Require Import Vbase Relations ClassicalDescription ClassicalChoice.
Require Import List Permutation Sorting extralib.
Require Import c11 exps.
Require Import GpsSepAlg GpsModel GpsModelLemmas.
Require Import GpsGlobal GpsVisible GpsGlobalHelper.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import List Permutation Sorting extralib.
Require Import c11 exps.
Require Import GpsSepAlg GpsModel GpsModelLemmas.
Require Import GpsGlobal GpsVisible GpsGlobalHelper.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Lemma outgoing_ext_one acts L EE b r :
outgoing acts L EE b = res_emp →
outgoing acts (upd L (TsbS b) (L (TsbS b) +!+ r)) EE b = r.
unfold outgoing, out_sb, out_rf, out_esc; rupd.
rewrite !map_upd_irr; try (by intro; rewrite in_map_iff in *; desf).
rewrite !res_plusA, (res_plusAC r); intros ->; apply res_plus_emp_r.
Lemma rely_step :
∀ b acts (NIN: ¬ In b acts) amap sb rf mo sc L
(PC : prefix_closed sb rf acts) IE EE
(V : ∀ a (IN: In a acts), valid_node IE (b::acts) acts amap rf L EE a)
(CC: compat amap sb rf L)
(CO: conform (b::acts) amap mo L acts)
(ECO : ∀ sigma,
exch_conform IE (b::acts) amap sb rf
(upd L (TsbS b) (L (TsbS b) +!+ in_sb (b :: acts) L b))
(upd L (TsbS b) (L (TsbS b) +!+ in_sb (b :: acts) L b)) EE sigma)
(GAC: ghost_alloc_conform (b::acts)
(upd L (TsbS b) (L (TsbS b) +!+ in_sb (b :: acts) L b)) EE)
(CONS: Consistent (b::acts) amap sb rf mo sc)
(INrf: in_rf (b::acts) L b = res_emp)
(INesc: in_esc (b::acts) L b = res_emp)
(INsb: in_sb (b :: acts) L b ≠ Rundef)
(INsbOK: ∀ a, ¬ sb a b → L (Tsb a b) = res_emp)
(OUT : outgoing (b::acts) L EE b = res_emp)
(ND : NoDup (b ::acts))
(ND' : NoDup EE)
(LR : label_restr (b::acts) amap sb rf L EE),
∃ L',
<< V : ∀ a (IN: In a acts), valid_node IE (b::acts) (b::acts) amap rf L' EE a >> ∧
<< CC: compat amap sb rf L' >> ∧
<< CO: conform (b::acts) amap mo L' acts >> ∧
<< ECO : ∀ sigma, exch_conform IE (b::acts) amap sb rf
(upd L' (TsbS b) (L' (TsbS b) +!+ in_sb (b :: acts) L' b +!+ in_rf (b :: acts) L' b))
(upd L' (TsbS b) (L' (TsbS b) +!+ in_sb (b :: acts) L' b +!+ in_rf (b :: acts) L' b))
EE sigma >> ∧
<< GAC: ghost_alloc_conform (b::acts)
(upd L' (TsbS b)
(L' (TsbS b) +!+ in_sb (b :: acts) L' b
+!+ in_rf (b :: acts) L' b)) EE >> ∧
<< RELY: rely IE (in_sb (b::acts) L' b) (amap b)
(in_sb (b::acts) L' b +!+ in_rf (b::acts) L' b) >> ∧
<< INesc: in_esc (b::acts) L' b = res_emp >> ∧
<< OUT : outgoing (b::acts) L' EE b = res_emp >> ∧
<< Esb : ∀ a b, L' (Tsb a b) = L (Tsb a b) >> ∧
<< EsbS : ∀ a, L' (TsbS a) = L (TsbS a) >> ∧
<< LR : label_restr (b::acts) amap sb rf L' EE >>.
assert (PI: pres_in sb rf b acts). {
split; ins.
assert (X := SB); apply (proj1 CONS), proj1 in SB; ins; desf.
by exfalso; red in CONS; desf; edestruct ACYC; eauto using t_step.
red in CONS; desc; red in FIN; desc.
specialize (Crf b); desf; desf.
exploit (CLOlab a); destruct (amap a); ins; desf;
exfalso; edestruct ACYC; eauto using t_step.
unfold NW; case_eq (amap b); ins; desf.
∃ L; ins; rewrite INrf, res_plus_emp_r; repeat (split; eauto).
by ins; apply valid_node_ext_helper; try rewrite H; auto.
Case "Aalloc".
∃ L; ins; rewrite INrf, res_plus_emp_r; repeat (split; eauto).
by ins; apply valid_node_ext_helper; try rewrite H; auto.
destruct (classic (typ = RATna)) as [|Nna]; desf.
Case "Aload RATna".
∃ L; ins; rewrite INrf, res_plus_emp_r; repeat (split; eauto).
by ins; apply valid_node_ext_helper; try rewrite H; auto.
revert INsb; case_eq (in_sb (b :: acts) L b) as INsb; intros _.
left; repeat eexists; ins.
edestruct visible_na with (b:=b) (l:=l) (v:=v') as [b_rf ?]; eauto; desf.
by unfold incoming; rewrite INsb, INrf, INesc, !res_plus_emp_r; vauto.
assert (CONS':=CONS); red in CONS'; desc.
specialize (Crf b); desf; desf.
2: by edestruct Crf; eauto; instantiate; rewrite H.
rewrite H in *; ins; desf.
assert (X := Crf0); eapply is_write_weaken, OTH in X; ins.
2: by apply PI in Heq.
rewrite mhbE in *; desf; ins; [by destruct (amap b_rf); ins; desf|].
edestruct Cwr; try eapply Heq; try eapply X; try eapply Cmo; eauto.
by rewrite H; destruct (amap b_rf); ins; desf.
rewrite mhbE; intro FHB; desf; try rewrite H in *; desf.
pose proof (hb_in_acts2 CONS FHB); ins; desf.
by edestruct ACYC; eauto.
by destruct NIN; eauto using prefix_closed_hb.
destruct (classic (typ = RATrlx)) as [|Nrlx]; desf.
Case "Aload RATrlx".
∃ L; ins; rewrite INrf, res_plus_emp_r; repeat (split; eauto).
by ins; apply valid_node_ext_helper; try rewrite H; auto.
assert (ISACQ: is_acquire_rtyp typ) by (destruct typ; done).
Case "Aload ATat".
destruct (rf b) as [b_rf|] eqn: RF.
2: ∃ L; ins; rewrite INrf, res_plus_emp_r; repeat (split; eauto).
2: by ins; apply valid_node_ext_helper; try rewrite H; auto.
2: right; right; split; [by destruct typ|].
2: ∃ res_emp; rewrite res_strip_emp, res_plus_emp_r; split; eauto.
2: ins; exfalso.
2: edestruct visible_atomic with (b:=b) (l:=l) as [b_rf' ?]; eauto; desf.
2: eby unfold incoming; rewrite INrf, INesc, !res_plus_emp_r.
2: red in CONS; desc.
2: by specialize (Crf b); rewrite RF in *; eapply Crf; eauto; rewrite H.
assert (b_rf ≠ b) by (intro; desf; red in CONS; desc; edestruct ACYC; eauto using t_step).
assert (INrf': In b_rf acts) by (by apply PI in RF).
destruct (classic (¬ synchronizes_with amap rf b_rf b)) as [SW|SW]; [|apply NNPP in SW].
∃ L; ins; rewrite INrf, res_plus_emp_r; repeat (split; eauto).
by ins; apply valid_node_ext_helper; try rewrite H; auto.
right; right; split; [by destruct typ|].
∃ res_emp; rewrite res_strip_emp, res_plus_emp_r; split; eauto.
ins; exfalso.
edestruct visible_atomic with (b:=b) (l:=l) as [b_rf' ?]; eauto; desf.
eby unfold incoming; rewrite INrf, INesc, !res_plus_emp_r.
red in CONS; desc.
destruct SW; red; rewrite H; repeat split; try done.
destruct (classic (b_rf' = b_rf)); desf.
red in Cmo; desc.
specialize (Crf b); rewrite RF, H in *; ins; desf.
edestruct (Cmo1 _ b_rf' H3 b_rf) as [MO|MO]; ins; eauto.
2: by edestruct Cwr; eauto; instantiate;
rewrite H; ins; destruct (amap b_rf').
exploit (CO l0); try apply MO; eauto using pres_in_hb.
by (destruct (amap b_rf'); ins; desf).
rewrite H5; ins; desf; desf.
specialize (V _ INrf'); red in V; desf.
by destruct (amap b_rf); desf; ins; desf; desc; rewrite GUAR1 in ×.
∃ (upd L (Trf b_rf b) (res_strip (out_rf (b :: acts) L b_rf))); ins.
rewrite in_rf_upds; ins; eauto.
unfold in_sb, in_esc, outgoing, out_sb, out_esc; ins.
rewrite !map_upd_irr; try (by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf).
unfold in_rf; ins.
repeat first [rewrite upds | rewrite updo; [|by intro; desf]].
destruct (In_NoDup_Permutation _ INrf') as (? & P & ?); ins; desc; [by inv ND|].
assert (DEF: in_sb (b :: acts) L b +!+ out_rf (b :: acts) L b_rf ≠ Rundef).
destruct (classic (∃ c, rf c = Some b_rf ∧ is_rmw (amap c) ∧ is_acquire (amap c) ∧ In c acts)) as [N|N]; desf.
replace (in_sb (b :: acts) L b) with
(rsum (map L (map (Tsb^~ b) (filter (mydecf (sb^~ b)) acts)))).
intro; apply (CC (Trf b_rf c :: map (Tsb^~ b) (filter (mydecf (sb^~ b)) acts))).
constructor; ins; [by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf|].
by eapply nodup_map; ins; try solve [by apply nodup_filter; inv ND|congruence].
ins; desf; try rewrite in_map_iff in *; rewrite mhbE in *; desf; ins; desf;
try rewrite filter_In in *; desf;
try by red in CONS; desc; destruct (ACYC b_rf); eauto using clos_trans.
by unfold mydecf in *; desf;
eapply no_rf_rmw_overtaken with (a:=x0) (b:=b); eauto using hb_trans.
by unfold mydecf in *; desf;
eapply no_rf_rmw_overtaken with (a:=b0) (b:=b); eauto using hb_trans.
by unfold mydecf in *; desf; red in CONS; desc;
destruct (ACYC b0); eauto using clos_trans.
by simpl; specialize (V _ INrf'); red in V; desf; rewrite res_plusC, VrfM.
unfold in_sb; ins; rewrite INsbOK, res_plus_emp_l, rsum_map_map_filter; auto.
by intro; red in CONS; desf; edestruct ACYC; eauto using t_step.
{ intro; apply (CC (TrfS b_rf :: map (Tsb^~ b) acts)).
constructor; ins; [by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf|].
eapply nodup_map; ins; try solve [by inv ND|congruence].
ins; desf; rewrite in_map_iff, mhbE in *; desf; ins; desf.
by red in CONS; desc; destruct (ACYC b_rf); eauto using clos_trans.
by apply NIN; clear - PC IN0 HB; red in PC; desf; induction HB as [? ? [|[]]|]; eauto.
rewrite res_plusC in H2; revert H2; unfold in_sb; ins.
unfold outgoing, out_sb in OUT; rewrite !res_plusA, res_plusAC in OUT.
rewrite (rsum_eq_empD _ (proj1 (res_plus_eq_empD _ _ OUT)) (L (Tsb b b))), res_plus_emp_l in *; vauto.
by specialize (V _ INrf'); red in V; desf; rewrite <- VrfS in H2; ins; destruct N; eauto.
do 10 try split; eauto.
ins; apply valid_node_ext_helper; try rewrite H; auto.
ins; assert (NEQ: a ≠ b) by congruence.
specialize (V _ IN).
unfold valid_node in *; ins; desf.
eexists r; ins.
rewrite !replace_out_rf; ins.
unfold incoming, out_esc, out_sb, in_sb, in_rf, in_esc in *; ins.
rewrite !map_upd_irr; try (by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf).
unfold NW.
rewrite !updo; try (by intro X; desf); repeat split; ins.
by rewrite updo; eauto; intro; desf; rewrite H in ×.
eapply rsum_eq_empD in INrf; eauto.
by apply in_map, in_map_iff; eauto using in_cons.
red; ins.
destruct (classic (In (Trf b_rf b) E)) as [Z|]; [|by rewrite map_upd_irr; eauto].
intro K.
exploit (CC (undup (TrfS b_rf :: E))); try done; intros.
by rewrite ?in_undup_iff in *; ins; desf; eauto.
specialize (V _ INrf'); red in V; desf.
rewrite <- VrfS', replace_edge_emp in K; try apply helper2; ins.
eapply rsum_eq_empD in INrf; eauto.
by apply in_map, in_map_iff; eauto using in_cons.
red; ins; exploit CO; try eapply MO; eauto.
by rewrite !replace_out_rf; ins; try congruence;
try (by eapply (rsum_eq_empD _ INrf), in_map, in_map_iff; eauto using in_cons).
assert (IS_EMP: L (Trf b_rf b) = res_emp).
eapply rsum_eq_empD in INrf; eauto.
by apply in_map, in_map_iff; eexists; vauto.
change (L (Tsb b b) +!+ rsum (map L (map (Tsb^~ b) acts)))
with (in_sb (b :: acts) L b).
ins; rewrite updC; ins; eapply exch_conform_irr1; ins; eauto.
rewrite updC with (l' := Trf b_rf b); ins.
rewrite <- res_plusA.
specialize (V _ INrf'); red in V; desc.
pattern L at 5; rewrite <- (updI L (TrfS b_rf)).
eapply exch_conform_upd3; ins; eauto.
2: by rewrite IS_EMP, res_plus_emp_l.
2: by rewrite IS_EMP, res_plus_emp_l, res_plus_emp_r,
<- VrfS', res_plus_strip_idemp.
2: by rewrite outgoing_upd_in, OUT, res_plus_emp_l; ins;
apply res_plus_strip_def.
2: by rewrite outgoing_upd_in, OUT, res_plus_emp_l in M2;
unfold incoming in M1; rewrite INrf, INesc, !res_plus_emp_r in M1.
red; ins.
unfold upd in ESC; desf; desf.
apply res_escr_plusE in ESC; desf.
× by destruct (ECO sigma (TsbS b)) as [a Z]; ins; rupd; ins; desc;
∃ a; revert Z; rupd; desf; eauto.
× rewrite <- VrfS', res_escr_strip in ESC.
destruct (ECO sigma (TrfS b_rf)) as [a Z]; ins; rupd; desc.
∃ a; revert Z; rupd; desf; eauto.
by split; ins; left; eapply mhb_trans; eauto; apply rt_step; eauto.
× by destruct (ECO sigma edge) as [a Z]; ins; rupd; desc;
∃ a; revert Z; rupd.
change (L (Tsb b b) +!+ rsum (map L (map (Tsb^~ b) acts)))
with (in_sb (b :: acts) L b).
assert (EQ: L (Trf b_rf b) = res_emp).
by apply (rsum_eq_empD _ INrf), in_map, in_map_iff; eauto using in_cons.
rewrite <- (updI L (TrfS b_rf)) at 1.
eapply ghostalloc_upd3; eauto; ins; try rewrite EQ, res_plus_emp_l; eauto.
rewrite res_plus_emp_r; specialize (V _ INrf'); red in V; desc.
by rewrite <- VrfS', res_plus_strip_idemp.
by rewrite res_plusA.
by rewrite outgoing_upd_in, OUT, res_plus_emp_l; ins; apply res_plus_strip_def.
right; right; split; try done; ∃ (out_rf (b :: acts) L b_rf); ins.
change (L (Tsb b b) +!+ rsum (map L (map (Tsb^~ b) acts)))
with (in_sb (b :: acts) L b).
ins; desf.
split; ins.
edestruct visible_atomic with (b:=b) (l:=l) as [b_rf' ?]; eauto; desf.
by unfold incoming; rewrite INrf, INesc, !res_plus_emp_r; eauto.
red; unfold NW.
destruct (classic (b_rf' = b_rf)); desf.
rewrite H2, H6; repeat (first [∃ eq_refl | eexists]; try edone).
specialize (V _ INrf'); red in V; desf.
assert (is_writeLV (amap b_rf) l v).
clear - RF CONS H; red in CONS; desc.
by specialize (Crf b); rewrite RF, H in *; ins; desf.
by destruct (amap b_rf); ins; desf;
desc; (try by rewrite GUAR0 in *; ins);
eauto using aguar_interp_prot.
red in CONS; desc; red in Cmo; desc.
specialize (Crf b); rewrite RF, H in *; ins; desf.
edestruct (Cmo1 _ b_rf' H4 b_rf) as [MO|MO]; ins; eauto.
2: by edestruct Cwr; eauto; instantiate;
rewrite H; ins; destruct (amap b_rf').
exploit (CO l0); try apply MO; eauto using pres_in_hb.
by (destruct (amap b_rf'); ins; desf).
rewrite H2, H6; ins.
destruct (out_rf (b :: acts) L b_rf) eqn: Y; ins; destruct (pmap l0) eqn: Y'; ins; desf.
repeat (eexists; eauto using slist_lt_trans).
specialize (V _ INrf'); red in V; desf.
destruct (amap b_rf); ins; desf; rewrite Y in *;
desc; eauto using aguar_interp_prot.
by unfold res_emp in *; desf.
by unfold res_emp in *; desf.
by eauto using res_plus_strip_def.
by unfold out_rf; rewrite map_upd_irr, updo; ins; rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf.
by ins; rewrite updo.
by ins; rewrite updo.
destruct (classic (typ = WATna)) as [|Nna]; desf.
Case "Astore WATna".
∃ L; ins; rewrite INrf, res_plus_emp_r; repeat (split; eauto); try done.
by ins; apply valid_node_ext_helper; try rewrite H; auto.
destruct (classic (typ = WATrlx)) as [|Nrlx]; desf.
Case "Astore WATrlx".
∃ L; ins; rewrite INrf, res_plus_emp_r; repeat (split; eauto); try done.
by ins; apply valid_node_ext_helper; try rewrite H; auto.
assert (ISREL: is_release_wtyp typ) by (destruct typ; done).
Case "Astore ATat".
∃ L; ins; rewrite INrf, res_plus_emp_r; repeat (split; eauto).
by ins; apply valid_node_ext_helper; try rewrite H; auto.
exploit exists_immediate_helper; eauto.
eby unfold incoming; rewrite INrf, INesc, !res_plus_emp_r.
by rewrite H.
intro Z; desf.
desf; generalize (V _ INa); intro V'; red in V'; desf.
assert (NEQ: a ≠ b) by congruence.
assert (DEF: in_sb (b :: acts) L b +!+ L (TrfS a) ≠ Rundef).
by eapply helper_plus_insb_rfS_def; eauto.
assert (K := res_plus_get1 _ _ l DEF).
unfold env_move, NW.
assert (AG: ∃ v0, atomic_guar IE r l v0 (out_sb (b :: acts) L a)
(out_rf (b :: acts) L a)).
by red in GUAR; desf; desf; ins; desf; vauto.
desf; generalize AG; red in AG; desc; intros; clear AG1.
eexists _, (out_rf (b :: acts) L a); revert DEF K; rewrite H0, Grf in *;
rewrite VrfS, Grf; try done; eauto using no_rmw_between.
ins; desf; eexists _,_; repeat split; eauto using aguar_interp_prot.
∃ eq_refl; simpl.
edestruct visible_atomic with (b:=b) (l:=l) as [c ?]; eauto; desf.
eby unfold incoming; rewrite INrf, INesc, !res_plus_emp_r.
destruct (eqP c a); [by subst; rewrite Grf in *; desf|].
assert (In c acts).
red in CONS; desf; ins; exploit (proj1 FIN c); ins; desf;
[by destruct (amap c)|by exfalso; eauto].
assert (MOca: mo c a).
red in CONS; desc; red in Cmo; desc.
edestruct (Cmo1 l); try eapply n; ins.
exfalso; eapply MO; try edone; eapply Cmo3; eauto.
by rewrite H.
eapply (CO l) in MOca; eauto.
by red in MOca; desf; desf; rewrite <- eq_rect_eq in *; eauto using slist_lt_trans.
by destruct (amap c); ins; desf.
Case "Armw".
destruct (rf b) as [b_rf|] eqn: RF.
2: ∃ L; ins; rewrite INrf, res_plus_emp_r; repeat (split; eauto).
2: by ins; apply valid_node_ext_helper2; try congruence; auto.
2: ∃ res_emp; rewrite res_plus_emp_r; split; eauto.
2: ins; exfalso.
2: edestruct visible_atomic with (b:=b) (l:=l) as [b_rf' ?]; eauto; desf.
2: eby unfold incoming; rewrite INrf, INesc, !res_plus_emp_r.
2: red in CONS; desc.
2: by specialize (Crf b); rewrite RF in *; eapply Crf; eauto; rewrite H.
assert (b_rf ≠ b) by (intro; desf; red in CONS; desc; edestruct ACYC; eauto using t_step).
assert (INrf': In b_rf acts) by (by apply PI in RF).
destruct (classic (¬ synchronizes_with amap rf b_rf b)) as [SW|SW]; [|apply NNPP in SW].
∃ L; ins; rewrite INrf, res_plus_emp_r; repeat (split; eauto).
destruct (eqP a b_rf); desf;
[|by apply valid_node_ext_helper2; try congruence; auto].
specialize (V _ IN); red in V; red; unfold NW; desf.
∃ r; repeat (split; try done); ins; desf; eauto.
unfold synchronizes_with in SW.
rewrite H in *; ins.
red in CONS; desc.
specialize (Crf c); rewrite RF0 in *; desf.
apply not_and_or in SW; desf.
destruct (amap b_rf); ins; desf; desf; ins; desc; try (by destruct SW);
by rewrite GUAR1; apply (rsum_eq_empD _ INrf), in_map, in_map_iff; eauto using in_cons.
∃ res_emp; rewrite res_plus_emp_r; split; eauto.
ins; exfalso.
edestruct visible_atomic with (b:=b) (l:=l) as [b_rf' ?]; eauto; desf.
eby unfold incoming; rewrite INrf, INesc, !res_plus_emp_r.
red in CONS; desc.
destruct SW; red; rewrite H; repeat split; try done.
destruct (classic (b_rf' = b_rf)); desf.
red in Cmo; desc.
specialize (Crf b); rewrite RF, H in *; ins; desf.
edestruct (Cmo1 _ b_rf' H3 b_rf) as [MO|MO]; ins; eauto.
2: by edestruct Cwr; eauto; instantiate;
rewrite H; ins; destruct (amap b_rf').
exploit (CO l0); try apply MO; eauto using pres_in_hb.
by (destruct (amap b_rf'); ins; desf).
rewrite H5; ins; desf; desf.
specialize (V _ INrf'); red in V; desf.
by destruct (amap b_rf); desf; ins; desf; desc; rewrite GUAR1 in ×.
assert (DEF: in_sb (b :: acts) L b +!+ L (TrfS b_rf) ≠ Rundef). {
replace (in_sb (b :: acts) L b) with
(rsum (map L (map (Tsb^~ b) (filter (mydecf (sb^~ b)) acts)))).
unfold in_sb; rewrite res_plusC.
intro; eapply (CC (TrfS b_rf :: map (Tsb^~ b) (filter (mydecf (sb^~ b)) acts))).
constructor; [by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf|].
by eapply nodup_map; try eapply nodup_filter; ins; try solve [by inv ND|congruence].
by ins; desf; ins; try rewrite in_map_iff, mhbE in *; desf; ins; desf;
try rewrite filter_In in *; desf; eauto using prefix_closed_hb.
by ins; rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf.
unfold in_sb; ins; rewrite INsbOK, res_plus_emp_l, rsum_map_map_filter; auto.
by intro; red in CONS; desc; edestruct ACYC; eauto using t_step.
assert (LrfS: L (TrfS b_rf) = out_rf (b :: acts) L b_rf).
specialize (V _ INrf'); red in V; desf.
eapply VrfS; ins.
assert (b = c) by (by eapply no_rf_rmw_double; eauto; instantiate; try rewrite H).
∃ (upd (upd L (TrfS b_rf) (res_strip (out_rf (b :: acts) L b_rf)))
(Trf b_rf b) (out_rf (b :: acts) L b_rf)).
unfold outgoing, incoming, in_sb, in_esc, out_sb, out_esc; rupd.
rewrite !map_upd_irr; try (by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf).
rewrite replace_out_rf2; ins; vauto.
rewrite in_rf_upds; ins; eauto.
2: by unfold in_rf; rewrite !map_upd_irr;
try (by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf).
intros; specialize (V _ IN); red in V; desf.
∃ r; unfold NW.
rewrite replace_out_rf2; ins; vauto.
unfold outgoing, incoming, in_sb, in_rf, in_esc, out_sb, out_esc.
rewrite !map_upd_irr; try (by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf).
repeat (split; auto; try by rupd).
ins; desf; rupd; eauto; congruence.
ins; desf; rupd; eauto; intro; desf; eauto.
by red in SW; desc; eapply (H1 b); eauto; rewrite H; ins.
destruct (eqP a b_rf); desf; rupd; auto using res_strip_idemp; congruence.
apply compat_upd2; ins; rewrite LrfS, <- ?res_plusA, ?res_plus_strip_l; vauto.
by eexists; apply res_plus_strip_l.
by red; ins; rewrite !replace_out_rf2; ins; eauto.
split. {
assert (IS_EMP: L (Trf b_rf b) = res_emp).
eapply rsum_eq_empD in INrf; eauto.
by apply in_map, in_map_iff; eexists; vauto.
change (L (Tsb b b) +!+ rsum (map L (map (Tsb^~ b) acts))) with (in_sb (b :: acts) L b).
ins; rewrite updC; ins; eapply exch_conform_irr1; ins; eauto.
rewrite updC with (l' := Trf b_rf b); ins.
rewrite <- res_plusA.
eapply exch_conform_upd3; ins; eauto.
2: by rewrite IS_EMP, res_plus_emp_l.
2: by rewrite res_plusC, res_plusA, res_plus_strip_idemp, res_plusC, LrfS.
2: by rewrite outgoing_upd_in, OUT, res_plus_emp_l; ins; congruence.
2: by rewrite outgoing_upd_in, OUT, res_plus_emp_l in M2;
unfold incoming in M1; rewrite INrf, INesc, !res_plus_emp_r in M1.
red; ins.
unfold upd in ESC; desf; desf.
apply res_escr_plusE in ESC; desf.
× by destruct (ECO sigma (TsbS b)) as [a Z]; ins; rupd; ins; desc;
∃ a; revert Z; rupd; desf; eauto.
× rewrite <- LrfS in ESC.
destruct (ECO sigma (TrfS b_rf)) as [a Z]; ins; rupd; desc;
∃ a; revert Z; rupd; desf; eauto.
by split; ins; left; eapply mhb_trans; eauto; apply rt_step; eauto.
× rewrite <- LrfS, res_escr_strip in ESC.
by destruct (ECO sigma (TrfS b_rf)) as [a Z]; ins; rupd; desc;
∃ a; revert Z; rupd.
× by destruct (ECO sigma edge) as [a Z]; ins; rupd; desc;
∃ a; revert Z; rupd.
change (L (Tsb b b) +!+ rsum (map L (map (Tsb^~ b) acts)))
with (in_sb (b :: acts) L b).
assert (EQ: L (Trf b_rf b) = res_emp).
by apply (rsum_eq_empD _ INrf), in_map, in_map_iff; eauto using in_cons.
eapply ghostalloc_upd3; eauto; ins; try rewrite EQ, res_plus_emp_l; eauto.
by rewrite res_plus_emp_r, res_plus_strip_l.
by rewrite res_plusA.
by rewrite outgoing_upd_in, OUT, res_plus_emp_l; ins; congruence.
∃ (out_rf (b :: acts) L b_rf); repeat (split; ins).
assert (is_writeLV (amap b_rf) l v).
clear - H CONS RF; red in CONS; desc.
by specialize (Crf b); rewrite RF in Crf; desf; rewrite H in *; ins; desf.
rewrite LrfS in ×.
edestruct visible_atomic with (b:=b) (l:=l) as [b_rf' ?]; eauto; desf.
eby unfold incoming; rewrite INrf, INesc, !res_plus_emp_r.
specialize (V _ INrf'); red in V; desf.
generalize (proj1 (proj2 SW)).
red; unfold NW.
destruct (eqP b_rf' b_rf); desf.
rewrite H1, H6.
repeat (first [∃ eq_refl | eexists]; ins).
generalize (proj1 (proj2 SW)).
destruct (amap b_rf); ins; desf; desc; eauto using aguar_interp_prot.
red in CONS; desc; red in Cmo; desc.
eapply Cmo1 in n; eauto; desf.
eapply CO in n; eauto using pres_in_hb.
rewrite H6 in *; ins; desf; desf.
rewrite H1.
eexists _, _; repeat (first [split | ∃ eq_refl]; ins);
eauto using slist_lt_trans.
destruct (amap b_rf); ins; desf; desc; eauto using aguar_interp_prot.
by destruct (amap b_rf'); ins; desf.
eapply (Cwr _ _ H3) in n; ins.
by destruct (amap b_rf'); try done; destruct (amap b); ins; desf.
by rewrite <- LrfS.
repeat (split; eauto using in_cons); ins; rupd.
Lemma rely_compat_post :
∀ b acts amap sb rf
(LAST: ∀ x, ¬ happens_before amap sb rf b x) L EE
(LR : label_restr (b::acts) amap sb rf L EE)
(CC: compat amap sb rf L)
(ND : NoDup (b::acts))
(OUT : outgoing (b::acts) L EE b = res_emp),
compat amap sb rf
(upd L (TsbS b)
(L (TsbS b) +!+ in_sb (b::acts) L b +!+ in_rf (b::acts) L b)).
red; ins; destruct (classic (In (TsbS b) E)).
2: by rewrite map_upd_irr; eauto.
eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in H; desf.
rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ H)); simpl; rupd.
rewrite !map_upd_irr; try done.
assert (NoDup l') by (eapply Permutation_nodup in H; eauto; inv H).
intro; apply (CC (map (Tsb^~ b) (filter (mydecf (sb^~ b)) acts) ++
map (Trf^~ b) (filter (mydecf (synchronizes_with amap rf ^~ b)) acts) ++
filter (mydecf (fun te ⇒ (te_src te) ≠ b ∧ te_tgt te ≠ Some b
)) l')).
repeat rewrite nodup_app; repeat split; unfold disjoint; try done;
try apply nodup_map; try apply nodup_filter; ins; try congruence;
rewrite ?in_app_iff, ?in_map_iff, ?filter_In in *; unfold mydecf in *;
desf; ins; desf; try tauto;
try by inv ND.
inv ND.
intros; rewrite !in_app_iff, !in_map_iff, !filter_In in *; desf; ins; desf; eauto;
rewrite ?filter_In in *; desf; unfold mydecf in *; desf; desf;
try (eby edestruct LAST; eauto);
try (solve [rewrite mhbE in *; desf; eby edestruct LAST; eauto]);
try (rewrite mhbE in *; desf; try (eby edestruct LAST; eauto); []);
try (solve [match goal with H : Permutation E (?x :: _) |- _ ⇒
eapply IND with (te := x); try edone;
eauto using Permutation_in, Permutation_sym, in_eq, in_cons;
eapply mhb_trans; vauto
eapply IND in HB; try edone;
eauto using Permutation_in, Permutation_sym, in_eq, in_cons.
inv ND; rewrite !map_app, !rsum_app.
apply res_plus_eq_empD in OUT; desc.
apply res_plus_eq_empD in OUT0; desc.
apply res_plus_eq_empD in OUT1; desc.
apply res_plus_eq_empD in OUT; desc; rewrite OUT, res_plus_emp_l in ×.
apply res_plus_eq_empD in OUT0; desc.
rewrite <- H2, res_plusA; unfold in_sb, in_rf; ins.
rewrite (proj1 (res_plus_eq_empD _ _ OUT3)), res_plus_emp_l.
rewrite (proj1 (res_plus_eq_empD _ _ OUT4)), res_plus_emp_l.
f_equal; [|f_equal]; try apply rsum_map_map_filter;
try apply rsum_map_filter; ins; try eby apply LR.
apply not_and_or in H4; desf.
apply NNPP; intro M; destruct H4; intro; desf; destruct M, x; ins;
try by apply LR; ins; intro; edestruct LAST; eauto.
destruct (classic (In sigma EE)); [|by apply LR; vauto].
by eapply rsum_eq_empD, in_map, in_map_iff; eauto.
destruct x; try (destruct (classic (In sigma EE)); [|by apply LR; vauto]);
apply LR; ins; try intro; desf; destruct H4; vauto;
try intro; desf; try (by edestruct LAST; eauto);
try match goal with
H : Permutation _ (?x :: _), H' : In ?y _ |- _ ⇒
by eapply IND with (te := x) (te' := y); try edone;
eauto using Permutation_in, Permutation_sym, in_eq, in_cons; vauto
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