Require Import Vbase List extralib.
Require Import Classical ClassicalDescription.
Require Import c11 exps fslassn fslassnsem fslassnlemmas fslmodel.
Require Import fsl ghosts fsl_addons.
Require Import permission GpsSepAlg.
Require Import QArith helpers_rationals fslassnlemmas2 normalizability.
Require Import arc_permissions arc_ghosts.
Pointsto and ghost assertions
Definition arc_assn := assn (Fractional_Permissions :: nil) (TokenMonoid :: nil).
Program Definition Pointsto l q v :=
match excluded_middle_informative (0 ≤ q ≤ 1) return arc_assn with
| right _ ⇒ Afalse
| left _ ⇒ match excluded_middle_informative (q == 0) return arc_assn with
| left _ ⇒ Aemp
| right _ ⇒ Apt Fractional_Permissions (in_eq _ _) (QP (Qred q) _ (eq_sym (Qred_Qred q))) _ l v
Next Obligation. by ins; rewrite Qred_correct. Qed.
Next Obligation.
split; intro; desf.
inv H1.
destruct H0; rewrite <- Qred_correct; congruence.
Definition GhostPlus l q :=
match excluded_middle_informative (0 ≤ Qred q) return arc_assn with
| left GE ⇒ Aghost TokenMonoid (in_eq _ _) l (TokPlus (Qred q) GE (eq_sym (Qred_Qred q)))
| right _ ⇒ Afalse
Definition GhostMinus l q :=
match excluded_middle_informative (0 ≤ Qred q) return arc_assn with
| right _ ⇒ Afalse
| left GE ⇒ Aghost TokenMonoid (in_eq _ _) l (TokMinus (Qred q) GE (eq_sym (Qred_Qred q)))
Lemmas about assertions
Lemma empty_pointsto d v: Pointsto d 0 v = Aemp.
by clear; unfold Pointsto; ins; desf; desf; destruct n.
Lemma Pointsto_eq x v f f': f == f' → Pointsto x f v = Pointsto x f' v.
unfold Pointsto; ins; desf; rewrite ?H in *; try done; rewrite <- ?H in *; try done.
eapply Apt_equal; eq_rect_simpl; try done.
apply QP_equal.
by apply Qred_complete.
Grab Existential Variables. done.
Lemma GhostPlus_eq g f f' : f == f' → GhostPlus g f = GhostPlus g f'.
ins; unfold GhostPlus; desf; try solve [by rewrite H in × | by rewrite <- H in *].
eapply Aghost_equal; eq_rect_simpl; try done.
by apply Tok_equal, Qred_complete.
Grab Existential Variables. done.
Lemma GhostMinus_eq g f f' : f == f' → GhostMinus g f = GhostMinus g f'.
ins; unfold GhostMinus; desf; try solve [by rewrite H in × | by rewrite <- H in *].
eapply Aghost_equal; eq_rect_simpl; try done.
by apply Tok_equal, Qred_complete.
Grab Existential Variables. done.
Lemma triangle_GhostPlus g q: equivalent (Atriangle (GhostPlus g q)) (GhostPlus g q).
unfold GhostPlus; desf.
× split; red; ins; desf.
+ clear H2; red in H1; desf.
f_equal. extensionality x; specialize (H2 x).
red in H2; desf.
+ repeat eexists.
× split; red; ins; desf.
Lemma triangle_GhostMinus g q: equivalent (Atriangle (GhostMinus g q)) (GhostMinus g q).
unfold GhostMinus; desf; split; red; ins; desf.
× clear H2; red in H1; desf.
f_equal. extensionality x; specialize (H2 x).
red in H2; desf.
× repeat eexists.
Lemma nabla_GhostPlus g q: equivalent (Anabla (GhostPlus g q)) (GhostPlus g q).
unfold GhostPlus; desf.
× split; red; ins; desf.
+ clear H2; red in H1; desf.
f_equal. extensionality x; specialize (H2 x).
red in H2; desf.
+ repeat eexists.
× split; red; ins; desf.
Lemma nabla_GhostMinus g q: equivalent (Anabla (GhostMinus g q)) (GhostMinus g q).
unfold GhostMinus; desf; split; red; ins; desf.
× clear H2; red in H1; desf.
f_equal. extensionality x; specialize (H2 x).
red in H2; desf.
× repeat eexists.
Lemma normalizable_GhostPlus: ∀ g q, normalizable (GhostPlus g q).
ins; unfold GhostPlus; desf.
apply MFPassn_normalizable; vauto.
Lemma normalizable_Pointsto: ∀ x q v, normalizable (Pointsto x q v).
ins; unfold Pointsto; desf.
apply MFPassn_normalizable; vauto.
Lemma consume_token g f q: implies (GhostMinus g f &*& GhostPlus g q) (GhostMinus g (f - q)).
unfold GhostMinus, GhostPlus; red; ins; desf; ins; desf.
× rewrite hplus_unfold; desf; desf.
+ f_equal. clear H.
unfold gres_plus_total; desf.
apply gres_ext; ins; desf; desf.
- unfold gres_plus in Heq; des_eqrefl; desf.
clear GHOSTcompat; ins.
inv_lplus n; desf; desf.
unfold olift_plus in EQ; desf.
rewrite <- H0; repeat f_equal.
ins; desf.
rewrite <- eq_rect_eq in *; ins; desf.
by apply Tok_equal, Qred_complete; rewrite !Qred_correct.
- unfold gres_plus in Heq; des_eqrefl; desf.
clear GHOSTcompat; ins.
inv_lplus n; desf; desf.
unfold olift_plus in EQ; desf.
+ destruct n; split; try done. clear H.
unfold gres_plus; des_eqrefl; desf.
inv_lplus2 gg.
unfold olift_plus in EQ; desf; ins; desf; desf.
unfold plift_plus in Heq1; desf.
rewrite <- eq_rect_eq in *; ins; desf.
by rewrite !Qred_correct in ×.
× destruct n; rewrite hplus_unfold in H; desf; ins; desf.
clear H; unfold gres_plus in GHOSTcompat; des_eqrefl; desf; ins.
clear GHOSTcompat; inv_lplus g.
rewrite eqxx in EQ; ins; desf.
rewrite <- eq_rect_eq in *; ins; desf.
by clear - q3; rewrite !Qred_correct in ×.
Lemma consume_token2 g f q: implies (GhostPlus g q &*& GhostMinus g f) (GhostMinus g (f - q)).
rewrite equivalent_starC; apply consume_token.
Lemma produce_one_token g q: equivalent (GhostMinus g q) (GhostMinus g (q + 1) &*& GhostPlus g 1).
Focus 2.
rewrite consume_token.
cut(GhostMinus g (q + 1 - 1) = GhostMinus g q).
by intro G; rewrite G; apply implies_refl.
apply GhostMinus_eq.
by unfold Qminus; rewrite <- Qplus_assoc, Qplus_opp_r, Qplus_0_r.
unfold GhostMinus, GhostPlus, mydec; red; ins; desf; ins; desf.
{ repeat eexists; ins.
rewrite hplus_unfold; desf; ins; desf.
× f_equal; unfold gres_plus_total; desf.
unfold gres_plus in Heq; des_eqrefl; try done; desf; ins.
clear GHOSTcompat.
apply gres_ext.
intro x; ins.
inv_lplus x; desf; desf.
+ unfold olift_plus in EQ; desf.
unfold plift_plus in Heq; desf.
rewrite <- H0; repeat f_equal.
rewrite <- eq_rect_eq in *; ins; desf.
apply Tok_equal.
apply Qred_complete; rewrite !Qred_correct.
unfold Qminus; rewrite <- Qplus_assoc.
change (1 + - (1)) with 0.
by apply Qplus_0_r.
+ unfold olift_plus in EQ; desf.
× destruct n; split; try done.
unfold gres_plus; des_eqrefl; try done.
inv_lplus2 gg.
unfold olift_plus in EQ; desf.
ins; desf; desf.
unfold plift_plus in Heq1; desf.
rewrite <- eq_rect_eq in Heq; ins; desf.
destruct n; rewrite !Qred_correct in ×.
unfold Qminus; rewrite <- Qplus_assoc.
change (1 + - (1)) with 0.
by rewrite Qplus_0_r.
by destruct n.
by destruct n;rewrite Qred_correct in *; apply Qplus_le_compat with (x:=0) (z:=0).
by destruct n0.
Lemma combine_tokens g f q: implies (GhostPlus g f &*& GhostPlus g q) (GhostPlus g (f + q)).
unfold GhostPlus at 1; red; ins; desf; ins; desf.
unfold GhostPlus in H2; ins; desf; ins; desf.
unfold GhostPlus; desf; ins.
× rewrite hplus_unfold in *; desf; desf.
clear H; f_equal.
unfold gres_plus_total; desf.
unfold gres_plus in Heq; des_eqrefl; try done; desf; ins.
clear GHOSTcompat.
apply gres_ext; ins; desf; desf.
+ inv_lplus n; rewrite eqxx in EQ; ins; desf; rewrite <- eq_rect_eq in *; ins; desf.
rewrite <- H0; repeat f_equal; apply Tok_equal.
by apply Qred_complete; rewrite !Qred_correct.
+ inv_lplus n; ins; desf; desf.
unfold olift_plus in EQ; desf.
× clear H; desf; rewrite Qred_correct in ×.
by destruct n; apply nonnegative_sum.
Lemma split_tokens g a b c :
a == b + c → b ≥ 0 → c ≥ 0 → equivalent (GhostPlus g a) (GhostPlus g b &*& GhostPlus g c).
intros SUM B C; split.
Focus 2.
rewrite combine_tokens.
cut (GhostPlus g (b + c) = GhostPlus g a).
by intro G; rewrite G; apply implies_refl.
by apply GhostPlus_eq.
unfold GhostPlus; ins; desf; ins; desf; try by rewrite Qred_correct in ×.
red; ins; eexists _, _; repeat split; try edone; desf.
rewrite hplus_unfold; ins; desf; desf.
× f_equal; unfold gres_plus_total; desf.
unfold gres_plus in Heq; des_eqrefl; try done; desf; ins.
clear GHOSTcompat; apply gres_ext; ins; desf; desf.
+ inv_lplus n; rewrite eqxx in EQ; ins; desf; rewrite <- eq_rect_eq in *; ins; desf.
rewrite <- H0; repeat f_equal; apply Tok_equal.
by apply Qred_complete; rewrite !Qred_correct.
+ inv_lplus n; ins; desf; desf.
unfold olift_plus in EQ; desf.
× destruct n; split; try done.
unfold gres_plus; des_eqrefl; try done.
inv_lplus2 x.
unfold olift_plus in EQ; desf; ins; desf; desf; ins; desf; rewrite <- eq_rect_eq in *; ins; desf.
Lemma empty_ghost_r g a Ghost:
Ghost = GhostPlus ∨ Ghost = GhostMinus → equivalent (Ghost g a &*& GhostPlus g 0) (Ghost g a).
ins; desf.
by rewrite combine_tokens; refl_implies; apply GhostPlus_eq; rewrite Qplus_0_r.
destruct (classic (a ≥ 0)).
by rewrite split_tokens at 1; try edone; rewrite Qplus_0_r.
unfold GhostPlus at 1; desf.
by exfalso; rewrite Qred_correct in ×.
{ split.
by rewrite consume_token; refl_implies; apply GhostMinus_eq; unfold Qminus; rewrite Qopp_zero, Qplus_0_r.
unfold GhostMinus, GhostPlus; red; ins; desf; ins; desf.
2: by destruct n.
repeat eexists; ins.
rewrite hplus_unfold; desf; ins; desf.
× f_equal; unfold gres_plus_total; desf.
unfold gres_plus in Heq; des_eqrefl; try done; desf; ins.
clear GHOSTcompat.
apply gres_ext.
intro x; ins.
inv_lplus x; desf; desf.
+ unfold olift_plus in EQ; desf.
unfold plift_plus in Heq; desf.
rewrite <- H0; repeat f_equal.
rewrite <- eq_rect_eq in *; ins; desf.
apply Tok_equal.
by apply Qred_complete; unfold Qminus; rewrite !Qred_correct, Qopp_zero, Qplus_0_r.
+ unfold olift_plus in EQ; desf.
× destruct n; split; try done.
unfold gres_plus; des_eqrefl; try done.
inv_lplus2 gg.
unfold olift_plus in EQ; desf.
ins; desf; desf.
unfold plift_plus in Heq1; desf.
rewrite <- eq_rect_eq in Heq; ins; desf.
destruct n; rewrite !Qred_correct in ×.
by unfold Qminus; rewrite Qopp_zero, Qplus_0_r.
Lemma empty_ghost_l g a Ghost:
Ghost = GhostPlus ∨ Ghost = GhostMinus → equivalent (GhostPlus g 0 &*&Ghost g a) (Ghost g a).
by ins; rewrite equivalent_starC; apply empty_ghost_r.
Lemma split_pointsto x v a b c :
a == b + c → b ≥ 0 → c ≥ 0 → equivalent (Pointsto x a v) (Pointsto x b v &*& Pointsto x c v).
intros SUM B C; split.
× unfold Pointsto at 2; red; ins; desf.
+ rewrite q, Qplus_0_l in ×.
rewrite Pointsto_eq with (f' := c) in H; try done.
eexists _, _; repeat split; try edone.
eby eapply assn_sem_def.
by rewrite hplus_emp_l.
+ unfold Pointsto; desf; ins.
- rewrite q, Qplus_0_r in ×.
rewrite Pointsto_eq with (f' := b) in H; try done.
unfold Pointsto in H; ins; desf; ins; desf; desf.
eexists _, _; repeat split; try edone.
rewrite !hplus_emp_r.
clear; f_equal; exten.
ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf.
by eapply HVval_equal; eq_rect_simpl; try apply QP_equal.
- unfold Pointsto in H; desf; desf; ins.
by symmetry in SUM; rewrite q in SUM; apply nonnegative_sum_eq_zero in SUM; desf.
rewrite H; clear H.
repeat eexists; try done.
rewrite hplus_hsingl; ins; desf;
try (by destruct n2; rewrite ?Qred_correct, ?Qplus_0_l, ?Qplus_0_r, <- ?SUM).
{ f_equal; exten; ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf.
eapply HVval_equal; eq_rect_simpl; desf; ins; desf; try apply QP_equal; ins;
try (by apply Qred_complete; rewrite !Qred_correct; rewrite SUM);
try (by destruct n2; rewrite !Qred_correct, ?Qplus_0_l, <- ?SUM).
{ destruct n2; desf; unfold permissionsOK; eq_rect_simpl; ins; desf; split; try done; ins; desf;
try (by destruct n2; rewrite !Qred_correct, ?Qplus_0_l, ?Qplus_0_r, <- ?SUM).
red; intro; desf.
apply Qeq_weaken in H; rewrite !Qred_correct, !Qplus_0_l, Qplus_0_r in H.
apply nonnegative_sum_eq_zero in H; desf.
{ split; [done | red]; eq_rect_simpl; ins; desf; split; try done; ins; desf;
try (by destruct n2; rewrite ?Qred_correct, ?Qplus_0_l, ?Qplus_0_r, <- ?SUM).
red; intro; desf.
apply Qeq_weaken in H; rewrite !Qred_correct, !Qplus_0_l, Qplus_0_r in H.
apply nonnegative_sum_eq_zero in H; desf.
- destruct n0; split; try done.
unfold Pointsto in H; desf.
by rewrite SUM in q; apply nonnegative_sum_eq_zero in q; desf.
clear H; desf.
apply Qopp_le_compat in a3.
apply Qplus_le_compat with (x := b + c) (y := a) in a3.
2: by rewrite SUM; apply Qle_refl.
rewrite Qplus_opp_r in a3.
apply Qplus_le_compat with (x := -b) (y := 0) in a3.
2: by rewrite <- Qopp_zero; apply Qopp_le_compat.
rewrite !Qplus_assoc, Qplus_opp_l, !Qplus_0_l in a3.
apply Qplus_le_compat with (x := 1) (y := 1) in a3; try done.
by rewrite Qplus_comm, <- Qplus_assoc, Qplus_opp_r, !Qplus_0_r in a3.
+ destruct n; split; try done.
unfold Pointsto in H; desf.
by rewrite SUM in q; apply nonnegative_sum_eq_zero in q; desf; rewrite q.
clear H; desf.
apply Qopp_le_compat in a1.
apply Qplus_le_compat with (x := b + c) (y := a) in a1.
2: by rewrite SUM; apply Qle_refl.
rewrite Qplus_opp_r in a1.
apply Qplus_le_compat with (x := -c) (y := 0) in a1.
2: by rewrite <- Qopp_zero; apply Qopp_le_compat.
rewrite (Qplus_comm b), !Qplus_assoc, Qplus_opp_l, !Qplus_0_l in a1.
apply Qplus_le_compat with (x := 1) (y := 1) in a1; try done.
by rewrite Qplus_comm, <- Qplus_assoc, Qplus_opp_l, !Qplus_0_r in a1.
× unfold Pointsto at 1; red; ins; desf; ins; desf; rewrite ?hplus_emp_r, ?hplus_emp_l in ×.
rewrite Pointsto_eq with (f' := c); try done.
by rewrite SUM, q, Qplus_0_l.
unfold Pointsto in H2; desf; ins; desf.
+ rewrite hplus_emp_r.
rewrite Pointsto_eq with (f' := b).
2: by rewrite SUM, q, Qplus_0_r.
unfold Pointsto; desf; ins.
- f_equal; exten; ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf.
by eapply HVval_equal; eq_rect_simpl; try apply QP_equal.
- by destruct n0.
+ unfold Pointsto; desf.
- rewrite SUM in q; apply nonnegative_sum_eq_zero in q; desf.
- rewrite hplus_hsingl; ins.
{ f_equal; exten; ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf.
{ eapply HVval_equal; eq_rect_simpl; try done; desf; ins; desf;
try (by destruct n2; rewrite ?Qred_correct, ?Qplus_0_l, ?Qplus_0_r, <- ?SUM);
apply QP_equal.
by apply Qred_complete; rewrite !Qred_correct, SUM.
by rewrite <- Qred_zero; apply Qred_complete; rewrite Qred_zero, Qplus_0_l.
by rewrite <- Qred_zero; apply Qred_complete; rewrite Qred_zero, Qplus_0_l.
{ destruct n2; eq_rect_simpl; unfold permissionsOK; desf; ins; desf; split; try done; ins; desf;
try (by destruct n2; rewrite ?Qred_correct, ?Qplus_0_l, ?Qplus_0_r, <- ?SUM).
red; intro; desf.
apply Qeq_weaken in H0; rewrite !Qred_correct, !Qplus_0_l, Qplus_0_r in H0.
apply nonnegative_sum_eq_zero in H0; desf.
{ desf; split; [done | red]; eq_rect_simpl; ins; desf; split; try done; ins; desf;
try (by destruct n2; rewrite ?Qred_correct, ?Qplus_0_l, ?Qplus_0_r, <- ?SUM).
red; intro; desf.
apply Qeq_weaken in H0; rewrite !Qred_correct, !Qplus_0_l, Qplus_0_r in H0.
apply nonnegative_sum_eq_zero in H0; desf.
- destruct H; rewrite hplus_unfold; desf; desf.
exfalso; specialize (HEAPcompat x); unfold hupd in HEAPcompat; rewrite eqxx in *; ins; desf; eq_rect_simpl;
ins; desf; try (by clear HEAPcompat0; rewrite !Qred_correct, <- SUM in a4).
by red in HEAPcompat0; desf.
by red in HEAPcompat0; desf.
Grab Existential Variables. all: done.
Lemma rule_alloc_na_with_two_ghosts:
triple Aemp
(fun x ⇒ Aexists (fun g ⇒ Aexists (fun g' ⇒ Aptu x &*& GhostMinus g 0 &*& GhostMinus g' 0))).
eapply rule_conseq_post with
(QQ := (fun x ⇒ (Aptu x &*& Aexists (fun g ⇒ GhostMinus g 0)) &*& Aexists (fun g' ⇒ GhostMinus g' 0))).
unfold GhostMinus; ins; desf.
by do 2 apply rule_ghost_intro; apply rule_alloc_na.
by destruct n.
red. intros x h SEM.
repeat (rewrite assn_sem_star in *; desc).
rewrite assn_sem_exists in *; desc.
eexists; rewrite assn_sem_exists.
eexists; rewrite assn_sem_star.
split; try done.
subst hp; rewrite hplusA in ×.
eexists _, _; repeat (apply conj; try edone).
rewrite assn_sem_star.
split; [ | by repeat (eexists; try edone)].
eby subst h; eapply hplus_not_undef_r.
Lemma rule_load_poinsto x q v:
0 < q → q ≤ 1 →
triple (Pointsto x q v) (Eload ATna x) (fun y ⇒ if (y == v)%bool then Pointsto x q v else Afalse).
ins; unfold Pointsto; desf.
by rewrite q0 in H.
eapply rule_conseq.
by apply rule_load_na.
by refl_implies; eapply Apt_equal.
ins; desf; desf; try omega.
by refl_implies; eapply Apt_equal; eq_rect_simpl.
Grab Existential Variables. all: try done.
eq_rect_simpl; intro; ins; desf.
apply Qeq_weaken in H1; rewrite Qred_correct in H1.
by rewrite H1 in H.
by apply in_eq.
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