Auxiliary lemmas for the soundness proof

Require Import Vbase Varith.
Require Import Relations Classical ClassicalDescription.
Require Import List Permutation Vlistbase Vlist extralib.
Require Import c11 fslassn fslmodel fslassnlemmas.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Various helper lemmas

Hint Unfold imm_happens_before.

Lemma hupds A h l (y : A) : hupd h l y l = y.

Lemma hist_closed_trans :
   sb rf V (HC: hist_closed sb rf V)
    a b (TR: clos_refl_trans _ sb a b) (IN: In b V), In a V.

Lemma hist_closedD :
   sb rf V (HC: hist_closed sb rf V)
    a b (TR: happens_before_union_rf sb rf a b) (IN: In b V), In a V.

Lemma happens_before_trans lab sb rf mo a b c :
  happens_before lab sb rf mo a b
  happens_before lab sb rf mo b c
  happens_before lab sb rf mo a c.

Lemma happens_before_union_rf_trans sb rf a b c :
  happens_before_union_rf sb rf a b
  happens_before_union_rf sb rf b c
  happens_before_union_rf sb rf a c.

Lemma happens_before_sb lab (sb : relation actid) rf mo a b :
  sb a bhappens_before lab sb rf mo a b.

Lemma happens_before_sw lab sb rf mo a b :
  synchronizes_with lab sb rf mo a bhappens_before lab sb rf mo a b.

Lemma happens_before_union_rf_sb (sb : relation actid) rf a b :
  sb a bhappens_before_union_rf sb rf a b.

Lemma happens_before_union_rf_rf (sb : relation actid) rf a b :
  rf b = Some ahappens_before_union_rf sb rf a b.

Lemma clos_trans_hbE :
   lab sb rf mo a b (HB: clos_trans actid (happens_before lab sb rf mo) a b),
    happens_before lab sb rf mo a b.

Lemma clos_trans_hbUrfE :
   sb rf a b (HB: clos_trans actid (happens_before_union_rf sb rf) a b),
    happens_before_union_rf sb rf a b.

Hint Immediate clos_trans_hbE : hb.
Hint Immediate clos_trans_hbUrfE : hb.

Hint Resolve
  happens_before_sb happens_before_sw happens_before_union_rf_sb happens_before_union_rf_rf
  happens_before_trans happens_before_union_rf_trans t_step hist_closedD : hb.

Lemma count_implies :
   (T: eqType) (f1 f2 : Tbool) (IMP : x, f1 xf2 x) l,
  count f1 l count f2 l.

Lemma hasP´ :
   (T : eqType) (a : pred T) (l : list_predType T),
    reflect ( x : T, In x l a x) (has a l).

Lemma clos_refl_transE X rel a b :
    clos_refl_trans X rel a b a = b clos_trans X rel a b.

Lemma clos_refl_trans_hbE :
   lab sb rf mo a b,
    clos_refl_trans actid (happens_before lab sb rf mo) a b
    happens_before lab sb rf mo a b a = b.

Lemma clos_refl_trans_hbUrfE :
   sb rf a b,
    clos_refl_trans actid (happens_before_union_rf sb rf) a b
    happens_before_union_rf sb rf a b a = b.

Lemma helper_perm_filter_post :
   e T,
     posts_sb posts_rf,
      Permutation T (filter (fun x : hbcase(hb_fst x != e) || (x == hb_sink e)) T ++
                     map (hb_sb e) posts_sb ++
                     map (hb_rf e) posts_rf).

Lemma helper_filter_decide_sink: a T (ND: NoDup T),
      Permutation (filter (fun x : hbcase(hb_fst x != a) || (x == hb_sink a)) T)
        (if excluded_middle_informative (In (hb_sink a) T)
          then hb_sink a :: (filter (fun x : hbcasehb_fst x != a) T)
          else (filter (fun x : hbcasehb_fst x != a) T)).

Lemma has_rf_succs acts lab sb rf mo (a: actid) :
  ExecutionFinite acts lab sb
  ConsistentRF_basic lab sb rf mo
   (rfs: list actid),
    << NDrfs: NoDup rfs >>
    << INrfs: x, In x rfs rf x = Some a >>.

Lemma has_rf_pres acts lab sb rf mo a :
  ExecutionFinite acts lab sb
  ConsistentRF_basic lab sb rf mo
    << NDrfs: NoDup rfs >>
    << INrfs: x, In x rfs rf a = Some x >>.

Definition wf_ltof A (f : Anat) :
  well_founded (fun x yf x < f y).

A few lemmas about Permutations

Lemma In_implies_perm A (x : A) l (IN: In x l) :
   , Permutation l (x :: ).

Lemma Permutation_count A l (P : Permutation (A:=A) l ) f :
  count f l = count f .

Lemma count_eq_0: A f (lst: list A), count f lst = 0 x (IN: In x lst), ¬ f x.

Lemma Permutation_hmap_valids :
   l (P : Permutation l ) lab sb rf hmap,
    hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap l
    hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap .

Lemma Permutation_hmap_valids_strong :
   l (P : Permutation l ) lab sb rf hmap,
    hmap_valids_strong lab sb rf hmap l
    hmap_valids_strong lab sb rf hmap .

Lemma Permutation_hist_closed :
   l (P : Permutation l ) sb rf,
    hist_closed sb rf l
    hist_closed sb rf .

Lemma Consistent_perm :
   acts lab sb rf mo sc mt (CONS : Consistent acts lab sb rf mo sc mt)
         acts´ (EQ: perm_eq acts acts´),
    Consistent acts´ lab sb rf mo sc mt.

Lemma weakConsistent_perm :
   acts lab sb rf mo sc mt (CONS : weakConsistent acts lab sb rf mo sc mt)
         acts´ (EQ: perm_eq acts acts´),
    weakConsistent acts´ lab sb rf mo sc mt.

Lemma weakConsistent_Permutation :
   acts lab sb rf mo sc mt (CONS : weakConsistent acts lab sb rf mo sc mt)
         acts´ (EQ: Permutation acts acts´),
    weakConsistent acts´ lab sb rf mo sc mt.

Lemma Permutation_flatten A l (P : Permutation l ) :
  Permutation (A:=A) (flatten l) (flatten ).

Lemma AcyclicStrong_implies_IrreflexiveHBuRF:
   lab sb rf mo, AcyclicStrong lab sb rf moIrreflexiveHBuRF sb rf.

Hint Resolve AcyclicStrong_implies_IrreflexiveHBuRF.

Depth metric

Definition is_pred A (rel : AAProp) B a :=
  has (fun bmydec (clos_refl_trans A rel a b)) B.

Definition depth_metric A (rel: AAProp) V a :=
  count (is_pred rel a) V.

Lemma clos_transK T (rel: relation T) x y :
  clos_trans _ (clos_trans _ rel) x y
  clos_trans _ rel x y.

Lemma clos_refl_transD T rel a b :
  clos_refl_trans T rel a ba = b clos_trans T rel a b.

Lemma depth_lt (rel : relation actid) V A B
  (HB : a, In a A¬ In a B
         b, In b B rel a b)
  b (IN : In b B) (NIN: ¬ In b A)
  (NHB: a, In a A¬ clos_trans _ rel b a)
  (SUB: b, In b BIn b V) :
  depth_metric rel V A < depth_metric rel V B.

A useful induction principle for happens-before graphs.

Lemma edge_depth_ind lab sb rf V
  (ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHBuRF sb rf)
  (HC: hist_closed sb rf V) (P : hbcaseProp) :
  ( edge
    (IH: edge´ (EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge´)
            (LT: happens_before_union_rf sb rf (hb_fst edge´) (hb_fst edge)),
      P edge´)
    (EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge)
    (IN : In (hb_fst edge) V),
    P edge) →
   edge (EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge), In (hb_fst edge) VP edge.

Fixpoint find_max A (curr : A) f l :=
  match l with
    | nilcurr
    | x :: xs
      if f curr f x then find_max x f xs else find_max curr f xs

Lemma find_max_range :
   A (curr: A) f l,
    In (find_max curr f l) (curr :: l).

Lemma find_max_greatest :
   A (x curr: A) f l (IN: In x (curr :: l)),
    f x f (find_max curr f l).

Given a non-empty set of edges, T, there is always an edge whose source node does not happen before any of the sources of the other edges.

Lemma get_deepest :
   sb rf (ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHBuRF sb rf)
         V (HC: hist_closed sb rf V)
         T (NNIL: T nil)
         (INCL: edge (IN: In edge T), In (hb_fst edge) V),
    << IN: In edge T >>
    << INe: In (hb_fst edge) V >>
    << DEEP: edge´ (IN´: In edge´ T)
                 (HB´: happens_before_union_rf sb rf (hb_fst edge) (hb_fst edge´)),
               False >>.

Fixpoint find_min A (curr : A) f l :=
  match l with
    | nilcurr
    | x :: xs
      if f x f curr then find_min x f xs else find_min curr f xs

Lemma find_min_range :
   A (curr: A) f l,
    In (find_min curr f l) (curr :: l).

Lemma find_min_greatest :
   A (x curr: A) f l (IN: In x (curr :: l)),
    f (find_min curr f l) f x.

Lemma get_shallow :
   lab sb rf mo (ACYCLIC: AcyclicStrong lab sb rf mo)
         V (HC: hist_closed sb rf V)
         T (HC´: hist_closed sb rf (V ++ T)) (NNIL: T nil),
    << IN: In e T >>
    << HC: hist_closed sb rf (e :: V) >>.

Some lemmas about validly annotated nodes

RF-edges carry only HLnabla labels

Lemma no_normals_on_rf :
   lab sb rf mo (CONS_RF: ConsistentRF_basic lab sb rf mo)
    a b (RF: rf b = Some a) hmap (VALID: hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap a)
    hfr (MAP: hmap (hb_rf a b) = Hdef hfr) l (ALL: hfr l HVnone) (NORMAL: HVlabeled (hfr l) HLnormal),
Lemma triangles_never_on_rf:
edge lab sb rf mo (CONS_RF: ConsistentRF_basic lab sb rf mo)
    (EV: edge_valid lab sb rf edge) hmap (VALID: hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap (hb_fst edge))
    hf (MAP: hmap edge = Hdef hf) l (ALL: hf l HVnone) (LAB: HVlabeled (hf l) HLtriangle),
  is_sb edge is_sink edge.
Every validly annotated memory access contains the accessed location in the domain of the heap of its incoming sb-edge
Lemma valid_accessD :
   lab sb rf hmap a
         (VALID : hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap a)
         (Aa : is_access (lab a)),
   pre hf,
    sb pre a hmap (hb_sb pre a) = Hdef hf
     hf (loc (lab a)) HVnone HVlabeled (hf (loc (lab a))) HLnormal.
The heap of every validly annotated non-atomic memory access maps the accessed location to some value.
Lemma valid_na_accessD :
   lab sb rf hmap a
         (VALID : hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap a)
         (NA : is_na (lab a)) pre
         (SB : sb pre a) hf
         (HM : hmap (hb_sb pre a) = Hdef hf),
  is_val (hf (loc (lab a))).

Lemma valid_readD :
   lab sb rf hmap a
         (VALID : hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap a)
         (Ra : is_read (lab a)),
   pre hf,
    sb pre a hmap (hb_sb pre a) = Hdef hf
     HVlabeledR (hf (loc (lab a))) HLnormal.

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