Require Import List Vbase Relations ExtraRelations actions c11 cmon reorder.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Lemma path_decomp_u1_pre :
forall X rel a b x y
(T: clos_trans X (rel UNION1 (a, b)) x y)
(DOM : forall x, rel b x -> rel a x),
clos_trans X rel x y \/ clos_refl_trans X rel x a /\ y = b.
ins; eapply path_decomp_u1 in T; desf; eauto.
rewrite clos_refl_transE in T0; desf; eauto.
eapply t_step_rt in T0; desf; eauto.
left; eapply t_rt_trans; [eapply t_rt_step|]; eauto.
Lemma release_seq_u1_pre :
forall mt2 lab sb rf mo a b x y
(HB: release_seq mt2 lab (sb UNION1 (a,b)) rf mo x y)
(NWRI: ~ is_write (lab b))
(DOM: forall x (SB: sb b x), sb a x)
(NMO: forall x (MO: mo b x), False)
(NMO': forall x (MO: mo x b), False),
release_seq mt2 lab sb rf mo x y.
unfold release_seq, release_seq_elem, diff_thread, same_thread; ins; desf; desf; eauto;
[eapply path_decomp_u1_pre in RSE; desf; eauto; try solve [exfalso; eauto]| |];
try right; repeat split; unfold NW; ins; eauto;
try by exploit RSO; eauto; ins; desf; eauto;
eapply path_decomp_u1_pre in x1; desf; eauto; exfalso; eauto.
destruct mt2 as [[][]]; induction HB; unfold same_thread in *; ins;
eauto using release_seq_alt.
by eapply RS_thr; ins;
eapply path_decomp_u1_pre in RSthr; desf; eauto; exfalso; eauto.
Lemma path_decomp_u1_post :
forall X rel a b x y
(T: clos_trans X (rel UNION1 (a, b)) x y)
(DOM : forall x, rel x a -> rel x b),
clos_trans X rel x y \/ x = a /\ clos_refl_trans X rel b y.
ins; eapply path_decomp_u1 in T; desf; eauto.
rewrite clos_refl_transE in T; desf; eauto.
eapply t_rt_step in T; desf; eauto.
left; eapply rt_t_trans; [|eapply t_step_rt]; eauto.
Lemma release_seq_u1_post :
forall mt2 lab sb rf mo a b x y
(HB: release_seq mt2 lab (sb UNION1 (a,b)) rf mo x y)
(NWRI: ~ is_write (lab a))
(DOM: forall x (SB: sb x a), sb x b)
(NMO: forall x (MO: mo a x), False)
(NMO': forall x (MO: mo x a), False),
release_seq mt2 lab sb rf mo x y.
unfold release_seq, release_seq_elem, diff_thread, same_thread; ins; desf; desf; eauto;
[eapply path_decomp_u1_post in RSE; desf; eauto; try solve [exfalso; eauto]| |];
try right; repeat split; unfold NW; ins; eauto;
try by exploit RSO; eauto; ins; desf; eauto;
eapply path_decomp_u1_post in x1; desf; eauto; exfalso; eauto.
destruct mt2 as [[][]]; induction HB; unfold same_thread in *; ins;
eauto using release_seq_alt.
by eapply RS_thr; ins;
eapply path_decomp_u1_post in RSthr; desf; eauto; exfalso; eauto.
Lemma path_decomp_u1_both :
forall X rel a b x y
(T: clos_trans X (rel UNION1 (a, b)) x y)
(DOM : forall x, rel b x -> rel a x)
(DOM' : forall x, rel x a -> rel x b),
clos_trans X rel x y \/ x = a /\ y = b.
ins; eapply path_decomp_u1 in T; desf; eauto.
rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf; eauto; left.
by eapply t_rt_step in T; desf; eapply t_rt_step; eauto.
by eapply t_step_rt in T0; desf; eapply t_step_rt; eauto.
by eapply t_rt_step in T; desf; eapply t_trans with b; [eapply t_rt_step|]; eauto.
Lemma RacqFacq_hb :
forall mt2 lab (sb asw : relation actid) rf mo
(Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo) a b
(DOM: forall x (SB: sb b x), sb a x)
(DOM': forall x (SB: asw b x), asw a x)
(DOM'': forall x (SB: sb x a), sb x b)
(Aa: is_acquire_read (lab a))
(Ab: lab b = Afence (thread (lab a)) FATacq) c d
(HB: happens_before mt2 lab (sb UNION1 (a,b)) asw rf mo c d),
happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo c d
\/ c = a /\ d = b
\/ happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo c a /\ d = b.
ins; induction HB; des; subst; eauto with hb.
unfold synchronizes_with in *; desf; desf; eauto; try (by left; vauto);
try eapply release_seq_u1_pre in RS; eauto; rewrite ?Ab; ins;
try (by eapply (proj1 Cmo) in MO; rewrite Ab in MO; ins; desf);
try eapply path_decomp_u1_both in SBR; desf; eauto;
try eapply path_decomp_u1_both in SBW; desf; eauto;
try (by left; constructor; right; left; red; desf; unfold NW; eauto 16);
try (rewrite Ab in SWthr; ins);
try (by right; right; split; ins; apply sw_in_hb; red; unnw;
unfold diff_thread in *; desf; rewrite Ab in *; ins; eauto 16);
try (by destruct (lab a)).
clear HB1 HB2; unfold happens_before in *.
rewrite t_step_rt in *; desf; desf; eauto 6 using rt_step.
by exfalso; unfold synchronizes_with in *; desf; rewrite Ab in *.
eapply t_trans with a; ins.
clear HB1 HB2 IHHB1; unfold happens_before in *.
rewrite t_step_rt in *; desf; desf; eauto 6 using rt_step.
by exfalso; unfold synchronizes_with in *; desf; rewrite Ab in *.
Lemma RacqFacq_acyclic :
forall mt2 lab sb asw rf mo rel
(Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo)
(ACYC : acyclic (fun x y => happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x y \/ rel x y)) a b
(Aa: is_acquire_read (lab a))
(Ab: lab b = Afence (thread (lab a)) FATacq)
(DOM: forall x (SB: sb b x), sb a x)
(DOM': forall x (SB: asw b x), asw a x)
(DOM'': forall x (SB: sb x a), sb x b)
(NREL: forall z (REL: rel b z), False),
acyclic (fun x y => happens_before mt2 lab (sb UNION1 (a, b)) asw rf mo x y \/ rel x y).
ins; intros x TT.
assert (T: clos_trans actid
(fun x y : actid =>
x = a /\ y = b \/ (happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x y \/
rel x y)) x x).
{ revert TT; generalize x at 1 3; induction 1; ins; desf;
eauto 10 using clos_trans, sb_in_hb.
eapply RacqFacq_hb in H; desf; eauto 10 using clos_trans, sb_in_hb.
clear TT; eapply cycle_decomp_u1 in T; desf; eauto.
rewrite clos_refl_transE in T; desf; [by rewrite Ab in *; desf|].
unfold happens_before in T; rewrite clos_trans_of_clos_trans1, t_step_rt in T.
desf; eauto.
by eapply (ACYC a); unfold happens_before;
rewrite clos_trans_of_clos_trans1, t_step_rt;
eauto 6.
by unfold synchronizes_with in T; desf; rewrite Ab in *; ins.
by eapply (ACYC a); unfold happens_before;
rewrite clos_trans_of_clos_trans1, t_step_rt;
eauto 8.
Theorem RacqFacq_par :
forall mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc)
a (Aa: is_acquire_read (lab a))
b (Ab: lab b = Afence (thread (lab a)) FATacq)
(DOM: forall x (SB: sb b x), sb a x)
(DOM': forall x (SB: asw b x), asw a x)
(DOM'': forall x (SB: sb x a), sb x b),
<< CONS': Consistent mt mt2 mtsc acts lab (sb UNION1 (a,b)) dsb asw rf mo sc >> /\
<< RACE: racy mt2 lab sb asw rf mo -> racy mt2 lab (sb UNION1 (a,b)) asw rf mo >>.
unfold Consistent; intros; desf; unfold NW; intuition.
split; unfold NW; ins; desf; try by apply FIN; eauto.
by split; apply FIN; intro X; rewrite X in *.
red; ins.
eapply RacqFacq_hb in H; eauto; desf; desf; eauto.
rewrite Ab in *; ins.
apply t_step_rt in H; desf.
by rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf; eauto with hb.
by red in H; desf; destruct (lab b); ins; desf.
by rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf; eauto with hb.
destruct mt; ins; unfold rfna in *.
by red; ins; eauto using happens_before_mon_sb.
by eapply RacqFacq_acyclic; eauto; ins; desc; kill_incons Aa Ab.
by eapply RacqFacq_acyclic; eauto; ins; desc; kill_incons Aa Ab.
by unfold ConsistentSB in *; ins; desf; rewrite ?Aa, ?Ab; eauto.
by unfold ConsistentDSB, inclusion in *; desf; intuition; eauto using clos_trans_mon.
repeat red; ins; eapply RacqFacq_hb in REL; eauto; desf; rewrite ?Aa, ?Ab in *; ins.
by eapply CmoH; eauto.
unfold ConsistentSC in *; desf; intuition; repeat red; ins.
eapply RacqFacq_hb in REL; eauto; desf; rewrite ?Aa, ?Ab in *; ins.
by eapply Chbsc; eauto.
red; ins; edestruct Cscr; eauto; desf; right; split; ins.
by eapply RacqFacq_hb in HB; eauto; desf; rewrite ?Aa, ?Ab in *; ins; eauto;
unfold sc_restr_cond, immediate, sc_restr in *; desf; rewrite ?Ab in *; desf.
red; ins; exploit CrfN; eauto.
by eapply RacqFacq_hb in HB; eauto; desf; rewrite ?Aa, ?Ab in *; ins.
red; ins; exploit CrfS; eauto; unfold NW; ins; desf.
by repeat eexists; eauto using happens_before_mon_sb.
red; ins; exploit CrfH; eauto; ins; desf; repeat eexists; eauto.
by eapply RacqFacq_hb in HB; eauto; desf; kill_incons Aa Ab.
red; ins; eapply RacqFacq_hb in HB; eauto; desf; kill_incons Aa Ab.
by eapply Crr; eauto.
red; ins; eapply RacqFacq_hb in HB; eauto; desf; kill_incons Aa Ab.
by eapply Cwr; eauto.
red; ins; eapply RacqFacq_hb in HB; eauto; desf; kill_incons Aa Ab.
by eapply Crw; eauto.
unfold racy in *; desc; unnw; repeat (eexists; try edone);
clear WRI NA; intro HB; eapply RacqFacq_hb in HB; eauto;
desf; rewrite ?Aa, ?Ab in *; ins; eauto.
Corollary RacqFacq_par_paper :
forall mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc a b,
Consistent mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc ->
adjacent sb a b ->
adjacent asw a b ->
is_acquire_read (lab a) ->
lab b = Afence (thread (lab a)) FATacq ->
<< CONS': Consistent mt mt2 mtsc acts lab (sb UNION1 (a,b)) dsb asw rf mo sc >> /\
<< RACE: racy mt2 lab sb asw rf mo -> racy mt2 lab (sb UNION1 (a,b)) asw rf mo >>.
unfold NW, adjacent; ins; desc; apply RacqFacq_par; eauto.
Lemma FrelWrel_hb :
forall mt2 lab (sb asw : relation actid) rf mo a b
(Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo)
(DOM: forall x (SB: sb b x), sb a x)
(DOM': forall x (SB: asw x a), asw x b)
(DOM'': forall x (SB: sb x a), sb x b)
(Ab: is_release_write (lab b))
(Aa: lab a = Afence (thread (lab b)) FATrel) c d
(HB: happens_before mt2 lab (sb UNION1 (a,b)) asw rf mo c d),
happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo c d
\/ c = a /\ d = b
\/ c = a /\ happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo b d.
ins; induction HB; desf; eauto with hb.
unfold synchronizes_with in *; desf; desf; eauto; try (by left; vauto);
try eapply release_seq_u1_post in RS; eauto; rewrite ?Aa; ins;
try (by eapply (proj1 Cmo) in MO; rewrite Aa in MO; ins; desf);
try eapply path_decomp_u1_both in SBR; desf; eauto;
try eapply path_decomp_u1_both in SBW; desf; eauto;
try (by left; apply sw_in_hb; red; desf; unfold NW; eauto 16);
try (rewrite Aa in SWthr; ins);
try (by right; right; split; ins; apply sw_in_hb; red; unnw;
unfold diff_thread in *; desf; rewrite Aa in *; ins; eauto 16);
try (by destruct (lab b)).
clear HB1 HB2; unfold happens_before in *.
rewrite t_rt_step in *; desf; desf; eauto 6 using rt_step.
by exfalso; unfold synchronizes_with in *; desf; rewrite Aa in *.
eapply t_trans with b; ins.
clear HB1 HB2 IHHB0; unfold happens_before in *.
rewrite t_rt_step in *; desf; desf; eauto 6 using rt_step.
by exfalso; unfold synchronizes_with in *; desf; rewrite Aa in *.
Lemma FrelWrel_acyclic :
forall mt2 lab sb asw rf mo rel
(Cmo: ConsistentMO lab mo)
(ACYC : acyclic (fun x y => happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x y \/ rel x y))
a b
(Aa: lab a = Afence (thread (lab b)) FATrel)
(Ab: is_release_write (lab b))
(DOM: forall x (SB: sb b x), sb a x)
(DOM': forall x (SB: asw x a), asw x b)
(DOM'': forall x (SB: sb x a), sb x b)
(NREL: forall z (REL: rel z a), False),
acyclic (fun x y => happens_before mt2 lab (sb UNION1 (a, b)) asw rf mo x y \/ rel x y).
ins; intros x TT.
assert (T: clos_trans actid
(fun x y : actid =>
x = a /\ y = b \/ (happens_before mt2 lab sb asw rf mo x y \/
rel x y)) x x).
{ revert TT; generalize x at 1 3; induction 1; ins; desf;
eauto 10 using clos_trans, sb_in_hb.
by eapply FrelWrel_hb in H; desf; eauto 10 using clos_trans, sb_in_hb.
clear TT; eapply cycle_decomp_u1 in T; desf; eauto.
rewrite clos_refl_transE in T; desf; [by rewrite Aa in *; desf|].
unfold happens_before in T; rewrite clos_trans_of_clos_trans1, t_rt_step in T.
desf; eauto.
by eapply (ACYC b); unfold happens_before;
rewrite clos_trans_of_clos_trans1, t_rt_step;
eauto 6.
by unfold synchronizes_with in T0; desf; rewrite Aa in *; ins.
by eapply (ACYC b); unfold happens_before;
rewrite clos_trans_of_clos_trans1, t_rt_step;
eauto 8.
Theorem FrelWrel_par :
forall mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc
(CONS: Consistent mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc) a b
(Aa: lab a = Afence (thread (lab b)) FATrel)
(Ab: is_release_write (lab b))
(DOM: forall x (SB: sb b x), sb a x)
(DOM': forall x (SB: asw x a), asw x b)
(DOM'': forall x (SB: sb x a), sb x b),
<< CONS': Consistent mt mt2 mtsc acts lab (sb UNION1 (a,b)) dsb asw rf mo sc >> /\
<< RACE: racy mt2 lab sb asw rf mo -> racy mt2 lab (sb UNION1 (a,b)) asw rf mo >>.
unfold Consistent; intros; desf; unfold NW; intuition.
split; unfold NW; ins; desf; try by apply FIN; eauto.
by split; apply FIN; intro X; rewrite X in *.
red; ins.
eapply FrelWrel_hb in H; eauto; desf; desf; eauto.
rewrite Aa in *; ins.
apply t_rt_step in H0; desf.
by rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf; eauto with hb.
by red in H1; desf; destruct (lab a); ins; desf.
by rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf; eauto with hb.
destruct mt; ins; unfold rfna in *.
by red; ins; eauto using happens_before_mon_sb.
by eapply FrelWrel_acyclic; eauto; ins; desc; kill_incons Aa Ab.
by eapply FrelWrel_acyclic; eauto; ins; desc; kill_incons Aa Ab.
by unfold ConsistentSB in *; ins; desf; rewrite ?Aa, ?Ab; eauto.
by unfold ConsistentDSB, inclusion in *; desf; intuition; eauto using clos_trans_mon.
repeat red; ins; eapply FrelWrel_hb in REL; eauto; desf; rewrite ?Aa, ?Ab in *; ins.
by eapply CmoH; eauto.
unfold ConsistentSC in *; desf; intuition; repeat red; ins.
eapply FrelWrel_hb in REL; eauto; desf; rewrite ?Aa, ?Ab in *; ins.
by eapply Chbsc; eauto.
red; ins; edestruct Cscr; eauto; desf; right; split; ins.
by eapply FrelWrel_hb in HB; eauto; desf; rewrite ?Aa, ?Ab in *; ins; eauto;
eapply Crf in RF; rewrite ?Aa in *; desf.
red; ins; exploit CrfN; eauto.
by eapply FrelWrel_hb in HB; eauto; desf; rewrite ?Aa, ?Ab in *; ins.
red; ins; exploit CrfS; eauto; unfold NW; ins; desf.
by repeat eexists; eauto using happens_before_mon_sb.
red; ins; exploit CrfH; eauto; ins; desf; repeat eexists; eauto.
by eapply FrelWrel_hb in HB; eauto; desf; kill_incons Aa Ab.
red; ins; eapply FrelWrel_hb in HB; eauto; desf; kill_incons Aa Ab.
by eapply Crr; eauto.
red; ins; eapply FrelWrel_hb in HB; eauto; desf; kill_incons Aa Ab.
by eapply Cwr; eauto.
red; ins; eapply FrelWrel_hb in HB; eauto; desf; kill_incons Aa Ab.
by eapply Crw; eauto.
unfold racy in *; desc; unnw; repeat (eexists; try edone);
clear WRI NA; intro HB; eapply FrelWrel_hb in HB; eauto;
desf; rewrite ?Aa, ?Ab in *; ins; eauto.
Corollary FrelWrel_par_paper :
forall mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc a b,
Consistent mt mt2 mtsc acts lab sb dsb asw rf mo sc ->
adjacent sb a b ->
adjacent asw a b ->
lab a = Afence (thread (lab b)) FATrel ->
is_release_write (lab b) ->
<< CONS': Consistent mt mt2 mtsc acts lab (sb UNION1 (a,b)) dsb asw rf mo sc >> /\
<< RACE: racy mt2 lab sb asw rf mo -> racy mt2 lab (sb UNION1 (a,b)) asw rf mo >>.
unfold adjacent; ins; desc; eapply FrelWrel_par; eauto.
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