Correspondence between SRA and SRArmw

Require Import Omega Classical List Relations Peano_dec Even Div2.
Require Import Vbase ExtraRelations cactions RAmodels.
Set Implicit Arguments.

We relate SRA-coherence with an alternative definition that does not have update events, but rather splits them into two po-adjacent events: an atomic read event followed by an atomic write event.

Definition to_load a :=
  match a with
    | Armw tid kind l v v'Aload tid RATacq l v
    | Astore tid _ _ _Askip tid
    | _a

Definition to_store a :=
  match a with
    | Armw tid kind l v v'Astore tid WATrel l v'
    | Aload tid _ _ _Askip tid
    | _a

Lemma is_write_to_load x : is_write (to_load x) = false.

Lemma is_write_to_store x : is_write (to_store x) = is_write x.

Lemma is_read_to_load x : is_read (to_load x) = is_read x.

Lemma is_read_to_store x : is_read (to_store x) = false.

Lemma is_rmw_to_load x : is_rmw (to_load x) = false.

Lemma is_rmw_to_store x : is_rmw (to_store x) = false.

Lemma odd2 x: odd (double x) False.

Lemma evenS x : even (S x) odd x.

Lemma oddS x : odd (S x) even x.

Lemma even2 x: even (double x) True.

Lemma div22 x : div2 (double x) = x.

Lemma div2S2 x : div2 (S (double x)) = x.

We first prove that given an SRA-coherent execution, splitting its update events into pairs of atomic read and write events yields an SRArmw-coherent execution.

Theorem ConsistentSRA_rmw acts lab sb rf mo
  (CONS: ConsistentSRA acts lab sb rf mo) acts'
  (AEQ: acts' = map (fun xdouble x) acts
                ++ map (fun xS (double x)) acts)
  sb' (POE: x y, sb' x y sb (div2 x) (div2 y)
                                    In (div2 x) acts div2 x = div2 y y = S x)
  rf' (RFE: x, rf' x =
                        if even_odd_dec x then
                          match rf (div2 x) with
                            | Some ySome (S (double y))
                            | NoneNone
                        else None) :
  ConsistentSRArmw acts' (fun xif even_odd_dec x then to_load (lab (div2 x))
                                   else to_store (lab (div2 x)))
                   sb' rf'
                   (fun x yis_rmw (lab (div2 x)) div2 x = div2 y y = S x)
                   (fun x yodd x odd y mo (div2 x) (div2 y)).

We now prove the other direction. Given an SRArmw-coherent execution, merging the matching atomic read and write events into a single update events yields an SRA-coherent execution.

Definition to_rmw a a' :=
  match a, a' with
    | Aload _ _ _ v, Astore tid kind l v'
      Armw tid UATrel_acq l v v'
    | _, _Askip 0

Lemma loc_helper
  lab sb rmw (C: ConsistentRMW_dom lab sb rmw)
  rmw_read (RMWR: x, rmw_read x = true rmw_w, rmw x rmw_w)
  getr (GETL: x y, getr y = Some x rmw x y)
  a (W : is_write (lab a)) :
  loc (if rmw_read a
       then Askip 0
         match getr a with
           | Some rto_rmw (lab r) (lab a)
           | Nonelab a
         end) = loc (lab a).

Theorem ConsistentSRA_rmw2 acts lab sb rf mo rmw
  (CONS: ConsistentSRArmw acts lab sb rf rmw mo)
  (NORMW: a, is_rmw (lab a) = false)
  rmw_read (RMWR: x, rmw_read x = true rmw_w, rmw x rmw_w)
  getr (GETL: x y, getr y = Some x rmw x y)

  rf' (RFE: x, rf' x =
                        if rmw_read x then None
                        else match getr x with
                               | Some rrf r
                               | Nonerf x
                             end) :
  ConsistentSRA acts (fun xif rmw_read x then Askip 0
                               else match getr x with
                                      | Some rto_rmw (lab r) (lab x)
                                      | Nonelab x
                sb rf' mo.

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