Definition of the Power memory model

In this section, we define the Power memory model of Alglave et al., as well as a variant with a total order on sync fences. In the end, we show that the two models are equivalent.

Require Import Classical List Relations.
Require Import Vbase ExtraRelations.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Remove Hints plus_n_O.

Definition actid := nat.

Inductive act :=
  | Askip
  | Async
  | Alwsync
  | Aload (l : nat) (v : nat)
  | Astore (l : nat) (v : nat).

Definition loc a :=
  match a with
    | Aload l _
    | Astore l _ ⇒ 1
    | _ ⇒ 0

Definition is_access a :=
  match a with
    | Aload _ _ | Astore _ _true
    | _false

Definition is_read a :=
  match a with
    | Aload _ _true
    | _false

Definition is_write a :=
  match a with
    | Astore _ _true
    | _false

Lemma is_read_access a : is_read a is_access a.
Proof. by destruct a. Qed.

Lemma is_write_access a : is_write a is_access a.
Proof. by destruct a. Qed.

Hint Resolve is_read_access is_write_access : access.

Section PowerModel.

Variable acts : list actid.
Variable lab : actid act.
Variable po : actid actid Prop.
Variable deps : actid actid Prop.
Variable rmw : actid actid Prop.
Variable rf : actid option actid.
Variable co : actid actid Prop.

Definitions of auxiliary relations for the model

Definition rfe x y := rf y = Some x ¬ po x y.

Definition fr x y := z, rf x = Some z co z y.

Definition fre x y := z, rf x = Some z co z y ¬ po x y.

Definition coe x y := co x y ¬ po x y.

Definition po_loc_RW x y :=
  po x y is_read (lab x) is_write (lab y) loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).

Definition ppo x y :=
  (deps x y seq (clos_refl deps) po_loc_RW x y)
   is_read (lab x) is_access (lab y).

Definition sync x y :=
   s, po x s po s y lab s = Async
   is_access (lab x) is_access (lab y).

Definition lwsync x y :=
  ( s, po x s po s y lab s = Alwsync)
   (is_read (lab x) is_access (lab y)
      is_access (lab x) is_write (lab y)).

Definition fence :=
  union sync lwsync.

Definition hb_power := union ppo (union fence rfe).

Definition prop_base :=
  (seq (clos_refl rfe) (seq fence (clos_refl_trans hb_power))).

Definition chapo :=
  union rfe (union fre (union coe (union (seq fre rfe) (seq coe rfe)))).

Definition prop :=
  union (restr_rel (fun xis_write (lab x)) prop_base)
        (seq (clos_refl chapo)
             (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base) (seq sync (clos_refl_trans hb_power)))).

The implicit well-formedness axioms

Definition ExecutionFinite :=
  << CLOlab: a, lab a Askip In a acts >>
  << CLOsb : a b, po a b In a acts In b acts >>.

Definition ConsistentRF_dom :=
   a b (RF: rf b = Some a),
   l v, <<WRI: lab a = Astore l v>> <<READ: lab b = Aload l v >>.

Definition CompleteRF :=
   a (RF: rf a = None)
         (READ: is_read (lab a)), False.

Definition ConsistentMO_dom :=
   a b (MO: co a b),
    is_write (lab a) is_write (lab b) loc (lab a) = loc (lab b).

Definition ConsistentRMW_dom :=
   a b (RF: rmw a b),
  << PO: po a b >>
  << POI: c (SB: po c b) (NEQ: c a), po c a >>
  << POI': c (SB: po a c) (NEQ: c b), po b c >>
  << READ: is_read (lab a) >>
  << WRITE: is_write (lab b) >>
  << LOCEQ: loc (lab a) = loc (lab b) >>.

The Power axioms.

Definition uniproc_condition :=
   l, acyclic (union (restr_rel (fun xis_access (lab x)
                                                loc (lab x) = l) po)
                           (union (fun x yrf y = Some x) (union co fr))).

Definition observation_condition :=
   x y (FRE: fre x y) z (PROP: prop y z)
             (HB: clos_refl_trans hb_power z x), False.

Definition ConsistentPower :=
  << FIN : ExecutionFinite >>
  << CsbT: transitive po >>
  << CsbI: irreflexive po >>
  << CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom >>
  << COrf: CompleteRF >>
  << Crmw: ConsistentRMW_dom >>
  << CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom >>
  << CcoF: l, is_total (fun a v, lab a = Astore l v) co >>
  << CcoT: transitive co >>
  << CcoI: irreflexive co >>
  << LOC_SC : uniproc_condition >>
  << ATOM : x y (RMW: rmw x y) z (FRE: fre x z) (COE: coe z y), False >>
  << NTA : acyclic hb_power >>
  << OBS : observation_condition >>
  << PROP: acyclic (union co prop) >>.

Next, we define an equivalent uniproc condition that is more convenient for proofs.

Definition eqloc rel x y :=
  rel x y is_access (lab x) is_access (lab y) loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).

Definition uniproc_condition_eqloc :=
  acyclic (union (eqloc po) (union (fun x yrf y = Some x) (union co fr))).

We also define a simpler equivalent observation condition.

Definition observation_condition_simpl :=
   x y (FRE: fre x y) (BASE: prop_base y x), False.

We define versions of the fence and hb relations to include only edges that can be ensured without strong synchronization primitives. Specifically, we exclude any write-to-read edges that are ensured by strong sync fences.

Definition fence_weak x y :=
  ( s, po x s po s y (lab s = Alwsync lab s = Async))
   (is_read (lab x) is_access (lab y)
      is_access (lab x) is_write (lab y)).

Definition hb_weak := union ppo (union fence_weak rfe).

Using these versions of fence and hb, we can define an equivalent propogation condition:

Definition prop_base_weak :=
  (seq (clos_refl rfe) (seq fence_weak (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))).

Definition prop_weak :=
  union (restr_rel (fun xis_write (lab x)) prop_base_weak)
        (seq (clos_refl chapo)
             (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                  (seq sync (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))).

and yet another equivalent observation condition.

Definition observation_condition_alt :=
   x y (FRE: fre x y) (BASE: prop_base_weak y x), False.

We next define an alternative memory model for Power that uses a total order (so) over sync fence events. The alternative model depends on the following auxiliary definitions.

Definition so_step so a b :=
   f f',
    po a f so f f' po f' b lab f = Async lab f' = Async.

Definition hb_so so := union hb_weak (so_step so).

Definition fence_so so := union fence_weak (so_step so).

Definition prop_base_so so :=
  (seq (clos_refl rfe) (seq (fence_so so) (clos_refl_trans (hb_so so)))).

Definition prop_so so :=
  (restr_rel (fun xis_write (lab x)) (prop_base_so so)).

Definition ConsistentSyncTotal so :=
  << FIN : ExecutionFinite >>
  << CsbT: transitive po >>
  << CsbI: irreflexive po >>
  << CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom >>
  << COrf: CompleteRF >>
  << Crmw: ConsistentRMW_dom >>
  << CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom >>
  << CcoF: l, is_total (fun a v, lab a = Astore l v) co >>
  << CcoT: transitive co >>
  << CcoI: irreflexive co >>
  << CsoF: is_total (fun alab a = Async) so >>
  << CsoT: transitive so >>
  << CsoI: irreflexive so >>
  << LOC_SC : uniproc_condition >>
  << ATOM : x y (RMW: rmw x y) z (FRE: fre x z) (COE: coe z y), False >>
  << NTA : acyclic (hb_so so) >>
  << OBS : x y (FRE: fre x y) (PROP: prop_base_so so y x), False >>
  << PROP: acyclic (union co (union so (prop_so so))) >>.

Basic properties of the model

Lemma loceq_rf :
   (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) a b (H: rf b = Some a),
    loc (lab a) = loc (lab b).
  by ins; apply CrfD in H; desf; rewrite WRI, READ.

Lemma loceq_co :
   (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) a b (H: co a b),
    loc (lab a) = loc (lab b).
  by ins; apply CcoD in H; desf.

Lemma loceq_fr :
   (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
         a b (H: fr a b),
    loc (lab a) = loc (lab b).
  unfold fr; ins; desf; transitivity (loc (lab z));
  eauto using loceq_co, loceq_rf, eq_sym.

Lemma fr_dom :
   (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
         (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y
         (FR: fr x y),
  is_read (lab x) is_write (lab y) loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).
  unfold fr; ins; desc; eapply CrfD in FR; desc.
  eapply CcoD in FR0; desc; destruct (lab x), (lab y); ins.

Lemma rfe_dom :
   (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y
         (RFE: rfe x y),
  is_write (lab x) is_read (lab y) loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).
  unfold rfe; ins; desc; eapply CrfD in RFE; desc.
  by rewrite WRI, READ.

Lemma fre_dom :
         (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
         (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y
         (FRE: fre x y),
  is_read (lab x) is_write (lab y) loc (lab x) = loc (lab y).
  unfold fre; ins; desc; eapply CrfD in FRE; desc.
  eapply CcoD in FRE0; desc; destruct (lab x), (lab y); ins.

Lemma hb_is_access_l (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  hb_power x y is_access (lab x).
  ins; repeat (red in H; desf); eauto with access.
  by eapply CrfD in H; desc; rewrite WRI.

Lemma hb_is_access_r (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  hb_power x y is_access (lab y).
  ins; repeat (red in H; desf); eauto with access.
  by eapply CrfD in H; desc; rewrite READ.

Hint Immediate hb_is_access_l hb_is_access_r : access.

Lemma hbp_is_access_l (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  clos_trans hb_power x y is_access (lab x).
  ins; apply t_step_rt in H; desf; eauto with access.

Lemma hbp_is_access_r (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  clos_trans hb_power x y is_access (lab y).
  ins; apply t_rt_step in H; desf; eauto with access.

Hint Immediate hbp_is_access_l hbp_is_access_r : access.

Lemma hb_weak_is_access_l (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  hb_weak x y is_access (lab x).
  ins; repeat (red in H; desf); eauto with access.
  by eapply CrfD in H; desc; rewrite WRI.

Lemma hb_weak_is_access_r (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  hb_weak x y is_access (lab y).
  ins; repeat (red in H; desf); eauto with access.
  by eapply CrfD in H; desc; rewrite READ.

Hint Immediate hb_weak_is_access_l hb_weak_is_access_r : access.

Lemma hb_weakp_is_access_l (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  clos_trans hb_weak x y is_access (lab x).
  ins; apply t_step_rt in H; desf; eauto with access.

Lemma hb_weakp_is_access_r (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  clos_trans hb_weak x y is_access (lab y).
  ins; apply t_rt_step in H; desf; eauto with access.

Hint Immediate hb_weakp_is_access_l hb_weakp_is_access_r : access.

Lemma chapo_access
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) a b :
  chapo a b is_access (lab a) is_access (lab b).
  unfold chapo, union, seq; ins; desf.
  - eapply rfe_dom in H; desf; eauto with access.
  - eapply fre_dom in H; desf; eauto with access.
  - red in H; desc; eapply CcoD in H; desf; eauto with access.
  - eapply fre_dom in H; desf;
    eapply rfe_dom in H0; desf; eauto with access.
  - red in H; desc; eapply CcoD in H; desf;
    eapply rfe_dom in H0; desf; eauto with access.

The two uniproc conditions are equivalent.

Proposition uniproc_condition_alt :
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom),
  uniproc_condition uniproc_condition_eqloc.
  split; repeat red; ins.
  2: by eapply clos_trans_mon in H0; eauto;
        unfold union, eqloc, restr_rel; ins; desf; eauto.

  eapply (H (loc (lab x)) x).
  revert H0; generalize x at 1 3 4.
  intros ? K; apply clos_trans_t1n in K; induction K;
  red in H0; desf; vauto.
    by apply t_step; left; unfold eqloc, restr_rel in *; desf.
    by unfold eqloc, restr_rel in *; desf; rewrite H3;
       eapply t_trans with y; eauto; apply t_step; left;
       unfold eqloc, restr_rel in *; desf.
  assert (loc (lab x) = loc (lab y)) as ->; [|by eapply t_trans; vauto].
  clear - CrfD CcoD H0; unfold union in *; desf;
  eauto using eq_sym, loceq_rf, loceq_co, loceq_fr.

Lemma may_chapoE :
  clos_refl chapo <--> seq (clos_refl (union coe fre)) (clos_refl rfe).
  unfold clos_refl, chapo, seq, union; split; red; ins; desf; eauto 8.

Lemma freE a b : fre a b fr a b ¬ po a b.
  by unfold fr, fre; split; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma fence_weakE x y :
  fence_weak x y fence x y ¬ (is_write (lab x) is_read (lab y)).
  unfold fence, fence_weak, lwsync, sync, union.
  intuition; desf; eauto 10 with access;
  try (by destruct (lab x); ins; destruct (lab y); ins; intuition).

Lemma fenceE x y :
  fence x y fence_weak x y sync x y is_write (lab x) is_read (lab y).
  unfold fence, fence_weak, lwsync, sync, union.
  intuition; desf; eauto 10 with access.
  destruct (lab x); ins; eauto 10.
  destruct (lab y); ins; eauto 10.

Inclusion lemmas

Lemma inclusion_sync_fence : inclusion sync fence.
Proof. vauto. Qed.

Lemma inclusion_fence_hb : inclusion fence hb_power.
Proof. vauto. Qed.

Lemma inclusion_fence_hb_weak : inclusion fence_weak hb_weak.
Proof. vauto. Qed.

Lemma inclusion_fence_weak_hb : inclusion fence_weak hb_power.
  by red; ins; rewrite fence_weakE in *; desf; apply inclusion_fence_hb.

Lemma inclusion_rfe_hb : inclusion rfe hb_power.
Proof. vauto. Qed.

Lemma inclusion_rfe_hb_weak : inclusion rfe hb_weak.
Proof. vauto. Qed.

Lemma inclusion_hb_weak_hb : inclusion hb_weak hb_power.
  unfold hb_weak, hb_power, union; red; ins; desf; eauto;
  by eapply inclusion_fence_weak_hb.

Hint Resolve inclusion_sync_fence
     inclusion_fence_hb_weak inclusion_rfe_hb_weak
     inclusion_fence_hb inclusion_fence_weak_hb inclusion_rfe_hb
     inclusion_hb_weak_hb : inclusion.

Lemma inclusion_base_hb : inclusion prop_base (clos_refl_trans hb_power).
  eapply inclusion_seq_trans, inclusion_seq_trans; vauto; eauto with inclusion.

Lemma inclusion_base_hb_weak :
  inclusion prop_base_weak (clos_refl_trans hb_weak).
  eapply inclusion_seq_trans, inclusion_seq_trans; vauto; eauto with inclusion.

Lemma inclusion_base_weak_hb :
  inclusion prop_base_weak (clos_refl_trans hb_power).
  eapply inclusion_seq_trans, inclusion_seq_trans; vauto; eauto with inclusion.

Lemma inclusion_fence_po (T: transitive po) : inclusion fence po.
  unfold fence, sync, lwsync, union; red; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma ppo_in_po
   (T: transitive po) (INCL: inclusion deps po) x y :
  ppo x y po x y.
  unfold ppo, seq, clos_refl, po_loc_RW; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma fr_po_hb :
   (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
         (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y,
  fr x y po x y
  hb_power x y.
  ins; exploit fr_dom; eauto; ins; desc.
  unfold hb_power, ppo, po_loc_RW, union, seq, clos_refl.
  eauto 12 with access.

Transitivity lemmas

Lemma base_hb_trans a b c :
  prop_base a b
  clos_refl_trans hb_power b c
  prop_base a c.
  unfold prop_base, seq; ins; desf; eauto 10 using rt_trans.

Lemma rfe_base_trans (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) a b c:
  rfe a b
  prop_base b c
  prop_base a c.
  unfold prop_base, rfe, seq, clos_refl; ins; desf; eauto 8.
  eapply CrfD in H; eapply CrfD in H0; desf; congruence.

Lemma rrfe_base_trans (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) a b c:
  clos_refl rfe a b
  prop_base b c
  prop_base a c.
  unfold clos_refl; ins; desf; eauto using rfe_base_trans.

Lemma base_sync_base a b c:
  clos_refl_trans prop_base a b
  sync b c
  prop_base a c.
  unfold seq; rewrite clos_refl_transE; ins; desf.
    by repeat eexists; eauto using rt_refl, inclusion_sync_fence.
  eapply t_step_rt in H; desc.
  eapply base_hb_trans; eauto.
  eapply inclusion_seq_trans; vauto.
   b; split; eauto.
  eapply clos_rt_idempotent, clos_refl_trans_mon; eauto using inclusion_base_hb.
  eapply rt_step; eauto with inclusion.

Hint Resolve base_sync_base rfe_base_trans rrfe_base_trans base_hb_trans : trans.

Lemma ppo_trans (T: transitive deps) a b c :
  ppo a b
  ppo b c
  ppo a c.
  unfold ppo, po_loc_RW, seq, clos_refl; ins; desf; eauto 12;
  try (by destruct (lab b); ins);
  try (by destruct (lab z); ins).

Lemma ppo_weaken (T: transitive po) (INCL : inclusion deps po) a b :
  ppo a b
  po a b is_read (lab a) is_access (lab b).
  unfold ppo, po_loc_RW, seq, clos_refl in *; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma ppo_fence_trans (T: transitive po) (INCL : inclusion deps po) a b c :
  ppo a b
  fence b c
  fence a c.
  unfold fence, sync, lwsync, seq, union in ×.
  ins; apply ppo_weaken in H; desf; eauto 12 with access.

Lemma fence_trans (T: transitive po) a b c :
  fence a b
  fence b c
  fence a c.
  unfold inclusion, fence, ppo, sync, lwsync, seq, union in ×.
  ins; desf; try (by destruct (lab b)); eauto 12 with access.

Lemma fence_ppo_trans (T: transitive po) (INCL : inclusion deps po) a b c :
  fence a b
  ppo b c
  fence a c.
  unfold inclusion, fence, sync, lwsync, seq, union in ×.
  ins; apply ppo_weaken in H0; desf; eauto 10.
  by destruct (lab b); ins.

Lemma sync_trans (T: transitive po) a b c :
  sync a b
  sync b c
  sync a c.
Proof. unfold sync; ins; desf; eauto 8. Qed.

Lemma prop_base_weak_trans a b c :
  prop_base_weak a b
  prop_base_weak b c
  prop_base_weak a c.
  unfold sync, prop_base_weak, seq; ins; desf.
  repeat (eexists; eauto).
  eapply rt_trans, rt_trans; eauto.
  eapply rt_trans, rt_step; [|by vauto].
  eapply inclusion_r_rt; eauto; vauto.

Lemma prop_base_trans a b c :
  prop_base a b
  prop_base b c
  prop_base a c.
  unfold sync, prop_base, seq; ins; desf.
  repeat (eexists; eauto).
  eapply rt_trans, rt_trans; eauto.
  eapply rt_trans, rt_step; [|by vauto].
  eapply inclusion_r_rt; eauto; vauto.

Hint Resolve ppo_trans ppo_fence_trans fence_trans fence_ppo_trans : trans.
Hint Resolve sync_trans : trans.

A happens-before path starting from a read either stays in the same thread, or it must go through a write.

Lemma hb_RT :
   (T: transitive po)
    (INCL : inclusion deps po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y
    (P : clos_trans hb_power x y)
    (R : is_read (lab x)),
  po x y
  ( m : actid,
     clos_refl_trans hb_power x m po x m
     clos_refl_trans hb_power m y is_write (lab m)).
  ins; induction P; desf.
    unfold hb_power, fence, sync, lwsync, union in × |- ; desf; eauto.
      by apply ppo_weaken in H; desf; vauto.
    by apply rfe_dom in H; desf; destruct (lab x).
  case_eq (is_write (lab y)); ins.
    by exploit IHP1; ins; desf; eauto 8 using rt_trans, clos_trans_in_rt.
  assert (is_access (lab y)) by eauto with access.
  assert (is_read (lab y)) by (destruct (lab y); ins); desf.
  exploit IHP1; ins; exploit IHP2; ins; desf;
    eauto 10 using rt_trans, clos_trans_in_rt.

Lemma hb_weak_RT :
   (T: transitive po)
    (INCL : inclusion deps po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y
    (P : clos_trans hb_weak x y)
    (R : is_read (lab x)),
  po x y
  ( m : actid,
     clos_refl_trans hb_weak x m po x m
     clos_refl_trans hb_weak m y is_write (lab m)).
  ins; induction P; desf.
    unfold hb_weak, fence_weak, sync, lwsync, union in × |- ; desf; eauto.
      by apply ppo_weaken in H; desf; vauto.
    by apply rfe_dom in H; desf; destruct (lab x).
  case_eq (is_write (lab y)); ins.
    by exploit IHP1; ins; desf; eauto 8 using rt_trans, clos_trans_in_rt.
  assert (is_access (lab y)) by eauto with access.
  assert (is_read (lab y)) by (destruct (lab y); ins); desf.
  exploit IHP1; ins; exploit IHP2; ins; desf;
    eauto 10 using rt_trans, clos_trans_in_rt.

Lemma hb_weak_TW :
   (T: transitive po)
    (INCL : inclusion deps po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y
    (P : clos_refl_trans hb_weak x y)
    (R : is_write (lab y)),
  clos_refl po x y
  ( m : actid,
     clos_refl_trans hb_weak x m is_read (lab m)
     clos_refl_trans hb_weak m y po m y).
  ins; unfold clos_refl; induction P; desf; eauto.
    unfold hb_weak, fence_weak, sync, lwsync, union in × |- ; desf; eauto.
      by apply ppo_weaken in H; desf; vauto.
    by apply rfe_dom in H; desf; destruct (lab y).
  case_eq (is_read (lab y)); ins.
    by exploit IHP2; ins; desf; eauto 8 using rt_trans, clos_trans_in_rt.
  assert (is_access (lab y)) by (rewrite clos_refl_transE in P2; desf; eauto with access).
  assert (is_write (lab y)) by (destruct (lab y); ins); desf.
  exploit IHP1; ins; exploit IHP2; ins; desf;
    eauto 10 using rt_trans, clos_trans_in_rt.

The observation condition is equivalent to the simplified one.

Proposition observation_condition_simplify :
   (T: transitive po)
    (INCL : inclusion deps po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
    (CcoT: transitive co)
    (ACYC: acyclic hb_power)
    (UNI: uniproc_condition),
  observation_condition observation_condition_simpl.
  split; repeat red; ins; unfold prop in *; desf.

  apply uniproc_condition_alt in UNI; ins.
  red in BASE; unfold seq in *; desc.
  exploit fre_dom; eauto; intros (R & W' & EQ).
  case_eq (is_write (lab z0)) as W.
    by eapply H; eauto; left; repeat eexists; vauto.
  rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf.
  apply inclusion_fence_po in BASE0; auto.
  rewrite freE in *; desc.
  revert EQ.
  unfold rfe, clos_refl in *; desf;
  [|exploit loceq_rf; eauto; intros ->; exploit rfe_dom; try edone; vauto;
    ins; desc]; ins;
  eapply UNI; unfold union, eqloc; eauto 18 using clos_trans with access.

  exploit hb_RT; eauto.
    by eapply hbp_is_access_l in BASE1; ins; destruct (lab z0).
  intro M.
  desf; [|by eapply H; eauto; left; repeat eexists; eauto].
  assert (po z x) by (eapply T; [eapply inclusion_fence_po|]; eauto).
  rewrite freE in *; desf.
  exploit loceq_fr; eauto.
  unfold rfe, clos_refl in *; desf;
  [|exploit loceq_rf; eauto; intros ->; exploit rfe_dom; try edone; vauto;
    ins; desc]; ins;
  eapply UNI; unfold union, eqloc; eauto 18 using clos_trans with access.

  unfold union, seq, restr_rel in *; desf; eauto using base_hb_trans.
  assert (M: ( y', fr x y' clos_refl rfe y' z0)).
    clear - CrfD CcoD CcoT FRE PROP; apply may_chapoE in PROP.
    repeat (red in PROP; desf); unfold fre, fr in *; desf; eauto 10.
    by eapply CrfD in PROP; eapply CcoD in FRE0; unfold is_write in *; desf.
  clear FRE PROP; desc.
  destruct (classic (po x y')).
    eapply ACYC, t_rt_trans; eauto using t_step, clos_refl_trans, fr_po_hb.
    by eapply inclusion_base_hb; eauto with trans.
  by eapply (H x y'); [eapply freE|]; eauto with trans.

Lemma hb_from_read (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  hb_power x y is_read (lab x)
  po x y is_access (lab y).
  split; eauto with access.
  unfold hb_power, fence, lwsync, sync, union in *; desf; eauto using ppo_in_po.
  by apply rfe_dom in H; ins; desc; destruct (lab x).

Lemma is_accessE a : is_access a is_read a is_write a.
  destruct a; ins; intuition.

Lemma hbE (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  hb_power x y
  sync x y is_write (lab x) is_read (lab y) hb_weak x y.
  unfold hb_power, hb_weak, union; rewrite fenceE; intuition.

Lemma rt_hbE (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  clos_refl_trans hb_power x y
   z, clos_refl_trans hb_weak x z
            (z = y sync z y is_write (lab z) is_read (lab y)).
  split; ins; desf;
  eauto using rt_step with inclusion.
  2: by eapply clos_refl_trans_mon; eauto; ins; rewrite hbE; eauto.
  2: by eapply rt_trans, rt_step; eauto with inclusion;
        eapply clos_refl_trans_mon; eauto; ins; rewrite hbE; eauto.
  induction H using clos_refl_trans_ind_left;
  try rewrite hbE in *; ins; desf; eauto 6 using clos_refl_trans.
  eauto 8 with trans.
  exploit hb_from_read; try rewrite hbE; eauto; ins; desf.
  rewrite is_accessE in *; desf.
    by unfold sync in *; desc; z0; repeat split; eauto 12 with access.
   z; split; eauto; eapply rt_trans, rt_step; eauto.
  unfold sync in *; desf; right; left; repeat split; eauto 8 with access.

Lemma t_hbE (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) x y :
  clos_trans hb_power x y
  clos_trans hb_weak x y
   z, clos_refl_trans hb_weak x z sync z y
             is_write (lab z) is_read (lab y).
  split; ins; desf;
  eauto using t_step with inclusion.
  2: by eapply clos_trans_mon; eauto; ins; rewrite hbE; eauto.
  2: by eapply rt_t_trans, t_step; eauto with inclusion;
        eapply clos_refl_trans_mon; eauto; ins; rewrite hbE; eauto.
  rewrite t_rt_step in H; desf.
  rewrite rt_hbE, hbE in *; desf;
  eauto 6 using rt_t_trans, t_step;
  eauto 8 using clos_refl_trans with trans.
  exploit hb_from_read; try rewrite hbE; eauto; ins; desf.
  rewrite is_accessE in *; desf.
    by unfold sync in *; desc; right; z0; repeat split; eauto 12 with access.
  left; eapply rt_t_trans, t_step; eauto.
  unfold sync in *; desf; right; left; repeat split; eauto 8 with access.

Lemma acyclic_hbE
      (T: transitive po)
      (IRR: irreflexive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  acyclic hb_power acyclic hb_weak.
  split; repeat red; ins; desf.
     by eapply H, t_hbE; eauto.
  eapply t_hbE in H0; desf; eauto.
  eapply hb_weak_TW in H0; eauto.
  desf; [by unfold clos_refl, sync in *; desf; eauto|].
  eapply (H x), rt_t_trans, t_step; ins; eauto.
  right; left; unfold sync, fence_weak in *; split; desf; eauto 6.

Lemma sync_fence_weak_trans :
   (T: transitive po) a b c
         (S : sync a b)
         (F: fence_weak b c),
  sync a c is_write (lab a) is_read (lab c) fence_weak a c.
  unfold sync, fence_weak; ins; desc; clear F2.
  eapply is_accessE in S2; destruct S2.
    right; repeat (eexists; eauto); desf; eauto with access.
    by eapply is_accessE in F2; destruct F2; [left|right]; repeat split; eauto 10 with access.
  by right; repeat (eexists; eauto); desf; eauto with access.

Lemma fence_weak_sync_trans :
   (T: transitive po) a b c
         (F: fence_weak a b)
         (S : sync b c),
  sync a c is_write (lab a) is_read (lab c) fence_weak a c.
  unfold sync, fence_weak; ins; desc; clear F2; desf.
    by right; split; [ s|]; repeat split; eauto; desf; eauto with access.
  eapply is_accessE in S3; destruct S3.
  2: by right; split; [ s|]; repeat split; eauto; desf; eauto with access.
  eapply is_accessE in F0; destruct F0.
    by right; split; [ s|]; repeat split; eauto; desf; eauto with access.
  left; repeat split; eauto 8.

Lemma fence_weak_sync_trans2 :
   (T: transitive po) a b c d
         (F: fence_weak a b)
         (PO: clos_refl po b c)
         (S : sync c d),
  sync a d is_write (lab a) is_read (lab d) fence_weak a d.
  unfold clos_refl; ins; desf; eauto using fence_weak_sync_trans.
  unfold sync, fence_weak in *; ins; desc; clear F2; desf.
    by right; split; [ s|]; repeat split; eauto 6; desf; eauto with access.
  eapply is_accessE in S3; destruct S3.
  2: by right; split; [ s|]; repeat split; eauto; desf; eauto with access.
  eapply is_accessE in F0; destruct F0.
    by right; split; [ s|]; repeat split; eauto; desf; eauto with access.
  left; repeat split; eauto 9.

Lemma sync_trans2 (T: transitive po) a b c d :
  sync a b
  clos_refl po b c
  sync c d
  sync a d.
  unfold sync; ins; desf; s; repeat split; ins.
  unfold clos_refl in *; desf; eauto.

Lemma prop_baseE (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y :
  prop_base x y
  prop_base_weak x y sync x y is_write (lab x) is_read (lab y).
  unfold prop_base, prop_base_weak, seq; split; ins; desf; eauto;
  try first [rewrite fenceE in × |- | rewrite fence_weakE in × |-]; desf;
  try (by repeat (eexists; try edone); vauto;
          eapply clos_refl_trans_mon, inclusion_hb_weak_hb).

  rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf; eauto 6 using rt_refl.
  rewrite t_hbE in *; desf; eauto 8 using clos_trans_in_rt.
  eapply hb_weak_TW in H1; ins; desf.
    edestruct fence_weak_sync_trans2; desc; eauto 6 using rt_refl.
    by red in H; desf; eauto; apply rfe_dom in H; desf; destruct (lab z); ins.
  left; repeat (eexists; try edone).
  by red in H2; desc; eapply rt_trans, rt_step; eauto; right; left; split; eauto 6.

  red in H; desf.
    2: by apply rfe_dom in H; desf; destruct (lab z); ins.
  assert (is_access (lab y)).
    by rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf; eauto with access.
  rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf; vauto.
  rewrite t_hbE in *; desf.

  eapply hb_weak_RT in H1; ins; desf.
    rewrite is_accessE in *; unfold sync in *; desf.
      by right; repeat split; ins; eauto 8 with access.
    by left; repeat (eexists; vauto); eauto.
  by assert (fence_weak z m); [unfold sync in *; desc; split|]; eauto 8.

  rewrite clos_refl_transE in H1; desf; eauto using sync_trans.
  eapply hb_weak_RT in H1; ins; desf; eauto using sync_trans2.
  assert (fence_weak z m) by (unfold sync in *; desc; split; eauto 6).
  eapply hb_weak_TW in H8; ins; desf.

  by assert (po z0 z1); [red in H8; desf|]; eauto using sync_trans2.

  assert (fence_weak m0 y); [unfold sync in *; desc; split|]; eauto 8.

  left; repeat (eexists; vauto).
  eapply rt_trans, rt_step; [|right; left]; eauto.

Lemma base_weak_sync_trans (T: transitive po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      a b c :
  prop_base_weak a b
  sync b c
  prop_base_weak a c
   sync a c is_write (lab a) is_read (lab c).
  unfold prop_base_weak, seq; ins; desf.
  assert (A: is_access (lab b)).
    by unfold sync in *; desf.
  rewrite is_accessE in *; desf.
    left; repeat (eexists; try edone).
    eapply rt_trans, rt_step; eauto; right; left.
    by unfold sync in *; desc; split; eauto.
  eapply hb_weak_TW in H2; desf.
    exploit fence_weak_sync_trans2; eauto.
    clear H0 H1 H2; intro K; desf; eauto 6 using rt_refl.
    by destruct H; desf; eauto; eapply rfe_dom in H;
       desc; destruct (lab z).
  left; repeat (eexists; try edone).
  eapply rt_trans, rt_step; vauto.
  right; left; red in H0; desc; split; eauto 6.

Lemma sync_expand (T: transitive po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      a b :
  sync a b
  fence_weak a b
   sync a b is_write (lab a) is_read (lab b).
  ins; destruct (classic (is_write (lab a) is_read (lab b)))
       as [|N]; eauto.
  red in H; desc; left; repeat eexists; vauto.
  by rewrite is_accessE in *; desf; eauto; destruct N.

Lemma prop_base_weak_hb_weak_trans a b c :
  prop_base_weak a b
  clos_refl_trans hb_weak b c
  prop_base_weak a c.
  unfold sync, prop_base_weak, seq; ins; desf; eauto 8 using rt_trans.

Lemma sync_hb_sync :
   (T: transitive po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      a b c d
      (S: sync a b)
      (C: clos_refl_trans hb_weak b c)
      (S': sync c d),
  prop_base_weak a c sync c d
  sync a b clos_refl_trans hb_weak b d
  sync a d is_write (lab a) is_read (lab d).
  ins; eapply sync_expand in S; desf; vauto.
    by left; split; ins; eexists; split; vauto.
  eapply sync_expand in S'; desf.
    by right; left; split; ins;
       eapply rt_trans, rt_step, inclusion_fence_hb_weak; eauto.
  eapply hb_weak_TW in C; desf; eauto 8 using sync_trans2, rt_refl.
  red in S'; desc; right; left; split; ins; eapply rt_trans, rt_step; eauto.
  by right; left; split; eauto 6.

Lemma rt_prop_baseE (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y
      (P: clos_refl_trans prop_base x y) :
  clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak x y
    clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak x z
      sync z w clos_refl_trans hb_weak w y.
  induction P using clos_refl_trans_ind_left; eauto using clos_refl_trans.
  clear P; rewrite prop_baseE in *; desf;
    eauto 6 using rt_refl;
    eauto 8 using rt_trans, rt_step, inclusion_base_hb_weak.
  edestruct sync_hb_sync; des; eauto 6 using clos_refl_trans.
  right; eauto 8 using clos_refl_trans, prop_base_weak_hb_weak_trans.

We prove that the two definitions of the propagation order are equivalent.

Lemma propE (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y :
  prop x y prop_weak x y.
  unfold prop, prop_weak, restr_rel, seq, union; split; ins; desf; eauto;
    try rewrite prop_baseE in *; desf; eauto 10.
    by destruct (lab y).

    right; eexists; split; eauto; clear H.
    rename H0 into L; eapply rt_prop_baseE in L; ins.
    rename H2 into K; eapply rt_hbE in K; ins; desf; eauto.
    by edestruct sync_hb_sync with (a:= z3) (d := z1); desf;
       eauto 8 using clos_refl_trans, prop_base_weak_hb_weak_trans.
    by edestruct sync_hb_sync with (a:= z0) (d := y); desf;
       eauto 8 using clos_refl_trans, prop_base_weak_hb_weak_trans.

    edestruct sync_hb_sync with (a:= z3) (d := z1) as [M|M]; eauto;
      clear L0 L1 H1; desf.

    by edestruct sync_hb_sync with (a := z0) (d := y); desf;
      eauto; clear K K0 M0; eauto 9 using clos_refl_trans.

    by edestruct sync_hb_sync with (a := z3) (c:=z2) (d := y); desf;
      eauto using rt_trans; clear K K0 M0; eauto 9 using clos_refl_trans.

    by edestruct sync_hb_sync with (a := z3) (c:=z2) (d := y); desf;
      eauto using rt_trans; clear K K0 M0; eauto 9 using clos_refl_trans.

  right; repeat (eexists; try edone);
  eapply clos_refl_trans_mon; ins; eauto with inclusion.
  by rewrite prop_baseE; eauto.

As a result, we can further simplify the observation condition.

Lemma observation_condition_alternative :
   (T: transitive po)
    (INCL : inclusion deps po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
    (UNI: uniproc_condition),
  observation_condition_simpl observation_condition_alt.
  split; red; ins; eapply H; eauto;
  rewrite prop_baseE in *; desf; eauto.
  rewrite freE in *; unfold sync in *; desf.
  exploit fr_dom; eauto; ins; desf.
  apply uniproc_condition_alt in UNI; ins.
  edestruct (UNI x); unfold union, eqloc;
  eapply t_trans; apply t_step; eauto 6 with access.

Lemma sync_base_weak_trans (T: transitive po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      a b c :
  sync a b
  prop_base_weak b c
  is_read (lab b)
  prop_base_weak a c sync a c is_write (lab a) is_read (lab c).
  unfold prop_base_weak, clos_refl, seq; ins; desf.
  2: by eapply rfe_dom in H0; desf; destruct (lab b).
  exploit sync_fence_weak_trans; eauto.
  intro M; desf; eauto 10.
  rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf; eauto.
  edestruct hb_weak_RT as [N|N]; eauto; desf.
    assert (is_access (lab c)) by eauto with access.
    rewrite is_accessE in *; desf.
      by right; repeat split; ins; unfold sync in M |- *; desf; eauto 8 with access.
    red in M; desc; left; eexists; split; vauto; eexists; split; vauto.
    by red; split; eauto 6.
  left; eexists; split; vauto; eexists; split; eauto.
  red; unfold sync in M; desf; split; vauto; eauto 6.

Lemma sync_rt_base_weak_trans (T: transitive po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      a b c :
  sync a b
  clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak b c
  is_read (lab b)
  clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak a c
   sync a c is_write (lab a) is_read (lab c).
  assert (is_access (lab a)) by (unfold sync in *; desf).
  rewrite is_accessE in *; desf.
    left; eapply rt_trans; eauto.
    by unfold sync in *; desc; eapply rt_step; repeat eexists; vauto.
  rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; ins; desf; eauto.
  eapply clos_trans_of_transitive in H0; try red; eauto using prop_base_weak_trans.
  edestruct sync_base_weak_trans; desc; eauto using t_step.

Lemma rt_base_weak_sync_trans (T: transitive po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      a b c :
  clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak a b
  sync b c
  is_write (lab b)
  clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak a c
   sync a c is_write (lab a) is_read (lab c).
  assert (is_access (lab c)) by (unfold sync in *; desf).
  rewrite is_accessE in *; desf.
    rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; ins; desf; eauto.
    eapply clos_trans_of_transitive in H; try red; eauto using prop_base_weak_trans.
    edestruct base_weak_sync_trans; desc; eauto using t_step.
  left; eapply rt_trans; eauto.
  by unfold sync in *; desc; eapply rt_step; repeat (eexists; vauto).

Notation "P +++ Q" := (union P Q) (at level 50, left associativity).

Lemma propE2 (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  prop <--> prop_weak.
  by split; red; ins; rewrite propE in *; ins.

Lemma propagation_simpl1
      (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  acyclic (co +++ prop)
  acyclic (co +++ restr_rel (fun xis_write (lab x)) prop_base_weak
              +++ (seq (seq (clos_refl fre) (clos_refl rfe))
                       (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                            (seq sync (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))))).
  rewrite propE2; ins.
  unfold prop_weak; rewrite may_chapoE.
  unfold union, seq, coe.
  split; intros A x P; apply (A x); revert P;
    generalize x at 1 3; induction 1; desf; eauto using clos_trans.
    by eapply t_step; unfold clos_refl in *; desf; eauto 14.
  red in H; unfold clos_refl at 1; desf; eauto 14 using t_step.
  eapply t_trans; eapply t_step; eauto 14.

Lemma inclusion_base_weak_base :
  inclusion prop_base_weak prop_base.
  unfold inclusion, prop_base, prop_base_weak, seq; ins; desf;
  repeat eexists; eauto; try rewrite fenceE; eauto.
  by eapply clos_refl_trans_mon, inclusion_hb_weak_hb.

Lemma prop_base_so_trans so :
  transitive (prop_base_so so).
  unfold prop_base_so, hb_so, union, seq; red; ins; desf.
  repeat (eexists; try edone).
  eapply rt_trans, rt_trans; eauto.
  eapply rt_trans with z0, rt_step.
    by red in H0; desf; eauto using clos_refl_trans with inclusion.
  by destruct H1; desf; eauto with inclusion.

Lemma inclusion_fence_so so : inclusion fence_weak (fence_so so).
Proof. vauto. Qed.

Lemma inclusion_hb_so so : inclusion hb_weak (hb_so so).
Proof. vauto. Qed.

Lemma inclusion_base_so so :
  inclusion prop_base_weak (prop_base_so so).
  unfold prop_base_weak, prop_base_so, union, seq; red; ins; desf.
  repeat (eexists; try edone).
    eby eapply inclusion_fence_so.
  by eapply clos_refl_trans_mon, inclusion_hb_so.

Lemma inclusion_fence_hb_so so : inclusion (fence_so so) (hb_so so).
  unfold fence_so, hb_so, union; red; ins; desf; eauto with inclusion.

Lemma inclusion_base_hb_so so :
  inclusion (prop_base_so so) (clos_trans (hb_so so)).
  unfold prop_base_so, union, seq; red; ins; desf.
  eapply t_rt_trans; eauto.
  eapply rt_t_trans with z, t_step, inclusion_fence_hb_so; ins.
  by unfold hb_so, union; red in H; desf;
     eauto using clos_refl_trans with inclusion.

Hint Resolve inclusion_fence_so : inclusion.
Hint Resolve inclusion_hb_so : inclusion.
Hint Resolve inclusion_base_so : inclusion.
Hint Resolve inclusion_fence_hb_so : inclusion.
Hint Resolve inclusion_base_hb_so : inclusion.

Equivalence between the two models

Lemma so_sync_case_split :
   so (CsoF : is_total (fun a : actidlab a = Async) so)
            (T : transitive so)
            (IRR: irreflexive so)
         x y (S: union (so_step so) sync x y)
         z w (S': union (so_step so) sync z w),
  sync x w sync z y so_step so x w so_step so z y.
  unfold so_step, sync, union; ins; desf.

  destruct (eqP f f0) as [|NEQ]; desf; eauto 10.
  by eapply CsoF in NEQ; desf; eauto 10.

  destruct (eqP s f) as [|NEQ]; desf; eauto 10.
  by eapply CsoF in NEQ; desf; eauto 10.

  destruct (eqP s f) as [|NEQ]; desf; eauto 10.
  by eapply CsoF in NEQ; desf; eauto 10.

  destruct (eqP s s0) as [|NEQ]; desf.
    left; repeat split; eauto 10.
  by eapply CsoF in NEQ; desf; eauto 10.

Lemma rfe_base_so_trans (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) so a b c:
  rfe a b
  prop_base_so so b c
  prop_base_so so a c.
  unfold prop_base_so, rfe, seq, clos_refl; ins; desf; eauto 8.
  eapply CrfD in H; eapply CrfD in H0; desf; congruence.

Lemma rrfe_base_so_trans (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) so a b c:
  clos_refl rfe a b
  prop_base_so so b c
  prop_base_so so a c.
  unfold clos_refl; ins; desf; eauto using rfe_base_so_trans.

Lemma helper_so_irreflexive :
   (T: transitive po)
    (IRR: irreflexive po)
    (INCL: inclusion deps po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) so
    (CsoF : is_total (fun alab a = Async) so)
    (CsoT : transitive so)
    (CsoI : irreflexive so)
    (UNI: uniproc_condition)
    (NTA: acyclic (hb_so so))
    (OBS: x y, fre x y prop_base_so so y x False),
     (seq (seq (clos_refl fre) (clos_refl rfe))
        (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
           (seq (so_step so +++ sync) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))).
  unfold seq; red; ins; desf.
  red in H; desf; red in H1; desf.

  eapply (NTA z1).
  eapply rt_t_trans with z, rt_t_trans with z0, t_rt_trans;
    eauto using clos_trans, clos_refl_trans_mon, inclusion_hb_so with inclusion.
    by red in H3; desf; vauto; eapply rt_step, inclusion_hb_so; vauto.
    eapply clos_refl_trans_mon, inclusion_hb_so.
    by clear - H0; induction H0; eauto using clos_refl_trans, inclusion_base_hb_weak.
    by vauto.
    by eapply clos_refl_trans_mon, inclusion_hb_so.

  eapply acyclic_mon with (rel' := hb_weak) in NTA; eauto using inclusion_hb_so.
  rewrite <- acyclic_hbE in *; ins.
  eapply (NTA z1).
  eapply rt_t_trans with z, rt_t_trans with z0, t_rt_trans;
    eauto using clos_trans, clos_refl_trans_mon, inclusion_hb_weak_hb with inclusion.
    by red in H3; desf; eauto using clos_refl_trans with inclusion.
    by clear H1 H2 H3; induction H0; eauto using clos_refl_trans, inclusion_base_weak_hb.

  eapply OBS; eauto.
  eapply rrfe_base_so_trans; eauto.
  eapply (ct_of_transitive (@prop_base_so_trans so)), rt_t_trans, t_step.
    eby eapply clos_refl_trans_mon, inclusion_base_so.
  eexists; split; vauto; eexists z2; split; vauto.
  by eapply clos_refl_trans_mon, inclusion_hb_so.

  assert (OBS': observation_condition_alt).
    eby red; ins; eapply OBS, inclusion_base_so.
  eapply observation_condition_alternative in OBS'; eauto.
  eapply OBS'; eauto.
  eapply rrfe_base_trans; eauto.
  eapply (ct_of_transitive prop_base_trans), rt_t_trans with z0, t_step.
    by eapply clos_refl_trans_mon, inclusion_base_weak_base.
  eexists; split; vauto; z2; split; vauto.
  by eapply clos_refl_trans_mon, inclusion_hb_weak_hb.

Lemma helper_so_transitive :
   (T: transitive po)
    (IRR: irreflexive po)
    (INCL: inclusion deps po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) so
    (CsoF : is_total (fun alab a = Async) so)
    (CsoT : transitive so)
    (CsoI : irreflexive so)
    (UNI: uniproc_condition)
    (NTA: acyclic (hb_so so))
    (OBS: x y, fre x y prop_base_so so y x False),
    (seq (seq (clos_refl fre) (clos_refl rfe))
         (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
              (seq (union (so_step so) sync) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))).
  red; unfold seq; ins; desc.
  edestruct so_sync_case_split with (x := z5) (z := z2); desc; eauto;
    unfold union; desf; eauto 15.

  edestruct helper_so_irreflexive with (x := y); eauto.
  by unfold seq, union; eauto 15.

Lemma propagation_expand
      (T: transitive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  acyclic (co +++ prop)
  acyclic (seq (seq (clos_refl fre) (clos_refl rfe))
               (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                    (seq sync (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))))
  acyclic (co +++ restr_rel (fun xis_write (lab x)) prop_base_weak
              +++ restr_rel (fun xis_write (lab x))
                   (seq (seq (clos_refl fre) (clos_refl rfe))
                        (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                             (seq sync (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))))).
  rewrite propagation_simpl1; ins; unfold union, seq.
    intros A; split; intros x P; apply (A x); revert P;
    generalize x at 1 3; induction 1; desf; eauto using clos_trans.
      by eapply t_step; unfold clos_refl in *; desf; eauto 14.
    by red in H; desf; eapply clos_trans_mon; eauto.
  intros [A B] a CYC.
  eapply cycle_ur with (adom:= fun xis_write (lab x)) in CYC; desf; eauto;
    try (by unfold restr_rel; ins; desf; eapply CcoD in R; desf).

Completeness of the model with a total order on syncs with respect to the default Power model.

Lemma SyncTotal_complete
      (INCL: inclusion deps po) so
      (C: ConsistentSyncTotal so) :
  assert (K:=C); red in K; red; ins; desf; unnw.

  assert (acyclic hb_power).
    by eapply acyclic_hbE, acyclic_mon; try exact NTA; vauto.
    rewrite observation_condition_simplify,
            observation_condition_alternative; eauto.
    red; ins; eapply OBS, inclusion_base_so; eauto.
    eapply propagation_expand; ins; split.
    eapply acyclic_mon.
      by eapply trans_irr_acyclic, helper_so_transitive;
         eauto using helper_so_irreflexive.
    by unfold seq, union; clear; red; ins; desf; eauto 15.

    intros x P; eapply (PROP x), clos_trans_mon; eauto; clear x P.
    unfold union, prop_so, restr_rel; ins; desf; eauto;
    right; right; split; ins; [by eapply inclusion_base_so|].
    eapply clos_trans_mon, clos_trans_of_transitive in H0.
    2: by eapply helper_so_transitive; eauto.
    2: by unfold seq, union; ins; desf; eauto 15.
    unfold seq, union in *; desc.
    destruct H0; clarify; [|by apply fre_dom in H0; desc; destruct (lab a)].
    eapply rrfe_base_so_trans; eauto.
    eapply (ct_of_transitive (@prop_base_so_trans so)), rt_t_trans, t_step.
      eby eapply clos_refl_trans_mon, inclusion_base_so.
      eexists; split; vauto; eexists z2; split; vauto.
      eby eapply clos_refl_trans_mon, inclusion_hb_so.
    assert (prop_base z0 b).
      eexists z0; split; vauto; eexists; split; vauto.
      eby eapply clos_refl_trans_mon, inclusion_hb_weak_hb.
    by eapply inclusion_base_so; rewrite prop_baseE in H0; desf; destruct (lab b).

For the soundness direction, we use the following auxiliary definition.

Definition Trel :=
  restr_rel (fun xlab x = Async)
    (seq (seq po (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))
         (seq (clos_refl_trans (co +++ prop_weak))
              (seq (clos_refl chapo)
                   (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak) po)))).

Lemma helper_prop_alt_restr
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  restr_rel (fun x : actid¬ is_access (lab x))
    (seq (clos_refl chapo)
         (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                 (fun x y
                     s : actid, po x s po s y lab s = Async)
                 (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))))
  restr_rel (fun x : actid¬ is_access (lab x))
     (fun x y s, po x s po s y lab s = Async).
  unfold seq, clos_refl, restr_rel; split; red; ins; desf; eauto 15 using rt_refl.
  2: by exploit chapo_access; eauto; ins; desf.
  rewrite clos_refl_transE in H4; desf; try by (exfalso; eauto with access).
  rewrite (crt_of_transitive prop_base_weak_trans) in H2.
  red in H2; desf; eauto 6; apply inclusion_base_hb_weak in H2.
  rewrite clos_refl_transE in H2; desf; eauto 6 with access.
  exfalso; eauto with access.

Lemma seqA2 X (r r' r'' : relation X) x y :
  seq (seq r r') r'' x y seq r (seq r' r'') x y.
  unfold seq; split; ins; desf; eauto 8.

Lemma helper1 :
    (T: transitive po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y
    (R : clos_trans
         (seq (clos_refl chapo)
              (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                      (fun x y : actid
                          s : actid, po x s po s y lab s = Async)
                      (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))) x y)
    (ACC : is_access (lab y)),
    (seq (clos_refl chapo)
         (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                 (fun x y : actid
                     s, po x s po s y lab s = Async
                               is_access (lab y))
                 (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))))
       (seq (clos_refl chapo)
            (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                 (seq sync (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))))) x y.
  ins; apply clos_trans_t1n in R; induction R.
  eexists; split; vauto.
    unfold seq in *; desf; repeat (eexists; try edone).
    rewrite clos_refl_transE in H2; desf; eauto with access.
  specialize (IHR ACC); clear R.
  unfold seq in H; desc.
  do 2 (rewrite seqA2; eexists; split; try edone); clear H H0 ACC.
  rewrite seqA2.
  unfold seq in *; desf.
  assert (z2 = z5 is_access (lab z2)).
    rewrite clos_refl_transE in H2; desf;
    [red in IHR; desf;
     [apply (inclusion_rt_rt2 inclusion_base_hb_weak) in IHR1;
     rewrite clos_refl_transE in IHR1; desf|]|]; eauto with access.
    by eapply chapo_access in IHR; desf; eauto.
  desf; [by z6; repeat eexists; eauto|].
  (repeat (eexists; split); try edone).
  eapply rt_trans; [apply rt_step|]; eauto.
  repeat (eexists; try edone).
  apply (inclusion_rt_rt2 inclusion_base_hb_weak) in IHR1.
  rewrite clos_refl_transE in IHR1; desf; eauto with access.
  red in IHR; desf; [|by eapply chapo_access in IHR; desf; eauto].
  rewrite clos_refl_transE in H2; desf; eauto with access.

Lemma helper2 :
    (T: transitive po)
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y
    (R : clos_trans
         (seq (clos_refl chapo)
              (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                      (fun x y : actid
                          s : actid, po x s po s y lab s = Async)
                      (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))) x y)
    (ACC : is_access (lab x))
    (ACC : is_access (lab y)),
      (seq (clos_refl chapo)
           (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                 (seq sync (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))) x y.
  ins; eapply helper1 in R; ins; red in R; desc.
  eapply t_rt_trans; eauto; apply t_step.
  clear R0; unfold seq in *; desc.
  repeat (eexists; try edone).
  apply (inclusion_rt_rt2 inclusion_base_hb_weak) in R0.
  rewrite clos_refl_transE in R0; desf; eauto with access.
  red in R; desf; eapply chapo_access in R; desf; eauto.

Lemma acyclic_prop_alt
      (T: transitive po)
      (IRR: irreflexive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  acyclic (co +++ prop)
  acyclic (co +++ restr_rel (fun xis_write (lab x)) prop_base_weak
              +++ seq (clos_refl chapo)
              (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                   (seq (fun x y s, po x s po s y lab s = Async)
                        (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))).
  rewrite propE2; ins.
  unfold prop_weak, union; split; ins.
  2: by eapply acyclic_mon; eauto; unfold union, seq, sync;
        intros x y J; desf; eauto 15.
  intros x CYC.
  eapply cycle_ur with (adom:= fun xis_write (lab x)) in CYC; desf; eauto;
    try (by unfold restr_rel; ins; desf; eapply CcoD in R; desf).

  eapply acyclic_case_split with (f := fun x¬ is_access (lab x)) in CYC; ins.
  clear x CYC; rewrite helper_prop_alt_restr; ins.
    apply acyclic_mon with (rel:=po); eauto using trans_irr_acyclic.
    by unfold restr_rel; red; ins; desc; eauto.
  ins; apply NEG; clear NEG; intro ACC.
  eapply helper2 in CYC; eauto using t_step.
  by eapply H, clos_trans_mon; eauto.

  eapply H, clos_trans_of_clos_trans, clos_trans_mon; eauto.
  clear H x x0 CYC; ins; desf; eauto using t_step.
  eapply helper2 in H; eauto with access.
  by eapply clos_trans_mon; eauto.

Lemma inclusion_base_weak_hb2 :
  inclusion prop_base_weak (clos_trans hb_weak).
  unfold prop_base_weak, seq; red; ins; desc.
  eapply rt_t_trans, t_rt_trans; [|eapply t_step|]; eauto with inclusion.
  red in H; desf; eauto using rt_refl, rt_step with inclusion.

Lemma helper_prop_access
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) a b :
  seq (clos_refl chapo)
      (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
           (seq sync (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))) a b
  is_access (lab a) is_access (lab b).
  unfold seq; ins; desf.
  eapply (crt_of_transitive prop_base_weak_trans) in H0.
  unfold clos_refl, sync in *; rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf;
  try eapply chapo_access in H; ins; desf;
  try eapply inclusion_base_weak_hb2 in H0; ins; desf;
  eauto with access.

Lemma coprop_access
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) a b :
  clos_trans (co +++ prop_weak) a b
  is_access (lab a) is_access (lab b).
  unfold seq, prop_weak, union, restr_rel; ins; desf.
    rewrite t_step_rt in *; desf.
    by eapply CcoD in H; desf; eauto with access.
    by eapply inclusion_base_weak_hb2 in H; eauto with access.
    by eapply helper_prop_access in H; desf.

    rewrite t_rt_step in *; desf.
    by eapply CcoD in H0; desf; eauto with access.
    by eapply inclusion_base_weak_hb2 in H0; eauto with access.
    by eapply helper_prop_access in H0; desf.

From the propagation axiom, we get that Trel is acyclic.

Lemma acyclic_Trel
      (T: transitive po)
      (IRR: irreflexive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom)
      (H : acyclic (co +++ prop)) :
  acyclic Trel.
  unfold Trel; ins.
  eapply trans_irr_acyclic.
    rewrite acyclic_prop_alt in *; ins.

    red; unfold seq, restr_rel; ins; desf.
    eapply H, rt_t_trans, t_step; eauto.
    2: by right; repeat (eexists; vauto).
    eapply clos_refl_trans_mon; eauto.
    by clear; unfold prop_weak, union, sync, seq; ins; desf; eauto 15.

  unfold restr_rel, transitive; ins; desc; split; ins.

  rename H0 into M, H1 into N; rewrite seqA2 in ×.
  destruct M as (x1 & X & M), N as (y1 & Y & N).
  rewrite <- !seqA2 in M, N.
  destruct M as (yp & M & Y'), N as (zp & N & Z').

  assert (A: x1 = yp is_access (lab yp)).
    unfold seq in M; desc.
    apply (inclusion_rt_rt2 inclusion_base_hb_weak) in M0.
    rewrite clos_refl_transE in M0; desf; eauto with access.
    red in M1; desf; [|by eapply chapo_access in M1; desf; eauto].
    rewrite clos_refl_transE in M2; desf.
      by rewrite clos_refl_transE in M; desf; eauto with access.
    by eapply coprop_access in M2; desf; eauto.

    by y1; split; eauto; rewrite <- !seqA2 in *; zp; eauto.

  assert (B: y1 = zp is_access (lab y1)).
    unfold seq in N; desc.
    apply (inclusion_rt_rt2 inclusion_base_hb_weak) in N0.
    rewrite clos_refl_transE in N; desf; eauto with access.
    rewrite clos_refl_transE in N2; desf.
    2: by eapply coprop_access in N2; desf; eauto.
    red in N1; desf; [|by eapply chapo_access in N1; desf; eauto].
    by rewrite clos_refl_transE in N0; desf; eauto with access.

    by x1; split; eauto; rewrite <- !seqA2 in *; yp; eauto.

   x1; split; eauto; rewrite <- !seqA2 in *; zp; split; eauto.
  do 2 (red in N; desc; eexists; split; eauto); clear N0 N1.
  rewrite !seqA2 in *; red in M; desc; eexists; split; eauto; clear M.
  unfold seq in *; desc; eapply rt_trans, rt_trans; eauto.
  apply rt_step; right; right; repeat (eexists; try edone).

Lemma so_step_trans so
  (CsoF: is_total (fun alab a = Async) so)
  (CsoT: transitive so)
  (Cww: x y (SO : so_step so x y)
               (HB: clos_refl_trans hb_weak y x), False) a b
  (A: so_step so a b) c
  (B: clos_refl_trans hb_weak b c) d
  (C: so_step so c d) :
  so_step so a d.
  unfold so_step in *; desc.
  destruct (eqP f f'0) as [|N]; [|eapply CsoF in N]; desf; eauto 10.
  edestruct (Cww c b); eauto 10 using rt_trans.

Lemma rt_hb_soE so
  (CsoF: is_total (fun alab a = Async) so)
  (CsoT: transitive so)
  (Cww: x y (SO : so_step so x y)
               (HB: clos_refl_trans hb_weak y x), False) :
  clos_refl_trans (hb_so so) <-->
  seq (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)
      (seq (clos_refl (so_step so)) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)).
  unfold hb_so, union, seq; split; red; ins.
    rename H into J;
    induction J; desf; eauto 6 using clos_refl_trans.
    unfold clos_refl in IHJ0; desf; eauto 7 using clos_refl_trans.
    unfold clos_refl in IHJ4; desf; eauto 7 using clos_refl_trans.
    by eapply so_step_trans in IHJ0; eauto using rt_trans.
  desf; eapply rt_trans, rt_trans; eauto using clos_refl_trans_mon;
    unfold clos_refl in *; desf; vauto.

Lemma t_hb_soE so
  (CsoF: is_total (fun alab a = Async) so)
  (CsoT: transitive so)
  (OTH: x y (SO : so_step so x y)
               (HB: clos_refl_trans hb_weak y x), False) :
  clos_trans (hb_so so) <-->
  union (clos_trans hb_weak)
    (seq (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)
         (seq (so_step so) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))).
  unfold hb_so, union, seq; split; red; ins.
  rewrite t_step_rt in *; desf; eapply rt_hb_soE in H0;
  ins; unfold seq, clos_refl in *; desf;
  eauto 8 using rt_trans, rt_step;
  eauto 8 using rt_trans, rt_refl.
  by eapply so_step_trans in H0; eauto 8 using rt_refl.

  desf; eauto using clos_trans_mon.
  eapply rt_t_trans, t_rt_trans; eauto using clos_refl_trans_mon;

Lemma seq_union_l X (r1 r2 r : relation X) :
  seq (r1 +++ r2) r <--> seq r1 r +++ seq r2 r.
  unfold seq, union; split; red; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma seq_union_r X (r r1 r2 : relation X) :
  seq r (r1 +++ r2) <--> seq r r1 +++ seq r r2.
  unfold seq, union; split; red; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma seqA X (r1 r2 r3 : relation X) :
  seq (seq r1 r2) r3 <--> seq r1 (seq r2 r3).
  unfold seq, union; split; red; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma unionA X (r1 r2 r3 : relation X) :
  union (union r1 r2) r3 <--> union r1 (union r2 r3).
  unfold seq, union; split; red; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma unionC X (r1 r2 : relation X) :
  union r1 r2 <--> union r2 r1.
  unfold seq, union; split; red; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma base_soE so
  (CsoF: is_total (fun alab a = Async) so)
  (CsoT: transitive so)
  (OTH: x y (SO : so_step so x y)
               (HB: clos_refl_trans hb_weak y x), False) :
  prop_base_so so <-->
    (seq (clos_refl rfe) (seq (so_step so) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))
    (seq prop_base_weak (seq (clos_refl (so_step so)) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))).
  unfold prop_base_so, prop_base_weak, fence_so.
  rewrite !seq_union_l, !seq_union_r, rt_hb_soE, !seqA, unionC; ins.
  eapply union_mor; try reflexivity.
  unfold seq; split; red; ins; desf; eauto 10 using rt_refl.
  red in H2; desf; eauto 7 using rt_trans.
  by eapply so_step_trans in H1; eauto.

Lemma base_soE2 so
  (CsoF: is_total (fun alab a = Async) so)
  (CsoT: transitive so)
  (OTH: x y (SO : so_step so x y)
               (HB: clos_refl_trans hb_weak y x), False) :
  prop_base_so so <-->
  union prop_base_weak
    (union (seq rfe (seq (so_step so) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))
      (seq (clos_refl prop_base_weak) (seq (so_step so) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))).
  rewrite base_soE; ins.
  unfold clos_refl, union, seq; split; red; ins; desf; eauto 8;
  eauto 8 using rt_refl, prop_base_weak_hb_weak_trans.

We define some further auxiliary definitions, which help us reason about paths involving sync edges.

Definition sync_ext_l x y := po x y is_access (lab x) lab y = Async.
Definition sync_ext_r x y := po x y lab x = Async is_access (lab y).
Definition sync_ext := union sync (union sync_ext_l sync_ext_r).

Definition fence_ext := union fence (union sync_ext_l sync_ext_r).

Definition hb_ext := union ppo (union fence_ext rfe).

Definition prop_base_ext :=
  (seq (clos_refl rfe) (seq fence_ext (clos_refl_trans hb_ext))).

Definition prop_ext :=
  union (restr_rel (fun xis_write (lab x)) prop_base_weak)
        (seq (clos_refl chapo)
             (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak)
                  (seq sync_ext (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)))).

Lemma prop_extE
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  prop_ext <-->
  prop_weak +++
  seq (clos_refl chapo) (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak) sync_ext_l) +++
  seq (sync_ext_r) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak).
  unfold prop_ext, prop_weak, sync_ext.
  rewrite !seq_union_l, !seq_union_r; unfold union; split; red; ins; desf; eauto.

  left; right; unfold seq in *; desf.
  rewrite clos_refl_transE in H2; desf; eauto.
  by apply hb_weakp_is_access_l in H2; ins; red in H1; desf; destruct (lab z1).

  right; unfold seq in *; desf.
  apply (inclusion_rt_rt2 inclusion_base_hb_weak) in H0.
  rewrite clos_refl_transE in H0; desf; eauto.
  2: by apply hb_weakp_is_access_r in H0; ins; red in H1; desf; destruct (lab z0).
  by red in H; desf; eauto; apply chapo_access in H; desc;
     red in H1; desf; destruct (lab z0).

  by unfold seq in *; desf; eauto 10 using rt_refl.
  by unfold seq in *; desf; eauto 10 using rt_refl.

We prove a few basic lemmas that allow us to perform equational reasoning.

Lemma seq_sync :
  seq sync_ext_l sync_ext_r <--> sync.
  unfold seq, sync, sync_ext_r, sync_ext_l.
  split; red; ins; desf; eauto 8.

Lemma seq_sync_ext_l :
  seq sync_ext_l sync_ext_l <--> (fun _ _False).
  unfold seq, sync, sync_ext_r, sync_ext_l.
  by split; red; ins; desf; eauto 8; destruct (lab z).

Lemma seq_sync_ext_r :
  seq sync_ext_r sync_ext_r <--> (fun _ _False).
  unfold seq, sync, sync_ext_r, sync_ext_l.
  by split; red; ins; desf; eauto 8; destruct (lab z).

Lemma seq_sync_ext_chapo
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  seq sync_ext_l (clos_refl chapo) <--> sync_ext_l.
  unfold seq, sync_ext_l, clos_refl; split; red; ins; desf; eauto 6.
  apply chapo_access in H0; desf; destruct (lab z); ins.

Lemma seq_sync_ext_base_star
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) :
  seq sync_ext_l (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak) <--> sync_ext_l.
  unfold seq, sync_ext_l, clos_refl; split; red; ins; desf;
    eauto 6 using clos_refl_trans.
  apply (inclusion_rt_rt2 inclusion_base_hb_weak) in H0.
  rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf; try rewrite H2 in *; desf.
  by eapply hb_weakp_is_access_l in H0; try rewrite H2 in *; desf.

Lemma seq_hb_weak_star_sync_ext
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom) :
  seq (clos_refl_trans hb_weak) sync_ext_r <--> sync_ext_r.
  unfold seq, sync_ext_r, clos_refl; split; red; ins; desf;
    eauto 6 using clos_refl_trans.
  rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf; try rewrite H1 in *; desf.
  by eapply hb_weakp_is_access_r in H; try rewrite H1 in *; desf.

Lemma coprop_extE
      (T: transitive po)
      (IRR: irreflexive po)
      (INCL: inclusion deps po)
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) :
  acyclic (co +++ prop_ext)
  acyclic (co +++ prop_weak).
  rewrite prop_extE; ins; split; ins.
    by unfold union in *; eapply acyclic_mon; eauto; red; ins; desf; eauto.

  assert (A: seq
               (seq (clos_refl chapo) (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak) sync_ext_l))
               (seq (clos_refl chapo) (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak) sync_ext_l))
               <--> (fun _ _ : actidFalse)).
    rewrite !seqA, <- (seqA sync_ext_l), seq_sync_ext_chapo,
    <- (seqA sync_ext_l), seq_sync_ext_base_star, seq_sync_ext_l, !seqrF; ins;
  assert (B: seq (seq sync_ext_r (clos_refl_trans hb_weak))
                 (seq sync_ext_r (clos_refl_trans hb_weak)) <-->
                 (fun _ _ : actidFalse)).
    rewrite !seqA, <- (seqA _ sync_ext_r), seq_hb_weak_star_sync_ext,
    <- seqA, seq_sync_ext_r, !seqFr; ins;

  rewrite !unionA, <- unionA.
  intros x J; eapply cycle_ur with (adom := fun xis_access (lab x)) in J;
    try (by ins; apply t_step with (R := co +++ prop_weak), coprop_access in R; desf).
    eapply acyclic_unc in J; ins.
    rewrite !seqA, <- (seqA sync_ext_l), seq_sync.
    by eapply acyclic_mon; eauto; vauto.

  eapply H, clos_trans_of_clos_trans, clos_trans_mon; eauto; clear x x0 J.
  instantiate; ins; desf; vauto.
  eapply pathp_unc in H0; ins; unfold union in H0; desf.
    rewrite !seqA, <- (seqA sync_ext_l), seq_sync in H0.
    by eapply clos_trans_mon; eauto; vauto.

    by apply t_step_rt in H0; unfold seq, sync_ext_r in H0; desf; destruct (lab a).

    by exfalso; unfold seq, sync_ext_l in H0; desf;
       rewrite clos_refl_transE, t_rt_step in *; desf; destruct (lab b).

    by exfalso; unfold seq, sync_ext_r in H0; desf; destruct (lab a).

Lemma helper_restr1
      (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
      (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) r :
  restr_rel (fun x : actidlab x Async)
            (restr_rel (fun xlab x = Async) r +++ co +++ prop_ext)
  restr_rel (fun x : actidlab x Async)
            (co +++ prop_weak).
  rewrite prop_extE, <- !union_restr; ins.
  unfold restr_rel, union, seq, sync_ext_l, sync_ext_r;
  split; red; ins; desf; eauto 8.

Lemma prop_ext_sync_r :
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y (L: lab y = Async),
  prop_ext x y
  seq (clos_refl chapo) (seq (clos_refl_trans prop_base_weak) sync_ext_l) x y.
  ins; split; ins; [apply prop_extE in H|apply prop_extE];
  unfold union, seq in *; desf; eauto 8.
  by unfold prop_weak, restr_rel, union in *; desf;
     [|apply helper_prop_access in H; ins; desf];
     rewrite L in *; ins.
  by exfalso; red in H; desc; rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf;
     [|apply hb_weakp_is_access_r in H0; ins];
     rewrite L in *; ins.

Lemma prop_ext_sync_l :
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y (L: lab x = Async),
  prop_ext x y
  seq (sync_ext_r) (clos_refl_trans hb_weak) x y.
  ins; split; ins; [apply prop_extE in H|apply prop_extE];
  unfold union, seq in *; desf; eauto 8.
  by unfold prop_weak, restr_rel, union in *; desf;
     [|apply helper_prop_access in H; ins; desf];
     rewrite L in *; ins.
  exfalso; red in H1; desc.
  apply (inclusion_rt_rt2 inclusion_base_hb_weak) in H0.
  by rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf;
     (red in H; desf; [|apply chapo_access in H; ins; desf]);
     try apply hb_weakp_is_access_l in H0; ins; desf;
     rewrite L in *; ins.

Lemma prop_ext_sync_both :
    (CrfD: ConsistentRF_dom)
    (CcoD: ConsistentMO_dom) x y (L: lab x = Async) (L' : lab y = Async),
  prop_ext x y False.
  ins; rewrite prop_ext_sync_l; ins.
  unfold seq, sync_ext_r; split; ins; desf.
  rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf;
  [|eapply hb_weakp_is_access_r in H0; ins]; rewrite L' in *; ins.

We next prove that the soundness of the alternative model.

Lemma SyncTotal_sound
      (INCL: inclusion deps po) (C: ConsistentPower) :
   so, ConsistentSyncTotal so.
  assert (K:=C); red in K; desc.
  set (T' := restr_rel (fun xlab x = Async) (tot_ext acts Trel)).
  assert (TOT: is_total (fun alab a = Async) T').
    by eapply is_total_restr; red; ins; eapply tot_ext_total; ins;
       apply FIN; intro X; rewrite X in *; ins.
  assert (IRR: irreflexive T').
    unfold T'; red; unfold restr_rel; ins; desf.
    by eapply tot_ext_irr in H; eauto using acyclic_Trel.
  assert (T: transitive T').
    by eapply restr_rel_trans, tot_ext_trans.
  assert (Cww: x y, so_step T' x y clos_refl_trans hb_weak y x False).
    unfold so_step; ins; desc.
    eapply IRR, T; eauto; split; ins;
    eapply tot_ext_extends; split; ins.
    by unfold seq, union; repeat (eexists; try edone); vauto.

   T'; red; unnw; intuition.

  red; rewrite t_hb_soE; try done.
  unfold seq, union; red; ins; desf; eauto using rt_trans.
  eby eapply NTA, clos_trans_mon, inclusion_hb_weak_hb.

  rewrite observation_condition_simplify,
          observation_condition_alternative in *; ins.
  eapply base_soE2 in PROP0; ins.
  destruct PROP0; eauto.
  unfold union, seq, so_step in H; desf;
    eapply IRR, T; eauto; split; ins;
    eapply tot_ext_extends; split; ins.
    unfold seq, union; repeat (eexists; try edone); try apply rt_refl.
    by apply may_chapoE; unfold seq, clos_refl, union; eauto 10.
  unfold seq, union; repeat (eexists; try edone); [apply rt_refl| |].
    by apply may_chapoE; unfold seq, clos_refl, union; eauto 10.
  by red in H; desf; vauto.

  unfold prop_so; rewrite base_soE2; ins.
  rewrite <- !union_restr.
  eapply acyclic_mon with (rel := clos_trans (T' +++ co +++ prop_ext)).
    eapply trans_irr_acyclic; vauto.
    eapply min_cycle with (rel' := T') (dom := fun alab a = Async);
      ins; eauto.
      by unfold union; red; ins; apply t_step; eauto.

      unfold union in *; desf; eauto;
      repeat red in R'; desf.
        by apply CcoD in R; rewrite R'0 in *; desf.
      by rewrite prop_ext_sync_both in R.

    rewrite propE2 in PROP; ins.
    unfold T' at 1 6; repeat split; ins; try rewrite helper_restr1 in *; ins.
    by eapply (acyclic_mon PROP); unfold restr_rel; red; ins; desf.

    unfold union in *; desf; eauto.
    by rewrite prop_ext_sync_both in CYC.

    unfold T', restr_rel in ×.
    unfold union in R; desf; [by apply CcoD in R; rewrite D1 in *; desf|].
    unfold union in R'; desf; [by apply CcoD in R'; rewrite D2 in *; desf|].

    apply prop_ext_sync_r in R; ins.
    apply prop_ext_sync_l in R'; ins.
    red in S; desf.
    assert (P: prop_weak c1 c2).
      right; unfold seq, sync_ext_r, sync_ext_l, sync in *; desc.
      by repeat (eexists; try edone).
    by eapply PROP, t_rt_trans, clos_refl_trans_mon; vauto; ins; desf.

    eapply (IRR b1); split; ins; eapply T; try edone;
    split; ins; apply tot_ext_extends; split; ins.
    unfold seq, sync_ext_l, sync_ext_r in *; desc.
    eexists; split; vauto; eexists; split; eauto.
    by eapply clos_refl_trans_mon; eauto; instantiate; ins; desf.

  rewrite prop_extE; ins.
  red; unfold prop_weak, union; ins; desf; eauto 6 using t_step;
  unfold restr_rel, seq, so_step in H; desc.

  eapply t_trans with f, t_trans with f'; apply t_step; eauto;
  right; [left; right|right].
     z; split; vauto; repeat (eexists; vauto).
    by apply rfe_dom in H; desf; eauto with access.
  eexists; split; try edone;
    eauto using clos_refl_trans_mon with inclusion.
  repeat split; ins.
  by rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf; eauto with access.

  eapply t_trans with f, t_trans with f'; try apply t_step; eauto;
  right; [left; right|right].
    eexists; split; vauto; z; repeat (eexists; vauto).
      by red in H; desf; eauto using inclusion_base_weak_base, clos_refl_trans.
    by red in H; desf; try apply inclusion_base_weak_hb2 in H; eauto with access.
  eexists; split; try edone;
    eauto using clos_refl_trans_mon with inclusion.
  repeat split; ins.
  by rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf; eauto with access.

Putting the two directions together, we get that the two Power models are equivalent.

Theorem SyncTotal (INCL: inclusion deps po):
  ConsistentPower so, ConsistentSyncTotal so.
  split; ins; desc; eauto using SyncTotal_sound, SyncTotal_complete.

End PowerModel.

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