Require Import Omega.
Require Import Vbase Arith Relations ClassicalDescription ClassicalChoice.
Require Import List Permutation Sorting extralib.
Require Import c11 exps.
Require Import GpsFraction GpsSepAlg GpsModel GpsModelLemmas GpsGlobal.
Remove Hints plus_n_O mult_n_O.
Hint Immediate plus_n_O mult_n_O.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Vbase Arith Relations ClassicalDescription ClassicalChoice.
Require Import List Permutation Sorting extralib.
Require Import c11 exps.
Require Import GpsFraction GpsSepAlg GpsModel GpsModelLemmas GpsGlobal.
Remove Hints plus_n_O mult_n_O.
Hint Immediate plus_n_O mult_n_O.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Definition is_pred A (rel : A → A → Prop) B a :=
∃ b, In b B ∧ clos_refl_trans A rel a b.
Definition depth_metric A (rel: A → A → Prop) V acts :=
length (filter (mydecf (is_pred rel acts)) V).
Lemma clos_refl_transD T rel a b :
clos_refl_trans T rel a b → a = b ∨ clos_trans T rel a b.
Proof. induction 1; desf; eauto using clos_trans. Qed.
Lemma clos_trans_hbE :
∀ lab sb rf a b (HB: clos_trans actid (happens_before lab sb rf) a b),
happens_before lab sb rf a b.
Proof. induction 1; vauto. Qed.
Lemma length_filter_imp :
∀ A (f g : A → Prop) (IMP : ∀ x, f x → g x) l,
length (filter (mydecf f) l) ≤
length (filter (mydecf g) l).
unfold mydecf; induction l; ins; desf; ins; eauto; try omega.
destruct n; eauto.
Lemma depth_lt (rel : relation actid) V A B
(HB : ∀ a, In a A → ¬ In a B →
∃ b, In b B ∧ rel a b)
b (IN : In b B) (NIN: ¬ In b A)
(NHB: ∀ a, In a A → ¬ clos_trans _ rel b a)
(SUB: ∀ b, In b B → In b V) :
depth_metric rel V A < depth_metric rel V B.
unfold depth_metric; ins.
assert (IMP: ∀ x, is_pred rel A x → is_pred rel B x).
clear -HB; unfold is_pred, mydecf; ins; desf.
destruct (classic (In b B)); eauto.
by exploit HB; eauto; ins; desf; eauto using clos_refl_trans.
assert (P1: is_pred rel B b).
by unfold is_pred; desf; eauto using clos_refl_trans.
assert (P2: ¬ is_pred rel A b).
clear -NHB NIN; unfold is_pred; intro; desf.
by apply clos_refl_transD in H0; unfold not in *; desf; eauto.
assert (IN' : In b V) by eauto.
eapply In_split in IN'; desf; rewrite !filter_app, !app_length; ins.
unfold mydecf at 2 6; desf; ins.
generalize (length_filter_imp _ _ IMP l1), (length_filter_imp _ _ IMP l2).
ins; omega.
A useful induction principle for happens-before graphs.
Lemma edge_depth_ind lab sb rf V
(IRR : irreflexive (happens_before lab sb rf) )
(HC: prefix_closed sb rf V) (P : tagged_edge → Prop) :
(∀ edge
(IH: ∀ edge'
(LT: happens_before lab sb rf (te_src edge') (te_src edge)),
P edge')
(IN : In (te_src edge) V),
P edge) →
∀ edge, In (te_src edge) V → P edge.
intros until edge.
generalize (S (depth_metric (happens_before lab sb rf) V (te_src edge :: nil))),
(lt_n_Sn (depth_metric (happens_before lab sb rf) V (te_src edge :: nil))).
intro n'.
revert edge; induction n'; ins; try omega.
eapply H; ins; eapply IHn'; ins; eauto using prefix_closed_hb.
eapply lt_le_trans, lt_n_Sm_le, H0.
eapply depth_lt; ins; desf; eauto; instantiate;
intro; desf; [rewrite H2 in *|]; eauto using t_step, t_trans, clos_trans_hbE.
Lemma res_get_plus_alloc r r' l :
res_get (res_plus r r') l ≠ p_bot →
res_get r l ≠ p_bot ∨ res_get r' l ≠ p_bot.
destruct r; ins; desf; ins; inv_lplus l; unfold prot_plus in *; desf; vauto.
right; congruence.
Lemma res_get_rsum_alloc rl l :
res_get (rsum rl) l ≠ p_bot →
∃ r, In r rl ∧ res_get r l ≠ p_bot.
induction rl; ins; eapply res_get_plus_alloc in H; desf; eauto.
specialize (IHrl H); desf; eauto.
Lemma incoming_allocated :
∀ acts L b l (IN: res_get (incoming acts L b) l ≠ p_bot),
∃ te, te_tgt te = Some b ∧ res_get (L te) l ≠ p_bot.
ins; repeat first [apply res_get_plus_alloc in IN; desf|
apply res_get_rsum_alloc in IN; desf];
repeat (rewrite in_map_iff in *; desf); eexists; split; eauto; ins.
Lemma res_get_plus_bot r r' (D: res_plus r r' ≠ Rundef) l :
res_get (res_plus r r') l = p_bot ↔ res_get r l = p_bot ∧ res_get r' l = p_bot.
split; ins; desf.
2: by apply NNPP; intro X; apply res_get_plus_alloc in X; desf.
destruct r, r'; ins; desf; ins; inv_lplus l; unfold prot_plus in *;
desf; split; congruence.
Lemma res_get_rsum_bot rl (D: rsum rl ≠ Rundef) l :
res_get (rsum rl) l = p_bot ↔ ∀ r, In r rl → res_get r l = p_bot.
induction rl; ins.
rewrite res_get_plus_bot, IHrl; ins.
2: by destruct a; ins; desf.
clear; intuition; desf.
Lemma guar_allocated :
∀ IE r_pre r act r_sb r_rf
(GUAR : guar IE r_pre r act r_sb r_rf) l
(GET: res_get r l = p_bot)
(NA: ¬ ∃ l' n, act = Aalloc l' n ∧ l' ≤ l ≤ l' + n),
r_sb +!+ r_rf ≠ Rundef ∧
res_get r_sb l = p_bot ∧
res_get r_rf l = p_bot.
destruct act; ins; desf; desf; ins; rewrite ?res_plus_emp_r; try done.
by destruct r; ins; repeat split; try done; desf; desf; destruct NA;
eauto 10.
by repeat split; try done; intro X; rewrite X in *; ins.
by repeat split; try done; intro X; rewrite X in *; ins.
repeat split; try done; try (by destruct r).
unfold res_upd; desf; ins; case eqnP; ins; desf; congruence.
repeat split; try done; try (by destruct r).
unfold res_upd; desf; ins; case eqnP; ins; desf; congruence.
unfold atomic_guar in *; desf; destruct (eqP l0 l); desf; try congruence;
by split; try eapply res_get_plus_bot; ins; rewrite REQ;
destruct r; ins; desf; desf.
unfold atomic_guar in *; desf; destruct (eqP l0 l); desf; try congruence;
by split; try eapply res_get_plus_bot; ins; rewrite REQ;
destruct r; ins; desf; desf.
Lemma outgoing_allocated :
∀ IE acts M amap rf L E edge
(V: valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E (te_src edge)) l
(G: res_get (L edge) l ≠ p_bot)
(IN: ∀ b, te_tgt edge = Some b → In b acts)
(IN': ∀ sigma a, edge = TescS sigma a → In sigma E)
(NA: ¬ ∃ l' n, amap (te_src edge) = Aalloc l' n ∧ l' ≤ l ≤ l' + n),
res_get (incoming acts L (te_src edge)) l ≠ p_bot.
ins; red in V; desf.
cut (res_get (r +!+ out_esc acts L E (te_src edge)) l ≠ p_bot).
by clear - VG; red in VG; desf; rewrite VG, VG0.
clear - GUAR VG G NA IN IN'.
red in VG; desf.
intro X; unfold out_esc in *; rewrite !res_get_plus_bot, res_get_rsum_bot in *;
desf; try (by intro M; rewrite M, ?res_plus_undef in *).
eapply guar_allocated in GUAR; desf; eauto.
unfold out_rf, out_sb in *; rewrite !res_get_plus_bot, res_get_rsum_bot in *;
desf; try (by intro M; rewrite M, ?res_plus_undef in *).
destruct edge; ins; destruct G; eauto using in_map.
eapply X0, in_map, in_map_iff; eauto.
Lemma nemp_of_get_at r l tau S : res_get r l = p_at tau S → r ≠ res_emp.
red; ins; desf.
Lemma nemp_of_get_nbot r l : res_get r l ≠ p_bot → r ≠ res_emp.
red; ins; desf.
Hint Resolve nemp_of_get_at nemp_of_get_nbot.
Lemma prefix_closed_pres_in sb rf N a :
prefix_closed sb rf N →
In a N →
pres_in sb rf a N.
unfold prefix_closed, pres_in; ins; desf; eauto.
Lemma hb_one :
∀ acts amap sb rf L E
(LR : label_restr acts amap sb rf L E) te b,
te_tgt te = Some b →
L te ≠ res_emp →
happens_before amap sb rf (te_src te) b.
ins; apply NNPP; intro; destruct te, H0; ins; desf;
apply LR; intro; destruct H1; eauto.
Lemma lab_src_in_acts :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc L E
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(LR : label_restr acts amap sb rf L E) te
(G : L te ≠ res_emp),
In (te_src te) acts.
ins; apply NNPP; intro X.
assert (Y: L te = res_emp); [|by rewrite Y in *].
destruct te; ins; eapply LR; eauto; intro HB;
destruct X; eapply proj1, Consistent_hb_in; eauto.
Lemma lab_tgt_in_acts :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc L E
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(LR : label_restr acts amap sb rf L E) te
(G : L te ≠ res_emp) b
(T : te_tgt te = Some b),
In b acts.
ins; apply NNPP; intro X.
assert (Y: L te = res_emp); [|by rewrite Y in *].
destruct te; ins; eapply LR; eauto; intro HB; desf;
destruct X; eapply proj2, Consistent_hb_in; eauto.
Lemma visible_allocation_one :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc) L E
(LR: label_restr acts amap sb rf L E) N M IE
(V : ∀ a (IN: In a N), valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E a)
(PC: prefix_closed sb rf N) te l
(G: res_get (L te) l ≠ p_bot) (X: In (te_src te) N),
∃ a l' n, may_happens_before amap sb rf a (te_src te) ∧
amap a = Aalloc l' n ∧
l' ≤ l ≤ l' + n.
intros; revert G; pattern te.
eapply edge_depth_ind with (lab:=amap) (V:=N); eauto.
by red in CONS; desc; intros ? ?; edestruct ACYC; eauto.
clear te X; ins.
destruct (classic (∃ l' n, amap (te_src edge) = Aalloc l' n ∧ l' ≤ l ≤ l' + n)).
desf; repeat eexists; eauto; apply mhbE; eauto.
assert (K:=G).
eapply outgoing_allocated, incoming_allocated in K; eauto using lab_tgt_in_acts; desf.
exploit IH; try eexact K0; ins; desf; eauto; eauto using hb_one.
by repeat eexists; eauto; eapply mhb_trans, mhbE; eauto using hb_one.
by ins; apply NNPP; intro; red in LR; desf; rewrite LRescS in G; vauto.
Lemma visible_allocation :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc) L E
(LR: label_restr acts amap sb rf L E) N M IE
(V : ∀ a (IN: In a N), valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E a)
(PC: prefix_closed sb rf N) b (IN: pres_in sb rf b N) l
(G: res_get (incoming acts L b) l ≠ p_bot),
∃ a l' n, happens_before amap sb rf a b ∧
amap a = Aalloc l' n ∧
l' ≤ l ≤ l' + n.
ins; eapply incoming_allocated in G; desf.
assert (X: In (te_src te) N).
eapply pres_in_hb; eauto.
by eapply hb_one; eauto; intro X; rewrite X in ×.
exploit visible_allocation_one; eauto; intro; desf.
repeat eexists; eauto.
rewrite mhbE in *; desf; eauto using hb_trans, hb_one.
Definition is_na r l v := ∃ k, res_get r l = p_na k v.
Lemma res_get_plus_naE r r' l k v :
res_get (res_plus r r') l = p_na k v →
∃ k, res_get r l = p_na k v ∨ res_get r' l = p_na k v.
destruct r; ins; desf; ins; inv_lplus l; unfold prot_plus in *; desf; vauto;
try solve [∃ k0; left; congruence | ∃ k; right; congruence].
Lemma res_get_rsum_naE rl l k v :
res_get (rsum rl) l = p_na k v →
∃ r k, In r rl ∧ res_get r l = p_na k v.
induction[k] rl; ins; eapply res_get_plus_naE in H; desf; eauto.
specialize (IHrl _ H); desf; eauto.
Lemma is_na_plusE r r' l v :
is_na (res_plus r r') l v → is_na r l v ∨ is_na r' l v.
unfold is_na; ins; desf; eapply res_get_plus_naE in H; desf; eauto.
Lemma is_na_rsumE rl l v :
is_na (rsum rl) l v → ∃ r, In r rl ∧ is_na r l v.
induction rl; ins; [red in H|eapply is_na_plusE in H]; desf; eauto.
specialize (IHrl H); desf; eauto.
Lemma incoming_na :
∀ acts L b l v (IN: is_na (incoming acts L b) l v),
∃ te, te_tgt te = Some b ∧ is_na (L te) l v.
ins; repeat first [apply is_na_plusE in IN; desf|
apply is_na_rsumE in IN; desf];
repeat (rewrite in_map_iff in *; desf); eexists; split; eauto; ins.
Lemma is_na_plus r r' (D: res_plus r r' ≠ Rundef) l v :
is_na (res_plus r r') l v ↔
is_na r l v ∨ is_na r' l v.
split; ins; desf; eauto using is_na_plusE;
unfold is_na in *; desf;
destruct r; ins; desf; ins; inv_lplus l; unfold prot_plus in *; desf; desf;
try rewrite H in *; eauto.
Lemma is_na_rsum rl (D: rsum rl ≠ Rundef) l v :
is_na (rsum rl) l v ↔ ∃ r, In r rl ∧ is_na r l v.
induction rl; ins; rewrite ?is_na_plus, ?IHrl; try split; ins; desf; eauto.
by red in H; desf.
by destruct a; ins; desf.
Lemma guar_na_sb :
∀ IE r_pre r act r_sb r_rf
(GUAR : guar IE r_pre r act r_sb r_rf) l v
(GET: is_na r_sb l v)
(NW: ¬ is_writeLV act l v),
is_na r l v.
destruct act; ins; desf; desf; ins; rewrite ?res_plus_emp_r; try done.
by unfold is_na in *; desf; destruct r; ins; desf; vauto.
by unfold is_na in *; desf; destruct r; ins; desf; desf; desf; vauto; destruct NW; desf.
by unfold is_na in *; desf; destruct r; ins; desf; desf; desf; vauto; destruct NW; desf.
unfold is_na, atomic_guar in *; desf;
assert (REQ':= REQ);
eapply (f_equal (fun f ⇒ res_get f l0)) in REQ'; destruct r; ins;
destruct (eqnP l0 l); desf; try congruence;
destruct r_sb; ins; desf; inv_lplus l0; try rewrite GET in *; ins; desf; try congruence;
eauto using eq_trans.
unfold is_na, atomic_guar in *; desf;
assert (REQ':= REQ);
eapply (f_equal (fun f ⇒ res_get f l0)) in REQ'; destruct r; ins;
destruct (eqnP l0 l); desf; try congruence;
destruct r_sb; ins; desf; inv_lplus l0; try rewrite GET in *; ins; desf; try congruence;
eauto using eq_trans.
Lemma guar_na_rf :
∀ IE r_pre r act r_sb r_rf
(GUAR : guar IE r_pre r act r_sb r_rf) l v
(GET: is_na r_rf l v)
(NW: ¬ is_writeLV act l v),
is_na r l v.
unfold is_na; destruct act; ins; desf; desf; ins; rewrite ?res_plus_emp_r; try done.
unfold atomic_guar in *; desf; rewrite res_plusC in *;
assert (REQ':= REQ);
eapply (f_equal (fun f ⇒ res_get f l0)) in REQ'; destruct r; ins; desf; try congruence;
destruct r_rf; ins; desf; inv_lplus l0; try rewrite GET in *; ins; desf; try congruence;
eauto using eq_trans.
unfold atomic_guar in *; desf; rewrite res_plusC in *;
assert (REQ':= REQ);
eapply (f_equal (fun f ⇒ res_get f l0)) in REQ'; destruct r; ins; desf; try congruence;
destruct r_rf; ins; desf; inv_lplus l0; try rewrite GET in *; ins; desf; try congruence;
eauto using eq_trans.
Lemma guar_def :
∀ IE (r_pre r : resource) (act : act) (r_sb r_rf : resource),
guar IE r_pre r act r_sb r_rf →
r_sb ≠ Rundef ∧ r_rf ≠ Rundef.
destruct act; ins; desf; desf; try red in AG; desf;
try (by destruct r; ins);
try (by destruct r_sb, r_rf).
Lemma outgoing_na :
∀ IE acts M amap rf L E edge
(V: valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E (te_src edge)) l v
(G: is_na (L edge) l v)
(IN: ∀ b, te_tgt edge = Some b → In b acts)
(IN': ∀ sigma a, edge = TescS sigma a → In sigma E)
(NW: ¬ is_writeLV (amap (te_src edge)) l v),
is_na (incoming acts L (te_src edge)) l v.
ins; red in V; desf.
cut (is_na (r +!+ out_esc acts L E (te_src edge)) l v).
by clear - VG; red in VG; desf; rewrite VG, VG0.
clear - GUAR VG G NW IN IN'.
red in VG; desf; unfold out_esc in *;
rewrite !is_na_plus, is_na_rsum; try (by intro Z; rewrite Z, ?res_plus_undef in × ).
destruct edge; ins; eauto 10 using in_map.
eapply guar_na_sb in GUAR; eauto; unfold out_sb in *; eapply guar_def in GUAR; desc;
rewrite !is_na_plus, is_na_rsum; try (by intro Z; rewrite Z, ?res_plus_undef in × );
eauto 7 using in_map.
eapply guar_na_sb in GUAR; eauto; unfold out_sb in *; eapply guar_def in GUAR; desc;
rewrite !is_na_plus, is_na_rsum; try (by intro Z; rewrite Z, ?res_plus_undef in × );
eauto 7 using in_map.
eapply guar_na_rf in GUAR; eauto; unfold out_rf in *; eapply guar_def in GUAR; desc;
rewrite !is_na_plus, is_na_rsum; try (by intro Z; rewrite Z, ?res_plus_undef in × );
eauto 7 using in_map.
eapply guar_na_rf in GUAR; eauto; unfold out_rf in *; eapply guar_def in GUAR; desc;
rewrite !is_na_plus, is_na_rsum; try (by intro Z; rewrite Z, ?res_plus_undef in × );
eauto 7 using in_map.
right; right;
rewrite is_na_rsum; try (by intro Z; rewrite Z, ?res_plus_undef in × );
eauto 7 using in_map.
Lemma res_get_plus_na_or_bot r r' l v :
is_na r l v ∨ res_get r l = p_bot →
is_na r' l v ∨ res_get r' l = p_bot →
is_na (r +!+ r') l v ∨ res_get (r +!+ r') l = p_bot.
unfold is_na; ins; destruct r, r'; ins; desf; ins; inv_lplus l;
rewrite ?H, ?H0 in *; ins; desf; desf; eauto.
Lemma res_get_rsum_na_or_bot rl l v :
(∀ r, In r rl → is_na r l v ∨ res_get r l = p_bot) →
is_na (rsum rl) l v ∨ res_get (rsum rl) l = p_bot.
induction rl; ins; try eapply res_get_plus_na_or_bot; eauto.
Lemma compat_def2 :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc) L E
(LR : label_restr acts amap sb rf L E)
(CC : compat amap sb rf L) edge
(NE : L edge ≠ res_emp) edge'
(NE': L edge' ≠ res_emp)
(NEQ : edge ≠ edge')
(NHB : ∀ b (TGT: te_tgt edge = Some b)
(MHB: may_happens_before amap sb rf b (te_src edge')), False)
(NHB': ∀ b (TGT: te_tgt edge' = Some b)
(MHB: may_happens_before amap sb rf b (te_src edge)), False)
(DEF : L edge +!+ L edge' = Rundef),
ins; apply (CC (edge :: edge' :: nil)); ins; rewrite ?res_plus_emp_r;
desf; desf; eauto; try (by constructor; vauto; intro; ins; desf);
eapply hb_one in TGT; eauto; rewrite mhbE in *; desf;
red in CONS; desc; edestruct ACYC; eauto using hb_trans, hb_in_ct.
Lemma hb_irr :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc) a
(HB: happens_before amap sb rf a a),
unfold Consistent; ins; desf.
eapply (ACYC a); revert HB; generalize a at 1 3; induction 1; vauto.
unfold imm_happens_before, synchronizes_with in *; desf; eauto using clos_trans.
Lemma compat_inc :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(ND : NoDup acts) L
(CC : compat amap sb rf L) E
(LR : label_restr acts amap sb rf L E) a,
incoming acts L a ≠ Rundef.
red; ins.
apply (CC (map (Tsb^~ a) (filter (mydecf (happens_before amap sb rf^~ a)) acts)
++ map (Trf^~ a) (filter (mydecf (happens_before amap sb rf^~ a)) acts)
++ map (Tesc^~ a) (filter (mydecf (happens_before amap sb rf^~ a)) acts))).
rewrite !nodup_app; repeat apply conj;
try eapply nodup_map; try eapply nodup_filter; ins; try congruence;
by unfold disjoint; intro; rewrite ?in_app_iff, !in_map_iff; ins; desf.
by ins; rewrite !in_app_iff, !in_map_iff in *; desf; rewrite in_filter_iff in *; ins; desf;
rewrite mhbE in *; desf; unfold mydecf in *; desf; eapply hb_irr; eauto 2 using hb_trans.
by ins; rewrite !map_app, !rsum_app, !rsum_map_map_filter; ins; apply LR; eauto.
Lemma compat_inc_sink :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(ND : NoDup acts) L
(CC : compat amap sb rf L) E
(LR : label_restr acts amap sb rf L E) a b,
a = b ∨
happens_before amap sb rf a b ∨
L (TsbS b) +!+ incoming acts L a ≠ Rundef.
apply NNPP; intro X.
apply not_or_and in X; desf.
apply not_or_and in X0; desf.
apply NNPP in X1.
apply (CC (TsbS b :: map (Tsb^~ a) (filter (mydecf (happens_before amap sb rf^~ a)) acts)
++ map (Trf^~ a) (filter (mydecf (happens_before amap sb rf^~ a)) acts)
++ map (Tesc^~ a) (filter (mydecf (happens_before amap sb rf^~ a)) acts))).
constructor; [by rewrite !in_app_iff, !in_map_iff; intro; desf|].
rewrite !nodup_app; repeat apply conj;
try eapply nodup_map; try eapply nodup_filter; ins; try congruence;
by unfold disjoint; intro; rewrite ?in_app_iff, !in_map_iff; ins; desf.
by ins; rewrite !in_app_iff, !in_map_iff in *; desf; rewrite in_filter_iff in *; ins; desf;
rewrite mhbE in *; desf; unfold mydecf in *; desf; eapply hb_irr; eauto using hb_trans.
ins; rewrite !map_app, !rsum_app, !rsum_map_map_filter; ins; apply LR; eauto.
Lemma compat_inc_nonsink :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(ND : NoDup acts) L
(CC : compat amap sb rf L) E
(LR : label_restr acts amap sb rf L E) a edge b
(E : te_tgt edge = Some b),
may_happens_before amap sb rf a (te_src edge) ∨
may_happens_before amap sb rf b a ∨
L edge +!+ incoming acts L a ≠ Rundef.
rewrite !mhbE.
apply NNPP; intro X.
apply not_or_and in X; desf.
apply not_or_and in X; desf.
apply not_or_and in X0; desf.
apply not_or_and in X0; desf.
apply NNPP in X2.
destruct (classic (L edge = res_emp)) as [EMP|NEMP].
by rewrite EMP, res_plus_emp_l in *; eapply compat_inc in X2; eauto.
eapply hb_one in NEMP; eauto.
apply (CC (edge :: map (Tsb^~ a) (filter (mydecf (happens_before amap sb rf^~ a)) acts)
++ map (Trf^~ a) (filter (mydecf (happens_before amap sb rf^~ a)) acts)
++ map (Tesc^~ a) (filter (mydecf (happens_before amap sb rf^~ a)) acts))).
constructor; [by rewrite !in_app_iff, !in_map_iff; intro; desf; ins; desf|].
rewrite !nodup_app; repeat apply conj;
try eapply nodup_map; try eapply nodup_filter; ins; try congruence;
by unfold disjoint; intro; rewrite ?in_app_iff, !in_map_iff; ins; desf.
by ins; rewrite !in_app_iff, !in_map_iff in *; desf; desf; try rewrite in_filter_iff in *; ins; desf;
rewrite mhbE in *; desf; unfold mydecf in *; desf;
try solve [eauto 3 using hb_trans | eapply hb_irr; eauto 3 using hb_trans].
by ins; rewrite !map_app, !rsum_app, !rsum_map_map_filter; ins; apply LR; eauto.
Definition writeL_pre x :=
match x with
| p_bot ⇒ False
| p_na k v ⇒ k = pe_full
| _ ⇒ True
Lemma is_writeL_inc IE acts M amap rf a l L E :
is_writeL (amap a) l →
valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E a →
writeL_pre (res_get (incoming acts L a) l).
unfold valid_node; ins; desf.
red in GUAR; red in VG; desf; desf; try red in AG; desf; rewrite VG; ins; desf;
by destruct r; ins; desf; inv_lplus l; red; unfold prot_plus in *; desf; desf.
Lemma is_writeL_in IE acts M amap rf a l L E :
is_writeL (amap a) l →
valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E a →
∃ edge', te_tgt edge' = Some a ∧ res_get (L edge') l ≠ p_bot.
unfold valid_node; ins; desf.
apply (incoming_allocated acts).
cut (res_get r l ≠ p_bot).
red; ins; red in VG; desf; rewrite VG in *; ins.
destruct r; ins; desf.
by inv_lplus l; rewrite H1 in *; unfold prot_plus in *; desf.
destruct (amap a); ins; desf; unfold atomic_guar in *; desf;
try congruence.
Lemma res_plus_is_na_writeL_pre r r' l v :
is_na r l v →
writeL_pre (res_get r' l) →
r +!+ r' = Rundef.
unfold is_na; ins; desf; destruct r, r'; ins; desf.
inv_lplus l; unfold prot_plus in *; desf; ins; desf.
destruct k; ins.
Lemma visible_na_one :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(ND: NoDup acts) L E
(LR: label_restr acts amap sb rf L E) N M IE
(V : ∀ a (IN: In a N), valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E a)
(CC: compat amap sb rf L)
(PC: prefix_closed sb rf N) te
(IN : In (te_src te) N) b
(T : te_tgt te = Some b) l v
(G : is_na (L te) l v),
∃ a,
<< HB : happens_before amap sb rf a b >> ∧
<< WRI: is_writeLV (amap a) l v >> ∧
<< OTH: ∀ a' (W: is_writeL (amap a') l) (N: In a' N)
(HB1: ¬ may_happens_before amap sb rf b a'),
may_happens_before amap sb rf a' a >>.
ins; desf.
assert (MHB: may_happens_before amap sb rf b b) by vauto.
assert (OTH: ∀ a' (W: is_writeL (amap a') l) (N: In a' N)
(HB1: happens_before amap sb rf a' b),
happens_before amap sb rf a' b).
by ins; rewrite mhbE; eauto.
revert MHB OTH; generalize b at 2 3.
revert b G T; pattern te.
eapply edge_depth_ind with (lab:=amap) (V:=N); eauto.
by red in CONS; desc; intros ? ?; edestruct ACYC; eauto.
clear te IN; ins; unfold NW.
destruct (classic (is_writeL (amap (te_src edge)) l)).
desf; repeat eexists; eauto.
by red in G; desf; eapply hb_one; eauto; intro X; rewrite X in ×.
{ clear IH.
assert (∀ edge', te_src edge' = te_src edge →
is_na (L edge') l v ∨
res_get (L edge') l = p_bot).
ins; destruct (classic (edge = edge')); desf; vauto.
apply NNPP; intro; apply (CC (edge :: edge' :: nil)).
by constructor; vauto; ins; intro; desf.
by red in G; desc; ins; desf; desf;
try eapply hb_one in T; eauto; try (by intro Z; rewrite Z in *; ins);
try eapply hb_one in TGT; eauto; try (by intro Z; rewrite Z in *; ins);
try rewrite H0 in *;
red in CONS; desc; rewrite mhbE in *; desf; edestruct ACYC;
eauto using hb_trans, hb_in_ct.
ins; rewrite res_plus_emp_r.
destruct (L edge); ins; desf; ins; destruct H2.
inv_lplus l; unfold is_na, prot_plus in *; ins; desf; vauto.
assert (is_na (out_sb acts L (te_src edge)) l v ∨
res_get (out_sb acts L (te_src edge)) l = p_bot).
eapply res_get_plus_na_or_bot; eauto.
eapply res_get_rsum_na_or_bot; eauto.
by intros; repeat (rewrite in_map_iff in *; desf); eauto.
specialize (V _ IN); red in V; desf; red in GUAR; desf; ins; subst; split; ins;
unfold is_na, atomic_guar in *; desf;
rewrite ?GUAR0, ?Gsb in *; ins; rewrite ?res_get_upds in *; desf;
try (by intro Z; rewrite Z in × ).
ins; clear IH.
eapply is_writeL_inc in W; eauto.
eapply compat_inc_nonsink with (a:=a') in T; eauto; desf.
by destruct T; eauto using res_plus_is_na_writeL_pre.
assert (K:=G); red in G; desc.
eapply outgoing_na, incoming_na in K; eauto; desf.
2: by ins; eapply lab_tgt_in_acts; eauto; intro Z; rewrite Z in ×.
assert (K':=K); eapply IH in K'; clear IH; desf; eauto.
2: by red in K0; desc; eapply hb_one; eauto; intro X; rewrite X in ×.
2: by eapply mhbE; eauto.
repeat eexists; eauto.
eapply hb_trans; eauto.
by eapply hb_one; eauto; intro X; rewrite X in ×.
ins; destruct (classic (may_happens_before amap sb rf (te_src edge) a')); eauto.
ins; apply NNPP; intro X.
assert (J := is_writeL_inc _ W (V _ N0)); desf.
eapply compat_inc_nonsink with (a:=a') in T; eauto.
desf; eauto.
by rewrite mhbE in *; desf; eauto using hb_irr, hb_trans.
by destruct T; eapply res_plus_is_na_writeL_pre; vauto.
by ins; apply NNPP; intro; red in LR; desf; rewrite LRescS in G; vauto.
Lemma visible_na :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc) (ND: NoDup acts) L E
(LR: label_restr acts amap sb rf L E) N M IE
(V : ∀ a (IN: In a N), valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E a)
(CC: compat amap sb rf L)
(PC: prefix_closed sb rf N) b (PI: pres_in sb rf b N) l v
(G : is_na (incoming acts L b) l v),
∃ a,
<< HB : happens_before amap sb rf a b >> ∧
<< WRI: is_writeLV (amap a) l v >> ∧
<< OTH: ∀ a' (W: is_writeL (amap a') l) (N: In a' N)
(NMHB: ¬ may_happens_before amap sb rf b a'),
may_happens_before amap sb rf a' a >>.
ins; unfold NW; eapply incoming_na in G; desf; eauto.
assert (X: In (te_src te) N).
red in G0; desc; eapply pres_in_hb; eauto.
by eapply hb_one; eauto; intro X; rewrite X in ×.
eapply visible_na_one; eauto.
Lemma res_get_plus_uninitE r r' l :
res_get (res_plus r r') l = p_uninit →
res_get r l = p_uninit ∨ res_get r' l = p_uninit.
destruct r; ins; desf; ins; inv_lplus l; unfold prot_plus in *; desf; vauto;
try (left; congruence); right; congruence.
Lemma res_get_rsum_uninitE rl l :
res_get (rsum rl) l = p_uninit →
∃ r, In r rl ∧ res_get r l = p_uninit.
induction rl; ins; eapply res_get_plus_uninitE in H; desf; eauto.
specialize (IHrl H); desf; eauto.
Lemma res_get_plus_uninit r r' (D: res_plus r r' ≠ Rundef) l :
res_get (res_plus r r') l = p_uninit ↔
res_get r l = p_uninit ∨ res_get r' l = p_uninit.
destruct r; ins; desf; ins; inv_lplus l; unfold prot_plus in *; desf; vauto;
split; ins; desf;
try solve [left; congruence | right; congruence | congruence].
Lemma res_get_rsum_uninit rl (D: rsum rl ≠ Rundef) l :
res_get (rsum rl) l = p_uninit ↔
∃ r, In r rl ∧ res_get r l = p_uninit.
induction rl; ins; rewrite ?res_get_plus_uninit, ?IHrl; try split; ins; desf; eauto.
by destruct a; ins; desf.
Lemma incoming_uninit :
∀ acts L b l (IN: res_get (incoming acts L b) l = p_uninit),
∃ te, te_tgt te = Some b ∧ res_get (L te) l = p_uninit.
ins; repeat first [apply res_get_plus_uninitE in IN; desf|
apply res_get_rsum_uninitE in IN; desf];
repeat (rewrite in_map_iff in *; desf); eexists; split; eauto; ins.
Lemma mhb_hb_trans:
∀ (amap : actid → act) (sb : actid → actid → Prop)
(rf : actid → option actid) (a b c : actid),
may_happens_before amap sb rf a b →
happens_before amap sb rf b c → happens_before amap sb rf a c.
ins; rewrite mhbE in *; desf; eauto using hb_trans.
Lemma helper_out_def :
∀ a acts amap sb rf mo sc L E
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(ND: NoDup acts)
(ND': NoDup E)
(CC: compat amap sb rf L)
(LR : label_restr acts amap sb rf L E),
outgoing acts L E a ≠ Rundef.
ins; intro; eapply (CC (TrfS a :: TsbS a ::
map (Tsb a) (filter (mydecf (happens_before amap sb rf a)) (acts)) ++
map (Trf a) (filter (mydecf (happens_before amap sb rf a)) (acts)) ++
map (TescS^~ a) E ++
map (Tesc a) (filter (mydecf (happens_before amap sb rf a)) (acts)))).
repeat constructor; try by rewrite ?in_cons_iff, ?in_app_iff, ?in_map_iff; intro; desf.
rewrite !nodup_app; intuition; try eapply nodup_map; eauto; ins; try congruence;
unfold disjoint; ins; rewrite ?in_app_iff, ?in_map_iff in *; desf; eauto using nodup_filter.
red in CONS; desf; ins.
assert (te_src te = a); subst; [|clear IN].
by clear -IN; ins; desf; ins; rewrite ?in_app_iff, ?in_map_iff in *; desf; ins; desf.
by ins; desf; ins; rewrite ?in_app_iff, ?in_map_iff in *; desf; ins; desf;
rewrite ?filter_In in *; desf; unfold mydecf in *; desf;
edestruct ACYC; eauto using mhb_hb_trans, hb_in_ct.
unfold outgoing, out_sb, out_rf, out_esc in H;
rewrite !res_plusA, !(res_plusAC (L (TrfS _))) in H.
by ins; rewrite !map_app, !rsum_app, !rsum_map_map_filter; ins;
apply LR; intro; desf; eauto.
Lemma outgoing_uninit :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(ND: NoDup acts) L E (ND': NoDup E)
(LR : label_restr acts amap sb rf L E)
(CC: compat amap sb rf L) edge l
(GG : res_get (L edge) l = p_uninit),
res_get (outgoing acts L E (te_src edge)) l = p_uninit.
ins; assert (DEF := helper_out_def (te_src edge) CONS ND ND' CC LR).
unfold outgoing, out_esc, out_rf, out_sb in ×.
rewrite !res_get_plus_uninit, !res_get_rsum_uninit;
try (by intro X; rewrite X, ?res_plus_undef in *).
assert (∀ b, te_tgt edge = Some b → In b acts).
by apply (lab_tgt_in_acts CONS LR); ins; intro X; rewrite X in *; ins.
assert (IN': ∀ sigma a, edge = TescS sigma a → In sigma E).
by ins; apply NNPP; intro; red in LR; desf; rewrite LRescS in GG; vauto.
by destruct edge; ins; eauto 10 using in_map.
Lemma vnode_uninit :
∀ acts M amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(ND: NoDup acts) L E (ND': NoDup E)
(LR : label_restr acts amap sb rf L E)
(CC: compat amap sb rf L) IE edge
(V: valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E (te_src edge)) l
(GG : res_get (L edge) l = p_uninit)
(NA : ¬ ∃ l' n, amap (te_src edge) = Aalloc l' n ∧
l' ≤ l ≤ l' + n),
res_get (incoming acts L (te_src edge)) l = p_uninit.
unfold valid_node; ins; desf.
cut (res_get (r +!+ out_esc acts L E (te_src edge)) l = p_uninit).
by clear - VG; red in VG; desc; rewrite VG, VG0.
rewrite res_get_plus_uninit; [|red in VG; desf; congruence].
clear VG VrfM VrfS VrfS' RS.
eapply outgoing_uninit in GG; eauto.
unfold outgoing in GG; rewrite <- res_plusA in GG.
apply res_get_plus_uninitE in GG; desf; eauto; left.
red in GUAR; desf; desf;
rewrite ?GUAR, ?GUAR0, ?GUAR1, ?res_plus_emp_r in *; ins.
by destruct r; ins; desf; desf; edestruct NA; eauto 8.
by destruct r; ins; desf.
by destruct r; ins; desf.
by red in AG; desf; rewrite REQ in *; destruct r; ins; desf.
by red in AG; desf; rewrite REQ in *; destruct r; ins; desf.
Lemma is_writeL_out :
∀ acts M amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(ND: NoDup acts) L E (ND': NoDup E)
(LR : label_restr acts amap sb rf L E)
(CC: compat amap sb rf L) edge l
(GG: res_get (L edge) l = p_uninit)
(W : is_writeL (amap (te_src edge)) l) IE
(V : valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E (te_src edge)),
ins; eapply outgoing_uninit in GG; eauto.
remember (te_src edge) as b; clear edge Heqb.
red in V; desf.
unfold outgoing in GG; rewrite <- res_plusA in GG.
apply res_get_plus_uninitE in GG; desf.
red in GUAR; desf; desf;
rewrite ?GUAR, ?GUAR0, ?GUAR1, ?res_plus_emp_r in *; ins; desf.
by rewrite res_get_upds in *; desf; intro; desf.
by rewrite res_get_upds in *; desf; intro; desf.
by red in AG; desf; rewrite REQ, res_get_upds in GG; desf; intro; desf.
by red in AG; desf; rewrite REQ, res_get_upds in GG; desf; intro; desf.
assert (GG': res_get r l = p_bot); [|clear GG].
red in VG; desf; destruct r; ins; desf.
by inv_lplus l; ins; rewrite GG in *; destruct (pmap l); ins.
red in GUAR; desf; desf;
rewrite ?GUAR, ?GUAR0, ?GUAR1, ?res_plus_emp_r in *; ins; desf; try congruence.
red in AG; desf; congruence.
Lemma visible_uninit2 :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(ND: NoDup acts) E (ND': NoDup E) L
(LR: label_restr acts amap sb rf L E) N M IE
(V : ∀ a (IN: In a N), valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E a)
(CC: compat amap sb rf L)
(PC: prefix_closed sb rf N) b (PI: pres_in sb rf b N) l
(IN: res_get (incoming acts L b) l = p_uninit) a
(W: is_writeL (amap a) l)
(PI': pres_in sb rf a N)
(J : res_get (incoming acts L a) l ≠ p_bot),
may_happens_before amap sb rf b a.
eapply incoming_uninit in IN; desf.
apply incoming_allocated in J; destruct J as (edge' & J); desf.
assert (X: In (te_src te) N).
clear PI'; eapply pres_in_hb; eauto.
by eapply hb_one; eauto; intro X; rewrite X in ×.
assert (X': In (te_src edge') N).
clear PI; eapply pres_in_hb; eauto.
by eapply hb_one; eauto.
clear PI PI'; revert b IN IN0; pattern te.
eapply edge_depth_ind with (lab:=amap) (V:=N); eauto.
by red in CONS; desc; intros ? ?; edestruct ACYC; eauto.
clear te X; ins.
destruct (classic (∃ l' n, amap (te_src edge) = Aalloc l' n ∧ l' ≤ l ≤ l' + n)).
exploit visible_allocation_one; eauto.
intro K; desf.
assert (C:=CONS); red in C; desc.
pose proof (Ca _ _ _ H _ _ _ K0); desf; try (exfalso; omega).
rewrite K0 in H; desf.
apply NNPP; intro T.
eapply (compat_def2 CONS LR CC) with (edge := edge) (edge' := edge'); eauto.
by intro Z; rewrite Z in *; desf.
by intro Z; rewrite Z in *; desf; destruct T; apply mhbE; auto.
ins; rewrite TGT in *; desf.
by eapply T, mhb_trans, mhbE; eauto using hb_one.
ins; rewrite TGT in *; desf.
eapply hb_one in TGT; eauto.
by rewrite mhbE in *; desf; try rewrite K in *;
edestruct ACYC; eapply hb_in_ct; eauto using hb_trans.
destruct (L edge), (L edge'); ins; desf.
by inv_lplus l; rewrite IN1 in *; ins; desf.
assert (IN': res_get (incoming acts L (te_src edge)) l = p_uninit).
by eapply vnode_uninit; eauto.
eapply incoming_uninit in IN'; desf.
exploit (IH te); clear IH; eauto.
by eapply hb_one; eauto; intro Z; rewrite Z in ×.
intro; apply NNPP; intro T.
destruct (classic (te = edge')); desf.
by eapply is_writeL_out with (edge := edge); eauto.
destruct (classic (edge = edge')); desf.
by apply T, mhbE; eauto.
destruct (classic (happens_before amap sb rf (te_src edge') (te_src edge))).
eapply (compat_def2 CONS LR CC) with (edge := te) (edge' := edge'); eauto.
by intro Z; rewrite Z in *; desf.
ins; rewrite TGT in *; desf.
by red in CONS; desc; eapply ACYC, hb_in_ct; eauto using mhb_hb_trans.
ins; rewrite TGT in *; desf.
eapply hb_one in IN'; eauto; try (by intro Z; rewrite Z in *; ins).
by red in CONS; desc; eapply ACYC, hb_in_ct; eauto using mhb_hb_trans, mhb_trans.
destruct (L te), (L edge'); ins; desf.
by inv_lplus l; unfold prot_plus in *; ins; desf.
eapply (compat_def2 CONS LR CC) with (edge := edge) (edge' := edge'); eauto.
by intro Z; rewrite Z in *; desf.
ins; rewrite TGT in *; desf.
by eapply T, mhb_trans, mhbE; eauto using hb_one.
ins; rewrite TGT in *; desf.
eapply hb_one in TGT; eauto.
by rewrite mhbE in MHB; desf; eauto using hb_trans.
destruct (L edge), (L edge'); ins; desf.
by inv_lplus l; unfold prot_plus in *; ins; desf.
Lemma visible_uninit :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(ND: NoDup acts) E (ND' : NoDup E) L
(LR: label_restr acts amap sb rf L E) N M IE
(V : ∀ a (IN: In a N), valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E a)
(CC: compat amap sb rf L)
(PC: prefix_closed sb rf N) b (PI: pres_in sb rf b N) l
(IN: res_get (incoming acts L b) l = p_uninit) a
(W: is_writeL (amap a) l) (INa: In a N),
may_happens_before amap sb rf b a.
eapply incoming_uninit in IN; desf.
assert (X: In (te_src te) N).
eapply pres_in_hb; eauto.
by eapply hb_one; eauto; intro X; rewrite X in ×.
clear PI; revert b IN IN0; pattern te.
eapply edge_depth_ind with (lab:=amap) (V:=N); eauto.
by red in CONS; desc; intros ? ?; edestruct ACYC; eauto.
clear te X; ins.
destruct (classic (∃ l' n, amap (te_src edge) = Aalloc l' n ∧ l' ≤ l ≤ l' + n)).
assert (J := is_writeL_in _ W (V _ INa)); desf.
exploit visible_allocation_one; eauto.
by eapply prefix_closed_hb; eauto using hb_one.
intro K; desf.
assert (C:=CONS); red in C; desc.
pose proof (Ca _ _ _ H _ _ _ K0); desf; try (exfalso; omega).
rewrite K0 in H; desf.
apply NNPP; intro T.
eapply (compat_def2 CONS LR CC) with (edge := edge) (edge' := edge'); eauto.
by intro Z; rewrite Z in *; desf.
by intro Z; rewrite Z in *; desf; destruct T; apply mhbE; auto.
ins; rewrite TGT in *; desf.
by eapply T, mhb_trans, mhbE; eauto using hb_one.
ins; rewrite TGT in *; desf.
eapply hb_one in TGT; eauto.
by rewrite mhbE in *; desf; try rewrite K in *;
edestruct ACYC; eapply hb_in_ct; eauto using hb_trans.
destruct (L edge), (L edge'); ins; desf.
by inv_lplus l; rewrite IN1 in *; ins; desf.
assert (IN': res_get (incoming acts L (te_src edge)) l = p_uninit).
by eapply vnode_uninit; eauto.
eapply incoming_uninit in IN'; desf.
exploit (IH te); clear IH; eauto.
by eapply hb_one; eauto; intro Z; rewrite Z in ×.
intro; apply NNPP; intro T.
assert (J := is_writeL_in _ W (V _ INa)); desf.
destruct (classic (te = edge')); desf.
by eapply is_writeL_out with (edge := edge); eauto.
destruct (classic (edge = edge')); desf.
by apply T, mhbE; eauto.
destruct (classic (happens_before amap sb rf (te_src edge') (te_src edge))).
eapply (compat_def2 CONS LR CC) with (edge := te) (edge' := edge'); eauto.
by intro Z; rewrite Z in *; desf.
ins; rewrite TGT in *; desf.
by red in CONS; desc; eapply ACYC, hb_in_ct; eauto using mhb_hb_trans.
ins; rewrite TGT in *; desf.
eapply hb_one in IN'; eauto; try (by intro Z; rewrite Z in *; ins).
by red in CONS; desc; eapply ACYC, hb_in_ct; eauto using mhb_hb_trans, mhb_trans.
destruct (L te), (L edge'); ins; desf.
by inv_lplus l; unfold prot_plus in *; ins; desf.
eapply (compat_def2 CONS LR CC) with (edge := edge) (edge' := edge'); eauto.
by intro Z; rewrite Z in *; desf.
ins; rewrite TGT in *; desf.
by eapply T, mhb_trans, mhbE; eauto using hb_one.
ins; rewrite TGT in *; desf.
eapply hb_one in TGT; eauto.
by rewrite mhbE in MHB; desf; eauto using hb_trans.
destruct (L edge), (L edge'); ins; desf.
by inv_lplus l; unfold prot_plus in *; ins; desf.
Lemma incoming_atomic :
∀ acts L b l tau S (GG: res_get (incoming acts L b) l = p_at tau S) s
(IN : In s (SL_list S)),
∃ te S', te_tgt te = Some b ∧ res_get (L te) l = p_at tau S'
∧ In s (SL_list S').
ins; repeat first [eapply get_plus_at_oneD in GG; eauto; desf|
eapply get_rsum_at_oneD in GG; eauto; desf];
repeat (rewrite in_map_iff in *; desf); eexists _,_; repeat split; eauto; ins.
Lemma res_get_plus_at_iff :
∀ r r' (D: r +!+ r' ≠ Rundef) l tau s,
(∃ S',
res_get (r +!+ r') l = p_at tau S' ∧
In s (SL_list S')) ↔
(∃ S,
res_get r l = p_at tau S ∧
In s (SL_list S)) ∨
(∃ S,
res_get r' l = p_at tau S ∧
In s (SL_list S)).
split; ins; desf.
destruct r, r'; ins; desf; ins.
inv_lplus l; rewrite H in *; clear H; destruct (pmap l), (pmap0 l);
ins; desf; desf; eauto.
unfold mk_slist in *; desf; ins.
by rewrite in_undup_iff, In_sort, in_app_iff in *; desf; eauto.
by exploit res_get_plus; eauto; ins; desf; eauto.
by rewrite res_plusC in *; exploit res_get_plus; eauto; ins; desf; eauto.
Lemma res_get_rsum_at_iff :
∀ rl (D: rsum rl ≠ Rundef) l tau s,
(∃ S',
res_get (rsum rl) l = p_at tau S' ∧
In s (SL_list S')) ↔
(∃ r S,
In r rl ∧
res_get r l = p_at tau S ∧
In s (SL_list S)).
induction rl; ins; try rewrite res_get_plus_at_iff, IHrl;
try split; ins; desf; eauto 8.
by destruct a; ins; desf.
Lemma outgoing_atomic :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc L edge
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(ND: NoDup acts) E (ND' : NoDup E)
(CC: compat amap sb rf L)
(LR : label_restr acts amap sb rf L E) l tau S
(G: res_get (L edge) l = p_at tau S) s
(IN: In s (SL_list S)),
∃ S',
res_get (outgoing acts L E (te_src edge)) l = p_at tau S' ∧
In s (SL_list S').
assert (DEF := helper_out_def (te_src edge) CONS ND ND' CC LR).
assert (AI: ∀ b, te_tgt edge = Some b → In b acts).
by intros; eapply lab_tgt_in_acts; eauto.
assert (AI': ∀ sigma a, edge = TescS sigma a → In sigma E).
by ins; apply NNPP; intro; red in LR; desf; rewrite LRescS in G; vauto.
unfold outgoing, out_esc, out_rf, out_sb in ×.
rewrite !res_get_plus_at_iff, !res_get_rsum_at_iff;
try (by intro X; rewrite X, ?res_plus_undef in *; ins).
by destruct edge; ins; eauto 14 using in_map.
Lemma vnode_atomic :
∀ acts M amap sb rf mo sc L edge
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(ND: NoDup acts) E (ND': NoDup E)
(CC: compat amap sb rf L)
(LR : label_restr acts amap sb rf L E) IE
(V: valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E (te_src edge)) l tau S
(G: res_get (L edge) l = p_at tau S) s
(IN: In s (SL_list S))
(NW: ¬ is_writeL (amap (te_src edge)) l ∨ ¬ is_release (amap (te_src edge))),
∃ S',
res_get (incoming acts L (te_src edge)) l = p_at tau S' ∧
In s (SL_list S').
ins; red in V; desc.
cut (∃ S',
res_get (r +!+ out_esc acts L E (te_src edge)) l =
p_at tau S' ∧ In s (SL_list S')).
by clear - VG; red in VG; desf; rewrite VG, VG0.
assert (DEF := helper_out_def (te_src edge) CONS ND ND' CC LR).
assert (Y: ∃ S',
res_get (outgoing acts L E (te_src edge)) l =
p_at tau S' ∧ In s (SL_list S')).
by eapply outgoing_atomic; eauto.
unfold outgoing in *; red in VG.
rewrite <- res_plusA in Y, DEF.
rewrite res_get_plus_at_iff in *;
try (by desf; intro X; rewrite X, ?res_plus_undef in *; ins); desf; eauto 10;
revert GUAR VG0 NW Y Y0; clear;
generalize (out_sb acts L (te_src edge)) as rsb;
generalize (out_rf acts L (te_src edge)) as rrf; ins;
red in GUAR; desf; revert NW; simpls; try case eqP; ins;
unfold atomic_guar in *; desf;
rewrite ?GUAR, ?GUAR0, ?GUAR1, ?res_plus_emp_r, ?VG0, ?REQ in *; ins; eauto;
by destruct r; ins; desf; eauto; destruct (eqnP l l0); desf.
Lemma visible_atomic2 :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(ND: NoDup acts) E (ND': NoDup E) L
(CC: compat amap sb rf L)
(LR: label_restr acts amap sb rf L E) N M IE
(V : ∀ a (IN: In a N), valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E a) te
(PC: prefix_closed sb rf N) l tau S
(G : res_get (L te) l = p_at tau S) s
(IN: In s (SL_list S))
(INn: In (te_src te) N),
∃ a,
<< MHB : may_happens_before amap sb rf a (te_src te) >> ∧
<< WA : is_writeL (amap a) l >> ∧
<< RELA: is_release (amap a) >> ∧
∃ Sout,
<< Gout: res_get (out_rf acts L a) l = p_at tau Sout >> ∧
<< Iout: get_state Sout = s >> ∧
<< NEW : ∀ Sin (Gin: res_get (incoming acts L a) l = p_at tau Sin),
¬ In s (SL_list Sin) >>.
revert S G IN; pattern te.
eapply edge_depth_ind with (lab:=amap) (V:=N); eauto.
by red in CONS; desc; intros ? ?; edestruct ACYC; eauto.
clear te INn; ins; desf; unfold NW.
destruct (classic (¬ (is_writeL (amap (te_src edge)) l ∧ is_release (amap (te_src edge))))); [|apply NNPP in H].
exploit vnode_atomic; eauto using lab_tgt_in_acts; try tauto.
intro Z; desf; eapply incoming_atomic in Z; eauto; desf.
assert (K:=Z1); eapply IH in Z1; eauto using hb_one; desf;
eexists; split; eauto 10.
by eapply mhb_trans, mhbE; eauto using hb_one.
(classic (∃ Sin, res_get (incoming acts L (te_src edge)) l = p_at tau Sin)); desf.
destruct (classic (In s (SL_list Sin))); desf.
eapply incoming_atomic in H0; eauto; desf.
assert (K:=H4); eapply IH in H4; desf; eauto using hb_one.
by eexists; split; eauto 10; eapply mhb_trans, mhbE; eauto; right;
eapply hb_one; eauto.
{ clear IH.
∃ (te_src edge); rewrite mhbE; repeat split; eauto.
eapply outgoing_atomic in G; eauto; clear IN0; desf.
specialize (V _ IN); red in V; desf.
assert (∃ v, atomic_guar IE r l v (out_sb acts L (te_src edge))
(out_rf acts L (te_src edge))).
by red in GUAR; desf; ins; destruct (eqP l0 l); desf; eauto.
assert (K:=VG); eapply vghost_get_at in K; eauto.
unfold atomic_guar in *; desf; rewrite GET in *; desf.
assert (In s (SL_list S'0)).
eapply get_plus_at_oneD in G; eauto; desf; try rewrite G in *; desf.
eapply get_plus_at_oneD in G; eauto; desf; try rewrite G in *; desf.
rewrite res_plusC in VG; red in VG; desf.
eapply res_get_plus with (r':=r) in G; desf; rewrite VG, VG0 in *; ins.
by rewrite G in *; desf; rewrite SEQ; eauto.
rewrite SEQ, H0 in *; desf; eexists; split; try edone; split; ins; desf; eauto.
eapply get_state_eq_prove; ins; rewrite SEQ in *; desf; eauto using prot_trans_refl.
{ clear IH.
∃ (te_src edge); rewrite mhbE; repeat split; eauto.
eapply outgoing_atomic in G; eauto; clear IN0; desf.
specialize (V _ IN); red in V; desf.
assert (∃ v, atomic_guar IE r l v (out_sb acts L (te_src edge))
(out_rf acts L (te_src edge))).
by red in GUAR; desf; ins; destruct (eqP l0 l); desf; eauto.
unfold atomic_guar in *; desf.
rewrite Grf.
eapply get_plus_at_oneD in G; eauto; desf; try rewrite G in *; desf; eauto.
rewrite SEQ in *; ins; desf; eauto.
eexists; split; ins; split; [|by ins; destruct H0; eauto].
by eapply get_state_eq_prove; ins;
rewrite SEQ in *; ins; desf; eauto using prot_trans_refl.
eapply get_plus_at_oneD in G; eauto; desf; try rewrite G in *; desf; eauto.
rewrite SEQ in *; ins; desf; eauto.
eexists; split; ins; split; [|by ins; destruct H0; eauto].
by eapply get_state_eq_prove; ins;
rewrite SEQ in *; ins; desf; eauto using prot_trans_refl.
rewrite res_plusC in VG; red in VG; desf.
eapply res_get_plus with (r':=r) in G; desf; rewrite VG, VG0 in *; ins.
by destruct H0; rewrite G in *; desf; eauto.
assert (K:=VG); eapply vghost_get_back_at in K; eauto.
destruct H0; rewrite K; eauto.
eapply get_plus_at_oneD in G; eauto; desf; try rewrite G in *; desf; eauto.
eapply get_plus_at_oneD in G; eauto; desf; try rewrite G in *; desf; eauto.
rewrite res_plusC in VG; red in VG; desf.
eapply res_get_plus with (r':=r) in G; desf; rewrite VG, VG0 in *; ins.
by rewrite G in *; desf; eauto.
Lemma res_get_plus_back :
∀ r1 r2 l tau S
(G : res_get (res_plus r1 r2) l = p_at tau S)
(NBOT : res_get r1 l ≠ p_bot),
∃ S_pre,
res_get r1 l = p_at tau S_pre ∧
(∀ x, In x (SL_list S_pre) → In x (SL_list S)).
ins; destruct r1; ins; desf; ins; desf.
inv_lplus l; rewrite G in *; destruct (pmap l); ins; desf; desf;
eauto 7 using In_mk_slist, in_or_app.
Lemma get_state_eq1 :
∀ acts L a r r'
(VG : valid_ghost (incoming acts L a) (r +!+ r')) IE l0 v
(G : atomic_guar IE r l0 v (out_sb acts L a) (out_rf acts L a))
(LR: res_lt (res_strip (incoming acts L a)) r) l tau Sin
(Gin : res_get (incoming acts L a) l = p_at tau Sin) Sout
(Gout : res_get (out_rf acts L a) l = p_at tau Sout) s''
(Iout : In s'' (SL_list Sout))
(NIin : ¬ In s'' (SL_list Sin)),
get_state Sout = s''.
ins; apply get_state_eq_prove; ins.
exploit vghost_get_at; eauto; intro M.
red in G; desc.
destruct (res_get_plus _ _ (out_sb acts L a) Gout) as (?&A&?).
by rewrite res_plusC, REQ; destruct r.
rewrite res_plusC, REQ in A.
destruct (eqP l l0); clarify.
rewrite res_get_upds in A; desf; rewrite M, Grf in *; desf; try (by intro; desf).
by rewrite SEQ in *; desf; eauto using prot_trans_refl.
destruct r; ins; desf; ins; desf;
by rewrite A in *; clarify; destruct NIin; eauto.
Lemma get_state_eq2 :
∀ IE acts N amap rf L E a
(V : valid_node IE acts N amap rf L E a) l tau Sin
(Gin : res_get (incoming acts L a) l = p_at tau Sin) Sout
(Gout : res_get (out_rf acts L a) l = p_at tau Sout) s''
(Iout : In s'' (SL_list Sout))
(NIin : ¬ In s'' (SL_list Sin)),
get_state Sout = s''.
ins; red in V; desf.
destruct (amap a); ins; desf; desf;
try rewrite GUAR0 in *;
try rewrite GUAR1 in *; ins;
eapply get_state_eq1; eauto.
Lemma visible_atomic :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(ND: NoDup acts) E (ND': NoDup E) L
(CC: compat amap sb rf L)
(LR: label_restr acts amap sb rf L E) N M IE
(V : ∀ a (IN: In a N), valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E a)
(PC: prefix_closed sb rf N) b (IN: pres_in sb rf b N) l tau S
(IN: res_get (incoming acts L b) l = p_at tau S),
∃ a S',
happens_before amap sb rf a b ∧
is_writeL (amap a) l ∧ is_release (amap a) ∧
res_get (out_rf acts L a) l = p_at tau S' ∧
slist_lt S S' ∧ slist_lt S' S.
ins; eapply incoming_atomic in IN0; eauto using get_state_in; desf.
exploit visible_atomic2; eauto.
eapply pres_in_hb; eauto.
by eapply hb_one; eauto; intro X; rewrite X in ×.
intro; desf.
assert (happens_before amap sb rf a b).
by eapply mhb_hb_trans; eauto; eapply hb_one; eauto; intro X; rewrite X in ×.
eexists _, _; repeat (split; try edone); eauto; try rewrite slist_ltD;
eauto using get_state_lt.
rewrite Iout; eauto using prot_trans_refl.
rewrite Iout; eauto using prot_trans_refl.
Lemma visible_atomic2_cor :
∀ acts amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
(ND: NoDup acts) E (ND': NoDup E) L
(CC: compat amap sb rf L) N M IE
(V : ∀ a (IN: In a N), valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E a)
(PC: prefix_closed sb rf N) b l tau S
(G : res_get (incoming acts L b) l = p_at tau S) s
(LR : label_restr acts amap sb rf L E)
(IN: In s (SL_list S))
(PI: pres_in sb rf b N),
∃ a Sout,
<< MHB : may_happens_before amap sb rf a b >> ∧
<< AW : is_writeL (amap a) l >> ∧
<< AREL: is_release (amap a) >> ∧
<< Gout: res_get (out_rf acts L a) l = p_at tau Sout >> ∧
<< Iout: get_state Sout = s >> ∧
<< Va : valid_node IE acts M amap rf L E a >> ∧
<< NEW : ∀ Sin (Gin: res_get (incoming acts L a) l = p_at tau Sin),
¬ In s (SL_list Sin) >>.
unfold incoming, NW; ins.
repeat (first [eapply get_rsum_at_oneD in G|eapply get_plus_at_oneD in G];
eauto; desf);
repeat (rewrite in_map_iff in *; desf);
(assert (happens_before amap sb rf x0 b);
[by apply NNPP; intro X; edestruct nemp_of_get_at; eauto;
apply LR; intro Y; destruct X; vauto|]);
exploit visible_atomic2; eauto using prefix_closed_pres_in, pres_in_hb; ins; desf; eauto;
do 8 try eexists; try edone; try eapply mhb_trans; eauto; rewrite ?mhbE; eauto;
try (eapply V; rewrite mhbE in *; desf; eauto using pres_in_hb, hb_trans).
Lemma exists_immediate_helper :
∀ b acts amap sb rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent (b::acts) amap sb rf mo sc)
(ND: NoDup (b::acts)) E (ND' : NoDup E) M L
(CC: compat amap sb rf L)
(LR : label_restr (b::acts) amap sb rf L E) IE
(V : ∀ a (IN: In a acts), valid_node IE (b::acts) M amap rf L E a)
(PC : prefix_closed sb rf acts)
(PI : pres_in sb rf b acts) l tau S
(GET : res_get (incoming (b :: acts) L b) l = p_at tau S)
(CO: conform (b::acts) amap mo L acts)
(WRI: is_writeL (amap b) l),
∃ a,
<< MO : immediate mo a b >> ∧
<< Wa : is_writeL (amap a) l >> ∧
<< RELa: is_release (amap a) >> ∧
<< INa: In a acts >>.
unfold NW; ins.
edestruct visible_atomic with (b:=b) (l:=l) as [c ?]; eauto; desf.
red in CONS; desc; red in Cmo; desc.
destruct exists_immediate with (r:=mo) (a:=c) (b:=b) (l:=b::acts)
as (a & [N N'] & DISJ); eauto.
by eapply Cmo3; eauto; rewrite H.
intros ? X; eapply Cmo in X; ins; desf.
by eapply (proj1 FIN); clear - X0; intro Y; rewrite Y in ×.
∃ a; split; ins.
specialize (Cmo _ _ N); desc.
assert (INa : In a acts).
clear DISJ; exploit (proj1 FIN a); ins; desf;
[by destruct (amap a)|by exfalso; eauto].
assert (In c acts) by eauto using pres_in_hb.
desf; eauto.
assert (l0 = l) by (destruct (amap b); ins; desf); subst.
repeat split; desf.
eapply (CO l) in DISJ; eauto.
eapply V in INa; red in INa; desf.
by destruct (amap a); ins; desf; red in DISJ; desf; rewrite GUAR1 in ×.
by destruct (amap c); ins; desf.
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