C11 concurrency model definition

Require Import List Vbase Relations ExtraRelations actions.
Require Import Peano_dec Classical.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Inductive modeltyp :=
  | MTorig
  | MTnaive
  | MThbUrfnaAcyclic
  | MThbUrfAcyclic
  | MTdsbUrfAcyclic.

Inductive modeltyp_threadid :=
  | MT2orig
  | MT2sb.

Inductive modeltyp_relseq :=
  | MT3orig
  | MT3rf.

Inductive modeltyp_screads :=
  | MTSCorig
  | MTSChb.

Consistency axioms

Section Consistency.

We parametrise the model with the types

Variable mt : modeltyp.
Variable mt2 : modeltyp_threadid * modeltyp_relseq.
Variable mtsc : modeltyp_screads.

An execution contains:
  • a sequence of events (actions identifiers), acts,
  • a labeling function, lab, mapping action identifiers to the actions,
  • the "sequence before" order, sb,
  • the "dependent sequence before" relation, dsb, a subset of sb with semantic dependencies,
  • the "additional synchronizes with" relation, asw,
  • the "reads from" map, rf,
  • the modification order, mo, and
  • the sequential consistency order, sc

Variable acts : list actid.
Variable lab : actidact.
Variable sb : actidactidProp.
Variable dsb : actidactidProp.
Variable asw : actidactidProp.
Variable rf : actidoption actid.
Variable mo : actidactidProp.
Variable sc : actidactidProp.

Definition of when two events belong to the same thread. Depending on the model parameters, either the thread identifiers must match, or the actions have to be ordered by sb.

Definition same_thread (a b : actid) :=
  match fst mt2 with
    | MT2origthread (lab a) = thread (lab b)
    | MT2sbclos_trans _ sb a b

Definition of when two events can synchronise because they belong to different threads. Depending on the model parameters, either always, or when the thread identifiers are different.

Definition diff_thread (a b : actid) :=
  match fst mt2 with
    | MT2origthread (lab a) thread (lab b)
    | MT2sbTrue

Definition of release sequences

Definition release_seq_elem (a b : actid) :=
  same_thread a b is_rmw (lab b).

Inductive release_seq_alt (a b : actid) : Prop :=
| RS_refl (EQ: a = b)
| RS_thr (RSthr: same_thread a b)
         (RSmo: mo a b)
| RS_rmw c (RS: release_seq_alt a c)
        (RSrf: rf b = Some c)
        (RSrmw: is_rmw (lab b)).

Definition release_seq (a b : actid) :=
  match snd mt2 with
    | MT3orig
      a = b
       RSMO: mo a b
       RSE: release_seq_elem a b
       RSO: c (MA: mo a c) (MB: mo c b), release_seq_elem a c
    | MT3rfrelease_seq_alt a b

Definition of when two events synchronise with one another.

Definition synchronizes_with (flag : bool) (a b : actid) :=
     ( SWrel: is_release_write (lab a)
       SWacq: is_acquire_read (lab b)
       SWthr: if flag then diff_thread a b else ¬ same_thread a b
         RS: release_seq a c
         RF: rf b = Some c
         AT: ¬ is_na (lab c) )
   ( SWrel: is_release_write (lab a)
       SWacq: is_acquire_fence (lab b)
       SWthr: if flag then diff_thread a b else ¬ same_thread a b
       c a',
         SBR: clos_trans _ sb c b
         RS: release_seq a a'
         RF: rf c = Some a'
         AT: ¬ is_na (lab a')
         AT': ¬ is_na (lab c) )
   ( SWrel: is_release_fence (lab a)
       SWacq: is_acquire_read (lab b)
       SWthr: if flag then diff_thread a b else ¬ same_thread a b
       c c',
         SBW: clos_trans _ sb a c
         RS: release_seq c c'
         RF: rf b = some c'
         AT: ¬ is_na (lab c)
         AT': ¬ is_na (lab c') )
   ( SWrel: is_release_fence (lab a)
       SWacq: is_acquire_fence (lab b)
       SWthr: if flag then diff_thread a b else ¬ same_thread a b
       c c' d,
         SBW : clos_trans _ sb a c
         SBR : clos_trans _ sb d b
         RS: release_seq c c'
         RF: rf d = Some c'
         AT: ¬ is_na (lab c)
         AT': ¬ is_na (lab c')
         AT'': ¬ is_na (lab d) ).

Happens-before is defined as the transitive closure of the union of three relations:
  • the "sequenced before" relation, sb,
  • the derived "synchronizes with" relation defined above, and
  • the "additional synchronizes with" relation, asw.

Definition happens_before :=
  clos_trans _ (fun a bsb a b synchronizes_with true a b asw a b).

Definition happens_before_alt :=
  clos_trans _ (fun a bsb a b synchronizes_with false a b asw a b).

We require executions to have a finite domain:
  • Every action not in the domain must be a Askip 0 action.
  • sb and asw cannot relate any events outside the domain.

Definition ExecutionFinite :=
   CLOlab: a, lab a Askip 0 → In a acts
   CLOsb : a b, sb a b asw a bIn a acts In b acts .

The modification order, mo, is consistent iff
  • it relates only writes to the same location;
  • it is transitive;
  • for every location l, it is total on writes to that location l; and
  • it is irreflexive.

Definition ConsistentMO :=
      CmoD: a b (MO: mo a b),
               l, is_writeL (lab a) l is_writeL (lab b) l
   CmoT: transitive _ mo
   CmoF: l, is_total (fun ais_writeL (lab a) l) mo
   CmoI: irreflexive mo .

The modification order must also relate any hb-related writes to the same location. This requirement is equivalent to CoherentWW.

Definition ConsistentMOhb :=
   l, restr_subset (fun ais_writeL (lab a) l) happens_before mo.

The sequential consistency order, sc, is consitent iff:
  • it relates only SC events;
  • it is transitive;
  • it is total on SC events;
  • it is irreflexive;
  • it includes happens_before restricted to SC events; and
  • it includes mo restricted to SC events.

Definition ConsistentSC :=
      CscD: a b (MO: sc a b), is_sc (lab a) is_sc (lab b)
   CscT: transitive _ sc
   CscF: is_total (fun xis_sc (lab x)) sc
   CscI: irreflexive sc
   Chbsc: restr_subset (fun xis_sc (lab x)) happens_before sc
   Cmosc: restr_subset (fun xis_sc (lab x)) mo sc .

ConsistentRF_dom_none is the one direction of ConsistentRFdom saying that reads that happen after a write to the same location must read from somewhere.

Definition ConsistentRF_dom_none :=
   a (RF: rf a = None) b (HB: happens_before b a)
         l (READ: is_readL (lab a) l)
         (WRI: is_writeL (lab b) l), False.

ConsistentRF_dom_some is the other direction of ConsistentRFdom saying that reads that read from somewhere must happen after a write to the same location.

Definition ConsistentRF_dom_some :=
   a b (RF: rf a = Some b),
     c l,
       HB: happens_before c a
       READ: is_readL (lab a) l
       WRI: is_writeL (lab c) l .

The reads-from map is consistent iff it relates only reads and writes to the same location and with the same values.

Definition ConsistentRF :=
   a b (RF: rf a = Some b),
   l v,
     READ: is_readLV (lab a) l v
     WRITE: is_writeLV (lab b) l v .

The read cannot read from a write happening after it.

Definition ConsistentRFhb :=
   a b (RF: rf a = Some b) (HB : happens_before a b),

The problematic ConsistentRF_na axiom states that a non-atomic read can read only from a write that happens before it. Similarly, a non-atomic write can be read only by reads that happen after it.

Definition ConsistentRF_na :=
   a b (RF: rf a = Some b) (NA: is_na (lab a) is_na (lab b)),
    happens_before b a.

Next comes the fairly complex SCrestriction axiom stating whence a sequentially consistent read can read from.

Definition sc_restr a b :=
  sc a b is_write (lab a) loc (lab a) = loc (lab b).

Definition sc_restr_cond :=
  match mtsc with
    | MTSCorigimmediate sc_restr
    | MTSCfixedsc_restr

Definition SCrestriction :=
   a b (RF: rf b = Some a) (SC: is_sc (lab b)),
    immediate sc_restr a b
    ¬ is_sc (lab a)
     ( x (SC: sc_restr_cond x b) (HB: happens_before a x), False).

Allocation consistency: the same location cannot be allocated twice.

Definition ConsistentAlloc :=
   a tida la na (ALLOCa: lab a = Aalloc tida la na)
         b tidb lb nb (ALLOCb: lab b = Aalloc tidb lb nb),
    a = b la + na < lb lb + nb < la.

We move on to the various coherence axioms:
  • CoherentWW: the modification order cannot contradict happens-before
  • CoherentRR: two happens-before-related reads cannot read the writes in the reverse order of their modification order.
  • CoherentWR: a read cannot read from an overwritten write.
  • CoherentRW: a read cannot read from a write far in the future.
  • AtomicRMW: an RMW can read only from the write that immediately precedes it.

Definition CoherentWW :=
   a b (HB: happens_before a b) (MO: mo b a),

Definition CoherentRR :=
   a b (HB: happens_before a b)
         c (RFa: rf a = Some c) d (RFb: rf b = Some d) (MO: mo d c),

Definition CoherentWR :=
   a b (HB: happens_before a b)
         c (RF: rf b = Some c) (MO: mo c a),

Definition CoherentRW :=
   a b (HB: happens_before a b)
         c (RF: rf a = Some c) (MO: mo b c),

Definition AtomicRMW :=
   a (RMW: is_rmw (lab a)) b (RF: rf a = Some b),
    immediate mo b a.

An alternative, much more compact, coherence axiom.

Definition com x y :=
  mo x y rf y = Some x
   z, rf x = Some z mo z y x y.

Definition Coherence :=
    (fun x yhappens_before x y loc (lab x) = loc (lab y)
                 com x y).

Next comes the main acyclicity axiom of the model, which depends on the model type parameter.

Definition rfna a b :=
  rf b = Some a (is_na (lab a) is_na (lab b)).

Definition AcyclicityAxiom :=
  match mt with
    | MTnaiveTrue
    | MTorigConsistentRF_na
    | MThbUrfnaAcyclicacyclic (fun a bhappens_before a b rfna a b)
    | MThbUrfAcyclicacyclic (fun a bhappens_before a b rf b = Some a)
    | MTdsbUrfAcyclicacyclic (fun a bdsb a b rf b = Some a)

Consistency properties of sb and dsb:
  • sb relates only events of the same thread;
  • dsb is included in clos_trans _ sb; and
  • dsb relates only memory accesses.

Definition ConsistentSB :=
  ( a b (SB: sb a b), thread (lab a) = thread (lab b)).

Definition ConsistentDSB :=
  inclusion _ dsb (clos_trans _ sb)
  ( a b (DSB: dsb a b), is_access (lab a))
  ( a b (DSB: dsb a b), is_access (lab b)).

Definition of when an execution is <em>consistent</em>.

Definition Consistent :=
   FIN : ExecutionFinite
   IRR : irreflexive happens_before
   ACYC: AcyclicityAxiom
   Csb: ConsistentSB
   Cdsb: ConsistentDSB
   Cmo : ConsistentMO
   CmoH: ConsistentMOhb
   Csc : ConsistentSC
   Cscr: SCrestriction
   CrfN: ConsistentRF_dom_none
   CrfS: ConsistentRF_dom_some
   Crf : ConsistentRF
   CrfH: ConsistentRFhb
   Crr : CoherentRR
   Cwr : CoherentWR
   Crw : CoherentRW
   Crmw: AtomicRMW
   Ca : ConsistentAlloc .

Definition Semiconsistent :=
   FIN : ExecutionFinite
   IRR : irreflexive happens_before
   ACYC: AcyclicityAxiom
   Csb: ConsistentSB
   Cdsb: ConsistentDSB
   Cmo : ConsistentMO
   CmoH: ConsistentMOhb
   Csc : ConsistentSC
   Cscr: SCrestriction
   CrfN: ConsistentRF_dom_none
   Crf : ConsistentRF
   CrfH: ConsistentRFhb
   Crr : CoherentRR
   Cwr : CoherentWR
   Crw : CoherentRW
   Crmw: AtomicRMW
   Ca : ConsistentAlloc .

Definition ConsistentAlt :=
   FIN : ExecutionFinite
   ACYC: AcyclicityAxiom
   Csb: ConsistentSB
   Cdsb: ConsistentDSB
   Cmo : ConsistentMO
   Csc : ConsistentSC
   Cscr: SCrestriction
   CrfN: ConsistentRF_dom_none
   CrfS: ConsistentRF_dom_some
   Crf : ConsistentRF
   Coh : Coherence
   Ca : ConsistentAlloc .

Definition SemiconsistentAlt :=
   FIN : ExecutionFinite
   ACYC: AcyclicityAxiom
   Csb: ConsistentSB
   Cdsb: ConsistentDSB
   Cmo : ConsistentMO
   Csc : ConsistentSC
   Cscr: SCrestriction
   CrfN: ConsistentRF_dom_none
   Crf : ConsistentRF
   Coh : Coherence
   Ca : ConsistentAlloc .

Properties describing the absence of memory errors

An execution is memory safe, if every memory access happens after the allocation of the relevant memory location.

Definition mem_safe :=
   a (IN: In a acts) (Aa: is_access (lab a)),
   b tid l n,
    lab b = Aalloc tid l n
    happens_before b a
    l loc (lab a) l + n.

An execution has no unitialised reads if every read reads from some write, which for a consistent execution by the ConsistentRF_dom_none axiom means that there was a write that happened before the read.

Definition initialized_reads :=
   a (IN: In a acts) l v (Aa: is_readLV (lab a) l v), rf a None.

An execution is racy if there are two concurrent accesses to the same location, at least one of which is a write, and at least one of which is non-atomic.

Definition racy :=
   a b,
     NEQ: a b
     Aa: is_access (lab a)
     Ab: is_access (lab b)
     LOC: loc (lab a) = loc (lab b)
     WRI: is_write (lab a) is_write (lab b)
     NA: is_na (lab a) is_na (lab b)
     NHB1 : ¬ happens_before a b
     NHB2 : ¬ happens_before b a .

An execution is race-free iff it is not racy.

Definition race_free :=
   a (Aa: is_access (lab a))
         b (Ab: is_access (lab b))
         (LOC: loc (lab a) = loc (lab b)) (NEQ: a b)
         (WRI: is_write (lab a) is_write (lab b))
         (NA: is_na (lab a) is_na (lab b)),
    happens_before a b happens_before b a.

End Consistency.

Basic properties of the definitions

Lemma t_sb_in_hb :
   mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x y,
    clos_trans _ sb x y
    happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x y.

Lemma sb_in_hb :
   mt2 lab (sb : relation actid) asw rf mo x y,
    sb x y
    happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x y.

Lemma sw_in_hb :
   mt2 lab (sb asw : relation actid) rf mo x y,
    synchronizes_with mt2 lab sb rf mo true x y
    happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x y.

Lemma asw_in_hb :
   mt2 lab (sb asw : relation actid) rf mo x y,
    asw x y
    happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x y.

Lemma t_asw_in_hb :
   mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x y,
    clos_trans actid asw x yhappens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x y.

Lemma hb_trans :
   mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x y z,
    happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x y
    happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo y z
    happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x z.

Hint Resolve hb_trans sb_in_hb t_sb_in_hb asw_in_hb t_asw_in_hb : hb.

Lemma loceq_mo :
   lab mo (C: ConsistentMO lab mo) x y (H: mo x y),
    loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).

Lemma loceq_rf :
   lab rf (C: ConsistentRF lab rf) x y (H: rf x = Some y),
    loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).

Lemma loceq_com :
   lab rf (Crf: ConsistentRF lab rf)
             mo (Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo)
             x y (H: com rf mo x y),
    loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).

Lemma comD :
   lab rf mo
    (Crf: ConsistentRF lab rf)
    (Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo) x y
    (C: com rf mo x y),
   l, is_accessL (lab x) l is_accessL (lab y) l.

Lemma finiteRF :
   acts lab sb asw
    (FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb asw) rf
    (Crf: ConsistentRF lab rf) a b,
    rf a = Some bIn a acts In b acts.

Lemma finiteMO :
   acts lab sb asw
    (FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb asw) mo
    (Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo) a b,
    mo a bIn a acts In b acts.

Lemma finiteSW :
   acts lab sb asw
    (FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb asw) mt2 rf mo a b,
    synchronizes_with mt2 lab sb rf mo true a bIn a acts In b acts.

Lemma finiteHB :
   acts lab sb asw
    (FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb asw) mt2 rf mo a b,
    happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo a bIn a acts In b acts.

Lemma finiteCOM :
   acts lab sb asw
    (FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb asw) rf
    (Crf: ConsistentRF lab rf) mo
    (Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo) a b,
    com rf mo a bIn a acts In b acts.

Lemma race_free_iff_not_racy :
   mt2 lab sb asw rf mo,
    race_free mt2 lab sb asw rf mo ¬ racy mt2 lab sb asw rf mo.

Lemma racy_if_not_race_free :
   mt2 lab sb asw rf mo,
    racy mt2 lab sb asw rf mo ¬ race_free mt2 lab sb asw rf mo.

Tactics to kill inconsistent goals

Ltac kill_incons Aa Ab :=
  match goal with
    | Crf : ConsistentRF _ ?rf ,
      Cmo : ConsistentMO _ ?mo ,
      Csc : ConsistentSC _ _ _ _ ?rf ?mo ?sc |- _
        try by repeat match goal with
                  | H : sc _ _ |- _apply Csc in H; desc
                  | H : rf _ = _ |- _apply Crf in H; desc
                  | H : mo _ _ |- _apply Cmo in H; desc
                  | H : com rf mo _ _ |- _apply (comD Crf Cmo) in H; desc end;
               try rewrite Aa in *; try rewrite Ab in *; ins; desf; eauto

Ltac kill_incons2 Aa Ab :=
  match goal with
    | Crf : ConsistentRF ?lab ?rf ,
      Cmo : ConsistentMO ?lab ?mo |- _
        try by repeat match goal with
                  | H : rf _ = _ |- _apply Crf in H; desc
                  | H : mo _ _ |- _apply Cmo in H; desc
                  | H : com rf mo _ _ |- _apply (comD Crf Cmo) in H; desc end;
               try rewrite Aa in *; try rewrite Ab in *; ins; desf; eauto

Duplicate and destruct:

Ltac dupdes H :=
  let H' := fresh H in
  assert (H' := H); red in H'; desc.

Relationships between the different models

Theorem Consistent_weaken mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc :
  Consistent mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc
  Semiconsistent mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc.

Theorem Consistent_orig_hbUrfnaAcyclic :
   mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc,
    Consistent MTorig mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc
    Consistent MThbUrfnaAcyclic mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc.

Theorem Consistent_hbUrfnaAcyclic_orig :
   mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc,
    Consistent MThbUrfnaAcyclic mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc
    race_free mt2 lab sb asw rf mo
    Consistent MTorig mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc.

Theorem Consistent_hbUrfAcyclic_X :
   mt (MT: mt MTorig) mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc,
    Consistent MThbUrfAcyclic mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc
    Consistent mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc.

Theorem Consistent_hbUrfAcyclic_orig :
   mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc,
    Consistent MThbUrfAcyclic mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc
    race_free mt2 lab sb asw rf mo
    Consistent MTorig mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc.

Definition no_rlx a :=
  match a with
    | Aload _ RATrlx _ _false
    | Astore _ WATrlx _ _false
    | Armw _ UATrlx _ _ _false
    | Armw _ UATrel _ _ _false
    | Armw _ UATacq _ _ _false
    | _true

Theorem Consistent_hbUrfnaAcyclic_hbUrfAcyclic :
   acts mt2 mtsc lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc,
    Consistent MThbUrfnaAcyclic (MT2sb, mt2) mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc
    ( a, no_rlx (lab a)) →
    Consistent MThbUrfAcyclic (MT2sb, mt2) mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc.

Changing the mtsc from MTSCorig to MTSChb strengthens the model: happens-before remains the same (it does not depend on mtsc), while fewer executions are consistent.

Theorem Consistent_mtsc :
   acts mt mt2 lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc,
    Consistent mt mt2 MTSChb acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc
    Consistent mt mt2 MTSCorig acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc.

Changing the mt3 from MT3orig to MT3rf strengthens the model, under the assumption that every RMW is initialised.

Lemma initialized_rmw_immediate:
   lab rf mo a b
         (Init: c, is_rmw (lab c) → d, rf c = Some d)
         (Armw: AtomicRMW lab rf mo)
         (Imm: immediate mo a b)
         (Rmw: is_rmw (lab b))
         (Crf: ConsistentRF lab rf)
         (Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo),
    rf b = Some a.

Lemma mo_immediate_mo_left:
   lab mo a b c
         (Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo)
         (Neq: a b)
         (MOac: mo a c)
         (Immbc: immediate mo b c),
    mo a b.

Lemma release_seq_mt3:
   mt2 acts lab sb asw rf mo a b
         (RS: release_seq (mt2, MT3orig) lab sb rf mo a b)
         (Init: c, is_rmw (lab c) → d, rf c = Some d)
         (EF: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb asw)
         (Armw: AtomicRMW lab rf mo)
         (Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo)
         (Crf: ConsistentRF lab rf),
    release_seq (mt2, MT3rf) lab sb rf mo a b.

Lemma synchronizes_with_mt3:
   mt2 acts lab sb asw rf mo flag a b
         (SW: synchronizes_with (mt2, MT3orig) lab sb rf mo flag a b)
         (Init: c, is_rmw (lab c) → d, rf c = Some d)
         (EF: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb asw)
         (Armw: AtomicRMW lab rf mo)
         (Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo)
         (Crf: ConsistentRF lab rf),
    synchronizes_with (mt2, MT3rf) lab sb rf mo flag a b.

Lemma happens_before_mt3:
   mt2 acts lab sb asw rf mo a b
         (HB: happens_before (mt2, MT3orig) lab sb asw rf mo a b)
         (Init: c, is_rmw (lab c) → d, rf c = Some d)
         (EF: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb asw)
         (Armw: AtomicRMW lab rf mo)
         (Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo)
         (Crf: ConsistentRF lab rf),
    happens_before (mt2, MT3rf) lab sb asw rf mo a b.

Theorem Semiconsistent_mt3 :
   acts mt mt2 mtsc lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc
         (MT: mt MTorig)
         (CONS: Semiconsistent mt (mt2, MT3rf) mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc)
         (Init: a, is_rmw (lab a) → b, rf a = Some b),
    Semiconsistent mt (mt2, MT3orig) mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc.

The definition of happens-before as shown in the paper is equivalent to the one used here.
Taking the transitive closure of sb does not affect consistency and the safety properties.

Lemma clos_trans_of_clos_trans :
   X R (a b : X),
    clos_trans _ (clos_trans _ R) a b clos_trans _ R a b.

Lemma same_thread_of_t_sb :
   mt2 lab sb a b,
    same_thread mt2 lab (clos_trans actid sb) a b
     same_thread mt2 lab sb a b.

Lemma release_seq_elem_of_t_sb :
   mt2 lab sb a b,
    release_seq_elem mt2 lab (clos_trans actid sb) a b
     release_seq_elem mt2 lab sb a b.

Lemma release_seq_of_t_sb :
   mt2 lab sb rf mo a b,
    release_seq mt2 lab (clos_trans actid sb) rf mo a b
     release_seq mt2 lab sb rf mo a b.

Lemma sw_of_t_sb :
   mt2 lab sb rf mo flag a b,
    synchronizes_with mt2 lab (clos_trans _ sb) rf mo flag a b
     synchronizes_with mt2 lab sb rf mo flag a b.

Lemma hb_of_t_sb :
   mt2 lab sb asw rf mo a b,
    happens_before mt2 lab (clos_trans _ sb) asw rf mo a b
     happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo a b.

Lemma Consistent_of_t_sb :
   mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc,
    Semiconsistent mt mt2 mtsc acts lab (clos_trans _ sb) dsb asw rf mo sc
    Semiconsistent mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc.

Lemma mem_safe_of_t_sb :
   mt2 acts lab sb asw rf mo,
    mem_safe mt2 acts lab (clos_trans _ sb) asw rf mo
    mem_safe mt2 acts lab sb asw rf mo.

Lemma race_free_of_t_sb :
   mt2 lab sb asw rf mo,
    race_free mt2 lab (clos_trans _ sb) asw rf mo
    race_free mt2 lab sb asw rf mo.

Similarly, taking the transitive closure of asw does not affect consistency and the safety properties.

Lemma hb_of_t_asw :
   mt2 lab sb asw rf mo a b,
    happens_before mt2 lab sb (clos_trans _ asw) rf mo a b
     happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo a b.

Theorem Consistent_of_t_asw :
   mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc,
    Semiconsistent mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb (clos_trans _ asw) rf mo sc
    Semiconsistent mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc.

Lemma mem_safe_of_t_asw :
   mt2 acts lab sb asw rf mo,
    mem_safe mt2 acts lab sb (clos_trans _ asw) rf mo
    mem_safe mt2 acts lab sb asw rf mo.

Lemma race_free_of_t_asw :
   mt2 lab sb asw rf mo,
    race_free mt2 lab sb (clos_trans _ asw) rf mo
    race_free mt2 lab sb asw rf mo.

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