Definition of the Power memory model

In this section, we define the Power memory model of Alglave et al., as well as a variant with a total order on sync fences. In the end, we show that the two models are equivalent.

Require Import Classical List Relations.
Require Import Vbase ExtraRelations.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Definition actid := nat.

Inductive act :=
  | Askip
  | Async
  | Alwsync
  | Aload (l : nat) (v : nat)
  | Astore (l : nat) (v : nat).

Definition loc a :=
  match a with
    | Aload l _
    | Astore l _ ⇒ 1
    | _ ⇒ 0

Definition is_access a :=
  match a with
    | Aload _ _ | Astore _ _true
    | _false

Definition is_read a :=
  match a with
    | Aload _ _true
    | _false

Definition is_write a :=
  match a with
    | Astore _ _true
    | _false

Lemma is_read_access a : is_read a is_access a.

Lemma is_write_access a : is_write a is_access a.

Hint Resolve is_read_access is_write_access : access.

Section PowerModel.

Variable acts : list actid.
Variable lab : actid act.
Variable po : actid actid Prop.
Variable deps : actid actid Prop.
Variable rmw : actid actid Prop.
Variable rf : actid option actid.
Variable co : actid actid Prop.

Definitions of auxiliary relations for the model

Definition rfe x y := rf y = Some x ¬ po x y.

Definition fr x y := z, rf x = Some z co z y.

Definition fre x y := z, rf x = Some z co z y ¬ po x y.

Definition coe x y := co x y ¬ po x y.

Definition po_loc_RW x y :=
  po x y is_read (lab x) is_write (lab y) loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).

Definition ppo x y :=
  (deps x y seq (clos_refl deps) po_loc_RW x y)
   is_read (lab x) is_access (lab y).

Definition sync x y :=
   s, po x s po s y lab s = Async
   is_access (lab x) is_access (lab y).

Definition lwsync x y :=
  ( s, po x s po s y lab s = Alwsync)
   (is_read (lab x) is_access (lab y)
      is_access (lab x) is_write (lab y)).

Definition fence :=
  union sync lwsync.

Definition hb_power := union ppo (union fence rfe).

Definition prop_base :=
  (seq (clos_refl rfe) (seq fence (clos_refl_trans hb_power))).

Definition chapo :=
  union rfe (union fre (union coe (union (seq fre rfe) (seq coe rfe)))).

Definition prop :=
  union (restr_rel (fun xis_write (lab x)) prop_base)
        (seq (clos_refl chapo)
             (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base) (seq sync (clos_refl_trans hb_power)))).

The implicit well-formedness axioms

Definition ExecutionFinite :=
   CLOlab: a, lab a Askip In a acts
   CLOsb : a b, po a b In a acts In b acts .

Definition ConsistentRF_dom :=
   a b (RF: rf b = Some a),
   l v, WRI: lab a = Astore l v READ: lab b = Aload l v .

Definition CompleteRF :=
   a (RF: rf a = None)
         (READ: is_read (lab a)), False.

Definition ConsistentMO_dom :=
   a b (MO: co a b),
    is_write (lab a) is_write (lab b) loc (lab a) = loc (lab b).

Definition ConsistentRMW_dom :=
   a b (RF: rmw a b),
   PO: po a b
   POI: c (SB: po c b) (NEQ: c a), po c a
   POI': c (SB: po a c) (NEQ: c b), po b c
   READ: is_read (lab a)
   WRITE: is_write (lab b)
   LOCEQ: loc (lab a) = loc (lab b) .

The Power axioms.

Definition uniproc_condition :=
   l, acyclic (union (restr_rel (fun xis_access (lab x)
                                                loc (lab x) = l) po)
                           (union (fun x yrf y = Some x) (union co fr))).

Definition observation_condition :=
   x y (FRE: fre x y) z (PROP: prop y z)
             (HB: clos_refl_trans hb_power z x), False.

Definition ConsistentPower :=
   FIN : ExecutionFinite
   CsbT: transitive po
   CsbI: irreflexive po
   CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom
   COrf: CompleteRF
   Crmw: ConsistentRMW_dom
   CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom
   CcoF: l, is_total (fun a v, lab a = Astore l v) co
   CcoT: transitive co
   CcoI: irreflexive co
   LOC_SC : uniproc_condition
   ATOM : x y (RMW: rmw x y) z (FRE: fre x z) (COE: coe z y), False
   NTA : acyclic hb_power
   OBS : observation_condition
   PROP: acyclic (union co prop) .

Next, we define an equivalent uniproc condition that is more convenient for proofs.

Definition eqloc rel x y :=
  rel x y is_access (lab x) is_access (lab y) loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).

Definition uniproc_condition_eqloc :=
  acyclic (union (eqloc po) (union (fun x yrf y = Some x) (union co fr))).

We also define a simpler equivalent observation condition.

Definition observation_condition_simpl :=
   x y (FRE: fre x y) (BASE: prop_base y x), False.

We define versions of the fence and hb relations to include only edges that can be ensured without strong synchronization primitives. Specifically, we exclude any write-to-read edges that are ensured by strong sync fences.

Definition fence_weak x y :=
  ( s, po x s po s y (lab s = Alwsync lab s = Async))
   (is_read (lab x) is_access (lab y)
      is_access (lab x) is_write (lab y)).

Definition hb_weak := union ppo (union fence_weak rfe).

Using these versions of fence and hb, we can define an equivalent propogation condition:

Definition prop_base_weak :=
  (seq (clos_refl rfe) (seq fence_weak (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))).

Definition prop_weak :=
  union (restr_rel (fun xis_write (lab x)) prop_base_weak)
        (seq (clos_refl chapo)
             (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                  (seq sync (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))).

and yet another equivalent observation condition.

Definition observation_condition_alt :=
   x y (FRE: fre x y) (BASE: prop_base_weak y x), False.

We next define an alternative memory model for Power that uses a total order (so) over sync fence events. The alternative model depends on the following auxiliary definitions.

Definition so_step so a b :=
   f f',
    po a f so f f' po f' b lab f = Async lab f' = Async.

Definition hb_so so := union hb_weak (so_step so).

Definition fence_so so := union fence_weak (so_step so).

Definition prop_base_so so :=
  (seq (clos_refl rfe) (seq (fence_so so) (clos_refl_trans (hb_so so)))).

Definition prop_so so :=
  (restr_rel (fun xis_write (lab x)) (prop_base_so so)).

Definition ConsistentSyncTotal so :=
   FIN : ExecutionFinite
   CsbT: transitive po
   CsbI: irreflexive po
   CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom
   COrf: CompleteRF
   Crmw: ConsistentRMW_dom
   CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom
   CcoF: l, is_total (fun a v, lab a = Astore l v) co
   CcoT: transitive co
   CcoI: irreflexive co
   CsoF: is_total (fun alab a = Async) so
   CsoT: transitive so
   CsoI: irreflexive so
   LOC_SC : uniproc_condition
   ATOM : x y (RMW: rmw x y) z (FRE: fre x z) (COE: coe z y), False
   NTA : acyclic (hb_so so)
   OBS : x y (FRE: fre x y) (PROP: prop_base_so so y x), False
   PROP: acyclic (union co (union so (prop_so so))) .

Basic properties of the model

Lemma loceq_rf :
   (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) a b (H: rf b = Some a),
    loc (lab a) = loc (lab b).

Lemma loceq_co :
   (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) a b (H: co a b),
    loc (lab a) = loc (lab b).

Lemma loceq_fr :
   (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
         a b (H: fr a b),
    loc (lab a) = loc (lab b).

Lemma fr_dom :
   (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
         (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y
         (FR: fr x y),
  is_read (lab x) is_write (lab y) loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).

Lemma rfe_dom :
   (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y
         (RFE: rfe x y),
  is_write (lab x) is_read (lab y) loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).

Lemma fre_dom :
         (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
         (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y
         (FRE: fre x y),
  is_read (lab x) is_write (lab y) loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).

Lemma hb_is_access_l (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  hb_power x y is_access (lab x).

Lemma hb_is_access_r (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  hb_power x y is_access (lab y).

Hint Immediate hb_is_access_l hb_is_access_r : access.

Lemma hbp_is_access_l (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  clos_trans hb_power x y is_access (lab x).

Lemma hbp_is_access_r (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  clos_trans hb_power x y is_access (lab y).

Hint Immediate hbp_is_access_l hbp_is_access_r : access.

Lemma hb_weak_is_access_l (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  hb_weak x y is_access (lab x).

Lemma hb_weak_is_access_r (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  hb_weak x y is_access (lab y).

Hint Immediate hb_weak_is_access_l hb_weak_is_access_r : access.

Lemma hb_weakp_is_access_l (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  clos_trans hb_weak x y is_access (lab x).

Lemma hb_weakp_is_access_r (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  clos_trans hb_weak x y is_access (lab y).

Hint Immediate hb_weakp_is_access_l hb_weakp_is_access_r : access.

Lemma chapo_access
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) a b :
  chapo a b is_access (lab a) is_access (lab b).

The two uniproc conditions are equivalent.
Inclusion lemmas

Lemma inclusion_sync_fence : inclusion sync fence.

Lemma inclusion_fence_hb : inclusion fence hb_power.

Lemma inclusion_fence_hb_weak : inclusion fence_weak hb_weak.

Lemma inclusion_fence_weak_hb : inclusion fence_weak hb_power.

Lemma inclusion_rfe_hb : inclusion rfe hb_power.

Lemma inclusion_rfe_hb_weak : inclusion rfe hb_weak.

Lemma inclusion_hb_weak_hb : inclusion hb_weak hb_power.

Hint Resolve inclusion_sync_fence
     inclusion_fence_hb_weak inclusion_rfe_hb_weak
     inclusion_fence_hb inclusion_fence_weak_hb inclusion_rfe_hb
     inclusion_hb_weak_hb : inclusion.

Lemma inclusion_base_hb : inclusion prop_base (clos_refl_trans hb_power).

Lemma inclusion_base_hb_weak :
  inclusion prop_base_weak (clos_refl_trans hb_weak).

Lemma inclusion_base_weak_hb :
  inclusion prop_base_weak (clos_refl_trans hb_power).

Lemma inclusion_fence_po (T: transitive po) : inclusion fence po.

Lemma ppo_in_po
   (T: transitive po) (INCL: inclusion deps po) x y :
  ppo x y po x y.

Lemma fr_po_hb :
   (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
         (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y,
  fr x y po x y
  hb_power x y.

Transitivity lemmas

Lemma base_hb_trans a b c :
  prop_base a b
  clos_refl_trans hb_power b c
  prop_base a c.

Lemma rfe_base_trans (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) a b c:
  rfe a b
  prop_base b c
  prop_base a c.

Lemma rrfe_base_trans (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) a b c:
  clos_refl rfe a b
  prop_base b c
  prop_base a c.

Lemma base_sync_base a b c:
  clos_refl_trans prop_base a b
  sync b c
  prop_base a c.

Hint Resolve base_sync_base rfe_base_trans rrfe_base_trans base_hb_trans : trans.

Lemma ppo_trans (T: transitive deps) a b c :
  ppo a b
  ppo b c
  ppo a c.

Lemma ppo_weaken (T: transitive po) (INCL : inclusion deps po) a b :
  ppo a b
  po a b is_read (lab a) is_access (lab b).

Lemma ppo_fence_trans (T: transitive po) (INCL : inclusion deps po) a b c :
  ppo a b
  fence b c
  fence a c.

Lemma fence_trans (T: transitive po) a b c :
  fence a b
  fence b c
  fence a c.

Lemma fence_ppo_trans (T: transitive po) (INCL : inclusion deps po) a b c :
  fence a b
  ppo b c
  fence a c.

Lemma sync_trans (T: transitive po) a b c :
  sync a b
  sync b c
  sync a c.

Lemma prop_base_weak_trans a b c :
  prop_base_weak a b
  prop_base_weak b c
  prop_base_weak a c.

Lemma prop_base_trans a b c :
  prop_base a b
  prop_base b c
  prop_base a c.

Hint Resolve ppo_trans ppo_fence_trans fence_trans fence_ppo_trans : trans.
Hint Resolve sync_trans : trans.

A happens-before path starting from a read either stays in the same thread, or it must go through a write.

Lemma hb_RT :
   (T: transitive po)
    (INCL : inclusion deps po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y
    (P : clos_trans hb_power x y)
    (R : is_read (lab x)),
  po x y
  ( m : actid,
     clos_refl_trans hb_power x m po x m
     clos_refl_trans hb_power m y is_write (lab m)).

Lemma hb_weak_RT :
   (T: transitive po)
    (INCL : inclusion deps po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y
    (P : clos_trans hb_weak x y)
    (R : is_read (lab x)),
  po x y
  ( m : actid,
     clos_refl_trans hb_weak x m po x m
     clos_refl_trans hb_weak m y is_write (lab m)).

Lemma hb_weak_TW :
   (T: transitive po)
    (INCL : inclusion deps po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y
    (P : clos_refl_trans hb_weak x y)
    (R : is_write (lab y)),
  clos_refl po x y
  ( m : actid,
     clos_refl_trans hb_weak x m is_read (lab m)
     clos_refl_trans hb_weak m y po m y).

The observation condition is equivalent to the simplified one.

Proposition observation_condition_simplify :
   (T: transitive po)
    (INCL : inclusion deps po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
    (CcoT: transitive co)
    (ACYC: acyclic hb_power)
    (UNI: uniproc_condition),
  observation_condition observation_condition_simpl.

Lemma hb_from_read (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  hb_power x y is_read (lab x)
  po x y is_access (lab y).

Lemma is_accessE a : is_access a is_read a is_write a.

Lemma hbE (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  hb_power x y
  sync x y is_write (lab x) is_read (lab y) hb_weak x y.

Lemma rt_hbE (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  clos_refl_trans hb_power x y
   z, clos_refl_trans hb_weak x z
            (z = y sync z y is_write (lab z) is_read (lab y)).

Lemma t_hbE (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  clos_trans hb_power x y
  clos_trans hb_weak x y
   z, clos_refl_trans hb_weak x z sync z y
             is_write (lab z) is_read (lab y).

Lemma acyclic_hbE
      (T: transitive po)
      (IRR: irreflexive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  acyclic hb_power acyclic hb_weak.

Lemma sync_fence_weak_trans :
   (T: transitive po) a b c
         (S : sync a b)
         (F: fence_weak b c),
  sync a c is_write (lab a) is_read (lab c) fence_weak a c.

Lemma fence_weak_sync_trans :
   (T: transitive po) a b c
         (F: fence_weak a b)
         (S : sync b c),
  sync a c is_write (lab a) is_read (lab c) fence_weak a c.

Lemma fence_weak_sync_trans2 :
   (T: transitive po) a b c d
         (F: fence_weak a b)
         (PO: clos_refl po b c)
         (S : sync c d),
  sync a d is_write (lab a) is_read (lab d) fence_weak a d.

Lemma sync_trans2 (T: transitive po) a b c d :
  sync a b
  clos_refl po b c
  sync c d
  sync a d.

Lemma prop_baseE (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y :
  prop_base x y
  prop_base_weak x y sync x y is_write (lab x) is_read (lab y).

Lemma base_weak_sync_trans (T: transitive po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      a b c :
  prop_base_weak a b
  sync b c
  prop_base_weak a c
   sync a c is_write (lab a) is_read (lab c).

Lemma sync_expand (T: transitive po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      a b :
  sync a b
  fence_weak a b
   sync a b is_write (lab a) is_read (lab b).

Lemma prop_base_weak_hb_weak_trans a b c :
  prop_base_weak a b
  clos_refl_trans hb_weak b c
  prop_base_weak a c.

Lemma sync_hb_sync :
   (T: transitive po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      a b c d
      (S: sync a b)
      (C: clos_refl_trans hb_weak b c)
      (S': sync c d),
  prop_base_weak a c sync c d
  sync a b clos_refl_trans hb_weak b d
  sync a d is_write (lab a) is_read (lab d).

Lemma rt_prop_baseE (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y
      (P: clos_refl_trans prop_base x y) :
  clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak x y
    clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak x z
      sync z w clos_refl_trans hb_weak w y.

We prove that the two definitions of the propagation order are equivalent.

Lemma propE (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y :
  prop x y prop_weak x y.

As a result, we can further simplify the observation condition.

Lemma observation_condition_alternative :
   (T: transitive po)
    (INCL : inclusion deps po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
    (UNI: uniproc_condition),
  observation_condition_simpl observation_condition_alt.

Lemma sync_base_weak_trans (T: transitive po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      a b c :
  sync a b
  prop_base_weak b c
  is_read (lab b)
  prop_base_weak a c sync a c is_write (lab a) is_read (lab c).

Lemma sync_rt_base_weak_trans (T: transitive po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      a b c :
  sync a b
  clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak b c
  is_read (lab b)
  clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak a c
   sync a c is_write (lab a) is_read (lab c).

Lemma rt_base_weak_sync_trans (T: transitive po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      a b c :
  clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak a b
  sync b c
  is_write (lab b)
  clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak a c
   sync a c is_write (lab a) is_read (lab c).

Notation "P +++ Q" := (union P Q) (at level 50, left associativity).

Lemma propE2 (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  prop prop_weak.

Lemma propagation_simpl1
      (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  acyclic (co +++ prop)
  acyclic (co +++ restr_rel (fun xis_write (lab x)) prop_base_weak
              +++ (seq (seq (clos_refl fre) (clos_refl rfe))
                       (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                            (seq sync (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))))).

Lemma inclusion_base_weak_base :
  inclusion prop_base_weak prop_base.

Lemma prop_base_so_trans so :
  transitive (prop_base_so so).

Lemma inclusion_fence_so so : inclusion fence_weak (fence_so so).

Lemma inclusion_hb_so so : inclusion hb_weak (hb_so so).

Lemma inclusion_base_so so :
  inclusion prop_base_weak (prop_base_so so).

Lemma inclusion_fence_hb_so so : inclusion (fence_so so) (hb_so so).

Lemma inclusion_base_hb_so so :
  inclusion (prop_base_so so) (clos_trans (hb_so so)).

Hint Resolve inclusion_fence_so : inclusion.
Hint Resolve inclusion_hb_so : inclusion.
Hint Resolve inclusion_base_so : inclusion.
Hint Resolve inclusion_fence_hb_so : inclusion.
Hint Resolve inclusion_base_hb_so : inclusion.

Equivalence between the two models

Lemma so_sync_case_split :
   so (CsoF : is_total (fun a : actidlab a = Async) so)
            (T : transitive so)
            (IRR: irreflexive so)
         x y (S: union (so_step so) sync x y)
         z w (S': union (so_step so) sync z w),
  sync x w sync z y so_step so x w so_step so z y.

Lemma rfe_base_so_trans (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) so a b c:
  rfe a b
  prop_base_so so b c
  prop_base_so so a c.

Lemma rrfe_base_so_trans (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) so a b c:
  clos_refl rfe a b
  prop_base_so so b c
  prop_base_so so a c.

Lemma helper_so_irreflexive :
   (T: transitive po)
    (IRR: irreflexive po)
    (INCL: inclusion deps po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) so
    (CsoF : is_total (fun alab a = Async) so)
    (CsoT : transitive so)
    (CsoI : irreflexive so)
    (UNI: uniproc_condition)
    (NTA: acyclic (hb_so so))
    (OBS: x y, fre x y prop_base_so so y x False),
     (seq (seq (clos_refl fre) (clos_refl rfe))
        (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
           (seq (so_step so +++ sync) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))).

Lemma helper_so_transitive :
   (T: transitive po)
    (IRR: irreflexive po)
    (INCL: inclusion deps po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) so
    (CsoF : is_total (fun alab a = Async) so)
    (CsoT : transitive so)
    (CsoI : irreflexive so)
    (UNI: uniproc_condition)
    (NTA: acyclic (hb_so so))
    (OBS: x y, fre x y prop_base_so so y x False),
    (seq (seq (clos_refl fre) (clos_refl rfe))
         (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
              (seq (union (so_step so) sync) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))).

Lemma propagation_expand
      (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  acyclic (co +++ prop)
  acyclic (seq (seq (clos_refl fre) (clos_refl rfe))
               (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                    (seq sync (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))))
  acyclic (co +++ restr_rel (fun xis_write (lab x)) prop_base_weak
              +++ restr_rel (fun xis_write (lab x))
                   (seq (seq (clos_refl fre) (clos_refl rfe))
                        (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                             (seq sync (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))))).

Completeness of the model with a total order on syncs with respect to the default Power model.

Lemma SyncTotal_complete
      (INCL: inclusion deps po) so
      (C: ConsistentSyncTotal so) :

For the soundness direction, we use the following auxiliary definition.

Definition Trel :=
  restr_rel (fun xlab x = Async)
    (seq (seq po (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))
         (seq (clos_refl_trans (co +++ prop_weak))
              (seq (clos_refl chapo)
                   (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak) po)))).

Lemma helper_prop_alt_restr
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  restr_rel (fun x : actid¬ is_access (lab x))
    (seq (clos_refl chapo)
         (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                 (fun x y
                     s : actid, po x s po s y lab s = Async)
                 (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))))
  restr_rel (fun x : actid¬ is_access (lab x))
     (fun x y s, po x s po s y lab s = Async).

Lemma seqA2 X (r r' r'' : relation X) x y :
  seq (seq r r') r'' x y seq r (seq r' r'') x y.

Lemma helper1 :
    (T: transitive po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y
    (R : clos_trans
         (seq (clos_refl chapo)
              (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                      (fun x y : actid
                          s : actid, po x s po s y lab s = Async)
                      (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))) x y)
    (ACC : is_access (lab y)),
    (seq (clos_refl chapo)
         (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                 (fun x y : actid
                     s, po x s po s y lab s = Async
                               is_access (lab y))
                 (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))))
       (seq (clos_refl chapo)
            (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                 (seq sync (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))))) x y.

Lemma helper2 :
    (T: transitive po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y
    (R : clos_trans
         (seq (clos_refl chapo)
              (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                      (fun x y : actid
                          s : actid, po x s po s y lab s = Async)
                      (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))) x y)
    (ACC : is_access (lab x))
    (ACC : is_access (lab y)),
      (seq (clos_refl chapo)
           (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                 (seq sync (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))) x y.

Lemma acyclic_prop_alt
      (T: transitive po)
      (IRR: irreflexive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  acyclic (co +++ prop)
  acyclic (co +++ restr_rel (fun xis_write (lab x)) prop_base_weak
              +++ seq (clos_refl chapo)
              (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                   (seq (fun x y s, po x s po s y lab s = Async)
                        (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))).

Lemma inclusion_base_weak_hb2 :
  inclusion prop_base_weak (clos_trans hb_weak).

Lemma helper_prop_access
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) a b :
  seq (clos_refl chapo)
      (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
           (seq sync (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))) a b
  is_access (lab a) is_access (lab b).

Lemma coprop_access
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) a b :
  clos_trans (co +++ prop_weak) a b
  is_access (lab a) is_access (lab b).

From the propagation axiom, we get that Trel is acyclic.

Lemma acyclic_Trel
      (T: transitive po)
      (IRR: irreflexive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
      (H : acyclic (co +++ prop)) :
  acyclic Trel.

Lemma so_step_trans so
  (CsoF: is_total (fun alab a = Async) so)
  (CsoT: transitive so)
  (Cww: x y (SO : so_step so x y)
               (HB: clos_refl_trans hb_weak y x), False) a b
  (A: so_step so a b) c
  (B: clos_refl_trans hb_weak b c) d
  (C: so_step so c d) :
  so_step so a d.

Lemma rt_hb_soE so
  (CsoF: is_total (fun alab a = Async) so)
  (CsoT: transitive so)
  (Cww: x y (SO : so_step so x y)
               (HB: clos_refl_trans hb_weak y x), False) :
  clos_refl_trans (hb_so so)
  seq (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)
      (seq (clos_refl (so_step so)) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)).

Lemma t_hb_soE so
  (CsoF: is_total (fun alab a = Async) so)
  (CsoT: transitive so)
  (OTH: x y (SO : so_step so x y)
               (HB: clos_refl_trans hb_weak y x), False) :
  clos_trans (hb_so so)
  union (clos_trans hb_weak)
    (seq (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)
         (seq (so_step so) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))).

Lemma seq_union_l X (r1 r2 r : relation X) :
  seq (r1 +++ r2) r seq r1 r +++ seq r2 r.

Lemma seq_union_r X (r r1 r2 : relation X) :
  seq r (r1 +++ r2) seq r r1 +++ seq r r2.

Lemma seqA X (r1 r2 r3 : relation X) :
  seq (seq r1 r2) r3 seq r1 (seq r2 r3).

Lemma unionA X (r1 r2 r3 : relation X) :
  union (union r1 r2) r3 union r1 (union r2 r3).

Lemma unionC X (r1 r2 : relation X) :
  union r1 r2 union r2 r1.

Lemma base_soE so
  (CsoF: is_total (fun alab a = Async) so)
  (CsoT: transitive so)
  (OTH: x y (SO : so_step so x y)
               (HB: clos_refl_trans hb_weak y x), False) :
  prop_base_so so
    (seq (clos_refl rfe) (seq (so_step so) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))
    (seq prop_base_weak (seq (clos_refl (so_step so)) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))).

Lemma base_soE2 so
  (CsoF: is_total (fun alab a = Async) so)
  (CsoT: transitive so)
  (OTH: x y (SO : so_step so x y)
               (HB: clos_refl_trans hb_weak y x), False) :
  prop_base_so so
  union prop_base_weak
    (union (seq rfe (seq (so_step so) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))
      (seq (clos_refl prop_base_weak) (seq (so_step so) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))).

We define some further auxiliary definitions, which help us reason about paths involving sync edges.

Definition sync_ext_l x y := po x y is_access (lab x) lab y = Async.
Definition sync_ext_r x y := po x y lab x = Async is_access (lab y).
Definition sync_ext := union sync (union sync_ext_l sync_ext_r).

Definition fence_ext := union fence (union sync_ext_l sync_ext_r).

Definition hb_ext := union ppo (union fence_ext rfe).

Definition prop_base_ext :=
  (seq (clos_refl rfe) (seq fence_ext (clos_refl_trans hb_ext))).

Definition prop_ext :=
  union (restr_rel (fun xis_write (lab x)) prop_base_weak)
        (seq (clos_refl chapo)
             (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                  (seq sync_ext (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))).

Lemma prop_extE
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  prop_weak +++
  seq (clos_refl chapo) (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak) sync_ext_l) +++
  seq (sync_ext_r) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak).

We prove a few basic lemmas that allow us to perform equational reasoning.

Lemma seq_sync :
  seq sync_ext_l sync_ext_r sync.

Lemma seq_sync_ext_l :
  seq sync_ext_l sync_ext_l (fun _ _False).

Lemma seq_sync_ext_r :
  seq sync_ext_r sync_ext_r (fun _ _False).

Lemma seq_sync_ext_chapo
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  seq sync_ext_l (clos_refl chapo) sync_ext_l.

Lemma seq_sync_ext_base_star
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) :
  seq sync_ext_l (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak) sync_ext_l.

Lemma seq_hb_weak_star_sync_ext
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) :
  seq (clos_refl_trans hb_weak) sync_ext_r sync_ext_r.

Lemma coprop_extE
      (T: transitive po)
      (IRR: irreflexive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  acyclic (co +++ prop_ext)
  acyclic (co +++ prop_weak).

Lemma helper_restr1
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) r :
  restr_rel (fun x : actidlab x Async)
            (restr_rel (fun xlab x = Async) r +++ co +++ prop_ext)
  restr_rel (fun x : actidlab x Async)
            (co +++ prop_weak).

Lemma prop_ext_sync_r :
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y (L: lab y = Async),
  prop_ext x y
  seq (clos_refl chapo) (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak) sync_ext_l) x y.

Lemma prop_ext_sync_l :
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y (L: lab x = Async),
  prop_ext x y
  seq (sync_ext_r) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak) x y.

Lemma prop_ext_sync_both :
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y (L: lab x = Async) (L' : lab y = Async),
  prop_ext x y False.

We next prove that the soundness of the alternative model.

Lemma SyncTotal_sound
      (INCL: inclusion deps po) (C: ConsistentPower) :
   so, ConsistentSyncTotal so.

Putting the two directions together, we get that the two Power models are equivalent.

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