Require Import Vbase Varith.
Require Import Relations Classical ClassicalDescription.
Require Import List Permutation Vlistbase Vlist extralib.
Require Import c11 permission fslassn fslassnsem fslmodel fslassnlemmas.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Hint Unfold imm_happens_before.
Lemma hupds A h l (y : A) : hupd h l y l = y.
Proof. unfold hupd; desf; congruence. Qed.
Lemma hist_closed_trans :
∀ sb rf V (HC: hist_closed sb rf V)
a b (TR: clos_refl_trans _ sb a b) (IN: In b V), In a V.
Proof. induction 2; ins; eauto using hc_edge. Qed.
Lemma hist_closedD :
∀ sb rf V (HC: hist_closed sb rf V)
a b (TR: happens_before_union_rf sb rf a b) (IN: In b V), In a V.
Proof. induction 2; ins; unfold imm_happens_before in *; desf; eauto using hc_edge. Qed.
Lemma happens_before_trans lab sb rf mo a b c :
happens_before lab sb rf mo a b →
happens_before lab sb rf mo b c →
happens_before lab sb rf mo a c.
Proof. apply t_trans. Qed.
Lemma happens_before_union_rf_trans sb rf a b c :
happens_before_union_rf sb rf a b →
happens_before_union_rf sb rf b c →
happens_before_union_rf sb rf a c.
Proof. apply t_trans. Qed.
Lemma happens_before_sb lab (sb : relation actid) rf mo a b :
sb a b → happens_before lab sb rf mo a b.
Proof. ins; apply t_step; auto. Qed.
Lemma happens_before_sw lab sb rf mo a b :
synchronizes_with lab sb rf mo a b → happens_before lab sb rf mo a b.
Proof. ins; apply t_step; auto. Qed.
Lemma happens_before_union_rf_sb (sb : relation actid) rf a b :
sb a b → happens_before_union_rf sb rf a b.
Proof. ins; apply t_step; vauto. Qed.
Lemma happens_before_union_rf_rf (sb : relation actid) rf a b :
rf b = Some a → happens_before_union_rf sb rf a b.
Proof. ins; apply t_step; vauto. Qed.
Lemma clos_trans_hbE :
∀ lab sb rf mo a b (HB: clos_trans actid (happens_before lab sb rf mo) a b),
happens_before lab sb rf mo a b.
induction 1; vauto.
Lemma clos_trans_hbUrfE :
∀ sb rf a b (HB: clos_trans actid (happens_before_union_rf sb rf) a b),
happens_before_union_rf sb rf a b.
induction 1; vauto.
Hint Immediate clos_trans_hbE : hb.
Hint Immediate clos_trans_hbUrfE : hb.
Hint Resolve
happens_before_sb happens_before_sw happens_before_union_rf_sb happens_before_union_rf_rf
happens_before_trans happens_before_union_rf_trans t_step hist_closedD : hb.
Lemma count_implies :
∀ (T: eqType) (f1 f2 : T → bool) (IMP : ∀ x, f1 x → f2 x) l,
count f1 l ≤ count f2 l.
induction l; ins; desf; eauto.
by rewrite IMP in Heq0.
Lemma hasP' :
∀ (T : eqType) (a : pred T) (l : list_predType T),
reflect (∃ x : T, In x l ∧ a x) (has a l).
ins; case hasP; intro H; constructor; try red; intros; destruct H; desf.
by apply/inP in H; eauto.
by ∃ x; try apply/inP; eauto.
Lemma clos_refl_transE X rel a b :
clos_refl_trans X rel a b ↔ a = b ∨ clos_trans X rel a b.
split; ins; desf; try induction H; desf; eauto using clos_refl_trans, clos_trans.
Lemma clos_refl_trans_hbE :
∀ lab sb rf mo a b,
clos_refl_trans actid (happens_before lab sb rf mo) a b →
happens_before lab sb rf mo a b ∨ a = b.
unfold happens_before; induction 1; desf; vauto.
Lemma clos_refl_trans_hbUrfE :
∀ sb rf a b,
clos_refl_trans actid (happens_before_union_rf sb rf) a b →
happens_before_union_rf sb rf a b ∨ a = b.
induction 1; desf; vauto.
Lemma release_seq_implies_hbUrf lab sb rf mo a b:
release_seq lab sb rf mo a b →
clos_refl_trans _ (happens_before_union_rf sb rf) a b.
induction 1; vauto.
by apply rt_step; vauto.
by eapply rt_trans, rt_step; vauto.
Lemma hb_implies_hbUrf lab sb rf mo a b:
happens_before lab sb rf mo a b → happens_before_union_rf sb rf a b.
ins; induction H; eauto with hb.
red in H; desf; vauto.
red in H; desf.
× eapply release_seq_implies_hbUrf, clos_refl_trans_hbUrfE in H1; desf; vauto.
eapply happens_before_union_rf_trans; vauto.
× apply clos_refl_transE in H1; eapply release_seq_implies_hbUrf, clos_refl_trans_hbUrfE in H2; desf; vauto;
repeat (eapply happens_before_union_rf_trans; vauto; try by eapply clos_t_inclusion; eauto; vauto).
× apply clos_refl_transE in H1; eapply release_seq_implies_hbUrf, clos_refl_trans_hbUrfE in H2; desf; vauto;
repeat (eapply happens_before_union_rf_trans; vauto; try by eapply clos_t_inclusion; eauto; vauto).
× apply clos_refl_transE in H1; apply clos_refl_transE in H2;
eapply release_seq_implies_hbUrf, clos_refl_trans_hbUrfE in H3; desf; vauto;
repeat (eapply happens_before_union_rf_trans; vauto; try by eapply clos_t_inclusion; eauto; vauto).
Lemma helper_perm_filter_post :
∀ e T,
∃ posts_sb posts_rf,
Permutation T (filter (fun x : hbcase ⇒ (hb_fst x != e) || (x == hb_sink e)) T ++
map (hb_sb e) posts_sb ++
map (hb_rf e) posts_rf).
induction T as [|hb T']; ins; desc.
by ∃ nil, nil.
case eqP; ins; subst; [|eby do 2 eexists; eapply Permutation_cons].
destruct hb; ins.
× ∃ (e' :: posts_sb), posts_rf; simpl.
by apply Permutation_cons_app.
× ∃ posts_sb, (e' :: posts_rf); simpl.
by rewrite <- appA in *; apply Permutation_cons_app.
× desf; [∃ posts_sb, posts_rf | done].
by rewrite <- app_comm_cons; apply Permutation_cons.
Lemma helper_filter_decide_sink: ∀ a T (ND: NoDup T),
Permutation (filter (fun x : hbcase ⇒ (hb_fst x != a) || (x == hb_sink a)) T)
(if excluded_middle_informative (In (hb_sink a) T)
then hb_sink a :: (filter (fun x : hbcase ⇒ hb_fst x != a) T)
else (filter (fun x : hbcase ⇒ hb_fst x != a) T)).
ins; induction T as [ | edge T']; simpls; desf; apply nodup_cons in ND; desf;
solve [
eapply (Permutation_cons eq_refl) in IHT'; ins; eapply perm_trans; eauto; apply perm_swap
apply perm_skip; apply IHT'; done
destruct n; right; done
destruct n; left; done
destruct Heq; left; done
destruct Heq; right; done
apply IHT'; done
Lemma has_rf_succs acts lab sb rf mo (a: actid) :
ExecutionFinite acts lab sb →
ConsistentRF_basic lab sb rf mo →
∃ (rfs: list actid),
<< NDrfs: NoDup rfs >> ∧
<< INrfs: ∀ x, In x rfs ↔ rf x = Some a >>.
∃ (undup (filter (fun x ⇒ mydec (rf x = Some a)) acts)).
unfold NW; split; [by apply/uniqP; apply undup_uniq|].
intros; rewrite (In_mem_eq (mem_undup (T:=Vbase.nat_eqType) _)), In_filter.
unfold mydec; desf; split; ins; desf; eauto.
split; try done.
red in H, H0; desf.
by generalize (CLOlab x), (H0 x); rewrite H1 in *; destruct (lab x); ins; desf; vauto; eapply H.
Lemma has_rf_pres acts lab sb rf mo a :
ExecutionFinite acts lab sb →
ConsistentRF_basic lab sb rf mo →
∃ rfs,
<< NDrfs: NoDup rfs >> ∧
<< INrfs: ∀ x, In x rfs ↔ rf a = Some x >>.
∃ (undup (filter (fun x ⇒ mydec (rf a = Some x)) acts)).
unfold NW; split; [by apply/uniqP; apply undup_uniq|].
intros; rewrite (In_mem_eq (mem_undup (T:=Vbase.nat_eqType) _)), In_filter.
unfold mydec; desf; split; ins; desf; eauto.
split; try done.
red in H, H0; desf.
by generalize (CLOlab x), (H0 a); rewrite H1 in *; destruct (lab x); ins; desf; vauto; eapply H.
Definition wf_ltof A (f : A → nat) :
well_founded (fun x y ⇒ f x < f y).
by apply Wf_nat.well_founded_lt_compat with f; intros x y; case ltP.
A few lemmas about Permutations
Lemma In_implies_perm A (x : A) l (IN: In x l) :
∃ l', Permutation l (x :: l').
induction l; ins; desf; eauto.
destruct IHl; eauto using Permutation.
Lemma Permutation_count A l l' (P : Permutation (A:=A) l l') f :
count f l = count f l'.
induction P; ins; desf; congruence.
Lemma count_eq_0: ∀ A f (lst: list A), count f lst = 0 ↔ ∀ x (IN: In x lst), ¬ f x.
split; ins.
× intro.
apply In_implies_perm in IN; desf.
apply Permutation_count with (f := f) in IN.
rewrite IN in H.
rewrite <- (app_nil_l l') , <- app_cons, count_app in H.
by simpls; desf.
× induction lst as [ | h tl]; simpls; desf.
by exfalso; exploit (H h); vauto.
by apply IHtl; ins; apply H; vauto.
Lemma Permutation_hmap_valids PS PSg :
∀ l l' (P : Permutation l l') lab sb rf hmap,
@hmap_valids PS PSg lab sb rf hmap l →
hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap l'.
unfold hmap_valids; ins; desf.
eexists; split.
eby eexists.
by red; ins; apply VLD, Permutation_in with (l := l'); [eapply Permutation_sym | ].
Lemma Permutation_hmap_valids_strong PS PSg:
∀ l l' (P : Permutation l l') lab sb rf hmap,
@hmap_valids_strong PS PSg lab sb rf hmap l →
hmap_valids_strong lab sb rf hmap l'.
red; ins; split; red; red in H; desf; ins.
eby eapply Permutation_hmap_valids.
apply (RESTR e); try done.
eby intro; destruct NIN; eapply Permutation_in.
desf; [left | right; split]; try done.
intro SB; destruct H0.
eby unfold is_sb_out in *; split; desf; eapply Permutation_in.
Lemma Permutation_hist_closed :
∀ l l' (P : Permutation l l') sb rf,
hist_closed sb rf l →
hist_closed sb rf l'.
red; ins; eapply H in HB.
by apply (Permutation_in _ P) in HB.
by eapply Permutation_in, IN; eauto using Permutation_sym.
Lemma Consistent_perm :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo sc mt (CONS : Consistent acts lab sb rf mo sc mt)
acts' (EQ: perm_eq acts acts'),
Consistent acts' lab sb rf mo sc mt.
unfold Consistent; ins; desf; intuition.
red in FIN; desf; split; red; ins; rewrite <- !(In_perm _ _ _ EQ) in *; eauto.
Lemma weakConsistent_perm :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo sc mt (CONS : weakConsistent acts lab sb rf mo sc mt)
acts' (EQ: perm_eq acts acts'),
weakConsistent acts' lab sb rf mo sc mt.
unfold weakConsistent; ins; desf; intuition.
red in FIN; desf; split; red; ins; rewrite <- !(In_perm _ _ _ EQ) in *; eauto.
Lemma weakConsistent_Permutation :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo sc mt (CONS : weakConsistent acts lab sb rf mo sc mt)
acts' (EQ: Permutation acts acts'),
weakConsistent acts' lab sb rf mo sc mt.
unfold weakConsistent; ins; desf; intuition.
red in FIN; desf; split; red; ins.
by apply (Permutation_in _ EQ), CLOlab.
by apply CLOsb in H; desf; split; apply (Permutation_in _ EQ).
Lemma Permutation_flatten A l l' (P : Permutation l l') :
Permutation (A:=A) (flatten l) (flatten l').
induction P; ins; rewrite ?flatten_cons, <- ?appA;
eauto using Permutation, Permutation_app, Permutation_app_comm.
Lemma AcyclicStrong_implies_IrreflexiveHBuRF:
∀ lab sb rf mo, AcyclicStrong lab sb rf mo → IrreflexiveHBuRF sb rf.
do 2 red; ins.
eapply H; instantiate (1 := x).
red in H0.
revert H0; generalize x at 1 3; intros y H0.
induction H0; eauto using clos_trans.
destruct H0; eauto using t_step with hb.
Hint Resolve AcyclicStrong_implies_IrreflexiveHBuRF.
Definition is_pred A (rel : A → A → Prop) B a :=
has (fun b ⇒ mydec (clos_refl_trans A rel a b)) B.
Definition depth_metric A (rel: A → A → Prop) V a :=
count (is_pred rel a) V.
Lemma clos_transK T (rel: relation T) x y :
clos_trans _ (clos_trans _ rel) x y →
clos_trans _ rel x y.
Proof. induction 1; eauto using clos_trans. Qed.
Lemma clos_refl_transD T rel a b :
clos_refl_trans T rel a b → a = b ∨ clos_trans T rel a b.
Proof. induction 1; desf; eauto using clos_trans. Qed.
Lemma depth_lt (rel : relation actid) V A B
(HB : ∀ a, In a A → ¬ In a B →
∃ b, In b B ∧ rel a b)
b (IN : In b B) (NIN: ¬ In b A)
(NHB: ∀ a, In a A → ¬ clos_trans _ rel b a)
(SUB: ∀ b, In b B → In b V) :
depth_metric rel V A < depth_metric rel V B.
unfold depth_metric; ins.
assert (IMP: ∀ x, is_pred rel A x → is_pred rel B x).
clear -HB; unfold is_pred, mydec; ins; desf.
apply/@hasP'; apply/@hasP' in H; destruct H; desf.
destruct (inP x0 B); [by ∃ x0; ins; desf|].
eapply HB in H; desf; eexists _; split; try edone; desf.
by exfalso; eauto using rt_trans, rt_step.
assert (P1: is_pred rel B b).
unfold is_pred, mydec; desf.
eapply In_split in IN; desf.
rewrite has_app; ins; desf; clarsimp.
by destruct n; vauto.
assert (P2: is_pred rel A b = false).
clear -NHB NIN; apply/hasP'; unfold mydec; intro; desf; eauto.
by apply clos_refl_transD in c; unfold not in *; desf; eauto.
assert (IN' : In b V) by eauto.
eapply In_split in IN'; desf; rewrite !count_app; ins.
ins; rewrite P1, P2, addnS, ltnS.
eauto using len_add, count_implies.
A useful induction principle for happens-before graphs.
Lemma edge_depth_ind lab sb rf V
(ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHBuRF sb rf)
(HC: hist_closed sb rf V) (P : hbcase → Prop) :
(∀ edge
(IH: ∀ edge' (EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge')
(LT: happens_before_union_rf sb rf (hb_fst edge') (hb_fst edge)),
P edge')
(EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge)
(IN : In (hb_fst edge) V),
P edge) →
∀ edge (EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge), In (hb_fst edge) V → P edge.
intros until edge.
generalize (S (depth_metric (happens_before_union_rf sb rf) V (hb_fst edge :: nil))),
(ltnSn (depth_metric (happens_before_union_rf sb rf) V (hb_fst edge :: nil))).
intro n'.
revert edge; induction n'; ins.
eapply H; ins; eapply IHn'; ins; eauto.
2: by clear -HC LT H1; induction LT; unfold imm_happens_before in *; desf;
eauto with hb.
eapply ltn_len_trans, H0.
eapply depth_lt; ins; desf; eauto; instantiate; rewrite addn0 in *;
intro; desf; [rewrite H2 in *|]; eauto using t_step, t_trans, clos_trans_hbUrfE.
Fixpoint find_max A (curr : A) f l :=
match l with
| nil ⇒ curr
| x :: xs ⇒
if f curr ≤ f x then find_max x f xs else find_max curr f xs
Lemma find_max_range :
∀ A (curr: A) f l,
In (find_max curr f l) (curr :: l).
induction[curr] l; ins; desf; firstorder.
Lemma find_max_greatest :
∀ A (x curr: A) f l (IN: In x (curr :: l)),
f x ≤ f (find_max curr f l).
induction[x curr] l; ins; desf; eauto using len_trans, lenT.
Given a non-empty set of edges, T, there is always an edge whose source
node does not happen before any of the sources of the other edges.
Lemma get_deepest :
∀ sb rf (ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHBuRF sb rf)
V (HC: hist_closed sb rf V)
T (NNIL: T ≠ nil)
(INCL: ∀ edge (IN: In edge T), In (hb_fst edge) V),
∃ edge,
<< IN: In edge T >> ∧
<< INe: In (hb_fst edge) V >> ∧
<< DEEP: ∀ edge' (IN': In edge' T)
(HB': happens_before_union_rf sb rf (hb_fst edge) (hb_fst edge')),
False >>.
destruct T; unfold depth_metric in *; ins; vauto.
pose (f x := depth_metric (happens_before_union_rf sb rf) V (hb_fst x :: nil)).
assert (IN:= find_max_range h f T).
eexists _; split; unfold NW; repeat split; eauto; ins.
assert (D := find_max_greatest f IN'); ins.
specialize (INCL _ IN'); clear IN IN'; subst f.
erewrite lenE, depth_lt in D; ins; desf; try intro; desf.
by ∃ (hb_fst edge'); split; vauto.
by left; reflexivity.
by rewrite H in *; eauto using t_step.
by eauto using t_step, t_trans, clos_trans_hbUrfE.
Fixpoint find_min A (curr : A) f l :=
match l with
| nil ⇒ curr
| x :: xs ⇒
if f x ≤ f curr then find_min x f xs else find_min curr f xs
Lemma find_min_range :
∀ A (curr: A) f l,
In (find_min curr f l) (curr :: l).
induction[curr] l; ins; desf; firstorder.
Lemma find_min_greatest :
∀ A (x curr: A) f l (IN: In x (curr :: l)),
f (find_min curr f l) ≤ f x.
induction[x curr] l; ins; desf; eauto using len_trans, lenT.
Lemma get_shallow :
∀ lab sb rf mo (ACYCLIC: AcyclicStrong lab sb rf mo)
V (HC: hist_closed sb rf V)
T (HC': hist_closed sb rf (V ++ T)) (NNIL: T ≠ nil),
∃ e,
<< IN: In e T >> ∧
<< HC: hist_closed sb rf (e :: V) >>.
destruct T; unfold depth_metric in *; ins; vauto.
pose (f x := depth_metric (hc_edge sb rf) (V ++ a :: T) (x :: nil)).
assert (IN:= find_min_range a f T).
eexists; split; unfold NW; repeat split; eauto; ins.
red; ins; destruct IN0; eauto; subst.
generalize HB; eapply HC' in HB; eauto.
2: by destruct IN as [<-|]; eauto using In_appI1, In_appI2, In_cons, In_eq.
rewrite In_app in HB; destruct HB as [|H]; vauto; intro.
eapply find_min_greatest with (f:=f) in H.
exfalso; clear IN.
rewrite lenE in H; apply/negP in H; destruct H.
eapply depth_lt; eauto using In_eq; ins; desf.
by destruct HB; eauto using hc_edge with hb .
by intro; desf; destruct HB; desf; eauto 8 with hb.
intro H.
assert (X: clos_trans actid (hc_edge sb rf) a0 a0) by eauto using clos_trans.
apply (ACYCLIC a0); revert X; clear;
generalize a0 at 1 3; induction 1; eauto using clos_trans;
by destruct H; desf; auto with hb.
assert (IN:= find_min_range a f T).
by destruct IN as [<-|]; eauto using In_appI1, In_appI2, In_cons, In_eq.
Lemma no_normals_on_rf PS PSg :
∀ lab sb rf mo ga (CONS_RF: ConsistentRF_basic lab sb rf mo)
a b (RF: rf b = Some a) hmap (VALID: hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap ga a)
hfr gr (MAP: hmap (hb_rf a b) = Hdef hfr gr) l (ALL: hfr l ≠ @HVnone PS PSg)
(NORMAL: HVlabeled (hfr l) HLnormal),
ins; red in VALID; desf; try (by specialize (CONS_RF b); desf; rewrite Heq in CONS_RF; desf).
desc; destruct DISJ.
desf; rewrite rEQ in MAP; inv MAP.
desc; clear TYP; ins; desf.
red in TRAN; desf.
generalize (hplus_def_inv _ _ TRAN); intro D; desf.
rewrite D, D0 in ×.
symmetry in D; eapply hsum_preserves_label in D; desf; eauto.
2: by do 2 (rewrite In_map; eexists; split; eauto); rewrite rfsOK.
symmetry in TRAN; eapply hplus_preserves_label in TRAN; desf; eauto.
clear - TRAN4 TRAN TRAN3.
specialize (TRAN3 l); destruct (hf0 l); desf; red in TRAN3; desf; ins; desf; red in TRAN4; desf.
desf; ins; desf.
exploit (@exact_label_hplus_dist_inv _ _ (hrel' +!+ ht) rfg); try eassumption.
eby rewrite hplusA, <- rOutEQ; eapply hplus_not_undef_r.
by apply hplus_eq_gheap in ghostEQ; desf; vauto.
rewrite hplusA, <- rOutEQ; intro L.
apply exact_label_hplus_dist in L; desf.
apply exact_label_hsum_dist with (h := Hdef hfr gr) in L.
2: by repeat (rewrite In_map; eexists; split; eauto); rewrite rfsOutOK.
rewrite <- label_exact_hdef in L.
specialize (L l).
exploit label_is_consistent_with_exact_label; eauto; ins.
Lemma no_normals_on_rf2 PS PSg :
∀ lab sb rf mo ga (CONS_RF: ConsistentRF_basic lab sb rf mo)
a b (RF: rf b = Some a) hmap (VALID: hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap ga b)
hfr gr (MAP: hmap (hb_rf a b) = Hdef hfr gr) l (ALL: hfr l ≠ @HVnone PS PSg)
(NORMAL: HVlabeled (hfr l) HLnormal),
ins; red in VALID; desf; try (by specialize (CONS_RF b); desf; rewrite Heq in CONS_RF; desf).
desc; destruct DISJ.
desf; rewrite rEQ in MAP; inv MAP.
desc; clear TYP; ins; desf.
apply exact_label_hsum_dist with (h := Hdef hfr gr) in TRAN.
2: by do 2 (rewrite In_map; eexists; split; eauto); rewrite rfsOK.
red in TRAN; desf.
specialize (TRAN3 l); destruct (hf0 l); ins; try congruence;
by desf; desf; red in NORMAL; desf.
desf; ins; desf.
rewrite <- rInEQ in TRANin.
apply exact_label_hsum_dist with (h := Hdef hfr gr) in TRANin.
2: by repeat (rewrite In_map; eexists; split; eauto); rewrite rfsInOK.
rewrite <- label_exact_hdef in TRANin.
specialize (TRANin l).
exploit label_is_consistent_with_exact_label; eauto; ins.
Lemma triangles_never_on_rf PS PSg:
∀ edge lab sb rf mo ga (CONS_RF: ConsistentRF_basic lab sb rf mo)
(EV: edge_valid lab sb rf edge) hmap (VALID: hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap ga (hb_fst edge))
hf g (MAP: hmap edge = Hdef hf g) l (ALL: hf l ≠ @HVnone PS PSg) (LAB: HVlabeled (hf l) HLtriangle),
is_sb edge ∨ is_sink edge.
ins; apply NNPP; intro.
apply not_or_and in H.
destruct edge; ins; desf.
ins; red in VALID; desf; try (by specialize (CONS_RF e'); desf; rewrite Heq in CONS_RF; desf).
desc; destruct DISJ.
desf; rewrite rEQ in MAP; inv MAP.
desc; clear TYP; ins; desf.
red in TRAN; desf.
generalize (hplus_def_inv _ _ TRAN); intro D; desf.
rewrite D, D0 in ×.
symmetry in D; eapply hsum_preserves_label in D; desf; eauto.
2: by do 2 (rewrite In_map; eexists; split; eauto); rewrite rfsOK.
symmetry in TRAN; eapply hplus_preserves_label in TRAN; desf; eauto.
clear - TRAN4 TRAN TRAN3.
specialize (TRAN3 l); destruct (hf1 l); desf; red in TRAN3; desf; ins; desf; red in TRAN4; desf.
desf; ins; desf.
exploit (@exact_label_hplus_dist_inv _ _ (hrel' +!+ ht) rfg); try eassumption.
eby rewrite hplusA, <- rOutEQ; eapply hplus_not_undef_r.
by apply hplus_eq_gheap in ghostEQ; desf; vauto.
rewrite hplusA, <- rOutEQ; intro L.
apply exact_label_hplus_dist in L; desf.
apply exact_label_hsum_dist with (h := Hdef hf g) in L.
2: by repeat (rewrite In_map; eexists; split; eauto); rewrite rfsOutOK.
rewrite <- label_exact_hdef in L.
specialize (L l).
exploit label_is_consistent_with_exact_label; eauto; ins.
Lemma triangles_never_on_rf2 PS PSg:
∀ edge lab sb rf mo ga (CONS_RF: ConsistentRF_basic lab sb rf mo)
(EV: edge_valid lab sb rf edge) hmap
(VALID: ∃ b, hb_snd edge = Some b ∧ hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap ga b)
hf g (MAP: hmap edge = Hdef hf g) l (ALL: hf l ≠ @HVnone PS PSg) (LAB: HVlabeled (hf l) HLtriangle),
is_sb edge.
ins; desf.
apply NNPP; intro RF.
destruct edge; ins; desf.
ins; red in VALID0; desf; try (by specialize (CONS_RF b); desf; rewrite Heq in CONS_RF; desf).
desc; destruct DISJ.
desf; rewrite rEQ in MAP; inv MAP.
desc; clear TYP; ins; desf.
apply exact_label_hsum_dist with (h := Hdef hf g) in TRAN.
2: by repeat (rewrite In_map; eexists; split; eauto); rewrite rfsOK.
rewrite <- label_exact_hdef in TRAN.
specialize (TRAN l).
exploit label_is_consistent_with_exact_label; eauto; ins.
desf; ins; desf.
rewrite <- rInEQ in TRANin.
apply exact_label_hsum_dist with (h := Hdef hf g) in TRANin.
2: by repeat (rewrite In_map; eexists; split; eauto); rewrite rfsInOK.
rewrite <- label_exact_hdef in TRANin.
specialize (TRANin l).
exploit label_is_consistent_with_exact_label; eauto; ins.
The heap on the incoming edge of a fence node is defined.
Lemma FenceInDEF PS PSg:
∀ hmap pre post e hF hrel hrel' hacq hacq' gnew
(DEF: hmap (hb_sb e post) ≠ @Hundef PS PSg)
(pEQ: hmap (hb_sb pre e) = hF +!+ hrel +!+ hacq)
(qEQ: hmap (hb_sb e post) = hF +!+ hrel' +!+ hacq' +!+ gheap _ _ gnew)
(RELsim: Hsim hrel hrel')
(ACQsim: Hsim hacq hacq'),
∃ hf g, hmap (hb_sb pre e) = Hdef hf g.
ins; rewrite <- hdef_alt; rewrite pEQ, qEQ in ×.
rewrite hplusAC; eapply hplus_sim_def.
eby apply Hsim_sym.
rewrite <- hplusA, hplusC; eapply hplus_sim_def.
eby apply Hsim_sym.
rewrite hplusAC, <- hplusA, hplusC, <- hplusA.
by intro U; rewrite <- !hplusA, U, hplus_undef_l in DEF.
Heaps on the incoming edges of an RMW node are compatible.
Lemma RMWinDEF PS PSg:
∀ hmap pre e post rfsIn rfsOut l hrel hrel' hacq hacq' ht hF P QQ v' sbg rfg
(DEF: hmap (hb_sb e post) +!+ hsum (map hmap (map (hb_rf e) rfsOut))
+!+ hmap (hb_sink e) ≠ @Hundef PS PSg)
(pEQ: hmap (hb_sb pre e) = hsingl _ _ l (HVra (hupd Wemp v' P) QQ true (Some HLCnormal) (Some HLCnormal))
+!+ hrel +!+ hF )
(qEQ: hmap (hb_sb e post) = hsingl _ _ l (HVra (hupd Wemp v' P) QQ true (Some HLCnormal) (Some HLCnormal))
+!+ hacq' +!+ hF +!+ sbg)
(rInEQ: hsum (map hmap (map (hb_rf^~ e) rfsIn)) = hacq +!+ ht)
(rOutEQ: hsum (map hmap (map (hb_rf e) rfsOut)) +!+ hmap (hb_sink e) = hrel' +!+ ht +!+ rfg)
(RELsim: Hsim hrel hrel') (ACQsim: Hsim hacq hacq'),
∃ hf g, hmap (hb_sb pre e) +!+ hsum (map hmap (map (hb_rf^~ e) rfsIn)) = Hdef hf g.
ins; rewrite <- hdef_alt.
rewrite qEQ, rOutEQ, !hplusA, !(hplusAC sbg), (hplusC _ rfg), !(hplusAC rfg) in DEF.
do 2 apply hplus_not_undef_r in DEF.
rewrite pEQ, rInEQ.
rewrite hplusC in DEF.
rewrite !hplusA, hplusC.
eapply hplus_sim_def; eauto.
rewrite !(hplusAC hacq), (hplusAC _ hrel).
apply hplus_sim; try (by intro U; rewrite U, ?hplus_undef_r, ?hplus_undef_l in *).
by apply Hsim_sym.
apply hplus_sim; try (by intro U; rewrite U, ?hplus_undef_r, ?hplus_undef_l in *).
by apply Hsim_refl; intro U; rewrite U, ?hplus_undef_r, ?hplus_undef_l in ×.
apply hplus_sim; try (by intro U; rewrite U, ?hplus_undef_r, ?hplus_undef_l in *).
by apply Hsim_sym.
by apply Hsim_refl; intro U; rewrite U, ?hplus_undef_r, ?hplus_undef_l in ×.
Ltac RMWin_def := exploit RMWinDEF; try eassumption; rewrite <- hdef_alt; intro DEFin; [].
Ltac RMWin_heap := exploit RMWinDEF; try eassumption; intro DEFin; desc; [].
Every validly annotated memory access contains the accessed location
in the domain of the heap of its incoming sb-edge.
Lemma valid_accessD PS PSg:
∀ lab sb rf hmap ga a
(VALID : hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap ga a)
(Aa : is_access (lab a)),
∃ pre hf g,
sb pre a ∧ hmap (hb_sb pre a) = Hdef hf g
∧ hf (loc (lab a)) ≠ @HVnone PS PSg ∧ HVlabeled (hf (loc (lab a))) HLnormal.
red in VALID; desf; desc; try destruct DISJ; desc; try clear TYP; red in pU; desf.
red in IV; desf; desf.
by eexists _, _, _; repeat split; eauto; ins; instantiate; rewrite Heq0.
symmetry in pEQ'; eapply hplus_preserves_Rlabel in pEQ'; eauto; rewrite ? hupds; ins.
eexists _, _, _; repeat split; eauto; ins.
by intro N; rewrite N in ×.
eby apply Rlabel_implies_label.
eexists _, _, _; repeat split; eauto; ins.
by intro N; rewrite N in ×.
symmetry in UPD; eapply hplus_ra_lD in UPD; desf.
3: eby rewrite hupds.
× apply initialize_eq_raD in UPD; desf.
eexists _, _, _; repeat split; eauto; ins; try congruence.
rewrite UPD; ins; desf; vauto.
× apply initialize_eq_raD in UPD; desf.
eexists _, _, _; repeat split; eauto; ins; try congruence.
rewrite UPD; ins; desf; unfold is_normal; tauto.
apply hplus_not_undef_l, hdef_alt in DEFin; ins; desf.
rewrite DEFin in ×.
repeat eexists; eauto.
by eapply hplus_preserves_alloc_l in pEQ; rewrite ?hupds.
by eapply hplus_preserves_label in pEQ; rewrite ?hupds; ins; desf; vauto.
Lemma valid_na_accessD PS PSg :
∀ lab sb rf hmap ga a
(VALID : hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap ga a)
(NA : is_na (lab a)) pre
(SB : sb pre a) hf g
(HM : hmap (hb_sb pre a) = @Hdef PS PSg hf g),
is_nonatomic (hf (loc (lab a))).
unfold hmap_valid, unique; ins; desf; desf; ins; apply pU0 in SB; desf;
rewrite pEQ in HM; desf; eauto.
Lemma valid_readD PS PSg :
∀ lab sb rf hmap ga a
(VALID : hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap ga a)
(Ra : is_read (lab a)),
∃ pre hf g,
sb pre a ∧ hmap (hb_sb pre a) = @Hdef PS PSg hf g
∧ HVlabeledR (hf (loc (lab a))) HLnormal.
red in VALID; desf; desc; try destruct DISJ; desc; try clear TYP; red in pU; desf.
eexists _, _, _; repeat split; eauto; ins.
red; desf; ins; desf.
eexists _, _, _; repeat split; eauto; ins.
symmetry in pEQ'; eapply hplus_preserves_Rlabel in pEQ'; eauto.
rewrite hupds; ins.
apply hplus_not_undef_l, hdef_alt in DEFin; ins; desf.
rewrite DEFin in ×.
repeat eexists; eauto.
by eapply hplus_preserves_Rlabel in pEQ; rewrite ?hupds; ins; desf; vauto.
Lemma valid_writeD PS PSg :
∀ lab sb rf hmap ga a
(VALID : hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap ga a)
(Wa : is_write (lab a)),
∃ pre hf g,
sb pre a ∧ hmap (hb_sb pre a) = @Hdef PS PSg hf g ∧
(is_lvalue (hf (loc (lab a))) ∨ is_atomic (hf (loc (lab a)))).
ins; red in VALID; desf; desc; try destruct DISJ; desc; try clear TYP; red in pU; desf.
eexists _, _, _; repeat split; eauto; ins.
eexists _, _, _; repeat split; eauto; ins.
right; clear - UPD.
apply initialize_is_atomic with (l := l).
eapply hplus_has_atomic_l.
eby symmetry in UPD.
by ins; desf; rewrite hupds.
apply hplus_not_undef_l, hdef_alt in DEFin; ins; desf.
rewrite DEFin in ×.
repeat eexists; eauto.
right; clear - pEQ.
eapply hplus_has_atomic_l.
eby symmetry in pEQ.
by ins; desf; rewrite hupds.
Lemma hmap_defined_in PS PSg:
∀ lab sb rf hmap mo ga (CONS_RF: ConsistentRF_basic lab sb rf mo)
edge b (VALID: hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap ga b)
(EV: edge_valid lab sb rf edge)
(IN: hb_snd edge = Some b),
∃ hf g, hmap edge = @Hdef PS PSg hf g.
ins; red in VALID; red in EV; desf; ins; desc; try destruct DISJ; desc; try clear TYP;
try (by specialize (CONS_RF b); desf; rewrite Heq in CONS_RF; desf);
inv IN; rewrite ?(proj2 pU _ EV) in *;
try (eby eexists _, _).
rewrite <- EQ in DEF.
apply hplus_not_undef_l, hdef_alt in DEF; desf.
eapply hsum_def_inv; eauto.
by repeat (rewrite In_map; eexists; split; try edone); apply pOK.
by apply hplus_not_undef_l, hdef_alt in DEFin.
rewrite qEQ, (hplusC _ (gheap _ _ _)), !(hplusAC (gheap _ _ _)) in DEF.
apply hplus_not_undef_r in DEF.
rewrite pEQ, <- hdef_alt.
rewrite hplusC; rewrite hplusC in DEF.
eapply hplus_sim_def; eauto.
eapply hplus_sim; solve [by apply Hsim_sym | by intro U; rewrite U, ?hplus_undef_l, ?hplus_undef_r in *].
eby eexists _, _; rewrite rEQ.
red in TRAN; desf.
eapply hsum_def_inv; eauto.
by repeat (rewrite In_map; eexists; split; try edone); apply rfsOK.
apply hplus_not_undef_r, hdef_alt in DEFin; desf.
eapply hsum_def_inv; eauto.
by repeat (rewrite In_map; eexists; split; try edone); apply rfsInOK.
Lemma hmap_defined_out PS PSg:
∀ lab sb rf hmap ga mo (CONS_RF: ConsistentRF_basic lab sb rf mo)
edge a (VALID: hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap ga a)
(EV: edge_valid lab sb rf edge)
(IN: hb_fst edge = a),
∃ hf g, hmap edge = @Hdef PS PSg hf g.
ins; red in VALID; red in EV; desf; ins; desc; try destruct DISJ; desc; try clear TYP;
try (by specialize (CONS_RF e'); desf; rewrite Heq in CONS_RF; desf);
try (by red in EV; rewrite Heq in EV);
rewrite ?(proj2 qU _ EV) in *; try (eby desf; eexists _, _); try (by apply hdef_alt).
clear - DEF qOK EV; apply hplus_not_undef_l, hdef_alt in DEF; desf.
eapply hsum_def_inv; eauto.
by repeat (rewrite In_map; eexists; split; try edone); apply qOK.
eby eapply hdef_alt, hplus_not_undef_l.
eby eapply hdef_alt, hplus_not_undef_l.
eby eexists _, _; rewrite rEQ.
red in TRAN; desf.
apply hplus_def_inv_l in TRAN; desf.
eapply hsum_def_inv; eauto.
by repeat (rewrite In_map; eexists; split; try edone); apply rfsOK.
rewrite hplusAC, hdef_alt in DEF; desf; apply hplus_def_inv_l in DEF; desf.
eapply hsum_def_inv; eauto.
by repeat (rewrite In_map; eexists; split; try edone); apply rfsOutOK.
apply hplus_not_undef_r, hdef_alt in DEF; desf.
red in TRAN; desf.
by apply hplus_def_inv_r in TRAN.
eby rewrite <- hplusA, hdef_alt in DEF; desf; eapply hplus_def_inv_r.
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