Require Import Vbase List Classical ClassicalDescription.
Require Import permission GpsSepAlg.
Require Import fslassn fslassnsem fslmodel.
Require Import fslassnlemmas fslassnlemmas2.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Separating the normal and non-normal parts of cooompound labels:

Definition normalize_lbl lbl :=
  match lbl with
    | Some HLCnormal | Some HLCtriangledot | Some HLCnabladot | Some HLCdiamonddotSome HLCnormal
    | Some HLCtriangle | Some HLCnabla | Some HLCdiamondNone
    | NoneNone

Definition denormalize_lbl lbl :=
  match lbl with
    | Some HLCnormalNone
    | Some HLCtriangle | Some HLCtriangledotSome HLCtriangle
    | Some HLCnabla | Some HLCnabladotSome HLCnabla
    | Some HLCdiamond | Some HLCdiamonddotSome HLCdiamond
    | NoneNone

Lemma label_split lbl: lbl = ohlplus (normalize_lbl lbl) (denormalize_lbl lbl).

Lemma normalize_lbl_dist lbl1 lbl2 :
  normalize_lbl (ohlplus lbl1 lbl2) = ohlplus (normalize_lbl lbl1) (normalize_lbl lbl2).

Separating the normal and non-normal parts of the heap:

Program Definition normalize_hv PS PSg (hv : HeapVal PS PSg) : HeapVal PS PSg:=
  match hv with
    | HVnoneHVnone
    | HVuval lbl
        match excluded_middle_informative (lbl = HLnormal) return HeapVal PS PSg with
             | left _HVuval lbl
             | right _HVnone
    | HVval v Perm pNormal pTriangle pNabla _
        ⇒ match excluded_middle_informative (pNormal Pzero Perm) return HeapVal PS PSg with
             | left _HVval v Perm pNormal (Pzero Perm) (Pzero Perm) _
             | right _HVnone
    | HVra PP QQ isrmw permlbl initlbl
        ⇒ HVra PP QQ isrmw (normalize_lbl permlbl) (normalize_lbl initlbl)

Program Definition denormalize_hv PS PSg (hv : HeapVal PS PSg) : HeapVal PS PSg:=
  match hv with
    | HVnoneHVnone
    | HVuval lbl
        match excluded_middle_informative (lbl = HLnormal) return HeapVal PS PSg with
             | left _HVnone
             | right _HVuval lbl
    | HVval v Perm pNormal pTriangle pNabla _
        ⇒ match excluded_middle_informative (pTriangle ## pNabla Pzero Perm) return HeapVal PS PSg with
             | left _HVval v Perm (Pzero Perm) pTriangle pNabla _
             | right _HVnone
    | HVra PP QQ isrmw permlbl initlbl
        ⇒ if isrmw
           then HVra PP QQ isrmw (denormalize_lbl permlbl) (denormalize_lbl initlbl)
           else HVra PP Remp isrmw (denormalize_lbl permlbl) (denormalize_lbl initlbl)

Definition normal_part PS PSg (h : heap PS PSg) :=
  match h with
    | HundefHundef
    | Hdef hf hfgHdef (fun xnormalize_hv (hf x)) hfg

Definition triangled_part PS PSg (h : heap PS PSg) :=
  match h with
    | HundefHundef
    | Hdef hf hfgHdef (fun xdenormalize_hv (hf x)) gres_emp

Heap splits into normal and non-normal part.
Normal part of a sum is the sum of normal parts.
Normal part really is labeled by only normal label.

Syntactic criterion for normalizability

Modality-free positive assertions:

Inductive modality_free_positive PS PSg : (assn PS PSg) Prop :=
  | MFPtrue: modality_free_positive Atrue
  | MFPemp: modality_free_positive Aemp
  | MFPpt: Perm psIN p OK E E', modality_free_positive (Apt Perm psIN p OK E E')
  | MFPptu: E, modality_free_positive (Aptu E)
  | MFPrainit: E, modality_free_positive (Arainit E)
  | MFPrel: E Q, modality_free_positive (Arel E Q)
  | MFPacq: E Q, modality_free_positive (Aacq E Q)
  | MFPrmwacq: E Q, modality_free_positive (Armwacq E Q)
  | MFPghost: PCM pcmIN E g, modality_free_positive (Aghost PCM pcmIN E g)
  | MPFconj: P Q, modality_free_positive P modality_free_positive Q
                            modality_free_positive (Aconj P Q)
  | MFPdisj: P Q, modality_free_positive P modality_free_positive Q
                            modality_free_positive (Adisj P Q)
  | MFPstar: P Q, modality_free_positive P modality_free_positive Q
                            modality_free_positive (Astar P Q)
  | MFPforall: PP, ( x, modality_free_positive (PP x))
                           modality_free_positive (Aforall PP)
  | MFPexists: PP, ( x, modality_free_positive (PP x))
                           modality_free_positive (Aexists PP).

Modality-free positive assertions talk only about the normal part of the heap.
Main theorem: modality-free positive assertions are normalizable.

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