Require Import Vbase Relations ClassicalDescription ClassicalChoice.
Require Import List Permutation Sorting extralib.
Require Import c11 exps.
Require Import GpsFraction GpsSepAlg GpsModel GpsModelLemmas GpsGlobal.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Helper lemmas for showing global safety preservation

Irrelevant updates

Ltac kill_upd_irr :=
  intros; match goal with
            | |- ?l _ = ?l _unfold l
            | |- ?l _ _ = ?l _ _unfold l
            | |- ?l _ _ _ = ?l _ _ _unfold l
            | |- ?l _ _ _ _ = ?l _ _ _ _unfold l
            | |- ?l _ _ _ _ _ = ?l _ _ _ _ _unfold l
            | |- ?l _ _ _ _ _ _ = ?l _ _ _ _ _ _unfold l
  rewrite !map_upd_irr, ?updo; ins; intro;
  repeat (rewrite ?in_map_iff, ?in_flatten_iff in *; desf);
  match goal with H : _ |- _by edestruct H; eauto end.

Lemma in_sb_upd_irr :
   acts L te r a,
    ( b, te Tsb b a)
    in_sb acts (upd L te r) a = in_sb acts L a.
Proof. kill_upd_irr. Qed.

Lemma in_rf_upd_irr :
   acts L te r a,
    ( b, te Trf b a)
    in_rf acts (upd L te r) a = in_rf acts L a.
Proof. kill_upd_irr. Qed.

Lemma in_esc_upd_irr :
   acts L te r a,
    ( b, te Tesc b a)
    in_esc acts (upd L te r) a = in_esc acts L a.
Proof. kill_upd_irr. Qed.

Lemma out_sb_upd_irr :
   acts L te r a,
    ( b, te Tsb a b) te TsbS a
    out_sb acts (upd L te r) a = out_sb acts L a.
Proof. kill_upd_irr. Qed.

Lemma out_rf_upd_irr :
   acts L te r a,
    ( b, te Trf a b) te TrfS a
    out_rf acts (upd L te r) a = out_rf acts L a.
Proof. kill_upd_irr. Qed.

Lemma out_esc_upd_irr :
   acts L te r EE a,
    ( b, te Tesc a b)
    ( sigma, te TescS sigma a)
    out_esc acts (upd L te r) EE a = out_esc acts L EE a.
Proof. kill_upd_irr. Qed.

Lemma incoming_upd_irr :
   acts L te r a,
    te_tgt te Some a
    incoming acts (upd L te r) a = incoming acts L a.
  unfold incoming; ins; desf;
  rewrite ?in_sb_upd_irr, ?in_rf_upd_irr, ?in_esc_upd_irr; ins; rupd;
  intro X; desf.

Lemma outgoing_upd_irr :
   acts L te r EE a,
    te_src te a
    outgoing acts (upd L te r) EE a = outgoing acts L EE a.
  unfold outgoing; ins; desf;
  rewrite ?out_sb_upd_irr, ?out_rf_upd_irr, ?out_esc_upd_irr; ins; rupd;
  intro X; desf.

Update inside

Ltac kill_upd_in r :=
  intros; match goal with
            | |- ?l _ = _unfold l
            | |- ?l _ _ = _unfold l
            | |- ?l _ _ _ = _unfold l
            | |- ?l _ _ _ _ = _unfold l
            | |- ?l _ _ _ _ _ = _unfold l
            | |- ?l _ _ _ _ _ _ = _unfold l
          end; match goal with H: In _ _ |- _
            apply In_NoDup_Permutation in H; desf;
            rewrite ?(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ (Permutation_map _ H)));
            simpl; rupd; rewrite res_plus_emp_l;
            rewrite !map_upd_irr; try (by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf)
          end; rewrite (res_plusC r); try done; rewrite ?res_plusA; try done.

Lemma in_sb_upd_in :
   acts L r a b (IN: In a acts) (ND: NoDup acts),
    in_sb acts (upd L (Tsb a b) r) b =
    in_sb acts (upd L (Tsb a b) res_emp) b +!+ r.
  kill_upd_in r.

Lemma out_sb_upd_in :
   acts L r a b (IN: In b acts) (ND: NoDup acts),
    out_sb acts (upd L (Tsb a b) r) a =
    out_sb acts (upd L (Tsb a b) res_emp) a +!+ r.
  kill_upd_in r.

Lemma in_rf_upd_in :
   acts L r a b (IN: In a acts) (ND: NoDup acts),
    in_rf acts (upd L (Trf a b) r) b =
    in_rf acts (upd L (Trf a b) res_emp) b +!+ r.
  kill_upd_in r.

Lemma out_rf_upd_in :
   acts L r a b (IN: In b acts) (ND: NoDup acts),
    out_rf acts (upd L (Trf a b) r) a =
    out_rf acts (upd L (Trf a b) res_emp) a +!+ r.
  kill_upd_in r.

Lemma in_esc_upd_in :
   acts L r a b (IN: In a acts) (ND: NoDup acts),
    in_esc acts (upd L (Tesc a b) r) b =
    in_esc acts (upd L (Tesc a b) res_emp) b +!+ r.
  kill_upd_in r.

Lemma out_esc_upd_in1 :
   acts L EE r a b (IN: In b acts) (ND: NoDup acts),
    out_esc acts (upd L (Tesc a b) r) EE a =
    out_esc acts (upd L (Tesc a b) res_emp) EE a +!+ r.
  kill_upd_in r.

Lemma out_esc_upd_in2 :
   acts L EE r sigma a (IN: In sigma EE) (ND: NoDup EE),
    out_esc acts (upd L (TescS sigma a) r) EE a =
    out_esc acts (upd L (TescS sigma a) res_emp) EE a +!+ r.
  by kill_upd_in r; f_equal; apply res_plusC.

Lemma incoming_upd_in :
   acts L r te b (TGT: te_tgt te = Some b) (IN: In (te_src te) acts) (ND: NoDup acts),
    incoming acts (upd L te r) b =
    incoming acts (upd L te res_emp) b +!+ r.
  unfold incoming; destruct te; ins; desf;
  [ rewrite in_sb_upd_in, !in_rf_upd_irr, !in_esc_upd_irr
  | rewrite !in_sb_upd_irr, in_rf_upd_in, !in_esc_upd_irr
  | rewrite !in_sb_upd_irr, !in_rf_upd_irr, in_esc_upd_in ]; ins;
  rewrite ?(res_plusC _ r), ?res_plusA, ?(res_plusAC r); ins.

Lemma outgoing_upd_in_alt :
   acts L te b r EE,
    ( sigma, te = TescS sigma b In sigma EE NoDup EE)
    ( a, te_tgt te = Some a In a acts NoDup acts)
    te_src te = b
    outgoing acts (upd L te r) EE b =
    outgoing acts (upd L te res_emp) EE b +!+ r.
  ins; desf; rewrite <- !(res_plusC r).
  unfold outgoing; destruct te; ins; desf.
  × specialize (H0 _ eq_refl); desc; apply in_split in H0; desf.
    rewrite nodup_app, nodup_cons in *; ins; desf.
    unfold out_sb; rupd;
    rewrite !out_esc_upd_irr, !out_rf_upd_irr, !map_app, !rsum_app; ins.
    by rupd; rewrite !map_upd_irr, !res_plusA, res_plus_emp_l, !(res_plusAC r);
       ins; rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf; eauto using in_eq.
  × by unfold out_sb; rupd;
       rewrite !out_rf_upd_irr, !out_esc_upd_irr, !map_upd_irr,
             !res_plusA, res_plus_emp_l;
       ins; rewrite !in_map_iff; intro; desf.
  × specialize (H0 _ eq_refl); desc; apply in_split in H0; desf.
    rewrite nodup_app, nodup_cons in *; ins; desf.
    unfold out_rf; rupd;
    rewrite !out_esc_upd_irr, !out_sb_upd_irr, !map_app, !rsum_app; ins.
    by rupd; rewrite !map_upd_irr, !res_plusA, res_plus_emp_l, !(res_plusAC r);
       ins; rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf; eauto using in_eq.
  × by unfold out_rf; rupd;
       rewrite !out_sb_upd_irr, !out_esc_upd_irr, !map_upd_irr,
            !res_plusA, res_plus_emp_l, !(res_plusAC r);
       ins; rewrite !in_map_iff; intro; desf.
  × specialize (H0 _ eq_refl); desc; apply in_split in H0; desf.
    rewrite nodup_app, nodup_cons in *; ins; desf.
    unfold out_esc; rupd;
    rewrite !out_rf_upd_irr, !out_sb_upd_irr, !map_app, !rsum_app; ins.
    by rupd; rewrite !map_upd_irr, ?res_plusA, res_plus_emp_l, !(res_plusAC r);
       ins; rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf; eauto using in_eq.
  × specialize (H _ eq_refl); desc; apply in_split in H; desf.
    rewrite nodup_app, nodup_cons in *; ins; desf.
    unfold out_esc; rupd;
    rewrite !out_sb_upd_irr, !out_rf_upd_irr, !map_app, !rsum_app; ins.
    by rupd; rewrite !map_upd_irr, !res_plusA, res_plus_emp_l, !(res_plusAC r);
       ins; rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf; eauto using in_eq.

Lemma outgoing_upd_in :
   acts L te b r1 r EE,
    ( sigma, te = TescS sigma b In sigma EE NoDup EE)
    ( a, te_tgt te = Some a In a acts NoDup acts)
    te_src te = b
    L te = r1
    outgoing acts (upd L te (r1 +!+ r)) EE b =
    outgoing acts L EE b +!+ r.
  ins; rewrite outgoing_upd_in_alt; ins; desf.
  rewrite <- updI with (f:=L) (a:=te) at 3.
  symmetry; rewrite outgoing_upd_in_alt, res_plusA; desf.

Lemma outgoing_upd2_acc :
   acts L te1 r1 r te2 r2 EE b,
    ( sigma a, te1 = TescS sigma a te2 = TescS sigma a In sigma EE NoDup EE)
    ( a, te_tgt te1 = Some a te_tgt te2 = Some a In a acts NoDup acts)
    te_src te1 = te_src te2
    te1 te2
    L te1 = r1
    outgoing acts (upd (upd L te1 (r1 +!+ r)) te2 r2) EE b =
    outgoing acts (upd L te2 (r2 +!+ r)) EE b.
  ins; destruct (eqP b (te_src te1)); clarify.
  2: rewrite !outgoing_upd_irr in *; congruence.
  rewrite updC, outgoing_upd_in; rupd; ins; desf; ins; eauto.
  do 2 (rewrite outgoing_upd_in_alt; ins; desf; ins; eauto; symmetry).
  apply res_plusA.

Lemma outgoing_upd2_swap :
   acts L te1 r1 te2 r2 EE b,
    ( sigma a, te1 = TescS sigma a te2 = TescS sigma a In sigma EE NoDup EE)
    ( a, te_tgt te1 = Some a te_tgt te2 = Some a In a acts NoDup acts)
    te_src te1 = te_src te2
    te1 te2
    outgoing acts (upd (upd L te1 (r1 +!+ L te2)) te2 r2) EE b =
    outgoing acts (upd L te1 (r1 +!+ r2)) EE b.
  ins; destruct (eqP b (te_src te1)); clarify.
  2: rewrite !outgoing_upd_irr in *; congruence.
  rewrite outgoing_upd_in_alt; ins; desf; eauto.
  rewrite updC, outgoing_upd_in_alt; ins; desf; eauto.
  rewrite <- (res_plusC (L te2)), <- res_plusA.
  rewrite updC, <- outgoing_upd_in_alt, updC, updI,
          res_plusA, <- outgoing_upd_in_alt; ins; desf; eauto.

Same update

Lemma in_rf_upds acts L a b r :
  NoDup acts
  In a acts
  in_rf acts L b = res_emp
  in_rf acts (upd L (Trf a b) r) b = r.
  unfold in_rf; intros ND H.
  eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in H; desf.
  rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ (Permutation_map _ H))); simpl; rupd.
  rewrite map_upd_irr; try (by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf).
  by intro X; apply res_plus_eq_empD, proj2 in X; rewrite X, res_plus_emp_r.

Other updates

Lemma replace_out_rf :
   a b c L acts
    (NEQ: c b)
    (ND: NoDup acts)
    (EMP: L (Trf a b) = res_emp),
  out_rf acts (upd L (Trf a b) (res_strip (out_rf acts L a))) c = out_rf acts L c.
  ins; unfold out_rf.
  destruct (classic (In b acts)); desf.
    destruct (classic (a = c)); desf.
      eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in H; eauto; desf.
      rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ (Permutation_map _ H))); ins.
      rewrite ?upds, !map_upd_irr, ?updo; ins; try by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf.
      by rewrite EMP, res_plus_emp_l, res_plusAC, res_plusC, res_plus_strip_idemp.
    by rewrite map_upd_irr, updo; ins; rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf.
  by rewrite map_upd_irr, updo; ins; rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf.

Lemma replace_out_rf2 :
   a b acts c L
    (ND: NoDup acts)
    (INa: In a acts)
    (INb: In b acts)
    (EQ: L (TrfS a) = out_rf acts L a),
    out_rf (acts)
           (upd (upd L (TrfS a) (res_strip (out_rf acts L a)))
           (Trf a b) (out_rf acts L a)) c =
    out_rf acts L c.
  ins; unfold out_rf in ×.
  destruct (classic (a = c)); desf.
  2: by rewrite !map_upd_irr; rupd; ins; try rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf.
  eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in INb; eauto; desf.
  revert EQ.
  rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ (Permutation_map _ INb))); ins.
  rewrite !map_upd_irr; rupd; try by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf.
  rewrite <- res_plusA, res_plus_strip_l.
  case (classic (L (TrfS c) = Rundef)); [intros → | intro D]; ins.
  exploit res_plus_ubound; eauto; intro X; rewrite rknow_plusE in X; desf.
    by rewrite X0 at 2; rewrite !res_plusA, res_plus_strip_idemp.
  intro M; rewrite M in *; destruct (L (TrfS c)); ins.

Lemma replace_edge_emp :
   A (a : A) f pi l
    (EMP: f a = res_emp)
    (ND: NoDup l)
    (IN : In a l),
  rsum (map (upd f a pi) l) = pi +!+ rsum (map f l).
  ins; induction ND; ins.
  desf; rewrite ?upds, ?updo, ?EMP, ?res_plus_emp_l; try congruence.
    by rewrite map_upd_irr.
  by rewrite IHND, res_plusAC.

Lemma helper2 A f (x : A) l :
  NoDup l
  res_strip (f x) +!+ rsum (map f l) = Rundef
  rsum (map f (undup (x :: l))) = Rundef.
  ins; desf; rewrite undup_nodup; ins.
    eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in i; desf.
    rewrite (Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map f i)) in *; ins.
    by rewrite res_plusAC, <- res_plusA, res_plus_strip_idemp in H0.
  by rewrite <- (res_plus_strip_idemp (f x)), res_plusA, H0, res_plusC.

Lemma replace_out_sb :
   a b c L r1 r2 acts (ND: NoDup acts) (IN : In b acts)
    (EMP: L (Tsb a b) +!+ L (TsbS a) = r1 +!+ r2),
  out_sb acts (upd (upd L (Tsb a b) r1) (TsbS a) r2) c = out_sb acts L c.
  ins; unfold out_sb.
  destruct (classic (a = c)); desf; rupd; try congruence.
  2: by rewrite !map_upd_irr; ins; try by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf.
  eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in IN; eauto; desf.
  rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ (Permutation_map _ IN))); ins; rupd.
  rewrite !map_upd_irr; ins; try by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf.
  by rewrite <- !res_plusA; f_equal; rewrite res_plusC, <- EMP, res_plusC.

Lemma out_esc_upd_in :
   acts L sigma b r1 r EE,
    In sigma EE
    NoDup EE
    L (TescS sigma b) = r1
    out_esc acts (upd L (TescS sigma b) (r1 +!+ r)) EE b =
    out_esc acts L EE b +!+ r.
  ins; unfold out_esc; eapply in_split in H; desf;
  rewrite !map_app, !rsum_app; ins.
  rewrite nodup_app, nodup_cons in *; desf.
  unfold disjoint in *; ins.
  rupd; rewrite !map_upd_irr, !res_plusA; rewrite ?in_map_iff;
    try intro; desf; eauto.
  by rewrite (res_plusC _ r), !(res_plusAC r).

Lemma replace_outgoing :
   te1 te2 b
    (S : te_src te1 = te_src te2)
    (T : te_tgt te1 = None)
    (S : te_tgt te2 = Some b)
    acts (ND: NoDup acts) (IN' : In b acts)
    EE (NDE: NoDup EE)
    (IN1: sigma, te1 = TescS sigma (te_src te1) In sigma EE)
    L r1 r2 (EQ: L te1 +!+ L te2 = r1 +!+ r2) c,
  outgoing acts (upd (upd L te1 r1) te2 r2) EE c =
  outgoing acts L EE c.
  ins; destruct (eqP c (te_src te1)); clarify.
  2: rewrite !outgoing_upd_irr; congruence.
  unfold outgoing.
  destruct te2; ins; desf;
    [ rewrite out_rf_upd_irr, out_esc_upd_irr; ins
    | rewrite out_sb_upd_irr, out_esc_upd_irr; ins
    | rewrite out_sb_upd_irr, out_rf_upd_irr; ins ];
  rewrite updC; ins; try (by intro; destruct te1; desf);
  (destruct te1; ins; desf;
    [ rewrite out_rf_upd_irr, out_esc_upd_irr; ins
    | rewrite out_sb_upd_irr, out_esc_upd_irr; ins
    | rewrite out_sb_upd_irr, out_rf_upd_irr; ins ]).
by rewrite replace_out_sb; ins; rewrite res_plusC, EQ, res_plusC.

rewrite <- (updI L (Tsb a b)) at 4.
rewrite out_sb_upd_in; ins; symmetry; rewrite out_sb_upd_in; ins.
rewrite !res_plusA; f_equal.
rewrite <- !res_plusA; f_equal.
unfold out_rf; rupd; rewrite !map_upd_irr; ins; try by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf.
by rewrite <- res_plusAC, <- res_plusA, EQ, res_plusA, res_plusAC.

rewrite res_plusAC; symmetry; rewrite res_plusAC; f_equal.
rewrite <- (updI L (Tsb a b)) at 1; do 2 (rewrite out_sb_upd_in; ins; symmetry).
rewrite <- (updI L (TescS sigma a)) at 3; do 2 (rewrite out_esc_upd_in2; auto; symmetry).
rewrite res_plusAC; symmetry; rewrite res_plusAC; f_equal.
by rewrite !res_plusA; f_equal; do 2 (rewrite res_plusC; symmetry).

rewrite <- !res_plusA; f_equal.
rewrite <- (updI L (Trf a b)) at 4.
rewrite out_rf_upd_in; ins; symmetry; rewrite out_rf_upd_in; ins.
rewrite res_plusAC; symmetry; rewrite res_plusAC; f_equal.
unfold out_sb; rupd; rewrite !map_upd_irr; ins; try by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf.
by rewrite ?res_plusA, res_plusAC; symmetry; rewrite res_plusAC; f_equal.

f_equal; f_equal.
rewrite <- (updI L (Trf a b)) at 2.
rewrite updC; ins.
do 2 (rewrite out_rf_upd_in; ins; symmetry).
rewrite updC; ins; unfold out_rf; rupd.
rewrite map_upd_irr; ins; try (by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf).
by rewrite ?res_plusA, res_plusAC; symmetry; rewrite res_plusAC; f_equal.

rewrite <- (updI L (Trf a b)) at 3; do 2 (rewrite out_rf_upd_in; ins; symmetry).
rewrite !res_plusA; f_equal.
rewrite <- (updI L (TescS sigma a)) at 3; do 2 (rewrite out_esc_upd_in2; auto; symmetry).
do 2 (rewrite res_plusAC; symmetry); f_equal.
by do 2 (rewrite res_plusC; symmetry).

rewrite ?res_plusA; do 2 (rewrite res_plusAC; symmetry); f_equal.
rewrite <- (updI L (Tesc a b)) at 4; do 2 (rewrite out_esc_upd_in1; ins; symmetry).
rewrite ?res_plusA; do 2 (rewrite res_plusAC; symmetry); f_equal.
unfold out_sb; rupd; rewrite map_upd_irr; ins; try (by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf).
by rewrite ?res_plusA; do 2 (rewrite res_plusAC; symmetry); f_equal.

rewrite <- (updI L (Tesc a b)) at 4; do 2 (rewrite out_esc_upd_in1; ins; symmetry).
rewrite ?res_plusA; do 2 (rewrite res_plusAC; symmetry); f_equal.
unfold out_rf; rupd; rewrite map_upd_irr; ins; try (by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf).
by rewrite ?res_plusA; do 2 (rewrite res_plusAC; symmetry); f_equal.

f_equal; f_equal.
rewrite <- (updI L (TescS sigma a)) at 2; do 2 (rewrite out_esc_upd_in2; auto; symmetry).
rewrite <- (updI L (Tesc a b)) at 2; do 2 (rewrite updC; ins; symmetry).
do 2 (rewrite out_esc_upd_in1; auto; symmetry).
by rewrite ?res_plusA; f_equal; do 2 (rewrite res_plusC; symmetry).

Monotonicity with respect to the number of steps

Lemma safe_mon IE n e QQ r m : safe IE n e QQ r m n safe IE m e QQ r.
  induction[m e QQ r] n; ins; desf; destruct m; ins; unfold NW;
  repeat split; ins; desf; try (by inversion H0); apply le_S_n in H0.
    exploit FORK; eauto; intro; desf; eauto 10.
  exploit STEP; eauto; intro M; desf.
  eexists; split; eauto; ins; exploit M0; eauto; desf; intro; desf; eauto.

Lemmas about resource definedness

Lemma helper_plus_insb_rfS_def :
   a b acts amap sb rf mo sc L E
    (CONS: Consistent (b::acts) amap sb rf mo sc)
    (ND: NoDup (b :: acts))
    (PC : prefix_closed sb rf acts)
    (CC: compat amap sb rf L)
    (IN: In a acts)
    (NIN: ¬ In b acts)
    (LR : label_restr (b::acts) amap sb rf L E),
  in_sb (b :: acts) L b +!+ L (TrfS a) Rundef.
  ins; assert (NEQ: a b) by congruence.
  replace (in_sb (b :: acts) L b) with
    (rsum (map L (map (Tsb^~ b) (filter (mydecf (sb^~ b)) acts)))).
  unfold in_sb; rewrite res_plusC.
  intro; eapply (CC (TrfS a :: map (Tsb^~ b) (filter (mydecf (sb^~ b)) acts))).
      constructor; [by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf|].
      by eapply nodup_map; try eapply nodup_filter; ins; try solve [by inv ND|congruence].
    by ins; desf; ins; try rewrite in_map_iff, mhbE in *; desf; ins; desf;
       try rewrite filter_In in *; desf; eauto using prefix_closed_hb.
    by ins; rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf.
  unfold in_sb; ins.
  rewrite (proj1 LR), res_plus_emp_l, rsum_map_map_filter; auto.
    by ins; apply LR; ins.
  by intro; red in CONS; desc; edestruct ACYC; vauto.

Lemma helper_plus_inc_escS_def :
   a b acts amap sb rf mo sc L E sigma
    (CONS: Consistent (b::acts) amap sb rf mo sc)
    (ND: NoDup (b :: acts))
    (PC : prefix_closed sb rf acts)
    (CC: compat amap sb rf L)
    (IN: In a acts)
    (NIN: ¬ In b acts)
    (LR : label_restr (b::acts) amap sb rf L E),
  incoming (b :: acts) L b +!+ L (TescS sigma a) Rundef.
  ins; assert (NEQ: a b) by congruence.
  intro; eapply (CC (TescS sigma a :: map (Tsb^~ b) acts ++ map (Trf^~ b) acts ++ map (Tesc^~ b) acts)).
      constructor; [by rewrite ?in_app_iff, ?in_map_iff; intro; desf|].
      inv ND; rewrite !nodup_app; intuition; try eapply nodup_map; eauto;
      ins; try congruence;
      unfold disjoint; ins; rewrite ?in_app_iff, ?in_map_iff in *; desf.
    by ins; desf; ins; rewrite ?in_app_iff, ?in_map_iff, mhbE in *; desf; ins; desf;
       try rewrite filter_In in *; desf; eauto using prefix_closed_hb.
  ins; rewrite !map_app, !rsum_app.
  rewrite res_plusC, <- H; unfold incoming, in_sb, in_rf, in_esc; ins.
  red in CONS; desc.
  rewrite (proj1 LR), (proj1 (proj2 LR)), (proj1 (proj2 (proj2 LR))), !res_plus_emp_l; ins;
  intro; edestruct ACYC; vauto; eauto using hb_in_ct.

Lemma helper_plus_inc_sbS_back_def :
   a b acts amap sb rf mo sc L E
    (CONS: Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc)
    (ND: NoDup acts)
    (CC: compat amap sb rf L)
    (MO: mo b a)
    (LR : label_restr acts amap sb rf L E),
  incoming acts L a +!+ L (TsbS b) Rundef.
  ins .
  intro; eapply (CC (TsbS b ::
      map (Tsb^~ a) (filter (mydecf (fun chappens_before amap sb rf c a)) (acts)) ++
      map (Trf^~ a) (filter (mydecf (fun chappens_before amap sb rf c a)) (acts)) ++
      map (Tesc^~ a) (filter (mydecf (fun chappens_before amap sb rf c a)) (acts)))).
      constructor; [by rewrite ?in_app_iff, ?in_map_iff; intro; desf|].
      rewrite !nodup_app; intuition; try eapply nodup_map; eauto; ins; try congruence;
      unfold disjoint; ins; rewrite ?in_app_iff, ?in_map_iff in *; desf; eauto using nodup_filter.
    red in CONS; desf.
    assert (b0 = a).
      by clear IN; ins; desf; ins; rewrite ?in_app_iff, ?in_map_iff in *; desf; ins; desf.
    desf; ins.
      red in Cmo; desc; rewrite mhbE in *; desf; destruct (Cmo _ _ MO) as (?&?&?).
        eby eapply Cmo2.
      by eapply Cmo2, Cmo0, Cmo3; try eapply HB; eauto.
    assert (HB': happens_before amap sb rf (te_src te) a).
      by clear IN'; ins; desf; ins; rewrite ?in_app_iff, ?in_map_iff in *; desf; ins; desf;
         rewrite ?filter_In in *; desf; unfold mydecf in *; desf.
    by clear IN; desf; rewrite ?in_app_iff, ?in_map_iff, mhbE in *; desf; ins; desf;
       try rewrite filter_In in *; desf; unfold mydecf in *; desf;
       edestruct ACYC; eauto using hb_trans, hb_in_ct.
  red in CONS; desc; ins.
  rewrite res_plusC, !map_app, !rsum_app, <- H; unfold incoming, in_sb, in_rf, in_esc; ins.
  by rewrite !rsum_map_map_filter; ins; apply LR; intro; desf; eauto.

Lemmas for proving compatibility

Lemma compat_upd1 :
   amap sb rf L
    (CC : compat amap sb rf L) te r
    (LT : res_lt r (L te)),
  compat amap sb rf (upd L te r).
  red; ins.
  destruct (classic (In te E)) as [P|];
    [eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in P; desf;
     rewrite (Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P)); ins |];
    rewrite !map_upd_irr; ins; rupd; eauto.
  intro; eapply (CC E); eauto.
  rewrite (Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P)); ins.
  by red in LT; desf; rewrite <- LT, res_plusA, res_plusAC, H, res_plusC.

Lemma compat_upd2 :
   amap sb rf L
    (CC : compat amap sb rf L) te1 te2
    (S : te_src te1 = te_src te2)
    (T : te_tgt te1 = None)
    (NEQ : te1 te2) r1
    (LT1 : res_lt r1 (L te1)) r2
    (LT2 : res_lt (r1 +!+ r2) (L te1 +!+ L te2)),
  compat amap sb rf (upd (upd L te1 r1) te2 r2).
  red; ins.
  destruct (classic (In te2 E)) as [P|].
  2: by rewrite map_upd_irr; ins; eapply compat_upd1; eauto.
  eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in P; desf.
  red in LT2; desf.
  destruct (classic (In te1 l')) as [P'|].
    intro; eapply (CC E); ins; revert H.
    eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in P'; desf;
      eauto using Permutation_nodup, Permutation_sym, nodup_consD.
    rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P)); simpl; try done; rupd.
    rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P')); simpl; try done; rupd.
    rewrite !map_upd_irr; ins.
    2: by unfold not in *; eauto using Permutation_in, Permutation_sym, in_cons.
    by rewrite res_plusAC in *;
       rewrite <- res_plusA, <- LT2, res_plusA, res_plusAC, !res_plusA, H, res_plusC.
  intro; eapply (CC (te1 :: E)); ins; desf; desf; eauto.
    by econstructor; eauto;
       intro; destruct H; eapply (Permutation_in _ P) in H1; ins; desf.
    by rewrite S in *; eauto using Permutation_in, Permutation_sym, in_eq.
  revert H0;
  rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P)); simpl; try done; rupd.
  rewrite !map_upd_irr, <- res_plusA, <- LT2; ins.
  by rewrite res_plusA, res_plusAC, res_plusA, H0, <- res_plusA, res_plusC.

Lemma compat_upd2_bot :
   amap sb rf L
    (CC : compat amap sb rf L) te1 te2
    (T1 : te_tgt te1 = None)
    (T2 : te_tgt te2 = None)
    (HB : happens_before amap sb rf (te_src te1) (te_src te2))
    (NEQ : te1 te2) r1
    (LT1 : res_lt r1 (L te1)) r2
    (LT2 : res_lt (r1 +!+ r2) (L te1 +!+ L te2)),
  compat amap sb rf (upd (upd L te1 r1) te2 r2).
  red; ins.
  destruct (classic (In te2 E)) as [P|].
  2: by rewrite map_upd_irr; ins; eapply compat_upd1; eauto.
  eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in P; desf.
  red in LT2; desf.
  destruct (classic (In te1 l')) as [P'|].
    intro; eapply (CC E); ins; revert H.
    eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in P'; desf;
      eauto using Permutation_nodup, Permutation_sym, nodup_consD.
    rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P)); simpl; try done; rupd.
    rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P')); simpl; try done; rupd.
    rewrite !map_upd_irr; ins.
    2: by unfold not in *; eauto using Permutation_in, Permutation_sym, in_cons.
    by rewrite res_plusAC in *;
       rewrite <- res_plusA, <- LT2, res_plusA, res_plusAC, !res_plusA, H, res_plusC.
  intro; eapply (CC (te1 :: E)); ins; desf; desf; eauto.
    by econstructor; eauto;
       intro; destruct H; eapply (Permutation_in _ P) in H1; ins; desf.
    eapply IND with (te:=te2) (te':=te');
    eauto using Permutation_in, Permutation_sym, in_eq, in_cons.
    by rewrite mhbE in *; desf; eauto using hb_trans.
  revert H0;
  rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P)); simpl; try done; rupd.
  rewrite !map_upd_irr, <- res_plusA, <- LT2; ins.
  by rewrite res_plusA, res_plusAC, res_plusA, H0, <- res_plusA, res_plusC.

Lemma compat_upd2_acc :
   amap sb rf L te1 r1 r
    (CC : compat amap sb rf (upd L te1 (r1 +!+ r))) te2
    (S : te_src te1 = te_src te2)
    (T1: te_tgt te1 = None)
    (T2: te_tgt te2 = None)
    (NEQ : te1 te2) r2
    (L2 : r2 = L te2 +!+ r),
  compat amap sb rf (upd (upd L te1 r1) te2 r2).
  red; ins.
  destruct (classic (In te2 E)) as [P|].
  2: by rewrite map_upd_irr; ins; erewrite <- updss;
        eapply compat_upd1; eauto; rupd; vauto.
  eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in P; desf.
  destruct (classic (In te1 l')) as [P'|].
    intro; eapply (CC E); ins; revert H.
    eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in P'; desf;
      eauto using Permutation_nodup, Permutation_sym, nodup_consD.
    rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P)); simpl; try done; rupd; try congruence.
    rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P')); simpl; try done; rupd.
    rewrite !map_upd_irr; ins.
    2: by unfold not in *; eauto using Permutation_in, Permutation_sym, in_cons.
    by rewrite res_plusA in *; rewrite (res_plusAC r).
  intro; eapply (CC (te1 :: E)); ins; desf; desf; eauto.
    by econstructor; eauto;
       intro; destruct H; eapply (Permutation_in _ P) in H1; ins; desf.
    by rewrite S in *; eauto using Permutation_in, Permutation_sym, in_eq.
  revert H0;
  rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P)); simpl; try done; rupd; try congruence.
  rewrite !map_upd_irr, !res_plusA; ins.
  by rewrite (res_plusAC (L te2)), H0, res_plusC.

Lemma compat_upd2_swap :
   amap sb rf L te1 r1 r2
    (CC : compat amap sb rf (upd L te1 (r1 +!+ r2))) te2
    (S : te_src te1 = te_src te2)
    (T1: te_tgt te1 = None)
    (T2: te_tgt te2 = None)
    (NEQ : te1 te2),
  compat amap sb rf (upd (upd L te1 (r1 +!+ L te2)) te2 r2).
  red; ins.
  destruct (classic (In te2 E)) as [P|];
   [eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in P; desf;
    rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P)); simpl; try done;
    rupd; try congruence|];
    rewrite map_upd_irr; ins.

  destruct (classic (In te1 l')) as [P'|].
    intro; eapply (CC E); ins; revert H.
    eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in P'; desf;
      eauto using Permutation_nodup, Permutation_sym, nodup_consD.
    rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P)); simpls; rupd;
      try congruence.
    rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P')); simpls; rupd.
    rewrite !map_upd_irr; ins.
    by revert H; rewrite !res_plusA, !(res_plusAC (L te2)), !(res_plusAC r1).
  intro; eapply (CC (te1 :: E)); ins; desf; desf; eauto.
    by econstructor; eauto;
       intro; destruct H; eapply (Permutation_in _ P) in H1; ins; desf.
    by rewrite S in *; eauto using Permutation_in, Permutation_sym, in_eq.
  revert H0;
  rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P)); simpls; rupd; try congruence.
  rewrite !map_upd_irr, !res_plusA; ins.
  by rewrite (res_plusAC (L te2)), H0, !res_plus_undef.

  destruct (classic (In te1 E)) as [P'|].
  2: by intro; eapply (CC E); eauto; rewrite map_upd_irr in *; ins.
  intro; eapply (CC (te2 :: E)); ins; rupd; desf; desf; eauto.
    by econstructor; eauto;
       intro; destruct H; eapply (Permutation_in _ P) in H1; ins; desf.
    by rewrite <- S in *; eauto.
  eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in P'; desf.
  revert H0;
  rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P')); simpls; rupd.
  rewrite !map_upd_irr, !res_plusA; ins.
  by rewrite res_plusAC, !(res_plusAC r2), H0, !res_plus_undef.

Lemma compat_upd3 :
   amap sb rf L te3 rr
    (CC : compat amap sb rf (upd L te3 rr)) te1 te2
    (S : te_src te1 = te_src te2)
    (T : te_tgt te1 = None)
    (TS : te_tgt te2 = Some (te_src te3))
    (T' : te_tgt te3 = None)
    (HB : happens_before amap sb rf (te_src te1) (te_src te3))
    (NEQ : te1 te2)
    (NEQ' : te1 te3) r1
    (LT1 : res_lt r1 (L te1)) r2 r3
    (LT2 : res_lt (r1 +!+ r2) (L te1 +!+ L te2))
    (LT3 : res_lt (r1 +!+ r3) (L te1 +!+ rr)),
  compat amap sb rf (upd (upd (upd L te1 r1) te2 r2) te3 r3).
  red; ins.
  assert (NEQ'' : te2 te3) by congruence.
  destruct (classic (In te3 E)) as [P|].
  2: erewrite <- updss, map_upd_irr; ins.
  2: by rewrite !(updC (l':=te3)); ins; eapply compat_upd2; eauto; rupd.
  assert (¬ In te2 E) by (intro X; eapply (IND _ P _ X); eauto; vauto).
  rewrite updC, map_upd_irr; ins.
  clear te2 r2 LT2 H S TS NEQ NEQ''.
  erewrite <- updss, (updC (l:=te1)); ins.
  eapply compat_upd2_bot; eauto; rupd.

Lemma compat_guar1 amap sb rf L sigma b r :
  compat amap sb rf (upd L (TescS sigma b) (L (TescS sigma b) +!+ r))
  compat amap sb rf (upd L (TsbS b) r).
  erewrite <- (updI L (TescS sigma b)), <- (updss L).
  eapply compat_upd2; eauto; ins; rupd; vauto.

Lemma compat_guar2 amap sb rf L te r l pi :
  (res_get r l = p_uninit v, res_get r l = p_na pe_full v)
  compat amap sb rf (upd L te r)
  compat amap sb rf (upd L te (res_upd r l pi)).
  repeat red; intros.
  exploit H0; eauto.
  revert H1.
  destruct (classic (In te E)) as [P|];
    [eapply In_NoDup_Permutation in P; desc; clarify;
     rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ P)); try done |]; simpl;
    rewrite !map_upd_irr; try done; rupd; eauto.
  destruct r; ins; desf;
  eapply lift_plus_none_inv in Heq2; desc; inv_lplus l0; desf; desf;
  rewrite H in *; destruct pi; ins; desf; desf.

Lemma compat_mon_upd amap sb rf L a r :
  compat amap sb rf (upd L a (L a +!+ r))
  compat amap sb rf L.
  repeat red; ins; apply (H E); auto.
  destruct (classic (In a E)) as [N|N];
   [apply In_NoDup_Permutation in N; desf;
    revert H0; rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ N)); ins|];
  rewrite map_upd_irr, ?upds, ?res_plusA; ins.
  by rewrite res_plusAC, H0, res_plusC.

Lemmas for proving protocol conformance

Lemma conform_upd_irr :
   acts amap mo L acts',
    conform acts amap mo L acts'
     b r,
      conform acts amap mo (upd L (TsbS b) r) acts'.
  unfold conform, out_rf; intros; rewrite !map_upd_irr; rupd; auto;
  rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf.

Lemma conform_ext_irr :
   acts amap sb rf mo sc L acts',
    Consistent acts amap sb rf mo sc
    conform acts amap mo L acts'
      ( l, ¬ is_writeL (amap b) l)
      conform acts amap mo L (b::acts').
  unfold conform; intros.
  red in H; desf.
  assert (M := proj1 Cmo _ _ MO); desf.
  ins; desf; eauto; try by edestruct H1; eauto.

Lemmas for proving node validity

Lemma valid_node_upd_irr :
   IE acts amap rf L E te a r
    (S: a te_src te)
    (T: te_tgt te Some a)
    (V: valid_node IE acts acts amap rf L E a),
  valid_node IE acts acts amap rf (upd L te r) E a.
  intros; red in V; desf; red; unfold NW.
  eexists r0.
  unfold incoming, in_sb, in_rf, in_esc, out_esc, out_rf, out_sb in ×.
  rewrite !map_upd_irr; rupd; try (by ins; intro; desf);
    try (by rewrite in_map_iff; intro; desf).
  repeat (split; ins; rupd); eauto; try (by ins; intro; desf).

Lemma valid_node_upd_esc :
   IE acts amap rf L EE a
    (V : valid_node IE acts acts amap rf L EE a)
    sigma (INs : In sigma EE) (ND': NoDup EE)
    b (INb: In b acts) (ND: NoDup acts) (NEQ : a b),
  valid_node IE acts acts amap rf
     (upd (upd L (TescS sigma a) res_emp) (Tesc a b)
        (L (TescS sigma a) +!+ L (Tesc a b))) EE a.
  unfold valid_node; ins; desf; unnw.
  rewrite !incoming_upd_irr; ins; try congruence.
  unfold in_sb, in_rf, out_sb, out_rf.
  rewrite !map_upd_irr; ins; rewrite ?in_map_iff; try intro; desf; rupd.
   r; repeat (apply conj; ins; rupd; eauto).

  apply In_NoDup_Permutation in INb; desf.
  apply In_NoDup_Permutation in INs; desf.
  revert VG; unfold out_esc.
  rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ (Permutation_map _ INb))).
  rewrite !(Permutation_rsum (Permutation_map _ (Permutation_map _ INs))).
  simpl; rupd; rewrite res_plus_emp_l, !res_plusA.
  rewrite !map_upd_irr, !(res_plusAC (L (TescS sigma a))); ins;
  rewrite ?in_map_iff; intro; desf; rupd.

Lemma valid_node_ext_helper :
   IE acts N amap rf L E a
    (V : valid_node IE acts N amap rf L E a) b,
    is_rmw (amap b) = false
    valid_node IE acts (b :: N) amap rf L E a.
  red; unfold NW; intros.
  red in V; desf.
   r; repeat (split; try done); ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma valid_node_ext_helper2 :
   IE acts N amap rf L E a
    (V : valid_node IE acts N amap rf L E a) b,
    rf b Some a
    valid_node IE acts (b :: N) amap rf L E a.
  red; unfold NW; intros.
  red in V; desf.
   r; repeat (split; try done); ins; desf; eauto.

Lemmas for proving exchange conformance

Lemma exch_conform_irr1 IE acts amap sb rf L L' EE sigma
  (ECO : exch_conform IE acts amap sb rf L L' EE sigma) te b
  (TGT: te_tgt te = Some b) r :
  exch_conform IE acts amap sb rf (upd L te r) L' EE sigma.
  red; ins; unfold upd in ESC; desf.
  edestruct (ECO edge) as (a & M); eauto; a; rupd; desf; eauto;
  by intro; desf.

Lemma exch_conform_dec_irr1 IE acts amap sb rf L L' EE sigma
  (ECO : exch_conform IE acts amap sb rf L L' EE sigma) te
  (NEQ: a, te TescS sigma a) r
  (LT: res_lt r (L te))
  (DEF: L te Rundef) :
  exch_conform IE acts amap sb rf (upd L te r) L' EE sigma.
  red; ins; unfold upd in *; desf.
    edestruct (ECO te) as (a & M); eauto.
      by red in LT; desf; rewrite <- LT in *; auto using res_escr_plusI.
     a;ins; des_if; ins; try congruence.
  edestruct (ECO edge) as (a & M); eauto.
   a; ins; des_if; congruence.

Lemma exch_conform_upd2_acc :
   IE acts amap sb rf L L' EE sigma te1 r1 r
    (EX : exch_conform IE acts amap sb rf L (upd L' te1 (r1 +!+ r)) EE sigma) te2
    (S : te_src te1 = te_src te2)
    (T1: te_tgt te1 = None)
    (T2: te_tgt te2 = None)
    (NEQ : te1 te2) r2
    (L2 : r2 = L' te2 +!+ r)
    (IN1: sigma, te1 = TescS sigma (te_src te1) In sigma EE)
    (IN2: sigma, te2 = TescS sigma (te_src te1) In sigma EE)
    (NDE: NoDup EE),
  exch_conform IE acts amap sb rf L (upd (upd L' te2 r2) te1 r1) EE sigma.
  red; ins; exploit EX; desf; eauto.
  intro M; desf; a; split; ins; auto.
  right; ins; specialize (M0 _ SE).
  rewrite !incoming_upd_irr in *; ins; try congruence.
  specialize (M0 IDEF); desf; gl; repeat split; ins.

  rewrite outgoing_upd2_acc; ins; desf; ins; eauto.

Lemma exch_conform_upd2_swap :
   IE acts amap sb rf L L' EE sigma te1 r1 r2
    (EX : exch_conform IE acts amap sb rf L (upd L' te1 (r1 +!+ r2)) EE sigma) te2
    (S : te_src te1 = te_src te2)
    (T1: te_tgt te1 = None)
    (T2: te_tgt te2 = None)
    (NEQ : te1 te2)
    (IN1: sigma, te1 = TescS sigma (te_src te1) In sigma EE)
    (IN2: sigma, te2 = TescS sigma (te_src te1) In sigma EE)
    (NDE: NoDup EE),
  exch_conform IE acts amap sb rf L (upd (upd L' te1 (r1 +!+ L' te2)) te2 r2) EE sigma.
  red; ins; exploit EX; desf; eauto.
  intro M; desf; a; split; ins; auto.
  right; ins; specialize (M0 _ SE).
  rewrite !incoming_upd_irr in *; ins; try congruence.
  specialize (M0 IDEF); desf; gl; repeat split; ins.

  rewrite outgoing_upd2_swap; ins; desf; ins; eauto.

Lemma exch_conform_upd3 :
   IE acts amap sb rf L L' EE sigma te3 rr
    (EX : exch_conform IE acts amap sb rf L (upd L' te3 rr) EE sigma) te1 te2
    (S : te_src te1 = te_src te2)
    (T : te_tgt te1 = None)
    (TS : te_tgt te2 = Some (te_src te3))
    (T' : te_tgt te3 = None)
    (NEQ : te1 te2)
    (NEQ' : te1 te3)
    (NEQ'': te_src te1 te_src te3) r2 r4
    (EQ'' : r2 = L' te2 +!+ r4) r1
    (EQ : r1 +!+ L' te2 +!+ r4 = L' te1 +!+ L' te2) r3
    (EQ' : r3 = rr +!+ r4)
    (IN1: sigma, te1 = TescS sigma (te_src te1) In sigma EE)
    (IN2: sigma, te3 = TescS sigma (te_src te3) In sigma EE)
    (INM: In (te_src te2) acts)
    (INN: In (te_src te3) acts)
    (NDA: NoDup acts)
    (NDE: NoDup EE)
    (DEF: outgoing acts (upd L' te3 rr) EE (te_src te3) +!+ r4 Rundef)
    (EMP: gl
       (M1 : res_gget (incoming acts L' (te_src te3)) gl = None)
       (M2 : res_gget (outgoing acts (upd L' te3 rr) EE (te_src te3)) gl None),
       res_gget r4 gl = None),
  exch_conform IE acts amap sb rf L (upd (upd (upd L' te1 r1) te2 r2) te3 r3) EE sigma.
  red; ins; exploit EX; desf; eauto.
  intro M; desf; a; split; ins; auto.
  right; ins; specialize (M0 _ SE).
  rewrite incoming_upd_irr in *; ins; try congruence.
  rewrite updC, incoming_upd_irr in IDEF; ins; try congruence.
  exploit M0; clear M0.
    clear - IDEF TS NDA INM.
    destruct (eqP a (te_src te3)); desf;
      [|rewrite incoming_upd_irr in *; ins; congruence].
    rewrite incoming_upd_in, <- res_plusA, <- incoming_upd_in, updI in IDEF; ins.
    by rewrite res_plusC in *; rewrite <- res_plusA in IDEF; kundef.
  intro M0; desf; gl; repeat split; ins.
    rewrite updC, incoming_upd_irr; ins; try congruence.
    destruct (eqP a (te_src te3)); desf;
      [|rewrite incoming_upd_irr in *; ins; congruence].
    rewrite incoming_upd_in, <- res_plusA, <- incoming_upd_in, updI in *; ins.
    by rewrite res_gget_plus, M1; right; split; ins; eauto.
  destruct (eqP a (te_src te3)); desf;
    [|rewrite outgoing_upd_irr; ins; try congruence;
      erewrite replace_outgoing; eauto;
      rewrite outgoing_upd_irr in M2; ins; congruence].
  do 2 (rewrite updC, outgoing_upd_irr; ins; try congruence).
  rewrite outgoing_upd_in_alt in M2, DEF; ins; eauto; try congruence.
  rewrite outgoing_upd_in_alt, <- res_plusA; ins; eauto; try congruence.
  rewrite res_gget_plus; intro; desf.

Lemma exch_conform_helper1 :
   IE acts amap sb rf L L' EE (ND: NoDup EE) sigma r r' a
         (ECO: exch_conform IE acts amap sb rf L (upd L' (TsbS a) r) EE sigma)
         (IMP: gl (GNA: res_gget r' gl = None), res_gget r gl = None)
         (OUT: outgoing acts (upd L' (TsbS a) r') EE a Rundef),
    exch_conform IE acts amap sb rf L (upd L' (TsbS a) r') EE sigma.
  red; ins; edestruct ECO as [a' Z]; eauto; a'; desf; split; ins; eauto.
  rewrite incoming_upd_irr in *; ins.
  right; ins; edestruct Z0 as [gl M]; clear Z0; eauto.
  desf; gl; repeat split; ins.
  destruct (eqP a a'); desf.
    rewrite outgoing_upd_in_alt in *; ins.
    rewrite res_gget_plus in *; desf; eauto.
    by intro; destruct M1; desf; eauto.
  by clear OUT; rewrite outgoing_upd_irr in *; ins.

Lemmas for ghost allocation conformance

Lemma ghostalloc_upd2_acc :
   acts L EE te1 r1 r
    (GAC : ghost_alloc_conform acts (upd L te1 (r1 +!+ r)) EE) te2
    (S : te_src te1 = te_src te2)
    (T1: te_tgt te1 = None)
    (T2: te_tgt te2 = None)
    (NEQ : te1 te2) r2
    (L2 : r2 = L te2 +!+ r)
    (IN1: sigma, te1 = TescS sigma (te_src te1) In sigma EE)
    (IN2: sigma, te2 = TescS sigma (te_src te1) In sigma EE)
    (NDE: NoDup EE),
  ghost_alloc_conform acts (upd (upd L te2 r2) te1 r1) EE.
  red; ins; rewrite !incoming_upd_irr in *; ins; try congruence.
  subst; eapply GAC; try rewrite incoming_upd_irr; eauto; try congruence.
    by rewrite outgoing_upd2_acc in OUT; ins; desf; eauto.
  by rewrite outgoing_upd2_acc in OUT'; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma ghostalloc_upd2_swap :
   acts L EE te1 r1 r2
    (GAC: ghost_alloc_conform acts (upd L te1 (r1 +!+ r2)) EE) te2
    (S : te_src te1 = te_src te2)
    (T1: te_tgt te1 = None)
    (T2: te_tgt te2 = None)
    (NEQ : te1 te2)
    (IN1: sigma, te1 = TescS sigma (te_src te1) In sigma EE)
    (IN2: sigma, te2 = TescS sigma (te_src te1) In sigma EE)
    (NDE: NoDup EE),
  ghost_alloc_conform acts (upd (upd L te1 (r1 +!+ L te2)) te2 r2) EE.
  red; ins; rewrite !incoming_upd_irr in *; ins; try congruence.
  subst; eapply GAC; try rewrite incoming_upd_irr; eauto; try congruence.
    by rewrite outgoing_upd2_swap in OUT; ins; desf; eauto.
  by rewrite outgoing_upd2_swap in OUT'; ins; desf; eauto.

Lemma ghostalloc_upd3 :
   acts L EE te3 rr
    (CC : ghost_alloc_conform acts (upd L te3 rr) EE) te1 te2
    (S : te_src te1 = te_src te2)
    (T : te_tgt te1 = None)
    (TS : te_tgt te2 = Some (te_src te3))
    (T' : te_tgt te3 = None)
    (NEQ : te1 te2)
    (NEQ' : te1 te3)
    (NEQ'': te_src te1 te_src te3) r2 r4
    (EQ'' : r2 = L te2 +!+ r4) r1
    (EQ : r1 +!+ L te2 +!+ r4 = L te1 +!+ L te2) r3
    (EQ' : r3 = rr +!+ r4)
    (IN1: sigma, te1 = TescS sigma (te_src te1) In sigma EE)
    (IN2: sigma, te3 = TescS sigma (te_src te3) In sigma EE)
    (INM: In (te_src te2) acts)
    (INN: In (te_src te3) acts)
    (NDA: NoDup acts)
    (NDE: NoDup EE)
    (DEF: outgoing acts (upd L te3 rr) EE (te_src te3) +!+ r4 Rundef),
  ghost_alloc_conform acts (upd (upd (upd L te1 r1) te2 r2) te3 r3) EE.
  red; ins; desf.
  rewrite incoming_upd_irr in *; ins; rewrite ?T'; ins.
  rewrite updC, incoming_upd_irr in INC; rewrite ?TS, ?T; ins.
  rewrite updC, incoming_upd_irr in INC'; rewrite ?TS, ?T; ins.

  (destruct (eqP a (te_src te3)); desf;
    [ do 2 (rewrite updC, outgoing_upd_irr in OUT; ins; try congruence)
    | rewrite outgoing_upd_irr in OUT; ins; try congruence;
      rewrite incoming_upd_irr in INC; rewrite ?TS, ?T; ins; try congruence;
      erewrite replace_outgoing in OUT; eauto ];
   destruct (eqP a' (te_src te3)); desf);
    [ rewrite outgoing_upd_irr in OUT'; ins; try congruence ;
      rewrite incoming_upd_irr in INC'; rewrite ?TS, ?T; ins; try congruence;
      erewrite replace_outgoing in OUT'; eauto
    | do 2 (rewrite updC, outgoing_upd_irr in OUT'; ins; try congruence)
    | rewrite outgoing_upd_irr in OUT'; ins; try congruence ;
      rewrite incoming_upd_irr in INC'; rewrite ?TS, ?T; ins; try congruence;
      erewrite replace_outgoing in OUT'; eauto].

    rewrite <- (updss L te3 rr), outgoing_upd_in in OUT; ins; auto using upds; try congruence.
    rewrite incoming_upd_in, <- res_plusA, <- incoming_upd_in, updI in INC; try congruence.
    eapply CC with (gl:=gl); try rewrite incoming_upd_irr; auto; try congruence.

    clear - INC; destruct (incoming acts L (te_src te3)); ins; desf; ins.
    intro; unfold gres_plus in *; desf; des_eqrefl; ins; desf; ins; inv_lplus gl.
    destruct (gres gl); ins; desf; destruct INC; congruence.

    clear - INC OUT DEF;
    destruct (incoming acts L (te_src te3));
    destruct (outgoing acts (upd L te3 rr) EE (te_src te3)); ins; desf; ins; clear DEF.
    intro; unfold gres_plus in *; desf; repeat des_eqrefl; ins; desf; ins; inv_lplus gl.
    destruct (gres gl), (gres0 gl); ins; desf; ins; destruct INC; try congruence.

    rewrite outgoing_upd_irr; ins; congruence.
    rewrite <- (updss L te3 rr), outgoing_upd_in in OUT'; ins; auto using upds; try congruence.
    rewrite incoming_upd_in, <- res_plusA, <- incoming_upd_in, updI in INC'; try congruence.
    eapply CC with (gl:=gl); try rewrite incoming_upd_irr; auto; try congruence.

    rewrite outgoing_upd_irr; ins; congruence.

    clear - INC'; destruct (incoming acts L (te_src te3)); ins; desf; ins.
    intro; unfold gres_plus in *; desf; des_eqrefl; ins; desf; ins; inv_lplus gl.
    destruct (gres gl); ins; desf; destruct INC'; congruence.

    clear - INC' OUT' DEF;
    destruct (incoming acts L (te_src te3));
    destruct (outgoing acts (upd L te3 rr) EE (te_src te3)); ins; desf; ins; clear DEF.
    intro; unfold gres_plus in *; desf; repeat des_eqrefl; ins; desf; ins; inv_lplus gl.
    destruct (gres gl), (gres0 gl); ins; desf; ins; destruct INC'; try congruence.

  eapply CC; try rewrite incoming_upd_irr; try rewrite outgoing_upd_irr; eauto;

Lemma ghost_alloc_helper1 :
   acts L EE (ND: NoDup EE) b r r' a gl,
    ghost_alloc (outgoing acts (upd L (TsbS b) r) EE a) gl
    outgoing acts (upd L (TsbS b) r) EE b Rundef
    (ghost_alloc r gl ghost_alloc r' gl)
    ghost_alloc (outgoing acts (upd L (TsbS b) r') EE a) gl.
  ins; destruct (eqP b a); desf.
    rewrite outgoing_upd_in_alt in *; ins.
    destruct (outgoing acts (upd L (TsbS a) res_emp) EE a); ins; desf; ins;
    intro; unfold gres_plus in *; desf; repeat des_eqrefl; ins; desf; ins; clear H0;
    inv_lplus gl; desf; ins; destruct (gres gl); ins; desf; try congruence;
    inv_lplus gl; desf; ins; destruct (gres0 gl); ins; desf; try congruence;
    destruct H1; congruence.
  by clear H0; rewrite outgoing_upd_irr in ×.

Lemma ghost_alloc_conform_helper1 :
   acts L EE (ND: NoDup EE) r r' a
         (GAC: ghost_alloc_conform acts (upd L (TsbS a) r) EE)
         (IMP: gl (GA: ghost_alloc r' gl), ghost_alloc r gl)
         (OUT: outgoing acts (upd L (TsbS a) r') EE a Rundef),
    ghost_alloc_conform acts (upd L (TsbS a) r') EE.
  red; ins; eapply GAC with (gl:=gl); ins;
    rewrite ?incoming_upd_irr in *; ins;
    eauto using ghost_alloc_helper1.

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