
Various lemmas showing that fixpoint is closed under the BI properties. We only prove these lemmas for the unary case; if you need them for an n-ary function, it is probably easier to copy these proofs than to try and apply these lemmas via (un)currying.
From Require Export bi.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Import bi.

Section fixpoint_laws.
  Context {PROP: bi}.
  Implicit Types P Q : PROP.

  Lemma fixpoint_plain `{!BiPlainly PROP} {A}
      (F : (A -d> PROP) A -d> PROP) `{!Contractive F} :
    ( Φ, ( x, Plain (Φ x)) ( x, Plain (F Φ x)))
     x, Plain (fixpoint F x).
    intros ?. apply fixpoint_ind.
    - intros Φ1 Φ2 ??. by rewrite -( _).
    - (λ _, emp%I); apply _.
    - done.
    - apply limit_preserving_forallx.
      apply limit_preserving_Plain; solve_proper.

  Lemma fixpoint_persistent {A} (F : (A -d> PROP) A -d> PROP) `{!Contractive F} :
    ( Φ, ( x, Persistent (Φ x)) ( x, Persistent (F Φ x)))
     x, Persistent (fixpoint F x).
    intros ?. apply fixpoint_ind.
    - intros Φ1 Φ2 ??. by rewrite -( _).
    - (λ _, emp%I); apply _.
    - done.
    - apply limit_preserving_forallx.
      apply limit_preserving_Persistent; solve_proper.

  Lemma fixpoint_absorbing {A} (F : (A -d> PROP) A -d> PROP) `{!Contractive F} :
    ( Φ, ( x, Absorbing (Φ x)) ( x, Absorbing (F Φ x)))
     x, Absorbing (fixpoint F x).
    intros ?. apply fixpoint_ind.
    - intros Φ1 Φ2 ??. by rewrite -( _).
    - (λ _, True%I); apply _.
    - done.
    - apply limit_preserving_forallx.
      apply limit_preserving_entails; solve_proper.

  Lemma fixpoint_affine {A} (F : (A -d> PROP) A -d> PROP) `{!Contractive F} :
    ( Φ, ( x, Affine (Φ x)) ( x, Affine (F Φ x)))
     x, Affine (fixpoint F x).
    intros ?. apply fixpoint_ind.
    - intros Φ1 Φ2 ??. by rewrite -( _).
    - (λ _, emp%I); apply _.
    - done.
    - apply limit_preserving_forallx.
      apply limit_preserving_entails; solve_proper.

  Lemma fixpoint_persistent_absoring {A}
      (F : (A -d> PROP) A -d> PROP) `{!Contractive F} :
    ( Φ, ( x, Persistent (Φ x)) ( x, Absorbing (Φ x))
          ( x, Persistent (F Φ x) Absorbing (F Φ x)))
     x, Persistent (fixpoint F x) Absorbing (fixpoint F x).
    intros ?. apply fixpoint_ind.
    - intros Φ1 Φ2 ??. by rewrite -( _).
    - (λ _, True%I); split; apply _.
    - naive_solver.
    - apply limit_preserving_forallx.
      apply limit_preserving_and; apply limit_preserving_entails; solve_proper.

  Lemma fixpoint_persistent_affine {A}
      (F : (A -d> PROP) A -d> PROP) `{!Contractive F} :
    ( Φ, ( x, Persistent (Φ x)) ( x, Affine (Φ x))
          ( x, Persistent (F Φ x) Affine (F Φ x)))
     x, Persistent (fixpoint F x) Affine (fixpoint F x).
    intros ?. apply fixpoint_ind.
    - intros Φ1 Φ2 ??. by rewrite -( _).
    - (λ _, emp%I); split; apply _.
    - naive_solver.
    - apply limit_preserving_forallx.
      apply limit_preserving_and; apply limit_preserving_entails; solve_proper.

  Lemma fixpoint_plain_absoring `{!BiPlainly PROP} {A}
      (F : (A -d> PROP) A -d> PROP) `{!Contractive F} :
    ( Φ, ( x, Plain (Φ x)) ( x, Absorbing (Φ x))
          ( x, Plain (F Φ x) Absorbing (F Φ x)))
     x, Plain (fixpoint F x) Absorbing (fixpoint F x).
    intros ?. apply fixpoint_ind.
    - intros Φ1 Φ2 ??. by rewrite -( _).
    - (λ _, True%I); split; apply _.
    - naive_solver.
    - apply limit_preserving_forallx.
      apply limit_preserving_and; apply limit_preserving_entails; solve_proper.

  Lemma fixpoint_plain_affine `{!BiPlainly PROP} {A}
      (F : (A -d> PROP) A -d> PROP) `{!Contractive F} :
    ( Φ, ( x, Plain (Φ x)) ( x, Affine (Φ x))
          ( x, Plain (F Φ x) Affine (F Φ x)))
     x, Plain (fixpoint F x) Affine (fixpoint F x).
    intros ?. apply fixpoint_ind.
    - intros Φ1 Φ2 ??. by rewrite -( _).
    - (λ _, emp%I); split; apply _.
    - naive_solver.
    - apply limit_preserving_forallx.
      apply limit_preserving_and; apply limit_preserving_entails; solve_proper.
End fixpoint_laws.