruct x; simplify_option_eq; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma bin_op_eval_closed op v1 v2 v' :
is_closed_val v1 → is_closed_val v2 → bin_op_eval op v1 v2 = Some v' →
is_closed_val v'.
rewrite /bin_op_eval /bin_op_eval_bool /bin_op_eval_int /bin_op_eval_loc;
repeat case_match; by naive_solver.
Lemma heap_closed_alloc σ l n w :
(0 < n)%Z →
is_closed_val w →
map_Forall (λ _ v, from_option is_closed_val true v) (heap σ) →
(∀ i : Z, (0 ≤ i)%Z → (i < n)%Z → heap σ !! (l +ₗ i) = None) →
map_Forall (λ _ v, from_option is_closed_val true v)
(heap_array l (replicate (Z.to_nat n) w) ∪ heap σ).
intros Hn Hw Hσ Hl.
eapply (map_Forall_ind
(λ k v, ((heap_array l (replicate (Z.to_nat n) w) ∪ heap σ)
!! k = Some v))).
- apply map_Forall_empty.
- intros m i x Hi Hix Hkwm Hm.
apply map_Forall_insert_2; auto.
apply lookup_union_Some in Hix; last first.
{ eapply heap_array_map_disjoint;
rewrite length_replicate; auto with lia. }
destruct Hix as [(?&?&?&?&?&[-> Hlt%inj_lt]%lookup_replicate_1)%heap_array_lookup|
[j Hj]%elem_of_map_to_list%elem_of_list_lookup_1].
+ simplify_eq/=. rewrite ! in Hlt; eauto with lia.
+ apply map_Forall_to_list in Hσ.
by eapply Forall_lookup in Hσ; eauto; simpl in ×.
- apply map_Forall_to_list, Forall_forall.
intros [? ?]; apply elem_of_map_to_list.
Lemma base_step_is_closed e1 σ1 obs e2 σ2 es :
is_closed_expr ∅ e1 →
map_Forall (λ _ v, from_option is_closed_val true v) σ1.(heap) →
base_step e1 σ1 obs e2 σ2 es →
is_closed_expr ∅ e2 ∧ Forall (is_closed_expr ∅) es ∧
map_Forall (λ _ v, from_option is_closed_val true v) σ2.(heap).
intros Cl1 Clσ1 STEP.
induction STEP; simpl in *; split_and!;
try apply map_Forall_insert_2; try by naive_solver.
- subst. repeat apply is_closed_subst'; naive_solver.
- unfold un_op_eval in ×. repeat case_match; naive_solver.
- eapply bin_op_eval_closed; eauto; naive_solver.
- by apply heap_closed_alloc.
- select (_ !! _ = Some _) ltac:(fun H ⇒ by specialize (Clσ1 _ _ H)).
- select (_ !! _ = Some _) ltac:(fun H ⇒ by specialize (Clσ1 _ _ H)).
- select (_ !! _ = Some _) ltac:(fun H ⇒ by specialize (Clσ1 _ _ H)).
- case_match; try apply map_Forall_insert_2; by naive_solver.
Lemma subst_map_empty e : subst_map ∅ e = e.
assert (∀ x, binder_delete x (∅:gmap string val) = ∅) as Hdel.
{ intros [|x]; by rewrite /= ?delete_empty. }
induction e; simplify_map_eq; rewrite ?Hdel; auto with f_equal.
Lemma subst_map_insert x v vs e :
subst_map (<[x:=v]>vs) e = subst x v (subst_map (delete x vs) e).
revert vs. induction e⇒ vs; simplify_map_eq; auto with f_equal.
- match goal with
| |- context [ <[?x:=_]> _ !! ?y ] ⇒
destruct (decide (x = y)); simplify_map_eq⇒ //
end. by case (vs !! _); simplify_option_eq.
- destruct (decide _) as [[??]|[<-%dec_stable|[<-%dec_stable ?]]%not_and_l_alt].
+ rewrite !binder_delete_insert // !binder_delete_delete; eauto with f_equal.
+ by rewrite /= delete_insert_delete delete_idemp.
+ by rewrite /= binder_delete_insert // delete_insert_delete
!binder_delete_delete delete_idemp.
Lemma subst_map_singleton x v e :
subst_map {[x:=v]} e = subst x v e.
Proof. by rewrite subst_map_insert delete_empty subst_map_empty. Qed.
Lemma subst_map_binder_insert b v vs e :
subst_map (binder_insert b v vs) e =
subst' b v (subst_map (binder_delete b vs) e).
Proof. destruct b; rewrite ?subst_map_insert //. Qed.
Lemma subst_map_binder_insert_empty b v e :
subst_map (binder_insert b v ∅) e = subst' b v e.
Proof. by rewrite subst_map_binder_insert binder_delete_empty subst_map_empty. Qed.
Lemma subst_map_binder_insert_2 b1 v1 b2 v2 vs e :
subst_map (binder_insert b1 v1 (binder_insert b2 v2 vs)) e =
subst' b2 v2 (subst' b1 v1 (subst_map (binder_delete b2 (binder_delete b1 vs)) e)).
destruct b1 as [|s1], b2 as [|s2]=> /=; auto using subst_map_insert.
rewrite subst_map_insert. destruct (decide (s1 = s2)) as [->|].
- by rewrite delete_idemp subst_subst delete_insert_delete.
- by rewrite delete_insert_ne // subst_map_insert subst_subst_ne.
Lemma subst_map_binder_insert_2_empty b1 v1 b2 v2 e :
subst_map (binder_insert b1 v1 (binder_insert b2 v2 ∅)) e =
subst' b2 v2 (subst' b1 v1 e).
by rewrite subst_map_binder_insert_2 !binder_delete_empty subst_map_empty.
Lemma subst_map_is_closed X e vs :
is_closed_expr X e →
(∀ x, x ∈ X → vs !! x = None) →
subst_map vs e = e.
revert X vs. assert (∀ x x1 x2 X (vs : gmap string val),
(∀ x, x ∈ X → vs !! x = None) →
x ∈ set_binder_insert x2 (set_binder_insert x1 X) →
binder_delete x1 (binder_delete x2 vs) !! x = None).
{ intros x x1 x2 X vs ??. rewrite !lookup_binder_delete_None. set_solver. }
induction e⇒ X vs /= ? HX; repeat case_match; naive_solver eauto with f_equal.
Lemma subst_map_is_closed_empty e vs : is_closed_expr ∅ e → subst_map vs e = e.
Proof. intros. apply subst_map_is_closed with (∅ : stringset); set_solver. Qed.
From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Local Definition set_binder_insert (x : binder) (X : stringset) : stringset :=
match x with
| BAnon ⇒ X
| BNamed f ⇒ {[f]} ∪ X
Fixpoint is_closed_expr (X : stringset) (e : expr) : bool :=
match e with
| Val v ⇒ is_closed_val v
| Var x ⇒ bool_decide (x ∈ X)
| Rec f x e ⇒ is_closed_expr (set_binder_insert f (set_binder_insert x X)) e
| UnOp _ e | Fst e | Snd e | InjL e | InjR e | Fork e | Free e | Load e ⇒
is_closed_expr X e
| App e1 e2 | BinOp _ e1 e2 | Pair e1 e2 | AllocN e1 e2 | Store e1 e2 | Xchg e1 e2 | FAA e1 e2 ⇒
is_closed_expr X e1 && is_closed_expr X e2
| If e0 e1 e2 | Case e0 e1 e2 | CmpXchg e0 e1 e2 | Resolve e0 e1 e2 ⇒
is_closed_expr X e0 && is_closed_expr X e1 && is_closed_expr X e2
| NewProph ⇒ true
with is_closed_val (v : val) : bool :=
match v with
| LitV _ ⇒ true
| RecV f x e ⇒ is_closed_expr (set_binder_insert f (set_binder_insert x ∅)) e
| PairV v1 v2 ⇒ is_closed_val v1 && is_closed_val v2
| InjLV v | InjRV v ⇒ is_closed_val v
Fixpoint subst_map (vs : gmap string val) (e : expr) : expr :=
match e with
| Val _ ⇒ e
| Var y ⇒ if vs !! y is Some v then Val v else Var y
| Rec f y e ⇒ Rec f y (subst_map (binder_delete y (binder_delete f vs)) e)
| App e1 e2 ⇒ App (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| UnOp op e ⇒ UnOp op (subst_map vs e)
| BinOp op e1 e2 ⇒ BinOp op (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| If e0 e1 e2 ⇒ If (subst_map vs e0) (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| Pair e1 e2 ⇒ Pair (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| Fst e ⇒ Fst (subst_map vs e)
| Snd e ⇒ Snd (subst_map vs e)
| InjL e ⇒ InjL (subst_map vs e)
| InjR e ⇒ InjR (subst_map vs e)
| Case e0 e1 e2 ⇒ Case (subst_map vs e0) (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| Fork e ⇒ Fork (subst_map vs e)
| AllocN e1 e2 ⇒ AllocN (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| Free e ⇒ Free (subst_map vs e)
| Load e ⇒ Load (subst_map vs e)
| Store e1 e2 ⇒ Store (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| Xchg e1 e2 ⇒ Xchg (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| CmpXchg e0 e1 e2 ⇒ CmpXchg (subst_map vs e0) (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| FAA e1 e2 ⇒ FAA (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
| NewProph ⇒ NewProph
| Resolve e0 e1 e2 ⇒ Resolve (subst_map vs e0) (subst_map vs e1) (subst_map vs e2)
Local Instance set_unfold_elem_of_insert_binder x y X Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf y X Q →
SetUnfoldElemOf y (set_binder_insert x X) (Q ∨ BNamed y = x).
Proof. destruct 1; constructor; destruct x; set_solver. Qed.
Lemma is_closed_weaken X Y e : is_closed_expr X e → X ⊆ Y → is_closed_expr Y e.
Proof. revert X Y; induction e; naive_solver (eauto; set_solver). Qed.
Lemma is_closed_weaken_empty X e : is_closed_expr ∅ e → is_closed_expr X e.
Proof. intros. by apply is_closed_weaken with ∅, empty_subseteq. Qed.
Lemma is_closed_subst X e y v :
is_closed_val v →
is_closed_expr ({[y]} ∪ X) e →
is_closed_expr X (subst y v e).
intros Hv. revert X.
induction e⇒ X /= ?; destruct_and?; split_and?; simplify_option_eq;
try match goal with
| H : ¬(_ ∧ _) |- _ ⇒ apply not_and_l in H as [?%dec_stable|?%dec_stable]
end; eauto using is_closed_weaken with set_solver.
Lemma is_closed_subst' X e x v :
is_closed_val v →
is_closed_expr (set_binder_insert x X) e →
is_closed_expr X (subst' x v e).
Proof. destruct x; eauto using is_closed_subst. Qed.
Lemma subst_is_closed X e x es : is_closed_expr X e → x ∉ X → subst x es e = e.
revert X. induction e⇒ X /=;
rewrite ?bool_decide_spec ?andb_True⇒ ??;
repeat case_decide; simplify_eq/=; f_equal; intuition eauto with set_solver.
Lemma subst_is_closed_empty e x v : is_closed_expr ∅ e → subst x v e = e.
Proof. intros. apply subst_is_closed with (∅:stringset); set_solver. Qed.
Lemma subst_subst e x v v' :
subst x v (subst x v' e) = subst x v' e.
intros. induction e; simpl; try (f_equal; by auto);
simplify_option_eq; auto using subst_is_closed_empty with f_equal.
Lemma subst_subst' e x v v' :
subst' x v (subst' x v' e) = subst' x v' e.
Proof. destruct x; simpl; auto using subst_subst. Qed.
Lemma subst_subst_ne e x y v v' :
x ≠ y → subst x v (subst y v' e) = subst y v' (subst x v e).
intros. induction e; simpl; try (f_equal; by auto);
simplify_option_eq; auto using eq_sym, subst_is_closed_empty with f_equal.
Lemma subst_subst_ne' e x y v v' :
x ≠ y → subst' x v (subst' y v' e) = subst' y v' (subst' x v e).
Proof. destruct x, y; simpl; auto using subst_subst_ne with congruence. Qed.
Lemma subst_rec' f y e x v :
x = f ∨ x = y ∨ x = BAnon →
subst' x v (Rec f y e) = Rec f y e.
Proof. intros. destruct x; simplify_option_eq; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma subst_rec_ne' f y e x v :
(x ≠ f ∨ f = BAnon) → (x ≠ y ∨ y = BAnon) →
subst' x v (Rec f y e) = Rec f y (subst' x v e).
Proof. intros. destruct x; simplify_option_eq; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma bin_op_eval_closed op v1 v2 v' :
is_closed_val v1 → is_closed_val v2 → bin_op_eval op v1 v2 = Some v' →
is_closed_val v'.
rewrite /bin_op_eval /bin_op_eval_bool /bin_op_eval_int /bin_op_eval_loc;
repeat case_match; by naive_solver.
Lemma heap_closed_alloc σ l n w :
(0 < n)%Z →
is_closed_val w →
map_Forall (λ _ v, from_option is_closed_val true v) (heap σ) →
(∀ i : Z, (0 ≤ i)%Z → (i < n)%Z → heap σ !! (l +ₗ i) = None) →
map_Forall (λ _ v, from_option is_closed_val true v)
(heap_array l (replicate (Z.to_nat n) w) ∪ heap σ).
intros Hn Hw Hσ Hl.
eapply (map_Forall_ind
(λ k v, ((heap_array l (replicate (Z.to_nat n) w) ∪ heap σ)
!! k = Some v))).
- apply map_Forall_empty.
- intros m i x Hi Hix Hkwm Hm.
apply map_Forall_insert_2; auto.
apply lookup_union_Some in Hix; last first.
{ eapply heap_array_map_disjoint;
rewrite length_replicate; auto with lia. }
destruct Hix as [(?&?&?&?&?&[-> Hlt%inj_lt]%lookup_replicate_1)%heap_array_lookup|
[j Hj]%elem_of_map_to_list%elem_of_list_lookup_1].
+ simplify_eq/=. rewrite ! in Hlt; eauto with lia.
+ apply map_Forall_to_list in Hσ.
by eapply Forall_lookup in Hσ; eauto; simpl in ×.
- apply map_Forall_to_list, Forall_forall.
intros [? ?]; apply elem_of_map_to_list.
Lemma base_step_is_closed e1 σ1 obs e2 σ2 es :
is_closed_expr ∅ e1 →
map_Forall (λ _ v, from_option is_closed_val true v) σ1.(heap) →
base_step e1 σ1 obs e2 σ2 es →
is_closed_expr ∅ e2 ∧ Forall (is_closed_expr ∅) es ∧
map_Forall (λ _ v, from_option is_closed_val true v) σ2.(heap).
intros Cl1 Clσ1 STEP.
induction STEP; simpl in *; split_and!;
try apply map_Forall_insert_2; try by naive_solver.
- subst. repeat apply is_closed_subst'; naive_solver.
- unfold un_op_eval in ×. repeat case_match; naive_solver.
- eapply bin_op_eval_closed; eauto; naive_solver.
- by apply heap_closed_alloc.
- select (_ !! _ = Some _) ltac:(fun H ⇒ by specialize (Clσ1 _ _ H)).
- select (_ !! _ = Some _) ltac:(fun H ⇒ by specialize (Clσ1 _ _ H)).
- select (_ !! _ = Some _) ltac:(fun H ⇒ by specialize (Clσ1 _ _ H)).
- case_match; try apply map_Forall_insert_2; by naive_solver.
Lemma subst_map_empty e : subst_map ∅ e = e.
assert (∀ x, binder_delete x (∅:gmap string val) = ∅) as Hdel.
{ intros [|x]; by rewrite /= ?delete_empty. }
induction e; simplify_map_eq; rewrite ?Hdel; auto with f_equal.
Lemma subst_map_insert x v vs e :
subst_map (<[x:=v]>vs) e = subst x v (subst_map (delete x vs) e).
revert vs. induction e⇒ vs; simplify_map_eq; auto with f_equal.
- match goal with
| |- context [ <[?x:=_]> _ !! ?y ] ⇒
destruct (decide (x = y)); simplify_map_eq⇒ //
end. by case (vs !! _); simplify_option_eq.
- destruct (decide _) as [[??]|[<-%dec_stable|[<-%dec_stable ?]]%not_and_l_alt].
+ rewrite !binder_delete_insert // !binder_delete_delete; eauto with f_equal.
+ by rewrite /= delete_insert_delete delete_idemp.
+ by rewrite /= binder_delete_insert // delete_insert_delete
!binder_delete_delete delete_idemp.
Lemma subst_map_singleton x v e :
subst_map {[x:=v]} e = subst x v e.
Proof. by rewrite subst_map_insert delete_empty subst_map_empty. Qed.
Lemma subst_map_binder_insert b v vs e :
subst_map (binder_insert b v vs) e =
subst' b v (subst_map (binder_delete b vs) e).
Proof. destruct b; rewrite ?subst_map_insert //. Qed.
Lemma subst_map_binder_insert_empty b v e :
subst_map (binder_insert b v ∅) e = subst' b v e.
Proof. by rewrite subst_map_binder_insert binder_delete_empty subst_map_empty. Qed.
Lemma subst_map_binder_insert_2 b1 v1 b2 v2 vs e :
subst_map (binder_insert b1 v1 (binder_insert b2 v2 vs)) e =
subst' b2 v2 (subst' b1 v1 (subst_map (binder_delete b2 (binder_delete b1 vs)) e)).
destruct b1 as [|s1], b2 as [|s2]=> /=; auto using subst_map_insert.
rewrite subst_map_insert. destruct (decide (s1 = s2)) as [->|].
- by rewrite delete_idemp subst_subst delete_insert_delete.
- by rewrite delete_insert_ne // subst_map_insert subst_subst_ne.
Lemma subst_map_binder_insert_2_empty b1 v1 b2 v2 e :
subst_map (binder_insert b1 v1 (binder_insert b2 v2 ∅)) e =
subst' b2 v2 (subst' b1 v1 e).
by rewrite subst_map_binder_insert_2 !binder_delete_empty subst_map_empty.
Lemma subst_map_is_closed X e vs :
is_closed_expr X e →
(∀ x, x ∈ X → vs !! x = None) →
subst_map vs e = e.
revert X vs. assert (∀ x x1 x2 X (vs : gmap string val),
(∀ x, x ∈ X → vs !! x = None) →
x ∈ set_binder_insert x2 (set_binder_insert x1 X) →
binder_delete x1 (binder_delete x2 vs) !! x = None).
{ intros x x1 x2 X vs ??. rewrite !lookup_binder_delete_None. set_solver. }
induction e⇒ X vs /= ? HX; repeat case_match; naive_solver eauto with f_equal.
Lemma subst_map_is_closed_empty e vs : is_closed_expr ∅ e → subst_map vs e = e.
Proof. intros. apply subst_map_is_closed with (∅ : stringset); set_solver. Qed.