Pointsto and ghost assertions

Definition arc_assn := assn (Fractional_Permissions :: nil) (TokenMonoid :: nil).

Program Definition Pointsto l q v :=
  match excluded_middle_informative (0 q 1) return arc_assn with
    | right _Afalse
    | left _match excluded_middle_informative (q == 0) return arc_assn with
                   | left _Aemp
                   | right _Apt Fractional_Permissions (in_eq _ _) (QP (Qred q) _ (eq_sym (Qred_Qred q))) _ l v

Definition GhostPlus l q :=
  match excluded_middle_informative (0 Qred q) return arc_assn with
    | left GEAghost TokenMonoid (in_eq _ _) l (TokPlus (Qred q) GE (eq_sym (Qred_Qred q)))
    | right _Afalse

Definition GhostMinus l q :=
  match excluded_middle_informative (0 Qred q) return arc_assn with
    | right _Afalse
    | left GEAghost TokenMonoid (in_eq _ _) l (TokMinus (Qred q) GE (eq_sym (Qred_Qred q)))

Lemmas about assertions

Lemma empty_pointsto d v: Pointsto d 0 v = Aemp.

Lemma Pointsto_eq x v f f': f == f' Pointsto x f v = Pointsto x f' v.

Lemma GhostPlus_eq g f f' : f == f' GhostPlus g f = GhostPlus g f'.

Lemma GhostMinus_eq g f f' : f == f' GhostMinus g f = GhostMinus g f'.

Lemma triangle_GhostPlus g q: equivalent (Atriangle (GhostPlus g q)) (GhostPlus g q).

Lemma triangle_GhostMinus g q: equivalent (Atriangle (GhostMinus g q)) (GhostMinus g q).

Lemma nabla_GhostPlus g q: equivalent (Anabla (GhostPlus g q)) (GhostPlus g q).

Lemma nabla_GhostMinus g q: equivalent (Anabla (GhostMinus g q)) (GhostMinus g q).

Lemma normalizable_GhostPlus: g q, normalizable (GhostPlus g q).

Lemma normalizable_Pointsto: x q v, normalizable (Pointsto x q v).

Lemma consume_token g f q: implies (GhostMinus g f &*& GhostPlus g q) (GhostMinus g (f - q)).

Lemma consume_token2 g f q: implies (GhostPlus g q &*& GhostMinus g f) (GhostMinus g (f - q)).

Lemma produce_one_token g q: equivalent (GhostMinus g q) (GhostMinus g (q + 1) &*& GhostPlus g 1).

Lemma combine_tokens g f q: implies (GhostPlus g f &*& GhostPlus g q) (GhostPlus g (f + q)).

Lemma split_tokens g a b c :
  a == b + c b 0 c 0 equivalent (GhostPlus g a) (GhostPlus g b &*& GhostPlus g c).

Lemma empty_ghost_r g a Ghost:
  Ghost = GhostPlus Ghost = GhostMinus equivalent (Ghost g a &*& GhostPlus g 0) (Ghost g a).

Lemma empty_ghost_l g a Ghost:
  Ghost = GhostPlus Ghost = GhostMinus equivalent (GhostPlus g 0 &*&Ghost g a) (Ghost g a).

Lemma split_pointsto x v a b c :
  a == b + c b 0 c 0 equivalent (Pointsto x a v) (Pointsto x b v &*& Pointsto x c v).

Lemma rule_alloc_na_with_two_ghosts:
  triple Aemp
         (fun xAexists (fun gAexists (fun g'Aptu x &*& GhostMinus g 0 &*& GhostMinus g' 0))).

Lemma rule_load_poinsto x q v:
  0 < q q 1
  triple (Pointsto x q v) (Eload ATna x) (fun yif (y == v)%bool then Pointsto x q v else Afalse).

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