Require Import Vbase Relations ClassicalDescription ClassicalChoice.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Inductive fraction :=
| pe_full
| pe_half.
Definition fraction_plus x y :=
match x, y with
| pe_half, pe_half ⇒ Some pe_full
| _, _ ⇒ None
Definition fraction_le x y :=
x = y ∨ ∃ rem, fraction_plus x rem = Some y.
Lemma fraction_plusC x y : fraction_plus x y = fraction_plus y x.
Lemma fraction_plusA :
∀ x y xy (P1: fraction_plus x y = Some xy) z xyz
(P2: fraction_plus xy z = Some xyz),
∃ yz, fraction_plus y z = Some yz ∧ fraction_plus x yz = Some xyz.
Lemma fraction_plus_full_l x : fraction_plus pe_full x = None.
Lemma fraction_plus_full_r x : fraction_plus x pe_full = None.
Lemma fraction_plusK1 x y : fraction_plus x y = Some x → False.
Lemma fraction_plusK2 x y : fraction_plus x y = Some y → False.
Lemma fraction_plusK x y z w :
fraction_plus x y = Some w →
fraction_plus x z = Some w →
y = z.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Inductive fraction :=
| pe_full
| pe_half.
Definition fraction_plus x y :=
match x, y with
| pe_half, pe_half ⇒ Some pe_full
| _, _ ⇒ None
Definition fraction_le x y :=
x = y ∨ ∃ rem, fraction_plus x rem = Some y.
Lemma fraction_plusC x y : fraction_plus x y = fraction_plus y x.
Lemma fraction_plusA :
∀ x y xy (P1: fraction_plus x y = Some xy) z xyz
(P2: fraction_plus xy z = Some xyz),
∃ yz, fraction_plus y z = Some yz ∧ fraction_plus x yz = Some xyz.
Lemma fraction_plus_full_l x : fraction_plus pe_full x = None.
Lemma fraction_plus_full_r x : fraction_plus x pe_full = None.
Lemma fraction_plusK1 x y : fraction_plus x y = Some x → False.
Lemma fraction_plusK2 x y : fraction_plus x y = Some y → False.
Lemma fraction_plusK x y z w :
fraction_plus x y = Some w →
fraction_plus x z = Some w →
y = z.
fraction_le is a partial order
Lemma fraction_le_refl x :
fraction_le x x.
Lemma fraction_le_trans x y z :
fraction_le x y →
fraction_le y z →
fraction_le x z.
Lemma fraction_le_antisym x y :
fraction_le x y →
fraction_le y x →
x = y.
Other properties of fraction_le
Lemma fraction_le1 x y z :
fraction_plus x y = Some z →
fraction_le x z.
Lemma fraction_le2 x y z :
fraction_plus x y = Some z →
fraction_le y z.
Lemma fraction_le_mon x x' y y' z z' :
fraction_le x x' →
fraction_le y y' →
fraction_plus x y = Some z →
fraction_plus x' y' = Some z' →
fraction_le z z'.
Lemma fraction_le_none1 x x' y :
fraction_plus x y = None →
fraction_le x x' →
fraction_plus x' y = None.
Lemma fraction_le_none2 x x' y :
fraction_plus y x = None →
fraction_le x x' →
fraction_plus y x' = None.
Lemma fraction_le_full x :
fraction_le pe_full x ↔ x = pe_full.
Global Opaque fraction_plus fraction_le.
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