Lemmas about heaps and assertions

Require Import List Vbase Varith Vlist extralib.
Require Import Classical ClassicalDescription IndefiniteDescription.
Require Import Permutation permission fslassn fslassnsem.
Require Import GpsSepAlg.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Transparent hplus.

Ltac eq_rect_simpl := rewrite <- ?eq_rect_eq in ×.

Lemmas about permissions on non-atomic locations.

Lemma get_nonzero_permission PS x y z:
  @permissionsOK PS x y z x Pzero PS y Pzero PS z Pzero PS.
  ins. red in H; desf.
  repeat (apply permission_plus_not_zero in PSUMnonzero; desf; eauto).

Lemma all_permissions_zero PS : @permissionsOK PS (Pzero PS) (Pzero PS) (Pzero PS) False.
  ins; apply get_nonzero_permission in H; desf.

Lemmas about values and labels.

Lemma HVval_equal PS PSg (Perm Perm': Permission) v
                         (pNormal pTriangle pNabla : Perm) OK v'
                         (pNormal' pTriangle' pNabla' : Perm') OK' (EQ: Perm = Perm'):
  v = v' (eq_rect Perm (fun xx) pNormal Perm' EQ) = pNormal'
          (eq_rect Perm (fun xx) pTriangle Perm' EQ) = pTriangle'
          ((eq_rect Perm (fun xx) pNabla Perm' EQ)) = pNabla'
   @HVval PS PSg v Perm pNormal pTriangle pNabla OK = @HVval PS PSg v' Perm' pNormal' pTriangle' pNabla' OK'.
  ins; desf; f_equal; apply proof_irrelevance.

Lemma has_value_alt PS PSg hv v:
  has_value hv v PErm pNormal pTriangle pNabla OK,
                            hv = @HVval PS PSg v PErm pNormal pTriangle pNabla OK.
  unfold has_value; split; ins; desf.
  eexists _, _; eauto.

Lemma has_value_sim PS PSg (hv hv': HeapVal PS PSg) v (SIM: HVsim hv hv'): has_value hv v has_value hv' v.
  unfold has_value; desf; ins; desf; desf.

Lemma is_lvalue_implies_is_nonatomic PS PSg (hv : HeapVal PS PSg): is_lvalue hv is_nonatomic hv.
  destruct hv; ins.

Lemma is_rvalue_implies_is_nonatomic PS PSg (hv : HeapVal PS PSg): is_rvalue hv is_nonatomic hv.
  destruct hv; ins.

Lemma is_lvalue_implies_normal PS PSg hv: is_lvalue hv HVlabeled hv HLnormal hv @HVnone PS PSg.
  by destruct hv; ins; desf; split; try apply Pfull_is_not_Pzero.

Lemma is_rvalue_implies_normal PS PSg hv: is_rvalue hv HVlabeled hv HLnormal hv @HVnone PS PSg.
  by destruct hv; ins; desf; try apply Pfull_is_not_Pzero.

Lemma is_lvalue_implies_normal_weak PS PSg (hv : HeapVal PS PSg): is_lvalue hv HVlabeled hv HLnormal.
  by ins; eapply is_lvalue_implies_normal.

Lemma is_rvalue_implies_normal_weak PS PSg (hv : HeapVal PS PSg): is_rvalue hv HVlabeled hv HLnormal.
  by ins; eapply is_rvalue_implies_normal.

Lemma reduce_label_to_basic (lbl: HeapLabelCombination):
   (lblB : HeapLabel), HLleq lblB lbl.
  destruct lbl; try solve [ HLnormal; vauto | HLnabla; ins; red; eauto 8 | HLtriangle; vauto].

Lemma labeled_lvalue PS PSg (hv : HeapVal PS PSg) lbl : is_lvalue hv HVlabeled hv lbl lbl = HLnormal.
  by destruct hv; ins; desf;
     red in WFperm; desf; apply nonextendable_full_permission in PSUMdef; pplus_eq_zero.

Lemma is_rvalue_weaken PS PSg: (hv : HeapVal PS PSg) v, is_rvalueV hv v is_rvalue hv.
  ins; red; desf; ins; desf.

Lemma hvplusDEF_with_lvalue PS PSg:
   hv1 hv2 (LVAL: is_lvalue hv1) (DEF: hvplusDEF hv1 hv2), hv2 = @HVnone PS PSg.
  eby ins; red in LVAL, DEF; desf; desf;
      try red in DEF; try red in DEF0; desf; rewrite !permission_plusA in PSUMdef;
      apply nonextendable_full_permission in PSUMdef;
      pplus_eq_zero; exfalso; eapply all_permissions_zero.

Hint Resolve is_lvalue_implies_is_nonatomic is_lvalue_implies_normal_weak
             is_rvalue_implies_is_nonatomic is_rvalue_implies_normal_weak

Lemmas about lupd.

Lemma lupd_sim PS PSg:
   (h : heap PS PSg) lbl, h Hundef Hsim h (lupd h lbl).
  destruct h; ins; repeat eexists; red; ins; desf; ins; desf;
  rewrite <- ?eq_rect_eq, ?permission_plus_zero_r, ?permission_plus_zero_l; eauto.

Lemma lupd_sim2 PS PSg:
   (h h' : heap PS PSg) lbl, Hsim h h' Hsim (lupd h lbl) h'.
  ins; red in H; desf; ins; desf; repeat (eexists; try edone); red; ins;
  specialize (H1 l); desf; ins; desf; desf; pplus_zero_simpl; eauto.

Lemma lupd_label PS PSg:
   (h : heap PS PSg) lbl, h Hundef HlabeledExact (lupd h lbl) lbl.
  destruct h; ins; repeat eexists; red; ins; desf.

Lemma lupd_eq PS PSg:
   (h h' : heap PS PSg) lbl (SIM: Hsim h h') (LBL: HlabeledExact h lbl), h = lupd h' lbl.
  unfold Hsim, HlabeledExact; ins; desf; ins.
  f_equal; extensionality l.
  by specialize (LBL0 l); specialize (SIM1 l); desf; red in SIM1; desf; ins; desf; desf;
     rewrite ?permission_plus_zero_r, ?permission_plus_zero_l in *; subst; f_equal;
     apply proof_irrelevance.

Lemma lupd_eq_lupd PS PSg:
   (h h': heap PS PSg) lbl (DEF: h Hundef) (EQ: lupd h lbl = lupd h' lbl), Hsim h h'.
  ins; red; desf.
  destruct h, h'; ins; try done.
  injection EQ; clear EQ; intros ? EQ; subst.
  repeat eexists; try edone.
  red; ins.
  by apply equal_f with (x := l) in EQ; desf; ins; desf; rewrite <- !eq_rect_eq.

Lemmas about heap labels and hlplus.

Lemma Rlabel_implies_label PS PSg: (hv : HeapVal PS PSg) lbl, HVlabeledR hv lbl HVlabeled hv lbl.
  ins; red in H; desf; ins; desf; vauto.

Lemma label_is_consistent_with_exact_label PS PSg:
   hv (N: hv @HVnone PS PSg) lbl lbl' (LAB: HVlabeled hv lbl) (LABx: HVlabeledExact hv lbl'), lbl = lbl'.
  unfold HVlabeled, HVlabeledExact; ins; desf; desf;
  destruct lbl, lbl'; ins; unfold is_normal, is_triangle, is_nabla in*; desf.

Lemma label_is_consistent_with_exact_label_spec PS PSg:
   hf g l lbl lbl' (N: hf l @HVnone PS PSg) (L: HVlabeled (hf l) lbl)
        (HL: HlabeledExact (Hdef hf g) lbl'),
  lbl = lbl'.
  eapply label_is_consistent_with_exact_label; eauto.
  red in HL; desf.

Lemma Rlabel_is_consistent_with_exact_label PS PSg:
   (hv : HeapVal PS PSg) lbl lbl' (LAB: HVlabeledR hv lbl) (LABx: HVlabeledExact hv lbl'), lbl = lbl'.
  assert (N: hv HVnone) by (intro N; rewrite N in *; ins).
  eby apply Rlabel_implies_label in LAB; eapply label_is_consistent_with_exact_label.

Lemma Rlabel_is_consistent_with_exact_label_spec PS PSg:
   (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg) g l lbl lbl'
    (L: HVlabeledR (hf l) lbl) (HL: HlabeledExact (Hdef hf g) lbl'),
  lbl = lbl'.
  eapply Rlabel_is_consistent_with_exact_label; eauto.
  red in HL; desf.

Lemma nonatomic_label PS PSg:
   (hv : HeapVal PS PSg) (NA: is_nonatomic hv) lbl, HVlabeledExact hv lbl HVlabeled hv lbl.
  by destruct hv; simpls; ins; desf; desf; red in WFperm; desf;
     rewrite ?permission_plus_zero_r, ?permission_plus_zero_l in ×.

Lemma basic_is_normal:
   (lbl: HeapLabel), is_normal lbl lbl = HLnormal.
  ins; destruct lbl; unfold is_normal; split; ins; desf; tauto.

Lemma basic_is_triangle:
(lbl: HeapLabel), is_triangle lbl lbl = HLtriangle.
  ins; destruct lbl; unfold is_triangle; split; ins; desf; tauto.

Lemma basic_is_nabla:
   (lbl: HeapLabel), is_nabla lbl lbl = HLnabla.
  ins; destruct lbl; unfold is_nabla; split; ins; desf; tauto.

Lemma HLleq_trans:
   lbl1 lbl2 lbl3, HLleq lbl1 lbl2 HLleq lbl2 lbl3 HLleq lbl1 lbl3.
  unfold HLleq; try unfold is_normal; try unfold is_triangle; try unfold is_nabla;
     ins; destruct lbl1, lbl2, lbl3; desf; tauto.

Lemma HLleq_refl:
   lbl, HLleq lbl lbl.
  ins; unfold HLleq, is_normal, is_nabla, is_triangle; destruct lbl; tauto.

Lemma hlplus_same lbl:
  hlplus lbl lbl = lbl.
  by destruct lbl.

Lemma hlplusC lbl1 lbl2:
  hlplus lbl1 lbl2 = hlplus lbl2 lbl1.
  by ins; destruct lbl1, lbl2; simpls.

Lemma hlplusA lbl1 lbl2 lbl3:
  hlplus (hlplus lbl1 lbl2) lbl3 = hlplus lbl1 (hlplus lbl2 lbl3).
  by intros; destruct lbl1, lbl2, lbl3; simpls.

Lemma hlplus_monotone:
   lbl1 lbl2 lbl1' lbl2',
    HLleq lbl1 lbl1' HLleq lbl2 lbl2' HLleq (hlplus lbl1 lbl2) (hlplus lbl1' lbl2').
  unfold HLleq; ins; desf;
    try unfold is_normal in *;
    try unfold is_triangle in *;
    try unfold is_nabla in *;
    desf; simpl; tauto.

Lemma hlplus_monotone_inv: (lbl: HeapLabel) lbl1 lbl2,
  HLleq lbl (hlplus lbl1 lbl2) HLleq lbl lbl1 HLleq lbl lbl2.
  ins; unfold hlplus in H; desf; (try by auto);
  unfold HLleq, is_triangle, is_normal, is_nabla in *; desf; desf;
  solve [
    destruct lbl; done
    red in H; desf

Lemma hlplus_monotone1:
   lbl lbl', HLleq lbl (hlplus lbl lbl').
  ins; unfold HLleq, hlplus, is_normal, is_triangle, is_nabla; destruct lbl, lbl'; tauto.

Lemma hlplus_monotone2:
   lbl lbl1 lbl2, HLleq lbl lbl1 HLleq lbl (hlplus lbl1 lbl2).
  destruct lbl, lbl1, lbl2; desf; ins; try red in H; desf; try red; try tauto.

Lemma is_normal_monotone:
   lbl lbl' (LEQ: HLleq lbl lbl'), is_normal lbl is_normal lbl'.
  unfold HLleq; ins; desf; red in H; desf; red; tauto.

Lemma normal_hlplus:
   lbl1 lbl2, is_normal (hlplus lbl1 lbl2) is_normal lbl1 is_normal lbl2.
  unfold is_normal; destruct lbl1, lbl2; ins; desf; tauto.

Lemma not_normal_hlplus:
   lbl1 lbl2, ¬ is_normal (hlplus lbl1 lbl2) ¬ is_normal lbl1 ¬ is_normal lbl2.
  unfold is_normal; ins; split; intro; destruct H; desf; try destruct lbl1; try destruct lbl2; tauto.

Lemma hlplus_eq_basic:
   lbl1 lbl2 (lbl: HeapLabel), hlplus lbl1 lbl2 = lbl lbl1 = lbl lbl2 = lbl.
  by unfold hlplus; ins; destruct lbl; desf; vauto.

Lemma oHLleq_trans:
   lbl1 lbl2 lbl3, oHLleq lbl1 lbl2 oHLleq lbl2 lbl3 oHLleq lbl1 lbl3.
  unfold oHLleq; ins; desf; eapply HLleq_trans; eauto.

Lemma oHLleq_refl:
   lbl, oHLleq lbl lbl.
  ins; red; desf; apply HLleq_refl.

Lemma ohlplus_same lbl:
  ohlplus lbl lbl = lbl.
  destruct lbl; simpl; try done.
  f_equal; apply hlplus_same.

Lemma ohlplusC lbl1 lbl2:
  ohlplus lbl1 lbl2 = ohlplus lbl2 lbl1.
  unfold ohlplus; desf.
  by rewrite hlplusC.

Lemma ohlplusA lbl1 lbl2 lbl3:
  ohlplus (ohlplus lbl1 lbl2) lbl3 = ohlplus lbl1 (ohlplus lbl2 lbl3).
   unfold ohlplus; desf.
   by rewrite hlplusA.

Lemma ohlplus_none_l: lbl, ohlplus None lbl = lbl.

Lemma ohlplus_monotone:
   lbl1 lbl2 lbl1' lbl2',
     oHLleq lbl1 lbl1' oHLleq lbl2 lbl2' oHLleq (ohlplus lbl1 lbl2) (ohlplus lbl1' lbl2').
  unfold oHLleq, ohlplus; ins; desf.
  × by apply hlplus_monotone.
  × eapply HLleq_trans; split; eauto; apply hlplus_monotone1.
  × rewrite hlplusC; eapply HLleq_trans; split; eauto; apply hlplus_monotone1.

Lemma ohlplus_monotone1:
   lbl lbl', oHLleq lbl (ohlplus lbl lbl').
  unfold oHLleq, ohlplus; ins; desf.
  by apply hlplus_monotone1.
  by apply HLleq_refl.

Lemma ohlplus_monotone2:
   lbl lbl1 lbl2, oHLleq lbl lbl1 oHLleq lbl (ohlplus lbl1 lbl2).
  by unfold oHLleq, ohlplus; ins; desf; apply hlplus_monotone2.

Lemma is_normalO_monotone:
   lbl lbl' (LEQ: oHLleq lbl lbl'), is_normalO lbl is_normalO lbl'.
  eby unfold oHLleq, is_normalO; ins; desf; eapply is_normal_monotone.

Lemma normalO_ohlplus:
   lbl1 lbl2, is_normalO (ohlplus lbl1 lbl2) is_normalO lbl1 is_normalO lbl2.
  by unfold is_normalO, ohlplus; ins; desf; auto; apply normal_hlplus.

Lemma ohlplus_oHLleq:
   lbl1 lbl2 lbl, ohlplus lbl1 lbl2 = lbl oHLleq lbl1 lbl oHLleq lbl2 lbl.
  unfold ohlplus; split; desf; simpls.
  by apply hlplus_monotone1.
  by apply HLleq_refl.
  by rewrite hlplusC; apply hlplus_monotone1.
  by apply oHLleq_refl.

Lemma ohlplus_HLleq: lbl lbl' olbl, ohlplus (Some lbl) olbl = Some lbl' HLleq lbl lbl'.
  unfold ohlplus; ins; desf.
  by apply hlplus_monotone1.
  by apply HLleq_refl.

Lemma ohlplus_is_some:
   olbl1 olbl2 lbl,
    ohlplus olbl1 olbl2 = Some lbl lbl', (olbl1 = Some lbl' olbl2 = Some lbl') HLleq lbl' lbl.
  ins; destruct olbl1, olbl2; desf.
  × apply ohlplus_HLleq in H; ins; eauto.
  × ins; h; inv H; split; [eauto | eapply HLleq_refl].
  × ins; h; inv H; split; [eauto | eapply HLleq_refl].

Lemma ohlplus_with_basic_label:
   olbl1 olbl2 lbl' (EQ: ohlplus olbl1 olbl2 = Some lbl')
    (lbl: HeapLabel) (L: HLleq lbl lbl'),
   lbl'', (olbl1 = Some lbl'' olbl2 = Some lbl'') HLleq lbl lbl''.
  ins; destruct olbl1, olbl2; desf; ins.
  × inv EQ; clear EQ.
    apply hlplus_monotone_inv in L; desf; eauto.
  × inv EQ; clear EQ; eauto.
  × inv EQ; clear EQ; eauto.

Lemma label_hdef PS PSg:
   (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg) g lbl, HFlabeled hf lbl Hlabeled (Hdef hf g) lbl.
  split; ins.
  by hf, g.
  by unfold Hlabeled in H; desf.

Lemma label_exact_hdef PS PSg:
   (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg) g lbl, HFlabeledExact hf lbl HlabeledExact (Hdef hf g) lbl.
  split; ins.
  by hf, g.
  by unfold HlabeledExact in H; desf.

Lemma label_hvplus PS PSg:
   (hv1 hv2 : HeapVal PS PSg) lbl
    (DEF: hvplusDEF hv1 hv2)
    (PLUS: HVlabeled (hvplus hv1 hv2) lbl),
  HVlabeled hv1 lbl HVlabeled hv2 lbl.
  red in DEF; desf; ins; eauto; desf; desf; ins;
  solve [
    by eq_rect_simpl; apply permission_plus_not_zero
    inv Heq0; vauto
    inv Heq; apply hlplus_monotone_inv in PLUS; desf; vauto

Lemma Rlabel_hvplus PS PSg:
   (hv1 hv2 : HeapVal PS PSg) lbl
    (DEF: hvplusDEF hv1 hv2)
    (PLUS: HVlabeledR (hvplus hv1 hv2) lbl),
  HVlabeledR hv1 lbl HVlabeledR hv2 lbl.
  red in DEF; desf; ins; eauto; try des_eqrefl; try done; desf; ins; eq_rect_simpl;
  try (by apply permission_plus_not_zero); desf; eauto.
  by apply hlplus_monotone_inv.

Lemmas about heap similarity.

Lemma HLCsim_refl: lbl, HLCsim lbl lbl.
  ins; red; desf.

Lemma HLCsim_sym: lbl lbl', HLCsim lbl lbl' HLCsim lbl' lbl.
  unfold HLCsim; ins; desf.

Lemma ohlplus_sim: lbl1 lbl2 lbl1' lbl2'
                          (SIM1: HLCsim lbl1 lbl1')
                          (SIM2: HLCsim lbl2 lbl2'),
                   HLCsim (ohlplus lbl1 lbl2) (ohlplus lbl1' lbl2').
  unfold HLCsim, ohlplus; ins; desf.

Lemma HLCsim_trans lbl1 lbl2 lbl3: HLCsim lbl1 lbl2 HLCsim lbl2 lbl3 HLCsim lbl1 lbl3.
  unfold HLCsim; ins; desf.

Lemma HVsim_refl PS PSg: (hv : HeapVal PS PSg), HVsim hv hv.
  ins; red; desf; eq_rect_simpl; repeat split; apply HLCsim_refl.

Lemma HVsim_sym PS PSg: (hv hv' : HeapVal PS PSg), HVsim hv hv' HVsim hv' hv.
   by unfold HVsim; split; ins; desf; eq_rect_simpl; repeat split; desf; rewrite HLCsim_sym.

Lemma HVsim_trans PS PSg (hv1 hv2 hv3 : HeapVal PS PSg): HVsim hv1 hv2 HVsim hv2 hv3 HVsim hv1 hv3.
  unfold HVsim; ins; desf; desf; eq_rect_simpl; eauto 7 using HLCsim_trans; try split; congruence.

Lemma HVsim_alloc PS PSg:
   (hv1 hv2 : HeapVal PS PSg) (SIM: HVsim hv1 hv2),
    hv1 HVnone hv2 HVnone.
  ins; red in SIM; desf.

Lemma is_atomic_sim PS PSg: (hv hv' : HeapVal PS PSg) (SIM: HVsim hv hv'), is_atomic hv is_atomic hv'.
  split; ins; destruct hv, hv'; simpls.

Lemma is_nonatomic_sim PS PSg:
   (hv hv' : HeapVal PS PSg) (SIM: HVsim hv hv'), is_nonatomic hv is_nonatomic hv'.
  split; ins; destruct hv, hv'; simpls.

Lemma HFsim_refl PS PSg: (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg), HFsim hf hf.
  ins; red; ins; apply HVsim_refl.

Lemma HFsim_sym PS PSg: (hf hf' : val HeapVal PS PSg), HFsim hf hf' HFsim hf' hf.
  by ins; split; red; ins; specialize (H l); rewrite HVsim_sym.

Lemma HFsim_trans PS PSg (hf1 hf2 hf3 : val HeapVal PS PSg): HFsim hf1 hf2 HFsim hf2 hf3 HFsim hf1 hf3.
  unfold HFsim; ins; eauto using HVsim_trans.

Lemma Hsim_alt PS PSg: (hf hf' : val HeapVal PS PSg) g, HFsim hf hf' Hsim (Hdef hf g) (Hdef hf' g).
  split; ins.
  by hf, hf'; vauto.
  by unfold Hsim in *; desf.

Lemma Hsim_sym PS PSg: (h h' : heap PS PSg), Hsim h h' Hsim h' h.
  by ins; unfold Hsim; split; ins; desf; eexists _, _, _; repeat split; eauto; rewrite HFsim_sym.

Lemma Hsim_refl PS PSg: h, h @Hundef PS PSg Hsim h h.
  destruct h; ins; rewrite <- Hsim_alt; apply HFsim_refl.

Lemma Hsim_trans PS PSg (h1 h2 h3 : heap PS PSg): Hsim h1 h2 Hsim h2 h3 Hsim h1 h3.
  unfold Hsim; ins; desf; repeat eexists; eauto using HFsim_trans.

Lemma Hsim_alloc PS PSg:
   (h : heap PS PSg) hf g l
    (SIM: Hsim h (Hdef hf g))
    (DEF: hf l HVnone),
   hf', h = Hdef hf' g hf' l HVnone.
  by unfold Hsim, HFsim, HVsim; ins; desf; specialize (SIM1 l); eexists; split; eauto; intro; desf.

Lemma Hsim_alloc_label PS PSg:
   (h : heap PS PSg) hf g l lbl
    (SIM: Hsim h (Hdef hf g))
    (DEF: hf l HVnone)
    (LBL: HVlabeled (hf l) lbl),
   hf' lbl', h = Hdef hf' g hf' l HVnone HVlabeled (hf' l) lbl'.
  unfold Hsim, HFsim, HVsim; ins; desf; specialize (SIM1 l); desf;
     try by (eexists _, _; repeat split; eauto; rewrite Heq; ins).
  × hf0.
    assert (L := get_nonzero_permission WFperm); desf.
    by HLnormal; rewrite Heq; repeat split.
    by HLtriangle; rewrite Heq; repeat split.
    by HLnabla; rewrite Heq; repeat split.
  × by hf0; rewrite Heq; ins; desf; assert (L := reduce_label_to_basic h);
       desc; lblB; repeat split; eauto.

Lemma HFsim_alloc_label PS PSg:
   hf hf' lbl' l (SIM: HFsim hf hf') (LBL: HVlabeled (hf' l) lbl') (ALL: hf' l @HVnone PS PSg),
  hf l @HVnone PS PSg lbl, HVlabeled (hf l) lbl.
  assert (Hsim (Hdef hf gres_emp) (Hdef hf' gres_emp)) by (eexists _, _, _; eauto).
  eapply Hsim_alloc_label in H; desf; eauto.

Lemma label_sim PS PSg:
   (hv1 hv2 : HeapVal PS PSg) (SIM: HVsim hv1 hv2) lbl (LBL: HVlabeled hv1 lbl),
   lbl', HVlabeled hv2 lbl'.
  unfold HVlabeled; ins; desf; ins; desf; try (eby eexists);
    try (apply get_nonzero_permission in WFperm; desf;
         solve [by HLnormal | by HLtriangle | by HLnabla]);
    destruct h; solve [ HLnormal; ins; try unfold is_normal; eauto |
                        HLtriangle; ins; try unfold is_triangle; eauto |
                        HLnabla; ins; try unfold is_nabla; eauto].

Lemma Rlabel_sim PS PSg:
   (hv1 hv2 : HeapVal PS PSg) (SIM: HVsim hv1 hv2) lbl (LBL: HVlabeledR hv1 lbl),
   lbl', HVlabeledR hv2 lbl'.
  unfold HVlabeledR; ins; desf; ins; desf;
    try (apply get_nonzero_permission in WFperm; desf;
         solve [by HLnormal | by HLtriangle | by HLnabla]);
    destruct h; solve [ HLnormal; ins; try unfold is_normal; eauto |
                        HLtriangle; ins; try unfold is_triangle; eauto |
                        HLnabla; ins; try unfold is_nabla; eauto].

Lemma Rlabel_hsim PS PSg:
   (h : heap PS PSg) hf g l lbl (SIM: Hsim h (Hdef hf g)) (RL: HVlabeledR (hf l) lbl),
   hf' lbl', h = Hdef hf' g HVlabeledR (hf' l) lbl'.
  red in SIM; desf.
  specialize (SIM1 l).
  rewrite HVsim_sym in SIM1.
  exploit Rlabel_sim; eauto.
  ins; desf; eexists _, _; eauto.

Lemma exact_label_sim PS PSg:
   (h1 h2 : heap PS PSg) lbl, HlabeledExact h1 lbl HlabeledExact h2 lbl Hsim h1 h2 h1 = h2.
  unfold HlabeledExact, Hsim; ins; desf.
  by f_equal; extensionality l; specialize (H3 l); specialize (H4 l); specialize (H5 l);
     red in H3; red in H4; red in H5; desf; desf; eapply HVval_equal; eq_rect_simpl; try done;

  Grab Existential Variables. all: done.

Some basic lemmas about heaps and hplus.

Lemma hdef_alt PS PSg h : h @Hundef PS PSg hf g, h = Hdef hf g.
Proof. destruct h; split; ins; desf; vauto. Qed.

Lemma AcombinableC PS PSg (P Q : assn PS PSg): Acombinable P Q Acombinable Q P.
Proof. unfold Acombinable; ins; desf; eauto. Qed.

Lemma assn_mod_eqI1 PS PSg (P Q: assn_mod PS PSg): proj1_sig P = proj1_sig Q P = Q.
  destruct P, Q; ins; revert e0; subst; ins; f_equal; apply proof_irrelevance.

Lemma assn_mod_eqI PS PSg (P Q: assn_mod PS PSg): Asim (sval P) (sval Q) P = Q.
  ins; apply assn_mod_eqI1; apply assn_norm_ok in H.
  destruct P, Q; ins; congruence.

Lemma AsimD PS PSg (P Q : assn PS PSg) : Asim P Q mk_assn_mod P = mk_assn_mod Q.
Proof. ins; apply assn_mod_eqI; Asim_simpl. Qed.

Lemma hv_acq_defC PS PSg b1 b2 (Q1 Q2 : assn PS PSg) :
  hv_acq_def b1 Q1 b2 Q2 hv_acq_def b2 Q2 b1 Q1.
Proof. destruct 1; desc; vauto. Qed.

Lemma hvplusDEFC PS PSg (hv1 hv2 : HeapVal PS PSg): hvplusDEF hv1 hv2 hvplusDEF hv2 hv1.
  unfold hvplusDEF; desf; ins; desf; eq_rect_simpl; repeat split;
  eauto using AcombinableC, eq_sym, hv_acq_defC;
  rewrite (permission_plusC _ pNormal0), (permission_plusC _ pTriangle0), (permission_plusC _ pNabla0);
    first [red in H | red in H0]; desf.

Lemma hvplusC PS PSg (hv1 hv2 : HeapVal PS PSg): hvplusDEF hv1 hv2 hvplus hv1 hv2 = hvplus hv2 hv1.
  unfold hvplus, hvplusDEF; ins; desf; desf; try des_eqrefl; try done; f_equal; desf; try des_eqrefl; desf;
    try (by exfalso; desf);
    try eapply HVval_equal; eq_rect_simpl; try (by exfalso; desf); desf; desf; eq_rect_simpl;
    eauto using andbC, orbC, ohlplusC, permission_plusC, eq_sym;
    try (by rewrite (permission_plusC _ pNormal0),
                    (permission_plusC _ pTriangle0),
                    (permission_plusC _ pNabla0) in *);
    try (by extensionality v; desf; apply assn_mod_eqI1; try congruence;
            specialize (H0 v); red in H0; desf).

  by extensionality v; apply assn_mod_eqI1; specialize (H v); red in H; desf; congruence.
  by extensionality v; apply AsimD, Asim_starC.

  Grab Existential Variables. all: done.

Lemma hplusC PS PSg (h1 h2 : heap PS PSg): hplus h1 h2 = hplus h2 h1.
  by unfold hplus; desf; f_equal; try exten; ins; desf; eauto using hvplusC, gres_plus_totalC; desf;
     destruct n; split; eauto using hvplusDEFC; rewrite gres_plusC.

Lemma hplus_emp_l PS PSg h : hplus (@hemp PS PSg) h = h.
  unfold hplus, hemp; desf.
    by rewrite gres_plus_total_emp_l.
  destruct n; split; ins.
  by rewrite gres_plusC, gres_plus_emp_r.

Lemma hplus_emp_r PS PSg h : hplus h (@hemp PS PSg) = h.
Proof. by rewrite hplusC, hplus_emp_l. Qed.

Lemma hplus_eq_emp PS PSg (h1 h2 : heap PS PSg) :
  hplus h1 h2 = (@hemp PS PSg) h1 = hemp h2 = hemp.
  split; ins; desf; try apply hplus_emp_r.
  destruct h1, h2; ins; desf; desf; inv H.
  split; unfold hemp; f_equal;
  try (by extensionality l; apply (f_equal (fun ff l)) in H1;
          destruct (hf l), (hf0 l); ins; desf).
  by unfold gres_plus_total in H2; desf; apply gres_eq_empD in Heq.
  by unfold gres_plus_total in H2; desf; rewrite gres_plusC in Heq; apply gres_eq_empD in Heq.

Lemma assn_norm_mod PS PSg (Q : assn_mod PS PSg) : assn_norm (sval Q) = sval Q.
Proof. destruct Q; ins. Qed.

Lemma hvplusDEF_hvplusA PS PSg (h1 h2 h3 : HeapVal PS PSg) :
  hvplusDEF h1 h2
  hvplusDEF (hvplus h1 h2) h3
  hvplusDEF h1 (hvplus h2 h3).
  destruct h1, h2, h3; ins; desf; desf; ins;

  try solve [
    split; ins; try congruence;
    try match goal with |- Acombinable _ _
          specialize (H2 v); specialize (H1 v); desf;
          unfold Acombinable in *; eauto
        end; clear H2 H1; specialize (H v); specialize (H0 v);
    unfold hv_acq_def in *; simpls; desf;
    repeat match goal with
        | H : _ = Aemp |- _apply assn_norm_star_eq_emp in H; desc
        | H : _ = Afalse |- _apply assn_norm_star_eq_false in H; destruct H as [H|[H|H]]; desc
        | H : _ = Aemp |- _rewrite H in *; revert H
        | H : Aemp = _ |- _rewrite <- H in *; revert H
      end; rewrite ?assn_norm_star_emp, ?assn_norm_star_emp_r, ?assn_norm_mod in *; eauto
    by right; rewrite H0, H1, H2, assn_norm_star_false
  ]; desf.

  by split; desf; desf; eq_rect_simpl; rewrite !permission_plusA in ×.

  destruct n; desf; desf; eq_rect_simpl; split.
    by intro CONTRA; red in H2; desf;
       rewrite !permission_plusA in *;
       rewrite !(permission_plusAC _ pNabla), !(permission_plusAC _ pTriangle), !(permission_plusAC _ pNormal),
               CONTRA, !permission_plus_undef_r in PSUMdef.
    eby intro; pplus_eq_zero; exfalso; eapply all_permissions_zero.

  split; ins.
  × clear H2 H1; specialize (H v); specialize (H0 v); unfold hv_acq_def in *; simpls; desf.
    by rewrite <- !H, <- !H0, assn_norm_star_emp, assn_norm_emp; eauto.
    by rewrite !H, <- !H0, !H1, assn_norm_star_emp_r, assn_norm_false; eauto.
    by rewrite <- H, !H0, !H1, assn_norm_star_emp, assn_norm_false; eauto.
    by rewrite !H0, !H1, !H2, assn_norm_star_false; eauto.
  × specialize (H2 v); specialize (H1 v); desf; unfold Acombinable in *; eauto.

Lemma hvplusDEF_hvplus1 PS PSg (h1 h2 h3 : HeapVal PS PSg) :
  hvplusDEF h2 h3
  hvplusDEF h1 (hvplus h2 h3)
  hvplusDEF h1 h2.
  destruct h1, h2, h3; ins; repeat split; desf; desf; ins; f_equal; ins; try congruence;
  try apply Lcombinable_hlplus1 with lbl1;
  try match goal with |- Acombinable _ _
        specialize (H2 v); specialize (H1 v); desf;
        unfold Acombinable in *; eauto
      end; try specialize (H v); try specialize (H0 v); try specialize (H1 v);
           try specialize (H2 v); try specialize (H3 v);
  try destruct isrmwflag;
  unfold hv_acq_def in *; simpls; desf;
  repeat match goal with
      | H : ?x = ?x |- _clear H
      | H : Aemp = _ |- _symmetry in H
      | H : Afalse = _ |- _symmetry in H
      | H : _ = Aemp |- _apply assn_norm_star_eq_emp in H; desc
      | H : _ = Afalse |- _apply assn_norm_star_eq_false in H; destruct H as [H|[H|H]]; desc
      | H : _ = Aemp |- _apply assn_norm_star_eq_emp in H; desc

      | H : _ = Aemp |- _rewrite H in *; revert H
    end; rewrite ?assn_norm_star_emp, ?assn_norm_star_emp_r, ?assn_norm_mod in *; eauto; intuition try congruence;
  try rewrite e; unfold Acombinable; eauto.

  by intro CONTRA; red in H1; desf;
     rewrite !permission_plusA in *;
     rewrite (permission_plusC _ _ pNabla1), !(permission_plusAC _ pNabla1),
             !(permission_plusAC _ pTriangle1), !(permission_plusAC _ pNormal1),
             CONTRA, !permission_plus_undef_r in PSUMdef.
  eby intro; pplus_eq_zero; exfalso; eapply all_permissions_zero.

Lemma hvplusDEF_hvplus2 PS PSg (h1 h2 h3 : HeapVal PS PSg) :
  hvplusDEF h1 h2
  hvplusDEF (hvplus h1 h2) h3
  hvplusDEF h2 h3.
  ins; rewrite hvplusC in *; eauto using hvplusDEFC, hvplusDEF_hvplus1.

Lemma hvplusA PS PSg (h1 h2 h3 : HeapVal PS PSg) :
  hvplusDEF h1 h2
  hvplus (hvplus h1 h2) h3 = hvplus h1 (hvplus h2 h3).
  destruct h1, h2, h3; ins; desf; desf; ins; desf; rewrite ?ohlplusA;
    first [eapply HVval_equal | f_equal]; eq_rect_simpl; rewrite ?permission_plusA in *; try done;
    try (eby destruct n; split;
             [ intro CONTRA; (try red in p1); (try red in p0); desf; rewrite !permission_plusA in *;
               rewrite !(permission_plusAC _ pNabla), !(permission_plusAC _ pTriangle),
                       !(permission_plusAC _ pNormal), CONTRA, !permission_plus_undef_r in ×
             | intro; pplus_eq_zero; exfalso; eapply all_permissions_zero]);
    try (eby destruct n0; split;
            [ intro CONTRA; (try red in p1); (try red in p0); desf; rewrite !permission_plusA in *;
              rewrite !(permission_plusAC _ pNabla), !(permission_plusAC _ pTriangle),
                      !(permission_plusAC _ pNormal), CONTRA, !permission_plus_undef_r in ×
            | intro; pplus_eq_zero; exfalso; eapply all_permissions_zero]);
    try (eby exfalso; red in p; red in p0; desf;
            rewrite !permission_plusA, permission_plusAC in *;
            match goal with H : Pfull _ ## _ Pundef _ |- _apply nonextendable_full_permission in H end;
            pplus_eq_zero; exfalso; eapply all_permissions_zero);
    try (by destruct Heq; vauto);
    try (by destruct Heq0; vauto);
    try (by exten; intro y; desf; apply assn_mod_eqI; ins; Asim_simpl; vauto).

  Grab Existential Variables. all: done.

Lemma hplusA PS PSg (h1 h2 h3 : heap PS PSg) :
  hplus (hplus h1 h2) h3 = hplus h1 (hplus h2 h3).
  unfold hplus; desf; desf.
  × destruct n; split; ins.
    by eauto using hvplusDEF_hvplusA, hvplusDEF_hvplus1, hvplusDEF_hvplus2.
    eby eapply gres_plus_gres_plus_total_not_none.
  × destruct n; split; ins.
    by eauto using hvplusDEF_hvplusA, hvplusDEF_hvplus1, hvplusDEF_hvplus2.
    eby rewrite gres_plusC, gres_plus_totalC in *; eapply gres_plus_gres_plus_total_not_none.
  × f_equal.
    by exten; eauto using hvplusA.
    by apply gres_plus_totalA.
  × destruct n; split; ins.
    by eauto using hvplusDEF_hvplusA, hvplusDEF_hvplus1, hvplusDEF_hvplus2.
    by rewrite gres_plus_gres_plus_totalA.
  × destruct n; unnw; split; ins.
    by rewrite hvplusC; eauto; apply hvplusDEFC, hvplusDEF_hvplusA; eauto using hvplusDEFC;
       rewrite hvplusC; eauto using hvplusDEFC.
    by rewrite <- gres_plus_gres_plus_totalA.

Lemma hplusAC PS PSg (h1 h2 h3 : heap PS PSg) :
  hplus h2 (hplus h1 h3) = hplus h1 (hplus h2 h3).
  by rewrite <- (hplusA h2), (hplusC h2), hplusA.

Lemma hplus_add_same PS PSg: (h1 h2 h : heap PS PSg), h1 = h2 hplus h1 h = hplus h2 h.
  by ins; subst.

Lemma hplus_unfold PS PSg h1 h2 g1 g2 :
  hplus (Hdef h1 g1) (Hdef h2 g2) =
  (if resources_compatible h1 h2 g1 g2
    then Hdef (fun v : valhvplus (h1 v) (h2 v)) (gres_plus_total g1 g2)
    else @Hundef PS PSg).

Further properties of hplus

Lemma hplus_not_undef_l PS PSg h h' : hplus h h' @Hundef PS PSg h @Hundef PS PSg.
Proof. by destruct h, h'; ins. Qed.

Lemma hplus_not_undef_r PS PSg h h' : hplus h h' @Hundef PS PSg h' @Hundef PS PSg.
Proof. by destruct h, h'; ins. Qed.

Hint Resolve hplus_not_undef_l.
Hint Resolve hplus_not_undef_r.

Lemma hplus_undef_r PS PSg: h, hplus h (@Hundef PS PSg) = @Hundef PS PSg.
  by ins; destruct h; desf.

Lemma hplus_undef_l PS PSg: h, hplus (@Hundef PS PSg) h = @Hundef PS PSg.
  by ins; rewrite hplusC; apply hplus_undef_r.

Lemma hplus_def_inv PS PSg (h h': heap PS PSg) hx gx (P: hplus h h' = Hdef hx gx) :
   hy hz gy gz, h = Hdef hy gy h' = Hdef hz gz
     << DEFv: l, hvplusDEF (hy l) (hz l) >>
     << PLUSv: l, hx l = hvplus (hy l) (hz l) >>
     << PLUSg: gres_plus gy gz = Some gx >>.
  destruct h, h'; ins; desf; desf.
  repeat eexists; try done.
  unfold gres_plus_total; desf.

Lemma hplus_def_inv_l PS PSg (h h' : heap PS PSg) hf g : hplus h h' = Hdef hf g h3 g3, h = Hdef h3 g3.
Proof. destruct h, h'; vauto. Qed.

Lemma hplus_def_inv_r PS PSg (h h' : heap PS PSg) hf g : hplus h h' = Hdef hf g h3 g3, h' = Hdef h3 g3.
Proof. destruct h, h'; vauto. Qed.

Lemma hplus_eq_gheap:
   PS PSg (h1 h2 : heap PS PSg) g (SUM: hplus h1 h2 = gheap _ _ g),
     g1 g2, h1 = gheap _ _ g1 h2 = gheap _ _ g2 gres_plus g1 g2 = Some g.
  ins; apply hplus_def_inv in SUM; desf.
  eexists _, _; repeat split; eauto; f_equal; extensionality x; specialize (PLUSv x); unfold hvplus in PLUSv; desf.

Lemma hplus_preserves_alloc_l PS PSg:
   h1 g1 h2 h g l (SUM: Hdef h g = hplus (Hdef h1 g1) h2 ) (ALL: h1 l @HVnone PS PSg),
    h l @HVnone PS PSg.
  ins; intro CONTRA; destruct ALL; desf; unfold hvplus in CONTRA; desf.

Lemma hplus_preserves_galloc_l PS PSg:
   h h1 (h2: heap PS PSg) g1 g l (SUM: Hdef h g = hplus (Hdef h1 g1) h2 ) (ALL: g1 l None),
    g l None.
  ins; desf; desf.
  unfold gres_plus_total; desf.
  unfold gres_plus in *; des_eqrefl; try done; desf.
  clear GHOSTcompat; simpl.
  inv_lplus l.
  unfold olift_plus in EQ; desf; congruence.

Lemma hplus_preserves_alloc_r PS PSg:
   h1 h2 g2 h g l (SUM: Hdef h g = hplus h1 (Hdef h2 g2)) (ALL: h2 l @HVnone PS PSg),
    h l @HVnone PS PSg.
  eby ins; rewrite hplusC in SUM; eapply hplus_preserves_alloc_l.

Lemma hplus_preserves_galloc_r PS PSg:
   (h1: heap PS PSg) h2 g2 h g l (SUM: Hdef h g = hplus h1 (Hdef h2 g2)) (ALL: g2 l None), g l None.
  eby ins; rewrite hplusC in SUM; eapply hplus_preserves_galloc_l.

Lemma hplus_alloc PS PSg h1 h2 h g l :
  hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
  h l @HVnone PS PSg
   h' g', h1 = Hdef h' g' h' l @HVnone PS PSg h2 = Hdef h' g' h' l @HVnone PS PSg.
  destruct h1, h2; ins; desf; desf.
  generalize (HEAPcompat l); revert H0; case_eq (hf l); case_eq (hf0 l); ins; desf;
    eexists _, _; try solve [left; split; ins; congruence|right;split;ins;congruence].

Lemma hplus_galloc PS PSg (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) h g l :
  hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
  g l None
   h' g', h1 = Hdef h' g' g' l None h2 = Hdef h' g' g' l None.
  destruct h1, h2; ins; desf; desf.
  unfold gres_plus_total in *; desf.
  unfold gres_plus in *; des_eqrefl; try done.
  desf. simpls. clear GHOSTcompat.
  inv_lplus l.
  unfold olift_plus in *; desf;
  by (eexists _, _; try solve [left; split; eauto; congruence | right; split; eauto; congruence]).

Lemma hplus_gnalloc_l PS PSg:
   hf g hf' g' (h: heap PS PSg)
    (SUM: hplus (Hdef hf' g') h = Hdef hf g)
    l (N: g l = None),
  g' l = None.
  ins; desf; desf.
  unfold gres_plus_total in N; desf.
  unfold gres_plus in Heq; des_eqrefl; try edone; desf; ins.
  clear GHOSTcompat; inv_lplus l.
  rewrite N in EQ; unfold olift_plus in EQ; desf.

Lemma hplus_gnalloc_r PS PSg:
   hf g hf' g' (h: heap PS PSg)
    (SUM: hplus h (Hdef hf' g') = Hdef hf g)
    l (N: g l = None),
  g' l = None.
  eby intros; rewrite hplusC in *; eapply hplus_gnalloc_l.

Lemma hplus_nalloc PS PSg h1 h2 h g loc :
  Hdef h g = hplus h1 h2
  h loc = @HVnone PS PSg
   h1f g1 h2f g2, Hdef h1f g1 = h1 h1f loc = @HVnone PS PSg
                        Hdef h2f g2 = h2 h2f loc = @HVnone PS PSg.
  destruct h1, h2; ins; desf.
  repeat eexists; try edone; unfold hvplus in *; desf.

Lemma hplus_gnalloc PS PSg (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) h g loc :
  Hdef h g = hplus h1 h2
  g loc = None
   h1f g1 h2f g2, Hdef h1f g1 = h1 g1 loc = None Hdef h2f g2 = h2 g2 loc = None.
  assert ( hf1 g1 hf2 g2, h1 = Hdef hf1 g1 h2 = Hdef hf2 g2).
    by destruct h1, h2; ins; desf; repeat eexists.
  desc; subst.
  symmetry in H; repeat eexists; try edone.
  eby eapply hplus_gnalloc_l.
  eby eapply hplus_gnalloc_r.

Lemma hplus_nalloc_sim PS PSg h1 h2 h g loc :
  Hsim (Hdef h g) (hplus h1 h2)
  h loc = @HVnone PS PSg
   h1f h2f g1 g2, Hdef h1f g1 = h1 h1f loc = @HVnone PS PSg
                        Hdef h2f g2 = h2 h2f loc = @HVnone PS PSg.
  red in H; desf.
  specialize (H2 loc); rewrite H0 in *; ins; desf.
  exploit hplus_nalloc; eauto.
  ins; desf.
  by repeat eexists.

Lemma hplus_nalloc_spec PS PSg: h g h1 g1 h2 g2 l
  (SUM: hplus (Hdef h1 g1) (Hdef h2 g2) = Hdef h g)
  (NONEres: h l = @HVnone PS PSg),
  h1 l = @HVnone PS PSg h2 l = @HVnone PS PSg.
  ins; desf; unfold hvplus in *; desf.

Lemma hplus_has_rvalue_l PS PSg:
   h g (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) l,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    ( h'' g'', h1 = Hdef h'' g'' is_rvalue (h'' l))
    is_rvalue (h l).
  destruct h1, h2; ins; desf; desf.
  specialize (H0 _ _ eq_refl); specialize (HEAPcompat l).
  unfold is_rvalue in *; desf; ins; desf.
  by intro CONTRA; apply permission_plus_eq_zero in CONTRA; desf.
  by apply Pfull_is_not_Pzero.

Lemma hplus_has_rvalue_r PS PSg:
   h g (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) l,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    ( h'' g'', h2 = Hdef h'' g'' is_rvalue (h'' l))
    is_rvalue (h l).
  ins; rewrite hplusC in *; eauto using hplus_has_rvalue_l.

Lemma hplus_has_lvalue_l PS PSg:
   h g (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) l,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    ( h'' g'', h1 = Hdef h'' g'' is_lvalue (h'' l))
    is_lvalue (h l).
  destruct h1, h2; ins; desf; desf.
  specialize (H0 _ _ eq_refl); specialize (HEAPcompat l).
  by unfold is_lvalue in *; desf; ins; desf;
     red in WFperm; desf; rewrite !permission_plusA in PSUMdef;
     apply nonextendable_full_permission in PSUMdef; pplus_eq_zero; rewrite permission_plus_zero_r.

Lemma hplus_has_lvalue_r PS PSg:
   h g (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) l,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    ( h'' g'', h2 = Hdef h'' g'' is_lvalue (h'' l))
    is_lvalue (h l).
  ins; rewrite hplusC in *; eauto using hplus_has_lvalue_l.

Lemma hplus_is_rvalue PS PSg:
   h g (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) l,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    is_rvalue (h l)
     hf1 g1 hf2 g2,
      h1 = Hdef hf1 g1 h2 = Hdef hf2 g2 (is_rvalue (hf1 l) is_rvalue (hf2 l)).
  destruct h1, h2; ins; desf; desf.
  by repeat eexists; specialize (HEAPcompat l); unfold hvplusDEF in *; desf; vauto; ins; desf; ins;
     eq_rect_simpl; apply permission_plus_not_zero.

Lemma hplus_val_lD PS PSg:
   hf g (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) l v,
    Hdef hf g = hplus h1 h2
    ( hf'' g'', Hdef hf'' g'' = h1 has_value (hf'' l) v)
    has_value (hf l) v.
  destruct h1, h2; ins; desf; desf.
  specialize (H0 _ _ eq_refl); specialize (HEAPcompat l).
  rewrite has_value_alt in H0; desf.
  rewrite H0 in *; ins; desf; desf.

Lemma hplus_val_rD PS PSg:
   hf g (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) l v,
    Hdef hf g = hplus h1 h2
    ( hf'' g'', Hdef hf'' g'' = h2 has_value (hf'' l) v)
    has_value (hf l) v.
  ins; rewrite hplusC in *; eauto using hplus_val_lD.

Lemma hplus_valD PS PSg:
   hf g (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) l v,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef hf g
    has_value (hf l) v
     hf1 g1 hf2 g2, h1 = Hdef hf1 g1 h2 = Hdef hf2 g2 (has_value (hf1 l) v has_value (hf2 l) v).
  destruct h1, h2; ins; desf; desf.
  repeat eexists; specialize (HEAPcompat l); unfold hvplusDEF in *; desf; vauto; ins; desf; ins; desf; eauto.
  by destruct n; eq_rect_simpl.

Lemma hplus_has_atomic_l PS PSg:
   h g (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) l,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    ( h'' g'', h1 = Hdef h'' g'' is_atomic (h'' l))
    is_atomic (h l).
  destruct h1, h2; ins; desf; desf.
  specialize (H0 _ _ eq_refl); specialize (HEAPcompat l).
  unfold is_atomic in *; desf; ins; desf.

Lemma hplus_has_atomic_r PS PSg :
   h g (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) l,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    ( h'' g'', h2 = Hdef h'' g'' is_atomic (h'' l))
    is_atomic (h l).
  ins; rewrite hplusC in *; eauto using hplus_has_atomic_l.

Lemma hplus_is_atomic PS PSg:
   h g (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) l,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    is_atomic (h l)
     hf1 g1 hf2 g2,
      h1 = Hdef hf1 g1 h2 = Hdef hf2 g2 (is_atomic (hf1 l) is_atomic (hf2 l)).
  destruct h1, h2; ins; desf; desf.
  repeat eexists; specialize (HEAPcompat l); unfold hvplusDEF in *; desf; vauto; ins; desf.

Lemma hplus_has_nonatomic_l PS PSg:
   h g (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) l,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    ( h'' g'', h1 = Hdef h'' g'' is_nonatomic (h'' l))
    is_nonatomic (h l).
  destruct h1, h2; ins; desf; desf.
  specialize (H0 _ _ eq_refl); specialize (HEAPcompat l).
  unfold is_nonatomic in *; desf; ins; desf.

Lemma hplus_has_nonatomic_r PS PSg:
   h g (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) l,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    ( h'' g'' , h2 = Hdef h'' g'' is_nonatomic (h'' l))
    is_nonatomic (h l).
  ins; rewrite hplusC in *; eauto using hplus_has_nonatomic_l.

Lemma hplus_is_nonatomic PS PSg:
   h g (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) l,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    is_nonatomic (h l)
     hf1 g1 hf2 g2,
      h1 = Hdef hf1 g1 h2 = Hdef hf2 g2 (is_nonatomic (hf1 l) is_nonatomic (hf2 l)).
  destruct h1, h2; ins; desf; desf.
  repeat eexists; specialize (HEAPcompat l); unfold hvplusDEF in *; desf; vauto.

Lemma hplus_eq_ra_initD PS PSg:
   h g (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) l PP QQ perm isrmw init,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    h l = HVra PP QQ isrmw perm init
    is_normalO init
     hf g PP' QQ' perm' isrmw' init',
      (h1 = Hdef hf g h2 = Hdef hf g) hf l = HVra PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init' is_normalO init'.
  destruct h1 as [|hf1]; destruct h2 as [|hf2]; unfold NW; ins; desf; desf.
  specialize (HEAPcompat l); red in HEAPcompat; desf; ins; desf.
  × hf2, g1; repeat eexists; eauto.
  × hf1, g0; repeat eexists; eauto.
  × red in H1; desf.
    unfold ohlplus in Heq1; desf.
    + apply normal_hlplus in H1; desf.
      - hf1, g0; repeat eexists; eauto.
      - hf2, g1; repeat eexists; eauto.
    + hf1, g0; repeat eexists; eauto.
    + hf2, g1; repeat eexists; eauto.

Lemma hplus_hsingl PS PSg: l (hv hv': HeapVal PS PSg) (DEFv: hvplusDEF hv hv'),
                           hplus (hsingl _ _ l hv) (hsingl _ _ l hv') = hsingl _ _ l (hvplus hv hv').
  ins; desf.
  × f_equal.
    by extensionality v; unfold hupd; desf.
    by apply gres_plus_total_emp_l.
  × destruct n; unnw; split; ins.
    by unfold hupd; desf.
    by rewrite gres_plus_emp_r.

Definition hvplus_ra_ret PS PSg (hv: HeapVal PS PSg) QQ' :=
  match hv with
    | HVnoneFalse
    | HVuval _False
    | HVval _ _ _ _ _ _False
    | HVra _ QQ _ _ _QQ = QQ'

Lemma hvplus_ra_ret_initialize PS PSg: (h: val HeapVal PS PSg) l l' QQ,
                                       hvplus_ra_ret (h l) QQ hvplus_ra_ret (initialize h l' l) QQ.
  ins; unfold initialize, hupd; destruct (classic (l' = l)).
  by desf; destruct (h l).
  by desf.

Definition hvplus_ra2_ret PS PSg hv (QQ' : val assn_mod PS PSg) :=
  match hv with
    | HVra PP QQ isrmw perm init
       v, QR, Asim (sval (QQ v)) (Astar (sval (QQ' v)) QR)
    | _False

Lemma hvplus_ra2 PS PSg hv hv' PP' QQ' perm' isrmw' init':
  hv = @HVra PS PSg PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init'
  hvplusDEF hv hv'
  hvplus_ra2_ret (hvplus hv hv') QQ'.
  ins; subst; desf; ins; desf; ins; desf; ins; eauto using Asim.
  by destruct (H0 v); ins; desc; rewrite H, ?H2 in *; eauto using Asim.
  by eexists; apply Asim_sym, Asim_assn_norm.

Lemma hplus_preserves_label PS PSg:
   hf g hf1 g1 h2 l lbl
    (SUM: Hdef hf g = hplus (Hdef hf1 g1) h2)
    (LABEL: HVlabeled (hf1 l) lbl)
    (DEF: hf1 l @HVnone PS PSg),
  hf l @HVnone PS PSg HVlabeled (hf l) lbl.
  ins; desf; desf; split; specialize (HEAPcompat l); red in HEAPcompat; desf; eq_rect_simpl;
  try (by ins; desf; ins; intro; pplus_eq_zero);
  ins; desf; ins; eq_rect_simpl; desf; eauto using hlplus_monotone2;
  by intro; pplus_eq_zero.

Lemma hplus_preserves_Rlabel PS PSg: hf g hf1 g1 (h2: heap PS PSg) l lbl
      (SUM: Hdef hf g = hplus (Hdef hf1 g1) h2)
      (LABEL: HVlabeledR (hf1 l) lbl),
      HVlabeledR (hf l) lbl.
  ins; desf; desf; specialize (HEAPcompat l); red in HEAPcompat; desf;
  eq_rect_simpl; desf; ins; desf; ins; eq_rect_simpl; try by intro; pplus_eq_zero.
  by desf; eapply HLleq_trans; split; eauto using hlplus_monotone1.
  by desf.

Lemma hplus_preserves_label_inv PS PSg:
   hf g h1 h2 l lbl
    (SUM: hplus h1 h2 = Hdef hf g)
    (LABEL: HVlabeled (hf l) lbl)
    (ALL: hf l @HVnone PS PSg),
   hf' g', (h1 = Hdef hf' g' h2 = Hdef hf' g') HVlabeled (hf' l) lbl hf' l @HVnone PS PSg.
  ins; apply hplus_def_inv in SUM; desf; rewrite PLUSv in ×.
  specialize (DEFv l).
  case_eq (hy l) as Y; case_eq (hz l) as Z; ins; desf; try (
    try (by hz; rewrite Z; ins; eauto);
    try (by hy; rewrite Y; ins; eauto);
    desf; first [ exploit ohlplus_with_basic_label; eauto; ins; [] |
                  clear Heq; exploit ohlplus_with_basic_label; eauto; ins; [] |
                  clear Heq0; exploit ohlplus_with_basic_label; eauto; ins; []];
    desf; solve [ hy, gy; rewrite Y; ins; repeat split; try by eauto; instantiate; desf; eauto |
                   hz, gz; rewrite Z; ins; repeat split; try by eauto; instantiate; desf; eauto]);
    ins; desf; ins; apply permission_plus_not_zero in LABEL; desf;
    try (by hy, gy; rewrite Y; ins; repeat split; eauto);
    try (by hz, gz; rewrite Z; ins; repeat split; eauto).

Lemma hplus_preserves_Rlabel_inv PS PSg:
   hf g (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) l lbl
    (SUM: hplus h1 h2 = Hdef hf g)
    (LABEL: HVlabeledR (hf l) lbl),
   hf' g', (h1 = Hdef hf' g' h2 = Hdef hf' g') HVlabeledR (hf' l) lbl.
  ins; apply hplus_def_inv in SUM; desf; rewrite PLUSv in LABEL.
  by apply Rlabel_hvplus in LABEL; desf; [ hy, gy | hz, gz]; auto.

Lemma hplus_alloc_label PS PSg:
   h1 h2 h g l lbl
    (SUM: hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g)
    (DEF: h l @HVnone PS PSg)
    (LABEL: HVlabeled (h l) lbl),
   h' g', h1 = Hdef h' g' h' l @HVnone PS PSg HVlabeled (h' l) lbl
                h2 = Hdef h' g' h' l @HVnone PS PSg HVlabeled (h' l) lbl.
  apply hplus_def_inv in SUM; desf.
  specialize (DEFv l); specialize (PLUSv l).
  rewrite PLUSv in ×.
  case_eq (hy l) as Y; case_eq (hz l) as Z; ins; desf; desf;
  solve [
     hz, gz; right; rewrite Z; ins; eauto
     hy, gy; left; rewrite Y; ins; eauto
    ins; desf; ins; apply permission_plus_not_zero in LABEL; desf;
    try (by hy, gy; left; rewrite Y; ins; repeat split; eauto);
    try (by hz, gz; right; rewrite Z; ins; repeat split; eauto)
    eapply ohlplus_with_basic_label in Heq; eauto; desf; [
       hy, gy; left; rewrite Y; ins; desf; repeat (split; eauto; try done)
       hz, gz; right; rewrite Z; ins; desf; repeat (split; eauto; try done)
    eapply ohlplus_with_basic_label in Heq0; eauto; desf; [
       hy, gy; left; rewrite Y; ins; desf; repeat (split; eauto; try done)
       hz, gz; right; rewrite Z; ins; desf; repeat (split; eauto; try done)

Lemma hplus_sim_def_strong PS PSg:
   (h h1 h2: heap PS PSg) hf g
    (SIM: Hsim h1 h2)
    (DEF: hplus h1 h = Hdef hf g),
   hf', hplus h2 h = Hdef hf' g HFsim hf hf'.
  ins; unfold Hsim in SIM; desf.
  destruct h; ins; desf; desf.
  × eexists; split; try done.
    red; ins.
    specialize (SIM1 l); specialize (HEAPcompat l); specialize (HEAPcompat0 l).
    unfold HVsim, hvplus; desf; ins; desf; try congruence;
      try (by repeat split; try done; unfold HLCsim, ohlplus; desf);
      try (by rewrite Heq in Heq0; desf; repeat split; try done; apply HLCsim_refl);
    eq_rect_simpl; split; desf.
    rewrite <- !permission_plusA in SIM0.
    by rewrite !permission_plusA,
       !(permission_plusAC _ pNabla1), !(permission_plusAC _ pTriangle1), !(permission_plusAC _ pNormal1),
       !(permission_plusAC _ pNabla0), !(permission_plusAC _ pTriangle0), !(permission_plusAC _ pNormal0),
       <- !permission_plusA, SIM0.
  × destruct n; unnw; split; ins; specialize (HEAPcompat v); specialize (SIM1 v);
    unfold HVsim, hvplusDEF in *; desf; desf; eq_rect_simpl; repeat split; try done;
    by red in HEAPcompat0; desf; rewrite !permission_plusA in *;
       rewrite !(permission_plusAC _ pNabla), !(permission_plusAC _ pTriangle),
               !(permission_plusAC _ pNormal), <- !permission_plusA;
       try (rewrite <- !permission_plusA in SIM1; rewrite <- SIM1);
       try (rewrite <- !permission_plusA in SIM0; rewrite <- SIM0);
       rewrite !(permission_plusAC _ pNabla1), !(permission_plusAC _ pTriangle1),
               !(permission_plusAC _ pNormal1), <- !permission_plusA in ×.

Lemma hplus_sim_def PS PSg:
   h h1 h2 (SIM: Hsim h1 h2) (DEF: hplus h1 h @Hundef PS PSg), hplus h2 h @Hundef PS PSg.
  ins; rewrite hdef_alt in *; ins; desf.
  exploit hplus_sim_def_strong; eauto; ins; desf.
  eby eexists _, _.

Lemma hplus_sim PS PSg:
   h1 h2 h1' h2'
    (SIM1: Hsim h1 h1')
    (SIM2: Hsim h2 h2')
    (DEF: hplus h1 h2 @Hundef PS PSg),
  Hsim (hplus h1 h2) (hplus h1' h2').
  unfold Hsim; ins; desf.
  rewrite hdef_alt in DEF; desf.
  assert (DEF': hplus (Hdef hf'0 g0) (Hdef hf' g) Hundef).
    intro UNDEF.
    rewrite hplus_unfold in *; desf; desf.
    destruct n; unnw; split; ins.
    specialize (HEAPcompat v); specialize (SIM3 v); specialize (SIM5 v).
    unfold hvplusDEF, HVsim in *; desf; desf; eq_rect_simpl; repeat split; try done.
    try red in HEAPcompat0; try red in h0; desf; rewrite !permission_plusA in ×.
      2: eby intro; pplus_eq_zero; eapply all_permissions_zero.
    clear - SIM1 SIM0 PSUMdef.
    rewrite <- !permission_plusA in SIM1.
    rewrite !(permission_plusAC _ pNabla), !(permission_plusAC _ pTriangle), !(permission_plusAC _ pNormal),
            <- SIM0, <- !permission_plusA, <- SIM1, !permission_plusA.
    by rewrite !(permission_plusAC _ pNabla1), !(permission_plusAC _ pTriangle1),
              !(permission_plusAC _ pNormal1) in PSUMdef.
  rewrite hdef_alt in DEF'; desf.
  eexists _, _, _; repeat split; eauto.
    by ins; desf.
  red; ins.
  specialize (SIM3 l); specialize (SIM5 l).
  desf; desf.
  specialize (HEAPcompat l); specialize (HEAPcompat0 l).
  unfold HVsim, hvplusDEF, hvplus in *; desf; desf; eq_rect_simpl; repeat split;
    try (by apply ohlplus_sim); try done.
  rewrite !permission_plusA, !(permission_plusAC _ pNabla1), !(permission_plusAC _ pTriangle1),
          !(permission_plusAC _ pNormal1), !(permission_plusAC _ pNabla0), !(permission_plusAC _ pTriangle0),
          !(permission_plusAC _ pNormal0), SIM0.
  rewrite <- !(permission_plusC _ pNabla2), !(permission_plusAC _ pNabla2); f_equal.
  rewrite <- !(permission_plusC _ pTriangle2), !(permission_plusAC _ pTriangle2); f_equal.
  rewrite <- !(permission_plusC _ pNormal2), !(permission_plusAC _ pNormal2); f_equal.

Lemma exact_label_hplus_dist PS PSg:
   (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) lbl, HlabeledExact (hplus h1 h2) lbl HlabeledExact h1 lbl HlabeledExact h2 lbl.
  red in H; desf.
  apply hplus_def_inv in H; desf.
  rewrite <- !label_exact_hdef.
  unfold HFlabeledExact.
  rewrite <- forall_and_dist; intro l; specialize (DEFv l); specialize (PLUSv l); specialize (H0 l).
  rewrite PLUSv in H0; clear PLUSv; unfold hvplus in H0; desf; ins; desf; desf; eq_rect_simpl; ins; desf;
    try apply hlplus_eq_basic in H0; try apply hlplus_eq_basic in H1; desf; pplus_eq_zero; eauto.

Lemma exact_label_hplus_dist_inv PS PSg:
   h1 h2 lbl
    (DEF: hplus h1 h2 @Hundef PS PSg)
    (L1: HlabeledExact h1 lbl)
    (L2: HlabeledExact h2 lbl),
  HlabeledExact (hplus h1 h2) lbl.
  rewrite hdef_alt in DEF; desf.
  apply hplus_def_inv in DEF; desf.
  rewrite hplus_unfold; desf.
  clear a PLUSv.
  rewrite <- label_exact_hdef in ×.
  red; ins.
  specialize (DEFv l); specialize (L1 l); specialize (L2 l).
  unfold hvplus; desf; ins; desf; eq_rect_simpl; ins; desf; eauto using hlplus_same, permission_plus_zero_l.
  destruct n; split; try done.

Lemma lupd_hplus_dist PS PSg:
   (h1 h2: heap PS PSg) lbl, lupd (hplus h1 h2) lbl = hplus (lupd h1 lbl) (lupd h2 lbl).
  ins; unfold lupd; desf; rewrite hplus_unfold in *; desf; desf;
  try (by destruct n; split; try done; unnw; ins; specialize (HEAPcompat v); desf; ins; repeat split;
          desf; desf; split; try done; eq_rect_simpl;
          red in HEAPcompat0; desf; rewrite !permission_plusA in *; pplus_zero_simpl;
          try (by split; rewrite !permission_plusA, !(permission_plusAC _ pNabla),
                                 !(permission_plusAC _ pTriangle), !(permission_plusAC _ pNormal));
          try (by split; pplus_zero_simpl; rewrite !(permission_plusAC _ pNabla), !(permission_plusAC _ pTriangle),
                                                   !(permission_plusAC _ pNormal) in *));
  f_equal; extensionality v; specialize (HEAPcompat v); specialize (HEAPcompat0 v); desf; ins; desf;
  eapply HVval_equal; eq_rect_simpl; desf; desf; pplus_zero_simpl; try done;
  by rewrite !permission_plusA, !(permission_plusAC _ pNabla0), !(permission_plusAC _ pTriangle0),
             !(permission_plusAC _ pNormal0).

  Grab Existential Variables. all: done.

Lemma hplus_gheap PS PSg:
   (hf hf': val HeapVal PS PSg) g g' g'',
  Hdef hf g = hplus (Hdef hf' g') (gheap _ _ g'') hf = hf'.
  ins; desf; desf.
  by exten; ins; rewrite hvplusC.

Lemmas about hsum

Lemma hsum_nil PS PSg : hsum nil = @hemp PS PSg.
Proof. done. Qed.

Lemma hsum_cons PS PSg (a: heap PS PSg) l : hsum (a :: l) = hplus a (hsum l).
Proof. done. Qed.

Lemma hsum_one PS PSg (h: heap PS PSg) : hsum (h :: nil) = h.
Proof. apply hplus_emp_r. Qed.

Lemma hsum_two PS PSg (h h': heap PS PSg) : hsum (h :: h' :: nil) = hplus h h'.
Proof. by unfold hsum; ins; rewrite hplus_emp_r. Qed.

Lemma hsum_perm PS PSg (l l': list (heap PS PSg)) : Permutation l l' hsum l = hsum l'.
Proof. unfold hsum; induction 1; ins; try congruence; apply hplusAC. Qed.

Lemma hsum_app PS PSg (l l': list (heap PS PSg)) : hsum (l ++ l') = hplus (hsum l) (hsum l').
  unfold hsum; induction l; intros; try done; [by rewrite hplus_emp_l|].
  by simpl; rewrite hplusA, IHl.

Lemma hsum_undef PS PSg: hlist, In (@Hundef PS PSg) hlist hsum hlist = @Hundef PS PSg.
  apply In_split in H; desf.
  rewrite hsum_app, hsum_cons; eauto using hplus_undef_l, hplus_undef_r.

Lemma hsum_eq_emp PS PSg: hlist, hsum hlist = @hemp PS PSg h (IN: In h hlist), h = hemp.
  induction hlist as [ | head tail]; ins; rewrite hsum_cons; split; ins.
  by rewrite hplus_eq_emp in *; desf; apply IHtail.
  rewrite hplus_eq_emp; split.
  by apply H; vauto.
  by rewrite IHtail; ins; apply H; vauto.

Lemma hsum_def_inv PS PSg:
   hlist (hf: val HeapVal PS PSg) g (SUM: hsum hlist = Hdef hf g),
   h (IN: In h hlist), hf' g', h = Hdef hf' g'.
  intros until hlist.
  induction hlist as [ | h htail]; ins; desf.
  by rewrite hsum_cons in SUM; apply hplus_def_inv_l in SUM.
  rewrite hsum_cons in SUM; apply hplus_def_inv_r in SUM; desf.
  by eapply IHhtail; eauto.

Lemma hsum_alloc PS PSg l h g loc :
  hsum l = Hdef h g
  h loc @HVnone PS PSg
   h' g', In (Hdef h' g') l h' loc @HVnone PS PSg.
  unfold hsum.
  induction[h g] l; ins; [by inv H|].
  eapply hplus_alloc in H; eauto; desf; eauto.
  exploit IHl; eauto; intro; desf; eauto.

Lemma hsum_galloc PS PSg l (h: val HeapVal PS PSg) g loc :
  hsum l = Hdef h g
  g loc None
   h' g', In (Hdef h' g') l g' loc None.
  unfold hsum.
  induction[h g] l; ins; [by inv H|].
  eapply hplus_galloc in H; eauto; desf; eauto.
  exploit IHl; eauto; intro; desf; eauto.

Lemma hsum_alloc_sim PS PSg l h g loc :
  Hsim (hsum l) (Hdef h g)
  h loc @HVnone PS PSg
   h' g', In (Hdef h' g') l h' loc @HVnone PS PSg.
  red in H; desf.
  specialize (H2 loc).
  exploit hsum_alloc; eauto.
  intro N; rewrite N in *; ins; desf.

Lemma hsum_nalloc PS PSg hs hf g h loc :
  Hdef hf g = hsum hs
  hf loc = @HVnone PS PSg
  In h hs
   hf g, Hdef hf g = h hf loc = @HVnone PS PSg.
  unfold hsum; induction[hf g] hs; ins; desf;
  eapply hplus_nalloc in H; eauto; desf; eauto.

Lemma hsum_nalloc_all PS PSg:
   hlist hf g l
    (SUM: hsum hlist = Hdef hf g)
    (NALLOC: hf l = @HVnone PS PSg),
   h (IN: In h hlist), hf' g', h = Hdef hf' g' hf' l = @HVnone PS PSg.
  assert (DEF := ((hsum_def_inv _ SUM) _ IN)); desf.
   hf', g'; intuition.
  apply In_implies_perm in IN as [hlist' IN]; desf.
  rewrite (hsum_perm IN), hsum_cons in SUM.
  apply hplus_def_inv in SUM; desf.
  specialize (PLUSv l); rewrite NALLOC in PLUSv.
  unfold hvplus in PLUSv; desf.

Lemma hsum_preserves_alloc PS PSg:
   hs hf g (SUM: hsum hs = Hdef hf g) hf' g' (IN: In (Hdef hf' g') hs) l (ALL: hf' l @HVnone PS PSg),
  hf l @HVnone PS PSg.
  ins; intro.
  exploit hsum_nalloc_all; eauto; ins; desf.

Lemma hsum_preserves_galloc PS PSg:
   hs (hf: val HeapVal PS PSg)
    g (SUM: hsum hs = Hdef hf g)
    hf' g' (IN: In (Hdef hf' g') hs)
    l (ALL: g' l None),
  g l None.
  induction hs; ins.
  rewrite hsum_cons in SUM; desf.
    eby symmetry in SUM; eapply hplus_preserves_galloc_l.
  assert (D := hplus_def_inv_r _ _ SUM); desf; rewrite D in SUM.
  specialize (IHhs _ _ D _ _ IN _ ALL).
  eby symmetry in SUM; eapply hplus_preserves_galloc_r.

Lemma hsum_none PS PSg:
   hlist hf g (SUM: hsum hlist = Hdef hf g)
    l (NONE: hf' g' (IN: In (Hdef hf' g') hlist), hf' l = @HVnone PS PSg),
  hf l = @HVnone PS PSg.
  intros until hlist.
  induction hlist; ins.
  by rewrite hsum_nil in SUM; inv SUM.
  rewrite hsum_cons in SUM.
  apply NNPP; intro ALLOC.
  by eapply hplus_alloc in SUM; desf; eauto.

Lemma hsum_has_rvalue PS PSg:
   (h: val HeapVal PS PSg) g hs h'' g'' l,
    hsum hs = Hdef h g
    In (Hdef h'' g'') hs
    is_rvalue (h'' l)
    is_rvalue (h l).
  intros until 0; induction[h g] hs; ins; rewrite hsum_cons in ×.
  desf; eauto using hplus_has_rvalue_r.
  eapply hplus_has_rvalue_l; eauto; ins; desf.

Lemma hsum_has_lvalue PS PSg:
   (h: val HeapVal PS PSg) g hs h'' g'' l,
    hsum hs = Hdef h g
    In (Hdef h'' g'') hs
    is_lvalue (h'' l)
    is_lvalue (h l).
  intros until 0; induction[h g] hs; ins; rewrite hsum_cons in ×.
  desf; eauto using hplus_has_lvalue_r.
  eapply hplus_has_lvalue_l; eauto; ins; desf.

Lemma hsum_is_rvalue PS PSg:
   hs (h : val HeapVal PS PSg) g l,
    hsum hs = Hdef h g
    is_rvalue (h l)
     hf g', In (Hdef hf g') hs is_rvalue (hf l).
  induction hs; rewrite ?hsum_nil, ?hsum_cons in *; ins; desf.
    by inv H.
  eapply hplus_is_rvalue in H; eauto; desf; eauto.
  exploit IHhs; eauto; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma hsum_is_atomic PS PSg:
   hs (h : val HeapVal PS PSg) g l,
    hsum hs = Hdef h g
    is_atomic (h l)
     hf g', In (Hdef hf g') hs is_atomic (hf l).
  induction hs; rewrite ?hsum_nil, ?hsum_cons in *; ins; desf.
    by inv H.
  eapply hplus_is_atomic in H; eauto; desf; eauto.
  exploit IHhs; eauto; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma hsum_has_atomic PS PSg:
   hs (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg) g l (SUM: hsum hs = Hdef hf g)
    hf' g' (IN: In (Hdef hf' g') hs) (NAT: is_atomic (hf' l)),
  is_atomic (hf l).
  induction hs as [ | h hs']; ins.
  rewrite hsum_cons in SUM; desf.
  × eapply hplus_has_atomic_l; eauto; ins. inv H.
  × eapply hplus_has_atomic_r; eauto.

Lemma hsum_is_nonatomic PS PSg:
   hs (h : val HeapVal PS PSg) g l,
    hsum hs = Hdef h g
    is_nonatomic (h l)
     hf g', In (Hdef hf g') hs is_nonatomic (hf l).
  induction hs; rewrite ?hsum_nil, ?hsum_cons in *; ins; desf.
    by inv H.
  eapply hplus_is_nonatomic in H; eauto; desf; eauto.
  exploit IHhs; eauto; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma hsum_has_nonatomic PS PSg:
   hs (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg) g l (SUM: hsum hs = Hdef hf g)
    hf' g' (IN: In (Hdef hf' g') hs) (NAT: is_nonatomic (hf' l)),
  is_nonatomic (hf l).
  induction hs as [ | h hs']; ins.
  rewrite hsum_cons in SUM; desf.
  × eapply hplus_has_nonatomic_l; eauto; ins. inv H.
  × eapply hplus_has_nonatomic_r; eauto.

Lemma exact_label_hsum_dist PS PSg:
   hlist lbl (LBL: HlabeledExact (hsum hlist) lbl) (h: heap PS PSg) (IN: In h hlist),
  HlabeledExact h lbl.
  induction hlist; ins.
  rewrite hsum_cons in LBL; apply exact_label_hplus_dist in LBL; desf.
  by apply IHhlist.

Lemma hsum_valD PS PSg:
   (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg) g hs h'' g'' l v,
    hsum hs = Hdef hf g
    In (Hdef h'' g'') hs
    has_value (h'' l) v
    has_value (hf l) v.
  intros until 0; induction[hf g] hs; ins; rewrite hsum_cons in ×.
  desf; eauto using hplus_val_rD.
  eapply hplus_val_lD; eauto; ins; desf.

Lemma hsum_eq_val PS PSg:
   hs (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg) g l v,
    hsum hs = Hdef hf g
    has_value (hf l) v
     hf g', In (Hdef hf g') hs has_value (hf l) v.
  induction hs; rewrite ?hsum_nil, ?hsum_cons in *; ins; desf.
    by inv H.
  eapply hplus_valD in H; eauto; desf; eauto.
  exploit IHhs; eauto; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma hsum_eq_ra_initD PS PSg:
   h' g' hs l PP QQ isrmw perm init,
    hsum hs = Hdef h' g'
    h' l = @HVra PS PSg PP QQ isrmw perm init
    is_normalO init
     h'' g'' PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init',
      In (Hdef h'' g'') hs
      h'' l = HVra PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init' is_normalO init'.
  intros until 0; induction[h' g' PP QQ isrmw perm init] hs; ins; [by inv H|].
  rewrite hsum_cons in ×.
  eapply hplus_eq_ra_initD in H; eauto.
  desf; eauto 12.
  exploit IHhs; eauto; intro; desf.
  repeat eexists; eauto.

Lemma hsum_preserves_label PS PSg:
   hs hf g hf' g' l lbl
    (SUM: Hdef hf g = hsum hs)
    (IN: In (Hdef hf' g') hs)
    (LABEL: HVlabeled (hf' l) lbl)
    (DEF: hf' l @HVnone PS PSg),
  hf l @HVnone PS PSg HVlabeled (hf l) lbl.
  by ins;
     apply In_implies_perm in IN; desf;
     apply hsum_perm in IN; rewrite IN in SUM;
     rewrite hsum_cons in SUM;
     eapply hplus_preserves_label in SUM; eauto; desf;
     split; desf; eexists.

Lemma hsum_preserves_Rlabel PS PSg:
   hs (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg) g hf' g' l lbl
    (SUM: Hdef hf g = hsum hs)
    (IN: In (Hdef hf' g') hs)
    (LABEL: HVlabeledR (hf' l) lbl),
  HVlabeledR (hf l) lbl.
  by ins;
     apply In_implies_perm in IN; desf;
     apply hsum_perm in IN; rewrite IN in SUM;
     rewrite hsum_cons in SUM;
     eapply hplus_preserves_Rlabel in SUM; eauto; desf;
     split; desf; eexists.

Lemma hsum_preserves_label_inv PS PSg:
   hs hf g l lbl
    (SUM: Hdef hf g = hsum hs)
    (LABEL: HVlabeled (hf l) lbl)
    (ALL: hf l @HVnone PS PSg),
   hf' g', In (Hdef hf' g') hs HVlabeled (hf' l) lbl hf' l @HVnone PS PSg.
   induction hs; ins.
     by rewrite hsum_nil in SUM; inv SUM.
   rewrite hsum_cons in SUM.
   symmetry in SUM. assert (SUMcopy := SUM).
   eapply hplus_preserves_label_inv in SUM; eauto; desf.
   by hf', g'; vauto.
   symmetry in SUM; specialize (IHhs _ _ _ _ SUM SUM0); desf.
   exploit IHhs; eauto; ins; desf.
   by hf'0, g'0; vauto.

Lemma hsum_preserves_Rlabel_inv PS PSg:
   hs (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg) g l lbl
    (SUM: Hdef hf g = hsum hs)
    (LABEL: HVlabeledR (hf l) lbl),
   hf' g', In (Hdef hf' g') hs HVlabeledR (hf' l) lbl.
   induction hs.
   × rewrite hsum_nil; ins.
     inv SUM.
   × ins.
     rewrite hsum_cons in SUM.
     symmetry in SUM. assert (SUMcopy := SUM).
     eapply hplus_preserves_Rlabel_inv in SUM; eauto; desf.
     by hf', g'; vauto.
     symmetry in SUM; specialize (IHhs _ _ _ _ SUM SUM0); desf.
     by hf'0, g'0; vauto.

Lemma hsum_alloc_label PS PSg:
   hs h g l lbl
    (SUM: hsum hs = Hdef h g)
    (DEF: h l @HVnone PS PSg)
    (LABEL: HVlabeled (h l) lbl),
   h' g', In (Hdef h' g') hs h' l @HVnone PS PSg HVlabeled (h' l) lbl.
  induction hs; ins.
  by exfalso; destruct DEF; rewrite hsum_nil in SUM; injection SUM; ins; desf.
  by rewrite hsum_cons in SUM; eapply hplus_alloc_label in SUM; eauto; desf;
     [ | specialize (IHhs _ _ _ _ SUM SUM0 SUM1); desf];
     eexists; eauto.

hupd : iterated hplus

Lemma hdef_upd_alloc PS PSg Perm hf g l v h h' g' :
  is_lvalue (hf l)
  hplus (Hdef hf g) h = Hdef h' g'
   h'', hplus (Hdef (hupd hf l (lvalue PS PSg Perm v)) g) h = Hdef h'' g'.
  intros; eapply hplus_def_inv in H0; desf.
   (hupd h' l (lvalue _ _ Perm v)).
  unfold hplus, hupd; desc; des_if; desc; f_equal.
  × extensionality l'; desf; desf. specialize (DEFv l).
    red in H; desf; ins; desf; desf; eq_rect_simpl.
    + red in DEFv0; desf.
      rewrite !permission_plusA in PSUMdef.
      apply nonextendable_full_permission in PSUMdef; pplus_eq_zero.
      by eapply HVval_equal; pplus_zero_simpl; eq_rect_simpl.
    + destruct n; red in DEFv0; desf; eq_rect_simpl.
      rewrite !permission_plusA in PSUMdef.
      apply nonextendable_full_permission in PSUMdef; pplus_eq_zero.
      by pplus_zero_simpl.
    + red in DEFv0; desf.
      rewrite !permission_plusA in PSUMdef.
      apply nonextendable_full_permission in PSUMdef; pplus_eq_zero.
      eby exfalso; eapply all_permissions_zero.
  × by unfold gres_plus_total; rewrite PLUSg.
  × destruct n; split; try congruence. intro l'. specialize (DEFv l'); desf; desf.
    red in H; desf; ins; desf; desf; exfalso;
      try red in DEFv; try red in DEFv0; desf;
      rewrite !permission_plusA in PSUMdef;
      apply nonextendable_full_permission in PSUMdef; pplus_eq_zero;
      eby eapply all_permissions_zero.

  Grab Existential Variables. done.

Lemma hdef_upd_alloc2 PS PSg Perm hf g l v' h h' g' :
  is_lvalue (hf l)
  hplus (Hdef hf g) h = Hdef h' g'
    hplus (Hdef (hupd hf l (lvalue PS PSg Perm v')) g) h = Hdef h'' g'
     ( l' (NEQ: l' l), h'' l' = h' l').
  intros; eapply hplus_def_inv in H0; desc.
   (hupd h' l (lvalue _ _ Perm v')); desf.
  unfold hupd, is_lvalue in *; desf; ins; desf; desc;
  split; ins; desf; desf;
  solve [
    f_equal; [ | by unfold gres_plus_total; rewrite PLUSg];
    extensionality l'; desf; ins; desf; exfalso;
    solve [ specialize (HEAPcompat l); desf; desf; apply hvplusDEF_with_lvalue in HEAPcompat; congruence
          | eby exfalso; eq_rect_simpl; red in p; desf; rewrite !permission_plusA in PSUMdef;
                apply nonextendable_full_permission in PSUMdef; pplus_eq_zero; eapply all_permissions_zero ]
    eby destruct n; split; [ | congruence]; unnw; ins; desf; desf; specialize (DEFv l); rewrite Heq in DEFv;
        ins; desf; desf; try red in DEFv; try red in DEFv0; desf;
        rewrite !permission_plusA in PSUMdef; apply nonextendable_full_permission in PSUMdef;
        pplus_eq_zero; exfalso; eapply all_permissions_zero

Lemmas about initialize

Lemma initialize_alloc PS PSg: hf l l', hf l @HVnone PS PSg initialize hf l' l @HVnone PS PSg.
  unfold initialize, hupd; split; ins; desf; congruence.

Lemma hplus_init_def PS PSg hf g l h h' g' :
  hplus (Hdef hf g) h = Hdef h' g'
  hplus (Hdef (initialize hf l) g) h @Hundef PS PSg.
  unfold hplus; intros; desf; desf; destruct n; split; try done. red.
  intros; unfold initialize, hupd; try specialize (HEAPcompat v); try red in HEAPcompat; desf; ins; desf.

Lemma hplus_init_def2 PS PSg hf g l h h' g' :
  hplus (Hdef hf g) h = Hdef h' g'
  hf l @HVnone PS PSg
  hplus (Hdef (initialize hf l) g) h = Hdef (initialize h' l) g'.
  unfold hplus; intros; desf; desf.
  by f_equal; extensionality l'; unfold initialize, hupd; desf; simpls; desf; f_equal;
     rewrite !ohlplusA, (ohlplusC _ init1).
  by destruct n; split; try done; red; intros; unfold initialize, hupd;
     try specialize (HEAPcompat v); try red in HEAPcompat; desf; ins; desf.

Lemma initialize_eq_raD PS PSg hf l l' PP QQ isrmw perm init:
  initialize hf l l' = @HVra PS PSg PP QQ isrmw perm init
   init', hf l' = HVra PP QQ isrmw perm init'.
  eby unfold initialize, hupd; ins; desf; eexists.

Lemma initialize_is_rvalue PS PSg:
   (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg) l l', is_rvalue (initialize hf l l') is_rvalue (hf l').
  by unfold initialize; ins; desf; unfold hupd in H; desf; try done; subst; rewrite Heq.

Lemma initialize_is_lvalue PS PSg:
   (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg) l l', is_lvalue (initialize hf l l') is_lvalue (hf l').
  by unfold initialize; ins; desf; unfold hupd in H; desf; try done; subst; rewrite Heq.

Lemma initialize_is_atomic PS PSg:
   (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg) l l', is_atomic (initialize hf l l') is_atomic (hf l').
  by unfold initialize; ins; desf; unfold hupd in H; desf; try done; subst; rewrite Heq.

Lemma initialize_is_nonatomic PS PSg:
   (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg) l l', is_nonatomic (initialize hf l l') is_nonatomic (hf l').
  by unfold initialize; ins; desf; unfold hupd in H; desf; try done; subst; rewrite Heq.

Lemma initialize_preserves_label PS PSg:
   (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg) l l' lbl, HVlabeled (hf l) lbl HVlabeled (initialize hf l' l) lbl.
  ins; unfold initialize, hupd; desf; rewrite ?Heq0 in *; ins.
  desf; desf; ins; desf; eauto.
  by right; apply hlplus_monotone2.
  by apply hlplus_monotone2.

Lemma initialize_not_normal PS PSg:
   (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg) l l' lbl
    (LAB: HVlabeled (initialize hf l' l) lbl) (N: lbl HLnormal),
  HVlabeled (hf l ) lbl.
  unfold initialize, hupd; desf; ins; desf; rewrite ?Heq0; ins; desf; eauto.
  × desf; eauto.
    right; red; destruct h0; ins; desf; ins; solve [ by destruct lbl; ins |
                                                     by red; eauto |
                                                     by red in LAB; desf ].
  × desf; eauto.
    ins; desf; destruct lbl; ins; red in LAB; desf.
  × red; destruct h; ins; desf; ins; solve [ by destruct lbl; ins |
                                             by red; eauto |
                                             by red in LAB; desf ].
  × ins; desf; destruct lbl; ins; red in LAB; desf.

Lemma initialize_not_normalR PS PSg:
   (hf : val HeapVal PS PSg) l l' lbl
    (LAB: HVlabeledR (initialize hf l' l) lbl) (N: lbl HLnormal),
  HVlabeledR (hf l ) lbl.
  unfold initialize, hupd; desf; ins; desf; rewrite ?Heq0; ins; desf.
  × exploit ohlplus_with_basic_label; eauto; ins; desf.
    apply hlplus_monotone_inv in LAB; desf.
    destruct lbl; ins; red in LAB; desf.
  × ins; desf.
    destruct lbl; ins; red in LAB; desf.

Lemmas about assertions

Lemma assn_sem_def PS PSg P h : assn_sem P h h @Hundef PS PSg.
  induction P; ins; desf; try congruence.
  eby eapply (H 0).
  by red in H; desf.
  by red in H; desf.

Lemma sim_assn_sem PS PSg:
   (p p': assn PS PSg) (S: Asim p p') h, assn_sem p h assn_sem p' h.
  induction 1; ins; desf; eauto.
  by split; ins; desf.
  by split; ins; desf; eauto 8 using hplus_emp_r, assn_sem_def; try rewrite hplus_emp_r in *; desf.
  by split; ins; desf; rewrite hplusC in *; vauto.
  by split; ins; desf; first [rewrite hplusA in *|rewrite <- hplusA in *]; eauto 15.
  by rewrite IHS.
  by rewrite IHS1, IHS2.
  by rewrite IHS1, IHS2.
  by split; intros; apply H.
  by split; ins; desf; repeat eexists; eauto; try apply IHS1; try apply IHS2.
  by replace (fun x : valmk_assn_mod (P2 x)) with (fun x : valmk_assn_mod (P1 x));
     try done; exten; intro; apply assn_mod_eqI1; simpl; apply assn_norm_ok.
  by replace (fun x : valmk_assn_mod (Q2 x)) with (fun x : valmk_assn_mod (Q1 x));
     try done; exten; intro; apply assn_mod_eqI1; simpl; apply assn_norm_ok.
  by replace (fun x : valmk_assn_mod (Q2 x)) with (fun x : valmk_assn_mod (Q1 x));
     try done; exten; intro; apply assn_mod_eqI1; simpl; apply assn_norm_ok.
  by split; ins; split; desf; eexists; repeat split; eauto; apply IHS.
  by split; ins; split; desf; eexists; repeat split; eauto; apply IHS.

Lemma assn_sem_satD PS PSg (Q: assn PS PSg) h : assn_sem Q h hf g, h = Hdef hf g.
  ins; eapply assn_sem_def in H; destruct h; vauto.

Lemma precise_emp PS PSg : precise (@Aemp PS PSg).
Proof. red; ins; desf; rewrite !hplus_emp_l in *; vauto. Qed.

Lemma precise_star PS PSg (P Q: assn PS PSg) : precise P precise Q precise (Astar P Q).
  unfold precise; ins; desf; rewrite !hplusA in ×.
  exploit (H _ SEM1 _ SEM'1); eauto; intro; desf.
  exploit (H0 _ SEM2 _ SEM'2); eauto; intro; desf; eauto.

Hint Resolve precise_emp precise_star.

Lemma assn_sem_disj PS PSg (P Q: assn PS PSg) h :
  assn_sem (Adisj P Q) h assn_sem P h assn_sem Q h.
  by unfold Adisj; simpl; intuition; try tauto; apply assn_sem_def in H0.

Lemma assn_sem_exists PS PSg PP (h: heap PS PSg) :
  assn_sem (Aexists PP) h x, assn_sem (PP x) h.
  unfold Aexists; split; ins; desf; repeat split; ins; eauto using assn_sem_def.
  by apply NNPP; intro; eauto.
  specialize (H0 x); tauto.

Lemma foldr_star_perm PS PSg:
   l l' (P: Permutation l l') init h,
    assn_sem (foldr (@Astar PS PSg) l init) h
    assn_sem (foldr (@Astar PS PSg) l' init) h.
  induction 1; ins; desf; eauto 8.
  rewrite hplusAC in *; repeat eexists; eauto.

Lemma foldr_star_perm2 PS PSg:
   l l' (P: Permutation l l') init,
    Asim (foldr (@Astar PS PSg) l init) (foldr (@Astar PS PSg) l' init).
  induction 1; ins; desf; eauto 8 using Asim.

Lemma assn_sem_foldr_true_ext PS PSg A (f: A assn PS PSg) l h h' :
  assn_sem (foldr (@Astar _ _) (List.map f l) Atrue ) h
  hplus h h' @Hundef PS PSg
  assn_sem (foldr (@Astar _ _) (List.map f l) Atrue ) (hplus h h').
  induction[h] l; ins; desf; rewrite hplusA in ×.
  repeat eexists; eauto; eapply IHl; ins.

Lemma implies_trans PS PSg (P Q R: assn PS PSg): implies P Q implies Q R implies P R.
  unfold implies; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma implies_frame PS PSg (P Q F: assn PS PSg): implies P Q implies (Astar P F) (Astar Q F).
  by unfold implies; ins; desf; eexists _, _; eauto.

Lemma assn_sem_assn_norm PS PSg (P: assn PS PSg) h: assn_sem (assn_norm P) h assn_sem P h.
  ins; apply sim_assn_sem, Asim_sym, Asim_assn_norm.

Lemma nabla_star_dist PS PSg:
   (h: heap PS PSg) P Q, assn_sem (Anabla (Astar P Q)) h assn_sem (Astar (Anabla P) (Anabla Q)) h.
  split; ins; desf.

     (lupd h1 HLnabla), (lupd h2 HLnabla) ; repeat (apply conj).
      by red in H; desf.
    { rewrite <- lupd_hplus_dist.
      eapply exact_label_sim; eauto.
      apply lupd_label.
        by red in H1; desf.
      eapply Hsim_sym, Hsim_trans; eauto.
      apply lupd_sim.
      red in H1; desf.
      eby eapply lupd_label, assn_sem_def.
    { eexists;repeat split; try edone.
      eby eapply Hsim_sym, lupd_sim, assn_sem_def.
      apply exact_label_hplus_dist in H2; desf.
      eby eapply lupd_label, assn_sem_def.
      eexists;repeat split; try edone.
      eby eapply Hsim_sym, lupd_sim, assn_sem_def.
      apply exact_label_hplus_dist in H2; desf.

      by apply exact_label_hplus_dist_inv.
    assert (S: Hsim (hplus h1 h2) (hplus h'0 h')) by (by apply hplus_sim).
    eexists _; split.
    × eexists _, _; repeat apply conj; try exact H3; try exact H6.
        2: edone.
      red in S; desf; congruence.
    × split; try done.
      apply exact_label_hplus_dist_inv; try done.
      red in S; desf; congruence.

Lemma precise_assn_norm PS PSg (P: assn PS PSg): precise P precise (assn_norm P).
  unfold precise; split; ins.
  by rewrite assn_sem_assn_norm in *; apply H.
  by rewrite <- assn_sem_assn_norm in *; apply H.

Lemma normalizable_star PS PSg (P Q: assn PS PSg) :
   normalizable P normalizable Q normalizable (Astar P Q).
  unfold normalizable; ins; desf.
  specialize (H _ H3); specialize (H0 _ H4); desf.
   (hplus hN0 hN), (hplus h'0 h'); split.
  × repeat eexists; try exact H; try exact H0.
    rewrite hplusA, (hplusAC hN), <- hplusA in H1.
    eby eapply hplus_not_undef_l.
  × split.
    + apply exact_label_hplus_dist_inv; try done.
      rewrite hplusA, (hplusAC hN), <- hplusA in H1.
      eby eapply hplus_not_undef_l.
    + by rewrite !hplusA, (hplusAC hN).

Lemma normalizable_assn_norm PS PSg (P: assn PS PSg): normalizable P normalizable (assn_norm P).
  unfold normalizable; split; ins; desf.
  × rewrite assn_sem_assn_norm in ×.
    specialize (H _ H0); desc.
     hN, h'.
    rewrite assn_sem_assn_norm; eauto.
  × rewrite <- assn_sem_assn_norm in ×.
    specialize (H _ H0); desc.
     hN, h'.
    rewrite <- assn_sem_assn_norm; eauto.

Lemma normalizable_emp PS PSg: normalizable (@Aemp PS PSg).
 red; ins.
  hemp, hemp.
 rewrite hplus_emp_l; intuition.
 eby unfold hemp; eexists _, _.

Hint Resolve normalizable_emp.

More lemmas

Lemma hplus_ram_lD PS PSg:
   h g h1 g1 h2 l PP QQ perm init,
    hplus (Hdef h1 g1) h2 = Hdef h g
    h1 l = HVra PP QQ true perm init
     PP' perm' init',
      h l = HVra PP' QQ true perm' init'
      ( v h, assn_sem (sval (PP v)) h assn_sem (sval (PP' v)) h)
       hf g', h2 = Hdef hf g'
        (hf l = @HVnone PS PSg init = init' perm = perm'
          PP'' QQ'' isrmw'' perm'' init'',
              hf l = HVra PP'' QQ'' isrmw'' perm'' init''
              init' = ohlplus init init''
              perm' = ohlplus perm perm''
              ( v, sval (QQ'' v) = Aemp QQ'' v = QQ v)).
  destruct h2; ins; desf; desf.
  specialize (HEAPcompat l); rewrite H0 in *; ins; desf;
  repeat eexists; vauto; try red; ins; desf; try (by rewrite e in *).
  right; repeat eexists; ins; vauto.
  destruct (HEAPcompat v); ins; desf.
   by destruct isrmwflag; ins; eauto using sym_eq, assn_mod_eqI1.
  right; apply assn_mod_eqI1; congruence.

Lemma hplus_ram_rD PS PSg:
   h g h1 h2 g2 l PP QQ perm init,
    hplus h1 (Hdef h2 g2) = Hdef h g
    h2 l = HVra PP QQ true perm init
     PP' perm' init',
      h l = HVra PP' QQ true perm' init'
      ( v h, assn_sem (sval (PP v)) h assn_sem (sval (PP' v)) h)
       hf g', h1 = Hdef hf g'
        (hf l = @HVnone PS PSg init = init' perm = perm'
          PP'' QQ'' isrmw'' perm'' init'',
              hf l = HVra PP'' QQ'' isrmw'' perm'' init''
              init' = ohlplus init init''
              perm' = ohlplus perm perm''
              ( v, sval (QQ'' v) = Aemp QQ'' v = QQ v)).
  ins; rewrite hplusC in *; eauto using hplus_ram_lD.

Lemma hplus_ra_lD PS PSg:
   h g h1 g1 h2 l PP QQ perm init,
    hplus (Hdef h1 g1) h2 = Hdef h g
    h1 l = HVra PP QQ false perm init
     PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init',
      h l = HVra PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init'
      ( v h, assn_sem (sval (PP v)) h assn_sem (sval (PP' v)) h)
       hf g', h2 = Hdef hf g'
        (hf l = @HVnone PS PSg ( v, QQ' v = QQ v) init = init' isrmw' = false perm = perm'
          PP'' QQ'' perm'' init'',
           hf l = HVra PP'' QQ'' isrmw' perm'' init''
           init' = ohlplus init init''
           perm' = ohlplus perm perm''
           ( v, Asim (sval (QQ' v)) (Astar (sval (QQ v)) (sval (QQ'' v))))).
  destruct h2; ins; desf; desf.
  specialize (HEAPcompat l); rewrite H0 in *; ins; desf;
  repeat eexists; vauto; try red; ins; desf; try (by rewrite e in *).
    right; repeat eexists; ins; vauto.
    by destruct (HEAPcompat v); ins; desf; rewrite H, ?H1; Asim_simpl; eauto using Asim.
  by right; repeat eexists; ins; vauto; Asim_simpl.

Lemma hplus_ra_rD PS PSg:
   h g h1 h2 g2 l PP QQ perm init,
    hplus h1 (Hdef h2 g2) = Hdef h g
    h2 l = HVra PP QQ false perm init
     PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init',
      h l = HVra PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init'
      ( v h, assn_sem (sval (PP v)) h assn_sem (sval (PP' v)) h)
       hf g', h1 = Hdef hf g'
        (hf l = @HVnone PS PSg ( v, QQ' v = QQ v) init = init' isrmw' = false perm = perm'
          PP'' QQ'' perm'' init'',
           hf l = HVra PP'' QQ'' isrmw' perm'' init''
           init' = ohlplus init init''
           perm' = ohlplus perm perm''
           ( v, Asim (sval (QQ' v)) (Astar (sval (QQ v)) (sval (QQ'' v))))).
  ins; rewrite hplusC in *; eauto using hplus_ra_lD.

Lemma hsum_raD PS PSg:
   h g hs h'' g'' l PP QQ isrmw perm init,
    hsum hs = Hdef h g
    In (Hdef h'' g'') hs
    h'' l = @HVra PS PSg PP QQ isrmw perm init
     PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init',
      h l = HVra PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init' oHLleq init init' (isrmw isrmw') oHLleq perm perm'
       ( v h, assn_sem (sval (PP v)) h assn_sem (sval (PP' v)) h).
  intros until 0; induction[h g PP QQ perm init] hs; ins; rewrite hsum_cons in ×.
  × destruct isrmw.
    + eapply hplus_ram_lD in H; desf; eauto; repeat (eexists; eauto); ins; desf;
        auto using oHLleq_refl, ohlplus_monotone1.
    + eapply hplus_ra_lD in H; eauto; desf; repeat (eexists; eauto); ins; desf;
        auto using oHLleq_refl, ohlplus_monotone1.
  × rewrite hplusC in H; destruct (hsum hs); ins; desf.
    eapply (IHhs _ _ _ _ _ _ eq_refl) in H0; eauto; desf.
  specialize (HEAPcompat l); rewrite H0 in *; ins; desf; repeat (eexists; eauto); ins; desf; eauto;
  solve [
    eapply oHLleq_trans; split; eauto using ohlplus_monotone1
    apply H5 in H; rewrite e in *; done

Lemma hplus_raD PS PSg:
   h g h1 h2 l PP QQ isrmw perm init,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    h l = HVra PP QQ isrmw perm init
     hf1 g1 hf2 g2,
      h1 = Hdef hf1 g1 h2 = Hdef hf2 g2
       << N: hf1 l @HVnone PS PSg hf2 l @HVnone PS PSg >>
       << L: hf1 l = @HVnone PS PSg PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init',
               hf1 l = HVra PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init'
               ( v h, assn_sem (sval (PP' v)) h assn_sem (sval (PP v)) h) >>
       << R: hf2 l = @HVnone PS PSg PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init',
               hf2 l = HVra PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init'
               ( v h, assn_sem (sval (PP' v)) h assn_sem (sval (PP v)) h) >>.
  destruct h1, h2; unfold NW; ins; desf; desf.
  repeat eexists; specialize (HEAPcompat l); unfold hvplusDEF in *; desf; vauto;
  right; vauto; repeat eexists; ins; desf; try congruence; eauto;
  specialize (HEAPcompat0 v); rewrite ?e in *; ins.
  red in HEAPcompat0; desf; rewrite HEAPcompat0, ?e, ?a2 in *; ins.

  Grab Existential Variables. all: done.

Lemma hplus_raD' PS PSg:
   h g h1 h2 l PP QQ isrmw perm init,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    h l = HVra PP QQ isrmw perm init
     hf1 g1 hf2 g2, h1 = Hdef hf1 g1 h2 = Hdef hf2 g2
     ( (hf1 l = @HVnone PS PSg PP' QQ', hf2 l = HVra PP' QQ' isrmw perm init PP' = PP QQ' = QQ)
       (hf2 l = @HVnone PS PSg PP' QQ', hf1 l = HVra PP' QQ' isrmw perm init PP' = PP QQ' = QQ)
       ( PP1 QQ1 isrmw1 perm1 init1 PP2 QQ2 isrmw2 perm2 init2,
            hf1 l = HVra PP1 QQ1 isrmw1 perm1 init1
            hf2 l = HVra PP2 QQ2 isrmw2 perm2 init2
            perm = ohlplus perm1 perm2
            init = ohlplus init1 init2
            isrmw = isrmw1 || isrmw2
            ( v, Acombinable (sval (PP1 v)) (sval (PP2 v)))
            ( v h, assn_sem (sval (PP v)) h
                         assn_sem (sval (PP1 v)) h assn_sem (sval (PP2 v)) h))).
  destruct h1, h2; unfold NW; ins; desf; desf;
  repeat eexists. specialize (HEAPcompat l); unfold hvplusDEF in *; desf; vauto; try (by ins; desf);
    [left | right;left | right;right]; try (repeat (eexists; ins); desf;
    specialize (HEAPcompat0 v); unfold Acombinable in *; ins; desf; desf;
    rewrite ?HEAPcompat0, ?e in *; desf; vauto).

Lemma hplus_eq_raD PS PSg:
   h g h1 h2 l PP QQ isrmw perm init v,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    h l = @HVra PS PSg PP QQ isrmw perm init
     hf g' PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init',
      (h1 = Hdef hf g' h2 = Hdef hf g') hf l = HVra PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init'
      ( h, assn_sem (sval (PP v)) h assn_sem (sval (PP' v)) h).
  destruct h1, h2; unfold NW; ins; desf; desf.
  specialize (HEAPcompat l); red in HEAPcompat; desf; ins; desf;
    try solve [repeat (eexists; try edone); eauto].
  specialize (HEAPcompat0 v); red in HEAPcompat0; desf; try congruence.
  by clear Heq0; repeat (eexists; try edone); eauto.
  by repeat (eexists; try edone); eauto; congruence.

Lemma hsum_eq_raD PS PSg:
   h' g' hs l PP QQ isrmw perm init v,
    hsum hs = Hdef h' g'
    h' l = @HVra PS PSg PP QQ isrmw perm init
     h'' g'' PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init',
      In (Hdef h'' g'') hs
      h'' l = HVra PP' QQ' isrmw' perm' init'
      ( h, assn_sem (sval (PP v)) h assn_sem (sval (PP' v)) h).
  intros until 0; induction[h' g' PP QQ isrmw perm init] hs; ins; [by inv H|].
  rewrite hsum_cons in ×.
  eapply hplus_eq_raD in H; eauto.
  desf; eauto 15.
    exploit IHhs; eauto; intro; desf; eauto 10.
  do 8 eexists; eauto.
  by split; try edone; ins; rewrite H2.

Lemma hplus_eq_ra_rmwD PS PSg h g h1 h2 l PP QQ perm init:
  hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
  h l = @HVra PS PSg PP QQ true perm init
   hf g' PP' QQ' perm' init',
    (h1 = Hdef hf g' h2 = Hdef hf g') hf l = HVra PP' QQ' true perm' init'.
  ins; eapply hplus_def_inv in H; desf.
  specialize (DEFv l); rewrite PLUSv in *; clear PLUSv.
  red in DEFv; desf; ins; desf; try destruct isrmwflag; ins; desf;
  try by (repeat eexists; try edone; eauto).

Lemma hsum_eq_ra_rmwD PS PSg:
   h' g' hs l PP QQ perm init,
  hsum hs = Hdef h' g'
  h' l = @HVra PS PSg PP QQ true perm init
   h'' g'' PP' QQ' perm' init', In (Hdef h'' g'') hs h'' l = HVra PP' QQ' true perm' init'.
  intros until 0; generalize perm init; induction[h' g' PP QQ init] hs; ins; [by inv H|].
  rewrite hsum_cons in *; eapply hplus_eq_ra_rmwD in H; eauto.
  desf; eauto 10; exploit IHhs; eauto; ins; desf; eauto 10.

Lemma hplus_eq_ra_ownD PS PSg h g h1 h2 l PP QQ perm init v :
  hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
  h l = @HVra PS PSg PP QQ false perm init
  sval (QQ v) Aemp
  sval (QQ v) Afalse
   hf g' PP' QQ' perm' init',
    (h1 = Hdef hf g' h2 = Hdef hf g') hf l = HVra PP' QQ' false perm' init'
     sval (QQ' v) Aemp sval (QQ' v) Afalse.
  ins; eapply hplus_def_inv in H; desf; desf.
  specialize (DEFv l); rewrite PLUSv in *; clear PLUSv.
  red in DEFv; desf; ins; desf; try destruct isrmwflag; ins; desf;
    try solve [repeat (eexists; try eassumption); eauto].
  case_eq (sval (QQ0 v)); ins;
    try solve [clear Heq0; repeat (eexists; try eassumption); eauto;
               instantiate; congruence].
    case_eq (sval (QQ1 v)); ins;
    try solve [clear Heq; repeat (eexists; try eassumption); eauto;
               instantiate; congruence].
    by rewrite H, H0, assn_norm_star_false in ×.
    by rewrite H, H0, assn_norm_star_emp_r in ×.

  clear Heq; repeat (eexists; try eassumption); eauto.
  by intro H0; apply H1; rewrite H, H0, assn_norm_star_emp, assn_norm_emp.
  by intro H0; apply H2; rewrite H, H0, assn_norm_star_emp.

Lemma hsum_eq_ra_ownD PS PSg:
   h' g' hs l PP QQ perm init v,
  hsum hs = Hdef h' g'
  h' l = @HVra PS PSg PP QQ false perm init
  sval (QQ v) Aemp
  sval (QQ v) Afalse
   h'' g'' PP' QQ' perm' init',
    In (Hdef h'' g'') hs h'' l = HVra PP' QQ' false perm' init'
     sval (QQ' v) Aemp sval (QQ' v) Afalse.
  intros until 0; generalize perm init; induction[h' g' PP QQ init] hs; ins; [by inv H|].
  rewrite hsum_cons in *; eapply hplus_eq_ra_ownD in H; eauto.
  desf; eauto 12; exploit IHhs; eauto; ins; desf; eauto 15.

Lemma hplus_ra_own_l PS PSg h g h1 g1 h2 l PP QQ perm init v :
  hplus (Hdef h1 g1) h2 = Hdef h g
  h1 l = @HVra PS PSg PP QQ false perm init
  sval (QQ v) Aemp
  sval (QQ v) Afalse
   PP' QQ' perm' init',
    h l = HVra PP' QQ' false perm' init' sval (QQ' v) Aemp sval (QQ' v) Afalse.
  intros; eapply hplus_def_inv in H; desf.
  specialize (DEFv l); rewrite PLUSv in *; clear PLUSv;
  red in DEFv; desf; ins; desf; try destruct isrmwflag; ins; desf;
    try solve [repeat eexists; eauto].
    by exfalso; destruct (DEFv v); desf.
  repeat eexists; ins; intro; [
    apply assn_norm_star_eq_emp in H |
    apply assn_norm_star_eq_false in H ]; desf; auto;
    eapply H1; destruct (QQ v); ins; congruence.

Lemma hplus_ra_own_r PS PSg h g h1 h2 g2 l PP QQ perm init v :
  hplus h1 (Hdef h2 g2) = Hdef h g
  h2 l = @HVra PS PSg PP QQ false perm init
  sval (QQ v) Aemp
  sval (QQ v) Afalse
   PP' QQ' perm' init',
    h l = HVra PP' QQ' false perm' init' sval (QQ' v) Aemp sval (QQ' v) Afalse.
Proof. by rewrite hplusC; apply hplus_ra_own_l. Qed.

Lemma hsum_has_ra_own PS PSg h g hs hf g' l PP QQ perm init v :
  hsum hs = Hdef h g
  In (Hdef hf g') hs
  hf l = @HVra PS PSg PP QQ false perm init
  sval (QQ v) Aemp
  sval (QQ v) Afalse
   PP' QQ' perm' init',
    h l = HVra PP' QQ' false perm' init' sval (QQ' v) Aemp sval (QQ' v) Afalse.
  induction[h g PP QQ init] hs; ins.
  rewrite hsum_cons in *; desf.
    eapply hplus_ra_own_l; eauto.
  exploit hplus_def_inv; eauto; ins; desf.
  exploit IHhs; eauto; intro; desf.
  rewrite x1 in *; eapply hplus_ra_own_r; eauto.

Lemma hplus_init1 PS PSg E PP QQ isrmw perm1 perm2 init1 init2 :
  hplus (hsingl PS PSg E (HVra PP QQ isrmw perm1 init1))
        (hsingl PS PSg E (HVra Wemp Remp false perm2 init2))
        = hsingl PS PSg E (HVra PP QQ isrmw (ohlplus perm1 perm2) (ohlplus init1 init2)).
  rewrite hplus_hsingl.
  × f_equal; extensionality l.
    unfold hupd; desf; simpls.
    + extensionality v; desf.
      apply assn_mod_eqI; unfold Wemp; rewrite e; simpl.
      apply Asim_sym, Asim_assn_norm.
    + desf; extensionality v.
      apply assn_mod_eqI; simpl.
      rewrite assn_norm_emp, assn_norm_star_emp_r.
      apply Asim_sym, Asim_assn_norm.
    + by destruct isrmw.
  × split; ins; vauto.
    left; unfold hv_rval; desf.

Lemma atomic_hsingl_duplicate PS PSg:
   l PP QQ isrmw perm init, hsingl PS PSg l (HVra PP QQ isrmw perm init) =
                                  hplus (hsingl PS PSg l (HVra PP QQ isrmw perm init))
                                        (hsingl PS PSg l (HVra Wemp Remp false perm init)).
  intros; rewrite hplus_hsingl.
  × f_equal; extensionality l'.
    unfold hupd; desf; simpls.
    f_equal; try by rewrite ohlplus_same.
    + by extensionality v; desf; apply assn_mod_eqI1.
    + extensionality v; desf; apply assn_mod_eqI1; simpl.
      by rewrite assn_norm_emp, assn_norm_star_emp_r, assn_norm_mod.
    + by destruct isrmw.
  × split; ins; vauto.
    left; unfold hv_rval; desf.

Lemma hplus_hsingl_rel_rmwacq PS PSg:
   l PP QQ labW labW' labR labR',
  hplus (hsingl PS PSg l (HVra PP Remp false labW labR))
        (hsingl PS PSg l (HVra Wemp QQ true labW' labR'))
  = hsingl PS PSg l (HVra PP QQ true (ohlplus labW labW') (ohlplus labR labR')).
  intros; rewrite hplus_hsingl.
    2: by split; ins; vauto.
  ins; f_equal. exten; ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf.
  by exten; ins; desf; apply assn_mod_eqI1.

Lemma hdef_initializeE PS PSg hf g E PP QQ isrmw perm init:
  hf E = HVra PP QQ isrmw perm init
  Hdef (initialize hf E) g = hplus (Hdef hf g)
                                   (hsingl PS PSg E (HVra Wemp Remp false None (Some HLCnormal))).
  rewrite hplusC; unfold initialize, hupd; ins; desf; desf.
  × f_equal.
      2: by rewrite gres_plus_total_emp_l.
    extensionality w; specialize (HEAPcompat w); red in HEAPcompat; ins; desf; ins; try congruence.
    rewrite Heq1 in Heq; inv Heq.
    f_equal; desf.
    extensionality v; eapply assn_mod_eqI; ins; desf; ins; Asim_simpl; vauto.
  × destruct n; split.
      2: by rewrite gres_plusC, gres_plus_emp_r.
    intro m; ins; desf; ins; desf; repeat split; try apply Lcombinable_same;
       ins; vauto; destruct isrmw; vauto.

Lemma hdef_initializeE2 PS PSg: hf g E (AT: is_atomic (hf E)),
  Hdef (initialize hf E) g = hplus (Hdef hf g)
                                   (hsingl PS PSg E (HVra Wemp Remp false None (Some HLCnormal))).
  unfold is_atomic; intros; desf.
  eby eapply hdef_initializeE.

Lemma hplus_is_nonatomic_full PS PSg:
   h g h1 h2 l,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    is_nonatomic (h l)
   hf1 g1 hf2 g2,
     h1 = Hdef hf1 g1 h2 = Hdef hf2 g2
     (is_nonatomic (hf1 l) hf1 l = @HVnone PS PSg)
     (is_nonatomic (hf2 l) hf2 l = @HVnone PS PSg)
     (hf1 l @HVnone PS PSg hf2 l @HVnone PS PSg).
  exploit hplus_is_nonatomic; eauto; ins; desc.
  eexists _, _, _, _; repeat split; eauto.
  × desf; eauto.
    rewrite hplus_unfold in H; desf; desf.
    specialize (HEAPcompat l).
    destruct (hf1 l); ins; desf; eauto.
  × desf; eauto.
    rewrite hplus_unfold in H; desf; desf.
    specialize (HEAPcompat l).
    rewrite hvplusC in H0; ins.
    apply hvplusDEFC in HEAPcompat.
    destruct (hf2 l); ins; desf; eauto.
  × apply not_and_or; intro C; desc; rewrite C, C0 in *; desf.

Lemma hplus_is_nonatomic_l PS PSg :
   h g h1 h2 l,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    is_nonatomic (h l)
   hf1 g1,
     h1 = Hdef hf1 g1 (is_nonatomic (hf1 l) hf1 l = @HVnone PS PSg).
  ins; exploit hplus_is_nonatomic_full; eauto.
  ins; desc.
  eby eexists _, _.

Lemma hplus_is_nonatomic_r PS PSg :
   h g h1 h2 l,
    hplus h1 h2 = Hdef h g
    is_nonatomic (h l)
   hf2 g2,
     h2 = Hdef hf2 g2 (is_nonatomic (hf2 l) hf2 l = @HVnone PS PSg).
    ins; exploit hplus_is_nonatomic_full; eauto.
  ins; desc.
  eby eexists _, _.

Lemma hsum_is_nonatomic_all PS PSg :
   hs h g l,
    hsum hs = Hdef h g
    is_nonatomic (h l)
     hf g, In (Hdef hf g) hs hf l = @HVnone PS PSg is_nonatomic (hf l).
  induction hs; ins; desf.
  × rewrite hsum_cons in H.
    eapply hplus_is_nonatomic_full in H; eauto; desf; eauto.
  × rewrite hsum_cons in H.
    eapply hplus_is_nonatomic_full in H; eauto; desf; eauto;
    exploit hsum_nalloc_all; eauto; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma is_nonatomic_initialize PS PSg :
   (hf: val HeapVal PS PSg) l l', is_nonatomic (hf l) is_nonatomic (initialize hf l' l).
  unfold initialize, is_nonatomic, hupd; ins; desf.

Lemma Hsim_nalloc PS PSg :
   h hf g l ,
    Hsim h (Hdef hf g)
    hf l = @HVnone PS PSg
     hf', h = Hdef hf' g hf' l = @HVnone PS PSg.
  unfold Hsim; ins; desf; eexists; split; eauto.
  specialize (H2 l); rewrite H0 in H2; red in H2; desf.

Lemma is_nonatomic_hsim PS PSg :
   (hf1 hf2: val HeapVal PS PSg) l, HFsim hf1 hf2 (is_nonatomic (hf1 l) is_nonatomic (hf2 l)).
  by ins; specialize (H l); destruct (hf1 l), (hf2 l).

Lemma hplus_propagate_initialize PS PSg:
   (hf: val HeapVal PS PSg) g' l (A: is_atomic (hf l))
    hFR h g (EQ: hplus (Hdef hf g') hFR = Hdef h g),
  hplus (Hdef (initialize hf l) g') hFR = Hdef (initialize h l) g.

  exploit (hplus_has_atomic_l _ l EQ); intros; desf.
  unfold is_atomic in *; desf.
  erewrite hdef_initializeE; eauto.
  rewrite hplusA, (hplusC _ hFR), <- hplusA, EQ.
  eby erewrite hdef_initializeE.

Opaque hplus.

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