Require Import Classical List Relations.
Require Import Vbase ExtraRelations cactions RAmodels.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Lemma hb_mon sb' sb rf :
inclusion sb' sb →
inclusion (happens_before sb' rf) (happens_before sb rf).
Theorem ConsistentRA_mon :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo
(CONS: ConsistentRA acts lab sb rf mo)
sb' (Isb: inclusion sb' sb) (T: transitive sb'),
ConsistentRA acts lab sb' rf mo.
Theorem ConsistentSRA_mon :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo
(CONS: ConsistentSRA acts lab sb rf mo)
sb' (Isb: inclusion sb' sb) (T: transitive sb'),
ConsistentSRA acts lab sb' rf mo.
- every action directly reachable from b is directly reachable from a;
- every action directly reachable from a, except for b, is also directly reachable by b ;
- every action that reaches a directly can also reach b directly; and
- every action that reaches b directly, except for a, can also reach a directly.
Definition adjacent (rel: relation actid) (a b: actid) :=
≪ LA_ac : ∀ c, rel b c → rel a c ≫ ∧
≪ LA_ca : ∀ c, rel c b → c ≠ a → rel c a ≫ ∧
≪ LA_cb : ∀ c, rel c a → rel c b ≫ ∧
≪ LA_bc : ∀ c, rel a c → c ≠ b → rel b c ≫.
A location is local iff all of its accesses are ordered by program order.
Definition is_local_location lab sb l :=
is_total (fun x : actid ⇒ is_access (lab x) ∧ loc (lab x) = l) sb.
Two events a and b are reorderable if they access different locations,
and one of the following holds:
Definition can_reorder_relacq lab (a b : actid) :=
≪ WRI : is_write_only (lab a) ≫ ∧
≪ RD : is_read_only (lab b) ≫ ∧
≪ DIFF: loc (lab a) ≠ loc (lab b) ≫.
Definition can_reorder_local lab sb (a b : actid) :=
≪ DIFF: loc (lab a) ≠ loc (lab b) ≫ ∧
≪ LOC: is_local_location lab sb (loc (lab a))
∨ is_local_location lab sb (loc (lab b)) ≫.
Definition can_reorder lab sb (a b : actid) :=
can_reorder_local lab sb a b ∨
can_reorder_relacq lab a b.
We start the proof of reordering soundness with some basic helper lemmas.
Lemma hb_ct sb rf x y :
happens_before (clos_trans sb) rf x y ↔ happens_before sb rf x y.
Lemma hb_u1_expand sb rf :
∀ a b x y,
happens_before (sb UNION1 (a,b)) rf x y ↔
happens_before sb rf x y
∨ (x = a ∨ happens_before sb rf x a) ∧
(y = b ∨ happens_before sb rf b y).
Lemma hb_u1_cycle sb rf (ACYC: irreflexive (happens_before sb rf)) :
∀ a b (NEQ: a ≠ b) x,
happens_before (sb UNION1 (a,b)) rf x x →
happens_before sb rf b a.
Lemma hb_u1_right:
∀ lab sb rf
(ACYC: irreflexive (happens_before sb rf))
(Crf: ConsistentRF_dom lab rf) a b
(CR: can_reorder_relacq lab a b ∨ is_local_location lab sb (loc (lab a)))
(ADJ: adjacent sb a b)
x (HB: happens_before sb rf x a),
happens_before sb rf x b.
Lemma hb_u1_left:
∀ lab sb rf
(ACYC: irreflexive (happens_before sb rf))
(Crf: ConsistentRF_dom lab rf) a b
(CR: can_reorder_relacq lab a b ∨ is_local_location lab sb (loc (lab b)))
(ADJ: adjacent sb a b)
x (HB: happens_before sb rf b x),
happens_before sb rf a x.
Lemma hb_u1 lab sb rf :
∀ (ACYC: irreflexive (happens_before sb rf))
(Crf: ConsistentRF_dom lab rf) a b x y
(CR: can_reorder_relacq lab a b)
(ADJ: adjacent sb a b),
happens_before (sb UNION1 (a,b)) rf x y ↔
happens_before sb rf x y
∨ (x = a ∧ y = b).
Lemma mo_local :
∀ lab sb rf mo (CmoD: ConsistentMO_dom lab mo)
(CmoI: irreflexive mo)
(Cww: CoherentWW sb rf mo) a b
(LOC : is_local_location lab sb (loc (lab a)) ∨
is_local_location lab sb (loc (lab b)))
(MO : mo a b),
sb a b.
Lemma fr_local :
∀ lab sb rf mo
(CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom lab rf)
(CmoD: ConsistentMO_dom lab mo)
(CmoI: irreflexive mo)
(Cww: CoherentWW sb rf mo)
(Cwr: CoherentWRplain sb rf mo) a b
(LOC : is_local_location lab sb (loc (lab a)) ∨
is_local_location lab sb (loc (lab b))) c
(RF : rf a = Some c) (MO : mo c b) (NEQ: a ≠ b),
sb a b.
Lemma hb_u1_expand2 X (sb rf : relation X) :
∀ a b x y,
clos_trans (fun x y ⇒ (sb UNION1 (a,b)) x y ∨ rf x y) x y ↔
clos_trans (fun x y ⇒ sb x y ∨ rf x y) x y
∨ (x = a ∨ clos_trans (fun x y ⇒ sb x y ∨ rf x y) x a) ∧
(y = b ∨ clos_trans (fun x y ⇒ sb x y ∨ rf x y) b y).
Reordering a write with a subsequently adjacent read is sound under SRA.
Theorem ConsistentSRA_reorder_relacq :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo
(CONS: ConsistentSRA acts lab sb rf mo)
a (INa: In a acts) b (INb: In b acts) (NEQ: a ≠ b)
(CR: can_reorder_relacq lab a b)
(NSB: ¬ sb b a)
(ADJ: adjacent sb a b),
ConsistentSRA acts lab (clos_trans (sb UNION1 (a,b))) rf mo.
Reordering two adjacent accesses of different locations, such that one of
them is a local access, is sound under RA.
Theorem ConsistentRA_reorder_local :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo
(CONS: ConsistentRA acts lab sb rf mo)
a (INa: In a acts) b (INb: In b acts) (NEQ: a ≠ b)
(CR: can_reorder_local lab sb a b)
(NSB: ¬ sb b a)
(ADJ: adjacent sb a b),
ConsistentRA acts lab (clos_trans (sb UNION1 (a,b))) rf mo.
Reordering two adjacent accesses of different locations, such that one of
them is a local access, is also sound under SRA.
Theorem ConsistentSRA_reorder_local :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo
(CONS: ConsistentSRA acts lab sb rf mo)
a (INa: In a acts) b (INb: In b acts) (NEQ: a ≠ b)
(CR: can_reorder_local lab sb a b)
(NSB: ¬ sb b a)
(ADJ: adjacent sb a b),
∃ mo,
ConsistentSRA acts lab (clos_trans (sb UNION1 (a,b))) rf mo.
As a corollary, all the specified reorderable accesses may be soundly be
reordered under SRA.
Corollary ConsistentSRA_reorder :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo
(CONS: ConsistentSRA acts lab sb rf mo)
a (INa: In a acts) b (INb: In b acts) (NEQ: a ≠ b)
(CR: can_reorder lab sb a b)
(NSB: ¬ sb b a)
(ADJ: adjacent sb a b),
∃ mo,
ConsistentSRA acts lab (clos_trans (sb UNION1 (a,b))) rf mo.
Combining the previous theorem with monotonicity, we get the reordering
proposition shown in the paper (that talks about reversing an edge).
Definition diff1 X (r: relation X) a b :=
fun x y ⇒ r x y ∧ ¬ (x = b ∧ y = a).
Proposition ConsistentSRA_reorder_paper :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo
(CONS: ConsistentSRA acts lab sb rf mo) a b
(CR: can_reorder_local lab sb a b)
(SB: sb a b)
(ADJ: adjacent sb a b),
∃ mo,
ConsistentSRA acts lab (clos_trans (diff1 sb a b UNION1 (a,b))) rf mo.
Redundant adjacent access eliminations
Helper lemmas for extending a strict total order
Definition lin_ext_a A (rel : relation A) (cond : Prop) (a b x y : A) :=
rel x y ∨
cond ∧ x = a ∧ y = b ∨
cond ∧ x = a ∧ rel b y ∨
cond ∧ y = a ∧ rel x b.
Lemma is_total_lin_ext_a :
∀ X (f: X → Prop) g rel
(T: is_total (fun y ⇒ f (g y)) rel)
a b v (C: f v → f (g b)) (cond : Prop) (C : f v → cond),
is_total (fun y ⇒ f (fupd g a v y)) (lin_ext_a rel cond a b).
Lemma irreflexive_lin_ext_a :
∀ X (rel : relation X)
(IRR: irreflexive rel)
a b (NEQ: a ≠ b)
(C: ∀ x, rel x a → False)
(D: ∀ x, rel a x → False) (cond : Prop),
irreflexive (lin_ext_a rel cond a b).
Lemma transitive_lin_ext_a :
∀ (X: eqType) (rel : relation X)
(IRR: irreflexive rel)
(T: transitive rel) a b
(C: ∀ x, rel x a → False)
(D: ∀ x, rel a x → False) (cond : Prop),
transitive (lin_ext_a rel cond a b).
Ltac kill_incons :=
match goal with
| Crf : ConsistentRF_dom ?lab ?rf ,
Cmo : ConsistentMO_dom ?lab ?mo |- _ ⇒
try by repeat match goal with
| H : rf _ = _ |- _ ⇒ apply Crf in H; desc
| H : mo _ _ |- _ ⇒ apply Cmo in H; desc end;
do 2 try match goal with
| H : lab _ = _ |- _ ⇒ rewrite H in ×
end; ins; desf; eauto
| Crf : ConsistentRF_dom ?lab ?rf ,
Cmo : ConsistentMO_big_dom ?lab ?mo |- _ ⇒
try by repeat match goal with
| H : rf _ = _ |- _ ⇒ apply Crf in H; desc
| H : mo _ _ |- _ ⇒ apply Cmo in H; desc end;
do 2 try match goal with
| H : lab _ = _ |- _ ⇒ rewrite H in ×
end; ins; desf; eauto
Lemma OW_adj_hb_a :
∀ lab sb rf (CrfD : ConsistentRF_dom lab rf) a c
(HB: happens_before sb rf a c) tid
(Aa: lab a = Askip tid) b
(SBR: sb a b)
(DOM: ∀ x, sb a x → x = b ∨ sb b x),
b = c ∨ happens_before sb rf b c.
Given two adjacent writes to the same location and with the same
access type, we can eliminate the first one.
Theorem OW_adjacent :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo
(CONS: ConsistentSRA acts lab sb rf mo)
a tid (Aa: lab a = Askip tid)
b typ l v (Ab: lab b = Astore tid typ l v)
(SBR: sb a b)
(DOM: ∀ x, sb a x → x = b ∨ sb b x)
v' lab' (LAB': lab' = fupd lab a (Astore tid typ l v')),
∃ mo', ConsistentSRA acts lab' sb rf mo'.
Lemma RAx_adj_hb_b :
∀ lab sb rf (CrfD : ConsistentRF_dom lab rf) b c
(HB: happens_before sb rf c b) tid
(A: lab b = Askip tid) a
(SBR: sb a b)
(DOM: ∀ x, sb x b → x = a ∨ sb x a),
c = a ∨ happens_before sb rf c a.
Lemma RAW_adj_hb :
∀ (sb: relation actid) rf a b (SB: sb a b) x y
(HB: happens_before sb (fun x ⇒ if x == b then Some a else rf x) x y),
happens_before sb rf x y.
Theorem RAW_adjacent :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo
(CONS: ConsistentSRA acts lab sb rf mo)
tid typ l v
a (Aa: lab a = Astore tid typ l v)
b (Ab: lab b = Askip tid)
(SBR: sb a b)
(DOM: ∀ x, sb x b → x = a ∨ sb x a)
lab' typ' (LAB': lab' = fun x ⇒ if x == b then Aload tid typ' l v else lab x),
∃ rf', ConsistentSRA acts lab' sb rf' mo.
Lemma RAR_adj_hb :
∀ (sb : relation actid) rf a b (SB: sb a b) x y
(HB: happens_before sb (fun x ⇒ if x == b then rf a else rf x) x y),
happens_before sb rf x y.
Theorem RAR_adjacent :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo
(CONS: ConsistentSRA acts lab sb rf mo)
tid typ l v
a (Aa: lab a = Aload tid typ l v)
b (Ab: lab b = Askip tid)
(SBR: sb a b)
(DOM: ∀ x, sb x b → x = a ∨ sb x a)
lab' (LAB': lab' = fun x ⇒ if x == b then Aload tid typ l v else lab x),
∃ rf', ConsistentSRA acts lab' sb rf' mo.
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