Elimination of redundant memory accesses

Require Import Peano_dec ClassicalDescription List Vbase Relations.
Require Import ExtraRelations actions c11 cmon coherence reorder.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Function update for functions of type actid B. This is defined on actid B functions instead of arbitrary A B functions to work around a limitation of Coq's unification

Definition fupd B f (x : actid) (v : B) (y : actid) :=
  if y == x then v else f y.

Lemma release_seq_only_rmw_rf_relevant :
   mt2 lab sb rf rf' mo x y,
    release_seq mt2 lab sb rf mo x y
    ( x (RMW: is_rmw (lab x)), rf' x = rf x) →
    release_seq mt2 lab sb rf' mo x y.

Helper lemmas for extending a strict total order

Definition lin_ext_a A (rel : relation A) (cond : Prop) (a b x y : A) :=
  rel x y
  cond x = a y = b
  cond x = a rel b y
  cond y = a rel x b.

Lemma is_total_lin_ext_a :
   X (f: XProp) g rel
    (T: is_total (fun yf (g y)) rel)
    a b v (C: f vf (g b)) (cond : Prop) (C : f vcond),
  is_total (fun yf (fupd g a v y)) (lin_ext_a rel cond a b).

Lemma irreflexive_lin_ext_a :
   X (rel : relation X)
    (IRR: irreflexive rel)
    a b (NEQ: a b)
    (C: x, rel x aFalse)
    (D: x, rel a xFalse) (cond : Prop),
  irreflexive (lin_ext_a rel cond a b).

Lemma transitive_lin_ext_a :
   (X: eqType) (rel : relation X)
    (IRR: irreflexive rel)
    (T: transitive _ rel) a b
    (C: x, rel x aFalse)
    (D: x, rel a xFalse) (cond : Prop),
  transitive _ (lin_ext_a rel cond a b).

Definition lin_ext_b A (rel : relation A) (cond : Prop) (a b x y : A) :=
  rel x y
  cond x = a y = b
  cond x = b rel a y
  cond y = b rel x a.

Lemma is_total_lin_ext_b :
   X (f: XProp) g rel
    (T: is_total (fun yf (g y)) rel)
    a b v (C: f vf (g a)) (cond : Prop) (C : f vcond),
  is_total (fun yf (fupd g b v y)) (lin_ext_b rel cond a b).

Lemma irreflexive_lin_ext_b :
   X (rel : relation X)
    (IRR: irreflexive rel)
    a b (NEQ: a b)
    (C: x, rel x bFalse)
    (D: x, rel b xFalse) (cond : Prop),
  irreflexive (lin_ext_b rel cond a b).

Lemma transitive_lin_ext_b :
   (X: eqType) (rel : relation X)
    (IRR: irreflexive rel)
    (T: transitive _ rel) a b
    (C: x, rel x bFalse)
    (D: x, rel b xFalse) (cond : Prop),
  transitive _ (lin_ext_b rel cond a b).

Definition lin_ext_c A (rel : relation A) (cond: Prop) (a b x y : A) :=
  clos_trans _ rel x y
  cond x = b clos_trans _ rel a y y b.

Lemma transitive_lin_ext_c :
   X (rel : relation X) (A: acyclic rel) (cond: Prop) a b
    (C: x, rel x bcondx = a rel x a),
    transitive _ (lin_ext_c rel cond a b).

Lemma irreflexive_lin_ext_c :
   X (rel : relation X) (A: acyclic rel) cond a b,
    irreflexive (lin_ext_c rel cond a b).

Lemma acyclic_lin_ext_c :
   X (rel : relation X) (A: acyclic rel) (cond: Prop) a b
    (C: x, rel x bcondx = a rel x a),
    acyclic (lin_ext_c rel cond a b).

Lemma lin_ext_c_extends :
   X (rel : relation X) cond a b x y,
    rel x ylin_ext_c rel cond a b x y.

Adjacent overwritten write elimination

Lemma release_seq_upd_mo :
   mt2 lab sb rf mo x y a b
    (RS: release_seq mt2 lab sb rf (lin_ext_a mo True a b) x y)
    (Cmo: x, mo x xFalse)
    (NMO: x, mo a xFalse)
    (NMO: x, mo x aFalse)
    (NRF: x, rf x = Some aFalse)
    (TEQ: thread (lab a) = thread (lab b))
    (NAEQ: is_na (lab a) is_na (lab b))
    (SB: sb a b)
    (DOM: x, sb a xx = b sb b x)
    (NRMW: ¬ is_rmw (lab b))
    (NEQ: y a),
    if x == a then release_seq mt2 lab sb rf mo b y else release_seq mt2 lab sb rf mo x y.

Lemma release_seq_upd_ow :
   lab rf mo x y
    (Crf: ConsistentRF lab rf)
    (Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo)
    a tid (Aa: lab a = Askip tid)
    b typ l v (Ab: lab b = Astore tid typ l v) v'
    (sb : relation actid) (SB: sb a b)
    (DOM: x, sb a xx = b sb b x) mt2
    (RS: release_seq mt2 (fun xif x == a then Astore tid typ l v' else lab x) sb
      rf (lin_ext_a mo True a b) x y)
    (NEQ: y a),
    if x == a then release_seq mt2 lab sb rf mo b y else release_seq mt2 lab sb rf mo x y.

Lemma OW_adj_hb :
   lab mo rf x y
    (Crf: ConsistentRF lab rf)
    (Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo)
    a tid (Aa: lab a = Askip tid)
    b (sb : relation actid) (SB: sb a b)
    (DOM: x, sb a xx = b sb b x) asw
    typ l v (Ab: lab b = Astore tid typ l v) mt2 v'
    (HB: happens_before mt2 (fun xif x == a then Astore tid typ l v' else lab x)
                        sb asw rf (lin_ext_a mo True a b) x y),
    happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x y.

Lemma OW_adj_hb_a :
   mt2 lab sb asw rf mo a c
         (HB: happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo a c) tid
         (Aa: lab a = Askip tid) b
         (SBR: sb a b)
         (DOM: x, sb a xx = b sb b x)
         (DOM': x, asw a xx = b asw b x),
    c = b happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo b c.

Given two adjacent writes to the same location and with the same access type, we can eliminate the first one.

Theorem OW_adjacent :
   mt (MT: mt MTorig) mt2 acts lab dsb sb asw rf mo sc
    (CONS: Semiconsistent mt mt2 MTSChb acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc)
    a tid (Aa: lab a = Askip tid)
    b typ l v (Ab: lab b = Astore tid typ l v)
    (SBR: sb a b)
    (DOM: x, sb a xx = b sb b x)
    (DOM': x, asw a xx = b asw b x)
    v' lab' (LAB': lab' = fupd lab a (Astore tid typ l v')),
   mo' sc',
     CONS': Semiconsistent mt mt2 MTSChb acts lab' sb dsb asw rf mo' sc'
     OBS: c d (INc: In c acts) (INd: In d acts)
               (NLc: loc (lab c) l) (NLd: loc (lab d) l),
                mo c d mo' c d
     RACE: race_free mt2 lab' sb asw rf mo'race_free mt2 lab sb asw rf mo .

Corollary OW_adjacent_paper :
   mt mt2 acts lab dsb sb asw rf mo sc
    tid typ l v a b v' lab',
    Consistent mt mt2 MTSChb acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc
    sb a b
    adjacent sb a b
    adjacent asw a b
    lab a = Askip tid
    lab b = Astore tid typ l v
    lab' = fupd lab a (Astore tid typ l v') →
    mt MTorig
   rf' mo' sc',
     CONS': Consistent mt mt2 MTSChb acts lab' sb dsb asw rf' mo' sc'
     OBS: c d (INc: In c acts) (INd: In d acts)
               (NLc: loc (lab c) l) (NLd: loc (lab d) l),
                mo c d mo' c d
     RACE: racy mt2 lab sb asw rf moracy mt2 lab' sb asw rf' mo' .

Adjacent read after write elimination

Lemma RAx_adj_hb_b :
   mt2 lab sb asw rf mo b c
         (HB: happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo c b) tid
         (A: lab b = Askip tid) a
         (SBR: sb a b)
         (DOM: x, sb x bx = a sb x a)
         (DOM': x, asw x bx = a asw x a),
    c = a happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo c a.

Lemma RAx_adj_release_seq :
   lab sb rf mo
    (Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo)
    b tid (Ab: lab b = Askip tid)
    mt2 typ l v x y
    (H: release_seq mt2 (fun xif x == b then Aload tid typ l v else lab x)
                    sb rf mo x y)
    rf' (H': x (RMW: is_rmw (lab x)), rf' x = rf x),
    release_seq mt2 lab sb rf' mo x y.

Lemma RAW_adj_hb :
   lab mo rf x y
    (Crf: ConsistentRF lab rf)
    (Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo)
    a tid typ l v (Aa: lab a = Astore tid typ l v)
    b (Ab: lab b = Askip tid)
    (sb: relation actid) (SB: sb a b)
    (Csb: ConsistentSB lab sb) asw typ' mt2
    (HB: happens_before mt2 (fun xif x == b then Aload tid typ' l v else lab x)
           sb asw (fun xif x == b then Some a else rf x) mo x y),
    happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x y.

Theorem RAW_adjacent :
   mt (MT: mt MTorig) mt2 acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc
    (CONS: Semiconsistent mt mt2 MTSChb acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc)
    tid typ l v
    a (Aa: lab a = Astore tid typ l v)
    b (Ab: lab b = Askip tid)
    (SB: sb a b)
    (DOM: x, sb x bx = a sb x a)
    (DOM': x, asw x bx = a asw x a)
    lab' typ'
    (SCtyp': typ' = RATscfst mt2 = MT2sb)
    (LAB': lab' = fun xif x == b then Aload tid typ' l v else lab x),
   rf' sc',
     CONS': Semiconsistent mt mt2 MTSChb acts lab' sb dsb asw rf' mo sc'
     RACE: race_free mt2 lab' sb asw rf' morace_free mt2 lab sb asw rf mo .

Corollary RAW_adjacent_paper :
   mt mt2 acts lab dsb sb asw rf mo sc tid typ typ' l v a b lab',
    Consistent mt mt2 MTSChb acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc
    sb a b
    adjacent sb a b
    adjacent asw a b
    lab a = Astore tid typ l v
    lab b = Askip tid
    lab' = fupd lab b (Aload tid typ' l v) →
    mt MTorig
    (fst mt2 = MT2sb typ' RATsc) →
   rf' sc',
     CONS': Consistent mt mt2 MTSChb acts lab' sb dsb asw rf' mo sc'
     RACE: racy mt2 lab sb asw rf moracy mt2 lab' sb asw rf' mo .

Adjacent read after read elimination

Ltac first_splitsok :=
  first [left; repeat split; unfold same_thread; ins; [] |
         right; left; repeat split; unfold same_thread; ins; [] |
         do 2 right; left; repeat split; unfold same_thread; ins; [] |
         do 3 right; repeat split; unfold same_thread; ins; [] ].

Lemma RAR_adj_hb :
   lab mo rf x y
    (Crf: ConsistentRF lab rf)
    (Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo)
    a tid typ l v (Aa: lab a = Aload tid typ l v)
    b (Ab: lab b = Askip tid)
    (sb : relation actid) (SB: sb a b) mt2 asw
    (HB: happens_before mt2 (fun xif x == b then Aload tid typ l v else lab x)
           sb asw (fun xif x == b then rf a else rf x) mo x y),
    happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x y.

Theorem RAR_adjacent :
   mt (MT: mt MTorig) mt2 acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc
    (CONS: Semiconsistent mt mt2 MTSChb acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc)
    tid typ l v
    a (Aa: lab a = Aload tid typ l v)
    b (Ab: lab b = Askip tid)
    (SBab: sb a b)
    (DOM: x, sb x bx = a sb x a)
    (DOM: x, asw x bx = a asw x a)
    lab' (LAB': lab' = fun xif x == b then Aload tid typ l v else lab x),
   rf' sc',
     CONS': Semiconsistent mt mt2 MTSChb acts lab' sb dsb asw rf' mo sc'
     RACE: race_free mt2 lab' sb asw rf' morace_free mt2 lab sb asw rf mo .

Corollary RAR_adjacent_paper :
   mt mt2 acts lab dsb sb asw rf mo sc tid typ l v a b lab',
    Consistent mt mt2 MTSChb acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc
    sb a b
    adjacent sb a b
    adjacent asw a b
    lab a = Aload tid typ l v
    lab b = Askip tid
    lab' = fupd lab b (Aload tid typ l v) →
    mt MTorig
   rf' sc',
     CONS': Consistent mt mt2 MTSChb acts lab' sb dsb asw rf' mo sc'
     RACE: racy mt2 lab sb asw rf moracy mt2 lab' sb asw rf' mo .

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