Illustrating the paco library
- It is non-compositional.
- It is inefficient.
- It is not user-friendly.
- It interacts poorly with builtin automation tactics.
Example: stream equality
The following, seemingly useless, lemma is a common trick for
working with corecursive terms such as our streams. (It will be
used in the example proofs.) For details, see for instance Adam
Chlipala's book on Certified Programming with Dependent
Definition sunf s :=
match s with cons n s' => cons n s' end.
Lemma sunf_eq : ∀ s, s = sunf s.
destruct s; auto.
In order to state our example equality, we define an enumeration
stream and a map operation for streams.
CoFixpoint enumerate n : stream :=
cons n (enumerate (S n)).
CoFixpoint map f s : stream :=
match s with cons n s' => cons (f n) (map f s') end.
A proof using cofix
| seq_fold : ∀ n s1 s2 (R : seq s1 s2), seq (cons n s1) (cons n s2).
Inductive seq_gen seq : stream → stream → Prop :=
| _seq_gen : ∀ n s1 s2 (R : seq s1 s2 : Prop), seq_gen seq (cons n s1) (cons n s2).
Hint Constructors seq_gen.
CoInductive seq : stream → stream → Prop :=
| seq_fold : ∀ s1 s2, seq_gen seq s1 s2 → seq s1 s2.
Second, we do the actual proof.
Theorem example : ∀ n, seq (enumerate n) (cons n (map S (enumerate n))).
cofix CIH.
intros; apply seq_fold.
pattern (enumerate n) at 1; rewrite sunf_eq; simpl.
rewrite (sunf_eq (enumerate n)); simpl.
rewrite (sunf_eq (map _ _)); simpl.
apply CIH.
Note: One might want to eliminate the use of pattern in the
proof script by replacing the corresponding line with the
rewrite sunf_eq at 1; simpl.
However, doing so will result in an invalid proof (rejected at
Qed-time). The reason is that the proof term created by
rewrite ... at 1 involves some lemmas from the Setoid
library. Like most lemmas, these are opaque, so guardedness
checking cannot inspect their proofs and thus fails. This is a
great example of two of the previously mentioned problems with the
cofix approach, namely lack of compositionality and poor
interaction with standard tactics.
A proof using our pcofix
Definition seq' s1 s2 := paco2 seq_gen bot2 s1 s2.
Hint Unfold seq'.
Lemma seq_gen_mon: monotone2 seq_gen. Proof. pmonauto. Qed.
Hint Resolve seq_gen_mon : paco.
Theorem example' : ∀ n, seq' (enumerate n) (cons n (map S (enumerate n))).
pcofix CIH.
intros; pfold.
rewrite sunf_eq at 1; simpl.
rewrite (sunf_eq (enumerate n)); simpl.
rewrite (sunf_eq (map _ _)); simpl.
right; apply CIH.
Observe that the proof script is essentially the same as before
(this is no accident). The main change is the use of pcofix
instead of cofix, which allows us to avoid any syntactic
guardedness checking at Qed-time. As a minor benefit of that,
we are able to use rewrite ... at 1, which we could not do
To understand seq' and the proof of example', we have to
explain some background. Given a monotone function f, we call
paco2 f the parameterized greatest fixed point of f. For a
relation r, paco2 f r is defined as the greatest fixed point
of the function fun x => f (x ∪ r). Clearly, paco2 f bot2
(where bot2 is the empty relation) is just the ordinary greatest
fixed point of f.
Let us look at our example domain to understand better. A proof
of paco2 seq_gen r s1 s2 can be seen as a proof of r ⊆ seq →
seq s1 s2, where the use of the premise is guarded
semantically, rather than syntactically. More precisely, paco2
seq_gen r relates two streams iff their heads are equal and their
tails are either related by r or again related by paco2 seq_gen
r. Compare this to seq, the ordinary greatest fixed point of
seq_gen, which relates two streams iff their heads are equal and
their tails are again related by seq. This should also make it
clear why our definition of seq' is equivalent to seq.
To fold and unfold parameterized fixed points, we provide two
tactics, where upaco2 f r := paco2 f r ∪ r:
We will see an example involving paco2_mult in a moment. But
first let us have another look at the proof scripts of example
and example'. In the former, after calling cofix, the proof
state is as follows:
CIH : ∀ n : nat, seq (enumerate n) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
∀ n : nat, seq (enumerate n) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
In this state, the hypothesis precisely matches the conclusion,
and there is nothing preventing one from simply concluding the
goal directly. Of course, if one were to do that, one's "proof"
would be subsequently rejected by Qed for failing to obey
syntactic guardedness.
Calling pcofix results in a similar state, except that the added
hypothesis CIH now governs a fresh relation variable r, which
represents the current coinduction hypothesis relating enumerate n
and cons n (map S (enumerate n)) for all n. The new goal
then says that, in proving the two streams equal, we can use r
coinductively, but only in a semantically guarded position,
i.e. after unfolding paco2 seq_gen r. In particular, one
cannot apply CIH immediately to "solve" the goal:
r : stream → stream → Prop
CIH : ∀ n : nat, r (enumerate n) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
∀ n : nat, paco2 seq_gen r (enumerate n) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
The remaining differences between the proof scripts of example
and example' are as follows. First, let us examine example.
After applying seq_fold and unfolding enumerate n in the proof
of example, we have the following goal:
CIH : ∀ n : nat, seq (enumerate n) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
n : nat
seq_gen seq (cons n (enumerate (S n))) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
By the definition of seq_gen and unfolding map S (enumerate n),
this reduces to showing
CIH : ∀ n : nat, seq (enumerate n) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
n : nat
seq (enumerate (S n)) (cons (S n) (map S (enumerate (S n))))
which follows directly by applying the coinduction hypothesis CIH.
In the case of example', the proof is slightly different.
First, we use the tactic pfold rather than apply seq_fold,
simply because we now reason about seq' rather than seq.
After applying pfold and unfolding enumerate n, we have:
r : stream → stream → Prop
CIH : ∀ n : nat, r (enumerate n) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
n : nat
seq_gen (paco2 seq_gen r ∪ r) (cons n (enumerate (S n))) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
As you see, the relation r appears in the argument of
seq_gen. Thus by definition of seq_gen and unfolding map S
(enumerate n), we need to show enumerate (S n) and cons (S n)
(map S (enumerate (S n))) are related by either paco2 seq_gen r
or r:
r : stream → stream → Prop
CIH : ∀ n : nat, r (enumerate n) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
n : nat
paco2 seq_gen r (enumerate (S n)) (cons (S n) (map S (enumerate (S n))))
\/ r (enumerate (S n)) (cons (S n) (map S (enumerate (S n))))
As the coinduction hypothesis gives us that they are related by r,
we first have to select the right disjunct, before we apply
Summing up, the two proofs are very similar, but in the one using
paco, the guardedness of the coinduction is guaranteed at every
step by the way the proof is constructed, rather than by a
syntactic check of the whole proof term after the fact.
How it works:
- pfold : when the conclusion is paco2 f r for some f and r, pfold converts it to f (upaco2 f r)
- punfold H : when the hypothesis H is paco2 f r for some f and r, punfold H converts it to f (upaco2 f r)
- paco2_mon f : monotone2 (paco2 f)
- paco2_mult f : ∀ r, paco2 f (paco2 f r) ⊆ paco2 f r
- paco2_mult_strong f : ∀ r, paco2 f (upaco2 f r) ⊆ paco2 f r
∀ n : nat, seq (enumerate n) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
CIH : ∀ n : nat, r (enumerate n) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
∀ n : nat, paco2 seq_gen r (enumerate n) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
n : nat
seq_gen seq (cons n (enumerate (S n))) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
n : nat
seq (enumerate (S n)) (cons (S n) (map S (enumerate (S n))))
CIH : ∀ n : nat, r (enumerate n) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
n : nat
seq_gen (paco2 seq_gen r ∪ r) (cons n (enumerate (S n))) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
CIH : ∀ n : nat, r (enumerate n) (cons n (map S (enumerate n)))
n : nat
paco2 seq_gen r (enumerate (S n)) (cons (S n) (map S (enumerate (S n))))
\/ r (enumerate (S n)) (cons (S n) (map S (enumerate (S n))))
Another example
Here is a proof for seq.
Theorem seq_cons : ∀ n1 n2 s1 s2 (SEQ : seq (cons n1 s1) (cons n2 s2)),
n1 = n2 ∧ seq s1 s2.
inversion_clear SEQ; rename H into SEQ.
inversion_clear SEQ; auto.
And here is the corresponding proof for seq'.
Note that the tactic pclearbot simplifies all hypotheses of the form upaco{n} gf bot{n} to paco{n} gf bot{n}.
Theorem seq'_cons : ∀ n1 n2 s1 s2 (SEQ : seq' (cons n1 s1) (cons n2 s2)),
n1 = n2 ∧ seq' s1 s2.
punfold SEQ.
inversion_clear SEQ; pclearbot; auto.
We also provide two tactics pdestruct and pinversion.
They are simply defined as follows:
- pdestruct H := punfold H; destruct H; pclearbot
- pinversion H := punfold H; inversion H; pclearbot
Example: infinite tree equality
CoInductive inftree :=
| node : nat → inftree → inftree → inftree.
Definition tunf t : inftree :=
match t with node n tl tr => node n tl tr end.
Lemma tunf_eq : ∀ t, t = tunf t.
destruct t; auto.
In order to state our example equalities, we define the following
four trees.
CoFixpoint one : inftree := node 1 one two
with two : inftree := node 2 one two.
CoFixpoint eins : inftree := node 1 eins (node 2 eins zwei)
with zwei : inftree := node 2 eins zwei.
Incremental proofs using cofix
Inductive teq_gen teq : inftree → inftree → Prop :=
| _teq_gen : ∀ n t1l t1r t2l t2r (Rl : teq t1l t2l : Prop) (Rr : teq t1r t2r),
teq_gen teq (node n t1l t1r) (node n t2l t2r).
Hint Constructors teq_gen.
CoInductive teq t1 t2 : Prop :=
| teq_fold (IN : teq_gen teq t1 t2).
We now prove, using cofix, that one equals eins and,
separately, that two equals zwei. Note the nested use of
cofix in either proof script, which lets us strengthen the
coinductive hypothesis in the middle of the proof. For instance,
in the proof teq_one, we start out with the coinductive
hypothesis that one and eins are equal (CIH). Later on, we
use cofix again to additionally assume that two and zwei are
equal (CIH'). This is a prime example of incremental proof:
we start with no coinductive assumptions, and we progressively add
more coinductive assumptions as the proof progresses.
Theorem teq_one : teq one eins.
cofix CIH.
apply teq_fold.
rewrite (tunf_eq one), (tunf_eq eins); simpl.
constructor; auto.
apply teq_fold.
rewrite (tunf_eq two); simpl.
constructor; auto.
cofix CIH'.
apply teq_fold.
rewrite (tunf_eq two), (tunf_eq zwei); simpl.
constructor; auto.
Theorem teq_two : teq two zwei.
cofix CIH.
apply teq_fold.
rewrite (tunf_eq two), (tunf_eq zwei); simpl.
constructor; auto.
cofix CIH'.
apply teq_fold.
rewrite (tunf_eq one), (tunf_eq eins); simpl.
constructor; auto.
apply teq_fold.
rewrite (tunf_eq two); simpl.
constructor; auto.
Incremental proofs using our pcofix
Definition teq' t1 t2 := paco2 teq_gen bot2 t1 t2.
Hint Unfold teq'.
Lemma teq_gen_mon: monotone2 teq_gen. Proof. pmonauto. Qed.
Hint Resolve teq_gen_mon : paco.
Theorem teq'_one : teq' one eins.
pcofix CIH.
rewrite (tunf_eq one), (tunf_eq eins); simpl.
constructor; auto.
left; pfold.
rewrite (tunf_eq two); simpl.
constructor; auto.
left; pcofix CIH'.
rewrite (tunf_eq two), (tunf_eq zwei); simpl.
constructor; auto.
Theorem teq'_two : teq' two zwei.
pcofix CIH.
rewrite (tunf_eq two), (tunf_eq zwei); simpl.
constructor; auto.
left; pcofix CIH'.
rewrite (tunf_eq one), (tunf_eq eins); simpl.
constructor; auto.
left; pfold.
rewrite (tunf_eq two); simpl.
constructor; auto.
Pseudo-compositional proofs using cofix
Lemma teq_two_one_bad : teq two zwei → teq one eins.
intros; rewrite (tunf_eq two), (tunf_eq zwei) in H.
destruct H; inversion IN; auto.
Lemma teq_two_one : teq two zwei → teq one eins.
intros; cofix CIH.
apply teq_fold.
rewrite (tunf_eq one), (tunf_eq eins); simpl.
constructor; auto.
apply teq_fold.
rewrite (tunf_eq two); simpl.
constructor; auto.
Lemma teq_one_two : teq one eins → teq two zwei.
intros; cofix CIH.
apply teq_fold.
rewrite (tunf_eq two), (tunf_eq zwei); simpl.
constructor; auto.
Theorem teq_eins : teq one eins.
cofix CIH.
apply teq_two_one, teq_one_two, CIH.
Theorem teq_zwei : teq two zwei.
cofix CIH.
apply teq_one_two, teq_two_one, CIH.
The following proof would fail guardedness checking at Qed-time,
because in the proof of the lemma teq_two_one_bad the
assumption is used "too early".
Theorem teq_eins_bad : teq one eins.
cofix CIH.
apply teq_two_one_bad, teq_one_two, CIH.
Compositional proofs using our pcofix
Lemma teq'_two_one : ∀ r,
(r two zwei : Prop) → paco2 teq_gen r one eins.
intros; pcofix CIH.
rewrite (tunf_eq one), (tunf_eq eins); simpl.
constructor; auto.
left; pfold.
rewrite (tunf_eq two); simpl.
constructor; auto.
Lemma teq'_one_two : ∀ r,
(r one eins : Prop) → paco2 teq_gen r two zwei.
intros; pcofix CIH.
rewrite (tunf_eq two), (tunf_eq zwei); simpl.
constructor; auto.
We now compose them with the help of the lemma paco2_mult:
- paco2_mult f : paco2 f (paco2 f r) ⊆ paco2 f r
Theorem teq'_eins : teq' one eins.
pcofix CIH.
pmult; apply teq'_two_one, teq'_one_two, CIH.
Theorem teq'_zwei : teq' two zwei.
pcofix CIH.
pmult; apply teq'_one_two, teq'_two_one, CIH.
Example: mutual coinduction
We define two generating functions (using the inftree type from
Inductive eqone_gen eqone eqtwo : inftree → Prop :=
| _eqone_gen : ∀ tl tr (EQL : eqone tl : Prop) (EQR : eqtwo tr : Prop),
eqone_gen eqone eqtwo (node 1 tl tr).
Inductive eqtwo_gen eqone eqtwo : inftree → Prop :=
| _eqtwo_gen : ∀ tl tr (EQL : eqone tl : Prop) (EQR : eqtwo tr : Prop),
eqtwo_gen eqone eqtwo (node 2 tl tr).
Hint Constructors eqone_gen eqtwo_gen.
A proof via cofix
CoInductive eqone (t : inftree) : Prop :=
| eqone_fold (EQ : eqone_gen eqone eqtwo t)
with eqtwo (t : inftree) : Prop :=
| eqtwo_fold (EQ : eqtwo_gen eqone eqtwo t).
Lemma eqone_eins : eqone eins.
cofix CIH0; apply eqone_fold.
rewrite tunf_eq; simpl; constructor.
apply CIH0.
cofix CIH1; apply eqtwo_fold.
apply CIH0.
rewrite tunf_eq; apply CIH1.
A proof via pcofix
Definition eqone' t := paco1_2_0 eqone_gen eqtwo_gen bot1 bot1 t.
Definition eqtwo' t := paco1_2_1 eqone_gen eqtwo_gen bot1 bot1 t.
Hint Unfold eqone' eqtwo'.
Lemma eqone_gen_mon: monotone1_2 eqone_gen. Proof. pmonauto. Qed.
Lemma eqtwo_gen_mon: monotone1_2 eqtwo_gen. Proof. pmonauto. Qed.
Hint Resolve eqone_gen_mon eqtwo_gen_mon : paco.
Lemma eqone'_eins: eqone' eins.
pcofix CIH0; pfold.
rewrite tunf_eq; simpl; constructor.
right; apply CIH0.
left; pcofix CIH1; pfold.
right; apply CIH0.
right; rewrite tunf_eq; apply CIH1.
Remark: For three mutually coinductive predicates, the
constructors are paco{n}_3_0, paco{n}_3_1, and paco{n}_3_2.
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