Library iris.proofmode.ident_name
ident_name is a way to remember an identifier within the binder of a
(trivial) function, which can be constructed and retrieved with Ltac but is easy
to forward around opaquely in Gallina (through typeclasses, for example)
to_ident_name is a Gallina-level version of to_ident_name for constructing
ident_name literals.
The idea of AsIdentName is to convert the binder in f to an ident_name
representing the name of the binder. If f is not a lambda, this typeclass can
produce the fallback identifier __unknown. For example, if the user writes
bi_exist Φ, there is no binder anywhere to extract.
This class has only one instance, a Hint Extern which implements that
conversion to resolve name in Ltac (see solve_as_ident_name).
Class AsIdentName {A B} (f : A → B) (name : ident_name) := as_ident_name {}.
Global Arguments as_ident_name {A B f} name : assert.
Ltac solve_as_ident_name :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- AsIdentName (λ H, _) _ ⇒
let name := to_ident_name H in
notypeclasses refine (as_ident_name name)
| |- AsIdentName _ _ ⇒
let name := to_ident_name ident:(__unknown) in
notypeclasses refine (as_ident_name name)
| |- _ ⇒ fail "solve_as_ident_name: goal should be `AsIdentName`"
Global Hint Extern 1 (AsIdentName _ _) ⇒ solve_as_ident_name : typeclass_instances.
Global Arguments as_ident_name {A B f} name : assert.
Ltac solve_as_ident_name :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- AsIdentName (λ H, _) _ ⇒
let name := to_ident_name H in
notypeclasses refine (as_ident_name name)
| |- AsIdentName _ _ ⇒
let name := to_ident_name ident:(__unknown) in
notypeclasses refine (as_ident_name name)
| |- _ ⇒ fail "solve_as_ident_name: goal should be `AsIdentName`"
Global Hint Extern 1 (AsIdentName _ _) ⇒ solve_as_ident_name : typeclass_instances.